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Lacture : Desy Natalia, M.Pd

Group 6


Nemi Lestari

Ralin Andari

Triminda Wulandarie






TAHUN 2019/2020
Nursing Diagnosis

A nursing diagnosis is a clinical judgment concerning human response to health

conditions/life processes, or a vulnerability for that response, by an individual, family, group,
or community. A nursing diagnosis provides the basis for the selection of nursing
interventions to achieve outcomes for which the nurse has accountability. Nursing diagnoses
are developed based on data obtained during the nursing assessment and enable the nurse to
develop the care plan.

A. Conversation Diagnosing a New Patien

Mrs. Smith comes to see the doctor since she is feeling unwell.

Mrs. Smith : Good morning, Doc.

Doctor : Good morning. Mrs. Smith?

Mrs. Smith : Yes, I am.

Doctor : Alright, sit down please. What seems to be the problem ?

Mrs. Smith : Okay, thank you. I feel feverish, sweaty, and nauseous, Doc. I aslo shivered
and got a bad headache.

Doctor : Do yoe feel weary ?

Mrs. Smith : Yes Doc, I feel weary too.

Doctor : Did you do any blood transfusion recently?

Mrs. Smith : No, I didn’t.

Doctor : Did you probably spend the night in a malaria endemic place?

Mrs. Smith : Yeah.. actually, I did, Doc. I spent the night there for around a week for
taking the data of my research.

Doctor : Okay, I see.

Mrs. Smith : Is that something serious, Doc?

Doctor : We will know more after you do some tests in the lab. Once you have
finished the tests, you can come back here. And we can know more after the

Mrs. Smith : Okay Doc, Thank you.

Doctor : You’re very welcome.

After doing some tests, Mrs. Smith comes back to the doctor’s the room.

Mrs. Smith : Good afternoon.

Doctor : Good afternoon

Oh, Mrs. Smith sit down, please.

Mrs. Smith : Thank you, Doc.

Doctor : Do you bring all the test results?

Mrs. Smith : Yes, I do. Here they are.

Doctor : Okay, let me take a look at the test results first.

The doctor the test results carefully

Doctor : Alright, Mrs. Smith. From the test results I can diagnose that you were
infected by malaria parasite. Here it can be seen that you were positively
infected by that parasite.

Mrs. Smith : Yes, I see

Doctor : So, you should be hospialized, Mrs. Smith. In order that you can be treated

Mrs. Smith : Okay Doc, I will take your suggestion. Thank you

Doctor : Okay good. Yes, you’re welcome.

Example of Expressions in Diagnosing

- Your test results have come in.
- You have a long road to recovery.
- We have several options to discuss
- The blood test came back negative
- The transfusion was a success
- You need to be here overnight
- We’ll know more in a few days,


- I don’t understand what this means.

- Am I going to need surgery?
- Is it good news or bad?
- When will the tests results come in?
- How long do I have to stay in the hospital?
- What is the success rate?
- Are they going to run more tests?
- Is this a coon problem for people my age?
- I’d like to discuss other option.
- I’m going to get a second opinion.

Patient Symptoms

- I’ve got a hight temperature

- I feel really exhausted
- Could you check my blood pressure? I’ve git hight blood pressure recently.
- I feel a pain here.
- I feel dizzy. I’ve got kidney problem. I’ve Lost weight
- I always feel bad after meals. I’ve got a stomachache.
- I’ve got spilitting headache. I often have nosebleeds.
- I have diarrhea. I’ve lost my appetite.
- I’ve got blood circulation problems. I sweat all night.
- My ears are buzzing.
- I’ve sprained/ ankle.
- My hand is badly swollen
- I have injury in my leg
- I’ve had measles.
- Is it something serious? Is this a common problem at my age?
- I hope there won’t be any coplications
- Could you prescribe some medicine for me?
- Shall I come back next week if I don’t get better?

B. Nursing Diagnosis : NANDA

A nursing diagnosis is one of nursing is a medical judment about
individual,actual or potential health problems. it also examines a problem response
which presents during assessment.Nursing diagnosis is developed from data gained
during nursing assessment.The north american nursing diagnosis association
(NANDA),a body of profesional nurses,manages an official list of nursing diagnoses.

