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European Journal of Operational Research 266 (2018) 221–237

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Decision Support

High-fidelity whole-system patient flow modeling to assess health

care transformation policies
Ali Vahit Esensoy∗, Michael W. Carter
Centre for Healthcare Engineering, University of Toronto, 5 King’s College Road, Toronto, ON M5S 3G8, Canada

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Health systems are continuously seeking ways of transforming their capacities and processes to provide
Received 15 June 2016 care in novel ways that are aligned with emerging best practices and patient choice while remaining re-
Accepted 14 September 2017
sponsive to fiscal pressures. These transformation policy options call for interventions across multiple sec-
Available online 22 September 2017
tors and patient cohorts, and expect benefits to be realized across the care system, driving policy analysts
Keywords: to take a whole-system point of view in their assessments. This paper presents a system dynamics simu-
OR in health services lation for the assessment of healthcare transformation policies involving alterations to patient pathways
Systems dynamics and service levels. The model takes a whole-system, strategic perspective, and is designed to evaluate the
Simulation direction and magnitude of patient flow changes resulting from transformation policy implementations.
The strategic simulation model is developed through a collaborative process with decision-makers across
the health system. It has a simple model structure while providing detailed breakdown of cross-sector
flows through the use of patient-level clinical and demographic data. A use case is presented for the as-
sessment of the impact of Ontario’s proposed stroke best practices. The results indicate significant patient
flow gains from the implementation of this policy, which are contingent on significant investments in the
community care sector.
© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction care integration regions called Local Health Integration Networks

(LHINs) (Ronson, 2006) and focused provider networks for high
Similar to many jurisdictions in the world, Ontario’s health cost patient cohorts (MOHLTC, 2012b), clinical best practice guide-
system is under pressure to meet the increasing burden of dis- lines administered by bundled payment models (Stewart, 2016)
ease mostly driven by the aging population while simultaneously and large investments to create capacity in home and community
controlling health care spending (Drummond & Burleton, 2016; care for seniors (MOHLTC, 2007).
Falk, Mendelsohn, Hjartarson, & Stoutley, 2016; Martin, 2016). The This broad-spectrum transformation agenda highlights the im-
province’s response to this growing pressure was to seek systemic portance of system capacity planning for both the Ministry of
changes through a series of health system transformation plans Health and Long-term Care (Ministry or MOHLTC) and the LHINs
that focus on how health is promoted, managed and maintained as the regional health authorities responsible for coordinating care.
(MacLeod, 2007; MOHLTC, 2012a; MOHLTC, 2015; MOHLTC, 2015). Increasingly planners need to evaluate policy options from a sys-
The common thread running through these broad transformation temic perspective, where investments in one sector are expected
policies is the focus on better use of existing resources across the to result in decreased utilization in others. Furthermore, policy op-
continuum of care for chronic and complex patients. The plans tions are becoming more complex and harder to evaluate as they
seek to shift care activities among the provider sectors such as incorporate capacity and patient flow levers in multiple sectors at
acute, rehabilitation, and home and community care to move de- once.
livery from higher to lower cost modalities to contain the growth The previous phase of this research, conducted with MOHLTC
in overall health spending, with the added benefit of bringing care and LHIN planners, and local health care providers captured the
closer to home. Examples of policy levers considered for imple- whole-system patient flow complexities of transformation policies
mentation of such systemic change include the introduction of in a qualitative model (Esensoy & Carter, 2015). It was concluded
that while qualitative modeling is an effective facilitator of policy
design and evaluation, the system planning process would greatly

Corresponding author. benefit from quantitative analysis to size the potential patient flow
E-mail addresses: (A.V. Esensoy), and resource implications of policies considered. In this regard,
(M.W. Carter).
0377-2217/© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
222 A.V. Esensoy, M.W. Carter / European Journal of Operational Research 266 (2018) 221–237

Ontario is well positioned for the development of system-wide pacity decisions. Expanding the emergency department wait dy-
planning models with its population-wide, patient-level data on namics beyond the scope of hospital departments, Brailsford, Lat-
health service use, clinical and functional assessments, length of timer, Tarnaras, and Turnbull (2004) built an SD simulation model
stay and disposition that are accessible to decision-makers across for ED planning in Nottingham, UK, encompassing ambulance ser-
the health system through business intelligence systems such as vices, ED, social services, and primary care. The model was used to
IntelliHealth Ontario (Health Analytics Branch, 2012). test scenarios around managing the demand for ED and the effects
This paper presents a whole-system simulation model of a LHIN of separating resources within the ED for certain patient cohorts,
developed in collaboration with the MOHLTC. Its purpose is to aid concluding that demand management was the most effective lever
understanding of and quantify cross-sector patient flow dynamics in addressing ED pressures. In their work similar to Royston et al.
in the context of system-level interventions such as new models (1999) model, Wolstenholme, Monk, McKelvie, and Smith (2008)
of care, practice guidelines and large scale capacity changes. The used SD to model local health authorities in England to study the
model is intended to accommodate a broad range of policy levers implications of home and intermediate care capacity on flows in
and is designed to support strategic decisions for health system and out of hospitals. This comprehensive model contains primary
planning by estimating the size and direction of intended and un- care, acute care separated into medical and surgical beds, interme-
intended consequences of such transformation initiatives. Specific diate care and post-acute care in long-term care homes, and home
attention was paid to include clinical characteristics as cohort vari- care and continuing care. Stocks and flows were subdivided into
ables where possible, to make sure policies aimed at clinical sub- seniors-oriented age bands and depending on the sector and type
populations can be represented within the whole-system model. of resource used (e.g. medical or surgical beds in acute care). The
The model is envisioned as a strategic tool to assess the health resulting simulation model was used as a learning tool for policy-
care system’s responses to interventions that apply across sectors, makers to investigate the behavior of the complex healthcare sys-
rather than a tactical tool to make provider-level planning deci- tem with attention to outcomes such as number of patients treated
sions. Given that fourteen LHINs of Ontario exhibit significant dif- in acute care settings, service wait times and delays in discharges.
ferences (Office of the Auditor General of Ontario, 2015) the model This work is foundational in that it is the first pragmatic exam-
was built over highly granular data to bridge system planning with ple of a whole-system model designed for whole-system planning
local patient and provider realities thereby increasing its relevance at the local level. Lastly, Rashwan, Abo-Hamad, and Arisha (2015)
to local planners. used an SD simulation model to explore policy directions for re-
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides an ducing discharge delays faced by seniors in the Irish health care
overview of whole-system modeling in healthcare, followed by system, addressed from a national perspective. The authors specif-
Section 3 that presents the methodology used in creating the sim- ically assessed interventions aimed to offset the increasing acute
ulation model. Section 4 applies the model through a case study care demand from the aging population. Policies assessed included
on stroke best practices implementation in a LHIN. Finally, Section reducing hospitalizations and improving the capacity and through-
5 reviews lessons learned through this research and proposes next put of post-acute services. The simulation model results show that
steps. given the aging population of Ireland, national policies aimed at
increasing post-acute bed capacity are likely to be temporary solu-
2. Whole-system modeling in healthcare tions.
While the simulations from the whole-system modeling litera-
Hans, van Houdenhoven, and Hulshof (2012) framework of ture capture a range of care sectors, they are limited to age and
healthcare planning decisions describes strategic planning as ad- sex breakdowns for the patient flows among them. This limits the
dressing structural decision making to translate an organization’s ability to explore policies aimed at specific patient groups, such as
mission into the health care delivery process. Whole system mod- changes in models of care and bundled/integrated care scenarios.
els are defined as a class of strategic planning models in health- The research presented in this paper compliments this literature
care operational research that aim to model processes that cannot by implementing a high fidelity whole-system model that can be
be adequately represented without capturing the feedback effects used to assess a broad range of policy options and their effects on
across the care continuum (Brailsford, 2007). Hulshof, Kortbeek, system-wide patient flows. Specifically, this work aims to use com-
Boucherie, Hans, and Bakker (2012) review of planning models in prehensive, patient-level data as the foundation of a highly flexible
healthcare found that there are a limited number of examples of simulation to model flows for a broad and modifiable range of pa-
strategic models in the literature, and even fewer models that con- tient cohorts. The intended flexibility is in line with the analytics
sider cross-department or cross-organizational interactions to cap- requirements generated by the transformation-oriented policy en-
ture the whole care process. vironment in Ontario, confirmed through the learnings from the
The system dynamics (SD) simulation model developed for Eng- qualitative modeling phase of this research.
land’s Department of Health by Royston, Dost, Townshend, and
Turner (1999) is the first model with a whole-system perspective. 3. Simulation model
The qualitative model was used to study the effects of capacity al-
location decisions across the continuum of care on the wait times The simulation model’s development builds on the researchers’
for elective procedures and discharge waits in acute care hospi- existing collaboration with the Ministry and the Central East LHIN
tals. This model was intended to be a learning tool to explore (CE LHIN) (Esensoy & Carter, 2015). Specifically, the research objec-
the relationships between various sectors of the healthcare system tive for this phase was to address the modeling requirements iden-
and was not used as a decision support tool to size the effects tified in the qualitative phase of this research, including the ability
of policy changes. To explore policies to address long wait times to translate care model or capacity interventions into model inputs
in emergency departments (ED) in the UK, Lane, Monefeldt, and for a broad range of patient types at sector interfaces. Furthermore,
Rosenhead (20 0 0) developed an SD model to explore the effects of this strategic model needed to have a three to five year prediction
bed closures on ED wait times. The simulation model explored the horizon and have a whole system perspective through the inclu-
interactions of ED and scheduled elective treatment sub-systems sion of acute, post-acute and community services. These objectives
as they compete for ward beds. Analysis of planning scenarios raise three key design considerations for modeling. Firstly, control-
showed that ED waits and elective cancellations should be simul- ling the model boundaries when modeling the “whole” system is
taneously used as performance indicators for evaluating bed ca- critical in order to balance the maximal coverage of care sectors
A.V. Esensoy, M.W. Carter / European Journal of Operational Research 266 (2018) 221–237 223

