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Grade 3-4 P.

Students will; develop coordination in dribbling a soccer ball, practice
SOCCER 5 WEEKS passing and receiving a soccer ball to a teammate, learn the basic
rules of playing soccer, strengthen teamwork and cooperation

ACHIEVEMENT STANDARD: (Highlight which statements are relevant

By the end of Year 4, students recognise strategies for managing change. They identify influences that strengthen identities.
They investigate how emotional responses vary and understand how to interact positively with others in a variety of situations.
Students interpret health messages and discuss the influences on healthy and safe choices. They understand the benefits of being
healthy and physically active. They describe the connections they have to their community and identify local resources to support
their health, wellbeing, safety and physical activity.
Students apply strategies for working cooperatively and apply rules fairly. They use decision-making and problem-solving skills
to select and demonstrate strategies that help them stay safe, healthy and active. They refine fundamental movement
skills and apply movement concepts and strategies in a variety of physical activities and to solve movement challenges.
They create and perform movement sequences using fundamental movement skills and the elements of movement.


Content Descriptors AND CROSS-
- Practice and apply movement concepts and strategies with and without equipment CURRICULUM
- Participate in physical activities from their own and other cultures (ACPMP108)
- Apply basic rules and scoring systems, and demonstrate fair play when participating in
physical activities (ACPMP050)

Additional Content Descriptors


Prior to lesson – Discuss Expectations
- Ask students to suggest general expectations for the duration of the lesson e.g. respect each
other, respect school property, DO NOT intentionally hurt somebody
- Students who choose to not abide by these expectations will be asked to sit out for five
minutes the first time, and the second time they will be sitting out for the remainder of the
- When I blow the whistle once, stop what you are doing and put your foot on the soccer ball,
when I blow the whistle twice return to the centre, holding soccer balls still in laps.

Lesson 1 –
- Soccer balls
- Warm-up game: students create circle
- “My name is … and I like to …” (First letter of action must match first letter of name, e.g. “My
- Cones
name is James and I like to jump”, everyone copies James’ action) - Whistle
- “My name is Miss Said and I like to skip” everyone skips until the next person’s turn
- Introduce todays activity – dribbling
- Outline main concepts
- Pick student to demonstrate dribbling to class
Progression 1:
- Students are in groups of 3/4, each group has a soccer ball
- Students stand in a square or triangle and dribble ball to next student.
- Teacher calls out various commands (i.e. right foot only, left foot only, insides only, outsides
only etc.) for the students to do.
Progression 2:
- Group students back in centre to introduce second rule:
- This time teacher will call out various body parts. When a body part is called, the students
must use it to stop their ball (e.g.: “elbow!” or “knee!”).
- The students then get up again immediately and continue dribbling to peer.
Closure & Cool Down
- Bring the students back to the centre.
- Demonstrate several stretches for students to have a go at

Lesson 2 –
Warm-up game:
- ‘4 corners’ Pick one person from the class to be the caller. They will have to close their eyes
- Number the four corners 1-4
- The rest of the class have 10 seconds to run to one of those corners - Soccer balls
- The caller then shouts the name of one of the corners - Cones
- Whoever is in this corner is out - Hoops
- Continue in this way until there is only one child left - Whistle
Progression 1:
- Organise all of the students into groups of 8.
- Set up two lines about 2m apart
- Four students lined up on one end, four students lined up on the other line. One student
from each group of 8 has a ball.
- On the teacher’s cue (“go” or another verbal cue), the students dribble towards their
partners. When they are about a metre away from their partner, they execute a pass and
their partner receives the ball.
- First student goes to back of line
- Partner then dribbles the ball back and executes a pass to the next student in line
- Continue to practice this several times
Progression 2:
- ‘Soccer thief’
- Remind students of main concepts for dribbling before introducing game #1, have student
demonstrate dribbling
- Separate students into two large groups
- Select three/four students from each large group to be ‘it’
- Students begin dribbling the balls around the designated area
- The students without soccer balls try to take a ball away from another student
- If they succeed, that person becomes ‘it’ and must try to steal a ball from someone else
Cool Down
- Bring the students back to the centre.
- Demonstrate several stretches for students to have a go at

Lesson 3 –
Warm-up game:
- Repeat ‘Soccer thief’
- Remind students of main concepts for dribbling before introducing game #1, have student
demonstrate dribbling
- Separate students into two large groups
- Select three/four students from each large group to be ‘it’
- Students begin dribbling the balls around the designated area
- The students without soccer balls try to take a ball away from another student
- If they succeed, that person becomes ‘it’ and must try to steal a ball from someone else
Progression 1:
- Goal practice
- Split students into four large groups, one group at each goal and two groups at portable goal
- Select one student from each to be the goalie (goalie equipment?)
- Students line up and have a go at kicking a goal
Progression 2:
- ‘Rob the nest’
- Separate students into three large groups
- In each large group arrange students into four teams of 3/4
- Place a bunch of balls in the centre area, place a hula hoop in each corner of the field
- On the go signal, players from each team go one at a time to the middle, dribble the ball
back to their hoop and tags the next person to go
- The object is to take as many balls until all are gone from the middle
- When all the balls are gone from the middle, players are able to ‘steal’ a ball from any of the
other teams
- After a designated time, count to see which team has the most
Cool Down
- Bring the students back to the centre.
- Demonstrate several stretches for students to have a go at

Lesson 4 –
Warm-up game: Snatch
- One soccer ball between two or three students
- I will call out commands, e.g starjump, hop three times, touch your toes, sit down etc
- Each person must complete these commands
- When I call out “Snatch” try to snatch the ball
- Progression 1 – Play a mini-soccer game
- Separate students to play two games – 13 people on each team
- One game on the soccer oval and one game on the football oval with small soccer goals
- Each team needs to select a goalie
- Teachers to act as referees
Cool Down
- Bring the students back to the centre.
- Demonstrate several stretches for students to have a go at

Lesson 5 – Games day? (I won’t be here for this lesson)
- Free choice games day
 Dodgeball
 Stuck in the mud
 Everyone’s it
 Rabbits, hares, foxes
 Red Rover

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