ISLANDER: An Electronic Institutions Editor: Marc Esteva David de La Cruz Carles Sierra

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ISLANDER: an electronic institutions editor

Marc Esteva David de la Cruz Carles Sierra

08193 Bellaterra, Spain 08193 Bellaterra, Spain 08193 Bellaterra, Spain

ABSTRACT systems as electronic institutions [9, 3] which define the par-

In this paper we present ISLANDER, a tool for the specifi- ticipant roles, the valid interactions and the norms that will
cation and verification of agent mediated electronic institu- govern them. We focus on the macro-level (societal) aspects
tions. We have defined a textual declarative language for the referring to the infrastructure of electronic institutions, in-
specification of the components of an institution. Also an IS- stead of the micro-level (internal) aspects of agents. Such
LANDER editor is presented. It facilitates the work of the a task is widely admitted by the multi-agent community as
institution designer permitting the combination of graphi- highly critical [6]. This fact makes us advocate for adopting
cal and textual specifications. We take the stance that a a principle engineering approach founded on a formal spec-
verifiable formal specification is needed before starting the ification of electronic institutions, that founds their design,
development of complex systems. This tool is our first step analysis and development of an agent architecturally-neutral
towards having a framework for the design and development approach.
of infrastructures for open multi-agent systems. Thus, in this paper we present ISLANDER [2, 5] a tool
for the specification and verification of electronic institu-
tions. On the one hand, ISLANDER tries to make as easy
Categories and Subject Descriptors as possible the work of the institution designer combining
I.2.11 [Distributed Artificial Intelligence]: Multiagent textual and graphical elements for the specification and on
Systems, Languages and Structures; D.2.1 [Software En- the other hand, it gives support to the verification of the
gineering]: Requirements/Specification—Tools specifications. This later point is crucial due to the com-
plexity of these type of systems. The tool checks the cor-
General Terms rectness of the specifications before the engineer starts the
development of the infrastructure for the institution.
Design, Languages This paper is structured as follows. In section 2 we intro-
duce the fundamental concepts of an electronic institution.
1. INTRODUCTION Then from sections 3 to 6 we explain the tool, presenting
The design and development of open multi-agent systems first a textual specification language, followed by the char-
where a vast amount of heterogeneous agents can interact is acteristics of the tool, its practical use and the hardware
one of the main areas in multi-agent research. Human soci- and software requirements for run the tool. In section 7 we
eties have successfully coped with a similar issue, by creating present our future work and finally, in section 8 we conclude.
institutions [7]. Institutions represent the rules of the game
in a society. They define which human interactions may take 2. ELECTRONIC INSTITUTIONS. FUNDA-
place, defining what individuals are forbidden and what are MENTAL CONCEPTS
permitted and under what conditions. Human institutions
not only structure human interactions but also enforce in- In this section we present the fundamental concepts of
dividual and social behaviour by obliging everybody to act our model for agent mediated electronic institutions. As
according to the norms. our goal is the development of infrastructures for electronic
Early work in DAI identified the advantages of organisa- institutions, we focus on macro-level (societal) aspects of
tional structuring as one of the main issues in order to cope agents, not in their micro-level (internal) aspects. We define
with the complexity of designing DAI systems [4, 8, 1, 11]. architecturally-neutral e-institutions, no particular agent ar-
In this sense, we advocate for modelling open multi-agent chitecture (or language) assumed for the participating agents.
Thus, the designer of a participant agent is free to chose the
architecture or language that is better for fulfil their goals.
We identify four basic elements of an electronic institu-
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for tion: dialogic framework, scenes, performative structure and
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are norms. The dialogic framework defines the valid illocutions
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies that agents can exchange and which are the participant roles
bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to and their relationship. In the most general case, each agent
republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific immersed in a multi-agent environment is endowed with its
permission and/or a fee.