while controlling the inflation of model complexity. Related to this sectors in the LHIN and all sectors outside of the LHIN were treated
first consideration is the goal of keeping the structure of the model exogenously, with care demands arriving from these sectors.
as simple as possible to ensure that the model can be explained,
i. Emergency Department (ED) – all hospital emergency depart-
used and maintained with relative ease. The last consideration was
ment beds.
to leverage LHIN-specific data to populate this simple structure in
ii. Acute care – aggregation of all hospital medical, surgical, medi-
the lowest level of granularity possible in order to achieve maxi-
cal/surgical combined, intensive care unit, obstetric and mental
mum flexibility in model parameterization, specifically to represent
health beds.
key patient characteristics.
iii. Long-term Care Homes (LTCH) – combination of all long-stay and
The literature review in Section 2 highlighted that SD is the
short-stay beds funded by the province.
preferred method for producing strategic patient flow simulations.
iv. Home and Community Care (HCC) – all Community Care Access
As the modeling concepts are built on stocks and flows, there
Centre (CCAC) managed long-stay, rehabilitation and short-stay
is very little overhead in creating basic patient flow artefacts in
home care client spaces, modeled as separate services within
SD simulations, which simplifies the model structure considerably.
Furthermore, SD simulations are quite forgiving in situations where
v. Complex Continuing Care (CCC) – all CCC-designated beds in
data availability and quality may be limited and varied across
acute care hospitals.
model components (Brailsford, 2008) and are quite amenable for
vi. Inpatient rehabilitation (rehabilitation) – all hospital
producing strategic level models where multiple sub-systems are
rehabilitation-designated beds.
represented together at a high level (Marshall et al., 2015a, 2015b).
The following sections describe the model details with respect to The flow network depicted in Fig. 1 establishes a whole-system
the overall system and sector structures. The implementation de- feedback structure as the admission and discharge volumes of the
tails of the simulation model with a full set of specifications is sectors are linked to each other. There are three types of flows
available from the authors. shown in this diagram, as described below.

3.1. System-level structure A unidirectional flow happens when one sector sends
patients to another, but does not explicitly receive patients
Simulation boundaries differentiate between components of the back from that sector. For example, patients will leave the
system that are explicitly represented within the model, and those emergency department for an inpatient bed, but the model
that are assumed to be independent of the states of the model does not capture patient cohorts presenting at an emergency
variables and are treated as exogenous inputs (Sterman, 20 0 0). The department straight from an inpatient facility.
qualitative model collaboratively built with health system decision-
Bidirectional flows are connections between sectors
makers and care providers was the first step in establishing the
that can go both ways. For example, patient cohorts may
overall whole-system boundary for the simulation model. This first
flow from inpatient to rehabilitation and vice versa.
phase identified five care sectors, defined as collections of similar
care providers aligned with different stages of care for patients, for Parallel flows happen when patients in one sector can
which patient flow interactions were critical for strategic decision- simultaneously use the resources in another. One example
making: acute care, rehabilitation and complex continuing care, is patients in long-term care temporarily using emergency
long-term care homes, home and community care, and informal department services.
care. Rehabilitation in this context refers to services that restore
functional ability of patients. Complex continuing care is a long- At each sector, there are flows that allow patient cohorts to en-
term inpatient service for patients requiring intensive care beyond ter and exit this sector network. ED, acute, rehabilitation, LTCH and
that which is provided in home and long-term care settings. HCC sectors can admit patients from the community, and there-
Informal care is the collection of functional and cognitive sup- fore bring demand into the network. It is important to note that
ports provided by unpaid care partners such as family and friends. demand is not generated from a population health model and as
In Ontario there are significant data challenges for modeling the such does not explicitly model prevalence of health conditions in
informal care sector, including but not limited to the definition the public. Demand in the model comes from health system events
of informal care, sizing the capacity of this sector, the flow pat- generated by the population as a whole. Patient cohorts can exit
terns in and out of informal caregiving and the duration of care. As the network at each sector through death, by being discharged to
such, the structure or parameters created in the quantitative model non-simulated sectors such as home without formal care, or by be-
could not be validated with real world data. Providing a hypothet- ing discharged outside the LHIN. Parallel flows can temporarily cre-
ical structure and parameter set for this sector is in direct con- ate duplication of cohorts as they occupy the source sector and ED
flict with the modeling motivation of a comprehensive, data-based simultaneously. This is generally a reasonable assumption as in the
foundation for strategic scenario analyses for health system patient event of an emergency episode, resources in the patients’ original
flow. Given these limitations, informal care was not included in the provider are held reserved for a period of time. If the emergency
simulation. episode results in a long term absence from the source sector, the
For the remaining sectors, it was decided to separate emergency resources are freed up, and this is reflected as a discharge record
department from acute care as a separate sector, due to the differ- in administrative data and captured in the discharge rates of the
ences in the time scales of patient length of stay (LOS) and flow sectors.
delays. Complex continuing care and rehabilitation were also mod- In parameterizing this flow network, it was assumed that ex-
eled as separate sectors to reflect the different roles these sectors ogenous demand calculated from historical data stays constant
play in the healthcare system. The list below summarizes the fi- over the modeling horizon; however, the simulation model allows
nal set of six endogenous sectors and how the different resources the user to vary these constant arrival rates. This decision is in line
within the LHIN are aggregated to form them. From a strategic per- with the model’s focus on cross-sector flows over demand predic-
spective, the expert panels found that collapsing separate providers tion and allows us to avoid having to re-forecast demand every
into one sector was a reasonable approach. For example, all acute time patient cohorts are changed. However, it also means that de-
care beds in the LHIN were modeled as a single resource. All other mand is likely to be underestimated especially towards the end of
224 A.V. Esensoy, M.W. Carter / European Journal of Operational Research 266 (2018) 221–237

Fig. 1. Endogenous sector structure of the simulation model (CCC: complex continuing care, ED: emergency department, HCC: home and community care, LTCH: long-term
care home, Rehab: inpatient rehabilitation).

