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The Establishment of an Ice Cream Parlor,

Named Ice Cream Dream in Tanauan City, Batangas

A Feasibility Study Presented to

The Faculty of the College of Business and Accountancy

First Asia Institute of Technology and Humanities

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the subject of Management

Consultancy of Bachelor of Science in Accountancy


Lanto, Sheila May A.

September 2014

Accountancy Department
College of Business & Accountancy
Approval Sheet
This feasibility study entitled: “The Establishment of Ice Cream Parlor,

named Ice Cream Dream in Tanauan City, Batangas”, prepared and submitted

by Sheila May Lanto in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject of

Management Consultancy of Bachelor of Science in Accountancy, has been

examined and recommended for oral examination.

Raegan L. Capuno, CPA

Study Adviser
Panel of Examiners
Approved by the Committee in Oral Examination with a grade of __________

Member Member
Accepted and approved for partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
subject of Management Consultancy of Bachelor of Science in Accountancy.

Dr. Lalaine V. Manalo, CPA

Dean, College of Business and Accountancy


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College of Business & Accountancy

It is never easy to conduct and come up with this feasibility study. I would

have never completed this without the great help and full support of my family

and friends.

The proponent would like to extend her appreciation to the following

persons who have contributed to the success of this study.

To our professor, Sir Raegan Capuno, for giving his constructive criticisms

and outmost support by sharing knowledge from his profession for the

accomplishment of the study;

To my loving parents and family members who supported me in my moral,

spiritual and mostly, financial aspects, and especially the strength and inspiration

you gave in everything I do;

To my friends and classmates, who helped me even in a small way in

contributing to the success of this project;

Above all, to the Creator of All, our Almighty God, who has given the

proponent the knowledge, wisdom and strength to finish this feasibility study;

This will not be a success without their presence.

Thank you.


Accountancy Department
College of Business & Accountancy

The proponent dedicates this study……

To her loving parents…

To her supportive sibling…

To BSA Batch 2014-2015…

To her friends and loved ones…

To her professors …

And above all to the Almighty God.

The Proponent

Accountancy Department
College of Business & Accountancy
Executive Summary

Title: The Establishment of an Ice Cream Parlor, named Ice Cream Dream in

Tanauan City, Batangas

Researcher: Ms.Sheila May A. Lanto

Degree: Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Adviser: Mr. Raegan L. Capuno

Putting up a business is never an easy task. It must be planned to

determine its feasibility. Because of the love of ice cream by many people, the

proponent comes up with establishing a business specifically an ice cream

parlor. The business is named “Ice Cream Dream”, a business which will

uniquely perform and entice every customer in Tanauan City.

This feasibility study describes the product which the ice cream parlor will

offer to the public. It also determines the different factors on marketing the

product, the technical and management aspects, the potential profitability and the

socio-economic aspect of the proposed ice cream parlor.

Marketing Aspect

Different methodologies and techniques were used to gather pertinent and

reliable information used in conducting the study. The 7Ps of marketing was used

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to show the different marketing plans of the business. The target market is stated

here and even includes the business logo and tagline.

Management Aspect

The form of business organization of a business is a Sole Proprietorship

managed and operated by single person preferably by the owner. The

organizational structure was also shown here and even enumerated all the job

specifications and descriptions of every employees. Compensation was also

considered in this aspect.

Technical Aspect

This included certain facilities, supplies, materials and equipment needed

for the operations of the business. It also showed the cost of the product and the

projected quantity for each. It also enumerated certain utilities requirements

needed for the maintenance of the operations of the business.

Financial Aspect

Socio-Economic Aspect

In a positive manner, the local and national government will also be

benefited by the project through the additional taxes that will be raised by the

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said authorities. The project in its own little way will help lessen the

unemployment rate by creating opportunities for jobs. The project will also

consider its responsibility with respect to the environment.

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College of Business & Accountancy
Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Putting up a business is never an easy task. It must be planned to

determine its feasibility. As a business-minded person, the proponent thought of

establishing a unique business - a business which will gain the target profit from

the target market. In the Philippines, experts have claimed that food sector’s as a

viable business. With this, the proponent comes up with the idea of establishing

an ice cream parlor.

