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Running Head: National Quality Strategy


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Six priorities of the NQS and what that means in a health care setting...........................................3


Six priorities of the NQS and what that means in a health care setting.

The 2009 U.S. Restoration and Investment Act (Restoration Act) was signed into the law by

Barack Obama President on February 17, 2009. An extraordinary effort aimed at reviving the

economy, creating or saving millions of the jobs and making initial payments to solve long-term

problems. The challenges that the country is facing to prosper in the 21st century have been

overlooked. This project is an emergency measure to promote the recovery and economic

development of the country, including the goal of modernizing the infrastructure of the country,

expanding educational opportunities, strengthening energy independence, protecting and

improving the affordable tax relief, health careand protection of the needy. Under a historic

financial stimulus bill lately signed by US President Obama, the US Department of the

Commerce will accept $ 7.9 billion to create as well as maintain jobs for US workers (Frewin,

2007). President Obama said, "The U.S. Recovery and Investment Act is the most

comprehensive economic recovery plan in the history." He noted that the document will create

3.3 million jobs in the 2 two years begun important work to continue the American dream (Nash,


ARRA invests in businesses in an openas well as timely manner, including funding for

innovative research, business development, broadband services expansion, construction

projectsthat create employment opportunities in a variety of professions and industries

(AMADEO, 2020).

NQS identifies six priorities

Health and Well-Being 


A healthy, healthy and physically and mentally healthy life is essential for a productive

workforce and a prosperous society. There is clear evidence: Public health programs are more

effective in reducing the preventable causes of death. Studies have shown that policies that

promote healthy and wholesome behavior can save $ 19 billion in health care costs over 10 years

(Frewin, 2007).

Therefore, the National Quality Strategy worked with communities in order to promote the

widespread use of most appropriate and best practices for achieving a healthy and prosperous life

as a national priority, and three improvement goals were proposed:

1. Facilitate community intervention to improve social, economic and environmental factors;

2. Promoting implementation allows people to adopt an important healthy lifestyle throughout

their lives (Friel, 2016);

3. In the clinical environment and community, promote effective clinical prevention services

throughout life.

Prevention & Treatment of the Leading Causes of the Mortality 

In the United States, cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of preventable death, accounting

for about 17% of all medical expenses, up from nearly $ 300 billion in 2010 alone. Prevention

and early treatment of the disease can not only improve health, but also reduce medical costs. It

is estimated that by preventing heart disease, we will be able to save $ 190 billion over 10 years.

This intervention can supportto reduce the use of expensive services in the future, such as heart

photography or surgery (Frewin, 2007).

Therefore, the National Quality Strategy listed the most effective measures of prevention,

treatment and intervention for the leading causes of death (from cardiovascular diseases) as a

national priority and set three goals for improvement:


1. Promote cardiovascular health through community intervention and thus improve social,

economic and environmental factors.

2. Promote cardiovascular healthcare through programs that promote the most important healthy

lifestyle throughout life.

3. Endorse cardiovascular healthcare by providing effective clinical prophylactic services

throughout the clinical as well as community life.

Person- and Family-Centered Care 

The involvement of patients and their families in decision-making and willingness to manage

their conditions is important to improve quality and reduce costs. A study by the Federal Fund

shows that caring for a patient and a family, along with making common decisions, can save $ 9

billion in medical costs over 10 years (Tikkanen et al., 2020).

Effective Communication and Care Coordination

The U.S. health care system is fragmented, and patients, families, and caregivers are forced to

move to an inefficient and increasingly complex system. Lack of coordination of care can lead to

serious problems, including medication errors, bed rest and hospitalization, and unnecessary pain

and suffering for patients. Higher costs are also a problem. The medical institute estimates that

health care coordination could save $240 billion a year (Nash, 2012).

Patient Safety 

Medical practice and their dangerous care kill thousands of Americans every year (Nash, 2016).

The facts are astounding: In the United States, there are approximately 2 million medical-related

infections each year, resulting in an estimated 90,000 deaths and hospital medical costs of more

than $ 4.5 billion (Frewin, 2007). Hospitals and abnormal restorations, which are generally


preventable, cost billions of dollars each year to Medicare and the private sector, and to patients

and families with chronic illnesses or pain, stress and reduced productivity.

Affordable Care 

The cost of health care in the United States is unmatched by any other country in the world.

Unfortunately, these costs do not improve the health of Americans. Overall, the United States

performs worse than other industrial nations in terms of the access to health care, mortality,

patient satisfaction, and the quality of health care (Tikkanen et al., 2020). The health care costs

are growing at an unsustainable rate of 7% annually and are mainly focused on the treatment of

acute and chronic diseases, not health and disease prevention and disability. Such priorities are

rooted in the activities of the NQF as part of its complete mission to progress the health as well

as medical system (Harvard Business Review, 2011). Although the NQF does not provide a clear

definition in the NQS, it also concentrations on other priorities required to meet the NQS vision,


• Palliative and hospice care

• Gaps

• IT hygiene

The NQF is committed to delivering medical care on a regular basis in a safe, reasonable, fair

and effective manner. Heal where no one is hurt. When all the Americans and their communities

are healthier than today although, this aim and vision is achievable, and these significances will

assist us to achieve this goal.



AMADEO, K. (2020). What Did ARRA Really Do?. The Balance. Retrieved 22 September 2020,


Frewin, D. (2007). Improving health and healthcare. International Journal Of Evidence-Based

Healthcare, 5(4), 369-369.

Friel, C. (2016). Improving Health Outcomes for Low Health Literacy Heart Failure

Patients. Home Healthcare Now, 34(8), 434-439.

Harvard Business Review (2011). Harvard Business Review On Fixing Health Care From Inside

& Out. pp.133-220.

Nash, D., 2012. Health Care Quality. Tampa, Fla.: American College of Physician Executives.

Nash, D. (2016). Improving Health Outcomes Through Population Health Practice. Journal For

Healthcare Quality, 38(2), 64-65.

Tikkanen, R., Osborn, R., Mossialos, E., & Djordjevic, A. (2020). United States |

Commonwealth Fund. Retrieved 22 September 2020, from

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