AAMAS’02, July 15-19, 2002, Bologna, Italy. own inner language and ontology. In order to allow agents to
Copyright 2002 ACM 1-58113-480-0/02/0007 ...$5.00. successfully interact with other agents we must address the
fundamental issue of putting their languages and ontologies the context of a performative structure.
in relation. For this purpose, we propose that agents share From a structural point of view, performative structures’
what we call the dialogic framework. Institutions establish specifications must be regarded as networks of scenes. The
the acceptable illocutions by defining the ontology (vocab- connections among the scenes defines which agents depend-
ulary) —the common language to represent the “world”— ing on their role can move from one scene to other(s) through
and the common language for communication and knowl- the defined transitions. In other words, the performative
edge representation. Moreover, the dialogic framework de- structure defines which scenes can be reached by each one
fines which will be the participant roles in the institution and of the different roles.
the relationships among them. Each role defines a pattern The norms which govern an organisation are one of the
of behaviour within the institution and any agent within an key sources of trust for potential participants, since they
institution is required to adopt some of them. The identi- define the commitments, obligations and rights of partici-
fication and regulation of roles is considered as part of the pating agents. As described so far, the performative struc-
formalisation process of any organisation [10]. We distin- ture constrains the behaviour of participating agents at two
guish between two types of roles, the internal and external levels:
roles. The internal roles can only be played by what we
call staff agents which are the agents that pertain to the • intra-scene: Scene protocols dictate for each agent role
institution. We can see them as the electronic version of within a scene what can be said, by whom, to whom,
the workers in human institutions. Never an external agent and when.
can play an internal role. By sharing a dialogic framework,
• inter-scene: The connections between the scenes of a
we enable heterogeneous agents to exchange knowledge with
performative structure define the possible paths that
other agents.
agents may follow depending on their roles. Further-
The activities in an electronic institution are the com-
more, the constraints over output arcs impose addi-
position of multiple, distinct, possibly concurrent, dialogic
tional restrictions on agents attempting to reach a tar-
activities, each one involving different groups of agents play-
get scene.
ing different roles. For each activity, interactions between
agents are articulated through agent group meetings, which These norms are, in effect, local. But, it is the agent’s
we call scenes, that follow well-defined communication pro- actions within a scene that may have consequences that ei-
tocols. In fact, no agent interaction within an institution ther limit or expand its possible subsequent actions, outside
takes place out of the context of a scene. We consider the the scope of the scene. The consequences we have identi-
protocol of each scene to model the possible dialogic interac- fied take two different forms. Some actions create commit-
tions between roles instead of agents. In other words, scene ments for future actions, which may be interpreted as obliga-
protocols are patterns of multi-role conversation. Then, they tions. Other actions may affect the paths an agent may take
can be multiply instantiated by different groups of agents. through the performative structure because it may change
A distinguishing feature of scenes is that they allow agents which constraints are satisfied. Both types of consequences
either to enter or to leave a scene at some particular mo- will need to be kept by an institution for each agent on an
ments(states) of an ongoing conversation depending on their individual basis.
role. In order to represent the deontic notion of obligation, we
While a scene models a particular multi-agent dialogic set out the predicate Obl as follows:
activity, more complex activities can be specified by estab-
lishing relationships among scenes which is captured in the
performative structure. This issue arises when these con- Obl(x, ψ, s) = agent x is obliged to do ψ in scene s.
versations are embedded in a broader context, such as, for where ψ is taken to be an illocution scheme. We denote
instance, organisations and institutions. If this is the case, it the set of obligations by Obl and any concrete obligation by
does make sense to capture the relationships among scenes. obli ∈ Obl. Norms have the following schema:
In general, the activity represented by a performative struc-
ture can be depicted as a collection of multiple, concurrent
scenes. Agents navigate from scene to scene constrained by (s1 , γ1 ) ∧ . . . ∧ (sm , γm ) ∧ e1 ∧ . . . ∧ en ∧
the rules defining the relationships among scenes. More-
over, the very same agent can be possibly participating in ∧¬(sm+1 , γm+1 ) ∧ . . . ∧ ¬(sm+n , γm+n ) → obl1 ∧ . . . ∧ oblp
multiple scenes at the same time. Likewise, there may be
where (s1 , γ1 ), . . . , (sm+n , γm+n ) are pairs of scenes and il-
multiple concurrent instantiations of a scene, so we must
locution schemes, e1 , . . . en are boolean expressions over il-
also consider whether the agents following the arcs from one
locution schemes variables, ¬ is a defeasible negation, and
scene to another are allowed to start a new scene execu-
obl1 , . . . , oblp are obligations. The meaning of these rules
tion, whether they can choose to join just one or a subset of
is that if the illocutions (s1 , γ1 ), . . . , (sm , γm ) have been ut-
the active scenes, or even join all the active scenes. Further-
tered, the expressions e1 , . . . , en are satisfied and the illocu-
more, we may associate constraints with the arcs connecting
tions (sm+1 , γm+1 ),. . . , (sm+n , γm+n ) have not been uttered,
scenes that and agents must satisfy in order to traverse the
the obligations obl1 , . . . , oblp hold. Therefore, the rules have
arc. In order to capture the relationship between scenes we
two components, the first one is the causing of the obliga-
use a special type of scenes the so-called transitions. The
tions to be activated (for instance winning an auction round
type of transition allows to express agents synchronisation,
by saying ‘mine’ in a downward bidding protocol, generat-
choose points where agents can decide which path to follow
ing the obligation to pay) and the second is the part that
or parallelisation points where agents are sent to more than
removes the obligations (for instance, paying the amount of
one scene. Transitions can be seen as a type of routers in
money due for the round which was won).
