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Child Development 259 Practicum Self-Evaluation

Teaching Evaluation: I worked on the things that her teacher has been
working with the children within their 1st grade class. Building on what I
hear the teachers going over with them online. (Numbers, knowing the
author and title of a story book, numbers, matching quantity,
sequencing, sight words, days of the week, and months of the year and
many of the things that kindergarteners are focusing on. I believe we
been doing well and trying to keep her focused yet not feel
My focus has been to make my work with her at home, as she helps me
with my Practicum fun and engaging. The one activity that we did that
made me feel she was going to have a melt down was when she was
cutting and she couldn’t get the scissors to turn the way she wanted, I
felt her frustration, but as I calmingly talk her through it and asked if I
could help she relaxed and allowed me to help her. All and all I believe
this experience has been good and went very well. I wasn’t sure our
little place would work out as a classroom, but it turned out well. My
student was engaged, ready for fun and enjoyed each learning activity.

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