Jolqmut VFTF VF) NG) KMF/D: Personal Account Opening Form

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JolQmut vftf vf]Ng] kmf/d


Please complete all the details and strike out the non-applicable field/boxes.
s[kof ;a} ljj/0fx? eg'{xf]nf / nfu' gx'g] sf]i7 Pj+ If]q sf6\g' xf]nf .
Psn vftf ;+o'Qm vftf ldlt D D
Single Account Joint Account Date
For Bank's use Only

Branch Currency Code Client Code

A/c No. Screen ID KYC ID

dxfzo÷Dear Sir/Madam
s[kof tn pNn]lvt ljj/0f adf]lhd vftf vf]lnlbg' xf]nf . (Please open in your book an account with undermentioned details.)
art vftf rNtL vftf cGo art vftfsf] k|sf/ vftf d'b|f
Saving Account Current Account Others Types of Saving A/c A/C Currency
(Please specify)
vftfdf pNn]v x'g] gfd (A/c holder's Name)


vftf ;~rfnssf] gfd tyf b:tvt gd"gf (Name and Specimen Signature of account operator)
cf}+7f 5fk Thumb Impression
1. gfd
Name bfofF Right afofF Left


gfd cf}+7f 5fk Thumb Impression

Name bfofF Right afofF Left


vftf ;+ r fng ;DaGwL lgb] { z g M Psn M ;+o'Qm M ljz]if lgb]{zg M

Account Operating Instructions : Singly : Jointly : Special Instruction :


d÷ xfdL ;]~r'/L sdl;{on a}s
+ ln= df d]/f]÷xfd|f] gfpFdf /x]sf] vftf g+=
I/We maintaining Account with Century Commercial Bank Ltd., A/c No.
df /x]sf] ;Dk"0f{ /sd d]/f] z]ifkl5 k|fKt ug{ lgDg Joxf]/f ePsf JolQmnfO{ OR5fPsf] 5'÷5f}+ .
hereby give details of the nominee(s) to receive any sum of amount which may be due to me/us from Century Commercial Bank Ltd. in the event of my/our Death.

k"/f gfd d ;Fusf] gftf gful/stf÷kf;kf]6{ g+=

Full Name Relation to me Citizenship/Passport No:
7]ufgf ;Dks{ g+=
Address Contact No.

OR5fPsf] JolQm gfjfns ePdf ;+/Ifssf] ljj/0f /In event of nominee being minor, name of guardian:
k"/f gfd d ;Fusf] gftf
Full Name Relation to me
7]ufgf ;Dks{ g+=
Address Contact No.

s[kof olb tkfO{ lgDg pNn]lvt ;]jfx? lng OR5's x'g' x'G5 eg] tnsf] aS;df lrGx nufpg' xf]nf . Please tick the box, you want to subscribe

le;f 8]lj6 sf8{ df]afOn a}+lsË OG6/g]6 a}+lsË Pd–a}+lsË r]s a's r]s kfgf
Visa Debit Card Mobile Banking Internet Banking M-Banking Cheque Book Cheque Leaves

d÷xfdL lgj]bs;Fu JolQmut ?kdf kl/lrt /x]sf] Joxf]/f cjut u/fpFb} lghsf] vftf tkfO{sf] a}+sdf vf]lnlbg' xg' cg'/f]w ub{5'÷ub{5f}+ ;fy}
o; af/] a}+snfO{ cGo hfgsf/L cfjZos ePdf d÷xfdL;Fu ;Dks{ ug{ x'g cg'/f]w ub{5'÷ub{5f}+ . I/We know the applicant(s) personally
and recommend to open account with the Bank. If the Bank requires further information, please feel free to contact me/us.
kl/ro u/fpg]
(Introducer) gfd÷Name vftf g+=÷Account No.
b:tvt÷Signature ?h' ug{]÷Verified by
vftf ;~rfng ;DalGw lgodx? General Conditions Governing Account
1 o; a}s
+ df vf]lnPsf] vftfsf] ;~rfng g]kfn /fHodf k|rlnt P]g lgod, g]=/f= a}s
+ sf] lgb{z] g tyf a}l+ sË If]qdf k|rlnt k/Dk/f / rng 8 vftfdf /x]sf] ;Dk"0f{ /sd vftfjfnfsf] a}s
+ pk/ /x]sf] x/]s k|sf/sf] bfloTjsf] -jt{dfg jf eljiodf l;h{gf x'g] ;d]t_ ;'/If0f ;/x
cg';f/ x'g5] . dflgg] 5 / vftfjfnfsf] pQm /sdx? a}s + n] vftfjfnfnfO{ s'g} ;"rgf glbO{ To:tf] bfloTj afkt s§L u/L ldnfg ug{ ;Sg]5 .
The laws and regulations of Nepal, directives of NRB and customs and procedures common to Banks in Nepal The funds in an account would be considered by the Bank to be security for all the obligations present or future
will apply to and govern the conduct of accounts opened with the Bank. of the account holder to the Bank and in the event of the dishonor of such obligations by the account holder, the
2 a}s
+ n] cfˆgf] :jljj]sdf s'g} klg j]nf k"j{ ;"rgf ;lxt jf a]u/ klg vftf ;~rfng ;DaGwL Aofhb/, Go"gtd df}Hbft, z'Nsx? nufotsf Bank is entitled to utilize or set off such funds against the obligations of the account holder to the Bank without
lgodx? kl/jt{g ug{ ;Sg]5 . notice to the account holder.
The Bank reserves the right to amend the rules relating to interest rate, minimum balance, fee/charges, etc. at 9 d÷xfdLnfO{ 1fg 5 ls vftfdf /sd ePsf] ;Ldf;Dd dfqsf] r]s sf6\g' kb{5 . vftfdf /sd gePsf] sf/0fn] r]s lkmtf{ ePdf a}s
+ n]
any time and in any manner as the Bank deems necessary with or without prior notice to the account holder or cfˆgf] z'Ns lng]5 ;fy} g]=/f=a}+ssf] lgb{]lzsf adf]lhd d÷xfdLnfO{ shf{ ;'/If0f s]Gb|sf] sfnf];"rLdf /flvg]5 .
the public. I/We understand that cheque should be written for the balance available in the account. If the cheque becomes
3 a}s
+ n] vftf ;~rfng ug{ lbP jfkt cfk\mgf] cfGtl/s lgod cg';f/sf] sldzg /÷jf ;]jf z'Ns nufpg ;Sg]5 . dishonoured due to insufficient balance, the bank charges for cheque return to my/our account and also can
Commissions and/or service charges will be levied by the Bank, as applicable from time to time. blacklist me/us in the record of 'Credit Information Centre' as per NRB directives.
4 u|fxssf vftfdf a}s
+ n] lgwf{/0f u/]sf] ;do;Dd s'g} sf/f]af/ gePsf] To:tf] vftfnfO{ lgliqmo vftfsf] ?kdf kl/jt{g ul/g]5 . o:tf] 10 vftfsf] ljj/0f dfu u/] adf]lhd pknAw u/fO{g] 5 . Ps k6s eGbf al9 vftfsf] ljj/0f dfluPdf a}s
+ n] lgodfg';f/sf] z'Ns nufpg
lgliqmo vftfnfO{ k'gM ;lqmo u/fO{ vftf ;~rfng ug'{ k/]df vftfjfnf :jo+ pkl:yt eO{ ;f]sf] nflu lnlvt ?kdf a}s + nfO{ lgj]bg ;Sg]5 .
lbg'kg]5{ . Statement of account will be provided on demand. Bank will charge its standard rate of charges on demand of
If there is no transaction in the account for a prescribed period set by the Bank, the status of the account shall be duplicate/repeated statement
changed into dormant. For the release of the dormancy of the account and to make the account operative, the 11 gfafnssf] gfddf ;~rfng ePsf] vftfsf] xsdf olb gfafnsaf/] a}s
+ ;Fu /x]sf] hfgsf/L / P]g cg';f/ gfafns g/x]sf] cj:yfdf
account holder has to be self-present in the Bank and have to instruct the Bank in writing for the same. ;DalGwt ;jfnfsL :jod\n] vftf ;~rfng ;lxtsf] kq a}s
+ df k]z gu?Gh]n ;Ddsf] nflu ;f] vftfaf6 /sd lemSg /f]s nufOg]5 .
5 a}s
+ sf] lgoGq0f aflx/ s'g} klg 36gf / cj:yfsf sf/0f jf s'g} lgb]z{ gsf] kfngfdf ePsf] l9nfO{, cj/f]w, c;dy{tf / 6]lnsDo'lgs]zg In respect of accounts opened in the name of minors, the Bank shall be entitled to restrict transactions in the account
tyf sDKo'6/ ;]jf k|0ffnLsf] Iflt tyf sfd gug]{ cj:yf l;h{gf ePsf sf/0fn] a}s + n] s'g} u|fxsnfO{sg' } ;'rgf lbg c;dy{ ePsf] if it comes to know that the minor has turned major until a written request is received from the minor turned major
cj:yfaf6 u|fxsnfO{ s'g} xfgL gf]S;fgL x'g uPdf To;sf] lhDd]jf/L jf pQ/bfloTj a}s + sf] x'g] 5}g . to convert the account to that of a major.
The Bank shall have no liability or responsibility for loss or damage incurred to the account holder(s) in the event 12 d÷xfdL of] 3f]if0ff ub{5÷' ub{5f}+ ls o; vftfdf hDdf ul/g] tyf sf/f]af/ ul/g] /sd j}wflgs tj/n] cfh{g ul/Psf] xf] / of] vftf
of any failure, interruption or delay in performance of any instruction resulting from breakdown, failure or d'bf| lgd{lns/0f k|of]hgsf nflu k|of]u ul/g] 5}g . of] vftf d'bf| lgd{lns/0f jf cGo z+sf:kb k|of]hgsf] nflu k|of]u ePsf] jf x'g]
malfunction of any telecommunications or computer system or from any circumstances resulting from Acts of God nfu]df a}s + n] d]/f]÷xfd|f] vftfsf] ljj/0f ;DalGwt lgsfonfO{ hfgsf/L u/fpg ;S5 eGg] s'/f dnfO{ cjut 5 .
whatsoever not reasonably under the Bank’s control. I/We hereby declare that account at Century Commercial Bank Limited is opened with the monies which have
6 vftfjfnfsf] 7]ufgf tyf cGo cfjZos ljj/0fx? kl/jt{g ePdf ;f]sf] hfgsf/L oyflz3| a}s + nfO{ pknAw u/fpg'kg]5{ . x'nfs tyf been earned from legal means. All transactions into the account shall remain legal and the account shall not be
cGo ;"rgfsf dfWodx?nfO{ g} vftfjfnsf] cflwsfl/s dfWod dflgg] x'bF f oL dfWodx?af6 a}s
+ n] k|l] ;t u/]sf ;a} ;"rgfx? s'g} sf/0fjz used for the purpose of money laundering. If the bank knows or suspects that the account is being used to process
vftfjfnf;Dd gk'us ] f]df jf l9nf] k'ud] f a}s
+ hjfkmb]xL x'g5] g} . the proceeds of crime, the bank is obliged to report the fact and nature of its knowledge and suspicions to the
Any changes in the address or constitution of the account holder should be immediately communicated to the concerned authority.
Bank. The Bank shall not be responsible for delay or non-delivery of letter or other communication sent by the 13 of] lgj]bgdf a}s
+ sf] :jLs[lt cfjZos kg]5{ . a}s
+ ;Fu s'g} sf/0f gv'nfOsg} cfˆgf] :jljj]sdf of] lgj]bgsf] s'g} efu jf ;Dk"0f{ lgj]bg
bank to the account holder or vice versa. c:jLs[t ug{] clwsf/ /xg]5 .
7 k"j;{ r" gf a}s
+ nfO{ lbP/ vftf aGb ug{ ;lsg]5 . a}s
+ cfkm}n+ ] jf s'g} c8\8f cbfntsf] cfb]z adf]lhd jf cGo s'g} cj:yfdf vftfjfnfnfO{ . This application shall be subject to the approval of the Bank. The Bank shall be entitled as its sole discretion to
k"j;{ r" gf gul/sg klg s'g} vftf aGb ug{, k|mLh ug{ jf sf/f]af/ lgnDag ug{ ;Sg]5 . reject this application or any part thereof, without furnishing any reasons.
Account may be closed by giving prior notice to the Bank. The Bank may however either at its own instance or, 14 d}n÷] xfdLn] o; kmf/fddf pNn]lvt vftf ;~rfng ;DalGw lgod tyf zt{x? k9]÷k9\of}F / logLx?sf kfng ug{ d]/f]÷xfd|f] dGh'/L 5 .
at the instance of any court of administrative order, or otherwise close, freeze or suspend dealing in any of the I/We have read and understood the rules, terms and conditions for conducting the Account contained in this form
account without prior notice to the account holder. and agree to abide by such rules, terms and conditions.

