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Activity 1

Name: RASONABE, Gerckey G.

Section: ACCY1A Schedule: TTh – 4 – 5 PM

1. Answer the question: Is mathematics DISCOVERED or INVENTED? Support your answer in 5-10

Mathematics is a discovery, because it is said to be a set of concepts derived from the physical world,
waiting to be understood. The aforementioned claim can be attested by citing the philosophical view of realism
that says, “Math exists objectively and independent to human thought.” It further argues that mathematics is
based on a stringent system of equations that govern all of its traits and are simply revealed and applied in real
realm by humans. Take for example: An animal discovery. The animal does exist even prior to our awareness,
and by discovering we name them, and add to our list of animal information. This implies that mathematical
universe might be discovered one day or be left behind. Also, in the absence of empirical observations,
mathematical realism directs us to faith. In connection, a Prussian mathematician and logician named, Leopold
Kronecker has claimed that God constructed the integers. His argument tells us, math is a language and a tool;
humans did not invent arithmetic adding one with one will always equate to two, but rather they inherited it.
Thus, proving math is a discovery.

2. Think of a particular calamity that has affected the country and discuss the possible ways that
mathematics can help in mitigating the effects of this calamity. As much as possible, mention
some ways that mathematics is used for organization, prediction and control.

The current situation—COVID-19 pandemic has afflicted countless lives and of the economy. The
response of government is in adherence to the trends of infection. Various governments, including the
Philippine government, have put their states in an entire precautionary measure. Guidelines have been
implemented such as the use of face mask, social distancing, and sanitation. The implementation of such has
caused drastic effect to the trends. With the help of mathematics, states can understand whether their
measures have curbed the transmission or there is a need for stringent approach.

In the Philippines alone, a module on May 20, 2020 from the University of the Philippines on the pandemic,
has mentioned the reproduction number which is in representation of R for the entire country. The cited R is
said to be the measurement of virus’ spread rate. A value R > 1 (R greater than one) is an indicator that the
virus is still spreading; meanwhile, R < 1 (R less than one) is an indicator that the virus is slowing. With this,
UP experts can draw conclusions to the current response. In connection, a call for time-out from the medical
front-liners in the National Capital Region was expressed last August 2020. They requested to the government
for an Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) as they were exhausted to the number of admitted patients
infected with the virus. As a response, the Malacañang Palace has placed the entire Metro Manila in Modified
Enhanced Community Quarantine—a variation of ECQ but less strict. The decision was made to accommodate
the plea, and to curb the transmission while balancing the economy and of the public health—and this was
derived from the current trends at that time fortified with UP’s module. Having said these, mathematics was
really instrumental in the response as this will assist the decision-makers for more rational and sound
3. Write an essay on how mathematics can help you succeed in your chosen field of
specialization (your course) and subsequently in your future career.

Mathematics is omnipresent which means to say it is everywhere. Sometimes you are unaware that you
are doing it such as counting numbers with your fingers and distributing meals proportionally within the family
—just to name a few. Also, it can be found in Accounting—a process of recording economic transactions that
reports the health of the business through ratios, percentages, graphs, charts, etc. But one might ask: Where
is the connection between math and accounting.
Math and accounting are intertwined as basic math is applied in the process of accounting. To record
transactions, first: one must analyse then translate it into monetary. Through this, the use of basic math will be
useful. Right analysis will direct the accountant to the right use of operations. Take for example, the recording
of equipment. You do not document the acquisition of it in words but in its cash equivalents. As time passes by,
the depreciation of it must be computed. To solve, an application of basic math such as multiplication and/or
division is used. In another example, to bolster revenue, one can resort into curtailing their expenses with the
use of subtraction; one the other end, to know the increase, one can use addition. Having knowledge with the
basic will certainly aid the accountants in jotting down the accurate value. Thus, honing two different skills one
at a time—analytical and mathematical. Also, with the use of these operations, one can compare and analyse
counterpart’s development. Out from the evaluation, accountants can answer the question: which company is
performing and underperforming. At the same time, suggest recommendations to solidify the company’s
standing. This can be concurred by citing the computation.
As an aspiring accountant, the above-cited claim will be of great help to me as I carry out the duties of it. It
will further hasten my confidence that as I master basic math, I will and can be an exemplary accountant. An
accountant who does not skip any steps. A practitioner of accounting who acknowledges the essence of basic.

4. Give at least three patterns that you encounter everyday. For each one, explain why they are
classified as a pattern.

As I do my usual day-to-day activities, I have encountered different patterns and to name a few
these are the following:

1. Number Patterns. It is a series of numbers precisely arranged in specific order. Take for
example, borrowing an amount of money in which the interest is rated semi-annually; after borrowing
you have an obligation to pay the borrowed amount along with its interest. It is to be a pattern for it
showcases a sequence by using the mathematical formula– a subset of number patterns— in arriving
the compound amount;
2. Geometric Patterns. It is a visual arrangement of points, lines and shapes in space. It is
said to be pattern, because it depicts repetition. Take for example, a pizza pie, if cut into equal halves
that match and if formed back together it still depicts the same look—a circle pizza; and
3. Fibonacci Sequence and Golden Spiral. It is a set of numbers, where the last two digits are
added, starting with a zero. To illustrate, 0, 1, 1, 2, and 3 is the result of zero plus one, one plus one,
one plus two, respectively—a clear manifestation of observable pattern. Also, the golden spiral as a
pattern, because it can be seen and found like in a sunflower, galaxies, typhoons, spiral staircases,
etc., depicting a clear distribution of spiral.

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