Clearly, an external agent may not fulfil its obligations.
As agents are autonomous and the institution accepts agents
developed by other people, those agents cannot be forced to
utter particular illocutions. Thus, it follows that the institu- textual-specification ::= definition-list
definition-list ::= definition
tions cannot force agents to fulfil their obligations. However, |definition definition-list
the institution does know the obligations that each agent has
acquired and can thus detect when an agent does not fulfil definition ::= ins-def
its obligations and hence violates the norms. Moreover, the |dialog-frame-def
institution can restrict the actions that an agent can carry |ontology-def
out while it has not fulfilled some or all of its obligations. |scene-def
ins-def ::= (define-institution institution-id as
The first step that we did in order to have a tool for dialogic-framework = dialogic-framework-id
the specification of electronic institutions was to define a performative-structure = performative-structure-id
declarative textual language. We can see in figure 1 the BNF [norms = (norm-ids)])
of the language (due to space limitations we only present the dialog-frame-def ::=
definition of the main components). (define-dialogic-framework dialogic-framework-id as
Analysing the grammar we can see that an electronic insti- ontology = ontology-id
content-language = cl
tution is specified by a dialogic framework which determines illocutionary-particles = (illocutionary-particle-ids)
the valid illocutions and the participant roles, a performative [external-roles = (ex-role-ids)]
structure which describes the activities within the institu- [internal-roles = (in-role-ids)]
tion, and a set of norms that govern the institution. [social-structure = (social-structure-def)])
The dialogic framework contains an ontology which is a ontology-def ::= (define-ontology ontology-id as
set of type and function definitions that will be used to ex- type-def-list)
press the content of the illocutions in the defined content
type-def-list ::= type-def
language. It defines also the list of valid illocutionary par- |type-def type-def-list
ticles, the set of internal and external roles and the rela-
tionships among them. This allows to express, for instance, type-def::= (type type-id)
|(datatype type-id = constructor-id of type-ids)
incompatibility of roles, this is roles that can not be played |(function-id : type-ids -> type-id)
by an agent at the same time.
We consider that the expressions of the communication performative-def ::=
(define-performative-structure performative-structure-id as
language are constructed as formulae of the type (ι (αi ρi ) (β) scenes = (scene-dec-list)
(ϕ) τ ) where ι is an illocutionary particle, αi is a term which transitions = (transition-dec-list)
can be either an agent variable or an agent identifier, ρi is a connections = (ps-conections-def-list)
initial-scene = scene-id
term which can be either a role variable or a role identifier, final-scene = scene-id
β represents the adressee(s) of the message which can be an )
agent or a group of agents, ϕ is an expression of the content
language and τ is a term which can be either a time variable
scene-def ::=
or a time constant. The communication language allows to (define-scene scene-type-id as
express that an illocution is addressed to an agent, to all the roles = (role-ids)
agents playing a role or to all the agents in the scene. If the scene-dialogic-framework = dialogic-framework-id
states = (state-ids)
illocution is addressed to one agent, β is of the form αj ρj , initial-state = initial-state-id
where αj is a term which can be either an agent variable or final-states = (final-state-ids)
an agent identifier and ρj is a term which can be either a access-states = (role-access-states)
exit-states = (role-exit-states)
role variable or a role identifier. If the illocution is addressed [agents-per-role = (min-max-def-list)]
to all the agents of a role, β is of the form ρj where ρj is a [connections = (sc-connection-def-list)] )
term which can be either a role variable or a role identifier.