People of all ages love ice cream. It is a cause of happiness and

refreshment for them. Because of the obvious pleasure of satisfying one’s own

taste buds, almost everyone has a fond memory of a Birthday party, picnic or

romance which included some form of ice cream. An ice cream parlor must

create a unique taste which will entice every customer. This is one of the goals of

the proponent in establishing the business. Because of this, the proponent

comes up to name the business, “Ice Cream Dream”, a business which will

uniquely perform and entice every customer in Tanauan City.

This feasibility study describes the product which the ice cream parlor will

offer to the public. It also determines the different factors on marketing the

product, the technical and management aspects, the potential profitability and the

socio-economic aspect of the proposed ice cream parlor.

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College of Business & Accountancy
Statement of the Problem

The proponent aims to know the market profitability of an ice cream parlor

in Tanauan City, Batangas; the following questions were constructed for the

determination of the business feasibility.

A. Marketing Aspect

1. Who will be the prospective market?

2. What are the promotional strategies that should be implemented to

attract customers?

3. Is the product affordable to the market?

B. Technical Aspect

1. Where will be the ideal location of the business?

2. What are the store supplies and equipment necessary for the operation

of the business?

C. Management Aspect

1. What is the form of organization of the business?

2. What are the qualifications and responsibilities required for the staff

and employees needed in the business?

3. What are the necessary compensation and benefits given to the


D. Financial Aspect

1. How much fund is needed for the establishment of the business?

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2. What will be the source of financing?

3. How long will the business take to recover its investment? What is the

expected return on investment?

E. Socio-Economic Aspect

1. What are the possible contributions of the business in the economy?

2. What are the benefits to be derived by the community from the


Statement of the Objectives

In order to answer the statement of the problems of each of the following,

the proponent constructed objectives to be achieved in order to guide the study.

A. Marketable Objectives

1. To define and describe its target market

2. To determine the purchasing power of the target market

3. To describe whether the target market is satisfied with the product

B. Technical Objectives

1. To determine and describe the ideal location for the business

2. To identify the materials, tools, equipment, furniture, and fixture

necessary for the business

C. Management Objectives

1. To identify the appropriate form of business organization

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2. To describe the necessary qualifications and responsibilities required

for its staff and employees

3. To identify the necessary compensation and benefits to be given to


D. Financial Objectives:

1. To determine how much fund is needed to establish the business

2. To identify the source of financing

3. To determine the time and profitability of the business

E. Socio-Economic Aspect

1. To know the possible contributions of the business in the economy

2. To determine the benefits that can be derived by the community from

the business

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This research is a feasibility study on putting an ice cream parlor in the city

of Tanauan. It focuses its attention on the requirement capital and on technical,

production and management processes. This research focuses on the

establishment of an ice cream parlor that will serve a variety of ice cream flavors.

Likewise, it attempted to make an investigation on how much capital is needed to

invest and other factors necessary to take into consideration in the operation of

the business such as financial, technical and management aspects.

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College of Business & Accountancy
Significance of the Study

The proponent believes that the study will have a great contribution to the


To consumers

This study will introduce to the market an extraordinary feeling of


To community

This will contribute to the communal fund and help to discover new ideas

for the community.

To the local government

This will serve as a destination for city’s promotion. This will also help to

provide a new idea and a new source of income in the city of Tanauan.

To students and future researchers

This study will help their future research as a source of idea and

knowledge in the conduct of their further studies.

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Chapter 2

Marketing Aspect

Marketing is a system of business activities designed to plan, price,

promote and distribute want-satisfying goods and services to present and

potential customers. It is considered as the lifeblood of every business

transactions because it is a strategic way on how to cope up to the needs and

wants of the costumers, finding opportunities regarding it, introduce and market

the product, achieve customer’s loyalty and patronage. It is really one of the most

vital factors to be considered in establishing a business.


The primary product of the restaurant will be soft serve ice cream offered

in two flavors: vanilla and chocolate. However, the primary product will be offered

in many variations. First, the menu will offer the traditional ice cream served in a

cone or cup either plain or coated with chocolate. Also, smoothies will be offered

in three flavors: vanilla, chocolate and strawberry. Another favorite to be served

will be the old fashioned sundae with a choice of chocolate and strawberry

syrups with marshmallow, rice crisps and sprinkles toppings. Moreover, the

parlor will present an ostentatious presentation of specialty desserts. The banana

split will feature three heaping mounds of ice cream, three toppings, banana and

whipped cream, topped with a cherry. In addition, the parlor will offer two sizes

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of ice cream cakes. Soft drinks will be the parlors secondary product. The drink

menu will include Coca Cola, Diet Coke and Sprite.

