Square and Hex Nuts ASME B18.2.2-1987 PDF

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AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD Square and Hex Nuts (Inch Series) TS ASME/ANSI B18.2.2-1987 REAFFIRMED 1993 FOR CURRENT COMMITTEE PERSONNEL PLEASE SEE ASME MANUAL AS-11 SPONSORED AND PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS United Engineering Center 345 East 47th Street New York, N.Y. 10017 Date of tsuance: Augutt 15, 1987 This Standard will be revised when the Society approves the issuance of a new edition. There will be no addenda or written interpretations of the requirements of this Standard issued to this edition. ‘This code or standard was developed under procecures accredited 2s meeting the criteria for American National Standards, The Consensus Committee that approved the cade or standard was balanced to assure that indviduats from competent and concerned interests havehad an opporturity te participate. The proposed code ot standard wae made available for public review and comment which provides an opportunity for additional public input from industry, academia, regulatory agencies, and the publicatiarge. "ASME does not “approve,” “rate,” or “endorse'’ any item, construction, proprietary device, oF activity. ‘ASME does not take any position with respect to the valcity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any items mentioned in this document, and does not undertake to insure anyone utilzing a stanard against liablty or infringement of any apalicable Letters Patent, not assume ary ‘such lability. Users of a code or standard are expressly advised that determination of the valisity of ‘any auch patent rights, and the risk of infingement of such rights, is entice their awn responsibilty. Paricipation by federal agency representativels) or personis)affiiated with industry is not to be interpreted as government or industry endorsement of this code or standard, [ASME accepts responsiblity for only those interpretations issued in accordance with governing ASME procedures and policies which proclude the issuance of interpretations by individual Volunteer. [No part of this document may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Copyright ©1087 by "THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS e All Fights Reserved Printed in U.S.A, FOREWORD (This Foreword is not part of ASMEVANSI 818,2.2-1987.) American National Standards Committee BIS for the standardization of bolts, screws, nuts, rivets, and similar fasteners was organized in March 1922 as Sectional Committee BiB under the aegis of the American Engineering Standards Committee (later the American Standards Association, then the United States of America Standards Institute and, 23 of ‘October 6, 1969, the American National Standards Institute, Inc.) with the Society of Auto- sotive Engineers and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers as joint sponsors. Subcommittee 2 was subsequently established and charged with the responsibility for tech- nical content of standards covering wrench head bolts and nuts Subcommittee 2, after appraisal of the requirements of industry, developed a proposed standard series of bolt head and nut dimensions. This proposal was finally approved and designated a Tentative American Standard in February 1927. A first revision of the document was designated as an American Standard in March 1933, and was followed by a second revision which was granted approval as an American Stan- dard in January 1941 Following reorganization of the B18 Committee in 1947, Subcommittee 2 was asked to ‘expand the standard on head proportions into a complete product standard. A proposal covering square and hexagon head bolts and nuts, hexagon head cap screws, and automo- tive hexagon head bolts was prepared and submitted to the B18 Committee in April 1950. While this draft was under consideration, the B18 Committee received a proposal from the British Standards Institution for unification of dimensions on products incorporating uni- fied screw threads. The Committee welcomed the opportunity of discussing the proposals ‘and an American-British-Canadian Conference was held in New York on June | and 2, 1950. I: was agreed in the conference thatthe essentials of unification could be accomplishedby selection of mutually satisfactory across-the-flats dimensions, since this would permit the use ofthe same wrenches and because other features would rarely affect interchangeabiliy Alter due consideration, suitable existing across-the-flats dimensions were selected for he hexagon products affected. nits meeting of October 13, 1950, Subcommittee 2 agreed to incorporate in the proposed standard the conference recommendations on Ya in. hexagon head bolts, Js in. hexagon head cap screws and automotive hexagon head bolts, Yi in. and % in. regular hexagon and square nuts, and “ein, light and regular hexagon and square nuts, Ata subsequent meeting ‘of Subcommittee 2, further changes were adopted in order to combine the light and regular series of nuts, and to combine the automotive hexagon head bolt, hexagon head cap screw, and regular hexagon head close tolerance bolt. In view of the progress made inthe United States and the urgency of standardization for mutual defense, the British Standards institution sponsored a second Conference in Lon- don in April 1951 to complete the unification of certain hexagon bolts and nuts Ata meeting on June8, 1951, Subcommittee 2 reaffirmed its acceptance of the unified di- mensions which correspond with those in the March 1951 draft, but attempted to select bet ter nomenclature for the unified products. A final draft incorporating the nomenclature “Finished Hexagon Bolts and Nuts"” and containing numerous editorial changes was sub- mitted for letter ballot in September 1951. Following approval by the B18 Committee and the sponsors, the proposal was presented to the American Standards Association for ap- proval and designation as an American Standard. This was granted on March 24, 1952. Ie being recognized that the standard was in need of additional refinements, Subcommit- tee 2 began work immediately to eliminate these shortcomings. A proposed revision remov- ing inconsistencies with respect to fillets, improving the length tolerances on heavy hexagon bolts, and incorporating numerous other corrections and clarifications of an editorial nat- ure, resulted. The most noteworthy editorial change was a decision to combine the coverage for hexagon cap screws and square head set screws from the B18.2 standard with the cover- age for slotted head cap screws and slotted headless set screws from the B18.6 standard for publication in a separate document. The requirements for the unified hexagon cap screws and finished hexagon bolts being identical in the overlapping sizes, the data would now be available in two publications. Following approvals by the B18 Committee and sponsor or- zanizations, the proposal was submitted to the American Standards Association and de- clared an American Standard on February 2, 1955. ‘A revision of this document comprised of numerous editorial corrections and inclusion of an appendix for grade markings was duly approved and designated an American Stan- dard on April 18, 1960. "At a meeting in February 1960, Subcommittee 2 approved a recommendation to reduce the head heights for heavy, heavy semi-finished, and heavy finished hexagon bolts which ‘was subsequently approved by letter ballot of the B18 Committee on August 16, 1960. A. proposed standard for heavy hexagon structural bolts submitted and accepted by Subcom- mittee 2 at its October 17, 1960 meeting was approved by letter ballot of the B18 Committee on May 9, 1961. To meet the urgent needs of the steel construction industry it was consid- ered necessary to publish the standard for the structural bolts immediately. Consequently, ‘Appendix IV to ASA B18.2-1960 containing coverage for the revised heavy hexagon bolts and the new heavy hexagon structural bolts was released in 1962. In October of 1961, Subcommittee 2 appointed a subgroup to review all product stan- dards for square and hexagon bolts, screws, and nuts, and to recommend simplifications Which would be compatible with technical, production, and distribution advances that had occurred over the prior several