the simulation horizon. Related to this, the model does not sim- Care ACG® System, 2017). However, these tools abstract diagnostic
ulate the aging of patients in the flow network to simplify the and clinical to categorize the population in a small number of mor-
model structure. While tracking the demographic shifts would be bidity groups, which may not always align with target populations
important for long-term system simulations, for a short to medium of policy interventions. In keeping with the flexibility design prin-
term modeling horizon these shifts may not result in significant ef- ciple for this simulation model, each sector’s flows were parame-
fects. For example, Ontario’s senior population is expected to grow terized with a user-adjustable breakdown of clinical conditions. For
at an average annual rate of 3.5% over the next 25 years, resulting admissions from exogenous sectors, flows were broken down into
in the 65+ age group’s population share growing at an average an- clinical sub-cohorts using historical clinical condition mixtures for
nual rate of 0.38 percentage points per year (Ontario Ministry of each age and sex cohorts. The formulation for this in variable HCin
Finance, 2014). While the growth rate of this cohort is much faster is described in Appendix A (18).
than the 1.3% average annual population growth for Ontario, their For flows among endogenous sectors, there are two possible
share of the province’s population would only grow by about 1.9 volume transfer options that can be used in the model. The de-
percentage points over a five-year period. This was seen as an ac- fault option is for discharge flows to be aggregated by age and
ceptable trade-off between model complexity and accuracy. sex sub-cohorts, to be broken down into clinical sub-cohorts at
The cross-sector flow network is implemented as a series of ad- the accepting sector by the historical cohort mixture for patients
mission and discharge flows among the sectors. Similar to other accepted from the source sector. The user is able to alter this mix-
whole-system models discussed in this paper, the flows within this ture, using the HCin variable. For example, under this bulk transfer
network are split into six age and sex cohorts: female, under 65; method, all patients leaving acute care for rehabilitation would be
female, 65–74; female, 75+; male, under 65; male, 65–74; male, aggregated into demographic cohorts at the time of acute care dis-
75+. Unlike the other whole-system models discussed, within each charge, losing their acute care clinical grouping labels. Once ad-
sector, patient flows are broken down into sector-specific clinical mitted to the rehabilitation sector, the patients in each age/sex
sub-cohorts. This allows for policy analysis to target patient co- cohort would be distributed into rehabilitation clinical groupings
horts by age, sex and clinical condition. With the inclusion of the based on the historical distribution of rehabilitation clinical group-
source and destination care sectors, this breakdown makes it pos- ings for each age/sex cohort admitted from acute care. The sec-
sible to identify a specific cross-sector flow cohorts such as the co- ond option is where patient cohorts are explicitly mapped between
hort of hip replacement surgeries in acute care for patients aged the admitting and discharging sectors, by some cohort characteris-
65 years and above, who were discharged to long-term care. tic. For example, it is possible to indicate in the simulation that
Clinical breakdown in a whole-system model is not straightfor- the stroke cohort in acute care is mapped to the stroke cohort
ward. In healthcare data sources, clinical conditions are generally in the rehabilitation sector. Under this approach, all cohorts ex-
independently defined within each sector’s dataset. For example, cept for the stroke cohort would be bulk mapped between the
inpatient visits may capture a diagnosis related to that encounter, acute and rehabilitation sectors, and the acute care stroke cohort
while home care assessments could capture functional limitations. would directly transfer over to rehabilitation, retaining its age/sex
There are population risk groupers that reconcile this information distribution. This is achieved by using the Mi variable described
to establish person-level risk profiles (CIHI, 2015; Hopkins Health- in Appendix A (22). Having both cross-sector transfer approaches
A.V. Esensoy, M.W. Carter / European Journal of Operational Research 266 (2018) 221–237 225

Fig. 2. Sector stock and flow structure archetype, with full variable specification in Appendix A (ALC: Alternate Level of Care).

allows the patient pathways through the system to be declared in A sector’s admission rate is determined by the current resource
a highly flexible manner that accommodates a broad range of co- utilization, and its target utilization level. A sector-wide admit
hort definitions without the need for change in the underlying data rate is calculated to seek this utilization goal and it is distributed
or the cross-sector structure of the model. among the incoming flows by allocating to the source sectors. Al-
location shares can be adjusted by the user to reflect scenarios
where sectors may provide higher priority access to certain sec-
3.2. Sector structure
tors. Demand from exogenous sources is estimated based on the
historical arrival rate by patient cohort.
The qualitative model developed in the previous research phase
Once admitted, cohorts remain in the care stock for a pre-
was used as the starting point for the sector-level structure. The
determined time to complete their treatment and move into the
similarity of the causal relationships in the causal loop diagram
ALC stock where they remain until they are admitted to their next
(CLD) were assessed with respect to their involvement in flow con-
destination. If sectors do not collect reliable patient-level ALC days
trol, and the results were used to create a simple stock-and-flow
data such as HCC and LTCH in our case, and if this metric is nec-
structure for an archetypical sector in the simulation model. As
essary, the care and ALC portions of the LOS can be separated out
shown in Fig. 2, this structure contains the key relationships un-
by trimming the historical LOS by a fixed percent for each cohort
covered in the CLD and identifies how policy levers can be in-
and destination combination. All LOS parameters can be changed
terfaced with the flow network as simulation model inputs. This
before and during the simulation. Discharge rate to exogenous sec-
archetype model was used as the blueprint for all the care sectors
tors is determined by the historical rates for each cohort and desti-
in the simulation model further helping simplify the model struc-
nation combination, and are modifiable. Discharges to endogenous
ture. Further details on the sector archetype formulation can be
sectors are dependent on the admission rates set by those sectors
found in Appendix A.
in the model. For both endogenous and exogenous destinations,
Each sector in the model has time varying capacity that can
different cohorts can be prioritized for discharge by the user by
be adjusted by the user. This capacity is defined based on funded
allocating a higher percentage of the discharge flows to them.
beds for all sectors except for HCC. For this sector capacity is de-
This generic formulation can be used to add other sectors into
termined by the funded hours for case management, nursing, oc-
the model, where additional data analysis would be required to
cupational therapy, physical therapy and personal support services.
estimate the transition, LOS and other parameters for the cohort
The user is able to change the capacity level of each resource in-
breakdown relevant for that sector. Exogenous admissions and dis-
dependently before or during a simulation run.
charges of the other sectors in the model would then be connected
Patients in a sector utilize this capacity during active care, and
to the newly created sector.
while they are awaiting discharge or when designated Alternate
Level of Care (ALC) as it is referred to in Ontario. In our model, the
awaiting discharge stock is tracked for ED, acute, rehabilitation and
CCC sectors. For HCC and LTCH sectors, the discharge delay concept 3.3. Implementation
does not apply, but it is kept as a buffer for endogenous discharge
backlogs. For HCC utilization is calculated as the level of consump- The simulation is implemented as an SD model in Ventana
tion of the funded services. Consequently, the model is parame- Systems Inc. (2012), with data and parameter calculations han-
terized with hours of resource used per day per patient for each dled through Microsoft Excel (Microsoft Corporation, 2015) work-
HCC cohort and the admission rate for each cohort is linked to the books. This separation of parameters and simulation structure al-
availability of these five resources at the required quantity. There- lows for simple adjustments of patient cohorts and their character-
fore, for HCC, the highest utilized resource dominates the others as istics without making changes to the underlying simulation code.
the bottleneck resource, and controls the admission rate into the The parameters in the model were estimated from 2009 and 2010
sector. health system data for the Central East Local Health Integration
226 A.V. Esensoy, M.W. Carter / European Journal of Operational Research 266 (2018) 221–237

Fig. 3. Simulation model data and information flows (ALC = Alternate level of care, LHIN = Local Health Integration Network, LOS = length of stay).

