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5E Lesson Plan

Teacher(s): Maria Rodriguez

Date: 2/2/2020
Subject / grade level: Kindergarten
Candy (M & M’s, Skittles, and/or gummy bears)
Shaving cream
Small whiteboards w/ markers
State Standards:
Counting and Cardinality – K.CC
Lesson objective(s):
 Students will be able to connect numbers with quantities
 By the end of the lesson students will be able to identify “how many” of any given shape, object etc.
there are by counting
 Students will be able to write the numbers 1-20
 By the end of the lesson, students will be able to demonstrate their understanding of quantities with
groups of 20 or less objects
Differentiation/Accommodation strategies to meet diverse learner needs:
 A student with autism- Keep the classroom quiet during activities to avoid “loud sound” triggers for
the student and allow for equal opportunity of learning without distractions
 Encourage student(s) to try again if they mess up but applaud their efforts to keep their focus (a
student with autism may not take it right if you flatly state they are wrong, without helping them
understand why and give the opportunity to try again)
 Evaluate what goes good and what doesn’t go as well for the case of reporting back/communicating
with families of child
 The candy will be a part of a fun activity for students to learn how to connect numbers and quantities
 The shaving cream will be a fun activity for students to learn how to write numbers 1-20
 After the first activity student’s should ask themselves what they can count throughout their days (ex:
count how many students are in their reading groups)
 After the second activity students should ask themselves what other things they can identify w/
knowing what the numbers 1-20 look like (ex: when their parents go shopping they can identify costs
of items). They will talk to their desk neighbor about their ideas
 With the candy students will get a handful of them and count how many of each there are by counting
the numbers in the right order and assigning to each piece of candy
 The big idea of this activity is for students to understand how to make a one-to-one connection
 With the shaving cream, students will get a little bit to go on their desk to rub around and then draw
numbers with their fingers. A number will be shown on a large flashcard for kids to copy. After this
activity each student will get small whiteboards with a marker to write the number that is said aloud
by the teacher.
 The follow up white board activity will be used to ensure students understand the second big idea of
writing numbers without seeing them.
 These questions will be written on the board from the beginning to give students a “plan” of what the

5E Lesson Plan

lesson will teach

 Ask students to explain how they got to the answers of determining how many objects
 Ask students to describe what one to one is
 Ask students to think about what they can apply what they learned (about numbers) to the real world
 The term “one-to-one connection” will be introduced to students where they understand that the order
of numbers connect to each object
 The students will be able to learn how to write numbers by copying it then develop a deeper
understanding by writing numbers that are verbally stated
 Students will be able to use all the knowledge and apply it to their lives: at stores (recognizing prices
& counting how many of certain products stores have), identify numbers on packaging such as on
their toys (how many pieces come with them)
 Students will demonstrate their learning by completing a work sheet that contains images of arrays,
circles, squares; to count with their new knowledge of one to one connections, then write the number
(which they learned to do throughout the activities).

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