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Journal of Immunology Research

Volume 2018, Article ID 5986740, 18 pages

Review Article
Kidney Transplantation: The Challenge of Human Leukocyte
Antigen and Its Therapeutic Strategies

Tilahun Alelign ,1,2,3 Momina M. Ahmed,4 Kidist Bobosha,3 Yewondwossen Tadesse,5

Rawleigh Howe,3 and Beyene Petros1
College of Natural Sciences, Department of Microbial, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Addis Ababa University, P.O. Box 1176,
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Department of Biology, Debre Berhan University, P.O. Box 445, Debre Berhan, Ethiopia
Armauer Hansen Research Institute, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
St. Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College and Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
School of Medicine, College of Health Sciences, Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Correspondence should be addressed to Tilahun Alelign;

Received 1 September 2017; Revised 30 November 2017; Accepted 3 December 2017; Published 5 March 2018

Academic Editor: Nejat K. Egilmez

Copyright © 2018 Tilahun Alelign et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Kidney transplantation remains the treatment of choice for end-stage renal failure. When the immune system of the recipient
recognizes the transplanted kidney as a foreign object, graft rejection occurs. As part of the host immune defense mechanism,
human leukocyte antigen (HLA) is a major challenge for graft rejection in transplantation therapy. The impact of HLA
mismatches between the donor and the potential recipient prolongs the time for renal transplantation therapy, tethered to
dialysis, latter reduces graft survival, and increases mortality. The formation of pretransplant alloantibodies against HLA class I
and II molecules can be sensitized through exposures to blood transfusions, prior transplants, and pregnancy. These preformed
HLA antibodies are associated with rejection in kidney transplantation. On the other hand, the development of de novo
antibodies may increase the risk for acute and chronic rejections. Allograft rejection results from a complex interplay involving
both the innate and the adaptive immune systems. Thus, further insights into the mechanisms of tissue rejection and the risk of
HLA sensitization is crucial in developing new therapies that may blunt the immune system against transplanted organs.
Therefore, the purpose of this review is to highlight facts about HLA and its sensitization, various mechanisms of allograft
rejection, the current immunosuppressive approaches, and the directions for future therapy.

1. Introduction 4 Mbps [5]. The human immune system uses HLA’s unique-
ness to distinguish self from nonself. HLA are responsible
1.1. Human Leukocyte Antigens (HLA). The major histocom- for the presentation of “foreign” peptides (antigens) to the
patibility complex (MHC) is a gene region coding for cell immune competent cells. T lymphocytes recognize foreign
surface proteins important for the immune system. MHC is antigens only when it combines with HLA molecules.
the most complex immunogenetic system presently known The overall size of the HLA is approximately 3.6 million
in humans. The human MHC is often referred to human leu- base pairs (~3.6 Mbp) [4] or about 0.1% of the human
kocyte antigens (HLA), which is the name given for gene genome. Each class I and class II gene spreads over approxi-
clusters. Although HLA are known as human leukocyte anti- mately one-third of the HLA length. About 224 gene loci
gens, they mostly exist on the surfaces of our cells [1]. HLA were described out of 3.6 Mbp HLA complex super-locus
are groups of cell surface proteins encoded by genes in [6]. HLA is the most gene-dense region of the human
MHC which are known as HLA in humans and H-2 in mice genome [5]. The HLA gene complex alone contributes more
[2]. HLA genes are located on the short arm of chromosome than 10% of genetic diversity in humans. Most of the allelic
6 at 6p21 position [3, 4], occupying a genetic region of variations in the HLA genes are in exons 2 and 3 for class I
2 Journal of Immunology Research

and exon 2 for class II, which code for the antigen-binding HLA class I HLA class 11
regions of the proteins. Differences between different alleles Peptide
are due to multiple single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), 훼2 훼1 훼1 훽1
which suggests that the mechanism of allele formation is via groove
segmental exchange of alleles at the same locus. In other 훼2
훼3 훽2m 훽2
words, there is a patchwork kind of sequence motif variation
which could have arisen from recombination [7].
Based on the structure of the antigens produced and their Plasma membrane
function, there are two classes of HLA, HLA class I and class
II. Some studies have clustered the genes into three separate
Figure 1: HLA classes I and II are heterodimeric transmembrane
loci, that is, HLA class I, class III, and class II [8]. Class I his- proteins (adopted from [19]).
tocompatibility antigens (HLA-A, B, and C) are expressed on
all cells, and class II histocompatibility antigens (HLA-DP, domains of HLA class I and the α1 and β1 domains of
DQ, and DR) are expressed on antigen-presenting cells HLA class II make up the peptide-binding groove as shown
(B-cells, macrophages, dendritic cells, Langerhans cells, and in Figure 1 [19].
capillary endothelium). Histocompatibility antigens are Genes of class I (HLA-A and B) and class II (DRB1) are
inherited from both parents as MHC haplotypes [9–11]. This the most polymorphic loci across the HLA complex with
is composed of 5 to 8 exons and ranges in length from 4 to 3830, 4647, 3382, and 2011 alleles, respectively [20]. Poly-
17 kb [4]. HLA includes several loci closely linked, and each morphism means the occurrence of several alleles, that is,
of these loci involves numerous alleles, having 40 to 60 alleles genes encoding various MHC antigens located at the same
per locus that control the production of their corresponding locus. Polymorphisms of HLA genes especially in the
antigens [12]. HLA mismatches may occur at antigenic or peptide-binding regions are functionally important as they
allelic levels; the first are characterized by amino acid substi- may lead to variations in the peptide-binding abilities and
tutions in both peptide-binding and T-cell recognition specificities [7]. HLA genetic diversity/variation occurs at
regions, whereas the latter are characterized only by amino the population level [21]. Every individual has two alleles
acid substitutions in the peptide-binding regions [1]. for every HLA, one inherited from each parent [22].
The protective mechanisms of the human immune system HLA alleles described by the IMGT/HLA database con-
use HLA molecules to bind peptide antigens and present frag- sist of 13,412 alleles, of which HLA-B have the highest
ments of antigens to T lymphocytes [9–11]. HLA is a gene number of alleles (3977) [21]. About 103 class I epitopes
complex whose alleles encode polymorphic cell surface gly- have been identified [23]. However, there is no complete
coproteins which are involved in antigen recognition and list of alleles for each locus within the HLA system [7]
presentation. HLA molecules are surface glycoproteins hav- because there are an increasing number of HLA alleles
ing a peptide-binding ability with their peptide-binding identified as genotyping technique increase (Figure 2). This
regions [13]. Depending on the genetic disparity between implies the need for the development of new tools for the
the donor and the recipient, graft and host HLA molecules detection of newly identified HLA alleles implying that
present different peptides. HLA class I molecules are new drugs will be needed for the immunosuppression of
expressed on nucleated human cell surfaces and present these HLA alleles for successful transplantation [24]. In
non-self-antigens to cytolytic CD8 T-cells, and HLA class II transplantation, the more closely the donor and the recipient
molecules are expressed on antigen-presenting cells and alleles matched, the lesser the risk for tissue rejection [10].
present the antigen to CD4 T helper cells [1, 14, 15]. Therefore, high resolution of HLA typing which is not
restricted to the peptide-binding region can decrease HLA
1.2. The Structure of Class Molecules. MHC-I and MHC-II allele ambiguities [4, 25].
genetic regions of the MHC are interspersed by the MHC-
III region between them but code for structurally different
proteins [16]. Class I HLA consist of a polymorphic α-chains 1.3. Allele Assignment and Nomenclature. HLA nomenclature
associated with a nonpolymorphic β2-microglobulin chain. differs depending on the type of method used. The initial
These are widely distributed on nucleated cells and are par- alleles were defined by serological methods; however, the
ticularly abundant on lymphoid cells and vascular endothe- use of molecular methods has resulted in a more precise des-
lium [17]. Unlike class I molecules, HLA class II antigens ignation of HLA alleles [16]. Looking at the HLA at the DNA
are composed of two chains (α and β) encoded by two dis- level [10, 17], HLA nomenclature is a new nomenclature that
tinct genes (A and B) [18]. Class II HLA are covalently linked was introduced in 2010 [8]. This is because the old system
dimers of α- and β-chains. Class II antigens are expressed at could no longer accommodate the increasing number of
high density by APCs [12]. Antigenic variability in class I is HLA alleles. Currently, over 5700 alleles were described
less than class II because class I is encoded by one less poly- across the HLA loci. The DNA-based naming classification
morphic locus of β2-chain [17]. HLA class I is made up of system is much accurate than the serological system [26].
a heavy chain with three globular domains (α1, α2, and α3) In the HLA system, haplotype is the linkage of particular
noncovalently bound to β2m. HLA class II is made up of alleles at distant loci that occur as a group on a parental chro-
two heavy chains (α-chain and β2-chain) each with two glob- mosome. It segregates as a linkage group from parents to
ular domains (α1 and α2 or β1 and β2). The α1 and α2 children [16] (Figure 3).
Journal of Immunology Research 3