years. The subgroup presented its recommendations at a meeting of Subcommittee 2in October of 1962. It being agreed that the internally and exter nally threaded products should be published in separate documents as suggested, draft pro- posals for each were completed. “The proposed revision for square and hex nuts incorporated the following subgroup rec- ‘ommendations: discontinuation of regular semi-finished nuts; elimination of regular hexa~ ‘gon and heavy hexagon nuts in sizes Ye in, through 1 in.; elimination of finished hexagon nuts in sizes larger than 1’ in.; elimination of the washer face semi-finished style on fin- ished series nuts in sizes in, and smaller and heavy series nuts in sizes“ in. and smaller; removal of machine screw nuts (these nuts now contained in BI8.6,3); and adoption of an abbreviated product nomenclature. Letter ballot of this proposal to the B18 Committee re- sulted in approval. Following acceptance by the sponsor organizations the revision was sub- mitted to the American Standards Association and designated ASA B18.2.2 on September 8, 1965. ‘Subcommittee 2 continued to further develop refinements initiated by the simp subgroup and study changes suggested by consumer interests, This work culminated in Sub- committee acceptance of a 1970 proposal incorporating, in addition to numerous editorial ‘changes, revisions to the requirements on angularity of bearing face and countersink diame- ters for the various hex nuts and heavy hex nuts, and inclusion of an appendix covering the gaging of slots in slotted nuts. The proposed revision, after approval by leter ballot of the B18 Committee in March 1970, was subsequently approved by the sponsors and submitted to the American National Standards Institute for designation as an American National Standard. This was granted on January 18, 1972. ‘A proposed revision of the standard agreed upon by Subcommittee 2 incorporated a pro- vision to enable consumers to specify heavy hex nuts and heavy hex jam auts with close bearing face angularity, when required: clarified intent with regard to width across flats on nuts produced from bar stock; deleted coverage for hex castle nuts from the appendices; and included numerous editorial refinements. This proposal was formally approved by ler- ter ballot of the subcommittee and the B18 Committee. Following its acceptance by the sponsor organizations the revision was referred to the American National Standards Inst tute and granted recognition as an American National Standard on February 27, 1987, ASME STANDARDS COMMITTEE B18 Standardization of Bolts, Nuts, Rivets, Screws, Washers, and Similar Fasteners |The following isthe roster af the Committee at the time of approval of this Standard.) OFFICERS J.B, Levy, Chairman e H.W. Elisan, Vice Chairman Schwartz, Vice Chairman RW. McGinnis, Secretary COMMITTEE PERSONNEL AMERICAN SOCIETY OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERS. E.R. Flesth, Oon E, Wiliams Co., Rack Island, tinois AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS ‘A. A Machell, Webster, New York K.E. McCullough, SPS Technologies Inc., Jenkintown, Pennsyivania ENGINE MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION e 'G. A. Russ, Cummins Engine Co., Columbus, indians FARM & INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT INSTITUTE. DA. Claver, Deore & Co., Moline, Iinois HAND TOOL INSTITUTE RB. Weight, Wright Tool Co., Barberton, Ohio INDUSTRIAL FASTENERS INSTITUTE 1D. J. Broomfield. Hiois Too! Werks Inc. figin, Itinois .A. Garrison, Ruseall, Burdeall & Ward Corp., Rock Falls ALM. Hats, Bethlchorn Steel Corp.,.Lebanon, Pennsylvania 1D. Utell Greensburg, Pennsylvania J.C. MeMurray, A/terate, Russell, Burésal & Ward Inc. Clevelané, Ohio 4.8. Orlando, Chicago, linoie E. Stering, Ershart Corp., Csmpbelisville, Kentucky A. Telling, Holo-Krome Co., West Hartford, Connecticut '5. W. Vass, Lake Erie Screw Corp., Cleveland, Obio J. Wileon, Industral Fasteners institute, Cleveland, Ohio METAL CUTTING TOOL INSTITUTE D. Emanueli, TRW ~ Greenfield Top & Die, Greenfield, Massachusetts NATIONAL ELECTRICAL MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION J.B, Levy, Seotia, New York W.F. Montavon, Alternate, National Elactvical Manufacturers Association, Washington, 0.C. FF. Welngruber, Westinghouse Electric Corp., Pittsburgh, Penasylvanis NATIONAL FASTENERS DISTRIBUTORS ASSOCIATION JF Sullivan, Accurate Fasteners, ne., South Boston, Massachusetts SOCIETY OF AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERS +H. W. Elizon, General Motors Corp, Warren, Michigan AS. Plotrowsl, Mack Trucks Inc, Allentown, Pennsylvania ‘TUBULAR & MACHINE INSTITUTE R. M. Byrme, Trace Association Management inc., Tarrytown, New York 4G. Zeratsky, National Rivet & Manufacturing Co... Waupun, Wisconsin U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY 1M. E. Taylor, U, 5. Army Armament, Muritions & Chemical Command, Dever, New Jersey A Herskovitz, Alternate, U. 8. Army Armament, Munitions & Chemical Command, Dove “JE. Long, Alternate, U.S. Atmy Tank Command, Warren, Michigan U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE E Schwartz, Defense Industrial Supply Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania LL Plenine, Altemate, Defense Industrial Suoply Center, Philadeiphia, Pennsylvania, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY “J. E. Hass, Depertment of the Navy, Washington, 0.C. M.S. Orysh, Aitomare, Department of the Navy. Philad hia, Pennsylvania INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS ‘ALR. Breed, Lakewood, Ohio A.A. Flor, Chrysier Corp, Detrit, Michigan GA. Gobb, Fora Motor Co., Dearborn. Michigan FE, Gravos, FE, Graves Assoc., Fairfield, Connecticut J. J. Naestet, Clark Equipment Co., Battle Creek, Michigan SUBCOMMITTEE 2 — SQUARE AND HEX BOLTS AND NUTS S.C. Adamek, Pheol! Mig. Co., Chicago, Itinois A.B. Breed, Lakewaod, Ohio RM. Byrne, Tarrytown, New York D.A Clever, Deere & Co., Moline, ilinois W. J. Demer. FMC Corp. incianapo's, Indiana - A. Garrison, Russell, Burdaall & Ward Corp., Rock Falls, Minols _E. Graves, Forfild, Connecticut |. Hans, Bethlehem Steel Corp., Lebanon, Pennsylvania Levy, Scotia, New York Machel, Webster, New York , MeCullough, SPS Technologies, Jenkintown, Pennsylvania McMurray, Russel, Burdsall & Ward Corp., Cleveland, Ohio been, Altemate, FMC Corp, Indianapolis, indiana 'M. Patk, Stelco Wire Products, Ontario, Canada Pianinck, Alternate, Defence Industial Supply Center, Prladeiphi, Pennsylvania L. Tennis, Caterpila Tractor Co., Peoria, inois W. Vass, Lake Erie Screw Corp.. Cleveland, Obio f 4 no PReE 2 ‘Weingruber, Westinghouse Electic Corp., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Wileon, industrial Fasteners institute, Cleveland, Ohio pmORropexpeR & CONTENTS Foreword 7 Standards Committee Roster - e 1 introductory Notes ......22.ecceeeeee 2 General Data Tables Dimensions of Square Nuts - Dimensions of Hex Flat Nuts and Hex Flat Jam Nuts | Dimensions of Hex Nuts and Hex Jam Nuts Dimensions of Hex Slotted Nuts Dimensions of Hex Thick Nuts Dimensions of Hex Thick Slotted Nuts Dimensions of Heavy Square Nuts Dimensions of Heavy Hex Nuts and Heavy Hex Jam Nuts . Dimensions of Heavy Hex Slotted Nuts Appendices 1 Slot Gages and Gaging for Slotted Nuts . It Formulas for Nut Dimensions... III Wrench Openings Applicable to Square and Hex Nuts Dimensions of Heavy Hex Flat Nuts and Heavy Hex Flat Jam Nuts n 29 33 ie) ASME/ANSI 818,2.2-1987 SQUARE AND HEX NUTS (INCH SERIES) 1 INTRODUCTORY NOTES. 1.1 Scope 1.1.1. This Standard is intended to cover the com- plete general and dimensional data for the various types of inch series square and hex nuts recognized as “American National Standard.”” Also included are appendices covering gaging of slots in slotted nuts, wrench openings for nuts, and formulas on which di- mensional data are based. It should be understood, however, that where questions arise concerning ac- ceptance of product, the dimensions in the Tables shall govern over recalculation by formula. 1.1.2 The inclusion of dimensional data in this ‘Standard is not intended to imply that all of the prod- ucts described herein are stock production sizes. Con- sumers are requested to consult with manufacturers ‘concerning lists of stock production sizes. 