norm-def ::=
Finally, if β is equal to the particle “all” it means that the (define-norm norm-id as
illocution is addressed to all the agents of the scene. antecedent = antecedent-def
As we have said the performative structure can be seen as [defeasible-antecedent = (action-list)]
consequent = (obligation-list)
a network of scenes. The performatifve structure determines antecedent-def ::= (action-list)
the role flow policy between the different scenes. From the |((action-list) bool-expr-list)
set of scenes, it must be selected which will be the initial action-list::= (scene-id illocution-scheme)
scene that will be the enter point of the institution and the |(scene-id illocution-scheme) action-list
obligation-list ::=
final scene which will be the exit point. (obligued agent-var illocution-scheme scene-id)
Looking to the scene definition bit we can see that in order |(obligued agent-var illocution-scheme scene-id) obligation-list
to define an scene we need to specify which are the partic-
ipant roles and its dialogic framework, that will determine
the valid illocutions within the scene. A scene protocol is
specified by a directed graph where the nodes represent the Figure 1: Textual language BNF
different states of the conversation and the arcs are labelled
with illocution schemes or timeouts that make the conver-
sation state evolve. Thus, at each point of the conversation,

4.1 File Management

In this section we explain the Load/Import and Save/Export
modules. ISLANDER editor can of course save the current
specification and load previous specifications. But apart
Spec. from its own format files, ISLANDER can import and ex-
Spec. Save
Import Export port other files as we can see in figure 2. The difference is
Spec. that the application files contain graphical information.
Edition On the one hand, ISLANDER can import textual spec-
ifications. When a textual specification file is imported it
Panels Verification Islander goes through the verification process which informs the user
of any error found. Moreover, for those elements with graph-
ical representation this representation is automatically gen-
erated allowing the user to modify them afterwards.
ISLANDER permits to export two type of files: textual
and XML. Before generating any of these type of files the
specification goes through the verification process to check
Figure 2: ISLANDER editor modules if it contains any error. As we will explain later, this type
of files will be used in subsequent steps to develop an infras-
tructure of the specified institution.
it is defined what can be said, by whom and to whom. An
important point is that when the arc is labelled with an illo-
cution scheme some constraints on the value of the variables
4.2 Edition of electronic institutions
can be imposed. This allows, for instance, to specify that in This module is the main module of the application. The
an English auction if an agent wants to submit a bid, it has edition module permits users to add, modify or remove all
to be greater than the last submitted one. kind of elements of an institution specification. Each ele-
The last element presented in figure 1 is the way to define ment is specified in a different way depending on its charac-
norms that, as we have said, capture the consequences of teristics. Thus, ontologies, illocutions and norms are speci-
agents actions. Norms are specified in the following form, fied textually. On the other hand, dialogic frameworks, per-
the actions that provoke the activation of the norm ex- formative structures and scenes combine textual and graph-
pressed in the antecedent, the actions that agents must do ical components in their specification. As in any edition
in order to fulfil the obligations expressed in the defeasible process, the user interface is key in order to make as easy as
antecedent, and the set of obligations expressed on the con- possible the work of the institution designer. In section 5 we
sequent. As we are specifying dialogical institutions, agents explain in detail the graphic user interface of the application.
actions are expressed as a pair of illocution scheme and scene One of the important parts of the edition is the graph
where it is uttered. The antecedent defines the set of illo- editor used to specify the relationship between roles in the
cutions that when uttered in the corresponding scene will dialogic framework, the scene protocol and the performative
trigger the norm making the set of obligations expressed in structure. The graph editor has been developed indepen-
the consequent hold. The defeasible antecedent defines the dently of the rest of the application. Therefore it is used in
illocutions that agent must utter in the defined scenes in the ISLANDER editor but could be used any other applica-
order to fulfil the obligations. tion that needs a graph editor.
This language allows to specify all the elements of an elec- In our case, the graph editor is used by the components
tronic institution, but we think that it would be very hard editing the dialogic framework, the scene and the perfor-
for the designer of an institution to specify all the compo- mative structure. The graph editor does not have any in-
nents textually. This is specially true in the case of the formation of the semantics of the graph is representing and
protocol of a scene, the relationship among roles in the di- about the restrictions that this imposes on the topology of
alogic framework and the performative structure. Each one the graph. It has only information about the graph. This is,
of them is represented as a graph and it is obvious that hu- which are the nodes of the graph, the type of each node, the
mans define and understand better a graph in its graphical connections between them and the labels of the arcs. Then
representation than in its textual one. Thus, we decided to when the user wants to add, remove or modify any of the
develop a tool that combines graphical and textual specifi- elements of the graph, the graph editor informs the element
cation in order to facilitate the designer work. One of the that it is using it and it is the element who authorises or
important parts of the application is the graph editor that denies the operation. The graph editor is also connected
allows to specify the elements mentioned above. One of the to the graphic user interface. When an operation over the
outputs of the tool will be the specification of the institution graph is done the graph editor communicates it to the user
in the so defined textual language. interface that updates the information shown to the user.