;]Gr'/L a}+s df]afOn a}+ls·—zt{x¿ MOBILE BANKING - TERMS & CONDITIONS

Century Bank ('the Bank') shall provide, subject to Terms and Conditions set out herein, mobile banking facilities o; clVtof/L adf]lhd sfo{ ubf{ yk ;f]wk'5 ul//xg kg]5{ g} . ;fy}, ;]jf k|bfosdflysf] P;PdP;sf] lge{/tf / o;sf g};lu{s
('Services'). hf]lvdsf sf/0fn] P;PdP; ;+rf/sf] ;'/lIft dfWod xf]Og eGg] s'/f u|fxs :jLsfb{5 . cfkm\gf] ;'/Iffsf nflu u|fxsn] b]xfosf
;]Gr'/L a}s
+ n] o;df pNn]lvt zt{x?sf] cwLgdf /xL df]afOn a}l+ sË ;'ljwf -;]jf_ k|bfg ug]5
{ . pkfox? cjnDag ug]5{ .
1. Definitions: In this document the following words and phrases have the meaning set below unless the context — Don't keep any record of your PIN, in written or electronic form; and don't disclose the PIN to anyone.
indicates otherwise:
— lkgsf] clen]vnfO{ lnlvt jf ljB'tLo k|f?kdf g/fVg] / s;}nfO{ lkgsf af/]df gatfpg] .
!= kl/efiff k|f;+lus ?kdf csf]{ cy{ gnfu]df o; lnvtdf b]xfosf zAb jf jfSof+zsf] cy{ b]xfo adf]lhd x'g5
] . — Always keep your mobile phone alongside and not allow others to use it.
a. Account shall mean bank account and/or any other type of account so maintained by the Customer with — cfkm\gf] df]afOn kmf[g ;b}a cfkm';uF } /fVg] / cGo s;}nfO{ lkgsf af/]df gatfpg] .
the Bank or may be offered in future. — Delete all SMS messages to and from the Bank.
-s_vftf eGgfn] a}s
+ vftf /÷jf a}s
+ df u|fxsn] vf]ns
] f] s'g} klg k|sf/sf] vftf jf eljiodf k|:tfljt ug{ ;lsg] vftf ;Demg' — a}s
+ n] k7fPsf / a}s
+ nfO{ k7fOPsf ;a} P;PdP;x? d]6fpg] .
k5{ . — Inform the Bank immediately if the Mobile Phone is lost or stolen, or if the Mobile number is changed.
b. Customer shall mean a customer of the Bank or any person who has applied for the Services. — df]afOn kmf]g x/fPdf jf rf]/L ePdf jf df]afOn gDa/ kl/jt{g ePdf tTsfn a}s
+ nfO{ hfgsf/L lbg] .
-v_u|fxs eGgfn] a}s
+ sf u|fxs jf o; ;'ljwf dfu ug]{ s'g} JolQm ;Demg' k5{ . — Ensure that no unauthorized access is made to their mobile phone and/or the Services.
c. Mobile Payment Services include but not limited to transfer of funds from Primary account to destination — df]afOn kmf]g /÷jf of] ;]jfdf cglws[t kx'rF gePsf] s'/f ;'lglZrt ug]{ .
account, bill payments (mobile post-paid, pre-paid, PSTN lines or) etc and any other payments that may — Change the PIN on a regular basis.
be added in future.
— lgoldt ?kdf lkg kl/jt{g ug]{ .
-u_ df]afOn e'QmfgL ;]jf cGtu{t d'n vftfaf6 nlIft vftfdf /sd x:tfGt/0f, df]afOn kf]i6k]8, lk|k8] , lkP;l6Pg nfOg cflbsf] — The bank, upon receipt of subscription confirmation of SMS from your mobile number, will immediately
lan e'QmfgL / eljiodf yk x'g] cGo s'g} e'QmfgL;d]t ;Demg' k5{ . activate the Services.
d. Primary Account is the Customer account maintained with the Bank. Customer instruction(s) for mobile — a}s
+ n] tkfO{s
+ f] df]afOn gDa/af6 ;]jf k|flKt ;'lglZrt u/]sf] P;PdP; k|fKt u/]kZrft tTsfn ;]jf ;lqmo agfpg]5 .
payment facilities shall be debited to Primary account in settlement. Mobile payment service is available 7. Availability & Disclosure: The Bank shall endeavor to provide the Services to the Customer. The Bank may
only on Primary account. alter the Services availed to the Customer with or without giving prior notice. The Bank reserves the right to
-3_d'n vftf a}s
+ df /x]sf] u|fxs vftf xf] . df]afOn e'QmfgL ;]jfsf nflu u|fxsn] lbPsf] lgb]z
{ gnfO{ u|fxs vftfdf ;dflji6 offer the Services for those Customers who are using the specific mobile network operator(s) only. Access
ul/g]5 . df]afOn e'QmfgL ;]jf u|fxs vftfnfO{ dfq pknAw u/fOg]5 . of the Customer to the Services shall be restricted the designated Mobile Phone Number only. Instructions
e. Destination Account is the account of beneficiary maintained with the Bank and where fund is transferred of the Customer shall be effected only after authentication of the Customer by means of verification of the
to. Mobile Phone Number and the allotted PIN or through any other mode of verification as may be stipulated
-ª_ nlIot vftf e'QmfgL kfpg] kIfn] a}s
+ df vf]ns
] f] vftf xf] h;df /sd /sdfGt/ ul/g]5 . at the discretion of the Bank. The Bank shall not be responsible for the delay in carrying out the instructions
f. Mobile Number shall mean the mobile phone number specified by the Customer for the purpose of due to any reason beyond its control whatsoever including failure of third party service provider, operational
availing the Services. system or due to any requirement of law.
-r_df]afOn gDa/ eGgfn] ;]jf pknAw u/fpg] k|of]hgsf nflu u|fxsn] pknAw u/fPsf] df]afOn gDa/ ;Demg' k5{ . &= pknAwtf / pb\3f]if0fM a}s + n] u|fxsnfO{ ;]jf k|bfg ug{ k|oTg ug]5
{ . a}s
+ n] k"j{ ;"rgf lbO{ jf glbO{ u|fxsnfO{ pknAw u/fPsf]
g. PIN means Personal Identification Number which is unique and generated randomly by the Bank's system. ;]jf kl/jt{g ug{ ;Sg]5 . s'g} lglZrt df]afOn g]6js{ ;]jf k|bfossf] ;]jf pkef]u ug]{ u|fxsnfO{ dfq ;]jf k|bfg ug]{ u/L k|:tfj
It is confidential password used to authorize requests in the Services. ug]{ clwsf/ a}s+ df lglxt /xg]5 . tf]lsPsf] df]afOn gDa/af6 dfq ;]jfdf u|fxssf] kx'rF x'g5] . df]afOn kmf]g gDa/sf] k|df0fLs/0f
-5_lkg eGgfn] ljlzi6 / a}s
+ k|0ffnLaf6 qmd/lxt 9Ën] ;~rflnt x'g] JolQmut klxrfg gDa/ ;Demg' k5{ . ;]jf xfl;n ug]{ / k|bQ lkg jf a}s + sf] lgb]z
{ gdf pNn]lvt x'g ;Sg] cGo k|df0fLs/0fsf tl/sfåf/f u|fxssf] k'i6Ls/0f cGo ePkZrft dfq
cflwsfl/s cg'/f]w ul/bfF k|of]u ul/g] of] uf]Ko kf;j8{ xf] . u|fxssf] lgb]z
{ g k|efjsf/L x'g5 ] . t];f| ] kIf ;]jf k|bfos / ;~rfng k4ltsf] c;kmntf jf sfg"gL cfjZostf nufotsf sfa'
h. Service Provider shall mean an entity that provides services to other entities, individual etc. aflx/sf] s'g} sf/0fn] lgb]z{ g sfof{Gjogdf l9nfO{sf nflu a}s + lhDd]jf/ x'g5 ] g} .
-h_;]jfk|bfos eGgfn] cGo lgsfo jf JolQmnfO{ ;]jf k|bfg ug]{ lgsfo ;Demg' k5{ . 8. Bank's Authority: By accepting this agreement the Customer irrevocably and unconditionally authorizes the
i. Nepal Telecom and NCell both are Service Providers and/or mobile network operators. Bank to access all his Accounts for effecting all Mobile Banking transactions. The Customer further authorizes
-em_ g]kfn 6]lnsd / Pg;]n b'j} ;]jf k|bfos /÷jf df]afOn g]6js{ ;~rfns x'g\ . the Bank to share the Account information with third parties if necessary for the purpose of accepting/