NANDA Nursing Diagnosis

The 16 NANDA Nursing Diagnosis

1 Risk for ineffective activity planning Resiko ketidakaktifan aktivitas
2 Risk for adverse reaction to a contrast media Resiko reaksi merugikan pada media
kontras yodium
3 Risck for Allergy Response Resiko respon terhadap alergi
4 Insufficient Breast Milk ASI yang tidak cukup

5 Ineffective Childbearing process ketidakefektifan proses melahirkan

6 Risk for Ineffective Child Bearing Process Resiko ketidakefektifan proses
7 Risk For Dry Eye Resiko mata kering
8 Deficient Community Health Kurangnya kesehatan masyarakat
9 Ineffective impulse control Ketidakefektifan kontrol detak
10 Risk for neonatal jaundice Resiko penyakit kuning pada bayi
11 Risk for disturbed personal identity Resiko identitas personal yang
12 Ineffective relationship Ketidakefektifan hubungan
13 Risk for infective relationship Resiko ketidakefektifan hubungan
14 Risk for chroni low self-esteem Resiko tidak percaya diri kronis
15 Risk for thermal injury Resiko luka bakar (termal)
16 Risk for ineffective peripheral tissue Resiko ketidakefektifan perfusi
perfusion sekitar jaringan

Domain 1 healht promotion (pendidikan kesehatan)

1 Deficient diversional activity Kurangnya aktivitas yang beragam
2 Sedentary lifestyle Gaya hidup menetap
3 Deficient community health Kurangnya kesehatan masyarakat
4 Risk-prone health behavior Resiko perilaku kesehatan rawan
5 Ineffective health maintenance Ketidakefektifan perawatan kesehatan
6 Readiness for enhanced immunization status Kesiapan untuk meningkatkan status
7 Ineffective protection Ketidakefektifan perlindungan
8 Ineffective self-health management Ketidakefektifan manajemen
kesehatan diri
9 Readiness for enhanced self-health Kesiapan untuk meningkatkan
management manajemen kesehatan diri
10 Ineffective family therapeutic regimen Ketidakefektifan menejemen aturan
management terapi keluarga

Domain 2 nutrition (Nutrisi)

1 Insufficient breast milk Ketidakefektifan ASI
2 Ineffective infant feeding pattern Ketidakefektifan pola makan bayi
3 Imbalanced nutrition:less than body Ketidakseimbangan nutrisi:kurang
requirements dari yang dibutuhkan oleh tubuh
4 Imbalanced nutrition:more than body Ketidakseimbangan nutrisi:lebih dari
requirements yang dibutuhkan oleh tubuh
5 Risk for imbalanced nutrition: more than Resiko ketidakseimbangan
body requirements nutrisi:lebih dari yang dibutuhkan
oleh tubuh
6 Readiness for enhanced Kesiapan meningkatkan nutrisi
7 Impaired swallowing Gangguan menelan
8 Risk for unstable blood glaucose level Resiko ketidakstabilan tingkat
glukosa pada darah
9 Neonatal jaundice Bayi terlahir dengan penyakit kuning
10 Risk for neonatal jaundice Resiko bayi terlahir dengan penyakit
11 Risk for impaired liver function Resiko gangguan fungsi hati
12 Risk for electrolyte imbalance Resiko ketidakseimbangan elektrolit
13 Readiness for enhanced fluid balance Kesiapan untuk meningkatkan
keseimbangan cairan tubuh
14 Deficient fluid volume Kekurangan volume cairan tubuh
15 Excess fluid volume Kelebihan volume cairan rubuh
16 Risk for deficient fluid volume Resiko kekurangan volume cairan
17 Risk for imbalanced fluid volume Resiko kelebihan volume cairan

Domain 3 Elimination and exchange (eliminasi dan perubahan)

1 Functional urinary incontinence Inkontinensi fungsi urin
2 Overflow urinary incontinence Inkontinensi urin berlebihan
3 Reflex urinary incontinence Inkontinensi urin refleks
4 Stress urinary incontinence Inkontinensi stres
5 Urge urinary incontinence Inkontinensi urin urgensi
6 Risk for urge urinary incontinence Resiko inkontinensi urin urgensi
7 Impaired urinary eliminatioan Gangguan pengeluaran urin
8 Readiness for enhanced urinary elimination Kesiapan untuk meningkatkan
pengeluaran urin
9 Urinary retention Retensi urin
10 Constipation Sembelit
11 Perceived constipation Sembelit yang dirasakan
12 Risk for constipation Bahaya sembelit
13 Diarrhea Diare
14 Dysfunctional gasstrointestinal motility Gangguan motility gastrointestinal
15 Risk for dysfunctional gastrointestinal Resiko gangguan motility
motility gastrointestinal
16 Bowel incontinence Ikontinensi usus
17 Impaired gas exchange Gangguan pertukaran gas