` Price

The price of every commodity also affects the buying preferences of the

consumer. The quality of the product will not be sacrificed in order to offer with an

affordable price. The proponent has set the price of the product with high

consideration to company cost and giving the company a justifiable amount of

profit. The proponent will use the cost plus pricing strategy in which total

production cost will be determined and then the business will set a mark up.

Prices of existing products in the market are also being looked up so that a fair

competition will occur.


The place of the business is one of the most important factors that

contributes to and distinguishes the success of a business. The location of the

business must be situated in a place that is accessible to target consumers. It will

be situated in Tanauan Public Market wherein many people pass by. Besides, it

will attract not only residents and students but also a large number of people who

are nearby the place like employees or workers.

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College of Business & Accountancy

Promotion is also important in making the product renown to the

customers. Relationship marketing will be considered first such as welcoming

customers, soliciting feedback and developing customer loyalty through giving of

discounts. Posters or tarpaulins will also be placed in our store. The design of the

poster or tarpaulin can able to catch the attention of the customers because of

the information provided as well as its aesthetic. Chosen colors are pleasing to

the eye and will surely boost the interest of the customers. Flyers will also be

distributed as they can convey wide range of possible buyers for it can be

brought to other places.


People are the most important element of any service or experience.

Services tend to be produced and consumed at the same moment, and aspects

of the customer experience are altered to meet the 'individual needs' of the

person consuming it. They will be in charge of operating the business and the

one who prepare customer’s orders. They must be appropriately trained, well

motivated and have the right attitude. The people will be given a good

compensation and benefit package so they will also work hard in attaining the

goals of the business.

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College of Business & Accountancy

Process looks at how well your staffs have been trained and how well your

customer facing process work. This includes manner in which customers and

their orders are served and also the amount of waiting time involved in the

production process or the serving time.

Physical evidence

Physical Evidence is the material part of a service. This pertains to how

you and your product is presented in the market place. Moreover, the business

will offer a comfortable and neat ambiance and even use additional scents to

make their store extremely fragrant. The windows will be decorated to provide a

welcoming atmosphere and entice passers-by to stop in.

SWOT Analysis


 The business is situated in a good location.

 The employees of the business are well trained, experienced and


 The business’ dedication to the customers need through quality customer



 The capital is limited to the contribution of the owner.

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 The business will be able promote itself as a dessert joint for the nearby


 The market is far below saturation level and most of the competitors do

little advertising. Most local competitors do very little in the way of


 As ice cream parlors are popular, chances of expansion is higher.

 Being in a public market proving close proximity to target market.


 New food outlets can emerge nearby.

 Social changes within the consumer market such as health conscience


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College of Business & Accountancy

Management Study

Management is one of the important aspects in establishing a business. It

is the performance of conceiving and achieving desired results by means of

group effort consisting of utilizing human talents and resources. Therefore,

management is considered as the force that runs an enterprise and is

responsible for its success or failure.

The Management study is responsible for setting directions and for

business planning, administration and control. This chapter is about the form of

business organization and its structure, and the compensation given to

employees. A management study is essential in order to attain goals and

objectives of the business and how it should operate.

Form of Business Organization

Probably, the best form of organization for the small ice cream parlor is a

sole proprietorship. Although corporations enjoy limited liability, the lengthy and

expensive process of incorporation is probably best suited for a larger business

with additional start up cash. Also, the entrepreneur in a small business such as

the ice cream parlor would probably want to maintain the authority rather than

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share it with a partner. The business will be named Ice Cream Dream and the

owner is responsible for the planning, organizing and controlling the business.

Organizational Structure

An organizational chart is a diagram showing the salient aspects of an

organizational structure. It shows the relationship between position as to

authority and responsibilities.

Presented below is the organizational chart for ICE CREAM DREAM Ice

Cream Parlor.

