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Forum: General Assembly 1

Question of: Ensuring the regulation and monitoring of the development and usage of
artificial intelligence in conflict zones
Main Submitter: Canada
Co-submitters: France, Ukraine, Australia, Iraq, Bosnia, South Africa, China, UK, Sweden,

The General Assembly 1,

Bearing in mind past United Nations (UN) guidance concerning the use of Artificial
Intelligence (AI) in conflict zones, particularly through the UN Convention on Certain
Conventional Weapons and the Centre on Artificial Intelligence and robots,

Concerned of the use of unmanned weaponry in conflict zones,

Resolving to ensure any use of AI is human controlled and well regulated,

Reaffirming our goal of protecting civilian lives,

Ensuring our technological capabilities are guided by ethics and international law,

Defining lethal autonomous weapons as weapons or robotics employing artificial intelligence

that operate and engage targets without human oversight, and are capable of inflicting
serious injury or death;

1. Strongly condemns the use and development of lethal autonomous weapons in conflict
zones, which may include but is not limited to:
a) artillery
b) warheads
c) tanks,
d) aircraft
e) warships
f) robotic weaponry
g) drones;

2. Cautions against the development of fully autonomous AI with possible applications in


3. Takes note that AI enhanced weaponry for the purposes of defense is permitted provided
human direction is necessary, and that no weaponry is capable of autonomous targeting;

4. Reaffirms that all use of AI should comply with previous UN resolutions, the Geneva
Convention, and national law, provided the latter is not contrary to human rights and
international regulations;

5.Emphasises strongly that the activation of artificial intelligence to deploy chemical

weapons is strictly prohibited;
6. Resolves that states currently developing AI for use in conflict zones must ensure that:
a) AI must be developed in safe conditions, and contained within military bases
or military owned laboratories or development sites while ensuring:
i) limited access to the site of development
ii) legal surveillance of the area
iii) robust security against malware
iv) sufficient training for all employed personnel
b) AI with possible application in warfare must not be sold or traded in a manner
that violates UN regulations or international law including:
i) the sale of AI to non-government controlled militaries
ii) the sale of AI to terrorist groups
iii) the sale of AI to private buyers
iv) the sale of AI without regulations and safety inspections;

7. Suggests that financial backing to implement the above points be sourced from the IMF,
World Bank, The Future of Life Institute, and member countries.

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