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The Dominion Issue & Colorado –

Why hide the Dominion document?

1. It shows the START DATE with Dominion (dec 2015)
2. It shows a DIRECT CHINA association. (PERC)

The Dominion Issue & Colorado – Why hide the Dominion document?

The Conclusions:
The document appears to describe a 2015 presentation that, in THIS case, was
Colorado Specific – but the Doc appears to be a TEMPLATE for other
states/presentations given the span between the page one date 12/1/2015 and the 2 nd
page 2 Presentation to PERC dated 12/4
They would want to hide it in Colorado because it shows Dominion, in order to have
been CRTIFIED in 2016 inder this document to have been awarded a contract by the
State of Colorado, the SELECTION was made in 2015, and the project was kicked off
Jan 1 of 2016.
ERGO, it could be ASSUMED that Dominion was shopping their wares for the 2016
election to Colorado, (see timeline sample screencap from pg 34 below).. and may
have RENEWED agreements held in other states at the same time. In fact they may
have been merely RENEWING colorado’s also – unclear from the timeline.
This particular document seems on a quick perusal to ONLY be about the primary and
General Elections of 2016.

Where is PERC headquarters? (BING)
Established in 1976, Political & Economic Risk Consultancy is headquartered in
Hong Kong. From this office, PERC coordinates a team of researchers and
analysts in the ASEAN countries, Greater China and South Korea.
Political and Economic Risk Consultancy, Ltd.- PERC
See all results for this question

Plus the logo looks a little PizzAgATE-ESQUE at least to us…sorry but it looks like kid
underwear& blouse with a dial M” for… thru it… not a map…

Political and Economic Risk Consultancy, Ltd.- PERC
Consultancy is headquartered in Hong Kong. From this office, PERC coordinates a team of researchers
and analysts in the ASEAN countries, Greater China and South Korea. Some of the world's leading

which implicates possibly working WITH CHINA, another MAJOR reason to attempt a
Wipe of the document.

So that’s our conclusion/s about why Colorado would try to hide this…
The justification for the conclusions/Method of Discovery with comments is given
Trying to Decode the Codemonkey Requested doc save
RIGHT OFF THE BAT – opening header:

XXXXX: The Process:

Searched: PERC political agencies – Bing 11/22/2020 8PM returns:
1. PERC - Political Economic Risk Consultancy | AcronymAttic
What does PERC stand for? PERC stands for Political Economic Risk Consultancy. Advertisement:
This definition appears somewhat frequently. See other definitions of PERC. Other Resources: Acronym
Finder has 29 verified definitions for PERC. Tweet. Link/Page Citation Abbreviation Database Surfer ...
2. PERC - Political and Economic Risk Consultancy Ltd (Hong ...
PERC stands for Political and Economic Risk Consultancy Ltd (Hong Kong).
PERC is defined as Political and Economic Risk Consultancy Ltd (Hong Kong)
frequently. Printer friendly. Menu Search. New

THIS^is the best candidate for WHY someone would want to

hide/destroy/remove footprints of this document… PRIOR to actually
going thru the text~

OTHER results:

1. PERC - Political Economy Research Centre | AcronymAttic

What does PERC stand for? PERC stands for Political Economy Research Centre. Advertisement: This
definition appears somewhat frequently. See other definitions of PERC. Other Resources: Acronym
Finder has 29 verified definitions for PERC. Tweet. Link/Page Citation Abbreviation Database Surfer ...
2. Political and Economic Risk Consultancy Ltd - How is ...

PERC: Public Employment Relations Commission: PERC: Perchloroethylene (CAS Number 127-18-4)
PERC: Property and Environment Research Center: PERC: Propane Education & Research Council:
PERC: Passivated Emitter Rear Contact (solar cells) PERC: Power Edge Expandable Raid Controller:
PERC: PowerEdge Expandable RAID Controller (Dell) PERC: Political Economy Research Center: …
3. PERC - What Does PERC Abbreviation Mean?

PERC Abbreviation. Public Employment Relations Commission + 1 variant. All Acronyms. 2020.
PERC. Retrieved July 1, 2020, from All Acronyms. 2020.
"PERC". (accessed July 1, 2020). All Acronyms. 2020.
PERC, All Acronyms, viewed July 1, 2020, <>.
4. BELOW SEARCHES DON’T INCLUDE “political Agencies”
5. What does PERC stand for? -

PERC: Political Economy Research Center. Academic & Science » Research. Rate it: PERC: Physics
Education Research Conference. Community » Conferences. Rate it: PERC: Propane Education
Research Council. Community » Non-Profit Organizations. Rate it: PERC: Private Enterprise Research
Center. Academic & Science » Universities. Rate it: PERC: Performance Evaluation …
o political agencies
Must include:
o political agencies
6. PERC Employment Abbreviation - All Acronyms

