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Teachers: Subject: Biology

Louie Kuhn

Common Core State Standards:

Organisms are organized on a cellular basis and have a finite life span. (L1U1.20)
Develop and use models to explain interdependency and interactions between organelles
Analyze and interpret data that demonstrates the relationship between cellular function and
diversity of protein functions. (L1U1.5)

Objective (Explicit):
Students will construct a visual representation of the structure and function of an animal cell
and its organelles by the end of the week. Students will receive a grade based on the
accuracy of the visual representation as well as participation in class activities.

Evidence of Mastery (Measurable):

The students will display mastery of the subject by correctly labeling 12 out of 15 possible structures on their animal cell diagram correctly
through a model, video or powerpoint. The condition of the project will be the medium by which students choose to construct their cell
model, the degree is showing 80% accuracy in labeling cellular structures. An exemplar student response shows 14/15 or 15/15 cellular
structures correctly modeled.

Sub-Objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to Formative Assessments:

complex) They will be administered a quiz on the functions of the
Students will be able to explain the differences of a organelles and the organization of an animal cell.
plant and animal cell. Detail the functions of each
organelle, and describe the overall lifetime of a cell
and its processes.

Key vocabulary: Materials: ​If drawing: markers/colored

(1) nucleolus (2) nucleus (3) ribosome (4) pencils/ large paper/ trifold/ clay
vesicle (5) rough endoplasmic reticulum (6) If presenting through online medium:
Golgi apparatus (7) cytoskeleton (8) smooth Powerpoint, Prezi, video, screencast,
endoplasmic reticulum (9) mitochondria (10) clipart
vacuole (11) cytosol (12) lysosome (13)
centriole (14) cell wall (15) cell membrane

Opening (state objectives, connect to previous learning, and make relevant to real life)

To engage the students in this activity, I will have microscopes set up around the classroom that are focused on a specific region of an
animal cell so they can observe the animal cells on their own and take pictures/notes. I will ask the students the function and purpose of each
individual organelle.
Introduction (Teacher Actions) (Student Actions)

Teacher Will: Student Will:

At this point in the students curriculum, they will have an The students will be taking guided notes on the
understanding of what cells are and what their general organization of the cell and the functions of the organelles
function is. This lesson will focus on individual cell throughout the lesson. They will be asked questions and
organelles, their function, and how they divided into small groups to discuss answers.
change/divide/die during their lifetime. I will show an
image of an animal cell, with all of its labeled parts and
show it to the students and identify and discuss the
individual function of each organelle. To clear up any
misunderstandings of the subject, I will keep images of
the cell and its organelles in the classroom up the entire
class. There will be enough detail and class activity
through questioning and interaction for them to teach the
subject. I will clearly state the expectations of the group

Co-Teaching Strategy
I will walk around the classroom during the group discussions and ask students leading questions when they are stuck
during a discussion. I will manage time and ensure all students are on task.

Differentiation Strategy
There will be a mixture of ways the information
will be given to the students. There will be
videos, pictures, group discussions, individual
questions, group questions, and text

Teacher Will: Student Will:

During this phase, the students will be organized into their The students will work in their small groups,
groups and be given class time to create their visual creating their cell models while staying on task.
representation of the cell. I will be walking around the class They can ask questions and talk amongst each
asking them guided questions to assist them in their model. other for creative inspiration.

Co-Teaching Strategy
The co-teacher will also be entering into the small groups and will be providing feedback to the students and
answering questions. They will also ensure the students are staying on task.

Differentiation Strategy
The students will be permitted to use their own creative intuitions while creating the model. They can use a computer,
powerpoint, or hand-written/drawn.

Independent Practice (Teacher Actions) Student Actions

Teacher Will: Student Will:

I will be providing feedback, hints, and guided questions to Students will stay on task, create their model, ask
the students while they work in their groups. They will not be questions, be creative, and produce quality work.
given any answers but I will refer them to the proper They will do this during class time.
materials and resources to find them. As this is a group
project, they must have it done correctly on time and the first
time. They will be expected to stay on task during in class
group work and will be separated if they cannot stay on task.
Co-Teaching Strategy
The co-teacher will be meeting with every group, discussing what they will be creating and ensuring the students know
how to create the model correctly. They will make sure each project is created within the guidelines that were set.

Differentiation Strategy
Students who choose to work individually during
the group work will be permitted but must work
collaboratively remotely on their own time. They
are allowed nearly unrestricted creative freedom
in their creation of the cell model.

Closing/Student Reflection/Real-life connections:

The students will be asked to write an individual reflection on the challenges, problems, and benefits of working within their groups. They
will also grade their peers based on the effort and support they provided towards the completion of the project.

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