Using this approach the graph editor can be updated with-
out having to change the rest of the application, this is with-
4. ISLANDER EDITOR MODULES out having to modify the components using it. In our case,
ISLANDER editor [2] is divided in four principal modules we can update the graph editor without having to change
as we can see in figure 2: Import/Load, Export/Save, Edit the components editing the dialogic framework, the scene,
and Verification. Next we describe each of the modules. and the performative structure.
Also in figure 3 we can see the Data Flow Diagram of the The rest of the elements of an institution are specified tex-
0 Islander Editor
activate import
4 Project Editor add / remove project
textual file 1 Import File
It analyses the file, add elements It allows to add / remove
User add / remove elements User
looking for errors, elements to the main
modifies the project data. project.
D1 Elec.Institution 5 Elec.Institution Editor modify Elec.Institution
Electronic Institution
specific Editor.
D2 Perf.Structure 6 Perf.Structure Editor modify Perf.Structure
Performative Structure
activate read specific Editor.
error checking 3 Error Check
modify 7 Scene Editor modify Scene
It verifies that project's D3 Scene
elements has been Scene specific Editor.
specified correctly.
D4 D.Framework 8 D.Frameworks Editor
Dialogic Framework modify D.Framework
Is it correct?
specific Editor.
D5 Ontology 9 Ontology Editor modify Ontology
yes / no Ontology specific Editor.
activate export to 2 Export File modify 10 Illocut.Schemes Editor
TEXTUAL/XML D6 Illoc.Scheme
It translates the project modify IllocutionScheme
Illocution Scheme
data to the specificated specific Editor.
TEXTUAL/XML language (XML, Textual).
D7 modify 11 Norms Editor
files Norm
Norms specific Editor. modify Norm

error / confirmation

Figure 3: ISLANDER Data Flow Diagram

tually. Whenever it is possible pop-down menus are used. respond to references to other specification elements. For
This is used for fields that contain references to other spec- instance, if it is defined that a scene uses a dialogic frame-
ification elements and for fields whose value is one of a pre- work, this dialogic framework must be defined. Another
defined set. This facilitates the designer work because he point to check is that the dialogic framework of each one of
has only to select the element from a list and it also reduces the scenes is a subset of the general dialogic framework of
typing errors. When the user finishes the edition of a tex- the institution.
tual field, the tool checks that the definition is syntactically 2. Liveness
correct. Errors are therefore immediately detected. One of the main properties that a multi-agent system must
guarantee is that agents will not be block indefinitely. The
4.3 Verification module tool checks that agents will not be block at any point of the
institution and that they can always reach the final scene
This module verifies whether the specification is correct.
and leave the institution. This property must be checked at
This is a fundamental part of the application. As open
two levels, in the performative structure and in the scenes.
multi-agent systems are very complex it becomes crucial
In the performative structure for each role there must be a
to be able to verify their specifications. Some verifications
path from any scene that agents playing that role can reach
can be done while the user is editing the specification, but
to the output scene which represents the exit point of the
some of them need to wait until the specification is finished.
institution. Moreover, we force that agents playing a role
Moreover this allows the user to define the elements of the
can reach all the scenes in which the role can be played by
institution in the order that he wants. For example, he can
one or some of the participants, this is, from the initial scene
make references to elements not yet defined without being
for each role it must be a path to each of the scenes where
constantly interrupted by error messages. The user can acti-
the role can be played. All of this means that only the roles
vate the verification of the current specification whenever he
of a scene can appear in the labels of its incoming arcs and
wants. Also, as we have mentioned above, when he wants to
each role has to appear in at least one label of the incoming
import a textual specification or to export textual or XML
arcs. On the other hand, in order to allow agents to leave the
versions of current specification the verification process is
scene, each of its roles has to appear in at least one label of
run in order to inform him of possible errors.
its outgoing arcs. Thus agents playing the participant roles
We have to take into account that to debug and find errors
can reach and leave the scene.