Network and model calibration is performed against 2011 and 2012 the simulation was run with static baseline parameters for a five-
observations. year warm-up to obtain steady state estimates.
Fig. 3 provides a summary of information flows for the sim- The simulation time window is between October 1st, 2010 and
ulation setup. The user is able to change how this patient-level March 31st, 2015 for 1641 days. Within this time window, the sim-
data is aggregated in Excel to create new patient cohort group- ulation starts with initial stock levels and warms-up within the
ings, which is then used to calculate cohort characteristics such two simulated months. 2011 and 2012 resuls overlap with ob-
average LOS, disposition, and cross-LHIN referral rates. All model served data to allow for model input calibration against observed
parameters populated using historical data are dependent on this values. The model runs in continuous time with the simulation
cohorting and are calculated prior to simulation start. Patient co- clock ticking in three-hour intervals with daily results collection,
hort characteristics are calculated from patient-level extracts ob- where the simulation outputs at each three-hour tick are averaged
tained from IntelliHealth Ontario (MOHLTC, 2014) a business intel- to represent the state of the simulation variables for that day. This
ligence tool that contains patient-level clinical and administrative time step was chosen as it was half the minimum LOS for the ED
data for Ontario. The baseline cohort data sources and the group- sector, which has the shortest LOS in the simulation model. The
ings used in the simulation are provided in Appendix B. The user runtime of the simulation is typically just under 25 seconds on a
is able to use the clinical groupings in Appendix B for targeting system with 2.8 gigahertz Intel Core i7 processor and 16 gigabytes
interventions to flows for specific cohorts and demographics. The of memory.
clinical groupings of the simulation can be changed prior to the
simulation run if necessary. For example, different case mix groups 3.4. Validation and use
in the acute care sector can be merged to create a broader condi-
tion group. The baseline capacity for the simulated sectors, where Whole-system models, like the one discussed in this paper, are
the user is able to use output from the Healthcare Indicators Tool meant to be strategic analysis tools for ambiguous and complex
(Health Analytics Branch, 2012) to group certain types of provider policy questions. It is a given that different policy questions will
or resource types into capacity categories, resulting in aggregate require distinct cohort configurations and will evaluate options us-
annual capacity estimates for each sector. Once these parameters ing flow outcomes unique to their objectives. Furthermore, inter-
are passed to the simulation model, they can be modified during ventions considered in transformation policies rarely have histor-
a simulation run. However, cohort and capacity groupings remain ical data to validate the model against. As such verifying that the
static. All data sources used by the model are readily accessible by entire complement of model outputs closely replicate historical pa-
planners in the MOHLTC, LHINs and health service providers. tient flow observations is not necessarily realistic.
At simulation start, all stocks are populated with initial patient Within the decision-making cycle, whole-system models play
volumes. For those sectors that have assessment-based datasets the role of policy exploration tools as opposed to predictive fore-
(CCC, rehabilitation, LTCH and HCC), these values were calculated casting models. As such, validation of strategic-level models is an
from point-in-time volume of active patients. For emergency and iterative process aimed at developing trust in the simulation by its
acute care sectors that have discharge-based datasets, the initial intended users (Barlas, 1996; Oliva, 2003). Brailsford et al. (2004)
patient volumes were estimated through a two-step process where suggest using both white-box (reviewing model in detail with
the user) and black-box (checking model output accuracy against
A.V. Esensoy, M.W. Carter / European Journal of Operational Research 266 (2018) 221–237 227

observed values) validation techniques to build confidence in the delays account for a third of the stroke patients’ stay in acute care
model. Therefore, for this model we propose a three-step approach on average and only 60% stroke patients who are inpatient rehabil-
to checking the validity of the simulation prior to using it for pol- itation candidates in fact receive this care (Hall et al., 2012).
icy analysis: To address system-wide challenges with this cohort, Ontario’s
Rehabilitation and Complex Continuing Care Expert Panel estab-
Step 1: Work closely with the users to translate the policy op-
lished stroke best practices (SBP) in 2011 based on the four rec-
tions into model inputs and outputs, and collect hypothe-
ommendations made by the Ontario Stroke Network’s Stroke Ref-
ses around expected outcomes. This is a white-box process
erence Group:
where the clients are exposed to the model structure, the
underlying data and both the model and data limitations. 1. Acute care: Timely transfer of appropriate patients from acute
This process should result in the co-creation of scenarios to facilities to rehabilitation, with five- and seven-day average LOS
be analyzed by the model and the performance indicators targets for ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke, respectively.
that matter to the policy analysts. 2. Inpatient rehabilitation: Provision of greater intensity therapy
Step 2: Calibrate the model to maximize the accuracy of the in inpatient rehabilitation (rehabilitation), with three hours of
model against the model outputs selected in step 1. This is therapy seven days a week, with an average LOS target of 28
the black-box process where model inputs can be calibrated days.
to minimize error. 3. Outpatient rehabilitation: Timely access to outpatient or
Step 3: Populate the model with the policy options and compare community-based rehabilitation (OPCBR) for appropriate pa-
outcomes against the system behavior hypotheses from step tients with three visits per week over an eight to 12-week pe-
1. At this stage, it is possible that model behavior is rejected, riod.
or that the clients revise their policy outcome hypotheses 4. Access: Ensure that all rehabilitation candidates have equitable
in light of the simulation analysis. This is the phase where access to the rehabilitation they need.
users are able to derive the most value out of the model as
they are able to use the model as a laboratory for learning The implementation of these evidence-based SBP recommen-
and testing their hypotheses (Graham, 2002). If necessary, dations are expected to provide improved patient flow for stroke
model parameters and structure can be revised to ensure be- patients across the system, along with an overall reduction in
havioral validity. bed utilization by this cohort in acute, inpatient rehabilitation
and complex continuing care sectors. The SBP effectively propose
This was the validation process used in the application of this a new stroke model of care at the health system-level, affecting
model for the analysis of stroke best practices policy, as presented acute, inpatient, home and complex continuing care sectors and
in the next section. From the beginning, the qualitative and quanti- introducing a much expanded OPCBR service. The expected pa-
tative phases of model development were carried out in close col- tient pathway changes are presented in Fig. 4. For ischemic stroke
laboration with the end users, and they were aware of the assump- patients, the pathway is simplified by restricting post-acute care
tions and limitations of the model. Once the policy question was to home, with 13% of them receiving OPCBR (Mayo et al., 20 0 0;
determined, it was deconstructed through a facilitated session and Meyer, Callaghan, Kelloway, & Hall, 2012). Hemorrhagic stroke pa-
expected outcomes from implementation were gathered from the tient pathways balance the level of care across the patient acuity
literature and policy analysts. The policy analysis scenario was then levels by diverting low acuity patients from inpatient rehabilita-
spelled out in terms of model inputs and performance indicators tion to OPCBR while moving home-bound complex continuing care
that the simulation can produce and validated through the experts patients into inpatient rehabilitation. This pathway aims to reduce
prior to analysis using the model. Preliminary results were shared acute LOS by sending hemorrhagic stroke patients to inpatient re-
with both policy and stroke experts for validation prior to conduct- habilitation earlier, and inpatient rehabilitation LOS by increasing
ing further exploratory analyses around the policy. This facilitated the intensity of rehabilitation received and moving the later stages
validation and use cycle is a pragmatic approach to operational- of this care to the community by providing OPCBR to all patients
izing whole system models due to the complexity of the policy discharged from this sector.
questions traditionally explored in such analyses. Furthermore, as SBP is a cross-sector patient flow intervention, and therefore an
many policy and clinical experts can be skeptical of the new quan- ideal policy scenario for the model. The case study presented here
titative models representing healthcare processes they are familiar was conducted in collaboration with the Implementation Branch of
with 1, validity could be rejected prematurely without a facilitated the MOHLTC to study the effects of the implementation of the SBP
process. Not surprisingly, it can be seen that all of the literature within a LHIN in Ontario. It builds on Meyer et al. (2012) calcu-
cited in Section 2 involved facilitated model use. lations on the impact of SBP for the province, and extends it by
incorporating cross-sector flow feedbacks of the system to deter-
4. Case study – stroke best practices implementation
mine the extent to which SBP can achieve the targets it set out,
and estimates the whole-system patient flow effects of the policy.
4.1. Stroke best practices overview

Stroke is the sudden loss of brain function due to blood flow 4.2. Simulation setup and calibration
interruption to the organ, and can be caused by blood vessel
blockages due to clots (ischemic) or the rupture of blood vessels To configure patient flows in the simulation for the analysis of
(hemorrhagic). When a blood vessel blockage is temporary, the SBP, we first aligned the stroke cohorts in the model to standard
ischemic stroke is classified as a transient ischemic attack (TIA) Ontario definitions. In acute care, this involved creating two new
(OSN, 2015b). Note that for the remainder of this paper the is- cohorts in acute care for hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke using
chemic category will refer to both ischemic stroke and TIA pa- inpatient case mix group (CMG) codes (CMGs are the Canadian
tients together. Annually, in Ontario there are around 25,0 0 0 stroke version of Diagnosis-Related Groups; Fetter, Shin, Freeman, Averill,
events, resulting in over 15,0 0 0 acute and 3500 inpatient reha- & Thompson, 1980) based on MOHLTC’s resource indicator stan-
bilitation admissions (Hall, Linkewich, Khan, & Levi, 2015; OSN, dards (Health Analytics Branch, 2016), where the hemorrhagic co-
2015a). The health system pathways for stroke patients are char- hort contained both hemorrhagic and unspecified strokes, and as
acterized by transition delays and suboptimal referrals. Discharge discussed in Section 4.1, ischemic and TIA cohorts were combined
228 A.V. Esensoy, M.W. Carter / European Journal of Operational Research 266 (2018) 221–237

Fig. 4. Stroke best practices changes to hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke cohorts flows.

