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Oswaldo Abril Lizarazo Cód.: 18241010

Astrid Carolina Lizcano Cód.: 18241021
Leidy Yesenia Cabriles Parra Cód.: 18241010

Facultad de Ingenierías, Ingeniería Petroquímica, Universidad de Santander, Bucaramanga



The petrochemical industry is one of the studies that is responsible for obtaining and transforming
chemical derivatives of both oil and natural gas into raw materials that are useful for our society, for
this reason it seeks to implement the design of a plant for the manufacture and production of Polymeric
resins, these resins have the ability to react chemically when submerged in water at low temperatures,
generally having great mechanical and chemical resistance. The process consists of an exothermic
reaction, where it is responsible for the manufacture of these polymeric resins, for this case an emulsion
polymerization method is used, which consists of making a pre-emulsion using one or more monomers,
in order to obtain the formation of micelles, which are chains of monomers. For the design of the plant,
it is sought to carry out 3 stages, in stage 1 the process of the monomer mixture is carried out using a
pre-emulsion tank, then a controlled dosage of the pre-emulsion is made, using an initiator catalyst that
Generate the chemical reaction and finally the final adjustments and cooling of the final product are
made, this process is carried out in a cooling tank and later passes to a filter. This process being
exothermic, the heat must be adequately controlled. What is sought is to make a good design that
allows this adequate heat transfer and for this it is intended to design each equipment to observe in
detail the capacity, the conditions in which it operates and above all the economic evaluation at the
time of carrying out the manufacture. of polymeric resins. Finally, the petrochemical industry allows to
carry out the analysis of this polymer manufacturing process, which makes it easier to establish the real
capacity that is handled in each equipment, for this reason the design is one of the advantages that the
industries handle to facilitate future projection, where it is sought to use vinyl, vinyl-acrylic, pure
acrylic, and stretched acrylic compounds, to facilitate this manufacture.

Keywords: Polymers, Petrochemicals, Manufacturing, Design, Resins

1. Introduction about fungicides and herbicides, in which it is

the base line of the SC company, for 15 For
The company SYGLA COLOMBIA LTDA years it has been present in the trade and has
(SC), is located in the trade of machining, placed on the market multiple products of
producing and marketing petrochemical which we will emphasize polymeric resins
products in which it has a great knowledge which are solvent-free products, cataloged by

an exothermic reaction, and with their where it will be at the beginning of the
particular special formulation with chemical
and physical characteristics such as
resistances, their salinity and their great
adhesion power to different elements, these
compounds have a quite peculiar process
within the three stages of which we will enter
the first stage of manufacture, which is quite
extensive since the introduction of the raw
material, the processes through which it
passes and finally ending in a stage 1 product,
characterizing Stage 1 as the Process of
mixing monomers in the pre-emulsion tank, process in which it will be equipped to
then stage 2 being the controlled dosage of the withstand positive and vacuum pressures, with
pre-emulsion of monomers to the reactor tank, a PLC system suitable for itself.
together with the catalyst that initiates and
maintains the chemical reaction. At this stage Figure 1: Pre-emulsion tank; SC
we will be able to make many observations
regarding equipment, process and products,
taking as an additional factor the future
projection, which will serve to enter a process
or stage two, and these products are a
polymeric base for other materials such as For
example, vinyl, vinyl-acrylic, pure acrylic,
and stretched acrylic compounds, to facilitate
this manufacture.

2. Description

We will start by listing all the parts of the Source::

process and then we will relate them to the bitstream/11349/3855/1/GuaquetaLopezJe
calculations obtained in this project: sicaAlexandra2016.pdf
In the design of the plant, the production of
resins will be affected by external factors by Reactor tank (TR):
and others by the negotiations carried out by
This tank will be able to perform the same
SC in all the lines it handles, making known
that its lines will be modified according to the functions as the previous tank. It is said
demand of its customers and the location of that this tank will be a “reiteration” of the
these in a second part the temperatures within previous process.
the process which involves the specific
Colombian territory as well as the climatic Figure 2: Reaction tank, SC
and environmental factors.
The equipment required for this type of plant
treatment are.

Pre-emulsion tanks (TPE):

It’s name says its function and this is
linked to the production or work carried
out by the tanks where the gas flow that
will come out of the reactors will

Figure 3: Condensation system.


Catalyst tanks (TC):

These tanks will be used for mixing the
Source: compounds and will have pipes and valves for the dosage where the visual inspection

stage will be carried out.

Figure 4: Catalyst Tank, SC.