in a distributed system is a really hard work. To verify
We also have to guarantee that agents can entry and leave
the specification and detect the errors before starting the
the scenes. In order to analyse the scenes we have to take
development of the system is fundamental. This saves a lot
into account that each scene specifies for each role a mini-
of time and effort from the developers of the system.
mum and maximum number of agents that can participate
In the following we concentrate on the properties verified
playing that role and a set of access and exit states. Thus,
by the tool. ISLANDER editor does the following verifica-
the set of access and exit states determines the entry and exit
points of the scene for a given role. When an agent wants to
1. Integrity
join a scene it has to wait until the scene reaches an entry
It is obvious that the tool must check that each element
state for its role. The same applies for the exit states when
which is referenced is actually defined. As we can see from
it wants to leave the scene. The tool verifies that for each
the definition of the textual language some of the fields cor-
participant role there is at least one access state that allow alogic framework, an ontology, an illocution scheme and a
agents playing that role to enter in the scene. Furthermore, norm.
the initial state must be an access state for those roles whose The tool bar contains icons for a quick access to the op-
minimum is greater than zero, in order to start the scene. erations. An important one is the icon that activates the
Also the final states must be an exit states for each one of verification process.
the roles in order to allow agents to leave when the scene is 2. Project Structure Panel.
finished. In this panel the user can see on the upper part all the
3. Protocol correctness elements that belong to its current specification ordered by
Another important verification in the context of a scene is category. On the lower-part the sub-elements pertaining to
to check that the conversation protocol is correct. The first the currently selected element are displayed. Using these
thing is to check that the graph representing the protocol is two parts of the panel the user can navigate through the
connected, that the initial state is not reachable once left and different elements of his specification. When he changes
that there are no outgoing arcs from the final states. Then the selection the other panels are modified appropriately in
the tool analyses the labels of the arcs. In the case of illocu- order to show the characteristics of the selected element or
tion schemes at least, the terms referring to agents and time sub-element.
must be variables while the other terms can be variables or 3. Graph Panel.
constants because we want the conversation protocol to be The graph panel supports the edition of the graphical com-
independent of concrete agents and time instants. Another ponents of the electronic institution. The graph panel per-
thing to check is that the body of the message is correct mits the edition of the graphical component of the performa-
with respect to the ontology of the dialogic framework of tive structure, the dialogic framework and the scene. The
the scene. One important think is that we want the proto- user can edit the different graphs and modify them using
col to be deterministic, which means that there can not be the mouse. On the upper part there are icons that permit
two outgoing arcs of the same state labelled by equivalent him to change from one graph to another. Also there is a
illocutions. tool bar with icons that are used to select the edition mode
The tool also analyses the use of the variables within a determining if the next action will be the selection of an
scene. The first thing is that each variable in a scene is element, to add a node of the selected type, or to add a con-
correctly typed. This is, a variable can not be used first to nection between two nodes of the graph. As we will explain
represent, for instance, the price in an offer and later on to later the representation of the graph can also be modified
represent the quality of a good. We differentiate between textually from the inspect panel.
two possible occurrences of a variable, when the variable 4. Textual Data Panel.
occurrence is to be bound and when the occurrence is to The textual data panel presents the textual representation
consult its last bound value. It can not be the case that there of the current specification. It presents the textual represen-
exists a path within the protocol where the first occurrence tation of the currently selected element of the specification.
of a variable is to consult its last bound value. We want to note that any change done by the user in the
4. Norm correctness specification is immediately reflexed in the textual represen-
Finally, the tool performs an important verification step. As tation.
we have said, actions in a norm are defined as a pair of an il- 5. Log Panel
locution scheme and a scene. The first point to verify is that The log panel is used to inform the user of the errors found in
the scene exists and that the illocution scheme labels one of the specification after the verification process is ran. More-
its arcs. Each norm specifies the actions that will trigger over, it allows the user to move to the element containing
it and the actions that agents must do in order to fulfil the the error by simply selecting it. When a user selects an er-
obligations. Thus, we need to check that agents can do those ror all the panels of the application are modified in order to
actions. This means that agents can reach the scenes where show him the content element containing the error.
they have to utter the illocutions. Therefore there must be 6. Inspect Panel
a path in the performative structure that allows agents to This panel is used for the definition of textual components of
move from the scenes where they have activated the rule to the specification. It allows the user to modify the attributes
the scenes where they have to fulfil the obligations. of each one of the elements of the specification. When it
is possible it uses pop-up menus to facilitate the designer
5. GRAPHIC USER INTERFACE work. This panel is always presented in front of the oth-
ers and it always contains the information of the selected
The graphic user interface is an essential aspect of this
element. As soon as the user modifies an attribute of the se-
application because it is the way in which the institution
lected element the rest of the panels are updated in order to
designer interacts with the tool. In this sense the interface
maintain all the information consistent. When the selected
has been developed as user friendly as possible. We can see
element corresponds to a graph element this panel also al-
in figure 4 how the interface is divided in six panels that we
lows to modify its graphical attributes. We can modify the
explain next
position of a node, rotate it, and transform a connection to
1. Menus and tool bar.
a Bezier curve.