Number of alleles


Class I alleles
Class II alleles

Figure 2: Graph showing the number of alleles named by year from 1987 to the end of December 2017 (adopted from [20]).

Hyphen used to separate Suffix used to denote

gene name from HLA prefix changes in expression

Separator Field separators

HLA - A 02 : 101 : 01 : 02 N

HLA prefix Gene Field 4: used to show

differences in a
Field 1: allele group non-coding region

Field 2: specific HLA protein

Field 3: used to show a synonymous DNA

substitution within the coding region

Figure 3: New HLA nomenclature patterns (adopted from [8, 20]).

1.4. HLA in Kidney Transplantation. Kidney transplant is the cells, tissues, or an organ from one individual to another
gold standard therapeutic strategy of replacing renal dys- (allograft). Kidney transplantation is associated with 68%
functions that offers the best survival to the patients with lower risk of death than dialysis [29]. Kidney donors could
end-stage renal failure [22, 27, 28]. It is the transfer of living be either deceased or living sources [30]. In 1954, the first
4 Journal of Immunology Research

successful kidney transplantation was performed between and B) [50, 51], HLA-C [52, 53], and class II (HLA-DR)
identical twins in Boston [22]. In Ethiopia, kidney transplan- [50, 51] between a recipient and a donor is a major antigenic
tation has been performed on September 2015 at National barrier to transplantation therapy. Thus, minimizing HLA
Kidney Transplant Center under the auspice of St. Paul’s mismatch between a donor and a recipient is required to
Millennium Medical College with the Help of the University ensure successful transplantation [54–56].
of Michigan [31].
The law of transplantation indicates that grafts between
1.5.2. Pregnancy. In women, pregnancy remains an unavoid-
genetically identical individuals survive and grafts on geneti-
able HLA-sensitizing event [48]. Sensitization by pregnancy
cally different individuals fail [32]. Usually, transplant rejec-
has a significant impact on the development of HLA class I
tion of the kidney occurs when the immune response of the
and class II antibodies. The rate of developing HLA-B
recipient recognizes the new kidney as being a harmful
antibodies in patients sensitized by pregnancy was higher
object. This remains a major immunological barrier to organ
compared with sensitization after transfusion [57]. Studies
transplantation therapy [10, 33, 34]. Thus, prior knowledge
showed that the risk of large increases in donor-specific anti-
of the existing anti-HLA antibodies circulating among poten-
body was greatest when antibodies were originally stimulated
tial kidney recipients is important to set protective measures
by pregnancy than transplant antigens [58]. Similarly, it has
before transplantation.
been also reported that the prevalence of anti-HLA antibod-
ies was higher in pregnant women than transplant and trans-
1.5. HLA Sensitization. HLA sensitization refers to the pres-
fusion events [57].
ence of antibodies in the potential recipient against HLA
A baby inherits its HLA type from each parent, and the
molecules of the selected donor. Exposure to nonself HLA
mother is exposed to the father’s antigens which are
can cause the production of HLA-directed antibodies. Allo-
expressed in the cells of the developing baby. The HLA from
antibodies recognize antigenic epitopes displayed by the
the father are foreign to the mother’s immune system. HLA
HLA molecule on the transplanted allograft and contribute
antibodies made during pregnancy do not cross the placenta
to graft damage. There is a clear association between previ-
and harm the baby. Antibodies to HLA class I are more fre-
ous exposure to foreign HLA and the occurrence of a high
quent than class II [19]. The anti-HLA antibody develop-
degree of panel reactive antibody (PRA) [28]. The percent-
ment in pregnancy appears to be associated with the
age of PRA estimates the likelihood of positive crossmatch
expression of particular HLA alleles [44]. In females, multiple
to potential donors [35], and patients with greater quantities
pregnancies expose them to develop anti-HLA antibodies to
of preformed DSA have the highest likelihood of graft loss
the fetal antigens of a paternal origin which prevent them
[36]. Donor-specific anti-HLA antibodies (DSA) identified
from being potential blood donors or recipients [59, 60].
by single-antigen bead (SAB) array are questioned for their
The prevalence of HLA antibodies increases as the number
sensitivity and lack of event prediction after transplantation.
of pregnancies/parity increases [61]. The direct sensitization
Despite known technical limitations of SAB assay [37], it
of a woman against her partner and/or child makes them
appears to be a highly useful tool for posttransplant moni-
unsuitable potential donors for the mother [35]. Similarly, a
toring of HLA antibodies and surveillance of antibody-
study indicated that female patients receiving kidney allo-
mediated rejection.
grafts from their male partners or offsprings experience
The impact of sensitization in a potential recipient results
higher rates of graft rejection [62].
in longer waiting time for transplantation, posttransfusion
complications, exposure to more adverse effects of immuno-
suppressor drugs, and finally graft rejection [38, 39]. The 1.5.3. Transfusion. The ABO system antigens are the most
common causes of HLA-sensitizing events include previous important blood cell antigens in transfusion. These antigens
transplants, pregnancies, and blood transfusions that lead are complex carbohydrates (polysaccharides) expressed on
to the development of DSA [15, 40–42]. The risk of sensitiza- the surface of RBCs and many other cell types such as vascu-
tion increases as there is exposure to more than one sensitiz- lar endothelium. Despite proper ABO antigen crossmatch-
ing factor [28]. ing, patients would experience transfusion reactions when
they receive multiple blood supply [63]. ABO-incompatible
1.5.1. Previous Transplants. Anti-HLA antibodies produced organ transplant can cause hyperacute rejection due to the
after kidney transplantation are risks for transplant survival presence of preformed hemagglutinin A and/or B antibodies
[43–45]. After posttransplant, 24% of renal allograft recipi- to nonself A or B antigens [35].
ents will develop de novo HLA-DSA within ten years [46]. In blood transfusion, the leading cause of mortality is
Retransplantation showed stronger antibody production transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI) [64, 65].
than the first exposure of transplantation [40] and Antibodies in the donor’s blood could activate the recipient’s
increases the risk of early graft loss [47]. Patients would be pulmonary neutrophils, which damage the pulmonary endo-
broadly sensitized after the removal of the failed renal allo- thelium resulting in pulmonary edema [66]. Transfusion is
graft [48]. Multiparous women who have lost their previous poorly immunogenic [62], and multiple transfusions are
grafts are the highest risk factors of organ rejection [49]. required to induce persistent HLA allosensitization [67].
Studies demonstrated that previous organ transplantation, The use of blood transfusions that matched for HLA-DR
pregnancies, and transfusions are common HLA-sensitizing antigens was the starting point in transfusion therapy [68].
factors [40, 44, 49]. The disparity of HLA of class I (HLA-A Platelets express HLA, but not red blood cells. The use of
Journal of Immunology Research 5