Condenser (CS):

Energy generation equipment: these
equipment are linked to the process that
requires energy transported by conduction,
convection and radiation in its different
processes, combining that it is not only
energy (heat) but also air and reduction of
heat to cooling waters

Transportation equipment: is linked to

Source: the loading of the compounds and equipment used in the system
Capacity Analysis:
As part of an optimization and
The control and security elements: organization, it was decided to opt for a
operating correctly in the process to carry proactive strategy, for its production
it out in the operations described above, capacity. Calculation of plant capacity,
will be used: these calculations are made with
information from the plant that is currently
Load cells to register the weight of the operating:
dosage that will enter the TPE tank
showing results by PLC. 3. Methodology:

Proportional valves are those activated To achieve the fulfillment of all the proposed
by electric or pneumatic motors and their objectives, a work plan is presented.
signal sent by PLC, where it can open by a
percentage depending on the flow Phase 1: Definition and study of the products
Definition of products: These products are
Mechanical valves: are those used polymeric dispersions, manufactured by
pneumatically to cut or activate the flows. exothermic reactions with emulsion and
solution polymerization techniques. They are
Sensors: are those of temperature and characterized by being water-based (about
pressure that will be throughout the 50% is water) and vinyl, vinyl-acrylic, pure
process where their function will be linked acrylic, and stretched acrylic compounds.
to their respective manufacture. These are used in the manufacture of
construction products, paints, textiles, and
Pressure gauges: are at the inputs outputs adhesives. Currently, Sygla Colombia has 5
of the equipment and processes to meet product lines,
the needs according to the design of the
equipment required for the system.  Line 1: Products for the interior paint
and finishing industry.
Pumps: The pumping equipment will be  Line 2: Product for the coatings and
linked to the operation of the flow and its construction industry.
displacement will be positive according to  Line 3: Products for the textile
the indications of the operator industry.

 Line 4: Water-based adhesive

Phase 2: Design of the production process

Exothermic Reaction Process for the manufacture
of Polymeric Resins.

Phase 3: Design of production plant

Stage 1: Pre-reactor tank
In the second instance, when dealing with
Reception of matter processes that involve temperature, in a
plant located within a territory of the Reaction initiator
Colombian coast considered humid-
tropical with a relative humidity of 85%
Monomer charge and an average temperature of 28 ° C,
climatic and environmental factors such
as the relative humidity and salinity of the
Mix emulsification sea that affect the design of the equipment
in terms of quality of the materials
(resistant to corrosivity) and power, in the same
way, a general layout of the plant has been
Stage 2: Tank reactor
established and the location of the Reaction initiator
resins, likewise a Layout has been
Controlled dosage pre- created to establish the distribution of
emulsion shelves by warehouse.
Having defined the type of distribution,
the next step is to decide the
Reaction process methodology for the design of the
chemistry production plant. Taking into account
the distribution factors, the most
practical and complete methodology for this
situation is Systematic Layout Planning (SLP).
Stage 3: Cooler tank
This methodology developed in 1968 by Richard
Muther is a systematic and qualitative process
Loading additives that allows establishing relationships between the
flows of materials and the operations involved in
the processes, thus obtaining a global and
Post-reaction and cooling

systemic view of the relationships between

Product download finished

activities, all focused on properly planning the plant were taken into account, such as:
production plant. separation standards by units to prevent cross
contamination between products of the
The SLP methodology proposes 9 steps for the agrochemical business, climatic conditions
development of the plant design: that affect the processes, among others.
Within the quantification of the project, and
1. Material flow its analysis of equipment designs prior to the
2. Relationship between activities manufacturing plant, taking into account the
3. Relationship diagram needs, we have a satisfactory process without
4. Space requirements any negative particularity
Within the legal framework for this type of
5. Available space
process and standardization of the units
6. Space relationships diagram
described, the company can have the
7. modifying considerations exception that the necessary distributions
8. Practical limitations were fully met
9. Evaluation of the plans The optimization of space in a three-
dimensional plane was a complexity in the
Source: authors process, but they are challenges encountered
and satisfactorily met
The resin plant requires the supply of basic The study plans and documents required for
services to function properly: this type of project were satisfactorily
delivered for their filing and construction
Table 1: Process water consumption evaluation.

Product line production required 5. Conclusions

quantity/ water/month The energy sectors that require these products
month were studied to fully comply with their respective
1 831 249,4 specifications.
2 1.101 330,3
3 28 8,4 The lines worked on in the project are market
4 135 40,6 lines with a high percentage of commercial
5 763 228,9 movement.

Source: authors The organization of unit operations allows to

obtain results from the workstations and to
4. Results achieved: calculate the time cycles.

The objective of this project was to carry out a The diagrams of the proposed process have
qualitative and quantitative analysis that simplified the work of the analysis of processes
would allow the preliminary designs for the necessary for the creation of the resins.
resin manufacturing plant in the new
headquarters of Sygla Colombia in the The study of the equipment had a relationship
municipality of Galapa-Atlántico. During the with a possible expansion ratio of the materials
execution of the project, the particular needs plant, since the current production was reaching
of the company and the factors that generate the production limits, requiring substantially
special aspects for the distribution of the new exceeding the current plant.

6. Bibliography

GUAQUETA LÓPEZ, J.-A. (2016, 23 febrero).


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