The menus contain the general operations of the application
and they are similar to other applications. In the file menu
the options are: new project, close project, save, open a 6. HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE REQUIRE-
project, import a textual specification, export the textual
representation, export the XML representation, and exit. MENTS
In the insert menu the user can insert any type of element The ISLANDER editor has been developed in JAVA, ver-
of an institution: a performative structure, a scene, a di- sion jdk1.2.2. It can run, in principle, in any machine that
Figure 4: ISLANDER Graphic User Interface

has installed this version of JAVA. We have run the appli- institutions. The complete development of those agents is
cation in Linux, solaris and windows operating system. The needed in order to run the institution. For this purpose we
graphic user interface consumes a lot of resources. We rec- will develop a kind of agent builder that will be used by the
ommend to run it, in the case of a PC, on at least a Pentiu- designer to fill up the parts that can not be extracted from
mII with 64 megabytes of RAM. The tool can be download the textual specification. In the case of external roles the
from its web page [5]. templates generated can facilitate the work of the designer
that wants to develop an agent for the institution. Anyway,
the designer of an external agent can always opt for devel-
7. FUTURE WORK oping completely his agent without using those templates.
Our aim is to develop infrastructures for electronic insti- Another fundamental element in our model are the gov-
tutions. To obtain that we want a framework that allows ernors. As we have said, governors will mediate between
the specification of institutions and the subsequent develop- participating agents and the institution. Each participating
ment of infrastructures for the so specified institutions. In agent is connected to a governor who mediates between it
this work the tool presented here represents a first step in and the rest of the agents. Thus, the agent only commu-
this direction. nicates with its governor which is responsible to transmit
We are working on two lines for the development of in- its messages to the corresponding agents. An important
frastructures for institutions. On the generation of agent function of governors is to check that agents behave accord-
templates and on a special type of agents, the so-called gov- ing to the specification of the institution. This is, that the
ernors, that will mediate between the participant agents and messages that it wants to send and the movements between
the institution. different scenes are correct with respect to the specification
In the case of agent development, we advocate for the of the institution. The governors use the specification in
automatic extraction of agent templates from the textual XML to know which are the scenes of the institution and
specification. Concretely, we plan to generate a template for the protocol of each one. Thus, they can evaluate whether
each role. We cannot generate a complete agent from the the actions that agents want to do is correct with respect to
textual specification because the specification does not have the specification of the institution.
enough information about how agents have to take their de-
cisions. But from the specification we can deduce parts of
the agent for each of the specified roles. Then the designer 8. CONCLUSIONS
can concentrate on the important part of the agent which We think that a formal specification is needed before start-
is the responsible of the decision making. We have to dif- ing the development of complex systems. This is also true
ferentiate between two types of roles that lead to two types for Multi-agent systems. This formal specification process
of agents, the internal and external roles. The internal roles allows to identify the important parts of the system and
are played for what we call the staff agents that represent detect possible errors saving time for the designer.
the electronic equivalent of the institution workers in human In this line we have presented ISLANDER a tool for the
specification and verification of electronic institutions. We [4] L. Gasser, C. Braganza, and N. Herman. Distributed
have defined a textual language to specify institutions and Artificial Intelligence, chapter MACE: A flexible
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facilitates a lot the work of the designer because graphical [5] Islander editor.
specifications are extremely easy to understand. Once the institutor/software/islander.html.
specification is finished it goes through a validation process. [6] Victor R. Lesser. Reflections on the nature of
This is fundamental to detect errors before starting the de- multi-agent coordination and its implications for an
velopment of the infrastructure of the institution. agent architecture. Autonomous Agents and
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ported by the european project SLIE (IST-1999-10948) and Lesser. Distributed Artificial Intelligence, chapter
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Structures, pages 59–96. Pitman Publishers, 1987.
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