Tesco Presentation

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14 globalization 21 supply chain 23 26 ms rmb

Not customizing the stores according to the culture of the certain country- Taiwan where tesco paraded
its brutishness by displaying Union flags and Beef-eaters in front of the store. Had a disastrous 11 billion
pound failure there after it sought to sell all of its Taiwanese sites.

Since tesco made English its operating language, which was more challenging in France than in other
countries where it operated?

But tesco had to settle on swapping them for stores owned by Carrefour( A major French competitor) in
the Czech republic and Slovakia. The French and Taiwanese experiences taught tesco a strong lesson
about foreign market entry strategy.

Determined to banish any signs of imperialism and restore the qualities of hard work, humility and
customer dedication in furure ventures, the company moved toward a more locally responsive stance.

- Desire to grow domestically and internationally.

- Some of the Tesco’s workers had left school early to join and stacked shelves o the grocery floor
and gradually moving into management. This gave managers a deep understanding of the store,
its customers, and the challenges involved in meeting their daily needs.
- Started twist( Tesco week in stores) wherby all managememt must work in a store one week a
year to stay close to the customer and the stores basic operations.

- Tesco faced the challenges of operating in 14 countries across Asia, Europe, and North America.
- Main challenge for Tesco lay first in identifying the global advantage of its foreign subsidiaries
and second in learning from them in ways that would reinvigorate its UK competitive advantage.

About tesco: Tesco became the world’s third-largest food retailer, it faced questions.

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