HLA-matched blood [61, 69] and leukocyte-depleted blood the adaptive immune system mediated by a complex inter-
products [70] reduce the risk of HLA sensitization [67]. play of cellular and humoral immunity [82, 83].

1.6. Non-HLA Antibodies and Acute Rejection. In the absence 2.1. Cellular Graft Rejection. T-cells are critical in graft
of circulating donor-specific HLA antibodies, non-HLA rejection due to TCR-MHC interactions and are mainly
antibodies were shown to cause graft rejection [71]. The anti- responsible for chronic rejection of most tissues [2]. T lym-
genic targets of non-HLA antibodies may be minor phocytes can directly recognize and respond to foreign HLA
histocompatibility antigens, vascular receptors, adhesion molecules. Subsequently, T-cells and cells of innate immu-
molecules, and intermediate filaments [8]. The major histo- nity function synergistically to reject the allograft [81].
compatibility class I-related chain genes are non-HLA pro- Toll-like receptors and the complement systems are well-
teins with some homology to HLA class I molecules and characterized components of innate immunity which are
are frequent targets of the alloimmune humoral responses central to graft injury [84]. Pattern recognition receptors
[72, 73]. Different non-HLA antibody types were identified (PRRs) are a family of TLRs that are expressed on the outer
as antiendothelial monocyte, antiactivated endothelial cells, cell membrane especially on APCs such as dendritic cells
or antiepithelial cells among patients who have rapidly and macrophages. They have the ability to recognize
rejected multiple renal allografts [74]. pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) to elicit
Non-DSA functions as complement and noncomplement- innate immunity [85]. The ligation of APCs with antigens
fixing antibodies which induce acute and chronic allograft initiates intracellular signal transduction cascades that lead
injuries [8]. Non-HLA antibodies can be directed against to nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB) activation and the upreg-
polymorphic or nonallelic proteins. Antibody development ulation of the adhesion molecules, costimulatory molecules,
against nonpolymorphic targets results from inflammations and cytokines that are essential to immune activation. NF-κB
that break humoral tolerance to autoantigens [71]. Moreover, is a protein complex that controls the transcription of DNA,
HLA genes are risk factors for most autoinflammatory dis- cytokine production, and cell survival [85, 86].
eases, which predispose humoral responses against self-
antigens [75]. On the other hand, exposure to pathogens 2.1.1. Toll-Like Receptors. Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are
(such as bacterial and viral antigens) may trigger cross- pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) that sense tissue
sensitization and allograft rejection by enhancing the damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPS) through
immune response to allogeneic HLA [39, 76]. Therefore, their endogenous ligands [86]. This activates DCs [32],
the effect of non-HLA antibodies on allograft rejection is to secrete proinflammatory cytokines, upregulate surface
a complex matter and the mechanisms of graft injury MHC class II, and increase expression of T-cell costimula-
remain unclear. tory molecules, and it uses specific chemokine receptors
that facilitate their trafficking to secondary lymphoid
2. Mechanisms of Graft Rejection organs promoting acute rejection. Unlike DCs, macro-
phages probably do not play a direct role in the induction
Rejection is defined as an immune response that mediates of allorecognition because they inefficiently prime naive
injury and destruction of transplanted tissues. Kidney trans- T-cells [83]. Infection and cell injury result in the produc-
plant rejection is a complex process [77], and the graft could tion of PAMPs and DAMPs that promote inflammatory
be viewed as a one-way process in which host immune cells responses via TLRs located on the cell membrane and within
destroy a defenseless allograft [78]. HLA molecules expressed endosomes [86].
on the surface of the donor cells induce an antigenic stimulus
recognized by the recipient’s immune system which triggers 2.1.2. Complement. The small peptide cleavage fragments of
graft rejection [79]. The immune response to an allograft the complement system, C3a and C5a, are chemoattrac-
rejection involves both the innate and the acquired immune tants which interact with receptors on cells promoting
systems. The innate immune system predominates in the acute graft rejection [32]. Complement receptors (CR) are
early phase of response through recognizing host-derived PRRs that sense complement effector molecules such as
molecules which results from tissue damage. Proinflamma- C3a, C5a, C3b, iC3b, and C3d generated by DAMP-
tory damage-associated molecular patterns, hypoxia- mediated activation of complement. Stress-induced signal-
inducible factors, adhesion molecules, dysfunction of the ing through PRRs on resident tissue cells and infiltrating
renal vascular endothelium, chemokines, cytokines, and leukocytes mediate tissue injury by attracting inflammatory
Toll-like receptors are involved in the activation and recruit- cells and directly activate T-cells in the presence of foreign
ment of immune cells into injured kidneys. Immune cells of antigen and APCs that promote the donor-specific immune
both the innate and the adaptive immune systems such as responses. Effector responses against donor antigen are
neutrophils, dendritic cells, macrophages, and lymphocytes also PRR signal dependent. The crosstalk between CR and
contribute to the pathogenesis of renal injury [80]. Initiated TLR may alter the cellular response in a complex biological
inflammatory events by chemokines and cell adhesion mole- system [84].
cules play essential roles, not only for leukocyte migration Neutrophils and macrophages express the cell surface
into the graft but also for facilitating dendritic cells and T- receptors for C3a and C5a [87]. C3a elicits the release of
cells trafficking between lymph nodes and transplants [81]. prostaglandin E2 from macrophages, and C5a causes the
The mechanisms of allograft rejection mainly depend on release of histamine from mast cells. The activation of these
6 Journal of Immunology Research


Complement- activation
activating Complement
ligand (e.g., receptor
CHO, lipid,
and CRP)

Inflammation Adaptive immunity

Tissue stress Crosstalk via PTEC Graft

(trauma, cold, intracellular T-cell dysfunction
hypoxia, etc.) signaling Neutrophil Macrophage or loss
Dendritic B-cell

receptor ligand Toll-like
(e.g., HSP60, SAP, receptor
and HMGB-1)

Figure 4: Pathway of injury mediated by innate immune receptors (adopted from [84]).