Domain 4 activity/rest (aktivitas/istirahat)

1 Insomnia Insomnia
2 Sleep deprivation Kekurangan tidur
3 Readiness for enhanced sleep Kesiapan untuk meningkatkan waktu
4 Disturbed sleep pattern Gangguan pola tidur
5 Risk for disuse syndrome Resiko sindrom tidak terpakai
6 Impaired bed mobility Gangguan mobilitas tidur
7 Impaired physical mobility Gangguan mobilitas fisik
8 Impaired wheelchair mobility Gangguan mobilitas kursi roda
9 Impaired transfer ability Gangguan kemampuan mobilitas
10 Impaired walking Gangguan berjalan
11 Disturbed energy field Penurunan sumber energi
12 Fatigue Kelelahan
13 Wandering Sempoyongan

14 Activity intolerance Ketidaktoleranan aktivitas

15 Risk for activity intolerance Resiko ketidaktoleranan aktivitas
16 Ineffective breathing pattern Ketidakefektifan pola bernapas
17 Decreased cardiac output Penurunan curah jantung
18 Risk for ineffective gastrointestinal Resiko ketidakefektifan perfusi
perfusion gastrointestinal

19 Risk for ineffective gastrointestinal Resiko ketidakefektifan perfusi ginjal

20 Impaired spontaneous ventilation Gangguan fentilasi spontan
21 Ineffective peripheral tissue perfusion Ketidakefektifan perfusi jaringan
22 Risk for decreased cardiac tissue perfusion Risiko penurunan jaringan jantung
23 Risk for ineffective cerebral tissue perfusion Risiko ketidakefektifan perfusi
jaringan serebral
24 Risk for ineffective peripheral tissue Risiko ketidakefektifan perfusi
perfusion jaringan periferal
25 Dysfunctional ventilatory weaning response Kegagalan proses penyampihan
26 Impaired home maintenance Gangguan pemeliharaan rumah
27 Readiness for enhanced self-care Kesempatan unutk meningkatkan
perawatan diri
28 Bathing self-care deficit Kekurangan perawatan diri mandi
29 Dressing self-care deficit Kekurangan perawatan diri
30 Feeding self-care deficit Kekurangan perawatan diri makan
31 Toileting self-care deficit Kekurakan perawatan diri MKC
32 Self-neglect Pengabaian diri

Domain 5 percaption/ cognition (persepsi/ kognisi)

1 Uniratelar neglect Pengabaian unilateral
2 Impaired environmental interpretation Gangguan sindrom interpretasi
syndrom lingkungan
3 Acute confusion Kebingungan yang akut
4 Chronic confusion Kebingungan yang kronis
5 Risk for acute confusion Risiko kebingungan yang akut
6 Inneffective impulse control Ketidakefektifan kontrol detak
7 Deficiense knowledge Kekurangan pengetahuan
8 Readiness for enhanced knowledge Kesiapan untuk meningkatkan
9 Impaired memory Gangguan memory
10 Readinnes for enhanced communication Kesiapan untuk meningkatkan
11 Impaired verbal communication Gangguan komunkasi verbal

Domain 6 self-perpection (persepsi diri)

1 Hopelessness Keputusan
2 Risk for compromised human dignity Risiko waham
3 Risk fors loleliness Risiko kesendirian
4 Disturbed personal identity Gangguan identitas diri
5 Risk for disturbed personal identity Risiko gangguan identitas diri
6 Readiness for enhanced self-control Kesiapan unutk meningkatkan
kontrol diri
7 Chronic low self-esteem Rendah diri yang kronis
8 Risk for chronic low self-esteem Risiko rendah diri yang kronis
9 Risk for situational low self-esteem Risiko rendah diri situasional
10 Situational low self-esteem Rendah diri situasional
11 Disturbed body image Gangguan citra tubuh
12 Strees overload Stress berlebihan
13 Risk for disorganised infant behavior Risiko perilaku kacau pada bayi
14 Autonomic dysreflexia Disrefleksia otomatis
15 Risk for autonomic dysreflexia Risiko disrefleksia otomatis
16 Disorganised infant behavior perilaku kacau pada bayi
17 Readiness for enhanced organized infant Kesiapan untuk meningkatkan
behavior perilaku teratur pada bayi
18 Decreased intracranial adaptive capacity Meningkatkan kapasitas adaptif

