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Book Title International Conference on Intelligent Data Communication Technologies and Internet of Things (ICICI)
Series Title
Chapter Title Review on IoT Based Case Study: Applications and Challenges
Copyright Year 2019
Copyright HolderName Springer Nature Switzerland AG
Corresponding Author Family Name Kulkarni
Given Name Swati
Division Department of Applied Electronics
Organization Gulbarga University
Address Gulbarga, 585106, India
Author Family Name Vani
Given Name R. M.
Division University Science Instrumentation Centre
Organization Gulbarga University
Address Gulbarga, 585106, India
Author Family Name Hunagund
Given Name P. V.
Division Department of Applied Electronics
Organization Gulbarga University
Address Gulbarga, 585106, India

Abstract Nowadays many researchers are contributing their research in the field of Internet on Things (IoT), since it
is important and attractive technology. IoT means communication between Human to Device or Device to
Device, anywhere in real time. This communication takes place with the help of different smart sensors
which are connected via internet. In the IoT infrastructure different devices can sense, analyse, transmit
and store all the data on cloud. For short distance communication medium can be RFID, ZigBee, Bluetooth
or Wi-Fi. Similarly, for long distance communication GSM, 3G and LTE nothing but 4G can be used. In
this paper we review on current state of research on IoT, a concept of few IoT applications, challenges and
future scope of IoT in detail by surveying the literature.
Keywords WSN - IoT applications - Smart home - Smart cities - Smart agriculture and smart health
(separated by '-')
Author Proof

Review on IoT Based Case Study:

Applications and Challenges

Swati Kulkarni1(&), R. M. Vani2, and P. V. Hunagund1

Department of Applied Electronics, Gulbarga University,
Gulbarga 585106, India
University Science Instrumentation Centre, Gulbarga University,
Gulbarga 585106, India

Abstract. Nowadays many researchers are contributing their research in the

field of Internet on Things (IoT), since it is important and attractive technology. AQ1
IoT means communication between Human to Device or Device to Device,
anywhere in real time. This communication takes place with the help of different
smart sensors which are connected via internet. In the IoT infrastructure different
devices can sense, analyse, transmit and store all the data on cloud. For short
distance communication medium can be RFID, ZigBee, Bluetooth or Wi-Fi.
Similarly, for long distance communication GSM, 3G and LTE nothing but 4G
can be used. In this paper we review on current state of research on IoT, a
concept of few IoT applications, challenges and future scope of IoT in detail by
surveying the literature.

Keywords: WSN  IoT applications  Smart home  Smart cities

Smart agriculture and smart health

1 Introduction

We cannot imagine our life without internet because Internet has an impact on our day
to day personal and social life, including education, business, government sectors. Now
a days Internet of things is new and promising concept because internet itself is
powerful and useful creation. IoT enabled things will provide the current status of
surrounding atmosphere or the condition of “things” and notify to the users [1].
According to Data Education for Business and IT Professionals, the IoT, as a
concept, officially announced in 1999 by Kevin Ashton, the Executive Director of
Auto-ID Labs at MIT [2].
The first application of an IoT was developed in the early 1980s. Internet was
connected to the refrigeration device which contains Coca-Cola, placed at the Carnegie
Melon University. Local programmers were checked to find out if there was a cold
drink available or not [2]. AQ2

Generally we can say that the IoT consists of any device or machine which can be
ON/OFF using internet connection. This can be achieved by tagging the devices using
RFID, digital watermarking, quick response codes etc. Smart city, smart health, smart
energy and smart mobility are the examples of the IoT application areas.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

J. Hemanth et al. (Eds.): ICICI 2018, LNDECT 26, pp. 1–8, 2019.
2 S. Kulkarni et al.
Author Proof

Urban living already facing the challenges in their daily routine. Therefore, proper
solution is required for decent living and suitable city development. On the other hand,
the continuos development is going on in the field of information and communications
technologies (ICT) and the power of the Internet may help us to simplify our daily life
[3]. The future of modern wireless communication will overcome all the limitations of
traditional communication. Many researchers have been mentioned in their articles,
more than 100 billion things will be connected electronically with the internet by the
year 2020 [4] (Fig. 1). AQ3

Fig. 1. Introduction of IoT applications (Source:

Wang et al. [5] proposed the sensor networking with internet is leading to new
technologies. Framework for IoT proposes direct Machine to Machine communication
over the internet. In that case, the main issue is the heterogeneous environment, means
different kinds of sensors are connected to the network are having different language is
one of the main challenges in IoT implementation [4, 5]. Similarly, researchers have to
give more focus on the size of infrastructure, self-organizing network, large data
handling, privacy/security/authentication of data and power consumption by devices.
While Designing the IoT Standards designer should give more focus on the
parameters such as, the efficient use of energy and power consumption, network
capacity. Compared with internet which has realized the communication between
computers and smart devices, IoT mainly enables the “things” to communicate to each
other. Those things work as the antenna of the IoT system and form the foundation of
various intelligent applications. How to realize the unified access to the IoT for various
“things” is a main key issue [5].
The objective of this review paper is to highlight the significant research area of IoT
in form of the case study of the application of IoT and its challenges and recent
developments. In order to achieve this goal, an inclusive review of literature is per-
formed. The reviewed literature includes IEEE Journal, articles, conference Papers etc.
This paper is divided into following sections related work 2. Smart home, 3. smart
cities, 4. smart agriculture, 5. Smart health and finally 6. Conclusion.
Review on IoT Based Case Study: Applications and Challenges 3
Author Proof

2 Smart Home

New technological revolution comes in our lifestyle i.e. Smart Home. Home becomes a
smart when it consists of fully automation for a home appliance. Smart Home
automation consists of the control and automation of home appliances such as lights,
fans, washer, dryers, refrigerators, heaters, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC), and
security systems using the internet [9]. Wi-Fi, Zigbee are often used for remote
monitoring and control [8]. To implement such kind of infrastructure, we have to use
smart sensors, switches central gateway, controller mobile phone tablet of a web
interface, Which will collect the information, transmit the information over internet and
process the information using some intelligent processing algorithms [7] (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Smart home using IoT (Source:

Fan et al. [6] implemented smart hone using wireless sensor network. In Smart
home various sensors are placed in different rooms like kitchen, bedroom, leaving room
and bathroom. Real-time data collected from these sensors will be uploaded on the
cloud. Once data will be available on to the cloud it can be accessed by different web
browsers on terminal devices like mobile or laptop [7].
Wireless transmission purpose various protocols are available depending upon
requirement one can choose IEEE802.15, CAN, I2C or Ethernet Interface. The wireless
medium controller is responsible for entire data routing. In the work proposed by [10]
the current state of research of smart home is to cover a wide range of with the help of
Artificial Intelligence (AI). These systems must be able to interface with more than
hundred plus sensors.
In addition, they to be able to deal with big and rich data, which is very challenging
for the AI-based systems. These need to be able to learn activities from user’s beha-
viour i.e. when the user moves around and perform actions within a smart home. The
smart homes are building blocks for future smart cities. The individual smart home is
equipped with advanced AI system, which controls and processes home services. By
combining AAI system using 5G to access the IoT is future of Smart home perhaps
smart cities.
4 S. Kulkarni et al.
Author Proof

3 Smart Cities

IOT and smart cities have attracted attention from academia and industry for decades.
Actually, there is no specific definition or standards for a smart city. In general, we can
say that a smart city is comprised of innovation to improve quality of life efficiency of
urban operations and services which we improve present and future lifestyles with
respect to economic, social and environmental aspects [1, 16] (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Smart city (Source:

To develop infrastructure for any smart city, systematic planning is required at

every stage. Another important thing which is require to implement the internet of
things technology in smart city are support from public and administration of city.
Cities can be improved in many levels by improving infrastructure of public trans-
portation reducing traffic congestion and keeping citizens safe healthy and more
engaged in the community [3, 16].
Smart infrastructure consists of smart people, the smart living which comprises of
1. Smart Water Supply 2. Smart Waste Management 3. Smart Health 4. Smart Energy
5. Smart Governance 6. Smart Environment 7. Smart Transport etc.
There are various stages of developing smart cities. In the first stage, the important
requirement of designing future smart cities are Sensors, Network Gateways, Com-
munication Infrastructure and Servers or Clouds [11].
The very first element of design of future smart cities is the sensors. Sensors
continuously monitor the condition of utilities and capture real-time data for different
smart city pillars like Smart water supply management, Waste management, Smart
Grid, Smart transport etc.
The second element is Network Gateways; which will combine real-time data from
various sensors and perform local analysis based on the result also take localized action
to prevent possible faults from further propagating into the network [12].
Third and fourth elements are Communication Infrastructure to connect different
gateways to server or cloud for transmitting, analysing and storing real time. Also it
will remove unwanted data and provide useful information through various channels
Review on IoT Based Case Study: Applications and Challenges 5
Author Proof