Classical pathway- Lectin pathway- Alternative pathway-

immune complexes, carbohydrate residues, activating surfaces, lipid
CRP, SAP IgA or IgM carbohydrate

C1q, MBL C3b

C1r, C1s MASPI-3

C4, C2 Factor B
Factor D
Complement regulators Factor P
CD35, CD46, CD55 C3

C3b C3a Complement

CD35, CD46, CD55
factor H
iC3b, C3d C5

C5b C5a

Complement C6, C7
C8, C9

CR1-4 and CRIg Membrane C3aR and C5aR

surface receptors pores surface receptors

Opsonization of Activation and Inflammation, antigen

antigen and intra- necrosis of tissue presentation, and
cell adhesion parenchyma T-cell activation

Figure 5: The complement cascades (adopted from [84]).

cells induces endothelial cells to increase the expression of transduction pathway that regulates the process of cell pro-
adhesion molecules such as endothelial cell selectin (E- liferation, cell differentiation, and cell death [88, 89]. The
selectin), vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM1) and effector mechanisms are initiated by pattern recognition
intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM1), cytokines, and receptors and damage-associated molecular patterns as
chemokines such as interleukin-1α (IL-1α), IL-6, CCL-5, shown in Figure 4.
and CXC-chemokine ligand 8 (CXCL8). C3a and C5a also Complement is activated by classical, lectin, and alterna-
promote the mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling tive pathways (Figure 5). The classic complement activation
pathway, which is a key component of the signal pathway is relevant to antibody-mediated rejections [90].
Journal of Immunology Research 7

The lectin pathway is initiated by mannose-binding proteins which are fluid-phase regulators of the terminal pathway.
which bind to carbohydrate residues on the pathogenic CD59 prevents the binding of C9 to C5b–C6–C7–C8 com-
surface or IgA and IgM molecules. The alternative path- plexes in the terminal pathway. Many of the biological
way is triggered by direct binding of C3b to the activating effects resulting from complement activation are mediated
surface. The classical pathway is triggered by the binding by cell surface receptors, such as the receptors for C1q, C3a,
of C1q(C1q) to immune surveillance molecules that are C5a, and iC3b (the inactivated form of C3b). Antibody-
attached to the target sequence (e.g., immunoglobulin), C- independent complement activation might also occur by
reactive protein (CRP), and serum amyloid protein (SAP) the lectin and/or alternative pathways [89] (Figure 6).
[84]. Activation of C1 (which is composed of C1q, C1r, and Donor-specific antibodies to HLA class I or II antigens
C1s) can be initiated by the interaction of the globular can cause acute rejection such as by promoting coagulation
domains of C1q with IgG or IgM bound to antigen epitopes and chronic rejections [90, 92, 93]. If complement activation
on the graft endothelium. The order of the C1q-binding is completely inhibited, the state of graft acceptance or resis-
potential of human IgG subclasses in decreasing capacity is tance is known as accommodation [89] (Figure 7).
IgG3, IgG1, IgG2, and IgG4. Conformational changes in
C1q then allow cleavage of C1r, and activated C1r cleaves 2.1.3. Complement Components: C1q and C3. The comple-
and activates C1s, which is the enzyme that activates C2 ment system is composed of different subunits and functions
and C4. C4 is cleaved by C1s into the small fragment C4a as recognition (Clq, Clr, and Cls), activation (C4, C2, and
and the large fragment C4b. C4d is a fragment of C4b, an C3), and attack (C5, C6, C7, C8, and C9) [94, 95]. C1q pro-
activation product of the classic complement pathway. tein deficiencies result in the development of systemic lupus
The effects of antibody on the endothelium of the renal erythematosus, accumulation of autoantibodies, and apopto-
allograft can be confirmed by C4d stains of renal biopsy which tic cells [96, 97]. Thus, serum C1q-circulating immune com-
is a marker of complement activation-fixing circulating anti- plexes could serve as a predictive diagnostic marker for renal
bodies The interactions of antibodies with complement com- flares in patients with lupus nephritis [98].
ponent begin the sequence that generates soluble peptides In humans, IgM and IgG bind to the multivalent C1q
(C3a and C5a) and bound molecules (C4b and C3b) and cul- molecule and are capable of catalyzing the activation of C3
minates in the formation of the terminal complement com- (an abundant protein and central component mediating all
ponents of the membrane attack complex [89]. complement pathways). C3-triggering events may result in
All three pathways progress to form enzyme complexes lyses of target cells by disrupting the plasma membrane
that convert C3 and then C5 into active forms. This generates [99]. C3 modulates both innate and adaptive immune
groups of complement effectors that mediate inflammation, responses, and its activation is involved in tissue damage
antigen uptake, and B-cell stimulation. C5b is a multimeric [100]. A study reported that mice deficient in C3 are hemato-
complex that creates a pore in the target cell membrane logically normal under steady-state conditions but displayed
and induces cell death [84]. C5b triggers the formation or a significant delay in hematopoietic recovery from transplan-
assembly of membrane attack complex (MAC) composed tation of wild-type mice [101]. Thus, complement inhibitors
of C5b–C9. This full activation of complement leads to graft could be therapeutic options to intervene against transplan-
rejection through cell leakage or lysis [87, 89]. The local tation rejection. Therefore, C3 represents a “hot spot” for
necrosis and detachment of endothelial cells from the complement-targeted therapy in the future [100].
basement membrane are also indications for AMR [91]. Although complement activation is known to have a del-
Regulators of complement activation pathways are soluble eterious effect on organ transplantation, it has an important
(e.g., factor H) or membrane-associated, for example, CD35 role in regulating immune responses such as immune com-
(complement receptor 1 (CR1)), CD46 (membrane cofactor plex clearance [99]. In the context of transplantation, the bal-
protein (MCP)), and CD55 (decay accelerating factor ance between C1q and C3 is found to be critical. A study
(DAF)). The regulators bind C3b (and C4b) and increase reported that deficiency in C1q or C3 in female mice results
its decay or proteolysis from the C3 and C5 convertases of in a rapid rejection of male skin grafts. It is because of the
the classical and alternative pathways. Other regulators accumulation of T-cells which play a role in mediating
inhibit the formation of C5b–C9 (e.g., through binding of inflammatory processes and graft rejection. Therefore, C1q
C3 by CD59) [84] (Figure 5). may contribute in maintaining self-tolerance against foreign
Inhibitor proteins regulate complement activation, tissues [102]. However, the exact mechanisms for the failure
including C1 inhibitor (C1INH), carboxypeptidase N (CPN; of self-tolerance induction in C1q- and C3-deficient mice
which inactivates the anaphylatoxins C3a, C4a, and C5a), remain unexplored.
and factor I (which inactivates C3b and C4b, using C4b-
binding protein (C4BP)). The membrane regulators comple- 2.1.4. Lymphocytes. The central problem in transplantation
ment receptor 1 (CR1), membrane cofactor protein (MCP), therapy is the immune response of T and B lymphocytes
and decay-accelerating factor (DAF) regulate complement of the host against the donor antigens. T-cells have an
activation by functioning as cofactors for factor I-mediated ability to recognize genetically different MHC molecules.
cleavage of C3b and C4b (in the case of CR1 and MCP) or Usually, acute organ rejection is mediated by T-cells by
by accelerating the decay of C3 convertase and C5 convertase either through T-cell-derived lymphokines or T-cell-
(in the case of CR1 and DAF). Fluid-phase activation causes mediated cell lysis [12]. T-cell-mediated reactions can take
C5b–C6–C7 complexes to bind vitronectin and clusterin, place through CD4 T-cells for HLA class II antigens or
8 Journal of Immunology Research

