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Villanueva Ace Kenette M.


1. Describe Coach Carter's character in the movie.

Coach Carter is the main character of the film Coach Carter. He is a basketball coach
who coaches at Richmond High School. He has a son named Damian Carter, who formerly went
to St Francis Private School but moved to Richmond High School so that Damian could play for
Coach Carter, rather than against him. Coach Carter is not just a simple or the usual coach to the
young men, he stands also as the father of the boys.

2. Describe the job of Coach Carter and what motivates him to take it despite of some
Coach Carter job is not that easy. He is taking care of his players in such a way that they
disagreed to the contract that coach Carter want. The Principal said that Coach Carter's job is
only to be a winner in basketball games, it was that Coach Carte wants to win also to each game
but for him the most important thing to win is the future of his players. Even though he faced
discrimination or being ignored by the students and professors in a certain matter, he believes
that he can save the players in a good way and he can bring them into the right path that every
parent wants to their child.

3. Describe the Richmond players from the beginning and at the end of the movie.
Discipline. Goals. That are two word that best describe Richmond boys. The discipline in
them are not present. They have no goals in life they only want is to play and win at each
basketball game. But when Coach Carter came, their mindset changed. Despite of different
misunderstanding, Richmond boys became responsible and learn to face their goals in life. They
truly changed a lot.

4. In what ways are the players disrespectful to Coach Carter?

Players disrespected Coach Carter when he discuss the reason and the content of the
contract. It is true that they are disagree with the contract but then, they signed it for the sake of
basketball game. They signed it even though they are not interested on it.

5. What are the struggles faced by the team and how did it change their views in the
The struggles that faced by the team is when Coach Carter locked the gymnasium and
cancelled all the games because he saw the failed and incomplete grade of the players. When
there was a meeting or hearing type Carter says that if the players doesn’t able to graduate there
was a big possibility that the boys became prison or nothing and he don’t want it to happen and if
they will not agree on this, the officials doesn’t need to replaced him. He will just quit. After
that, the officials had to vote. Suddenly Coach Carter failed that’s why the official decided to let
the boys play without Coach Carter and the contract. On the other hand, while packing his
things, Coach Carter got surprised when the boys is at the gym and studying. They say that they
want to continue what Coach Carter started because they know that all of those are for the good
of them all.

6. Do you think that the contract given is fair? What are your opinions regarding this
Yes. The contact that Coach Carter given is fair because it can help the student to set
goal. It is true that you can play basketball anytime or age you wanted to but building up your
future is much important to give time and effort. Our tomorrows depends on the hard work that
we are giving and allocating to the present. Just like Coach Carter said, if we can’t deal with a
simple contract, how can we deal with a huge challenges of life?

7. Who among the characters in the movie you like the most? Whom you can relate with?
Explain your answer.

Character in the movie that I like the most is Coach Ken Carter because I was amazed by
his determination in achieving a certain goal. Despite of those issues on him, he didn’t stop to
make that happen. Meanwhile the character that I can relate onto is Mr. Tom Cruz. There’s a lot
of challenges or problems that came into my life, but I chooses to ignore and escape it. I am
afraid to deal on a certain thing that I really want to. Yes I commit mistake for some reason.
Acceptance is not present on me, but then, when I feel that I am already full, I’m seeking for
anyone’s help. Gladly, I found Coach Carter of my life who gave an open arms and hands for me
to improve my perspective in life. Now, like Mr. Cruz I’m walking into the right path.

8. What is your most favorite scene in the movie? Why?

My favorite part of the movie is when Coach Carter fight the future of his player, because
through this, the boys saw what Coach Carter wants for them. And when Coach Carter go to the
court he saw the boys continuing his mission/goal for them.
9. If you are in the shoes of Coach Carter, would you have taken the job?

Yes. Like Coach Carter I want to finish my goal despite of many obstacles in it. I
wouldn’t hesitate to take a risk to a certain thing that I believe will be worth it in the end.

10. What did you learn from the movie and how will you relate it in your chosen
course/program and in achieving your goal/s?

Everything will be possible if we are willing to take a risk for us to have a better future.
Being determine and having perseverance on a certain thing will help us to accomplish our goal.
In addition, respecting others is a must for us to be respected by them also. We as an individual
who committed some mistake, we must try to listen to them because through this we can change
our bad doings. I know it can help me a lot for my chosen career because I learned to focus on
the goal that I’m making and don’t let the problems eat us but let the problems be our motivation
for us to accomplished those.

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