4 Smart Agriculture

In last decade precision agriculture using wireless sensor network was the popular
concept but now when the entire world is moving toward IoT infrastructure, agriculture
field is also switches to modern technology (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4. Smart agriculture (Source:

Only Monitoring the environmental parameters are not the complete solution to
increase the production of crops. Attacks on insects and pets, attacks of wild animal
and birds that decrease the productivity to a greater extent. So in order to solve all such
problems, it is necessary to develop smart system which will take care of all factors
affecting the productivity in every stage [13].
The current scenario of water sources is a serious problem such as drying up of
rivers and de-creasing quantity water from tanks, unpredictable environment condition
is an urgent need to take action on proper utilization of water [17].
To cope up with this water problem is required to design a system which uses
temperature and moisture sensor at suitable locations for monitoring of crops. The
system can be powered by solar panels. Data transmission takes place. This system
monitored data, analyzed and irrigation scheduled to be programmed through a web
page [18].
The Smart agriculture System consists of microcontroller based gateway to control
water quantity by defining threshold values of temperature and soil moisture in the
program [17].
The proposed system will become more well-organized and useful for the society.
Accurate weather forecast can help better decision making in supplying water and
reducing water wastage [19].
Fultilizer can be supplied to the land precisely if soil nutrition measuring device can
be installed. Using this system, one can save several resources such as manpower,
fertilizer, water to improve production and ultimately increase profit. The IoT based
irrigation system is feasible and cost-effective for optimizing water resources for
agricultural production. The suggested system would provide feedback control system
which will take the proper action on all the activities of plant growth and irrigation
system efficiently [18].
6 S. Kulkarni et al.
Author Proof

5 Smart Health

Now a day IoT based Smart health system is very popular concept. In this system,
patients can communicate with Doctor using devices having Internet facility. This
health care system consists of software and devices to detect and analyse the health
problem. Also proposed system will store all the medical records of patients [20].
Various sensors are attached to the human body to monitor and control the physical
parameters like BP Monitor, Glucose Monitor, ECG Monitor etc. [21]. In IoT based
health care system Physiological parameters of patients will be captured and analyse
the patient’s health issue, then these information will be passed to Doctor using secure
wireless channel. So that Doctor can make appropriate smart health recommendations

5.1 Services Under Smart Health

Smart Medicine: In case of emergency a primary care could be handled efficiently

using smart medicine. The Patient who is in the remote location treated by Doctor.
Smart Monitoring: A patient’s data collected and transmitted using health monitoring
system for remote testing and diagnosis using IoT. This is also called as e-monitoring
services, which consist of SMS alerts or emergency calling to patient’s relative,
Doctors and Caretakers (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5. Smart healthcare (Source:

Smart Surgery: In this service, the surgeon can perform an operation on a patient
from a distant location using Robotics technology or video conferencing. This system
can be supported by IoT technology.
Remote Medical Education: The main cause of bad health issue is maximum people
don’t have access of good medical facilities and continuos monitoring in case of critical
health situation. Medical education is one of the solutions to such problems. In this
healthcare service, Medical education is provided to the community or targeted groups
from a geographically different location using the IoT system [23].
Review on IoT Based Case Study: Applications and Challenges 7
Author Proof

6 Conclusion

Advanced techniques are introduced in electronics world such as sophistication in

sensing, actuation, communications, in creating knowledge. Controlling and monitor-
ing from large amounts of data IoT implementation becomes flexible and popular. As
every coin has two faces so does another side of IoT which will cause a little disruption
in matters such as over-dependence of us on technology and loss of jobs for humans.
But note that many exciting and challenging directions are still remaining for future

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