Endothelial cell

Antigen on graft
IgG or IgM
C1s C2a

C4b C3 convertase CR1 and DAF

C4 Factor I and C4BP

(CR1 and
C3 MCP as
C2 cofactors)

C4a C2a
C3a C3b
C4b C5 convertase

CPN Anaphylatoxins
C6 C7 C8 C9
Inflammatory C5
Vitronectin CD59
and clusterin
Fluid phase

activation Cell lysis

Figure 6: Classical pathway of complement activation by antigen-antibody (adopted from [89]).

Antigen Complete inhibition

(MHC class I or class II, Accommodation
of complement
ABO blood group antigen
or other antigens) Antibody
Complement Lytic
activation C5b-C9

inhibition of

Endothelial-cell activation Lysis and cell death

Chronic rejection Acute rejection

Figure 7: The three postulated outcomes of the binding of complement-fixing alloantibody to endothelial cells (adopted from [89]).

cytotoxic CD8 T-cells for HLA class I (A, B, or C) anti- recognized as the first causes of allograft failure [103].
gens [32]. The majority of B-cells require help from T- Thus, T-cell-mediated rejection is a major determinant of
cells to initiate antibody production. Antibodies are widely inflammation in kidney allografts.
Journal of Immunology Research 9

2.2. Antibody-Mediated Graft Rejection. Antibody-mediated when immunosuppressive therapy is discontinued. Chronic
rejection (AMR) is defined as allograft rejection caused by rejection usually occurred from three months to years. During
antibodies of the recipient directed against donor-specific chronic rejection, both T-cells and antibodies are involved.
HLA molecules and blood group antigens [104, 105]. The development of de novo antibodies after transplantation
Although the mechanism by which HLA I antibodies pro- is associated with chronic AMR [71, 111]. Clinically, chronic
mote inflammation and proliferation has been revealed by rejection remains the major unresolved problem in transplan-
experimental models, the pathogenesis of HLA II antibodies tation [112].
is less defined. Antibodies to HLA II frequently accompany Antibodies to donor HLA class I or II antigens are pres-
chronic rejection in renal transplants [71]. AMR has been ent in 88 to 95% of the patients who have C4d deposition
recognized as the leading cause of graft loss after kidney [113, 114]. Antibodies to donor ABO antigens show a similar
transplant if there is a donor-host antigenic disparity. Anti- association [115]. However, not all patients with AMR have
bodies can be produced against epitopes of the antigen that anti-HLA antibodies, indicating that other non-HLA factors
differ from self by as little as one amino acid [19]. Preexisting such as MHC class I-related chain A (MICA) antigens are
antibodies or the development of de novo antibodies after involved in acute or chronic graft damage. MICA antigens
transplantation has become a biomarker for AMR graft loss can be found in fibroblasts, endothelial cells, dendritic cells,
[72, 106]. HLA antibodies are risk factors for hyperacute, and many tumors. MICA antigens are structurally similar
acute, and chronic allograft rejections [2]. to MHC class I proteins, closely linked to HLA-B and C
The specificity of HLA antibodies can be determined loci [91–93].
using single-antigen luminex beads that consist of fluores- Antibodies produced by plasma cells activate the comple-
cent microbeads conjugated to single recombinant HLA class ment system involved in AMR [93]. In a sensitized transplant
I and class II molecules. Complement-fixing ability would be recipient, memory B lymphocytes in bone marrow, spleen,
assessed by the binding of C1q to HLA antibodies present in and lymph node results in the formation of antibody-
the serum. In several studies, C1q-positive DSA had associ- secreting plasma cells that produce high levels of DSA
ated with antibody-mediated rejection in renal transplanta- [33]. Alloantibodies recognize antigenic epitopes displayed
tion compared with antibodies identified only by IgG [71, by HLA molecules on the transplanted allograft through
107]. Complement-fixing ability is relevant to hyperacute complement-dependent and independent pathways [89].
and acute rejections. Hyperacute rejection is predominantly This activates the complement system to generate inflamma-
complement-mediated severe allograft injury occurring tory split products and engagement of Fc gamma receptors
within hours of transplantation. It is caused by high titer of (FcγR) on natural killer (NK) cells, monocytes, and neutro-
preexisting HLA or non-HLA antibodies in presensitized phils [19, 116]. Complement-binding DSA target class 1
patients. But the incidence of hyperacute rejection is reduced HLA on endothelial cells, activate the classic complement cas-
due to improved DSA detection methods and desensitization cade, and deliver complement-dependent cytotoxicity in acute
protocols [71]. Patients with class I DSA had worse graft antibody-mediated rejection. Complement-nonbinding DSA
survival than class II. C1q testing in pretransplant sera with recruit innate immune cells (NK cells, macrophages, and
DSA was unable to predict acute antibody-mediated rejec- neutrophils) through Fc receptors and lead to antibody-
tion or early graft loss. Despite nonfixing complement dependent cellular toxicity. In addition, complement-
in vitro, pretransplant C1q-negative DSA I can mediate rejec- nonbinding DSA have direct stimulation and pleiotropic
tion and graft loss [108]. effects that cause tissue injury, cellular recruitment, and
The mode of action of antibodies in transplant rejection endothelial proliferation. The latter two mechanisms play
can be mediated by damage of endothelial cells due to the an important role in acute antibody-mediated rejection with
activation of complement-mediated cytotoxicity, by induc- a negative C4d deposit in peritubular capillaries as well as
tion of antibody-dependent cytotoxicity (ADCC), through chronic antibody-mediated rejections [42] (Figure 8).
intensification of inflammatory reactions by the release of Antibodies of the IgG isotypes and possibly IgM isotypes
complement components (C3a, C5a), or by immune com- are clinically relevant for transplantation [117]. However,
plexes (activation of clotting system) [42, 90]. The main anti- preexisting IgG isotypes are considered the main risk factors
genic targets of AMR are HLA molecules (class I and class II) for AMR [10]. IgG1 and IgG3 are the most efficient activators
[9] and ABO blood group antigens [89]. Acute AMR remains of the complement system [92]. Endothelium of donor graft
a significant challenge of kidney transplantations occurring peritubular and glomerular capillaries displays MHC mole-
from 20 to 50% [33], whereas chronic rejection accounts cules which are the target for antibody production. Once
for 50 to 80% [109]. the endothelium is damaged by an antibody, factors such as
Antibodies directed against donor antigen can cause dif- P-selectins are released as an inflammatory response. Leuko-
ferent types of rejection that can vary in acuity and severity. cytes adhere to glomeruli or to dilated peritubular capillaries
The main types of graft rejection are hyperacute, acute, and via cytokines (IL-1α, IL-8) and chemokine ligand 2 allowing
chronic rejections [110]. Hyperacute rejection refers to previ- complement activation [91]. Although single-antigen bead
ous sensitizations leading to preformed antibody [111] that assay is developed to detect donor-specific antibodies, the
causes immediate (minutes or hours) vascular injury via definition of antibody attributes that are associated with
ADCC. Acute rejection involves cellular infiltrates of both AMR pathology remains unclear.
CD4+ T-cells and CD8+ T-cells. Acute rejection occurs There are three major effector functions carried out by
within days (sometimes), months (usually), and years later antibodies. First, bivalent IgG can dimerize or crosslink its
10 Journal of Immunology Research

