English Questions - Mcfarland Movie Forum: Answers For General Questions

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1. Because as whe have seen the last peirods it´s important for us to understand and learn that
discmination is not good and we need to stop it. We are the only ones who can change others minds
and accept other cultures and races.

2. Of course they have a point in common, on the songs we can see that people is bullied for the things
they like, how they look, etc and on the movie we see that the guys are constantly being
descriminated for their skin color and nacionality.

3. The specific points of racisim on the movie are when they start calling gringo to the coach or when
the other runners call the McFarland guys as poor or bad competidors because of their skin color,
aspect and nacionality during the competitions.

4. The specific points of segregation on the movie are that other people thought that they were not
capabale of win competitions because they didn´t have enough money to buy expensive shoes, etc.


1. He was interested because he saw the potential on those kids that keep running all the morning to
school without getting tired. And yeah, in one moment of the movie he tried to visit a new job
oportunity but then he understand that his future was changing McFarland kids lifes.

2. Because he saw that they were capable to learn new techniques and that they were talented to
participate into competitions.

3. I think the advantages that McFarland children had was hat they were used to run long distances
without getting tired because of their Jobs and all the activities they had to do before school. Also,
I think they learned very quickly all the techniques that the coach taught them, like climbing the
mountains of sand. And finally, I think that running changed their lifes and minds because that was
the only thing they got.

4. The way how he treats his family, how he think about McFarland, how he started to learn about
mexican people, the way how he learned from a new culture and how he started learning how to
coach kids for running and not playing soccer.

5. That teamwork helped them to motivate and keep running. No matter how many times they failed. I
think hat they gave support to each other and that´s really important.

6. I think everyone had done that but i have learned to kno people and not judged them. When i first
meet my friend Mariana I dind´t stop thinking that what she likes wasn´t te same things as I do and
that having a friendship was imposible. But no, I was incorrect

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