1.2 Dimensions All dimensions in this Standard are in inches, unless stated otherwise 1.3 Options Options, where specified, shail be at the discretion of the manufacturer uniess otherwise agreed upon by the manufacturer and the purchaser. 1.4 Terminology For definitions of terms relating to fasteners or ‘component features thereof used in this standard, re- fer to ANSI B18.12, Glossary of Terms for Mechani- cal Fasteners. 1.5 Referenced Standards Copies of referenced ASTM standards may be ob- tained from ASTM, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103. Copies of referenced SAE standards may be ob- tained from the Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096 2 GENERAL DATA 2.1 Width Across Fiats ‘The width across flats of nut shall be the distance measured, perpendicular to the axis of nut, overall be- ‘tween two opposite sides of the nut in azcordance with the notes on respective dimensional tables. For mlled- from-bar hex nuts, the nominal bar size used shall be the closest commerciaily available size to the specified basic width across flats of the nut. For milled-from- bar nonferrous nuts, the tabulated maximum (basic) width across flats dimensions may be exceeded to con- form with the commercial tolerances of drawn or rolled bar stock material. 2.2 Nut Thickness ‘The nut thickness shall be the overall distance, mea- sured parallel to the axis of nut, from the top of the nut (0 the bearing surface and shall include the thick- ness of the washer face where provided, 2.3 Threads ‘Threads shall be Unified Standard, Class 2B, of the ied in the notes on respective dimensional tables, in accordance with Unified Inch Screw ‘Threads (UN and UNR Thread Form), ANSI BI. 2.3.1 Thread Gaging. Unless otherwise specified by the purchaser, gaging for screw thread dimensional acceptability shall be in accordance with Gaging Sys- tem 21 as specified in ANSI/ASME BI.3M, Screw ‘Thread Gaging Systems for Dimensional Acceptabil- ity. ASMEIANSI €18.2.2-1987 ‘SQUARE AND HEX NUTS IINCH SEFIES) 2.4 Finish Unless otherwise specified, nuts shall be supplied with a natural (as-processed) finish, unplated or un- coated. 2.5 Workmanship Nuts shall be free from burrs, seams, laps, loose scale, irregular surfaces, and any defects affecting their serviceability. 2.6 Designation ‘Nuts shall be designated by the following data in the sequence shown: nominal size (fraction or decimal); threads per inch: product name; material (including specification, where necessary); protective finish, if required. EXAMPLES: "/e= 13 Square Nun, Ste, Zine Plated 4/,— 16 Hex Nat, SAE 1895 Grade 5, Stee 1.000 — 8 Hex Thick Slsted Nut, ASTM F594 {Alloy Group 1) Corrosion Resistant Stee SQUARE AND HEX NUTS INCH SERIES) ASMEIANS! 818.2.2-1987 Ha 25 dea approx \ 26 deg 25 oes. aporox 5 dea. Optional TABLE 1 DIMENSIONS OF SQUARE NUTS ® a Toe 7m Nominal Size Width Across | Width Across - ts ees Thee bese orton ; cited a = o2se0 case | 0425 | oeie | osse | mm | oase ) aca Se cas Gace | sar | ovas | Sot | che | ase | ogee Stare Gees | Sees | case | Save | nm | osee | ote Me Oa cso | oes | tect | cero | iw | osee | ote ' vs asco | om | cere | ores | are | rose | ie | once | ore m Sete | a" | Soto aes | Nate | Sm | me] see | oes 9 Me 0.7500 Ve 1.125 1,088 1,891 1.464 he 0.680 0.632 Sasso | we | tote tes | Nese | tre |S] see | ose e + r9000 | re | 1800 , 2450 | 221 | xg6r | % | sos | oor ye 19980 | Whe | Tae) TSR] Sage | 2a) | S28 | ste dao | te” | gee | ste | Zee | Zits | tm | aes | Sane me TS | Bh | dee | tee Ss | Zt | we | tase | tee Ts Veeco | de | 2856 | 20% | Maa | bs | tee’ | Sa | tate see ; Note 7 | (For additional requirements reter to Notes on p. 4 and Geners! Dote on pp. 1 and 2.) ASMEIANS! 18.22.1987 ‘SQUARE AND HEX NUTS (INCH SERIES) TABLE 1 (CONT'D) GENERAL NOTES: {a} Unification. Bolt type indicates products unified dimensionally with British and Can: ian standards. 1b) Tops of Nuts, Tops of nuts shall be fiat and chamfered or washer crowned. Diameter of the chamfer circle shall be equal to the maximum width across flats within atolet- ance of ~ 15%. The surface of the chamfer may be slightly convex or rounded. le} Bearing Surface. Bearing surface shall be perpendicular to the axis of the threaded hole within a tolerance of 3 deg. for 1 in. nominal size nuts or smaller, and 2 deg. for nuts larger than 1 in, True Position of Tapped Hole. The axis of tapped hole shall be located at true position with respect to the axis of nut body within a tolerance zone having a diameter equiva- lent to 10% of the maximum width across flats, regardless of feature size (e} Threads. Threads shall be unified coarse thread series (UNC series), Class 2B. (8) Material. Unless otherwise specified, chemical and mechanical properties of steel ruts shall conform with Grade A of ASTM A 563, Carbon and Alloy Stee! Nuts. Nuts of ‘other materials such as corrosion resistant (stainless) steel, brass, bronze, and alumi num alloys shall have properties as agreed upon between the manufacturer and pur- chaser. The properties for nuts of several grades of corrosion resistant stee! alloys are covered in ASTM F 594, and of several nonferrous materials in ASTM F 467. ir] NOTE: (1) Width Across Flats. Maximum width across flats shall not be exceeded (see excep- tion in General Datal. No transverse section through the nut between 25% and 75% of the actual nut thickness as measured from the bearing surface shall be less than the minimum width across tlats. j j q SQUARE AND HEX NUTS {INCH SERIES) ASMEIANSI B18.2.2-1987 TABLE 2 DIMENSIONS OF HEX FLAT NUTS AND HEX FLAT JAM NUTS. 9 7 a 7 i Nominal Size ‘Width Across Wieth Across. ‘Thickness Thickness or Flats Comers Hex Flot Nuts Hox Flot Jam Nuts Basic Major Diam, of Thread Basic | Max. | min. | Max | Min. | Basic | Max | Min. | Besic | Max. | Min time 1.1280 | re | 1688 | 1.637 | 1.949 | 1.880 | 7 1.030 | 0.970] % | cess | 0.505 ve 1.2800 | 1% | 1.875 | et2 | 2165 | 2068 | 1%, | 1.126 | 1.082 | % | c.792 | 0.718 ve 13780 | 2h | 2.082 | 1994 | 2382 | 2.273 | ime | 1.237 | 11169] %e | cade | 0.778 ti 115000 | 2% | 2280 | 2175 | 2598 | 2.480 | ime | 1.348 | 1.276 | 7m | c911 | 0839 See Notes i (For additions! requirements refer to Notes an p. 6 and General Cata.on pp. 1 and 2.) ASMEIANS! 818.2.2-1987 TABLE 2 (CONT'D) GENERAL NOTES: (a) Unification. Gold type indicates products unified dimensionally with British and Cana- dian standards, (b} Smatior Sizes. For sizes '& in. through 1 in., the nuts specified in Table 3 are recom- mended, (c} Tops af Nuts. Taps of nuts shall be flat and chamfered. Diameter of the chamfer circle shall be equal to the maximum width across flats within a tolerance of ~ 15%. The length of chamfer at hex corners shall be from 5% to 15% of the basic thread diame ter. The surface of chamfer may be slightly convax or rounded. (a) Bearing Surface. Bearing surface shall be fiat and perpendicular to the axis of the threaded hole within 2 tolerance of 2 deg. {e} True Position of Tapped Hole. The axis of tapped hole shall be located at true position with respect to the axis of nut body within a tolerance zone having a diameter equiva lent to 4% of the maximum width across flets, regardless of feature size. (f) Threads. Threads shall be unified coarse thraad series (UNC series), Class 28. {g) Material. Unless otherwise specified, chemical and mechanical properties of steo! ruts shall conform with Grade A of ASTM A §63, Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts. Nuts of other materials such as corrosion resistant (stainless) steel, brass, bronze, and alu- minum alloys shall have properties as agreed upon between the manufacturer and purchaser. The properties for nuts of several grades of corrosion resistant stee! alloys ‘re covered in ASTM F 594, and of several nonferrous materials in ASTM F 467, NOTES: 1) Width Across Flats. Maximum width across flats shall not be exceeded (see excep- tion in General Data). No transverse section through the nut between 25% and 75% of the actual nut thickness 6s measured from the bearing surface shall be less than the minimum width across flats. For milled-from-bar nuts, see statement in General Data pertaining to the nominal bar size to be used. (2) Corner Fit. A rounding or lack of fill at junction of hex comers with chamfer shall be permissible provided the width across corners is within specified limits at and beyond a distance equal to 17.5% of the basic thread diameter from the chamfered face. [SQUARE AND HEX NUTS (INCH SERIES) ASMEIANS! 