Domain 7 role realationships (hubungan peran)

1 Ineffective breastfeeding Ketidakefektifan menyusui
2 Interrupted breastfeeding Gangguan menyusui
3 Readiness for enhanced breastfeeding Kesiapan untuk meningkatkan
kualitas menyusui
4 Caregiver role strain Ketegangan peran sebagai pengasuh
5 Risk for caregiver role strain Risiko ketegangan peran sebagai
6 Impaired parenting Gangguan pola asuh orang tua
7 Readiness for enhanced parenting Kesiapan untuk meningkatkan pola
asuh orang tua
8 Risk for inpaired parenting Risiko gangguan pola asuh orang tua
9 Risk for inpaired parenting attachment Risiko gangguan kasih sayang
10 Dysfuntional family processes Disfungsi proses keluarga
11 Interrupted family processes Gangguan proses keluarga
12 Readiness for enhanced family processes Kesiapan untuk meningkatkan proses
13 Ineffective relationship ketidakefektifan hubungan
14 Readiness for enhanced relationship Kesiapan untuk meningkatkan
15 Risk for ineffective relationship Risiko ketidakefektifan hubungan
16 Parental role conflict Konflik peran orang tua
17 Ineffective role perfomance Ketidakefektifan pelaksanaan peran
18 Impaired social interaction Gangguan iteraksi sosial

Domain 8 sexuality (seksualitas)

1 Sexual dysfunction Disfungsi seksual
2 Ineffective sexuality pattern Ketidakefektifan pola seksualitas
3 Ineffective childbearing process Ketidakefektifan proses melahirkan
4 Readiness for enhanced childbearing process Kesiapan untuk meningkatkan proses
5 Risk for Ineffective childbearing process Risiko ketidakefektifan melahirkan
6 Risk for disturbed maternalfetal dyad Risiko gangguan kematian janin

Domain 9 coping/ stress tolerance (perilaku/ toleransi stres)

1 Post-trauma syndrome Sindrom pasca trauma
2 Risk for Post-trauma syndrome Risiko sindrom pasca trauma
3 Rape trauma syndrome Sindrom trauma pemerkosaan
4 Relocation stress syndrome Relokasi syndrom stres
5 Risk for relocation stress syndrome Risiko relokasi sindrom stres
6 Ineffective activity planning Tidakefektifan rencana kegiatan
7 Risk for Ineffective activity planning resiko tidakefektifan rencana kegiatan
8 Anxiety cemas
9 Compromised family coping Kompromi perilaku keluarga
10 Devensive coping Perilaku bertahan
11 Disabled family coping Ketidakmampuan perilaku keluarga
12 Ineffective coping Ketidakefektifan perilaku
13 Ineffective community coping Ketidakefektifan perilaku masyarakat
14 Readiness for enhanced coping Kesiapan unutk meningkatkan perilaku
15 Readiness for enhanced family coping Kesiapan unutk meningkatkan perilaku
16 Death anxiety Kecemasan akan kematian
17 Ineffective denial Ketidakefektifan penyangakalan
18 Adult failure to thrive Kegagalan untuk tumbuh dewasa
19 Fear ketakutan
20 Grieving berduka
21 Complicated grieving Suasana berduka yang mendalam
22 Risk for Complicated grieving Risiko suasana berduka yang
23 Readiness for enhanced power Kesiapan untuk meningkatkan
24 Powerlessness Ketidakberdayaan
25 Risk for powerlessness Resiko ketidakberdayaan
26 Impaired individual resilience Gangguan ketahanan individu
27 Readiness for enhanced resilience Kesiapan untuk meningkatkan
ketahanan individu
28 Risk for compromised Resiko kompromi ketahanan diri
29 Chronic sorrow Kesedihan yang berlebihan
30 Stress overload Stres yang berlebihan
31 Risk for disorganized infant behavior Resiko perilaku bayi yang kacau
32 Autonomic dysreflexia Disrefleksia otomatis
33 Risk for autonomic dysreflexia Resiko disrefleksia otomatis
34 Disorganized infant behavior Perilaku kacau pada bayi
35 Readiness for enhanced organized infant Kesiapan untuk meningkatkan perilaku
behavior bayi
36 Decreased intracranial adaptive Menggurangi kapasitas adaptif
disrefleksia otomatis

Domain 10 Life Principles ( Prinsip-prinsip hidup)