2. Endorceability of Terms and Conditions: These terms and conditions together with the application made by executing Customer's request.
the Customer and as accepted by the Bank shall form the contract between the Customer and the Bank, and *= a}s
+ sf] clVtof/LM of] ;Demf}tfnfO{ :jLsf/L u|fxsn] ;a} df]afOn a}l+ sË sf/f]af/nfO{ k|efj kfg]{ u/L lghsf] ;a} vftfdf a}s
+ sf]
shall be further subject to such terms as the Bank may agree with the other service providers. ckl/jt{gLo / lgzt{ kx'rF x'g] s'/fnfO{ :jLsf/]sf] 5 . u|fxssf] cg'/f]wnfO{ :jLsfg]÷{ sfof{Gjog ug]{ k|of]hgsf nflu cfjZostf
@= zt{ nfu" x'gM] u|fxssf] oL zt{x?;lxt k/]sf] b/vf:t / a}s
+ n] lbPsf] :jLs[ltn] u|fxs / a}s
+ aLr s/f/ v8f ug]5
{ / To:tf] cg' ; f/ t] ; | f ] kIfnfO{ vftfaf/] hfgsf/L u/fpg] clVtof/L;d] t u| f xsn] a} + s nfO{ k| b fg u/] s f] 5 .
s/f/ a}s
+ / cGo ;]jf k|bfossf aLr ;DkGg x'g] zt{x?sf] cwLgdf /xg]5 . 9. Disclaimer of Liability: The Bank shall not be responsible for any failure on the part of the Customer to utilize
3. Application for the Services: The Customer shall apply to the Bank for use of the Services by filling up the the services due to the Customer not being within the geographical range within which the Services are
prescribed Mobile Banking Application form provided by the Bank. offered. If the customer has reasons to believe that his Mobile Phone Number is/has been allotted to another
#= ;]jfsf nflu b/vf:tM u|fxsn] ;]jf k|of]u ug{ a}s
+ n] pknAw u/fPsf] tf]lsPsf] df]afOn a}l+ sË;DaGwL b/vf:t a}s
+ ;dIf k]z person and / or there has been an unauthorized transaction in his account and / or his mobile phone is
lost, he shall immediately inform the Bank. The Customer agrees that Bank shall not be liable on following
ug'k{ g]5
{ . conditions:
4. Eligibility for Application for the Services: The Services is available only to Sole Account Holders of the Bank
or to the person authorized to perform banking transactions individually. A written mandate from other (= pQ/bfloTjsf] OGsf/LM ;]jf k|bfg ul/Psf] ef}uf]lns bfo/fdf u|fxs g/x]sf] sf/0fn] lghn] ;]jf pkef]u ug{ gkfPdf a}s +
account holder(s) is a must to avail the Services in case of Joint Account. Only SMS Alert Service may be lhDd]jf/ x'g5
] g} . olb u|fxssf] df]afOn kmf]g gDa/ cGo JolQmnfO{ k|bfg ul/Psf] /÷jf lghsf] vftfaf6 cglws[t sf/f]af/
provided to company accounts other than sole proprietorship firm. Mobile Banking works in most but not ePsf] /÷jf lghsf] df]afOn kmf]g x/fPsf] ljZjf; ug'k{ g]{ sf/0f ljBdfg ePdf lghn] a}s + nfO{ tTsfn hfgsf/L lbg'kg]5
{ .
in all Mobile Devices. The bank shall not be responsible for unavailability of Services for reasons including b]xfosf] cj:yfsf nflu a}s + lhDd]jf/ gx'g] s'/fdf u|fxs ;xdt 5 .
incompatibility of Customer's Mobile Phone with the Service Platform, or for any loss or damage to the a) the Customer knowingly or unknowingly shares the PIN with third parties
Customer's Mobile device resulting from use or attempted access or use of the Services. s_ u|fxsn] hfgLhfgL jf cGhfgdf t];f| ] kIfnfO{ lkgsf af/]df atfPdf,
$= ;]jfsf nflu b/vf:t lbg] of]UotfM of] ;]jf Psn vftfjfnf jf JolQmut ?kdf a}l+ sË sf/f]af/ ug{ clwsf/k|fKt JolQmnfO{ b) the Customer has breached any of the terms and conditions herein
dfq pknAw u/fOg]5 . ;+oQ ' m vftf ePsf] cj:yfdf ;]jf xfl;n ug{ cGo vftfjfnfsf] lnlvt sfof{bz ] ckl/xfo{ x'g5] . Psnf}6L v_ u|fxsn] o;df pNn]lvt s'g} zt{ pNn+3g u/]df,
Joj;flos kmd{ afx]ssf cGo sDkgL vftfx?df P;=Pd=P; hggsf/L ;'ljwf dfq pknAw u/fpg ;lsg]5 .df]afOn a}l+ sË c) the Customer fails to advise Bank within a reasonable time about unauthorized access or erroneous
k|fo ;a} h;f] df]afOn pks/0fdf pknAw x'g5 ] . ;]jf Kn]6kmd{;uF u|fxssf] df]afOn kmf]g cg'sn' gePsf] nufotsf sf/0fn] transactions in their Account
;]jf pknAw gePdf jf of] ;]jf k|of]u ubf{ jf k|of]u ug]{ k|of; ubf{ u|fxssf] df]afOn pks/0fdf xflg jf Iflt k'ud] f a}s
+ lhDd]jf/ u_ vftfaf6 ePsf] cglws[t sf/f]af/ jf q'6Lk"0f{ sf/f]af/sf af/]df plrt ;doleq a}+snfO{ hfgsf/L gu/fPdf,
d) the Customer fails to advise the Bank about the change in/termination of the Customer's Mobile Phone
] g} . Number.
5. Communication Mode: At present, Short Message Service (SMS) will be used as a mode of communications
for the Services. The SMS will be sent to and from the Customer's nominated mobile phone number and 3_ u|fxssf] df]afOn kmf]g gDa/ kl/jt{g ePsf]÷;dfKt ePsf] af/]df lghn] a}+snfO{ lnlvt hfgsf/L gu/fPdf .
the Bank's designated number (6776). However, the Bank shall not be liable for any loss or damage the The Customer agrees that the access to the services shall be only through the Mobile Phone Number and
Customer may suffer as a result of any person other than the Customer accessing the SMS with respect to any transaction which originates from the same, whether initiated by the Customer or not, shall be deemed
the services. to have originated from the Customer. Under no circumstance, the Bank shall be held liable if the Services
are not available for reasons including but not limited to natural calamities, legal restraints, error & omission
%= ;+rf/ k4ltM ;]jfsf] ;+rf/ k4ltsf ?kdf xfn P;PdP; k|of]u ul/g]5 . a}s
+ sf] tf]lsPsf] g+= -^&&^_ af6 u|fxsn] r'gs ] f] df]afOn by the mobile network provider, network failure, third party service provider or any other reason beyond
gDa/df P;PdP; k7fOg]5 . ;]jf;Fu ;DalGwt P;PdP;df u|fxsafx]s cGo JolQmsf] kx'rF k'us ] f] sf/0f u|fxsnfO{ xflg jf the control of the Bank. The Bank shall not be liable under any circumstances for any damages whatsoever
Iflt k'Ug uPdf a}s
+ lhDd]jf/ x'g] 5}g . whether such damages are direct, indirect, incidental consequential and irrespective of whether any claim
6. PIN: The customer acknowledges that use of PIN provides sufficient authority for the Bank to process transactions is based on loss of revenue, interruption of business or any loss of any character or nature whatsoever and
on designated accounts. The Bank may act on this authority and is not obliged to make further enquiries. whether sustained by the Customer or by any other person. Illegal or improper use of the services shall make