818.2.2-1087 [SQUARE AND HEX NUTS (INCH SERIES! 26s sore Bret zee sist ze 62" seek 80" seso O10 seo 9980 oo vet’ 090 059'0 zas0 usO 005'0 soso aer0 ew uw | xeW [ose wy | xem | cumy | oxen | orseg wwe | ad ‘any wer eH ory ae pueisd | ooo'ost ‘Ss0Uy0L sss010% HIN, stooy PIM, ooo'ost | ordn 207 0014 payloads sing wee — "2H SION eH Wy 6904 Bunwe9 jo inouny tw 4” ° 4 row jo wera ofew 276g e218 eusoN SLAN WP X4H GNV SLNN X3H 4O SNOISNAWIG & aTaVL ASMEVANS! 818.2.2.1987 ‘SQUARE AND HEX NUTS (INCH SERIES) TABLE 3 (CONT'D) @ GENERAL NOTES: {a} Unification. Bold type indicates products unified cimensionelly with British and Cana- dian standards. Unification of fine thread nuts is limited to sizes 1 in. and smaller. {b) True Position of Tapped Hole. The axis of tapped hole shall be located at true position with respect to the axis of nut body within a tolerance zone having a diameter equiva- lent to 4% of the maximum width across flats, regardless of feature size. {c} Countersink. Tapped hole shall be countersunk on the bearing face or faces. The max- imum countersink diameter shall be the thread basic (nominal) major diameter plus 0.030 in. for %e in. nominal size nuts and smaller, and 1.08 times the basic major diameter for nuts larger than 4s in, No part of the threaded portion shall project be- yond the bearing surface. ‘Threads. Threads shall be unified coarse, fine, or 8 thread series (UNC, UNF or 8 UN 6 series), Class 28, (e) Material. Unless otherwise specified, chemical and mechanical properties of steel ‘ute shall conform with Grade A of ASTM A 663, Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts; or Grade 2 of SAE J998, Mechanical and Material Requirements for Steel Nuts. Nuts of other materials such as corrosion resistant (stainless) steel, brass, bronze, and alumi- } ‘num alloys shall have properties as agreed upon between the manufacturer and pur- chaser. The properties for nuts of several grades of corrosion resistant steel alloys are covered in ASTM F 594, and of severel nonferrous materials in the ASTM F 467. (a fii Sorc Mensa iad nets oe es odie pasties eddie tlettetemrso hart oe econ Fanaa ee ee See cae ten anianes ane ton rene naliaone te Se ee a eee Sarai at a ese dent as ated cnancttg uate eee Q a ASMEIANS! 818.2.2-1987 SQUARE AND HEX NUTS (INCH SERIES! 12 pue 1 "da uo e1eg perauay pul 01 “6 0 Sato 01 1401 stuewormnbes feuomyppe 104) E00. | ovo | zao | ovo cay | seg ose too we | feo | ace eose| eet mn moo oe | ise | see eer | eres cor Reo me | ste | He ae | Set ee 09 me | fe | se sett fesot Stee caw | en [ow | oe | ow] oe Sei sens) cent aa oe ia esis i eo worwao sony amu SLAW G21101S XH 40 SNOISNAWIG ~»3T8VL ia “ho100 fhe : 4 = e@ @ ¢ e ASMEIANS! 818.2.2-1987 ‘SQUARE AND HEX NUTS (INCH SERIES) TABLE 4 (CONT'D) 6 cenerat nores (0) Unfeton ele pent radii imnionay wih ie nan jn sonore Uist te ead teste srs anode () Tue Poptionst Tapped The aio topped hl cated an oson vith espe tote eat nbeay wom aeaceanahennge arte eee \ervoas of a rama wt sare fat pwns ose se Ceumersr. Tapped no sab autre onthe sing fee The makin ccunterain loa sha onthe teadon nmin mr cametpus0 030i form nin snes, and 1.8 tne te bat er ameter ruler tan in poo! th tweedeporonshl opsboyenhe eng race "vce, Treae eal beuntod cone, er 8 trad ses UNG, UNF or UN é sere) Cae 38 te) a (e) Material. Unless otherwise specified, chemical and mechanical properties of stee! ‘nuts shall conform with Grade A of ASTM A 563, Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts; or Grade 2 of SAE J995, Mechanical and Material Requirements for Steel Nuts. Nuts of ‘other materials such as corrosion resistant (stainless) steel, brass, bronze, and alumi- } ‘num alloys shall have properties as agreed upon between the manufacturer and pur- chaser. The properties for nuts of several grades of corrosion resistant steel alloys are covered in ASTM F 594, and of several nonferrous materials in ASTM F 467. NOTES: (1) Width Across Flats. Maximum width across flats shall not be exceeded (see excep- tion in General Data), No trensverse section through the nut between 25% and 75% of the actual nut thickness as measured from the bearing surface shall be less than e the minimum width across flats. For milled-from-bar nuts, see statement in General Data pertaining to the nominal bar size to be used. (2) Comer Fill. A rounding or lack of fil at junction of hex corners with chamfer shell be permissible provided the width across comers is within specified limits at and beyond a distance equal to 17.5% of the basic thread diameter from the chamfered face: (3) Slots. Slots shall be normal to nut flats. Contour of bottom of slots shall be at manu- facturer’s option. Requirements for gaging slots are in Appendix I (4) Tops and Bearing Surfaces of Nuts. Nuts in sizes % in. nominal size and smaller shall be double chamfered. Larger size nuts shall be double chamfered or have washer faced bearing surface and chamfered top. ‘The diameter of chamfer circle on double chamfered nuts and diameter of washer face shall be within the limits of the maximum width across flats and 98% of the mini- mum width across fats. ‘The top of washer faced nuts shall be flat and the diameter of chamfor circle shall bbe equal to the maximum width across flats within a tolerance of ~ 15%. The length of chamfer at hex comers shall e from 5% to 15% of the basic thread diameter. The surface of chamfer may be slightly convex or rounded. Bearing surface shall be flat and perpendicular to the axis of the threaded hole é within the specified FIM fimit. 10 SQUARE AND HEX NUTS {INCH SERIES) ASMEJANSI 818,2.2-1987 7 " ~affe-0.016 in. [soe TABLES DIMENSIONS OF HEX THICK NUTS. 7 «| w noi of rang Face FM Sec Pro Lond pe | 180000 Nominal Size ‘Width Across Width Across 180,000 psi and e r3 oy cess oa | Ga bas or Dm. red vex. | [ese [wee [mm ee % 02800 | te | ase | onze | oss | oa | m | ozs [az | om | ovo 05128 | ik | O00 | ease | osr7 | oser | tu | ose 0300} oot | Sor x 05760 | se | Gee | eer | Osco | onze | ve |oans josse | Ooi | sors 04376 | i | O96 | crs | Oven | O98 | mu joes [Gees | O01 | S013 % 05009) % |oro|o730 | e296 j oso | iw |osr|oss2| aoe | oor ts 8025 | | Gare | oer | tore | oma | eu | sar [esas | Som | ors wt Gez60 | in | cae | az2 | 1.000 | ast | as [ovat fosoe | oo | Sore % —ansc0 | rn” | S36 | Saas | 1-28 | 1280 | ne [oaer | ozse | oes | Sore % 08980 | ttm | 13ta | 1360 | Hate | tear | ae | osze | oa | oom | core +000 1450 | 1732 | sos} 1 | ror |osse | coer | ooze eee Ua5s | ¥te | tase | tae | He | 36 | oso | Sas th 13800 tana | bios | gone | tie | save | raze | oss | oes te 3e00 tose | 2382 | 22r | te | 4300 [1380 | ose | Oost Ms 1ee0 29 | 200 | 2420 | tm | tse | tare| cose | oe ce se, 1 2 2 ‘For additional requirements refer to Notes on p. 12 and General Date on pp. t and 2.) u ASME/ANS! 818.2.2-1987 ‘SQUARE AND HEX NUTS (INCH SERIES) TABLE 5 (CONT‘D) @ GENERAL NOTES: {a} True Position of Tapped Hole. The axis of tapped hole shall be located at rue position \with respect to the axis of nut body within a tolerance zone having a diameter equiva- lent to 4% of the maximum width across flats, regardless of feature size. (b) Countersink. Tapped hole shall be countersunk on the bearing face or faces. Themax- imum countersink diameter shall be the thread basic (nominal) major diameter plus 0,030 in. for % in, nominal size nuts and smaller, and 1.08 times the basic major diameter for nuts larger than in. No part of the threaded portion shall project be- yond the bearing surface. {c) Threads. Threads shail be unified coarse, fino, or 8 thread series (UNC, UNF or 8 UN series), Class 28. (0) Material, Uniess otherwise specified, chemical and mechanical properties of steel ¢ futs shall conform with Grade A of ASTM A 563, Carbon and Alloy Stee! Nuts; or Grade 2 of SAE J995, Mechanical and Material Requirements for Stee! Nuts, Nuts of ‘other materials such #s corrosion resistant {stainless} steel, brass, bronze, and alumi- ‘num alloys shall have properties as agreed upon between the manufacturer and pur- ‘chaser. The properties for nuts of several grades of corrosion resistant steel alloys are ‘covered in ASTM