Table 1
Model output validation for SBP analysis.

Sector Indicator Units Measure MPE (%)

Acute care Sector discharges Patients/month Annual total −5.5

Inpatient rehabilitation referrals Patients/month Percent of all discharges 2.3
CCC referrals Patients/month Percent of all discharges 1.3
Inpatient care ALOS Days/patient Annual average 6.3
Inpatient discharge delay Days/patient Annual average 3.9
Hemorrhagic stroke discharges Patients/month Annual total 3.7
Hemorrhagic stroke inpatient LOS Days/patient Annual average −0.6
Hemorrhagic stroke inpatient discharge delay Days/patient Annual average 10.0
Ischemic stroke discharges Patients/month Annual total −1.0
Ischemic stroke inpatient LOS Days/patient Annual average 9.3
Ischemic stroke inpatient discharge delay Days/patient Annual average 4.9
Inpatient rehabilitation Sector discharges Patients/month Annual total 4.3
Sector care ALOS Days/patient Annual average −0.5
Stroke discharges Patients/month Annual total −2.1
Stroke ALOS Days/patient Annual average 0.5
Complex continuing care Sector discharges Patients/month Annual total −4.4
Sector care ALOS Days/patient Annual average 4.6

under the ischemic stroke group. Inpatient rehabilitation data al- The MPE results for the selected indicators show that generally
ready had a stroke cohort defined through rehabilitation client the model has a slight under-estimation bias of discharge volumes,
group (RCG) codes. It was confirmed that this cohort was the same and an over-estimation bias for lengths of stay. This is an expected
as Meyer’s et al. stroke group defined by the rehabilitation patient outcome due to the static nature of arrival rates possibly under-
group codes, which are derived from RCGs. The model’s existing in- estimating sector demand over the comparison period, as noted in
put levers were sufficient to translate the changes to LOS and dis- Section 3.1. For an aggregated model such as this, the bias indica-
position into simulation parameters. The only new variable added tors exhibit an acceptable level of variation and in line with the
to the simulation was a stock to keep track of OPCBR referrals in 10% target from similar literature (Lane et al., 20 0 0).
the SBP scenario. The SBP simulation scenario was established by changing dispo-
After mapping the cohorts, the simulation was run to calibrate sition and LOS parameters of the stroke cohorts in acute care and
the model and establish a base case scenario. The model was pa- inpatient rehabilitation sectors, and establishing OPCBR estimates
rameterized with clinical and administrative data from 2009 to for those patients who are referred to this service. The scenario
2010 and run to end of 2012. We assessed model accuracy with parameters are summarized in Table 2. All LOS and disposition pa-
2011 and 2012 data to compare actuals with model results for sec- rameters use Ontario calculations from Meyer et al. (2012), with
tor discharge volumes, cross sector referral patterns, average LOS the exception of two, which were recalculated with the rehabili-
and discharge delays. Mean percent error (MPE) metric was used tation patient group (RPG) mix of inpatient rehabilitation for the
to compare the model estimates with actuals on a monthly basis. A model LHIN. The diversion rate of rehabilitation-bound acute hem-
significant discrepancy was identified for the rehabilitation sector orrhagic patients to home with care with OPCBR was determined
throughput in our validation comparisons, stemming from a nearly to be 5.5%, lower than Meyer’s et al. (2012) provincial estimate of
20% increase in average LOS in the sector over the comparison pe- 6.6% due to a lower portion of RPG 1160 patients in CE LHIN in-
riod. The inpatient rehabilitation LOS was adjusted by +20% to ac- patient rehabilitation settings compared to the province. Expected
count for this change. Validation results for the calibrated model ALOS for inpatient rehabilitation for stroke was calculated to be 32
are provided in Table 1. days instead of the provincial 30-day estimate. Acute care diver-
sions of SBP were only applied to those stroke patients bound for
A.V. Esensoy, M.W. Carter / European Journal of Operational Research 266 (2018) 221–237 229

Table 2
SBP simulation scenario inputs. (OPCBR: outpatient/community-based rehabilitation).

Sector Cohort Definition ALOS Disposition

Acute care Hemorrhagic stroke CMGs 025 and 028 7 days • 5.5% of rehab
referrals diverted
to home with care
with OPCBR
• 29% of CCC
referrals diverted
to rehabilitation
• 13% of home and
home with care
referrals also
provided OPCBR

Ischemic stroke CMGs 026 and 027 5 days • All CCC and
referrals diverted
to home with
• 13% of home and
home with care
referrals also
provided OPCBR

Rehabilitation Stroke RCGs 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4 and 10.9 32 days All home and home
with care discharges
also provided OPCBR
OPCBR Outpatient rehabilitation 88% of all OPCBR referrals 70 days All patients discharged
Community rehabilitation 12% of all OPCBR referrals
Speech language pathology Service added to 50% of all OPCBR referrals

Table 3
SBP scenario sensitivity analysis details. Note that all distributions are triangular (CCC: complex continuing care, LOS: length of stay, OPCBR:
outpatient/community-based rehabilitation).

Sector Scenario input Target Distribution parameters

Acute care Hemorrhagic stroke expected care LOS 7.0 days (7.0, 7.0, 8.9)
Ischemic stroke expected care LOS 5.0 days (5.0, 5.0, 7.7)
% of hemorrhagic stroke rehabilitation referrals diverted to home with care with OPCBR 5.5% (0.0, 5.5, 5.5)
% of hemorrhagic stroke CCC referrals diverted to rehabilitation 29% (0, 29, 29)
% of ischemic stroke rehabilitation referrals diverted to home 100% (0, 100, 100)
% of ischemic stroke CCC referrals diverted to home 100% (0, 100, 100)
Rehabilitation Stroke average care LOS 32 days (32, 32, 36)

rehabilitation and CCC. The stroke population that was discharged To estimate the effects of implementing the stroke policy, the
to other sectors after acute care were assumed to continue doing base case and the SBP scenario were simulated separately for years
so at the baseline rate. To establish average OPCBR LOS, we used 2012–2015. The SBP scenario inputs were assumed to take effect at
the Ontario Stroke Network’s Stroke Reference Group’s recommen- the start of the simulation run with the results calculated from 50
dation of 8–12 weeks discussed in Meyer et al. (2012) and took the sensitivity runs. The performance indicators selected capture the
midpoint of 70 days. policy’s effectiveness through LOS measurements for the stroke co-
While Meyer et al. (2012) based LOS and disposition effects of hort and its effects for the overall system though assessing sector
SBP policy implementation on the analysis of provincial data, they throughput and capacity utilization changes. The simulation results
made a number of assumptions based on expert judgment to cal- were collected to estimate the annual mean value of these compar-
culate these estimates. The SBP scenario was therefore simulated ison indicators over the three-year period.
with sensitivity analysis to represent both the expert opinion na- The entire case study was encapsulated in scenario analysis
ture of the LOS and diversion estimates, and that being a new ser- dashboards developed for policy analysts using the primary inputs
vice SBP will not be implemented perfectly everywhere resulting and key performance indicators identified. The scenario setup (Fig.
in some patients who continue under the old baseline model. The 5) and outcomes analysis dashboards (Fig. 6) enabled interaction
details of this sensitivity analysis is provided in Table 3. These sce- with the whole-system model without the need for exposing the
nario inputs were represented using mode at bound triangular dis- stock and flow view of the model.
tributions. For LOS inputs, one bound was set to the baseline value
of the input and the other bound and the mode set to the SBP ex- 4.3. Results and discussion
pert estimate. The diversion inputs were given a zero lower bound
and the SBP target for mode and upper bound. This bounded the The implementation of SBP is expected to increase the through-
sensitivity range between current state and ideal SBP state with put of stroke patients through acute care and inpatient rehabilita-
more weight given to the SBP targets. tion sectors by reducing their LOS through increased care intensity
and by directing cohorts to community settings with lower dis-
230 A.V. Esensoy, M.W. Carter / European Journal of Operational Research 266 (2018) 221–237

Fig. 5. Stroke policy input dashboard.

