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RASONABE, Gerckey G.


1. Write an essay on how mathematics can help you succeed in your chosen
field of specialization (your course) and subsequently in your future career.

Mathematics is omnipresent which means to say it is everywhere. Sometimes you are

unaware that you are doing it such as counting numbers with your fingers and distributing meals
proportionally within the family—just to name a few. Also, it can be found in Accounting—a
process of recording economic transactions that reports the health of the business through
ratios, percentages, graphs, charts, etc. But one might ask: Where is the connection between
math and accounting.
Math and accounting are intertwined as basic math is applied in the process of accounting.
To record transactions, first: one must analyse then translate it into monetary. Through this, the
use of basic math will be useful. Right analysis will direct the accountant to the right use of
operations. Take for example, the recording of equipment. You do not document the acquisition
of it in words but in its cash equivalents. As time passes by, the depreciation of it must be
computed. To solve, an application of basic math such as multiplication and division is used. In
another example, to bolster revenue, one can resort into curtailing their expenses with the use
of subtraction; one the other end, to know the increase, one can use addition. Having
knowledge with the basic will certainly aid the accountants in jotting down the accurate value.
Thus, honing two different skills one at a time—analytical and mathematical. Also, with the use
of these operations, one can compare and analyse counterpart’s development. Out from the
evaluation, accountants can answer the question: which company is performing and
underperforming. At the same time, suggest recommendations to solidify the company’s
standing. This can be concurred by citing the computation.
As an aspiring accountant, the above-cited claim will be of great help to me as I carry out
the duties of it. It will further hasten my confidence that as I master basic math, I will and can be
an exemplary accountant. An accountant who does not skip any steps. A practitioner of
accounting who acknowledges the essence of basic.

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