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Playing video games in quarantine times.

I’m convinced that video game could be favorable for us (not only for children) in order to
develop our social and mental skills; sure, it’s important to play team sports also, but in this
context, we have to find other ways to develop our mental and physical abilities.

I have been a consumer of video games since I was a child, and now, many of the skills like
solve problems, agile thinking, and others I’m sure that they were products of my spent time in
video Games.

Now, in this time, where we have time to learn and practice a lot, I spent a little of time finding
strategical video games not only for me, if not also to my father and my brother, they are good
gamers each one in their specific area; for example, I’m good player in epic game where you
have to discover between a lot of adventures the best way to get the victory; on the other
hand, my father is a fanatic of war video games like to “Call of duty” or “Battlefield” and
others, He is an excellent gamer when we refer to strategic video games, and my little brother,
mmm… It’s difficult to say, I think that they prefer the Role Play, whatever, it’s very interesting
how you develop a virtual life taking decision and also, you can play with other gamers on the
internet!!!, In my own opinion, this kind of games aren’t so recommended but who am I to say
what is good or bad?; each one with their own preferences.

Well, with this little summary, I think that my position respect to play team sport is very clear.

Best regards

Ricardo Corcuera

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