Fig. 6. Stroke policy scenario comparison dashboard.

charge delays. The effectiveness of the policy in shortening of the These results show that SBP’s LOS and cross-sector diversion
LOS along the stroke pathway is summarized in Table 4. It can be changes can result in significant patient flow improvements across
seen that SBP does in fact improve the LOS for the stroke cohort, the stroke pathway, which translates into capacity recovered for
especially for ischemic patients. Targets for overall LOS are not other patient cohorts and increased overall sector throughput.
fully met due to discharge delays still experienced by stroke sub- Table 5 presents a summary of the implications of SBP implemen-
cohorts discharged to sectors that do not benefit from SBP such as tation. When SBP is in effect, bed occupancy of the stroke co-
LTCH. hort drops by 10.0 beds in acute and 11.1 beds in rehabilitation.
On average, this gain corresponds to 0.631% and 5.72% of the bed
A.V. Esensoy, M.W. Carter / European Journal of Operational Research 266 (2018) 221–237 231

Table 4
Length of stay comparison for stroke patients between base case and SBP implementation. (ALC: alternate level of care, LOS: length
of stay, SBP: stroke best practices).

Indicator SBP target average days Base case SBP case Difference
Average 95% CI [L, U] Average 95% CI [L, U] Average (SBP – base)

Acute care hemorrhagic 7 11.5 10.1 −1.40

Total average LOS [11.4, 11.6] [9.47, 11.0]
Acute care ischemic total 5 10.6 7.15 −3.45
Average LOS [10.5, 10.7] [6.27, 8.32]
Acute care hemorrhagic 0 2.92 2.47 −0.45
Average ALC LOS [2.88, 3.05] [2.34, 2.61]
Acute care ischemic average 0 2.28 1.30 −0.98
ALC LOS [2.25, 2.41] [1.17, 1.49]
Inpatient rehabilitation 32 39.2 37.3 −1.90
Stroke average LOS [39.1, 39.3] [35.9 39.2]
Inpatient rehabilitation 0 5.83 4.56 −1.27
Stroke average ALC LOS [5.58, 6.01] [4.41, 4.65]

Table 5
Resource utilization comparison between base case and SBP implementation at sector level for all patient cohorts. All figures are calculated as the difference between the
SBP case and the base case simulations. (ALC: alternate level of care, CCC: complex continuing care, N/A: not applicable).

Sector Reduction in bed utilization during care for stroke cohort Reduction in ALC bed utilization for all cohorts Sector admission rate change
Average beds/day 95% CI [L, U] Average beds/day 95% CI [L, U] Average patients/day 95% CI [L, U]

Acute care 10.0 22.9 4.15

[6.19, 13.5] [17.8, 26.0] [3.34, 4.90]
Rehabilitation 11.1 12.7 0.525
[5.95, 15.8] [6.74, 18.2] [0.263, 0.750]
CCC N/A 0.0 0.002
[−0.150, 0.0560] [0.0 01, 0.0 04]
Long-term care homes N/A N/A 0.126
[0.105, 0.147]
Home care N/A N/A 3.56
[2.70, 4.31]

capacities of these sectors respectively. SBP’s stroke cohort capac- individual parts, highlighting the dynamic feedback of the flow
ity gains and the re-allocation of stroke patients from institutional system.
to shorter wait community destinations result in reduced ALC bur- The analysis shows that SBP is in fact a policy with significant
den and overall increased sector throughput. As the sectors are potential to improve patient flow for stroke patients and through
inter-connected, the gains made by the stroke cohort are magni- spill-over effects, other cohorts within the LHIN. The whole-system
fied through system-wide flow improvement feedback, further re- analysis indicates that the policy’s success rests on the effective
covering 22.9 beds in acute and 12.7 beds in rehabilitation sectors. implementation of the diversion policies and creation of commu-
This implies that the improved systemic flow frees up 2.06 beds nity capacity for OPCBR. This significant increase in community
in acute and 1.14 beds in rehabilitation for every bed freed up by support is a considerable barrier for the implementation of this
the stroke cohorts in those sectors. Additionally, this flow improve- policy. While the finding that significant investments are needed
ment goes beyond the stroke cohort. For example, in acute care in OPCBR was not surprising to the policy analysts, the model was
the average ALC days for patents waiting for cardiac rehabilitation able to not only quantify the case load but also present the reduc-
placement are reduced by 1.17 days, 95% CI [0.590, 1.66]. tion in utilization in other sectors as a result of expanding commu-
For the LHIN the SBP implementation would require the accom- nity capacity. This evidence was welcomed by the policy analysts
modation of 460 OPCBR enrollments annually 95% CI [423, 501], as a crucial planning finding.
translating to an average of 88.8 active patients per day, 95% CI It should be noted that there are certain caveats to these con-
[81.6, 96.6]. This case load change would require the LHIN to in- clusions. The policy effects presented in this analysis are likely op-
crease speech language pathology/therapy visits by 145%, and oc- timistic estimates for three reasons. In assessing SBP outcomes,
cupational and physical therapy visits by 23% over the baseline we did not incorporate changes to stroke incidence. Gains made
funded capacity. The patient flow gains of SBP are dependent on by the stroke cohort could potentially be used towards accommo-
these investments in OPCBR, which are the downstream enablers dating the increasing demand by the same group, reducing the
of early discharges from acute and rehabilitation settings. The im- spillover effects of the policy. Furthermore, capacity and through-
portance of this investment can be demonstrated through the se- put gains predicted may be inflated due to the scope of the
lective implementation of the LOS and diversion components of model, where certain sectors such as mental health are not en-
SBP. Fig. 7 compares the three different levels of SBP implemen- dogenously simulated. The model assumes arrival rates from ex-
tation: LOS Only – Only LOS changes for stroke, Diversion Only – ogenous sectors to be capped at historical rates and directs in-
only cross-sector referrals changes, and full SBP implementation. creased admission rates to those patients waiting in endogenous
It can be seen that clinical LOS improvements only provide limited sectors, creating a throughput improvement feedback loop for en-
gains, whereas cross-sector referral changes contribute significantly dogenous sectors. In reality, gains in capacity could be used to
to the improvements expected from the policy. As such, OPCBR in- improve admission rates from these exogenous sectors, reducing
vestments will be critical to realize potential gains from SBP. What the magnitude of the system-wide feedback loop by spreading
is also important to note here is that both LOS and referral com- it across more sectors. Furthermore, while the analysis assumed
ponents, when applied together provide greater gains than their that any recovered bed capacity would be allocated according to
232 A.V. Esensoy, M.W. Carter / European Journal of Operational Research 266 (2018) 221–237

Fig. 7. Box plot showing acute inpatient alternate level of care bed gains under different levels of SBP implantation (LOS = length of stay, SBP = Stroke Best Practices).

Fig. 8. Detailed stock and flow diagram of the care sector archetype. (ALC: alternate level of care).

historical priorities in the model it is possible that LHINs and in- tem dynamics simulation models. This extension of the literature
dividual providers may choose to prioritize admissions to these is important as healthcare policies frequently target specific pa-
beds differently or even retire the recovered capacity to save tient cohorts. Furthermore, through the case study of a care model
costs. change for a specific clinical condition, we highlight the impor-
tance of considering such policies from a whole-system perspec-
tive to effectively estimate performance limitations brought about
5. Discussion and conclusion by the constraints in the system, and to discover both positive and
negative unintended consequences on patients and providers out-
The modeling described in this paper shows that high fidelity, side of the policy scope. The modeling approach and the sector
whole-system simulations can be built using Ontario’s data assets, archetype presented in this paper are likely applicable to other
and be used as effective analysis tools for exploring transformation health systems that capture patient flow data among care sec-
policies. The model presented in this paper provides a simulation tors. The model would be especially valuable to single payer health
formulation to include clinical characteristics in whole-system sys-
A.V. Esensoy, M.W. Carter / European Journal of Operational Research 266 (2018) 221–237 233

Table 6
Sector archetype variables and specifications.