Further, the Customer acknowledges that SMS is not the safest mode of communication due to its inherent the customer liable for payment of financial charges as decided by the Bank or will result in suspension of
risks and dependence on Service Providers. Followings are the measures Customers shall adopt to protect the services to the Customer.
themselves. df]afOn kmf]g gDa/sf] dfWodaf6 dfq ;]jfdf kx'rF x'g] s'/f u|fxs :jLsfb{5 / u|fxsn] u/]sf] jf gu/]sf] ePklg ;f] gDa/af6
^= lkgM lkgsf] k|of]un] a}s
+ nfO{ tf]lsPsf] vftfdf /sd -sf]if_ /sdfGt/ ug]{ kof{Kt clVtof/L x'g] s'/fnfO{ u|fxs :jLsfb{5 . a}s
+ n] ePsf] s'g} klg sf/f]af/ u|fxsn] g} u/]sf] dflgg]5 . k|fs[lts k|sf]k, sfg"gL cj/f]w, df]afOn g]6js{ k|bfossf] q'6L / sfo{nf]k,
c;kmn g]6js{, t];f| ] kIf ;]jf k|bfos / a}s+ sf] sfa" aflx/sf] s'g} sf/0f nufot sf/0fn] ;]jf pknAw x'g g;s]df a}s + s'g} klg u_ o; lgj]bgkqdf pNn]lvt df]afOn gDa/ kl/jt{g ePsf] l:yltdf u|fxsn] a}s + nfO{ tTsfn ;"lrt ug'k{ g]5
{ . o;f] gul/Pdf
cj:yfdf lhDd]jf/ x'g5 ] g} . s'g} klg k|ToIf, ck|ToIf, cfsl:ds, cfg'ifflËs xflg / cfosf] gf]S;fgL, Joj;fodf afwf jf To;af6 pTkGg s' g } klg k| s [ l tsf] kl/0ffdk| l t a} + s nfO{ pQ/bfoL / lhDd] j f/ agfpg ;lsg] 5} g .
u|fxs jf cGo JolQmn] axg u/]sf] s'g} klg k|sf/ jf k|sl[ tsf] xflg gf]S;fgLsf nflu a}s + s'g} klg cj:yfdf lhDd]jf/ x'g5 ] g} . 11.Fees: The Bank shall have the sole discretion to set specific fees chargeable on the Services and may revise
the same from time to time as and when deemed necessary with or without prior notice to the Customer.
;]jfsf] sfg"g ljkl/t jf cg'lrt k|of]u ePdf a}s + n] lgwf{/0f u/] adf]lhdsf] cfly{s Jooef/ u|fxsn] e'QmfgL ug'k{ g]5{ / kl/0ffdtM Further, it is the sole liability of the Customer to pay for all the fees charged to them by the Mobile Network
u|fxsnfO{ lbOPsf] ;]jf lgnDag x'g5 ] . providers for using the mobile network such as NTC & NCell.
10.Indemnity: In consideration of the Bank providing the Services, the Customer agrees to indemnify and keep !!= z'NsM a}s
+ nfO{ ;]jfdf nfUg] z'Ns lgwf{/0f ug]{ / u|fxsnfO{ k"j{ ;"rgf lbO{ jf glbO{ ;do ;dodf cfjZostf cg';f/ z'Ns
safe, harmless and indemnify the Bank from and against all actions, claims, demands, proceedings, loss,
damages, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever the Bank may incur, sustain, suffer or be put to at any kl/dfh{g ug]{ Psn :jljj]sflwsf/ x'g5 ] . ;fy}, df]afOn g]6js{ k|bfg u/] afkt nfu]sf] ;Dk"0f{ z'Ns Pgl6;L, Pg;]n h:tf
time as a consequence of acting on or omitting or refusing to act on any instructions given by use of the df]afOn g]6js{ k|bfosnfO{ ltg]{ Psn lhDd]jf/L u|fxssf] x'g5
] .
services. The Customer holds the Bank, harmless against any loss incurred by the Customer due to failure 12.Amendment: The Bank has the absolute discretion to amend or supplement any of the terms and conditions
to provide the Services or any delay in providing the services due to any failure or discrepancy on part of at any time and such amended terms and conditions will thereupon apply to and be binding on the Customer.
the mobile network provider. The customer agrees to indemnify and hold the Bank harmless for any losses !@= ;+zf]wgM a}s
+ nfO{ s'g} klg ;do s'g} klg zt{ ;+zf]wg ug]{ jf yk zt{ lgwf{/0f ug]{ k"0f{ :jljj]sflwsf/ x'g5
] / To:tf ;+zf]lwt
occurring as a result of: zt{ u|fxsnfO{ nfu" x'g5] / lghsf nflu afWofTds x'g5 ] .
!)= ;'/IffM a}s
+ n] ;]jf k|bfg ubf{ ;]jf k|of]u;DaGwdf lbOPsf lgb]z { g adf]lhd sfo{ ug{ OGsf/ ul/Psf] jf s'g} sfo{sf] kl/0ffd:j?k 13.Termination: To terminate the Services, the Customer shall notify the Bank through a written notice. The
Customer will remain responsible for any transactions made through his Mobile Phone Number prior to the
+ n] a]xf]g{' kg],{ axg ug'k{ g],{ ef]Ug'kg]{ ;a} sf/jfxL, bfaL, dfu, nfut, b:t'/, vr{af6 a}s + nfO{ ;'/lIft, vt/fd'Qm / ;+/lIft time of such cancellation of services. The Bank may, at its discretion, withdraw temporarily or terminate the
/fVg u|fxs dGh'/ ub{5 . df]afOn g]6js{ k|bfossf] c;kmntf jf sdLsdhf]/Lsf sf/0f ;]jf k|bfgdf x'g uPsf] l9nfO{ ePsf] services, either wholly or in part, at any time with or without giving prior notice to the Customer. The Bank
jf ;]jf k|bfg ug{ g;s]sf] sf/0f u|fxsnfO{ k'us ] f] xflg gf]S;fgLaf6 ;d]t a}s
+ nfO{ u|fxsn] ;'/lIft agfPsf] 5 . u|fxs a}s
+ nfO{ may, without prior notice, suspend the services at any time for reasons including maintenance work or repair
;'/lIft kfg{ / b]xfosf sfo{sf] kl/0ffd:j?k ePsf] xflg gf]S;fgLaf6 ;'/lIft kfg{ ;xdt 5 . or in case of any emergency or for security reasons. The closure of Accounts of the Customer will automatically
a) the Customer permitting any third parties to use the services terminate the Services. The Bank may suspend or terminate services without prior notice if the customer has
breached these terms and conditions or if the Bank learns of the death, bankruptcy or lack of legal capacity
s_ u|fxsn] t];f| ] kIfnfO{ ;]jf k|of]u ug{ cg'dlt lbPsf], of the customer or any other situation as the Bank may deem fit.
b) the Customer permitting any other person to have access to his mobile phone or as a consequence of
leaving the mobile phone unattended or loss of mobile phone. !#= ;dflKtM ;]jf cGTo ug{ u|fxsn] a}s+ nfO{ lnlvt ;"rgf lbg'kg]5{ . o;/L ;]jf ;dfKt ug'e{ Gbf cl3 u|fxssf] df]afOn kmf]g gDa/af6
v_ df]afOn kmf]gnfO{ Wofg glbO{ 5f]l8Psf] jf df]afOn x/fPsf] sf/0fn] u|fxsn] cGo JolQmnfO{ lghsf] df]afOn ;Dd kx'rF sf] ePsf ;a} sf/f]af/k|lt u|fxs pQ/bfoL /xL /xg]5 . a}s + n] cfkm\gf] :jljj]sdf u|fxsnfO{ k"j{ ;"rgf lbO{ jf glbO{ s'g} klg ;dodf
cg'dlt lbPsf], k"/} jf cf+lzs ?kdf ;]jf c:yfoL ?kdf lkmtf{ lng jf ;dfKt ug{ ;Sg]5 . dd{t ;Def/ sfo{ jf cfsl:ds sf/0f k/]df jf
c) in the event of change in mobile number specified herein this application, the customer shall inform the ;'/Iff;d]tsf sf/0fn] a}s
+ n] k"j{ ;"rgf glbO{ s'g} klg ;dodf ;]jfnfO{ lgnDag ug{ ;Sg]5 . u|fxsn] vftf aGb u/]df ;]jf :jtM
Bank immediately. Failure to do so shall not make the Bank liable and responsible for any consequences ;dfKt x'g5] . u|fxsn] oL zt{x? pNn+3g u/]df jf u|fxssf] d[To', 6f6 kN6fO{ jf sfg"gL Ifdtfsf] cefj ePsf] hfgsf/L x'g
of whatsoever nature arising there from. cfPdf jf a}+sn] plrt 7fg]sf] cGo s'g} cj:yfdf a}+sn] k"j{ ;"rgf glbO{ ;]jf lgnDag ug{ jf ;dfKt ug{ ;Sg]5 .