1 Readiness for enhanced Kesiapan untuk meningkakan harapan
2 Readiness for enhanced spritual well-being Kesiapan untuk meningkatkan
kesejahteraan spritual
3 Readiness for enhanced decision-making Kesiapan untuk meingkatkan
kemampuan membuat keputusan
4 Decisional conflict Konflik pembuatan keputusan
5 Moral distress Gangguan moral
6 Noncompliance Ketidakpatuhan
7 Impaired religiosity Gangguan religiusitas (agama)
8 Readiness for enhanced religiosity Kesiapan utnuk meningkatkan
religiusitas (agamaa)
9 Risk for impaired religiosity Resiko gangguan religiusitas (agama)
10 Spritual distress Gangguan spritual
11 Risk for spritual distress Resiko gangguan spritual

Domain 11 Safety/ Protection (Keamanan/Prokteksi)

1 Risk for infection Resiko infeksi
2 Ineffective airway clearance Ketidakefektifan kebersihan saluran
3 Risk for aspiration Resiko pernapasan
4 Risk for bleeding Resiko pendarahan
5 Impraired dentition Gangguan gigi
6 Risk for dry eye Gangguang mata kering
7 Risk for falls Resiko jatuh
8 Risk for injury Resiko luka
9 Impaired oral mucous membrane Gangguan selaput lendir oral
10 Risk for perioperative positioning injury Resio cedera posisi perioperatif
11 Risk for peripheral neuwovascular Resiko disfungsi neurovascular
dysfunction periferal
12 Risk for shock Resiko goncangan
13 Impaired skin integrity Gangguan intergritas kulit
14 Risk for impaired skin integrity Resiko gangguan intergritas kulit
15 Risk for sudden infant death syndrome Resiko sindrom kematian bayi secara

C. Language Function Simple Present, Simple Past, and Present Future Tenses.

1. Simple Present Tense

Simple present tense is used to talk about things in general. It is aslo used to say that
something happens all the time or repeatedly, or that something is true in general. We can say
that the simple present us used to express habitual or everyday activities.

 Nurse look after patients in hospitals every day.

 water consists of hydrogen and oxygen
 he always studies hard every night

Remember that if the subjects are he, she, and it add-s.

 I visit... but he visits....

 we teach.... but my mother teaches...

I/we/you/they study/work/do, etc.

He/she/it studies/works/does, etc.

Question and negative sentences

We use do/does to make questions and negative sentences.


Do I/we/you/they Go?
Does He/she/it Come?
 Where do they come from ?
 What does it mean?
 what do you do?

Negative sentences

I/we/you/they Don’t Go
He/she/it Doesn’t Come
 I don’t like vegetables
 she doesn’t drink coffe very often
 he doesn’t get up er\arly in the morning

2. Simple Past Tense

simple past tense is used for completed action that happened at one specific time in the past.

 she went to scho0l by motorcyle yesterday

 I saw John in the garden this afternoon
 he studied math last night
Question and negative sentences

we use did to make questions and negative sentences.


Did I/we/you/they/he/she/it Go?

 Did you visit your grandmother last week?

 Where did you go last night?
 When did you come here?

Negative Sentences
In negative sentences we use didn’t + infinitive (visit, go, come, etc).

i/we/you/they/he/she/i didn’t Go
t come

 I didn’t visit my grandmother last week because I was sick

 I didn’t go to cinema with my brother last night,
I went there with my friend.
 I didn’t come to her birthday party yesterday because
I had something to do in the office.

The past of be (am/is/are) is was/were.

I/he/she/it Was/wasn’t

You/we/they Were/weren’t

Remember We do not use did in negatives and questions

With was/were.
 I Was very happy because they visited me in the hospital.
 My mother and my brother Weren’t able to come because the car was broken.
 Was the weather good when you were on vacation last week?
 Were your mother and your sister angry when you came late?

3. Present Future Tense

Present future tense expresses events or situations that will happen in the future.

 She will go to school by motorcycle tomorrow.

 I am going to visit my grandmother next week.
 He will study Math tonight.

Remember that to expres future time we can use both will and be going to.
*1/we + shall to express future time is possible but uncommon in American English. Shall is
used more frequesntly in British English than in American English.

Something we use the contractred form of will not (won’t) to express the negative form.

 She will not Or She won’t be here

be here tomorrow.

 I will not join Or I won’t join the

the program program.

Will is usually contracted with personal pronouns in both

Speaking and informal writing.
 I’II come to your house tomorrow.
 She’II go to the dentist with her mother.
 It’II probably rain tomorrow.