Variable Description and specification

t Simulation time where t0 = simulation start time, tf = final simulation time. (1)
n Set of endogenous sectors in the model. (2)
n ∈ N, where N = {ed, ac, rh, cc, lt, hc},
where ed = emergency department, ac = acute inpatient, rh = inpatient rehabilitation,
cc = complex continuing care, lt = long-term care homes, hc = home and community care
Note: n = 0 is used to refer to “this sector” for which parameter and equations
specifications are provided for in this section.
e Set of exogenous sectors and dispositions in the model.
e ∈ E, where E = {deceased, eac, erh, ecc, elt, ehc, home without care, other, supportive
where eac = exogenous acute inpatient, erh = exogenous inpatient rehabilitation,
ecc = exogenous complex continuing care, elt = exogenous long-term care homes,
ehc = exogenous home and community care
i All endogenous or exogenous sectors to admit from or discharge to in the model. (4)
i ∈ I, where I = N ∪ E
c Patient clinical cohorts for this sector. (5)
c ∈ C for all endogenous sectors n, and C = {edc, acc, rhc, cxc, lhc, hoc},
where edc = emergency department cohorts, acc = acute inpatient cohorts, rhc = inpatient
rehabilitation cohorts, cxc = complex continuing care cohorts, lhc = long-term care home
cohorts, hoc = home and community care cohorts
C is further elaborated in Appendix B.
r Patient clinical cohorts for other endogenous sector n in the model. (6)
r ∈ Cn
d Demographic breakdown cohorts for stocks and flows. (7)
d ∈ {Female < 65, Female 65–75, Female > 75, Male < 65, Male 65–75, Male > 75}
j Resource type j that provides care capacity in the sector. (8)
j ∈ {case management hours, nursing visits, occupational therapy visits, physical therapy visits,
personal support visits} for i = hc and j = beds for all other i
Kj (t) Amount of resource j available, in resource units. (9)
Kj (t) is initialized from data and is a user modifiable parameter ≥ 0
Rcjn Units of resource j consumed by cohort type c per day for endogenous sector n, in (10)
resource units.
initialized f rom data as a modi f iable parameter ≥ 0, f or n = hc
Rc jn = {
1, f or all other n
RCj (t) Consumption of resource j at time t, in resource units. (11)

RC j (t ) = Ccd (t ) × R0
c d
CAc (t) Capacity of sector for cohort c defined as the minimum patients of that cohort that can be (12)
accommodated by the resources given the sector cohorts’ requirements defined in Rcjn . In
active patients per day.
min K j (t )Zc j
C Ac (t ) = ( Rc jn )
where Zcj is percent of resource j allocated to cohort type c per day for endogenous sector
initialized f rom data as a modi f iable parameter ≥ 0, f or n = hc
Zc j = { (13)
1, f or all other n
An example may help with the interpretation for CAc (t). Assume that for home care, a
cohort requires 3 nursing hours, 2 personal support worker hours and 1 case management
hour. One patient can be admitted to home care if all three resources are at least at these
levels. Assume there were 10 units of each resource available, and all of these resources
are available to this cohort. Then the number of patients of this cohort that can be
admitted is min(10/3, 10/2, 10/1) = 10/3
U(t) Utilization of sector n at time t, in percent. (14)
RC (t )
U (t ) = CAj(t )
T(t) Utilization target of sector n, in percent. (15)
τ (t) is initialized by the user and is a modifiable parameter ≥ 0
A(t) Admission rate into this sector at time t, in patients per day. (16)
( (T (t ) − U (t )) · CA(t )) + D(t ), U (t ) < T (t )
A(t ) = { D (t ), U (t ) = T (t )
0, U (t ) > T (t )
HAid Historical arrival rates from sector i and demographic d, in patients per day (17)
HAid is initialized from data and is a modifiable parameter ≥ 0
HCin A matrix of form xdc and size |d| x |c| containing historical cohort c breakdown for (18)
demographic d in this sector coming from sector i into sector n. In percent.
HCin is initialized from data and is a modifiable parameter ≥ 0, where
|c |

xdc = 100 f or ∀ d
ARi (t) Percent of admission rate A(t) allocated to sector i at time t. (19)
ARi (t) is initialized from data and is a user modifiable parameter ≥ 0 for all i, where

ARi (t ) = 100
NXAn Percent of admission rate for an endogenous sector n redirected to its exogenous (20)
counterpart. Used to track out-of-LHIN admissions for endogenous sectors. In percent.
NXAn is initialized from data and is a user modifiable parameter, where 0 ≤ NXn ≤ 100.
XAcde (t) Number of patients of cohort c and demographic d admitted from exogenous sector e at (21)
time t in patients per day
X Acde (t ) = min( (A(t ) · ARe (t )) + (NX An · ARn (t )), H Aed ) × HCcde
(continued on next page)
234 A.V. Esensoy, M.W. Carter / European Journal of Operational Research 266 (2018) 221–237

Table 6 (continued)

Variable Description and specification

Mi A matrix of form xrc and size | r | x | c | containing the mapping of cohorts r coming from (22)
sector i to this sector’s cohort c, where 0 ≤ xrc ≤ 1 and
|c |

xrc = 1 f or ∀ r
PRnrd (t) Patients discharged from endogenous sector n cohort r and demographic d, in patients per (23)
For n = ED
P R(ED)rd = (Crdn (t ) + Wrdn (t ) ) × Enrd ,
where Enrd is the emergency visit rate per patient of cohort r and demographic d in
endogenous sector n.
For all other n (24)
P Rnrd = f (Wrdn (t ), ARn (t )),
where P Rnrd is equivalent to NDncd (t) specified in (36)
and where Wrdn (t) is equivalent to Wcdi (t) specified in (32).
NAcdn (t) Number of patients admitted from endogenous sector n with cohort c and demographic d (25)
at time t, in patients per day.
P Rnrd × Mi , for cohorts r from sector n specified in Mi
N Aicd (t ) = {
(P Rnrd ) × HCin ,
r for all other cohorts r from sector n
ICcd Number of patients with cohort c and demographic d in care at time to , in patients. (26)
ICcd is initialized from data and is a modifiable parameter where Icd ≥ 0 for ∀ c, d
Ccd (t) Number of patients with cohort c and demographic d in care at time t, in patients. (27)
Ccd (t ) = ∫ ( X Acde (t ) + N Acdn (t ) − CCcdi (t ))dt + ICcd
t0 e n i
Lcd Historical average length of stay for cohort c and demographic d, in days per patient. (28)
Lcd is initialized from data and is a modifiable parameter where Lcd ≥ 0 for ∀ c, d
HS A matrix of form xcdi and size | c | x | d | x | i | containing the market shares of sectors i (29)
for cohort c and demographic d pairs for this sector, where 0 ≤ xcdi ≤ 1 and
xcdi = 1 f or ∀ c, d pairs
HS is initialized from data, and is user modifiable. It is possible to direct patients to both
endogenous sectors N and their counterparts in E to track out-of-LHIN discharges for
endogenous sectors. In fact, these out-of-LHIN redirects are calculated at the time of the
initialization of HS
CCcdi (t) Number of care completions for cohort c and demographic d with target discharge to (30)
sector i, in patients per day.
CCcdi (t ) = CcdL (t ) × HS
IWcdi Number of patients of cohort c and demographic d waiting for discharge to sector i at t0 (31)
IWcdi is initialized from data and is a modifiable parameter where IWcdi ≥ 0 for ∀ c, d, i
Wcdi (t) Number of patients of cohort c and demographic d waiting for discharge to sector i in (32)
service s at time t
Wcdi (t ) = ∫ (CCcdi (t ) − X Dcde (t ) − N Dcdn (t ))dt + IWcdi
HDcde Discharge delay for cohort c and demographic d in waiting for exogenous sector e, in days (33)
per patient.
HDcde is initialized from historical data and is a modifiable parameter where HDcde ≥ 0 for
∀ c, d, e
XDcdsi (t) Exogenous patient discharges to sector e cohort c and demographic d at time t, in patients (34)
per day.
X Dcde (t ) = HWDcdi ((tt))
RAn (t) Admission rate of endogenous sector n from this sector at time t, in patients per day. (35)
RAn (t ) = An (t ) · αn0 (t ),
where αn0 (t ) is the percent of admission rate An (t) of sector n allocated to this sector at
time t
NDcdn (t) Endogenous patient discharges to sector n cohort c and demographic d at time t, in (36)
patients per day.
N Dcdn (t ) = min(RAn (t ) × (DAcdn (t ) + SAcdn (t )), Wcdn (t )) where
cdn (t )
DAcdn (t ) =  W W (t )
is the share of discharge rate to sector n of patients in cohort c (37)
c d n cdn
and demographic d, proportional to their share in Wcdn , and is user modifiable