Public Employment Relations Commission + 1 variant. Government, Labor, Union. PERC. Public
Employees Relations Commission. Government, Law, Organizations. PERC. Public Employee
Retirement Commission. Working, Work, Job. Business, Benefit, Technology.
o political agencies
Must include:
o political agencies
7. Urban Dictionary: percs

Oct 01, 2003 · perc short for the narcotic perscription drug percoset or any one of its forms such as
oxycodone or oxycontin; makes you feel warm, happy, and relaxed. highly addictive, people not …
o political agencies
Must include:
o political agencies

XXXXX using PERC, searched the rest of the Header on the doc:


SEARCHED THIS: PERC ltd china dec 4th Colorado

RETURNS: Bing as of 11/22/2020 8 PM:

1. What We Do - PERC
PERC is a research institute dedicated to promoting conservation by exploring how voluntary trade can
produce positive environmental outcomes. We are committed to exploring the ideas of free market
environmentalism, and this research is the foundation of PERC.

2. PERC equipment purchases to total CNY23 billion in 2018-


Dec 20, 2018 · Purchases of PERC equipment for making solar cells - mostly by China-based makers - is
expected to peak in 2018-2020, with total value estimated …

o colorado

Must include:
o colorado
3. About - PERC

6409 Fayetteville Rd Suite 120, #240 Durham, NC 27713 P: +1 (919) 338-2798 F: +1 (919) 640-8881
Asia-Pacific Credit Coalition (APCC) Level 7, 479 St Kilda Road Melbourne, 3000 AUS

o colorado

Must include:
o colorado
4. PERC -- Solar Panel Manufacturers - High Efficiency ...

List of PERC solar panel manufacturers. Directory of companies that make PERC solar panels, including
factory production and power ranges produced.

5. Independent Ethics Commission - 18-22.pdf

costs as gifts to the state perC.R.S. § 24-6-203. Bilderberg is a luxurious,corporately paid event to
discuss international affairs amongst global business andpolitical leaders. This isprecisely the type of
event Amendment 41 is intended to restrict. The Commission investigation will …

6. PERC Financials
Information about PERC’s budget and programs are available on Guidestar and Charity Navigator. Our
most recent form 990 is available here. Our audit is available here. A copy of our state disclosures can be
found here. If you any questions on PERC’s funding please e-mail us at perc@perc…

7. Research - PERC

Contact 2048 Analysis Dr Ste A Bozeman MT 59718 406-587-9591

8. Publications - PERC

Our publications disseminate ideas generated at PERC to various audiences. For general readers, we
regularly publish PERC Reports: The Magazine for Free Market Environmentalism. Our fellows and
contributors also write pieces for the popular press, which appear in outlets from The New York Times
and The Wall Street Journal to regional newspapers and online publications.

9. People - PERC

At PERC, our ultimate resource is our people. From our headquarters in Bozeman, Montana, our core
staff help refine and disseminate the ideas generated by PERC scholars. Our culture is one of restless
innovation. As research is the foundation of PERC, our extensive network of academic fellows throughout
the country anchors us to the economic ...

10. Solicitations | OSC - Colorado Colorado Community College System (CCCS) CCCS received a waiver

to post Construction solicitations on the Rocky Mountain E-Bids System but many still post their bids on
ColoradoVSS as well. The entities included within the Colorado Community College System include:

o china

Must include:
o china

XXVIDEOS on the first page of returns:

11. Videos of PERC Ltd China Dec 4Th State Of Colorado
Watch video


Hot Import Nights Medan & Chevy Colorado - CBT News

501 viewsOct 14, 2011


Watch video


2014 4th week of December - INTERNATIONAL WARNINGS - Economic …

116 viewsMay 9, 2015

YouTubeEconomic Research & Analysi…

Watch video on YouTube



70K views5 months ago


Watch video


Westpac Markets Update with Sean Callow 28 February 2020

334 views8 months ago

YouTubeWestpac Banking

Watch video


羅娜(Lola Young)《漁歌(Fishing Song)》,中華民國四十四年香港國語 …

226 views1 month ago



See more videos of PERC Ltd China Dec 4Th State Of Colorado

XXXXXso now I need to understand what YEAR I am searching for in ths

quest for WHY Colorado would try to hide this document……
That way, I can add the year to the day and see what happens:

III (+cont’d below screen-cap and comments)
Quick scan of document for YEAR of the presentation: we have the Dec 4
presentation date of the document but not the year. After a quick scan it
APPEARS to have been done in 2015. Another MAJOR REASON that
Colorado may have hidden the document. Their Timeframe for COLORADO
being invoved was projected by this vendor (the co writing the doc/trying to
negotiate) to encompass an entire year from start to finish – beginning Dec 1
2015, ending dec 28 2016.


Primary and General~

See initial Screencap & “decode” below it for reference:

This^ screen grab is from pg 34 of the document. It shows that,

A.)once this doc is “ratified” by Colorado, apparently anticipated to be on
12/31/15, then the next “milestone” will be…

B.) that all the counties have to sign negotiated contracts during a timeline
of1/4/16 to 2/12/16….