1. To express a prediction: Use either will or be going to.
When the speakier is making a prediction (something that she/he thinks will occur in
the future), either will or be going to is possible.
 Be careful! You’II slip if you walk in that icy street. Or,
 Be careful! You are going to slip if you walk in that icy streer
 Based on the weather report, it will rain tomorrow. Or,
 Based on the weather report, it is going to rain tomorrow.
2. To express prior plan: Use only be going to.
When the speaker is making a prior plan (something that she/he intends to do
because she/he has made a plan or decision in the past), only be going to is used.
 A: Why did you prepare this bags?
B: I’m going to go on holiday tomorrow.
 He withdrawed his money from the bank yesterday
He is going to use it to buy a car.
3. To express willingness: Use only will.
 A: Someone is knocking the door.
B: II’I get it.
 Don’t worry, he’II help you.

D. Exercise : Exercises on Simpe Present Tense, Simple Past Tense, and Present Future

Exercise 1. Simple Present Tence

Directions : complete the sentences using one of the following

Speak(s) (open)s live(s) drink(s)

Study(ies) eat(s) work(s) close(s)

1. Toni . . . . studies . . . . every night

2. I always ….. a cup of tea every morning
3. My sister …… in Surabaya
4. The store….. at 9 o’clock and … at 20.00 every day
5. I never ….. breakfast before going to school
6. Andi…..arabic very well
7. Jono and Joni ….. in a big company.

Direction : put the verb into the correct form

1. John…doesn’t go…(not/go) swimming very often

2. When . . .does the shop close . . . (the shop/ close)?
3. Where …..(you/come) from? ‘I’m Spanish’
4. I don’t really understand. What …(this word/mean)?
5. It…(take) five hours to fix this.
6. Where ….(the women/live)? ‘she lives around here’
7. What …. ( you/ do)? ‘I’m a teacher’
8. Marry ….(play) the piano very well.

Exercise 2 : simple past tense

Direction : Complete the sentences using one of the following (make sure to use an
appropriate tense)

Go play buy come spead eat

1. I was very hungry. I …ate… the pizza very quickly.

2. John … to the office by bus this morning.
3. Jenny … a lot of money for shopping yesterday. She … a fancy dress.
4. He … late to the school this morning.
5. Jane and Smith … badminton yesterday.

Directions: Complete the sentences. Put the verb into the correct form, positive or negative.

1. The show was boring . I …didn’t enjoy… it very much. (enjoy)

2. I was so tired, so I …went… to bed early. (go)
3. I knew you looked so hungry, so I … this meal for you. (cook)
4. That was a funny movie, but nobody … (laugh)
5. Jane seemed so busy, so I … her. (disturb)
6. I called you many times, but you … me. (hear)
7. I wasn’t hungry, so I … anything. (eat)
8. He looked so thirsty, so I …him a glass water (give)
9. I went to library yesterday. I … some books. (borrow)
10. The dress was so expensive, so I … it.(buy)

Exercise 3. Present Future Tense.

Expressing Predictions

Directions: Use will and/ or be going to with the verb in the parentheses

1. Ryan and John (be) … will be/ are going to be … here tomorrow.
2. Dina (graduate) … will graduate/ is going to graduate … in September.
3. I (send) … a letter to my sister tonight.
4. My cousin from China (come) … here next week.
5. My father and I (go) … here this afternoon.
6. It is said that the governor (visit) … the exhibition.
7. Mrs. Johnson (teach) … algebra and geometry in the next semester.

Expressing Prior Plan vs Willingness

Direction: Use be going to if you think the speaker is expressing a prior plan. If you think he/
she has no prior plan, use will.

1. A : Do you want to go on vocation with me? I (go) …am going to go… to Bandung
next week

B : Yes, sure.

2. A : I can’t read without wearing glasses. Can you help me?

B : Sure. I (read) …will read… if for you.
3. A : What does this word mean?
B : I’m not sure. I (look) … it up for you.
4. A : I (sell) … my car.
B : Really? why?
A : I really need money right now.
5. A : Oh! I’ve spilled coffee on my skirt
B : Don’t worry, I (get) …a napkin for you.
6. A : I (Invite)….. around fifty people to my daugther’s birthday party next week.
B : Oh? I didn’t know you would hold a birthday party for your daughter.
7. A : Aren’t you bored spending the Saturday night alone? Join me, I (go)…. With you
B : All right, I (go)………….with you
8. A : these trousers are too tight for me.
B : Oh, really? I (get) ………… the other ones for you

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