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Michael Round and the soprano, in the music

room, with a length of rope

MONDAY 15TH Await emailed piano wahn, wahn, seext'. Translate, mentally.
parts for rehearsal with unknown Assume means 116 beats per minute,
soprano later in week. To include several rather than 160 (or 1160). Wish had
Canteloube Songs of the Auvergne: anxious previous candidate's metronome. Start
to receive, since only know Bailho and anyway. OK for while, then viola
assume others similar, i.e. very elaborate. diverges. Stop, check. Has totally
different edition. Further hiatus follows:
TUESDAY 16TH Piano parts arrive. One piano harmonies now clash with viola.
impossibly scrambled in transit. Could Presume misprints: tweak harmony and
be Canteloube: spend whole morning on continue. Bar-count goes adrift. Have to
Am led to music-room (palatial,
overlooking garden, immaculate). 11
premium-rate computer helpline in make ad hoc short repeats or cuts so as to o
Rehearsal starts, husband withdraws.
attempt to disentangle. Eventually stay together with viola. Finally enquire Massenet no problem. Next, first glimpse
opened: contains Massenet 'Adieu, notre provenance. Seems teacher been preparing of Canteloube songs: LAntoueno (like
petite table' from Manon, easily sight- scholarly new edition (from which soloist Baïlèro but harder), Brezairola (like Batlero
readable by slow-witted child or playing), but hadn't yet finished but easier), Lou Bossou (not like Baïlèro)
moderately intelligent dog. Re-check accompaniment. Had told candidate that and Baïlèro. Make quite fair attempt at
inbox: contains follow-up email from existing piano part would fit. Ask if piano parts. Soprano impressed, moves
soprano, reading 'Sorry couldn't scan happens to have brought Telemann - or, closer. 'So sensuous, this music,' she
Canteloube - sure will be OK on day.' for that matter, any other piece with breathes. Next, Seguidilla from Carmen.
Wish had her confidence. guaranteed matching [solo and piano] Soprano hands me vocal score and length
parts. 'No'. Does not smile. of rope. 'Tie me up,' she murmurs. Blink,
WEDNESDAY 17TH Conservatoire hesitate. 'Go on,' she says, 'I need to get
auditions. Reach rehearsal room: first THURSDAY 18TH Rehearse with child in character.' Furtively examine previous
candidate (v pretty, not English) already for grade examination. One passage page of score. Plot seems to concur. Pick
practising (with metronome). Flute persistently wrong. Suggest getting it up rope, start to oblige. Husband
concerto by Quantz, or someone. Settle right, to offset risk of failure. Child re-enters room unexpectedly. Takes in
down, tune up, start intro. Student laughs, looks scornful. 'Nobody fails scene, goes purple, clenches fists.

to f^-eadaoc oùe/^a ùiote in

restarts metronome. Suggest may not be these days. Just get "success deferred".' He approaches at speed. Assume intention
necessary now am here. Smiles, replies may be right. Rehearsal ends: regain not benevolent. Feel best leave
'Yes'. Leaves metronome running, considerable street-cred through explanation to soprano: dodge husband,
however: lean over, switch off. No supporting same football team. Child beat rapid retreat through patio doors
printed dynamics: enquire, 'Loud or sofi: departs, in great good humour. (fortunately open) and make escape
here?' Smiles, 'Yes'. Shrug, proceed. 'Trill Evening. Receive irate phone-call from (across just-planted flower-bed). Feel am
on upper note or main note?' Smiles, parent claiming child been severely living in French farce. Resolve to read all
'Yes'. Suggest, 'Think you're miscounting traumatised by mention of word 'failure'. opera plots v carefully in future.
here.' Smiles, 'Yes'. Rehearsal ends, Demands names of replacement Arrive home. Phone ringing, now
finally. Conversation not been great, accompanists. Momentarily nonplussed: stopped. Check answer-machine:
student v pretty nonetheless. 'Fancy cannot think of anyone I dislike enough out-of-the-blue call from beautiful
drink afterwards?' Smiles, 'No'. Departs to recommend. Hang up. Phone rings dancer met long time ago. 'Do ring
(with metronome). again. Ignore. back: would love to meet again.' Don't
Second candidate arrives: better know number. Disconsolate. Phone
English than previous, though heavily FRIDAY 19TH To soprano's house for rings again. Could be her. Rush to
accented. Viola concerto by Stamitz, or rehearsal. Meet soprano (glamorous) and answer: is irate parent. Hang up. Phone
similar. Ask, 'Tempo?' Answer, 'I do eet husband (taciturn, muscular, gardener). rings again... •

Se; International Piano

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