F 894, and of several nonferrous materials in ASTM F 467. NOTES: (1) Width Across Flats. Maximum width across flats shall not be exceeded (see excep- tion in General Data). No transverse section through the nut between 25% and 75% of the actual nut thickness as measured from the bearing surface shall be less than ‘the minimum width across flats. For milled-from-bar nuts, see statement in General Data pertaining to the nominal bar size to be used. (2) Comer Fl, & rounding o lak o lat unetion of hex comers with chamfer hal be e permissible provided the width actoss comers is win apecttealinits st an Deyond 2 datance equal to 17.5% of the basic tend elameter from th chamfered faces. (3) Tops anc Bearing Surfaces of Nuts. Nuts in sizes “ein. nominal size and smaller shall bbe double chamfered. Larger size nuts shall be double chamfarad or have washer faced bearing surface and chamfered top. The diameter of chamfer circle on double chamfered nuts and diameter of wesher face shall be within the limits ofthe maximum width across flats and 95% of the min- ‘rum width across fats. ‘The tops of washer faced nuts shell be Fat and the diameter of chamfer circle shall be equalto the maximum width across fats within a tolerance of ~ 15%. The length ‘of chamfer at hex comers shallbe from 5% to 15% of the basic thread diameter. The surtace of chamfer may be slightly convex or rounded Bearing surfaces shall be flat and perpendicular to the axis of the threaded hole within the FIM limits specified for the respective strength level. 2 ASMEVANS! B18.2.2-1987 ‘SQUARE AND HEX NUTS (INCH SERIES) Fe pue 4 dd wo 12g joven pus p4 °d vo se1oy 0} 12/0) swowsennbes ouo;ppe Jo) : ¢ ¢ \ seco | wo ] sro | vor | aon cet | us | cove ave soe | ico | oro | geo | tot seri | ta | cree vee too | ico | oro | Seo | seo wet | ut | sone Be ceo | wo | ero | oo | seo avs | si | soe teot foe | we | oo | ore | seo stot | “| same or seco | sro | wo | v0 | soo zea | sie | use ert | niet coo veo | fo | igo : 1209 wo | ero | iso eve ao | tro | tre ioe so | ore | ero ao | zo | avo | exo | sco tie | te | So | ue | ero isa | boo | ero | tro | seo sioo | too | oro | aro | ovo cw | ww [ow | ow | ow es ome sone mins | so. roewon Sates n wena = i - e eo Se ASME/ANS! 818.2.2-1987 TABLE 6 (CONT'D) GENERAL NOTES: {a} Unification. Bold type indicates products unified dimensionally with British and Cana- ddian standards. Unification of fine thread products is limited to sizes 1 in. and und (b} True Position of Tapped Hole. The axis of tapped hole shall be located at true position with respect to the axis of nut bedy within a tolerance zone having a diameter equiva lent to 4% of the maximum width across tlats, regardless of feature size. ec} Countersink. Tapped hole shall be countersunk on the bearing face. The maximum ‘countersink diameter shallbe the thread basic (nominal) major diameter plus 0.030in. for Ye in. nominal size nuts and smalier, and 1.08 times the basic major diameter for ruts larger than 3 in. No part of the threaded portion shall project beyond the bearing surface, ‘Threads. Threads shall be unified coarse, fi series), Class 2B. (e) Material. Unless otherwise specified, chemical and machanical properties of stee! ‘huts shall conform with Grade A of ASTM A 563, Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts; of Grade 2 of SAE J995, Mechanical and Material Requirements for Steel Nuts. Nuts of other materials such as corrosion resistant (stainless) steel, brass, bronze, and alumi: ‘num alloys shall have properties as agreed upon between the manufacturer and pur- chaser. The properties for nuts of several grades of corrosion resistant steel alloys are covered in ASTM F 594, and of several nonferrous materials in ASTM F 467. ic) fr 8 thread series (UNC, UNF or 8 UN Notes: (1) Width Across Flats. Maximum width across flats shall not be exceeded (see excep- tion in General Data). No transverse section through the nut between 25% and 75% of the actual nut thickness as measured from the bearing surface shall be less than ‘the minimum width across flats. For milled-from-bar nuts, see statement in General Data pertaining to the nominal bar size to be used. (2) Comer Fill. A rounding or lack of fill at junction of hex corners with chamfer shall be permissible provided the width across comersis within specified limits at and beyond a distance equal to 17.5% of the basic thread diameter from the chamfered faces. (3) Slots. Slots shall be normal to nut flats. Contour of bottom of slots shall be at manu: facturer's option. Requirements for gaging slots are in Appendix |. (8) Tops and Bearing Surfaces of Nuts. Nuts in sizes Se in. nominal size and smaller shall bbe double chamfered. Larger size ruts shall be double chamfered or have washer faced bearing surtace and chamfered top. ‘The diameter of chamfer circle on double chamfered nuts and diameter of washer face shallbe within the limits of the maximum width across flats and 95% of the mini- mum width across flats. ‘The top of washer faced nuts shail be fiat and the diameter of chamfer circle shall ‘be equal to the maximum width across flats within a tolerance of ~ 15%. The length of chamfer at hex corners shall be from 5% to 18% of the basic thread diameter. The surface of chamfer may be slightly convex or rounded. Bearing surface shall be flat and perpendicular to the axis of the threaded hole within the FIM limits specified for the respective strength lev 4 ‘SQUARE AND HEX NUTS (INCH SERIES) SQUARE AND HEX NUTS (INCH SERIES) ASMEANS! 818.2.2-1987 aa Gf ment) mae U ie OQ tome ae Optionst ‘TABLE 7 DIMENSIONS OF HEAVY SQUARE NUTS. F ] 6 4 e Nomina Se wa Ao Wie Acoos " ha Comers Tete Bate Major Ot ctTineed es ~~ oaseo | | 0800 | ose | ovr | omao ozs | 0216 te ois | tu | osez | ones | ores | 070 | oy | oam | oso 370 | tie | ose | eo | 0073 | ogee | x | nm | oon te ass | x" | 0760 | ozs | tooo | osm | te | ose | esos 000 | 1% | oar | oso | r2ar | a1ar |» | osm | ons ve arse | ve | Yoee | tom | 180s | tee | a | oer | Oser pa wm —o7500 | im | aso | Vai | tee | tase | om | os | on Pe oar | tm] ase | t3se | zoss | vee | OM | Oger | Sas e 1 r9000 fm | s25 | ss | 2208 | 2aze | 4 102 | o9se 1 1.1250 Whe 1.812 | 1.756 2.563 2381 | 1% 1.185 1.073 13600 | 2 Zoo | san | 2x8 | 2ecr | im | tae | tor he 3980 | ne | zie | atte | Soo | Zam | tm | tao | tate ve vso00 | 2m | 2398 | F200 | asses | atze | i | usa | 143s cee Note 7m (For additional cequrements reler to Motes on p. 16 and General Data on pp. 1 and 2.) ASMEJANS! B18.2.2-1987 SQUARE AND HEX NUTS {INCH SERIES) TABLE 7 {CONT’D) cenenas nores (SFoost ts, Top tus shah ft and chafetedor washer rowne, ameter otincchofr eshte guts moinum withers as hin aT Snowe SE. The eutcn of char ay Ee sigh conve nde 1 Bering Sutece: earings sol be rer tthe ae of he ace ota stoloarcool Seg or tin nortnalonentuanaomaer and 2a, nossagr hon le TuePetionot Taped le. Te mot epea hole all lete atta postion wihraepoat athe cot boy winston foe having arate ea into 10% of te movin wks an ft repels ete see ta Trends, hand hl ben conte reas srs UNC sere), Cass 28 (6 Materia. Unis eerie eps, enarcel an machancl properties of tn © puts conf win rae not ASTW ASD, Coton on Aly Sta! Nuts. Ne Crater mater ech conan etre trina bore ona tu soye shal tave propane o peed oon eee he martes! sc purus The routes ernst svralgagertcaeson existent loys Scored ASTIN? 