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Step Description Safety

Acquire Wood Acquire the wood and Be careful not to drop the
begin to plan the design wood as it may break or
of the board based on the land on feet which can
given wood. cause minor injury. To
avoid this wear enclosed

Mark design/measure Mark the design of the Be careful of rulers which

wood serving board onto the may have sharp edges
wood, also mark the that can injure the face or
measurements from the eye, to avoid wearing
design sketches. Safety glasses.

Begin to cut the wood Using the marked design When cutting be careful
into shape cut the board into shape not to cut near fingers
using a variety of saws and keep blades away
like tenon saw, coping from body parts, to
saw or a scroll saw. mitigate the risk of injury
always use careful with
appropriate PPE.

Begin sanding wood Sand the word to remove Be careful not to sand
bumps, or uneven parts of your hands or arms as it
the wood. Use a disk can cause injury, use the
sander to sand the edges, disk sander carefully and
then use sandpaper to follow instructions given.
sand the handle and other To mitigate any risks
unreachable places. follow the instructions of
teachers and given

instructions for use of


Use a router to curve Ask the teacher to use the Be Careful to stand back
the edges of the wood hand router to curve the from where the teacher is
edges. This will give the cutting the board as word
serving board an chips can spray toward
aesthetically pleasing you and can even go into
aspect. the eye. Wear the
appropriate PPE to
mitigate this problem.

Further sand the wood Further sand the wood Be careful to keep hands
using a random orbit away from the sandpaper
sander which will allow as it can cut our graze the
the face of the board to skin. To stay safe, keep
be smooth. hands on handles.

Laser Engrave the Lasers engrave the logo Be careful to not look at
wood with logo onto the board using a the laser as it can blind or
laser engraver. This will injure the eyes or any skin
add an aesthetic appeal that comes in contact. To
to the board and will add keep safe, always view
branding. through tinted glass or
where tinted glasses.

Treat Wood with To help keep the wood in Be careful to keep out of
Vegetable Oil good condition and give it eyes as it can sting or
a nice look, treat it using a cause pain.
food safe substance like
vegetable oil.

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