O{G6/g]6 a}+ls· ;]jf zt{x¿ Internet Banking Service Terms & Conditions
Century Bank Limited (hereinafter referred as 'the Bank') shall provide Century Internet Banking for fast and :jLsf/ ub{5 . u|fxsn] lbPsf] k"j{ lgb]z { g vf/]h, lkmtf{, jf ;+zf]wg jf :ki6 ug'{ kbf{ k"j{ lgb]z
{ g sfof{Gjog ug'{ eGbf cufj} u|fxssf]
effective Internet Banking Service to its customers and their convenience subject to Terms and Conditions set out tT;DaGwL cg'/f]w k|fKt ePdf dfq ;f] sfo{ ug{ ;lsg]5 . a}s + sf] gLlt lgod jf k|rlnt sfg"g;Fu aflemPdf jf cGo s'g} sf/0f
herein, Internet Banking Services (IBS) through the Bank's website THE FOLLOWING
+ nfO{ cfkm\gf] :jljj]sdf To:tf] lgb]z{ g sfof{Gjog ug{ OGsf/ ug]{ clwsf/ x'g5] . u|fxsn] cfO{laP;;Fu ;DalGwt sf/f]af/nfO{
is a contract which establishes the rules covering your electronic access to your accounts at Century Bank through c;/ kg]{ s'g} lgb]z
{ g a}s+ nfO{ lbbfF a}s
+ nfO{ cfjZos kg]{ ljj/0fx? ;xL / k"0f{ ?kdf pknAw u/fpg'kg]5 { .
the Internet Banking System (IBS). By using the IBS, you accept and are bound by all the terms and conditions Service Availability:
of this Agreement. Please read these terms and conditions carefully. The IBS are intended to be available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day but there is no warranty that the same
;]Gr'/L a}s
+ -o;kl5 a}s + elgPsf]_ n] cfkm\gf u|fxsx? / lghx?sf] ;'ljwfsf nflu tLa| / k|efjsf/L O{G6/g]6 a}l+ sË ;]jf lbg o;df will be available at all times like routine maintenance requirements, excess demands and circumstances beyond
pNn]lvt zt{x?sf] cwLgdf /xg] u/L a}s + sf] j]a;fO6 dfkm{t ;]Gr'/L O{G6/g]6 a}l+ sË ;]jf pknAw the Bank control. The Bank will use reasonable efforts to inform you of any or all services under the IBS which
are not available from time to time.
u/fpg]5 . o;df pknAw u/fOg] ;]jf;Dd kx'rF sf nflu b]xfosf zt{x? nfu" x'g5 ] g\ . of] ;Demf}tfkq Pp6f s/f/gfdf xf] h;n]
;]Gr'/L O{G6/g]6 a}l+ sË ;]jf -cfO{laP;_ dfkm{t tkfO{s + f] ;]Gr'/L a}s
+ df /x]sf] vftf;Dd tkfO{s + f] ljB'tLo kx'rF ;DaGwL lgodx?nfO ;]jf pknAwtf
Jojl:yt ug]5 { . cfO{laP;sf] k|of]u ubf{ tkfO{n+ ] of] ;Demf}tfkqsf ;a} zt{x? :jLsf/ ug'x{ g' 5] / oL zt{x? tkfO{s + f nflu afWofTds cfO{laP; ;]jf ;ftfdf ;ft} lbg / lbgsf] @$ ;} 306f pknAw u/fpg] nIo lnOPtf klg lgoldt dd{t ;Def/, cTolws dfu /
] g\ . s[kof oL zt{x? ;fjwfgLk"js { k9\gx' f]nf . a}s
+ sf] sfa' aflx/sf] kl/l:yltsf sf/0f ;a} ;dodf pknAw x'g] k|Tofe"lt ul/b}g . cfO{laP; cGtu{tsf s'g} jf ;a} ;]jf ;do
Definitions: ;dodf pknAw x'g g;s]df a}s + n] ;f] af/] hfgsf/L u/fpg dgfl;a k|of; ug]5
{ .
As used in this Agreement, the word "the Bank" refers to Century Bank. "Customer" refers to the accountholder Limits on Amounts and Frequency of Transactions:
authorized by the Bank to use the Century Internet Banking under this Agreement and anyone else authorized The number of transfers from the Customer's accounts and the amounts, which may be transferred, are limited
person by that accountholder to exercise control over the accountholder's funds through the System. "Account" pursuant to the terms of the applicable deposit agreement and disclosure for those accounts. The limits for
or "Accounts" means Customer accounts maintained with the Bank. particular account types may vary and change at any time by the bank.
kl/efiff /sdsf] ;Ldf / sf/f]af/sf] k'g/fj[lQ
of] ;Demf}tfkqdf k|oQ ' m æa}s
+ Æ zAbn] ;]Gr'/L a}s
+ nfO{ hgfpg]5 . æu|fxsÆ zAbn] o; ;Demf}tfkq cGtu{t a}s
+ af6 ;]Gr'/L O{G6/g]6 u|fxssf] vftfaf6 x'g] /sdfGt/0fsf] ;+Vof / /sdfGt/0f x'g] /sd tL vftf;Fu ;DalGwt lgIf]k ;Demf}tfsf zt{ jf pb\3f]if0f adf]lhd
a}l+ sË k|of]u ug]{ clVtof/L kfPsf vftfjfnf / o; k|0ffnLåf/f vftfjfnfsf] /sddf lgoGq0f ug{ vftfjfnfn] clVtof/L lbPsf] ;Lldt x'g]5 . a}+sn] lglZrt vftfsf] k|+sf/sf nflu o:tf] ;Ldf s'g} klg ;dodf yk36 / kl/jt{g ug{ ;Sg]5 .
s' g } klg JolQmnfO{ hgfpg] 5 . ævftfÆ jf ævftfx?Æ eGgfn] u| f xsn] a} +sdf vf] n ]sf] vftfnfO{ hgfpg] 5 . Fund Transfer:
Application to Subscribe to the Internet Banking Service: Transfer of funds to either customers own predefined Account or to any account predefined Account mentioned
To apply for the Century IBS, the Customer must have at least one account at the Bank & an access to Internet in the application form which is maintained with the Bank, will be transacted and received by the payee
service. The Customer will have access to predefined account types and services only as defined in the application immediately. Fund Transfer Instructions shall be subject to such limits and conditions as imposed and/or revised
form. by the Bank or relevant authorities at their absolute discretion from time to time. For the avoidance of doubt,
this Fund Transfer service shall be available for the transfer of funds to account under the Customer code or
O{G6/g]6 a}l+ sË ;]jf xfl;n ug{ b/vf:t the accounts of third parties with the Bank. The Customer shall not use or attempt to use system for funds transfer
;]Gr'/L cfO{laP;sf nflu b/vf:t lbg] u|fxssf] a}s
+ df sDtLdf Pp6f vftf / O{G6/g]6 ;]jf ;Dd kx'rF x'gk' g]5
{ . u|fxsnfO{ b/vf:t without checking their availability balance in their account and it should be with the limit as defined by the Bank.
kmf/fddf kl/eflift ul/Padf]lhd k"j{ lgwf{l/t k|sf/sf] vftf / ;]jf;Dd kx'rF k|fKt x'g5
] . /sdfGt/0f
Accessing Your Accounts: vftfjfnfsf] cfkm\g} k"j{ lglb{i6 vftf jf a}s+ df vf]lnPsf] cGo vftfdf ul/Psf] /sdfGt/0f e'QmfgL kfpg]n] tTsfn e'QmfgL kfpg]5
The Customer may access their accounts by using a Customer Code/User ID and Initial Password/Personal . /sdfGt/0f lgb]z { g a}s + jf ;DalGwt lgsfon] cfkm\gf] :jljj]sdf ;do ;dodf nfu" u/]sf] /÷jf kl/dfh{g u/]sf] ;Ldf / zt{sf
Identification Number (PIN) provided by the Bank. For the first logon to the system, the Customer is required to
change the initial passwords (PIN) meeting the password requirements for security reasons. Customer should cwLgdf /xL hf/L x'g5 ] . låljwf lgjf/0f x]t' of] /sdfGt/0f ;]jf u|fxs ;Í]t cGtu{tsf] vftf jf a}s
+ df /x]sf] t];f| ] kIfsf] vftfdf
keep their PIN in a secure location. Any person having access to their Century Internet Banking PIN will be able ul/g] /sdfGt/0fsf nflu pknAw x'g5 ] . u|fxsn] cfkm\gf] vftfdf /sd /x]g/x]sf] hfFr gu/L /sdfGt/0fsf nflu ;]jf k|of]u ug{
to access the system and perform all transactions, including reviewing account information and making transfers jf ug]{ k|of; ug'{ x'bF g} / o:tf] /sdfGt/0f a}s
+ n] tf]ss] f] ;Ldf cg'?k x'gk' g]5
{ .
to other accounts. Therefore customers are liable for all transactions made or authorized using their password. Limitation/Disclaimer of the Bank
The Customer must keep their customer code & password confidential and under no circumstances should
disclose to any other person. In case the Customer forgets the password, request for the issue of new password 1. The Bank will take reasonable steps to ensure that our system in connection with service available to you,
could be applied in the written form. and manage the risk in operating the systems.
Once the Customer is logged on to the System, s/he should not leave the terminal or let anyone to have access 2. The Bank will not be responsible for failure to provide access or for interruptions in access to IBS due to