Figure 2

Organizational Chart

Store Manager / Owner

Cashier Sales Sales Sales

Personnel Personnel Personnel

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Job Specifications and Descriptions

Job Title Job Qualifications Job Descriptions

Store Manager /  At least 19-28 years old  Responsible for the

Owner  Must be a graduate from administration of all the

any 4-year business course management functions –

 Must have basic accounting planning, organizing,

background controlling and directing

 Preferably with strong  Handles the

interpersonal and time implementation of the

management skills policies, rules and

regulations throughout

the organization.

 Monitors the

performance of his


 Responsible for the

overall ongoing

production operations

including inventory

control, scheduling,


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equipment maintenance,

calibration, shipping, and

Quality Control/Food

Safety Inspection

Sales Personnel  At least 18-25 years old ,  Responsible in assisting

Male or Female all the customers

 Must attain at least high  In charge in the

school level preparation of the

 Must have great marketing product

skills  Responsible in cleaning

 With good moral character the store and entire

production area

 Greet customers politely

at all times

 Ensures good customer

relations by giving

friendly service to them

Cashier  At least 18-25 years old,  Responsible for

Male or Female receiving cash and

 Must attain at least college giving receipts

level  Responsible in money

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 With good moral character transactions

 Knows how to handle cash  Handles money/sales

properly properly

 Eliminate loss of the

store by accurately

receiving payment and

giving of change

 Greet customers politely

at all times

 Performs the seven key

steps in every

transactions with the


 Ensures good customer

relations by giving

friendly service to them

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College of Business & Accountancy

To provide an effective and efficient personnel and workers, the company

will give proper wages to its employees. The minimum wage in Region 4-

CALABARZON is considered in establishing the salaries of every employee. Ice

Cream Dream needs two full time sales personnel who will assist in providing

customer’s needs and also help in production process. It will also need a cashier

that will be responsible for the sales transactions. They will work 8 hours a day,

from 8am to 5pm with an hour break. They will be receiving a minimum wage of

p255 per day.

Table 2

Compensation Schedule

Personnel Monthly Salary Annually

Store Manager P7650 P91800

Cashier P7650 P91800

Sales Personnel 1 P7650 P91800

Sales Personnel 2 P7650 P91800

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Technical Study

The technical aspect of a feasibility study primarily shows the various

production activities and their timing. This study requires the efficient way of

allowing available resources to attain certain level of output during specified

period. The output expectation from the production of a plant should correspond

to the demand figure derived from the market study. This production capacity is

achievable under normal working condition taking into account not only the

management system applied but also the installed equipment, technology,

condition of the plant, effective program and production schedule.

Business Name

The business establishment needed a name to be acknowledged by the

customers. With this, the proponent chooses the name of the business as “Ice

Cream Dream”. The proponent comes up with this name because one of her

dreams includes that of establishing her own business and that she also loves

ice cream. With this name, it emphasizes the product being offered and also

encourages people to dream.

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Office Supplies

The office supplies are needed in the operation of the business especially

in the office where documentation and recording of daily transaction and

operation of the business occurs. These items are commonly found in every



Record Book 3 P39.50 P118.50

Calculator 1 P500 P500

Ball pen 10 P15 P150

Receipt 5 pads P9.50 P47.50

Bond paper 1 ream short P150 P150

Stapler 2 P29.50 P59

Staple wire 2 boxes P27.25 P54.50

Folder 5 P5.50 P27.50


Source: and Tanauan Shopper’s Mart

Raw Materials

These are the direct and indirect materials or ingredients needed for the

completion of the product.

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Direct Materials

These are items which are directly attributable to the main products.

Direct Unit Cost Quantity Reorder Cost per Annual cost

Material per order point month

Ice cream P120/kg 10 kg 7 days P5148 P61776


Smoothies P115/kg 10 kg 7 days P4933.50 P59202


Coating P145/kg 2 kg 5 days P1740 P20880


Syrup P105/kg 2 kg 5 days P1260 P15120

Mini kisses P145/kg 1 kg 4 days P1087.50 P13050

Mini P105/kg 1 kg 6 days P525 P6300


Mini nips P180/kg 1 kg 5 days P1080 P12960

Sprinkles P140/kg 1 kg 6 days P700 P8400

Rice P140/kg 1 kg 7 days P600.60 P7207.20


Banana P2/pc 15 pcs everyday P900 P10800

Whip P200 5 7 days P4290 P51480


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Cherry P200/12pc 1 everyday P6000 P72000

Total P339175.20

Indirect materials

These materials are not part of the main product but are the same

importance with the direct materials.