Donor APC T-cell Th cell


Endothelial cell
class I HLA
Plasma cell
Complement- Complement-
binding DSA nonbinding DSA
(C1 complex) Endothelial cell
C4bC2a class II HLA
(C3 convertase)

Fc receptor Direct stimulation
Anaphylatoxin Pleotrophic effects
Inflammation C4bC2aC3b NK cell
(C5 convertase) Growth factors
Macrophage Leukocyte recruitment
Tissue injury
C5 Neutrophil Endothelial proliferation

C5b Degranulation
C5b-9 Lytic enzymes
(Membrane attack complex)
Tissue injury
Cell lysis Cell death

Figure 8: Mechanisms of pathogenesis of donor-specific antibodies in antibody-mediated rejections (adopted from [42]).

target upon binding to HLA and triggers downstream α-chain and the β-chain), the effects of their mismatches on
activation of the target cells. Second, antibodies can activate transplant outcome have been less certain until recently.
the classical complement cascade through binding to Fc- Thus, HLA-DQ/DP antigens expressed on the cell surface
fragment which triggers the production of potent anaphyla- promote peptide binding to class II molecules [2] and need
toxins, chemoattractants, opsonins, and cell-damaging to be considered for transplantation therapy [120–122]. The
factors. Thirdly, HLA IgG bound to target cells can engage reason why the effects of HLA-DQ matching have been
Fc receptors on myeloid and lymphoid cells to employ a host underemphasized in the past years was the assumption that
Fc receptor-mediated effector functions, including ADCC HLA-DQ matching was closely parallel to HLA-DR match-
and antibody-dependent phagocytosis [12]. The destructive ing because of linkages in the proximity of the two genes on
power of alloantibodies of the recipients directed against chromosome 6. In addition, the identification of HLA-DQ
HLA class I and II molecules varies [112], depending on or DP molecules has relied on DNA sequencing than the
the level of antibody [33], immunoglobulin isotype, target common HLA methods [119]. On the other hand, HLA-
antigen, and the type of organ transplanted [117, 118]. DQ and HLA-DP mismatches do not appear to be important
High-titered pretransplant antibodies directed against for transplantation [3].
HLA class I antigens can cause catastrophic hyperacute An increasing recognition of either preformed or de novo
rejection [19]. anti-HLA-DQ-DSA and their role in acute and chronic rejec-
The current kidney allocation algorithms used by most tion suggests the need to assess the risk of transplantation at
transplant societies including the USA consider only anti- the epitope levels [119]. A study reported that HLA-DQ anti-
gens in HLA-A, B, and DR loci [119]. HLA-DR molecules bodies are the most commonly developed de novo DSA
are considered to be relevant for graft rejection, because its among posttransplants. Thus, there is a positive correlation
β-chain is polymorphic and contributes to differences for between the presence of donor-specific HLA-DQ antibodies
HLA-DR alleles, but the α-chain is found virtually nonpoly- and an increased risk of transplant rejection [120–122].
morphic [18]. The effect of anti-HLA-DQ-DSA relates to the presence of
the high number of polymorphic epitopes expressed on the
2.2.1. DQ/DP Antibodies and Acute Rejection. Although α- and β-chains [123]. Reports [120] demonstrated that
HLA-DQ/DP gene regions possess polymorphic chains (the HLA-DQ mismatches are associated with acute rejection
Journal of Immunology Research 11