to the internet until s/he has logged off/signed-out from the System. The Customer is responsible for ensuring a system failure or due to other unforeseen acts or circumstances.
that s/he has logged off the service at the end of each session. 3. The Bank will not be responsible for any errors or failures from any malfunction of customer computer
or any computer virus or other problems related to their computer equipment used with the system.
vftf;Dd kx'rF 4. The Bank is not responsible for any error, damages or other losses that customer may suffer due to the
u|fxsn] a}s+ n] pknAw u/fPsf] u|fxs ;Í]t÷k|of]ustf{ klxrfg / k|f/lDes uf]Ko zAb÷JolQmut klxrfg ;+Vof -lkg_ k|of]u u/L malfunction or misapplications of any system they use, including browser, Internet Service Provider (ISP),
cfkm\gf] vftf;Dd kx'rF k|fKt ug{ ;Sg]5 . u|fxsn] klxnf] k6s k|0ffnLdf k|jz ] ubf{ ;'/Iffsf sf/0fn] cfjZos uf]Ko zAb xfl;n ug{ or other software or any equipment (including telecommunications facilities, computer hardware and
k|f/lDes uf]Ko zAb -lkg_ kl/jt{g ug'{ cfjZos x'g5 ] . u|fxssf] ;]Gr'/L O{G6/g]6 a}l+ sË lkg;Dd kx'rF xfl;n ug]{ s'g} klg JolQmn] modem) used to access or communicate with Century Internet Banking system.
k|0ffnLdf kx'rF kfpg]5 / vftf ljj/0f cjnf]sg ug]{ / cGo vftfdf /sd /sdfGt/ ug]{ nufot ;a} sf/f]af/ ug{ ;Sg] x'bF f u|fxsn] 5. The Bank reserves all the rights to determine and change from time to time the scope, timing and type of
cfkm\gf] lkg ;'/lIft :yfgdf /fVg'kg]5{ . t;y{ cfkm\gf] uf]Ko zAb k|of]u u/L ePsf] jf clVtof/L lbP adf]lhd ePsf] ;a} sf/f]af/sf the Services to be made available.
nflu u|fxs :jo+ lhDd]jf/ x'g5 ] . u|fxsn] cfkm\gf] u|fxs ;Í]t tyf uf]Ko zAb uf]Ko /fVg' kg]5 + / s'gk} lg cGo JolQmnfO{ s'g} klg 6. The User must be a customer of the Bank and maintain an account at a branch of the Bank.
cj:yfdf k|s6 ug'x{ bF' g} . u|fxsn] uf]Ko zAb la;]s {] f] l:yltdf gofF uf]Ko zAb kfpgsf nflu lnlvt ?kdf lgj]bg lbg ;Sg]5 . 7. By registering to use the Services, the Customer irrevocably agrees, confirm that all information provided
by the Customer to the Bank in relation to the Services is true, complete, relevant and up-to-date.
Psk6s k|0ffnLdf k|jz ] u/]kl5 cfkm' k|0ffnLaf6 aflx/ gcfP;Dd sDKo"6/ :yn 5f]8g\ jf OG6/g]6;Dd s;}nfO{ kx'rF lbg'xbF' g} . 8. The Services are for the sole and exclusive use by the Customer authorized to do so by the Bank.
k|To]s ;qsf] cGTodf ;]jfaflx/ cfPsf] s'/f ;'lglZrt ug'{ u|fxssf] lhDd]jf/L x'g5 ] . 9. The Customer shall not knowingly allow any other person to use the Services; the Bank will not be liable
Internet Banking Services: for any of the transactions allegedly performed by a third party.
When the Bank introduces new services under the IBS, the Bank may provide them on such supplementary terms 10. Any exchange rate, interest rate, dealing rate and other prices and information quoted by the Bank on
notified to you. The Customer should agree that the Bank has the absolute right to add, suspend, limit, withdraw, the Internet Site or otherwise in response to an online inquiry is for reference only and is not binding.
cancel or vary any transactions, facilities, services and products that could be accessed by the Customer through 11. The Customer acknowledges that there may be a time lag in transmission of instructions, information or
the IBS and the scope and/or extent of such transactions, facilities, services and products. communication via Internet for which the Bank shall not be held liable.
O{G6/g]6 a}l+ sË ;]jf 12. The Customer shall follow the guidance provided by the Bank online in designating the user code (the
cfO{laP; cGtu{t a}s + n] gofF ;]jf pknAw u/fpFbf a}s+ n] tkfO{n+ fO{ k"/s zt{sf ;f]af/] ;"lrt ug{ ;Sg]5 . cfO{laP;dfkm{t u|fxsn] 'User Name') and the password PIN for identifying the Customer for the purposes of the Services.
kx'rF xfl;n ug]{ s'g} klg sf/f]af/, ;'ljwf, ;]jf / pTkfbgx? / To:tf sf/f]af/, ;'ljwf, ;]jf / pTkfbgsf] If]q /÷jf lj:tf/ yk 13. The Customer may change the Password at any time. The User ID/customer code Name however, cannot
ug],{ lgnDag ug],{ ;Lldt ug],{ lkmtf{ ug],{ vf/]h ug]{ jf kl/jt{g ug]{ a}s + sf] k"0f{ clwsf/ ePsf] s'/fdf u|fxs ;xdt x'gk' g]5{ . be changed by the Customer.
Authorization: 14. Customer must keep user name and related password confidential. At no time and under no circumstances
shall the Customer disclose the User Name and/or the Password to any other person.
The Customer hereby authorize the Bank to comply with all Instruction(s) given in respect of the IBS accessed
using your Username and Password as Instruction(s) properly authorized by them even if they may conflict with 15. The Customer shall be fully responsible for any negligence and/or unauthorized disclosure of the User
any other mandate given at any time concerning your Accounts or affairs. The Customer agrees that such Name and/or the Password to any other person and shall bear the risks of the User Name and/or the
instruction(s) shall be binding on them self upon its transmission to the Bank and the Instructions cannot be Password being used by unauthorized persons.
changed or withdrawn without the Bank's consent and that the Bank is not further obliged to check the authenticity 16. The Bank will only act on an instruction in so far as it is in the Bank's opinion practicable and reasonable
of such Instruction(s). to do so and in accordance with its regular business practices and procedures.
clVtof/L 17. Information relating to any account or transaction made available to the Internet Site is for reference only.
The Bank's records of such account and transaction shall be conclusive unless and until the contrary is
u|fxssf] vftf jf ;/f]sf/;Fu ;DalGwt s'g} ;dodf lbOPsf] cGo s'g} ;dfb]z;Fu aflemPsf] cj:yfdf ;d]t k|of]ustf{sf] gfd / established.
uf]Ko zAb k|of]u u/L lbOPsf IBS ;DalGwt ;a} lgb]z { gx?nfO{ u|fxsn] ;d'lrt 9Ën] clVtof/Lk"js { lbPsf] lgb]z
{] gsf ?kdf kfngf 18. The Bank shall not be liable for any computer/cyber crimes such as hacking etc. and shall not be liable
ug{ a}s
+ nfO{ u|fxsn] clVtof/L lbg]5 . o:tf lgb]z
{] gx? a}s
+ ;dIf k|l] ift ul/Psf] cj:yfdf oL lgb]z
{ gx? u|fxssf nflu afWosf/L x'g] for any authorized transactions and/or any transactions carried out by using illegal and fraudulent
s'/fdf u|fxs dGh'/ ub{5 / a}s + sf] ;xdlt lagf oL lgb]z { gx? kl/jt{g ug{ jf lkmtf{ lng ;lsg]5g} / a}s + df o:tf lgb]z
{ gsf] methods.
cflwsfl/stf hfFra'em ug]{ bfloTj /xg]5g} .
+ sf] ;Ldf÷OGsf/L
The Customer hereby agrees that it is their responsibility to review the Transaction Record pertaining to any IBS != a}s
+ n] ;]jf;Fu ;DalGwt cfkm\gf] k|0ffnL tkfO{n+ fO{ pknAw x'g] ;'lglZrttfsf nflu dgfl;a k|oTg ug]5 { / k|0ffnL ;~rfngdf
transaction initiated on their Instruction. Any Instructions to the Bank for cancellation, revocation, reversal or cfO{ kg]{ hf]lvd Joj:yfkg ug]5 { .
amendment or clarification of their earlier Instructions, can only be effected, if their request is received and @= k|0ffnLut c;kmntf jf cGo k"jf{gd' fg gul/Psf sfo{ jf kl/l:yltsf sf/0f cfO{laP;;Dd kx'rF k|bfg ug{ g;s]df jf kx'rF df