Indirect Unit Cost Quantity Reorder Monthly Yearly

Material per order point Cost Cost

Cup P230/1000pcs 1 10 days P690 P8280


Spoon P25/100pcs 1 5 days P150 P1800


Tissue P42/1000pcs 1 10 days P126 P1512


Label P1.00/pc 100 5 days P600 P7200

TOTAL P18795

Source: Tanauan Public Market

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College of Business & Accountancy
Machinery and Equipment

These include all the tangible assets with estimated useful life beyond one

year. The following are the machineries and equipment held for business



Soft serve ice cream machine 1 P70000 P70000

Scooper 2 P220 P440

Knives 5 P70 P350

Blender 2 P2000 P4000

TOTAL P74790


Store Furniture and Fixtures

These include the furniture and fixtures that will be used in the store to

provide convenience to dine-in customers.


Tables 4 P1500 P6000

Ordinary Chair 16 P1000 P16000

TOTAL P22000


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College of Business & Accountancy
Utilities Requirements


It is one of the primary utility requirements of a business. Ice Cream

Dream will greatly need this for its proper and smooth operations and for the

business to carry out its operations. This will also set the atmosphere of the

restaurant for its proper lighting and ambiance. The store electricity will be

provided by the BATELEC II.

Water Supply

As the business executes its operations, it needs a good water supply in

order for them to continuously do their job and tasks. A good water supply can

enable them to perform tasks such as cleansing the raw materials and kitchen

utensils, machines, and equipment, and the overall store to ensure safety of the

customers. Water Supply payment will be provided by Tanauan Water District.


Telecommunications is a form of communication that is said to be

indispensable to the duration of a business of Ice Cream Dream, as one of

newest in the market, need these so called telecommunications in order to have

a clear and proper negotiation with suppliers and especially with the customers

regarding their feedbacks, suggestions, recommendation and other customer

concerns that can might help and contribute to the business growth, development

and profitability. Telecommunication supply will be provided by PLDT.

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Chapter 5

Financial Aspect

Financial Aspect includes the quantitative monetary unit of all the aspect

of the business enterprise. This chapter includes the cost of the business

operation to determine the capital requirements. It also covers the projected

financial statement to conclude the profitability or loss of the business.

This chapter refers to the efficient and effective utilization of capital to attain the

objectives of an organization relative to profitability of operations, liquidity of

financial resources and minimization of risks and cost in starting the business.

Major Assumptions

1. The initial capital requirement of _______ will be contributed by the

sole proprietor.

2. The values presented are rounded up to the nearest hundredths to

provide a better estimate.

3. Supplies and materials will increase due to inflation computed


Table 12


YEAR 2014 2015 2016

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RATE 4% 3.5% 5.5%


4. Promotion and marketing expenses will be _______ for the first

year of operation and will change in the succeeding years.

5. The business will be following a fiscal year.

6. The business will be on accrual basis of accounting.

7. Sales in units will be increased by ______ % every year based on

the growth rate of the population.

8. The straight line method of depreciation will be used in depreciating

the assets, allocating scrap value to depreciable assets.

9. There shall be no accrual of taxes shall be considered in the

financial statements.

10. Salaries of employee will increase based on inflation rate. There

shall be no accrual of salaries.

11. It is assumed that no withdrawal shall be made.

12. Utilities expense will be allocated. Water is _____ and electricity is

charged at minimum cost of _______ monthly.

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13. The company

is VAT registered and shall base on 12% value added tax rule and

will be shown as a reduction or addition in necessary accounts.

14. The rent is assumed ______ annually where _______ is for

reservation and rent deposit.

15. The supplier of ice cream is giving 25% credit of the number of

units ordered. Upon the next order the credit will be paid.

16. All expenses are assumed to be paid at the end of the year; no

accrual of expenses shall be made.

17. It is assumed that the ending inventory will be 0 at the end of the

fiscal year and the left over is allocated spoilage and wastages.

18. Selling price will be fixed at ____ and the cost of the product is

estimated to increase ______ each year.

19. Repair and Maintenance Expense is ______ for the first year of

operation and will increase based on inflation rate.

