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October 29, 2020

Anthropogenic Global Warming: The root cause of Climate Change

By Kim Aquino

According to Ban- Ki Moon, "Climate change has happened because of human

behaviour, therefore it's only natural it should be us, human beings, to address this issue. It may

not be too late if we take decisive actions today. "Bernie Sanders shares the same sentiments,

"Climate change is real, it is caused by human activity, and it is already causing devastating

problems in America and around the world." These statements imply that indeed: human

activities result in climate change. Anthropocene's proposed geological epoch will reveal that

human has most influenced the changing in the environment rather than any factor. During the

19th to 20th century where industrial power is already taking off its carbon footprints. The world

seems to have a new taste and looks, which not within what comfort imposes. The world now

started to change due to the rampant and capricious action of humanity. NASA supported this

belief that although the association mentioned Natural processes could also contribute to climate

change: internal variability (e.g., cyclical ocean patterns like El Niño, La Niña, and the Pacific

Decadal Oscillation) and external forcing (e.g., volcanic activity, changes in the Sun's energy

output, variations in Earth's orbit), human activities indeed were the root cause of Climate.

The human activities that trigger the increase in Earth's atmosphere's average temperature

as an effect of human industry and agriculture are known as the Anthropogenic global warming.

Global warming is the abnormal increase in temperature that brought changes into the Climate

known as climate change. The rapid increase in carbon dioxide due to human activities known as

"carbon footprints" is believed to be the prime cause of ice melting, which indicates climate

change; however, several experts were still confused between the natural occasion and human
activities' main cause of Climate change. In the Union of Concerned Scientists' article: "Global

Warming is Happening, and Humans are the Primary Cause," there is considerable evidence that

human actions, particularly burning fossil fuels, are chief to increased levels of carbon dioxide

and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which in turn intensify the natural greenhouse

effect, causing the temperature of the Earth's atmosphere, ocean, and land surface to increase. Sir

John Tyndall first measured the effect through his experiments in mid- 1850. Furthermore, the

National Academic Press concludes that Climate change is occurring, is caused largely by human

activities, and poses significant risks for—and in many cases is already affecting—a broad range

of human and natural systems. This conclusion is on the vast array of studies and research like

Trenberth (2018): Climate Change Caused by Human Activities is Happening and it Already has

Major Consequences and Trenberth, et al. (2000): Effects of Changing Climate on Weather and

Human Activities.

Climate change is something that brought a negative impact on the world. It is a long

debatable issue whether natural calamity or human activities brought these unnatural

changes in the environment. Of all the reason of its existence, human activities known as

anthropogenic global warming serves to be the vital propagate of this phenomenon. Since

humanity is the root cause of these turbulences, we must conserve and protect it. Start with

planting trees to decrease the CO2 in the atmosphere and produced a clean and greener

environment, Francois Hollande stated, “We have a single mission: to protect and hand on

the planet to the next generation.”

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