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Pope's Poems and Prose

by Alexander Pope

Pope's Poems and Prose Quiz 1

1. The Rape of the Lock is a parody of which epic poem?

◯ The Iliad

◯ The Aeneid

◯ Paradise Lost

◯ The Odyssey

2. Arabella Fermor was the historical inspiration for which character?

◯ Thalestris

◯ Belinda

◯ Ariel

◯ Clarissa

3. Robert, Lord Petre was the historical inspiration for which

◯ Dapperwit

◯ The Baron

◯ Sir Plume
◯ Sir Fopling

4. Who asked Pope to write a comic poem about the historical

incident between Arabella Fermor and Lord Petre in order to
reconcile their families?
◯ Joseph Addison

◯ Henry St. John, Lord Bolingbroke

◯ John Caryll

◯ Jonathan Swift

5. From which Shakespeare play does Pope take the name "Ariel?"
◯ Macbeth

◯ The Tempest

◯ Twelfth Night

◯ A Midsummer Night's Dream

6. Which character is named for an Amazonian Queen in Greek

◯ Umbriel

◯ Clarissa

◯ Thalestris

◯ Belinda

7. In Canto I, which character warns Belinda in a dream that some dire

disaster will befall her that day?
◯ Umbriel

◯ Thalestris

◯ Ariel

◯ Clarissa

8. According to Pope's depiction of the supernatural sprites, what do

termagants (scolds) become?
termagants (scolds) become?
◯ Nymphs

◯ Salamanders

◯ Gnomes

◯ Sylphs

9. According to Pope's depiction of the supernatural sprites, what do

indecisive women become?
◯ Salamanders

◯ Sylphs

◯ Gnomes

◯ Nymphs

10. According to Pope's depiction of the supernatural sprites, what do

prudes become?
◯ Salamanders

◯ Gnomes

◯ Nymphs

◯ Sylphs

11. According to Pope's depiction of the supernatural sprites, what do

coquettes become?
◯ Nymphs

◯ Sylphs

◯ Gnomes

◯ Salamanders

12. With what are the four types of sprites associated?

◯ The four elements

◯ The four phases of life

◯ The four points on a compass

◯ The four nations govered by the British crown?

13. During Belinda's dream, Ariel explains that the Sylphs are charged
with protecting which type of woman?
◯ All Women

◯ Young Wives

◯ Virgins

◯ Old Women

14. To what does the term "billet-doux" refer?

◯ A sweet pastry

◯ A love letter

◯ Cosmetics

◯ Belinda's dog

15. How does Pope figure Belinda's toilette?

◯ A battle

◯ A prayer to Love

◯ A sacred rite

◯ A journey to the underworld

16. From what do Pope's "mighty contests" arise (I.2)?

◯ "Trivial things"

◯ "Mighty rage"

◯ "Tasks so bold"

◯ "Amorous causes"

17. Pope's reference to "mighty rage" is an allusion to the fury of which

epic hero in Homer's The Iliad?
◯ Agamemnon

◯ Achilles

◯ Menelaus

◯ Hector

18. The "goddess" for whom Belinda performs her sacred rites is
actually whom or what?
◯ The Goddess of Spleen

◯ Belinda's accessories and cosmetics

◯ Belinda's maid

◯ Belinda's reflection in the mirror

19. How does Belinda's toilette function within the poem?

◯ It does not serve a larger purpose within the poem.

◯ It explains Belinda's beauty.

◯ It establishes the poem's mock-heroic motifs.

◯ It protects her from any harm during the day.

20. To where does Belinda travel in Canto II?

◯ Windsor Castle

◯ Hampton Court Palace

◯ Hever Castle

◯ Buckingham Palace

21. How does she get there?

◯ She lives there already

◯ By coach

◯ By the magic of the Sylphs

◯ By boat on the Thames River

22. Why does the Baron get up early?
◯ To build an altar to Love

◯ To arrive at the party first

◯ To get ready for the party

◯ To steal Belinda's hair

23. What kind of necklace does Belinda wear?

◯ Pearls

◯ A pendant with the letter "B"

◯ A cross

◯ Precious jewels

24. What does Pope specify is the primary function of Belinda's

◯ To be beautiful

◯ To attract men

◯ To occasion poetry

◯ To be objects of worship

25. To where does Ariel deploy most of his army of Sylphs?

◯ Belinda's earrings

◯ Belinda' hair

◯ Belinda's lapdog

◯ Belinda's petticoat

How To Cite

prose/study-guide/quiz1 in MLA Format
Rabedeau, Jennifer. Weinbloom, Elizabeth ed. "Pope’s Poems and Prose Quizzes". GradeSaver, 29 December
2010 Web. 9 September 2020.

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