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Jay Adrian M. Lozano Oct.

19, 2020

G-12 Bezos Mrs. Chorazine Sulima


What do you feel? What do you think was the point of Catching, Checking and Changing your

I feel much better now and I think the point of catching, checking and changing my feelings
(ball) is to make me realize to stay focus and and think in logical way so that I will be the master
and the controller of my emotion. It also teach me to be vigilant or to be undistracted in
checking my incomprehensible emotion. And last is to let me know that between me and my
emotion I am the game-changer.

What was the reason why you had to reframe your thoughts?

The reason why I had to reframe my thoughts is to change my perspective about what I feel
during this raging pandemic.


Can you compare how you feel right now with how you felt before we started with the activity?
Do you see some changes? Are the feelings positive?

Before the activity started I always scared and feel confused of what I felt but now I already
know that it’s just normal so I erased that feeling and change it to positive way like being calm
and being courageous.

Use the columns below labeled with the words “Before” on one side and “After” on the other
side. Under the word Before, write your feelings during the pandemic/disaster. Under the
word After, write your feelings at this very moment, after going through the Catch, Check and
Change Exercise.
BEFORE (my feelings during the AFTER (my feelings right now)

I feel bored because I’m not able to go out I feel entertain now by expressing what I feel and
also playing ball with my family is like a bonding
to me

I always had this hidden fear inside me during I still had a little fear inside me but I have the
this pandemic courage now to face it knowing it is ok to feel
fear because it is valid.

Worrying of what will happen to me and to my I can now control my self from worrying.
family is part of my life during this pandemic.

Having an abnormal routine of sleep My bed routine is now back to normal.


How can you apply your newfound knowledge to your daily life? After going through

the activity, I learned that the feelings that I CAUGHT could be…

I can apply this new found knowledge by using them in my daily life, I’ve learned that the
feelings I caught could be better if I know how to manage it and hold it with confidence.

After a while, I CHECKED the feelings and realized that I could…

I realized that I could reframe my feelings to change my perspective of what I feel because of
this pandemic and knowing that it is normal that I felt that way.

And so I CHANGED my feelings into the following:

So I change my feelings to positive emotion like being calm, looking forward positively, being
courageous, love and peace.

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