20. A Miscellaneous expense will change annually due to inflation.

21. It is assumed that the expense for Employee benefits is 30% of the

salary of the employee.

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Financial Statements

In analyzing and interpreting financial statements of a particular entity, the

analyst must somehow have standards with which may be compared to the

contents of said statements. These standards may be the figures, ratios or

percentages, or changes indicated in budgets, industry averages, competitor’s

financial statements and the company’s own financial statements for the period.

The primary source of information about the firm’s financial performance and

position are found in the financial statements.

Income Statement

The Income Statement helps to determine the profit that the business has

earned with its activities during one financial year. If revenues are greater than

the expenses, the business has earned a profit. Otherwise the business has

experienced losses.

Statement of Financial Position

Statement of Financial Position or Balance Sheet gives the information on

the asset and liability situation of the company at the end of financial year.

Balance sheet and Income Statement are not only very helpful but a decisive

basis for management decisions.

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Statement of Cash Flows

Statement of Cash Flows report on the inflows and outflows of cash to or

from the entity whether by means of operating, financing or investing activities.

The statement provides data about the available cash the firm may utilize in a

specific period.

Statement of Changes in Equity

The Statement of Changes in sole proprietors Equity represents the

increase or decrease in the capital contribution of the partners as affected by

income and loss over a given time period. It indicates the net assets of the firm or

the residual interest after deducting liabilities from the firm’s asset. The changes

may also be due to withdrawals of partner. Therefore, the statement reports on

the interest the partners are deriving from the business.

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Chapter 6

Socio Economic Aspect

The socio-economic impact of this study will clearly state its relevance to

the external aspect of the business. The vision and mission statements as well

as the social, economic and environmental responsibilities are identified in this



Ice Cream Dream envisions itself to be the leading ice cream parlor

particularly in the city of Tanauan and be able to offer extraordinary experience to

its customers.


In realizing the vision of the business, Ice Cream Dream is committed:

 To deliver a quality product in a consistent, courteous, and timely basis in

order to have the customer return again for another satisfying, delicious

treat; while at the same time earning a reasonable return on the initial


 To provide consistency in both the product and service

 To take care of its employees and will be paid according to their skills and


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 To be open to all in-store suggestions from customers and test them for


 To create a fun, entertaining, and respectful environment

Contribution to the Philippine Economy

Every business establishment will be of great help for the growth and

development of the Philippine economy. These will only be possible if every firm

will be responsible enough to perform their duties and obligations to their

customers, community and of course to the government.

Ice Cream Dream will definitely contribute additional earnings to our

government by means of paying right taxes. Through this, the government can

be able to perform its functions well including continuous support and assistance

to the business industry, providing projects for the community such as building

infrastructures, public schools and hospitals, strengthening arm forces for the

security and protection of the countrymen and other indispensable projects that

will benefit the people.

Employment Generation

The business will provide job opportunities to many individuals most

especially to those people who have great passion in food preparation. Every

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society wants all its qualified members to be gainfully employed. When

individuals are employed they are able to raise their children support them

through school, provide them with decent homes, acquire medical services

whenever needed and contribute to government income through the payment of

income taxes. Ice Cream Dream will help to lessen rate of unemployment.

Environmental Responsibility

The business will be maintaining a clean and conducive environment. This

will be implemented by having proper waste disposal. Trash cans will be put

inside the store so garbages can be properly disposed. Ice Cream Dream will

also be responsible in the environment through considering all things that may

affect it.

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College of Business & Accountancy

Personal Background

Name : Sheila May A. Lanto

Address : 601 Banay-Banay, Lipa City

Birthday : March 13,1995

Age : 19

Birth place : Lipa City

Sex : Female

Citizenship : Filipino

Religion : Roman Catholic

Father : Elmer Lanto

Mother : Sofronia Lanto

Educational Background


First Asia Institute of Technology and Humanities

BS Accountancy

#2 President Laurel HighwayTanauan City, Batangas

(S.Y. 2011-2015)


Lipa Montessori School of Learning Inc.

Transville Homes, Banay-Banay, Lipa City

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(S.Y. 2007-2011)


Lipa Montessori School of Learning Inc.

Transville Homes, Banay-Banay, Lipa City

(S. Y. 2001-2007)

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