50, and of scr rtroua metre m ASTM F487 , NOTE: (1) Width Across Flats. Maximum width across flats shall not be exceeded (see excep- tion in General Date). No traneverse section through the nut between 25% and 75% of the actual nut thickness as measured from the bearing surface shall be less than the minimum width across flats. ‘SQUARE AND HEX NUTS (INCH SERIES} ‘ASMEVANSI818.2.2-1987 ri a ce y TABLE 8 DIMENSIONS OF HEAVY HEX FLAT NUTS AND HEAVY HEX FLAT JAM NUTS e | @ 4 m ‘Nominal Size Width Across Width Across. Thickness | Thickness or Flats Comers | Heavy Hex Fiat Nuts | Heavy Her Flat Jam Nuts Basic Major Diam - @ of Thread Besic | Max. | Min. | max. | Min. | Batic | Max. Basic | Max. | Min Whe 1.1280 | 46 | 1.812 | 1.766 | 2.093 | 2.002 | 1% | 1.155 te | 0.655 | 0.879 1% 4.2800 | 2 | 2.000 | 1.938 | 2.209 | 2209 | 1% | 1.282 % | 0.782 | 0.687 1% 1.3750 | 2h | 2.188 | 2.119 | 2526 | 2416 | 1% | 1.409 te | gas | 0.747 1% 1.8000 | 2% | 2.375 | 2300 2742 | 2622 | 1 | 1.536 ww | 0911 | 0808 Yh 47800 | 2% | 2.780 | 2662 | 3.178 | 2.035 | vm | 1.790 1 | 1.040 | 0.929 2 2.0000 | 3% | 3.125 | 3.025 | 308 | 3.449 | 2 2.084 We | 1.169 | 1.050 21 2.2500 | 2% | 3.800 | 3.388 | 4.041 | 3.62 | 2% | 2298 ve | 1298 | 1.185 2 25000 | 3% | 3875 | 3.750 | 447 | 2275 | 2a | 2.552 1% | 11582 } 11401 te | eat | 1.522 2% 2.7800 | 4% | 4.250 | 4.112 | 4.907 | 4.688 | 2% | 2.806 ey 3, 20000 | ae | soas | wars | saco | 02] | 3000 | 2080 | 1m | sto | soe &J 3% 32800 | 5" | S000 | eins | S77 | Sats | 3m | sara | size | rm | usae | 900 3s $5000 | Sw | Sa7s | 8.200 | e2or | saze | a0 | sass | aar0 | 2” | zoss | tao @ = 3Fet0 | SS S3g0 | Sasa | Seao | set | sx | Seer | Save | du | 2497 | vaso °° soo00 | eh | eas | sas | Fora | eee | 4 | are | saee | an | taze | 2017 coo Notes Hf = (For additional requirements refer to Notes on p. 18 and General Dats on pp. 1 and 2.) ASME/ANS| 818.2.2-1987 SQUARE AND HEX NUTS (INCH SERIES) ‘TABLE 8 (CONT'D) © GENERAL NOTES: (2) Unification. Bold type indicates products unified dimensionally with British and Cana- dian standards. (b) Smaller Sizes. For sizes ‘6 in. through 1 in., the nuts specified in Table 9 are recom- mended, (c} Tops of Nuts. Tops of nuts shall be flat and chamfered. Diameter of the chamfer circle shall be equal to the maximum width across flats within @ tolerance of = 15%. The length of chamfer at hex comers shall be from 5% to 15% of the basic thread diame- ter. The surface of chamfer may be slightly convex or rounde (a) Bearing Surface. Bearing surface shall be flat and perpendicular to the axis of the ‘threaded hole within a tolerance of 2 deg. to) True Poston of Tappa Hse, Theos tapped oe alle oat ue poston © writreopst ttm ts ofratbody win aturance one hewng emer a lent to 4% of the maximum width across flats for 1 in. nominal size nuts or smaller 1 ‘and 6% of the maximum width across flats for nuts larger than 1'2 in., regardless of rene ( Toeads, Threads sl eu couse ed seis UNC srs, lass 2 , (@) Mal Uses otervte eee, chemical and mechani popes of ta ruts shieoform wth Gage A of AST A 56D Caton ons Aly Ste Nut ate Stotner matress as coonioreastar tna se bas, bonc, sha inna afloyr anal have epee a aare upon betwee he marufoctur and purchase The ropa fo hot svt grad of eooson estate als Ee cored ASTM 89, an of evra Nofenousmetensin ASTM 47. NOTES: ® (1) Width Across Flats. Maximum width across flats shall not be exceeded (see excep- tion in Genoral Data). No transverse section through the nut between 25% and 75% of the actual nut thickness as measured from the bearing surface shall be less than ‘the minimum width across flats. For milled-from-bar nuts, see statement in General Data pertaining to the nominal bar size to be used. (2) Corner Fill, A rounding or lack of fill at junction of hex corners with chamfer shall be permissible provided the width across corners i within specified limits at and beyond a distance equal to 17.5% of the basic thread diameter from the chamfered face. ~ SQUARE AND HEX NUTS (INCH SERIES) ASME/ANSI 818.2.2-1987 (Tabie 9 begins on following page.) ASME/ANS! 618.2.2-1987 SQUARE AND HEX NUTS {INCH SERIES) TABLE 9 ASME/ANS| 818,2.2-1987 SQUARE AND HEX NUTS (INCH SERIES) (2 pure 1 de wo eve es9Ua9 pue 22d U0 Se10y 0} 29/2) siuaurannbas euoNyppe 104) t “oro ovo zove | roe saz'a | ezo'e | sees | szv'o | yo | oo00% coro oor, sive | ose tera | ova’ | zea | oses | ue | oosce ¥60°0 ¥600 oxe'e | 90s 8ze's | coz'a | o0z's | ses | xe | coos. £800 1800 veve | sve sigs | ves | acer | ooo | s | oosze 1200 1800 eee | crore zor's | ove's | sev | szor| se | 000% 400 100 ze0'2 | Saez seo | cosy | zie | osze | xy | oogcz e900 8900 tov'e | 905° sez'v | vev'y | ose | seer | ue | 00s 1200 1900 ssi | use zoe | ivory o0sz'z ss0°0 sso°0 szet | coz eves | 00° ‘00002 1300 1s00 zo8't | 990't zee'e | zeee ose er00 B00 seo | eset seoe | sce 0a" ve00 veo0 ase | zeae aca'z | sae oszo't 1700 100. eer't | sos't zeae | tee 0008" ec00 8200 oue't | aze't awe | 9zs:z osce't seo0 Stoo eae | use 60z'z | s0e'z o0sz"t eeo0 e600 co"! | Bett zoo | e607 oszi't te0°0 100 9s6'0 | zit sexi | eet .0000'1 6200 6200 eso | e880 885't | o9o't osceo 200 4200 owo | asco zee’ | cpp" oosz'o 3200 sco Leo seu | ezz oszao »z00 #200 A990 G01 | £80 sz9s0 £200 £200 p0a'0 6060 | o10"t 0003'0 z20°0 2200 tyro cee | 9080 susv0 1200 i200. tee | cce"0 e9c0 | vero oseeo oz00 ooo o8z'0 | vie" zza0 | aso szie0 “100 z100 ize | osz'0 paso | cso 00870 ‘ow | ew uw | xen peows jo ieee, “wera sof 21688 sa InN wep XH AACOH ‘any 20H Aner ‘sieusog, 1° 00's seu SEOUL sony PIN ozs euwon onda san wep xy Ancou | sin x0H AneoH Wis e284 Suyeog jo snouny iW ” ° 4 ‘SLON WYP XGH AAWAH GNW SLNN X3H AAV3H JO SNOISNSWIG 6 379VL aN ASME/ANSI B18.2.2-1987 ‘SQUARE AND HEX NUTS {INCH SERIES! TABLE 8 (conr°) © GENERAL NOTES: {a} Unification. Bold type indicates products unified dimensionally with British and Cane- ian standards. Unification of fine thread products is imited to sizes 1 in. and under. (b) True Position of Tapped Hole. The axis of tapped hole shall be located at true position with respect to the axis of nut body withina tolerance zone having a diameter equive- lent to 4% of the maximum width across flats for 1 ein, nominal size nuts or smaller, ‘and 6% of the maximum with across fats for nuts larger than 1} in., regardless of feature size. (c) Countersink. Tapped hole shall be countersunk on the bearing face or faces. Them: imum countersink diameter shall be the thread basic inominal) major diameter plus 0.030 in, for 4 in. nominal size nuts and smaller, and 1.08 times the basic major diameter for nuts farger than 2e in, No part of the threaded portion shall project be- © yond the bearing surface. Thveads. Threads shall be unified coarse. fine, or 8 thread series (UNC, UNF or 8 UN series}, Clase 2B. Unless othorwise specitied, coarse thread series shail be furnished. ‘a le) Material. Unless otherwise specified, chemical and mechanical properties of steel ruts shall conform with Grade & of ASTM A 563, Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts; or 5 Grade 2 of SAE J995, Mechanical and Material Requirements for Stee! Nuts. Nuts of 7 ‘other materials Such as corrosion resistant (stainless) steel, brass, bronze, and alumi- ‘num alloys shall have properties as agreed upon between the manufacturer and pur- ‘chaser. The properties for nuts of several grades of corrosion resistant stee! alloys are ‘covered in ASTM F 584, and of several nonferrous materials in the ASTM F 467. Notes: (1) Width Across Flats. Maximum width across flats shall nat be exceeded {see excep- ton in General Data). No transverse action through the nut between 25% and 75% of the actual nut thickness as measured from the bearing surface shall be less than the ‘minimum width across flats. For milled-from-bar nuts, see statement in General Date pertzining to the nominal bar size to be used. (2) Corner Fil. A rounding or lack of fil at junction of hex corners with chamfer shall be permissible provided the width across corners. within specified limits at and beyond ‘a distance equal to 17.5% of the basic thread diameter from the chamfered feces. (3) Tops and Bearing Surfaces of Nuts. Nutsin sizes “hein. nominal size and smaller shall be double chamfered. Larger size nuts shall be double chamfered or have wesher faced bearing surface and chamfered top. ‘The diameter of chamfer circle on double chamfered nuts and diameter of washer face shall be within the limits of the maximum width across flats and 95% of the mini- mum width across flats. The tops of washer faced nuts shall be flat and the diameter of chamfer circle shall bbe equal to the maximum with across flats within a tolerance of ~ 15%. The length of chamfer at hex corners shall be from 5% to 15% of the basic thread diameter. The surface of chamfer may be slightly convex or rounded. Bearing eurfaces shall be flat and, unless otherwise specified, shall be perpendicu- Jar to the axis of the threeded hole within the FIM limits tabulated for the respective nut size, type, and strength level. Where purchaser specities close runout of bearing face style heavy hex or heavy hex jam nuts in nominal sizes 2 in. through 4 in., nuts. shall be $0 processed as to have a maximum be runout of 0.010 in. FIM. SQUARE AND HEX NUTS (INCH