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Had very high dreams. He was passionate about his dreams. He was
commited. He planned every move precisely thought about the
feasibibility of the product whether or not the product will do well in the
market and finally finalized the product. He thought differently wanted
to completely change the way the computers were designed in that time.
Wanted to create a product(computer) never seen by anyone to benefit
the whole mankind. He had strong convincing power as people could see
through the strong dedication and perseverance that he had towards his
work. He had developed great emotional strength and whatever the
circumstances be once he had set his mind to achieve something he
would never give up on that no matter the consequences.

Bad points
Used people until they benefitted him. He didn’t think about other
people and only cared about him. Even the work schedule for his
workers were long(48 hours). He made everyone in the company realize
that they weren’t cared for and looked after. He had bad habit of
actually confronting the workers about their level of skills and
knowledge that the workers who weren’t much skilled began to lose
confidence in themselves and this created huge chaos.(he directly said
that the best team was working with him building the legendary mac
which he believed would revolutionize whole world). Competitive
tension build around the workplace. Only the best would survive. Not
healthy working environment.

So self focused and self centered that he didn’t think that it was
necessary for him to seek and accept advices given by others and made
him blindfolded towards his dreams and ambitions. He tried hard not to
accept the reality and tried to create his own vision of the world.
“loose lips might skin ships” fired immediately everyone who leaked
news about the company.
Might be paranoid. Tried to control everything within the company.
Smallest thing such as the food served within the company.
Due to the over controlling habit and searching for nothing less than
perfection habit of jobs the employees felt immensely pressured and
couldn’t perform well. Stubborn habit. Wanted to rule over everyone.
Impressions as dictator( didn’t believe in democracy).
He couldn’t bear people who were not meeting with his expectation and
who were letting the company down. Couldn’t tolerate them at all and
immediately fired them as per his convenience(harsh treatment). Doesn’t
know how to compromise.
He didn’t even believe in working with anyone who wouldn’t measure
up with his expectation. Believed it to be a waste of time.He wanted to
be the one to change the world so he didn’t consider peple’s feeling as
he didn’t think it was such big of an issue and never got swayed by
others feelings.

Good points

He convinced everyone in the workplace that they were working very

hard in order to change the world for the better. People believed it totally
and this increased their willpower by so much level that some of them
actually had fun working there and thought of him as a charismatic
He was immensely talented and gifted that he could actually foresee the
sustainability of the product in the market.
Even though his way of treating his employees were harsh but still due
to this harshness the employees would constantly try to come up with
ways and ideas to better themselves in order to be praised by the great
Jobs mouth. This unusual technique actually helped the employees to
find out their mistakes and incompetence and helped them to grow
eventually which is a great achievement.
“seduce and abandon game”
He knew exactly how to use each individual skills into perfect use.
The vision that he carried was immensely believed by his workers as
well. They actually believed and trusted him not because he was a leader
of the company but because he has showed his competence through his
great visionary ideas, hard work, and dedication.
He had to the ability to motivate the staff in such a way that the work
productivity and achievement within the company was astonishing.
His public speaking skills were also so extraordinary and captivating
that he could convince anyone into doing anything.

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