Accompanists Diary 1

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Michael Round wrestles with Vilia-Lobos - and

the inhabitants ofthe local residential home
WEDNESDAY 15TH Get email from endless exams and auditions. away by nurse, witb another wink.
attachments containing accompaniments Violinist waiting in lobby. Elects to Continue Beethoven, enjoying chance to
for home rehearsal with soprano later in play first movement of'Spring' Sonata add out-of range and inautbentic high
week. Illegible: scrambled in transit and and agrees running-order of remaining notes tbat composer may nevertheless
filled with squiggles instead of notes, but pieces. Track down performance/ have wanted. Loud rumbles recur. Look
title reveals familiar and much-loved sitting-room. Open door labelled round: snorer absent. Notice dog -
piece: Villa-Lobos's "Aria' from Baci?ianas 'association area' - is rigbt place. Elderly another resident, presumably - sniffing
Brasileiras no.5. Extract own full score residents mostly present, many asleep: at violinists beels and growling. Violinist
from !;belf. Bit daunting (massed arrival of remainder awaited. Divert distracted, loses place. Synchronisation
semiquavers in tenor clef). Arrange for violinist with story of Kreisler on stage, restored, eventually. Dog settles down,
friend to post voice-and-piano copy. preparing to doze through introductory programme proceeds. Violin string

SATURDAY 18TH Ponder own Villa- 'Violin string snaps. Insert ad hoc piano solo while
Lobos full score while awaiting post. replacement fitted: dog breaks wind and leaves room.
Recall massed semiquavers in tenor clef:
hope don't bave to use. Soprano (v Harsh critic, I think...'
pretty, v serious) arrives for rebearsal, three minutes of Beethoven concerto snaps. Insert ad hoc piano solo while
produces Vitla-Lobos voice-and-piano tutti, only to be shaken awake by replacement fitted: dog breaks wind and
score, just bought and unexamined. bar-and-halfof E minor (entire leaves room. Harsh critic, I think.
Unfeasibly simplified accompaniment, introduction to Mendelssohn) instead. Remainder of programme uneventful,
sounding nothing like original. Look up Balance of residents wheeled in. Young largely obscured anyway by loud
perpetrator's name: turns out to be nurse (very pretty) winks at me. clattering from kitcben (post-concert tea
composer. Amazed that publishers (i) Promising. Have first item ready, piece and cake in preparation).
accepted it, (ii) never botbered to replace with long piano intro: violinist nods,
it and (iii) charge huge price for it. prepares to play immediately. Instant TEA Violinist explains tbat had
Soprano dismayed by printed piano part, panic: pieces in wrong order? Lean deliberately got ready to play first piece
and unmollified by explanation or across, check title on violin-stand. well in advance, so as not to get caught
attempts to play more recognisable Identical to mine: shrug, start playing, like Kreisler. Make mental note to
accompaniment from full score (massed proves to be right piece after all. Shall monitor jokes in future. Man from
semiquavers in tenor clef not a ask later: continue playing to audience approaches again, purposefully.
speciality). Cbilly atmosphere: is poised accompaniment of loud rumbles. 'Young man' (enjoy 'young' but mildly
to sweep out in buff when post arrives, Traceable to resident, snoring. Is quietly fearful of what may follow), 'Noticed
including score loaned from friend. A wheeled out of earsbot by nurse, who you added top G's not available on
different edition (Brazilian): plead with winks at me again. Next item announced Beethoven's piano- and colleague
soprano (v pretty, after all) for fresh start. by violinist as 'perfect to dance to'. skipped a line just before recap.' Truly,
Resume rebearsal: arrangement as bad as Embarrassing, as many listeners in one never knows wbo is listening.
before, plus rebearsal numbers in totally wheelchairs, but at least one resident Continues, Td have turned pages for
different places from original. Terminate capable: grabs violinist in mid-piece and you, but wasn't allowed.' Nurse
rebearsal, and let soprano depart. tries to dance witb him. Swiftly led back approaches, speaks to man. 'Now tben,
to seat by staff. don't botber guests witb chatter.' Winks
MONDAY 20TH Off to residential bome Tben piece "by guy called Beetboven'. at me. 'Don't know what he's talking
to accompany violinist. Organisation Start playing. Pages of piano part start to about, most of time.' Leads bim away
bapbazard and fee negligible, but always close, so bold flat with one hand while before I can reply. Finisb tea. dog
happy to alleviate residents' boredom. attempting musical précis with other. reappears: appease with cake-crumbs,
No advance programme forthcoming: (Other option: leaning forward and and depart. Enquire name of nurse at
am assured is mixed bag of light pieces head-butting pages into place while reception. 'Ob, the one witb eye trouble.''
plus Beethoven. Secretly bope for playing, rarely works.) Man in audience is reply. Go home. Message on answer-
anything but 'Spring' Sonata, especially approaches piano witb determined look machine asking me to accompany
first movement, wearyingly over-familiar in eye: hope does not want to dance. Led Beethoven 'Spring' Sonata.

May/June 2010 Internation,il I'iano 19

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