effected before the earlier Instruction is executed. The Bank reserves the right at its sole discretion, to refuse to
carry out any of the Customer Instructions where they are inconsistent with the Bank's policy or laws or for any cj/f]w cfPdf To;sf nflu a}s + lhDd]jf/ x'g5 ] g} .
other reasons whatsoever. #= u|fxssf] sDKo"6/df ePsf] s'g} u8a8L, s'g} sDKo"6/ efO/; jf k|0ffnLsf nflu k|of]u ul/Psf sDKo"6/ ;fdu|Ldf ePsf]
The Customer should provide accurate and complete details as required by the Bank for any Instructions to the cGo ;d:ofsf sf/0f ePsf] uNtL jf c;kmntfsf nflu a}s + lhDd]jf/ x'g5
] g} .
Bank to effect transactions in relation to the IBS. $= u|fxsn] cfkm'n] ;]Gr'/L O{G6/g]6 a}l+ sË k|0ffnL;Fu kx'rF jf ;+rf/sf nflu k|of]u u/]sf] s'g} k|0ffnLdf ePsf] u8a8L jf a|fph/,
{ g O{G6/g]6 ;]jf k|bfos -cfO{laP;_ jf cGo ;km\6j]o/ jf cGo pks/0f -b"/;+rf/ ;'ljwf, sDKo"6/ xf8{jo] / / df]8d] ;d]t_
cfkm\gf] lgb]z
{ gaf6 ePsf s'g} klg cfO{laP; sf/f]af/;Fu ;DalGwt sf/f]af/ clen]vsf] cjnf]sg ug]{ cfkm\gf] lhDd]jf/LnfO{ u|fxs PlKn]s]zgsf] unt k|of]usf sf/0f ef]Ug' k/]sf s'g} uNtL, xflg jf cGo gf]S;fgLsf nflu a}+s lhDd]jf/ x'g]5}g .
%= a}s + nfO{ pknAw x'g] ;]jfsf k|sf/, If]q / ;do lgwf{/0f ug]{ / ;do ;dodf kl/jt{g ug]{ ;a} clwsf/ k|fKt x'g5 ] . Customer may use e-mail to contact us about inquiries, maintenance, and/or some problem resolution issues.
E-mail may not be a secure method of communication. We therefore recommend that you do not send
^= k|of]ustf{ a}s + sf] u|fxs x'gk' g]5
{ / lghn] a}s
+ sf] s'g} zfvfdf vftf vf]ns] f] x'gk' g]5{ . confidential personal or financial information by e-mail.
&= ;]jf k|of]usf nflu btf{ u/L u|fxsn] cfkm'n] a}s + nfO{ pknAw u/fPsf] ;]jf;Fu ;DalGwt ;a} hfgsf/L ckl/jt{gLo ?kdf Ownership of Website:
;xL, k"0f{, ;Da4 / cBfjlws ePsf] ;'lglZrt ub{5 . The content, information and offerings on the Bank website are owned by the Bank, and the unauthorized
*= a}s+ n] clwsf/ lbP adf]lhd Psn / k"0f{ ?kdf k|of]u ug{sf nflu ;]jf pknAw u/fOg]5 . use, reproduction, linking or distribution of any portions is strictly prohibited.
(= u|fxsn] hfgL hfgL cGo s'g} JolQmnfO{ ;]jf k|of]u ug]{ cg'dlt lbg'xbF' g} . t];f| ] kIfn] slyt ?kdf u/]sf] s'g} klg sf/f]af/sf Variations of Terms and Conditions:
nflu a}s + lhDd]jf/ x'g5] g} . The Bank reserves the right to add, modify, delete or vary any of these terms and conditions by way of notice
as deemed suitable by the Bank.
!)= O{G6/g]6 ;fO6df jf cgnfOg ;f]wk'5sf nflu a}s + n] pNn]v u/]sf] s'g} klg ljlgdo b/, Aofh b/, sf/f]af/ b/ / cGo The Customer agree to view these Terms and Conditions regularly and their continued access or use of the
d"No tyf hfgsf/L s]jn ;Gbe{sf nflu dfq pNn]v ul/Psf]n] afWofTds x'g5 ] g} . IBS after any such additions, modifications, deletions or variations become effective will constitute your
!!= O{G6/g]6af6 x'g] lgb]z { g, hfgsf/L jf ;+rf/ ;Dk|i] f0fdf l9nfO{ x'g ;Sg] s'/fnfO{ u|fxs :jLsfb{5 / o:tf] l9nfO{sf nflu acceptance to the variation of these Terms and Conditions.
+ lhDd]jf/ x'g5] g} . Law and Jurisdiction:
!@= ;]jfsf] k|of]hgsf nflu u|fxs klxrfg ug{ cgnfO{gdf k|of]ustf{ ;Í]t -k|of]ustf{ gfd_ / uf]Ko zAb tf]Sg] ;DaGwdf a}s + n] The Terms and Conditions will be governed by the prevailing Laws of Nepal and all disputes shall be resolved
by the Court of Nepal.
k|bfg u/]sf lgb]l{ zsfnfO{ u|fxsn] cjnDag ug'k{ g]5 { .
;]jfsf] ;dflKt
!#= u|fxsn] s'g} klg ;do uf]Ko zAb kl/jt{g ug{ ;Sg]5 . t/ u|fxsn] k|of]ustf{ klxrfg÷u|fxs ;Í]t kl/jt{g ug{ ;Sg] 5}g .
u|fxsn] a}s + nfO{ k"j{ lnlvt ;"rgf lbO{ s'g} klg ;dodf ;]Gr'/L O{G6/g]6 ;]jf cGTo ug{ ;Sg]5 . ;]jf cGTosf] ;"rgf a}s + n] kfPsf]
!$= u|fxsn] k|of]ustf{ gfd / ;DalGwt uf]Ko zAb uf]Ko /fVg'kg]5 { . s'g} klg ;do / kl/l:yltdf u|fxsn] k|of]ustf{ gfd /÷jf ldltn] ;ft lbgleq ;]jf s6f}tL ul/g]5 / o;/L ;]jf cGTosf] ;"rgf k|fKt ePkl5 s'g} klg lbgdf k|fKt u|fxssf] lgb]z { g sfof{Gjog
uf]Ko zAb s'g} cGo JolQm;dIf k|s6 ug{ x'bF g} . ug]{ bfloTj a}+sdf g/xg] s'/f u|fxsnfO{ :jLsfo{ 5 . a}+snfO{ s'g} klg sf/0fjz cfO{laP; cGTo ug]{ clwsf/ x'g]5 .
!%= u|fxs s'g} klg nfk/jfxL /÷jf k|of]ustf{ gfd /÷jf uf]Ko zAb s'g} cGo JolQm;dIf cglws[t k|s6Ls/0fsf nflu k"0f{ ;'/Iff
lhDd]jf/ x'g]5 / cglws[t JolQmn] k|of]u u/]sf] k|of]ustf{ gfd /÷jf uf]Ko zAbsf] hf]lvd axg ug]{5 .
k|ToIf jf ck|ToIf ?kdf pTkGg jf u|fxsn] oL zt{x? pNn+3g u/]sf] jf ;f] ljkl/t s'g} sfo{ u/]sf] sf/0f jf t];f| ] kIfsf] clwsf/sf
!^= a}s + n] s'g} klg lgb]z{ g sfof{Gjog ug{ a}s+ sf] ljrf/df Jofjxfl/s Pj+ dgfl;a b]lvPdf dfq cfkm\gf] lgoldt Jofj;flos sf/0f jf u|fxsn] cfO{laP; k|of]u u/]sf] jf clek|fout k|of]u u/]sf] sf/0f jf cfO{laP;sf] l9nfO{ /÷jf c;kmntfsf sf/0f
cEof; tyf sfo{ljlw adf]lhd ;f]sf] sfof{Gjog ug]5 { . pTkGg s'g} jf ;a} bfjL, xflg, pQ/bfloTj, nfut / vr{ -s'g} sfg"gL z'Ns;d]t_ af6 / ;f] lj?4 a}s + nfO{ ;'/lIft /fVg u|fxs
!&= s'g} vftf jf sf/f]af/sf ;DaGwdf O{G6/g]6 ;fO6df pknAw hfgsf/L s]jn ;Gbe{ dfq x'G5 . s'g} lj/f]wfefif pTkGg sa"n ub{5 .
ePdf To:tf] vftf jf sf/f]af/;DaGwL a}s + sf] clen]v g} lg0ff{os x'g5] . ;"rgf
!*= a}s + ÅoflsË h:tf s'g} sDKo"6/÷;fOa/ ck/fwsf nflu lhDd]jf/ x'g5 ] g} / s'g} klg cglws[t sf/f]af/ /÷jf u}/sfg"gL u|fxsn] a}s + df vftf vf]Nbf pknAw u/fPsf] 7]ufgfdf a}s + n] ;"rgf k7fpg ;Sg]5 . u|fxsn] ;f]wk'5, dd{t ;Def/ /÷jf ;d:of
/ hfn;fhLk"0f{ pkfoåf/f ul/Psf s'g} klg sf/f]af/sf nflu lhDd]jf/ x'g5 ] g} . ;dfwfg ;DaGwL ljifodf xfdL;Fu ;Dks{ ug{ O{dn] k|of]u ug{ ;Sg]5 . O{dn] ;+rf/sf] ;'/lIft dfWod gx'g ;S5 . t;y{ xfdL O{dn] af6
Termination of Services:
uf]kgLo JolQmut jf ljQLo hfgsf/L gk7fpg l;kmfl/z ub{5f}+ .
The Customer may terminate Century Internet Banking at any time by giving the prior written notice to the
Bank. The services will be cancelled withing 7 (seven) days from the date of the Bank's receipt of the notice j]a;fO6sf] :jfldTj
of termination and customer would agree that the Bank shall not be obliged to effect any of their Instructions a}s+ sf] j]a;fO6df /flvPsf ljifo, hfgsf/L tyf k|:tfjx? a}s + sf] :jfldTjdf /xg]5 / ;f]sf] s'g} c+zsf] cglws[t k|of]u, k'gp{Tkfbg,
received on any day failing after the receipt of your notice of termination. ;+of]hg jf ljt/0fdf s8f k|ltaGw nufO{G5 .
The Bank reserves the right to terminate the IBS for any reasons whatsoever.
zt{df yk36 x]/km]/
The customer hereby agree to indemnify and keep the Bank indemnified from and against any and all claims, a}s
+ n] plrt 7fg]sf] tl/sfaf6 ;"lrt u/L oL zt{x?dWo] s'g} zt{ yk, kl/dfh{g ug{, x6fpg jf x]/km]/ ug]{ clwsf/ a}s
+ nfO{ x'g5] .
losses, liabilities, cost and expenses (including but not limited to any legal fees) arising directly or indirectly oL zt{x?nfO{ lgoldt ?kdf b[li6ut ug{ u|fxs dGh'/ ub{5 / To:tf yk, kl/dfh{g, x6fO{ jf x]/km]/ kl5 u|fxsn] cfO{laP;;Dd
or which may arise out of their breach or violation of these Terms and Conditions or any third party rights or kx'rF / ;f]sf] k|of]unfO{ lg/Gt/tf lbPdf To:tf ljifo k|efjsf/L eO{ zt{df ul/Psf] x]/km]/ u|fxsn] :jLsf/]sf] dflgg]5 .
your use or purported use of the IBS or due to the delay and/or failure of such IBS. sfg"g / If]qflwsf/
Notices: oL zt{x? k|rlnt g]kfn sfg"gåf/f k|zfl;t x'g]5 / ;a} ljjfbx? g]kfnsf cbfntåf/f lg/f]k0f ul/g]5 .
The Bank may send notices to the Customer in the address provided by them with bank account whereas the