independent of HLA-A, B, and DR mismatches. Acute graft rise to cytotoxic CD8+ and CD4+ cells, as well as to Th1 or
rejection was significantly worse when HLA-DQ antibodies Th2 cytokines that will trigger delayed-type hypersensitivity
were combined with non-DQ antibodies compared with (DTH) and eosinophil rejection, respectively [81]. The semi-
HLA-DQ alone or no antibodies. There was a significant direct pathway involves host APCs such as DCs which pres-
association between HLA-DQ mismatches and acute ent intact donor antigen taken up as a membrane patch.
rejection among patients who had received HLA-DR Processed donor peptide complexes are presented into the
mismatched kidneys [119, 124]. This implies the occurrence recipient’s CD8+ T-cells (class I) and helper CD4+ T-cells
of an enhanced immunogenicity of HLA-DQ loci and pro- (class II). In the indirect pathway, host APCs present peptides
duction of de novo anti-HLA-DQ-DSA associated with the or antigens derived from the donor MHC molecules to recip-
existence of mismatched HLA-DR [121]. Moreover, a study ient T helper cells and cytotoxic T lymphocytes [133]. Alloan-
revealed that C1q more likely has DQ-DSA specificity and is tibodies are generated when alloreactive B-cells interact with
associated with 30% reduction of graft survival to reach the CD4+ T-cells [19, 135]. The repertoire of T-cells involved in
5th year [125, 126]. Therefore, HLA-DQ antigens of the the indirect recognition of allo-MHC peptides is responsible
donor and recipient should be taken into account for kidney for alloantibody synthesis, and these T-cells may also lead to
transplantations [127, 128]. Th1/DTH or Th2/eosinophil rejection [81].
Similarly, there are conflicting reports on the clinical CD4+ T-cells can differentiate into two different subsets
relevance of antibodies directed against HLA-DP antigens. whose functional properties are characterized by the cyto-
The presence or absence of HLA-DP antibodies did not affect kines they secrete. T helper (Th)1 cells produce interferon-
graft survival among pretransplant and posttransplant (IFN-) γ and IL-2, which results in the activation of CD8+
patients [129]. In contrast, HLA DP have been considered cytotoxicity, macrophage-dependent delayed-type hypersen-
to be less immunogenic than HLA- A, -B, DR, and DQ mol- sitivity, and the synthesis of complement-fixing antibody. In
ecules [130]. Reports revealed that patients with high levels of addition, Th1 cells may become cytotoxic by the expression
pretransplant donor-specific HLA-DP antibodies developed of Fas ligand on their surface. Th2 cells secrete IL-4, IL-5,
acute rejection in the absence of other donor-specific HLA IL-9, IL-10, and IL-13. This mainly triggers eosinophil activa-
alloantibodies [131]. Therefore, it is important to consider tion, a process that can by itself mediate graft rejection [81].
HLA-DP epitope mismatches to monitor its impact on graft IFN-γ is the principal lymphokine from T-cells that activates
rejection [132]. macrophages to become more cytotoxic and enhances MHC
antigen expression in many cells. Tumor necrosis factor
3. Antigen Processing Pathways alpha (TNF-α) is a cell signaling cytokine involved in systemic
inflammation and results in an acute reaction. The cytokines
MHC-I and II molecules show strong preferential restric- from macrophages such as IL-l (activation of T-cells, endo-
tions for the origin of proteins they sample for presentation. thelial procoagulant induction) and TNF-α (cytotoxicity
The MHC-I antigen presentation pathway is an event of an inductions) are involved in chronic rejections [12].
inside-out (endogenous antigens) process by which protein
fragments synthesized by the cell are delivered to MHC-I 4. Therapeutics to Avoid Graft Rejection
molecule. Peptides derived from proteins in the cytosol are
degraded by multiproteolytic enzymes and transported to If a transplant candidate is already sensitized, graft rejection
the endoplasmic reticulum with the help of an intrinsic can be minimized through perfect crossmatch for HLA typ-
membrane transporter, then, displayed to T-cells through ing (class I and II) between donors and recipients [48].
TCR recognition. MHC class I glycoproteins recognize anti- After transplantation, screening for the presence of de novo
gens derived from infecting bacteria, viruses, intracellular alloantibodies and monitoring adherence to immunosuppres-
parasites, or self-molecules. In contrast, the MHC-II antigen sion are obligatory for the management of AMR [69, 106].
presentation pathway is visualized as an outside-in (Exoge- The recipient body will attack the new kidney transplant
nous antigens) process in which ingested proteins are considering as nonself. The immunosuppressant drugs sup-
degraded by enzymes in the endosomal-lysosomal system press your body’s ability to do this. After transplantation,
and delivered to MHC-II molecules in the degradative com- patients need to take immunosuppressive drugs continu-
partment. MHC class II molecules bind peptides (or nonpep- ously to ensure that the immune system is adequately sup-
tides) and display at the cell surface for recognition by pressed allowing the graft to survive [7]. Although HLA
antigen-presenting cells [16]. matching minimizes antigen disparities, there are still
There are three pathways by which HLA are recognized “minor histocompatibility antigens” which affect the trans-
by the recipients. These include the direct, semidirect, and plantation outcome.
indirect pathways. The direct pathway of alloantigen recogni- The principle of desensitization for ABO and HLA
tion is unique to transplantation. Allogeneic MHC class I and incompatible transplants is the removal of antibody,
II antigens are presented to recipient CD4+ and CD8+ T- reduction in antibody production, and augmented immu-
cells by donor APCs [19, 133]. In other words, alloreactive nosuppression supplement. The most common treatment
T-cells recognize intact donor MHC molecules on APCs that strategies or desensitizations are the reduction of antibody
are “passengers” in the transplanted tissues. DCs of the donor titer levels of the recipient which render transplantation
and the recipient can provide activation signals to recipient safety [22, 89]. Identifying the molecular pathways that
T-cells [134]. The direct recognition of alloantigens may give trigger tissue injury and signal transduction facilitates the
12 Journal of Immunology Research

Table 1: Common immunosuppressive agents.

Number Drugs Mechanism of action Effect Reference(s)

Mycophenolate sodium, Blocks T-cell activation, decreases
Inhibits signals transmitted by IL-2 binding to
1 tacrolimus, and both cell-mediated and humoral [27, 133]
IL-2R (antiproliferating effect)
azathioprine immunities
Glucocorticosteroids: Decreases circulating T-cells and
2 Anti-inflammatory [27]
prednisone inflammatory cytokines
Polyclonal antithymocyte
Leucocyte depletion/depleting antibodies.
globulin (ATG) or Modulation of alloantibody
3 Eliminates CD4+ T-cell and B-cell interaction [27, 91]
antilymphocyte globulin production
causing B-cell toxicity/apoptosis
Inhibits inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase
(IMPDH), inhibits DNA synthesis and protein Decreases proliferation of B and
4 Mycophenolate mofetil [27, 133]
glycosylation, suppresses expression of CD25, T-cells
71, 154, 28
Anti-CD3 monoclonal T-cell activation, opsonization, and depletion
5 [27, 133]
antibody of antibodies
Inhibits interleukin- (IL-) 2 production by T-cell
Tacrolimus, cyclosporine calcineurin antagonist, gene transcription, Decreases both cell-mediated and
6 [27, 133]
A calcineurin inhibitors; causes decrease in gene humoral immunities
Anti-CD 20 monoclonal Targets B-cells, depletes B-cell aggregates
7 B-cell depletion [27, 33, 69]
antibody (chimaeric) within allografts
Anti-CD 25 monoclonal
8 Inhibits IL-2 function [27]
antibodies (IL-2R chain)
9 Reduction of antibody titers [89]
mycophenolic acid
Blocks the binding of donor-reactive
Intravenous Reduces CD19, CD20, and CD40 expression
10 antibodies to target Fc receptors. [33, 89, 135]
immunoglobulin (IVIG) by B-cells
Regulation of T and B lymphocytes
B binds with CD20 antibody, inhibits
B-cell proliferation, decreases the concentration
Decreases the population of CD20
11 Rituximab of antibodies. Antibody-dependent cellular [33, 77, 133]
cytotoxicity, direct signaling, and
antibody-mediated cytotoxicity
Removal of DSA in circulation
12 Plasmapheresis Reducing the antibody load [91, 110]
(elimination of DSA)
13 Immunoadsorption Treatment of multiple plasma volumes [69]
OKT3 (murine) anti-CD3/
14 TCR monoclonal TCR comodulates with CD3 [90]
Eculizumab (humanized Binds to the C5 protein with high affinity, Preventing formation of the
15 [110]
monoclonal antibody) thereby inhibiting conversion of C5 to C5b. membrane attack complex (C5–9)