SERIES) ‘ASMEZANSI B18.2.2-1987 e (Table 10 begins on following page.) 2 ASMEJANSI 818.2.2.1987 TABLE 10 SQUARE AND HEX NUTS (INCH SERIES! ° ASMEVANSI B18.2.2-1887 [SQUARE AND HEX NUTS (INCH SERIES) juowszibos euonyppe seg) » e e z 1 ro | coo | wo | ave | ace | cove ace | exo seve zao | wo | ose | coz | oto twee | ooo ose's zo | wo | soz | zez | oe ares | cove Les woo | zo | ico | wwe | ez | vere sigs | cc's 9000's woo | evo | wo | az | eee | eeez zor's | ove's sz vcoo | avo | 90 | esi | soz | cvaz waar | 06 osz'y a9 | ago | ao | ver | ser | Love secy | vive ee tooo | evo | zvo | zou | cou | asez zose | vor o0s't sso | evo | cso | ger | evr | szee sree | 00" sve avoo | evo | zso | oct | vet | ecot seoe | sete ose, too | ceo | oro | tor | sor | cept zeoz | eve set ecoo | 1eo | ovo | seo | seo | oe sz | ses aBtz seoo | ico | ovo | evo | 980 | cove soz | sore 007 reoo | veo | exo | seo | aco | scov zooz | e607 zsh teoo | ezo | oso | evo | zeo | ose0 eet | cet ‘azo szoo | avo | zo | 690 | zoo | cea east | 99 ev woo | avo | wo | cro | ovo | aco zee: | epee az szoo | avo | wo | seo | ovo | caso seve | eet 2901 veoo | sro | ero | seo | ceo | ara zeot | eeot reo zoo | avo | avo | zeo | veo | van0 6960 | o1o1 sce zoo | zvo | so | 920 | azo | eovo oreo | o9eo 0500 too | v0 zo | vo | wweo coo | v6e0 999°0 ozoo | vo | zo } ero | izo | oazo zo | oso0 2090 zoo | zoo | ovo | evo | sro | aizo eso | ces0 003° new [own | xm | ow ow oo ar ors ‘seou nL ‘100109 oan soup penopun ‘sso. MIPIM ro1oy PIM s 4 2 4 SAN G3LLO1S X3H AAV3H JO SNOISNAWIG OL 31GVL 2 AGMEIANS! B18.2.2-1987 TABLE 10 (CONT'D) GENERAL NOTES: (a) Unification. Bold type indicates products unified dimensionally with British and Cana- dian standards. Unification of fine thread products is limited to sizes 1 in. and under. (0) True Position of Tapped Hole. The axis of tapped hole shall be located at true position with respect to the axis of nut body within a tolerance zone having a diameter equiva- lent to 4% of the maximum wiath actoss flats for 1'h in. nominal size nuts or smaller and 6% of the maximum width across fiate for nuts larger than 1} in, regardless of featu (} Countersink. Tapped hole shall be countersunk on the bearing face, The maximum ‘countersink diameter shall be the thread basic (nominal) major diameter plus 0.030 in. for %e in. nominal size nuts and smaller, and 1.08 times the basic major diameter for puts larger than 4 in, No part of the threaded portion shall project beyond the bearing surface (4) Threads. Threads shall be unified coarse, fine, or 8 thread series (UNC, UNF or 8 UN series), Class 2B. Unless otherwise specified, coarse thread series shall be furnished. (e} Material. Uniess otherwise specified, chemical and mechanical properties of steel ruts shall conform with Grade A of ASTM A 563, Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts; of Grade 2 of SAE J995, Mechanical and Material Requirements for Stee! Nuts. Nuts of ‘other materials such as corrosion resistant (stainless) steel, brass, bronze, and alumi- ‘um alloys shall have properties as agreed upon between the manufacturer and pur- chaser. The properties for nuts of several grades of corrosion resistant steel alloys are covered in ASTM F 594, and of several nonferrous materials in ASTM F 467. NoTEs: (1) Width Across Flats. Maximum width across flats shall not be exceeded (see excep- tionin General Data}. No trensverse section through the nut between 25% and 75% ‘of the actual nut thickness as measured from the bearing surtace shall be less than ‘the minimum width across flats. For milled-from-bar nuts, see statement in General Data pertaining to the nominal bar size to be used, (2) Comer Fill. A rounding or fack of fil at junction of hex corners with chamfer shall be permissible provided the width across corners is within specified limits at and beyond ‘ distance equal to 17.5% of the basic thread diameter from the chamfered faces, (3) Slots. Slots shall be normal to nut flats. Contour of bottom of slots shall be at manu- facturer’s option. Requirements for gaging slots are in Appendix | (4) Tops and Bearing Surfaces of Nuts. Nuts n sizes “hein, nominal size and smaller shall be double chamfered. Larger size nuts shall be double chamfered or have washer faced bearing surface and chamfered top. ‘The diameter of chamfer circle on double chamfered nuts and diameter of washer ‘face shall be within the limits of the maximum width across flats and 95% of the mini- mur width across flats, ‘The top of washer faced nuts shall be flet ang the diameter of chamfer circle shall ‘be equel to the maximum width across flats within a tolerance of ~ 15%. The length cof chamfer at hex corners shall be from 5% to 15% of the basic thread diameter. The surface of chamfer may be slightly convex or rounded. Bearing surface shall be flat and perpendicular to the axis of the threaded hole within the FIM limits specified for the respective strength level. 6 SQUARE AND HEX NUTS |INCH SERIES) APPENDIX | SLOT GAGES AND GAGING FOR SLOTTED NUTS (This Appendix is not part of ASMEJANS! 818.2.2-1987, ands included for information purposes ony.) ‘The gages specified below shall be used to determine the acceptability of the alignment and bottom con- tours of the slots in slotted nuts in accordance with the following procedure. The gaging for slot alignment provides for equal variations in the location of the cotter pin hole in the bolt and the location of the slots in the nut To inspect the nut, the slotted end of the gage shall be inserted through the threaded hole from the bear- ing surface of the nut. The gage pin shall then be in- serted into both the gage slot and the nut slots through three adjacent faces of the nut, consecutively. Slot Contour beyond thie face optional ———t- ole E ttote tor avecring alignment shall be considered satisfactory if the gage pin fits into the slots without interference at all three aging positions. The bottom contour shall be accept- able if the gage pin contacts the bottom surfaces of op- posite slots during the alignment gaging at all three Positions. Some deviations from the specified gage plug diameters D may be necessary to compensate for vari- ations in the nut thread minor diameter duc to differ- ‘ences in manufacturing practices. To insure adequate service life, gages and gage pins shall be suitably hardened. Pin must be round and aight for = Contour of head pin to gage. 0.058 ‘optional ne a DIMENSIONS OF SLOT GAGES AND GAGE PINS sapere et =o esl iPe =v el ea ay | et ast ee ea er om oe eceeat tase amet aoe are loe fess eon steep | sf Se | ntea | ete [we [ste [fc Basic Major Diam. +0.000 | +0.000 40.002 | +0.000 | ine nee MA UE) ee eens | ana | e Srna 7 DIMENSIONS OF SLOT GAGES AND GAGE PINS (CONT'D) a De Le [omen [oe fe pe] ave Ph een cage | cage | age coge | cage use ; win | rey | rece | conve | emo | mor | me Nominal Size Length Length | Diameter | Thread | Thread | Diameter | Width | Dismeter Length Base or ia, 0.000 | +o.000 voand | +0.00 ‘iit | a, | mex | atm | 20001 | “oot | soos | Toes | Teams | mi % ozaco | oars | o2oo | ozs | oar | ose | o4ca | ans | ove | sae K. Glee | Sarr | 2383 | S53 | Sees | Stee | Sieh | ones | ete W GH | Se | 88a | Goer | Ste | ses | Sse | ws | ens | tse i G5ee | Seer | ods | case | ose | cess | cen | ene | ore | 1s e % 0.8780 | 0922 | 0.480 | 1.109 | 0755 | 0.79¢ | 0.740 | 0.175 | 0.175 | 1.94 1.0000 | 1.018 | 0850 | 1.280 | 0865 | o910 | 0850 | 0235 | 0235 | 212 41250 | 1176 | 0.600 | 1.408 | 0970 | 1.035 | 0.955 | 0235 | 0295 | 231 12800 | 1.272 | 0660 | 1.562 | 1.095 | 1.160 | 1.080 | 0.305 | 0.306 | 250 we 1.3780 | 1.399 | 0.770 | 1.718 | 1105 | 1.205 | 1.180 | 0.908 | 0.005 | 209 ) Me 15000} jae | oe | taze | azo | rato | Yao | Gass | oaes | 208 ie 17800 | ize | Seo | asae | ssee tere | cess age | aan 2" 2000 | 202 | tam | ase0 | 1759 tse | cas oaze | 262 zh 22800) 2281 | 161 | asie | 2009 rece | cvs oss | 400 2h 28000 | 280s | 1700 | Stas | 2208 dae | Osa oss | ase zi 29800 | 2780 | 1280 | ease | 2470 | baer | Oats | aces | 75 5" 30000 | Sora | 2400 | a7 | 2729 jane | bei | cers | 52 e su 3.500 | szsz | 2400 | 062 | 2078 asee | osis | oss | 550 br 28000 | 606 | eto | aor | S20 aave | osts | osis | See bs 37800 | are | 2800 | tec | Save gace | sts | Osis | 625 2 Xeeee | Sore | S440 | Sooo | S720 gina | oats | esis | see nore (9) Diameters tabulated are equivalent to the minimum minor diameters of Class 28 threads. If che nuts are not threaded with unified ‘coarse [UNC] orfine (UNF! threads, the diameter of gage chal be the same as the ciameter of the GO thread plug gagefor the bore. APPENDIX Ii FORMULAS FOR NUT DIMENSIONS (This Appendix is not port of ASMEVANSI B18,2.2-1987, and is included for information purposes only.) (Table begins on following page.) 000" =H aso] sevo+ coosi =a] vate von oroo, Uvavece r= gum | elaeu, 000" =H aosn0 | sevo+ cost =a | aiutnoanm | sienmg Anon coor asioo | omriees oH aoase| anor =a | aa wtromne uunises * 9-0 cocos asta] ewes =H | 9000+ a8100 aoorr=a | wwconneg | een pe osm eart 0H ere ‘oun soo asi | amiss =H | e000" asi00 | zac%+ oo08 Z10'0+ GaLo'e | rEDO+ g00s'0 =H goso'o. ~ @o0s yc YBN. yt EH « p-un | 2100" a0100 | oor o00so =A 0500 aos = + 97H eoor asi00 | awieess | 6000+ 08 aon =| aa £00°0+ as10'0 sigeLees= A | 9000+ O51 290°0+ Goos" | cioor enigo | 1600 seo =H cov 008 Gum rio | 2100" aa00 | s100- o8e0 =H aoa 00s ae wm Eset = 9H Fog os as100 asueo =n | oor a8i00 2008 vont cao" aaioe aise =H| sor ani00 | 200% a008 Sew viv zo ww | z10er ano] ser0+ aoore=w| _—_aoavo oer a yO LeStL = 9 xe Z10'0+ G9LO'0 | 290°0+ Go0s'0 = H 0090'0. gooa'l = wigs 2100+ a9100 osivo-# aoso0 oor =a veuon oroo- uw ese = 9-uw |_2!00* 9100 osteo = aoao | ane = 4 aS jy Sentzvirt =2>4N | ieer anioo as00-# qoane | 2500+ aon =F sur (enuyyy 20 ory) U2) ON e enum) Beet on odALI9N ‘ome! one om ee TI ae ST WW xtaNadav Jo ssouyaRn wnwtva 2 spuod9s-Aay) 01 Jenba si SsouyoM wn edn parsnip ‘s0w00 ss0.0e wiptM = 9 ye Jo ssauyox) wnwavas 01 jenba sSsoUy2KA LUNI YY! OF ParENipE BaUeLO{OR anLYA “AKO eOUEDOION sma. (F) =o uN 27eN, z100+ ast00 | Be1'0+ Gooso = aos070 | sz¥0+ cost = 4] vy uBnomn me z100+ asio0 | eoz'0+ Gogo =H aos0%0 | scr aoost=4| — € aBnomn ae. zi00+ gs100 | azo0+ Goose = aoaora | sz¥0+ gous = ¥ we Z190* dgi00 | v600+ Goos0 =H aos'o | szvo+ goost = 4] zuBnoan 1 Zt0@* aso | z¥0|0* Gooso = aos07o | Sz1'0* Gost = 4 Mt UBnow = o-aw z10'°0+ asio'o | ze0°0- go001 =H z10°0+ asic | Z¥0'0- goo =H ‘aos0'0 | sz1'0* gous = ¥ yubnona 718 g0s0'0 | sz1'0* coos! = ¥ Penois x6 ‘AneoH puE oxen | z100+ g9i0% | 1800 Goo! = ‘aoso'o | 710+ aoos't = 4 par ening 100% a910°0 | 910°0- ao00' =H ‘goso'o | sz1'0+ Goos't = 4 08z'0* ao0s'o = ¥ 0800 | 9210+ goos't = 4 ee oN wor wig wren cvs = 9 xen | 2100+ Gato | sz1'0+ Goos'o = ¥ goso'o | szt'0+ goos't = 4 oy Ase sien) 2100+ asio0 | 2900+ aoosa = ¥ goso'o | sz1'0+ aoos't = 4 ‘sry (sou 20 sm OND eg dh an soUEI0L a ‘i0M09 6S000y UIPIMA sewn HN suey e501 WPI 31 e APPENDIX tI WRENCH OPENINGS APPLICABLE TO SQUARE AND HEX NUTS Chis Append isnot part of ASME/ANSI B18.2.2-1987, and is included for information purposes only.) wate] e weltam, | soy Su te epee, a wetim, | mt he ene | casei jesse tL ase eee nee Square ‘Hox Thick, Heavy Hex Jem, - Runs | TESS | wensoneies | Rn” | aries | sey or Sorc oH (Maximum) Width | and Jaws ae ‘Aeros Fats | of Wrench Tat. | Tne” | RECS | a, joan) as Henin toe te 0.4375 | 0.003 | 9440 0.008 | 0.446 Me Ye we Sito) Beet | Sess | $888 | este 4 x Ye 0.5625 | 0.004 | 0.566 | 0.007 | 0.573 | she Ye ts e x" 97800 | b.008 | ores | cco | 0263 | ie * me S088) S808. | Sate | Se [case | it vex esa75| o0s | asss | 0000 | ooss “ ts SERS) $88. | Saoe | ee | srs | tie 1882 | SS | LEB) aes | tae ‘ POMBE) SSR [Use| soe fa | i vm 192m | goo | v2 | oor | r2se : he eae | 908 | 38ae | S8tE | $38 |i ii Br ims | ecie | E82 | Sore | 2 |i ii 33 (Teble continues on next pagel WRENCH OPENINGS APPLICABLE TO SQUARE AND HEX NUTS (CONT'D) ex Fa, e Hox Flat Jam. Heavy Square, i Heavy Hex Flat, Nominal Size Heavy Hex Flt Jam, ‘of Wrench | Atlowanee Heavy Hex, (Note (10) Borw ‘Square Hex Thick, Heavy Hex Jam, Also Basie | Nut Flats Wrench Openings ‘wut’ | Hex Thick Slotted | Heavy Hex Sioted (Maximum With | and Jaws ‘Aeross Fats | of Wranch Tol of Nuts [Note (21) | Min. |tNote(2))| Mex. Nominal Nut Sizes 3% 3.1280] 0.017 | 3.242 | 0.020 | 3.162 2 3% 35000] 0.019 | 3518 | 0.022 | 3.540 2 3% —-3.8780| 0.020 | 3.898 | 0023 | 3.918 2 4% 42500} 0.022 | 4.272 | 0.025 | 4.297 Pie 4 4.8250| 0.024 | 4.649 | 0.027 | 4.676 5 5.0000} 0.026 | 6.026 | 0.029 | 5.055, 5% 6.3780 | 0.028 | 5.403 | 0031 | S434 5% 5.7800} 0.030 | 6.780 | 0.033 | s.a13 6% 6.1280] 0.032 | 6.187 | 0.035 | 6.192 NoTes: (1) Wrenches are normaly marked withthe “Nominal Size of Wrench" which corresponds to the basic (maximum, in mast cases) width across flats dimension of the respective nut, For specific requiremante apolicable to wrenches, referto the appropiate ANS! B107 document which covers the particular wrench ‘ype (2) Allowance (minimum clearance] between maximum width across flats ofthe nut and jaws of wrench equals (0.005W + 0.001). ‘Tolerance on wrench opening equals plus {0.005W + 0.004 trom mirimurn), where W'= cominal size of wrench 3 o te es AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS FOR BOLTS, NUTS, RIVETS, SCREWS, WASHERS, AND SIMILAR FASTENERS ‘Small Sofa Rivets Large Rivets... Metic Smal Said Rivets ‘| Square and Hex Boits and Screws — Square and Hex Nuts (inch Series}. Movie Hex Cap Serews. Mote Formed Hex Screws Mettic Heavy Hox Screws... ‘Metric Hex Flange Serews ‘Metric Hex Bats. » Metric Heavy Hex Bol, : ‘Metric Heavy Hex Structural Bolts i -Meitic Hex Lag Screws ‘Metric Heavy Hex Flange Screws ‘Metric Hex Nuts, Style. Metric Hex Nuts, Style 2 Metic Sloted Hex Nuts Matic Hex Flange Nuts Mettie Hex Jam Nuts Metric Heavy Hex Nuts. Socket Cap, Shoulder and Set Screws inch Series. Socket Head Cap Screws (Metic Series. Metric Series Hexagon Keys ant ts. Hexagon Socket Head Shoulver Serews liMevic Series) Hexagon Socket Sutton Head Cap Screws (Mic Series) Hexagon Socket Fiat Countersunk Head Cap Screws (Metric Seriesi. Metric Series Socket Set Screws ound Head Bots (inch Series) Metric Round Head Short Square feck Botts ‘Metric Round Head Sauare Neck Bolts. Wood Screws... Slotted Head Cap Screws, Square Head Set Scrows, and Siotted Headless Ser Screws «+. : ‘Machine Screws and Machine Screw Nuts | Twread Forming an Tiveue Cuting Tanning Sciews and Metalic rive Screws (inch Series). ‘Metric Thread Forming and Thread Cutting Tapping Screws ‘Matic Machine Screws ‘General Purpose Semi-Tubula Rivets, Full Tubuiar Rivets, Spt vets and Rivet Caps Metic General Purpose Seri-Tubular ivers : aie levis Pins and Cotter Pins “Taper Fins, Dowel Ps, Stig Pr, Grooved Pins. ard Sotng Pes ich Sere Plow Botts : “Track Bolts and Nuts». See Miniature Screws Glossary of Terms for Mechanical Fasteners. Screw and Washer Assemblies ~ Sams... Forged Eyebolts. ‘Mecharizal and Performance Reguirements for Prevaling-Teraue Type Steel Metic Hex Nuts and Hax Flange Nuts ‘Torque-Tension Test Requirements for Prevaling-Toraue Type ‘Steel Metric Hex Nute and Hex Flange Nuts Dimensional Requirements for Preveling-Toraue Type Stee| Metric Hex Nuts and Hex Fiange Nuts... wing Nuts, Thumb Screws, and Wing Serewe Inspection and Quality Assurance for General Purgose Fasteners specton and Quality Assuerce for Ha-Valume Machine Assembiy Inspection and Quality Assurence for Special Purpose Fasteners. Ingpecton and Quality Assurance for Festeners for Highly Specialized Engineered Applications Lock Washers ‘Meric Plain Washers Plain Washers Boveted Washers “inch Series 818.1.1-1972 (R1983) 818.1.2-1972 (R183) 518.1.3M-1983 8182.1-1981 218 2.2.1987 818.2.3.1M-1979 B18.2.3.2M.1979, B18.2.3.aM.1979, 818.2 3aniges B18.2.35M.1979, 518.2,36M.1979, BIE2.37M.1979 B12.238M-198) 818.2.3 9M-1984, 818.241.1979 818.2.4.2M-1979, 818.2.4 3M-1979, 818.244 aM1982 818.2.45M-1979 816.2.4.6M-1979 818.3.1986 318.3 1M.1986 '818.3.2M-1979 (1986) 818.33M-1986 B18 34M-1986 818.35M.1986 818.36M-1986 818.5.1978 18.5.2 11983 18.5.2 2.1982 818.6.1-1981 818.6.2-1972 (R1983) 818.6.3-1972 (R1983) 818.6.4.1981 e18.65M-1986 B18.6,7M-1985 Bi8.7-1972 (81980) 0. sie.71mge8 16.6.1-1972 (R1983) 818.8.2.1978 (R1983) 818.8-1958 (R197), B18.10-1982 816.11-1961 (R198) 16.12.1982 (R981) 816.13-1968 (81983) H 218.15-1985 B18.16.1M-1979 (R1985) 18.16.2M-1979 1R1986) 816.16.3M-1982 '818.17-1968 (81983) 818.18.2M-1987 318.16.3M-1987 B16.16.4M-1987 {eia.21.1-1972 |n1963) 818.22M-1981 1818.22:1-1965 (R198) 18.23.1-1967 1R1975) 00043

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