le;f 8]lj6 sf8{—zt{x¿ VISA DEBIT CARD - TERMS & CONDITIONS

dfly n]lvPsf zt{x? d}n]÷xfdLn] lng rfx]sf] ;]jf÷;'ljwfdf nfu' x'g]5 / d]/f]÷xfd|f] k"0f{ ;xdlt 5 .
I/We hereby accepted the terms & conditions mentioned above for the product and services, I/We avail from the bank.

For Bank's use Only

Account Marketed By Name Signature

Account opening reviewed and approved by Account open in system by

Date: Date:
lgj]bssf] b:tvt-x?_
Signature of Applicant(s)

ldlt Photo and signature uploaded by Photo and signature approved by

Date: Date:
JolQmut u|fxs klxrfg
(Individual Know Your Customer)

gfd y/
Full Name

lhNnf g=kf=÷uf=lj=; j8f

District Municipality/V.D.C. Ward
:yfoL 7]ufgf
(Permanent Address) 6f]n÷ufFp 3/ g+= kmf]g g+==
Tole/Villege House No. Phone No.

df]jfOn g+= Od]n=

Mobile No. Email

lhNnf g=kf=÷uf=lj=; j8f

District Municipality/V.D.C. Ward
xfnsf] 7]ufgf
(Recent Address) 6f]n÷ufpF 3/ g+= kmf]g g+==
Tole/Villege House No. Phone No.

hGd ldlt lj=;+= O{=;= /fli6«otf wd{

Date of Birth B.S. A.D. Nationality Religon

gful/stf g+= hf/L ug{] sfof{no hf/L ldlt

Citizenship No. Issuing Office Issued Date

kf;kf]6{ g+ -lnPsf] eP_= hf/L ug{] sfof{no hf/L ldlt

Passport No.(If taken) Issuing Office Issued Date

kl/rokqsf] lsl;d kl/ro kq g+=

Type of ID ID No.
sd{rf/L kl/rokq
Employee Identification
hf/L ug{] lgsfo hf/L ldlt
Issuing Office Issuing Date

-;/sf/L, ;fj{hlgs ;+:yf tyf ;+ul7t ;+:yfsf g]kfnL sd{rf/Lsf] xsdf_ (In Case of employee of any Govt. Institutions/Office/Firm/Company)

ljk|]z0f -b]zsf] gfd pNn]v ug'{ kg{]_ nufgL k|ltkmn tna Joj;flos cfDbfgL
Remittance (Mention name of country) Return on Investment Salary Income Business Income
cfDbfgLsf] >f]t
Source of Income
k}t[s cGo -pNn]v ug'{kg{]_ :yfoL n]vf g+=
Inheritance Others (Please specify) PAN No.:

vftfjfnf u|fxssf] kl/jf/ ;b:o ;DaGwdf (Details of family member of account holder)

gftf÷Relationship gfd y/ Full Name

klt÷kTgL ÷Spouse






a'xf/L÷Daughter in law (Son's wife)

;;'/f÷Father in law

vftfjfnf ;+nUg /x]sf] k]zf÷Jojzfo (Details of Account holder's occupation/bussiness)

;+:yfsf] gfd ;+:yfsf] 7]ufgf kb cg'dflgt jflif{s cfDbfgL÷kfl/>lds -g]=?=_

Name of Institution/Firm/Company Address of Institution Position/Designation Estimated Annual Income/Remuneration (NPR)

3/ g+=, 6]lnkmf]g g+=, df]afOn g+=, Od]n 7]ufgf, kf;kf]6{, k]zf Joj;fo, :yfoL n]vf g+= h:tf ljj/0fx? gePsf lgj]bssf] xsdf To:tf ljj/0f pNn]v ug{ cfjZos 5}g t/ ;f] ljj/0fx? cfkm';Fu g/x]sf] Joxf]/f :j3f]if0ff ug'{ kg{]5 .

u|fxssf] af;:yfg
Location Map of Customer:

u|fxssf] b:tvt
Customer's Signature

aflif{s sf/f]af/ x'g] cg'dflgt /sd Ps nfv;Dd kfFr nfv;Dd kfFr b]lv bz nfv;Dd bz nfveGbf dfly
Expected Annual Turnover Upto One Lakh Upto Five Lakh Five Lakh to Ten Lakh Above One Million

lzIff P;Pn;L jf d'gL k|df0fkq tx jf +2 :gfts :gftsf]Q/ jf dfly

Education SLC or Below Intermediate or +2 Bachelor Master or Above

s] tkfO{+ /fi6«;]js cyjf pRr kbflwsf/L x'g'x'G5 < xf] xf]Og x'g'x'G5 eg] kb pNn]v ug'{xf];\
Are you Government Official or High Level Official? yes No If yes, please mention the post

s] tkfO{+ /fhlglt1 cyjf /fhlglt1sf] gft]bf/ x'g'x'G5 < xf] xf]Og xf] eg], pNn]v ug'[xf];M bnsf] gfd kb
yes No If yes, please mention: Name of Party Post
Are you a Politician or a Relative of a Politician?

s] tkfO{sf] lxtflwsf/L 5 < 5 5}g

yes No
Do you have any beneficiary?

5 eg] tkfO{sf] lxtflwsf/Lsf] gfd / tkfO{;Fusf] gftf v'nfpg'xf]; <

If yes, please provide your beneficiary's name and relation with you.

gfdM gftfM
Name: Relation:

s] tkfO{sf] ;]~r'/L a}+sdf vftf 5 < 5 5}g

Do you have an account in Century Bank? yes No

5 eg] tnsf] ljj/0f eg'{xf];\ .

If yes please provide description below.

vftf g+=M zfvfM

A/c No.: Branch:

s] tkfO{n] ;]~r'/L a}+ssf] Debit Card ;]jf pkef]u ug'{ ePsf] 5 < 5 5}g
Have you used Debit Card Service of Century Bank? yes No

s] tkfO{ ljutdf s'g} ck/fwdf bl08t x'g' ePsf] 5 < 5 5}g

Did you ever convicted in any crime ? yes No

Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA)

This form must be completed by any individual who wishes to open a banking account.


Country of residence:

Country of Birth:

Please check the box as appropriate of the following question:

1. Are You

A. U.S. Resident ? Yes No

B. U.S. Citizen? Yes No

C. Holding U.S. Permanent Resident Card (Green Card)? Yes No

FATCA Indicia
1. Is the residential address mentioned in account opening form a care of address?

Yes No
2. Please check the appropriate box if any statement below applies to you?

a. I Have
i. Granted a power of attorney to a person who has a U.S. address, or
ii. Authorised a person who has a U.S. address to operate the banking account (either physically or electronically)

I hereby confirm the information provided above is true, accurate and complete

Subject to applicable local laws, I hereby consent Century Commercial Bank Limited or any of its affiliates (Including branches) to share my information with domestic and overseas tax authorities where necessary
to establish my tax liability in any jurisdiction.

Where required by domestic or overseas regulators or tax authorities, I consent and agree that the Bank may withhold from my account(s) such amount as may be required to applicable laws, regulations and

u|fxssf] b:tvtM
Customer's Signature:



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