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Jay Adrian M. Lozano Oct.

19, 2020

G-12 Bezos Mrs. Chorazine Sulima

Look at the lines below. You are going to write a letter. Pause and Think. Then write, My Dear

Using the lines on the next page, write to a friend about the following:

During the months of lockdown, what were the 5 routines or reactions you did at home? An
example would be; “I slept most of the time.” Or, “I watch television/GMA7/AbsCbn.” Others
may say,” Nothing. I help in the household chores.” Number them from 1-5, and write them
down on the front part of your letter.

On the back page of your letter, write to your friend about your feelings towards your
reactions or routines. An example of feeling would be; “I felt bored.” Or, “I felt afraid.”
Others may say, “I experienced anxiety.” You can repeat your feelings, but, you may not
repeat the routines or reactions. You can explain why you felt that way or why you reacted
that way. You do not need to write a long letter. A short one will do.

My Dear Friend,

May the protection of our lord be with you and your household; I wrote this letter
because it’s been a couple of months since I did not heard any news about you. Did you feel
worry about this situation? Anyway, you know during the first and second months of the
lockdown I tried to adjust some things that Im not used to do;

1) Most of the time I over slept which is not my usual routine.

2) Then I exercise alone in my room since teens are not allowed to go out.

3) I also engage myself in doing household chores such as washing dishes etc.

4) Sometimes I play American checkers or most commonly known as “dama”.

5) And during the free time I practice playing my own guitar.

But lately all of these becomes boring, that I wanted to go out but knowing the situation it’s
not a joke. It keep me to pursue what I had planned. The news I heard from social media makes
me fear for my health and for my families. Sometimes I pondered if the situation is worsen can
we survive? How I missed those moments were we can freely see each other talking , laughing,
shaking hands, even embracing each other without those mask and face shield.

How about you? How did you manage the situation? I would be happy if you write me back,
keep safe always.

Your Friend,

Jay Adrian Lozano


Now that you knew that what you were feeling or how you were reacting was similar to the one
on the list, how do you feel now about yourself? Always remember that your reactions to the
stressful situation are normal at the moment or until about three months. Most young people
will react in the same manner. You are not being crazy when you have those feelings. Also, the
next time you feel that way, try to take ten deep breaths. Slowly. And then try to do letter
writing and send the letter to your close friends. This will help you calm down. Can we try to do
that together? Count 1-10 as you breathe in and out.

Today you learned that our reactions to the stressful events of Pandemic or any other form of
disaster were normal and valid. How does this new learning that my reactions and feelings
toward Covid-19/disaster were normal after all help me?

Upon comparing my reaction on how I feel for this stressful situation on the “common reaction
of stressful situation events” somehow I felt relieved, for the past two months I experienced
having an insomnia and sleep routine become abnormal but now that I know I am not alone
feeling like this I told myself “normal lang pala itong naging reaksiyon ko”.

How can you apply this learning to your life especially after experiencing such a pandemic?

I can apply all of these new learning by following the tips it gives me and try to keep in my
mind that all of my feelings and reaction of these pandemic is normal.


Read your letter again. Compare how you feel now that you know that those feelings were
normal and valid? Say to yourself: my feelings are valid. My reactions are normal. My feelings
and reactions are valid and normal.

Before I read this module I feel confused of what I feel during this pandemic. Confused of
being able to feel fear, bored and etc. but now that I read this I feel relief that I know that all
these feeling are normal and a lot of person also fell these.

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