identification of targets for the immunosuppressive treat- regimen that includes 1–3 drugs [27]. However, such pro-
ment [103]. longed treatment results in infections [2]. Immunosuppres-
Current treatment strategies in AMR are centered on sive drugs which are used in clinical transplantation are
the depletion of both naive and memory B-cells, downregu- outlined in Table 1.
lation of alloantibody production by plasma cells, blockade
and elimination of alloantibodies, and modulation of 5. Future Directions
alloantibody-induced injury. In the absence of an effective
plasma cell depletion agent, splenectomy is the most efficient Prevention of graft rejection remains a common problem in
method for the reduction of the plasma cell mass [105]. All transplantation therapy. The major obstacles for a successful
kidney allograft recipients are given immunosuppressants kidney transplantation are graft rejection, adverse effects of
to prevent rejection [22]. Almost everyone who has a trans- immunosuppressive drugs [134], and lack of reservoir organs
plant must take these drugs every day as directed. Transplant for transplantation [1]. In addition, sensitization to HLA rep-
recipients are maintained on an immunosuppression resents a barrier to transplantation for patients who develop
Journal of Immunology Research 13

donor-specific anti-HLA antibodies (DSA) as a result of animal models, Tregs can prevent transplant rejection.
pregnancy, blood transfusions, or previous transplants Therefore, administration of Tregs to transplanted patients
[136]. This results in prolonged waiting times for transplan- is a potential treatment target to induce graft tolerance and
tation [33], and if transplanted, these patients are at higher allow a reduction in doses of immunosuppressive drugs
risk of acute and chronic rejection [134, 137]. Thus, the [27]. Memory B-cells are heterogeneous but have cell surface
detection of humoral sensitization before renal transplanta- markers (CD24, CD27, CD43, and CD79) that are potential
tion is important for the selection of the most suitable donor therapeutic targets [89].
and to identify patients with high risk of rejection [117].
When a patient is already sensitized, precise characterization 5.1. Epitopes in HLA Matching. Currently, serological HLA
of alloantibodies and exact HLA typing at the allele level are matching has been used as the standard algorithm for solid
mandatory at the time of transplantation [69]. Moreover, the organ allocation. However, not all antibody mismatches are
knowledge of HLA sensitizations and identification of anti- pathogenic [141]. Antibodies do not recognize whole HLA
HLA antibodies among potential renal recipients are essen- molecules, but only polymorphic residues on HLA surfaces.
tial to control graft loss [138]. The approaches to enhance Such HLA segment sequences targeted by an antibody would
graft survival are gaining acceptance in human tissues and consist of 15 to 25 amino acids termed as an epitope [142]. In
organ transplantation. A better understanding of the cellular its first version, each HLA having polymorphic amino acid
and molecular mechanisms that underline the immunologi- sequences with an antibody-binding position is known as
cal response to transplanted organ led to the discovery of triplets, which are considered the key elements of epitopes
new immunosuppressive agents [2]. [143]. Generally, epitopes may be private or public antigens
The ultimate goal of renal transplantation is to generate [144]. Thus, HLA antibodies could be unique to individual
donor-specific immunologic tolerance (acceptance of allo- antigens due to private epitopes or result in cross-reactivity
graft). New immunosuppressive drugs without having long- in HLA testing because of public epitopes shared by multiple
term overall immunosuppression are required [22, 139]. antigens. Thus, a better understanding of HLA epitopes and
New therapeutic strategies targeting TLRs, NK cells, comple- the interpretation of antibody reactivity pattern is required
ment such as humanized anti-C5 antibody, and monocytes in transplantation therapy [145].
or DCs of the innate immune system will be necessary to pre- The determination of antibody strength (antibody titer or
vent antibody-mediated rejection and eventually achieve mean fluorescence intensity) and the ability to fix the com-
long-term tolerance to human allograft recipients [38]. Sim- plement are necessary for permissible transplant matching.
ilarly, inhibitors of the complement system may be potential The measure of mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) of serum
targets of future therapy. Complement antagonists could pre- antibody concentration, strength, and potential pathogenic-
vent the acute pathological effects of complement activation ity is not a perfect match. However, MFI considerations
such as the blockage of C5a, and the MAC formation would be most applicable for patients without sensitization
prevents acute rejection [89]. The prevention of antibody- history [141]. Epitope matching reduces the likelihood of
mediated endothelial cell injury through complement block- developing de novo HLA antibodies and lowers the risk of
age and the depletion of DSA secreting plasma cells from the graft rejection [146]. Although there is a difficulty in distin-
bone marrow using proteasome inhibitions are potential guishing between positive, weakly positive, and negative
areas of further studies [33]. The management of both acute reactions, HLA epitope antibody verification is currently per-
and chronic rejections suffers from the lack of effective anti- formed using luminex bead assays [147].
plasma cell agents that would allow for faster elimination of
antibody production [105]. Thus, treatment targets that 5.2. HLAMatchmaker. HLAMatchmaker is a computer algo-
lower the production of DSA are important for allograft sur- rithm developed to evaluate donor-receptor compatibility of
vival [33, 105]. Future drugs targeting both type 1 (Th1 cells) polymorphic amino acids (eplets) present in HLA molecules.
and type 2 (Th2 cells) effector mechanisms are required. In It is a promising tool in predicting anti-HLA antibodies with
addition, tolerance induction through blockade of costimula- better sensitivity than the former HLA matching methods
tory molecules could be a potential area of future research to [148]. It is used to analyze serum antibody reactivity patterns
investigate immunosuppressive drugs. of sensitized patients and their potential donors with accept-
Notch signaling is a highly conserved cell-to-cell com- able matches. The eplet may provide a more accurate evalu-
munication pathway triggered by Notch ligand-receptor ation of HLA compatibility. HLAMatchmaker works based
interactions between adjacent cells. It plays an important on the following two principles: first, each HLA is repre-
role during T-cell development, and it is the central medi- sented by different chains of epitopes structurally defined as
ator of T-cell alloreactivity. Short-term inhibition of indi- potential immunogenic agents capable of inducing specific
vidual Notch ligands in the peritransplant period had antibody production; and second, patients cannot produce
long-lasting protective effects. Blockade of delta-like Notch antibodies against epitopes present on their own HLA mole-
ligands dampened both cellular and humoral rejections in cules [143]. HLAMatchmaker has the ability to determine
the heart allograft model. Therefore, it has been proposed epitope specificities of highly sensitized individuals compar-
that targeting elements of the Notch pathway could provide ing eplet mismatches between a donor and a recipient [149].
a new therapeutic approach to prevent allograft rejection by Donor-specific HLA antibody formation after kidney
damping proinflammatory cytokine production by Teff and transplantation is associated with donor-derived HLA epi-
enhancing both T regulatory (Treg) functions [140]. In topes presented by recipient HLA class II (predicted
14 Journal of Immunology Research

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