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Lina, Nerissa Faye C.

Ramilo, Audrey Brenth

Tumampos, Joren


Directions: The following are the suggested activities

Case Analysis. Analyze the following cases with your group members (3 members per group)

And justify your answer based on what you have learned from the topic.

A. You are a high-ranking public health official who must decide how to respond in the face

of an epidemic that will cost 600 lives if nothing is done. You only have two alternatives:

Option A which will result in 200 lives being saved or Option B with a 1/3 chance that

Everyone would be saved. Which would you choose?

ANSWER: For me I’ll choose the Option A which will result in 200 lives being saved. The chance
of saving people is too little on Option B. So why not choose the Option A, even it’s only 200
people at least it’s all sure. The least you can do is save that 200 persons lives instead of
focusing on that 1/3 chance that everyone would be saved. I choose to apply my moral
decision making, I think about what is the result of my decision. The decision I made is purely
based on my reason and my perception.

B. Dan, a student council president, often picks topics for discussion that appeal to both

Professors and students in order to stimulate discussion. Would you say that his conduct

Is highly immoral, not immoral at all, or someplace in between?

ANSWER: That specific action cannot be considered immoral in a sense that the purpose of
the student is just to generate discussion between the mentioned participants. What will
make it immoral would be the manner of delivering or expressing thoughts and opinions. If
both parties will not exemplify respect and professionalism in the language that they are to
use, then it is leading to immorality.
C. What if instead of throwing the switch, the only way for you to stop the train and save the

five is pushing a 300-pound man on to the tracks?

ANSWER: If I'm in this situation "instead of throwing the switch, the only way for you to stop
the train and save the five is pushing a 300-pound man on to the tracks" I will definitely
answer no I wouldn't throw a person life easily, because life is the most important thing in
the word. Life is the most precious gift that our God gives us. I will throw the switch instead
of throwing a person’s life, if throwing the switch didn't work and the only choice was to
throw a 300 pound man. I'm ready to take the risk and I will not choose that. I will think
critically and find other way to stop the train also to save all of the people inside it.

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