SAcdn (t ) = max(RAn (t ) − N Dcdn (t − 1 ), 0) × DAcdn is the slack variable that allocates (38)
c d

any unused discharge bandwidth from the previous time step, to ensure that N Dcdn (t )
c d
is as close to RAn (t) as possible
Ds (t) Discharge rate from service s at time t, in patients per day (39)
D(t ) = X Dcde (t ) + N Dcdn (t )
∀ ∀

systems where data capture is almost at the population level and the care system (Barton, McClean, Garg, & Fullerton, 2010; Bayer,
policy interventions can be enforced throughout the continuum of Petsoulas, Cox, Honeyman, & Barlow, 2010; Gillespie et al., 2016;
care. McClean, Barton, Garg, & Fullerton, 2011; Monks, Pearn, & Allen,
The case study in this paper is complementary to stroke litera- 2015; Pitt, Monks, Crowe, & Vasilakis, 2016; Sundberg, Bagust, &
ture in operational research. While there is a range of operational Terént, 2003; van der Zee & van der Vorst, 2007) the SBP anal-
research models published on stroke patient pathways through ysis is unique in capturing the stroke dynamics within a whole-
A.V. Esensoy, M.W. Carter / European Journal of Operational Research 266 (2018) 221–237 235

system context together with other patient cohorts. This approach with average LOS and transition characteristics will support strate-
allows treating the stroke cohort and the resources it uses not as gic analyses. However, for rarer conditions with much lower an-
an independent care pathway but a connected component of the nual case counts, aggregate flows may hide individual variability
broader health system. As such this case study addresses some of among patients that might have policy-relevant flow consequences.
the opportunities for operational research applied to stroke care Furthermore, given that patient flows are represented in through
by Churilov and Donnan (2012), specifically the rehabilitation and mutually exclusive diagnostic conditions most responsible for the
social community care problem areas from capacity planning and care encounter at each sector, the model is not able to represent
public policy perspectives. comorbidities. This feature, coupled with the aggregation of flows
The types of policy questions that invoke whole-system think- as opposed to modeling individual patient transitions does not al-
ing tend to be complex, with numerous uncertainties and edu- low the model to represent the accumulation of clinical conditions
cated guesses attached to them. In that light, the model presented as patients move through the health system. For planning scenar-
in this paper should be treated as a part of the policy analysis ios where rare conditions or patients’ change in frailty and co-
toolkit along with other tools such as qualitative models, demand morbidities are important a more granular approach such as agent
and supply forecasts, and economic analyses. Therefore, success- based simulation models may be more appropriate (Marshall et al.,
fully adopting the model into decision-making in this manner re- 2015a, 2015b).
quires modelers to be a part of the policy analysis team to fa- There are some key next steps for improving the model. Firstly,
cilitate the model’s parameterization from the range of evidence wait lists for services were not included in the flow network. While
available and to help policy analysts interpret the system behav- improving delayed discharges and overall sector throughputs are
iors that emerge from the model. Using dashboards as described key performance considerations, wait list management is also a
in Section 4.2 can help modelers and policy analysts co-develop critical aspect of system capacity planning. Ontario explicitly cap-
problem statements, policy scenarios and agree on key indicators tures wait lists for surgical procedures, diagnostic imaging and
to compare them. The modeler can configure the simulation model long-term care homes. Surgical and LTCH wait lists are potentially
to the needs of the policy analysts and the analysts can use the the most reasonable expansion opportunities for the next itera-
dashboard outputs to confirm model behavior. Once the dashboard tion of the model. Furthermore, primary care (general practitioner
designs are confirmed by the policy analysts, they can use the services) and mental health services were excluded from endoge-
interactive dashboards for evaluating scenarios, and bring in the nous sectors in this iteration. While inpatient mental health can
modeler as necessary for modifications to the dashboards and in- be incorporated into the flow network as an endogenous compo-
terpretation support. For example, the design and implementation nent, primary care is a complex sector. It is a critical component
of the dashboards for the SBP analysis took two in-person meet- of community-oriented system transformation initiatives, yet con-
ings with the policy analysts over five days, including data analysis ceptualizing its capacity and flows is not readily evident especially
and parameter calculation. Minimal customization of the simula- because patients are generally rostered into primary care prac-
tion model was required since it contained almost all of the pa- tices rather than being admitted to services along a care path. One
tient cohorts, flow levers and performance indicators by default. way to incorporate primary care into the model structure could
This analysis process demonstrates that whole system models, un- be through tying certain cross-sector patient flows to the inten-
der the collaborative development conditions, may facilitate faster sity and capacity of certain services offered in primary care, such
turnaround for analytics to support policy analyses. as screening and referral services. Finally, informal care capacity
As a part of the collaboration with the Ministry, the model and supports can also be incorporated as a demand and pathway
with a user guide, dataset codes and case studies and the re- modifier in the cross-sector flow network once more rigorous data
lated dashboards were transferred to its Health Analytics Branch collection is available for this relatively unquantified aspect of the
in June 2015. While the model is not yet adopted as a policy tool health system.
at the Ministry, it is being considered for expansion to the provin-
cial level. The knowledge transfer to the analysts in the branch Acknowledgments
had challenges perhaps partly due to not involving them earlier
in the research project. These challenges have highlighted the im- This research was supported by a research grant from the
portance of co-development of such models not only between the Health System Strategy Division of the Ontario Ministry of Health
operational researcher and the users, but also with those who are and Long-term Care.
ultimately responsible for operating and maintaining the simula-
tion. While co-development with these stakeholders is not always Appendix A. Sector structure archetype formulation
a priority for commissioners of simulation models, our experience
highlights that it needs to be a priority if health systems are inter- This appendix provides formulation details of the sector
ested in embedding strategic analytics into their decision-making archetype of the model. Fig. 8 below provides further details on
environment. the archetype structure visually, and builds on Fig. 2 in the body
Stroke represents a relatively large patient cohort for the health of the paper. Table 6 below the figure presents the definitions and
system, with around 1500 inpatient visits per year for the case formulations of the archetype elements.
study LHIN. At this volume, the SD approach of aggregate flows
236 A.V. Esensoy, M.W. Carter / European Journal of Operational Research 266 (2018) 221–237

Appendix B. Baseline patient cohort groupings

ED Acute LTCH HCC CCC Rehabilitation

C edc acc lhc hoc cxc rhc

Source Canadian Canadian Institute for Canadian CCAC Home Canadian NRS
Institute for Health Information Institute for Care Database Institute for
Health Discharge Abstract Health Health
Information Database Information Information
National Continuing Continuing
Ambulatory Care Reporting Care Reporting
Care Reporting System System
Cohort Canadian Triage Canadian Institute for Referral Source CCAC Service Resource Rehabilitation
variable and Acuity Health Information Program Utilization Client Group –
Scale – CTAS Case Mix Groups Group – RUG RCG
Cohort 1. CTAS 1 1. Blood-Lymphic 1. Acute 1. Post-Acute 1. Clinically 1. Amputation
divisions 2. CTAS 2 2. Burns 2. CCC 2. In-Home Complex Care 2. Brain Injury
3. CTAS 3 3. Circulatory 3. Community Long Stay 2. Cognition 3. Cardiac
4. CTAS 4 4. Digestive 4. HCC 3. 3. Extensive 4. Fracture, Hip
5. CTAS 5 5. Endocrine 5. Other Rehabilitation 4. Physical 5. Fracture,
6. CTAS 6. Ear/Nose/Throat 6. Rehab 5. Special Care Other
Unclassified 7. Eye 7. Supportive or 6. Special 6. Medical
8. Female Reproductive Assisted Living Rehabilitation, 7. Neurological
9. Hepato-Pancreas High Intensity 8. Orthopaedic,
10. MH 7. Special Other
11. MH-Dementia Rehabilitation, 9. Other
12. MSK Low Intensity 10. Pulmanory
13. MSK-Knee Repl. 8. Special 11. Hip
14. MSK-Hip Repl. Rehabilitation, Replacement
15. Multi-Unspecified Medium 12. Knee
16. Neuro Intensity Replacement
17. Neuro-Hemorrhagic 9. Special 13. Stroke
Stroke Rehabilitation,
18. Neuro-Ischemic Ultra-High
Stroke and Transient Intensity
Ischemic Attac 10. Special
19. Other Rehabilitation,
20. Pregnancy Birth Very-High
21. Renal-Urinary Intensity
22. Respiratory
23. Skin-Breast
24. Trauma-Poisoning

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