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Activity 4.

A. Choose the letter of the correct answer from each statement.

1. Among the following formats, which should you apply when you use a book as a reference?
 C. Author, Initials or Institution. (Date of retrieval). Title of work. Retrieved from Web

2. If you used a book without an author, what format under APA style should you apply?
 D. Title of work. (Year of publication). Place of Publication: Publisher.

3. Which of the following is the general format used in periodicals?

 A. Surname of author/s, Initials (Place of publication). Title of the article. Title of the
periodical, volume (issue numbers), page numbers.

4. Which of the following shows how an editor should be written using the APA style?
 A. Bilbao, P. (E.).(2012).The Teaching Profession. Quezon City: Lorimar
Publishing, Inc.

5. Which is the proper way of referencing an online source?

 A. Shaefer, S. (March 14, 2014). School and Community Collaboration for
Educational Change. Retrieved from

6. Which is the proper way of citing a newspaper as a reference?

 A. Rosenberg, G. (1997). Electronic discovery proves an effective legal weapon.
The New York Times, p. D5.

7. Which is the proper way of citing a magazine as a reference?

 B. Rothbart, D. (2008, October). How I caught up with dad. Men’s Health, 108-113.
8. How to first cite the work of three authors in a text?
 A. In the words of De Guerrero, Saba, and Villamil (2002) …

9. How to reference a book without an author?

 B. Portraits of the 21st century Filipina. (2007). Cavite: Kamalayan Publishing.

10. How to cite a work without an author?

 D. All of the above

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