C.)FIRST TO CERTIFY the SYSTEM for the STATE… “a 1 day certification of the
system 3/1/16..” It also shows that before ANY contracts by county, or ANY
certification of the system. That as far as Managing the entire Colorado Project

D.) there will be a designated “KICK-OFF with the STATE on 1/1/16 – before ANY
of the above. So there’s NO WINDOW between selection/acceptance & kick off
where Colorado likely could have renig’d. that’s why the timeline say “0 Days” for
the selection window…it appears there was no question about the selection, and
there was no room between selection and certification deadline for Colorado to

It says that within the company(VENDOR) the project is expected to kick-off

(start) on 12/31/15 – (A) above. So as soon as the vendor (the one who created the
document) is notified to have been chosen. (12/31/15.) This corroborated the fact
that there was no room to back out nor any expectation of that.

So now, I’m pretty sure that THE DATE OF THIS PRESENTATION, at least as it
applies to Colorado, was Dec 4, 2015..due to take effect before 12/31/15

III (+cont’d) THIS^timeline is off from both the Header 12/4 (pg2)and the
date of the document 12/1/2015 –(pg 1 ) it is probably safe to assume that a
Colorado presentation was one of several which began in 2015 among the
United States, and Colorado was proved 12/4/2015.

Iread that the person of interest who relates to this document has a degree in
Nuclear Physics as I recal… if wrong just skip this section IV.

This link:
:describes the Physics Education Research Conference(ALSO “PERC” –
typical Dem Hijack playbook- think Plausible Deniability) and gives
participants the option of what I’ll call “sidebars”… (Seems a Vendor could
go there and negotiate terms with a closed presentation under cover of the
legitimate Physics conference)
As the name is redacte dunno if any of these people are part of the “Voter
Vendor” but here’s a paste from the page:
» home » PER Conferences » PERC 2015 » Session Formats
PERC 2015 will have 4 plenary speakers:

 Sandra Laursen, University of Colorado

 Natasha Holmes, Stanford University
 David T. Brookes, Florida International University
 Helen Quinn, Stanford Linear Accelerator Laboratory

Contributed Poster Presentation

Every attendee is invited to contribute a poster describing his/her current research. Contributed
posters can address any theme in PER. Contributed posters should be no larger than 4' by 4'. We
encourage posters to include an image of the authors as well as a QR code that links to a short
(2-3 minute) presentation of the material. You may find the site useful in
creating the QR code. Poster abstracts submitted before the proceedings-eligible deadline are
eligible to submit a paper to the PERC proceedings. Poster abstracts submitted after the deadline
are not.

*Parallel Sessions*this
Attendees are also encouraged to submit proposals for the two parallel sessions. The parallel
sessions are designed to encourage smaller groups to delve deeply into a more specialized
aspect of PER and offer more opportunities for interaction between attendees. Below are some
suggested session types although you are not limited to these formats; combinations or other
formats appropriate for the topic of the session are welcome. Parallel session proposals should
include a description and explanation of the session format chosen. The session proposal should
include the session title, organizer and presenter names, description of the session content,
relevance/applicability to PER, and how each presenter will contribute to the session theme.

Poster Symposia
Poster symposia should be organized around a common theme or body of work. Symposia should
begin with brief introductory remarks framing the theme and goals of the session. Typically,
participants will freely mingle around the gallery of poster contributions, allowing for more
interactive and informal conversations with individual presenters.  The session organizers should
then guide a synthesis of the collection of work, followed by a period for open discussion.
Although it is not a requirement, symposia organizers are urged to connect their research to the
conference theme. It is also suggested that no more than five posters be presented in a given
Talk Symposia
Talk symposia should be organized around a common theme or body of work. Symposia should
begin with brief introductory remarks from framing the theme and goals of the session, followed
by a series of talks.  The session organizers should then guide a synthesis of the collection of
work, followed by a period for open discussion. Although it is not a requirement, symposia
organizers are urged to connect their research to the conference theme. It is also suggested that
no more than five talks be presented in a given session.

Workshops afford participants an opportunity to engage with the research tools and strategies
employed by the presenter(s). Workshop presenters will create an interactive environment in
which participants will become familiarized with real data or research results and work
collaboratively to discuss their analysis and/or implications through activities. Workshops are
collaborative explorations in which participants assist presenters with data analysis. Workshops
should strive to address issues that pertain to the conference theme and/or general issues
related to methodology of physics education research.

Other Formats
If you wish to organize a parallel session with a hybrid or new format please include additional
information in the description and explanation in the session proposal. This information should
include a detailed description of the session format, justification/advantage for such a format,
equipment/furniture/space needs (in addition to what is standard for symposia and workshops),
potential limits for audience size, and other relevant information specific to your format.

Don’t know the reality, but RESEARCH wise this “conference” info lends
itself to infiltration of an alternate PERC ltd agenda re VoterVendor.
More: this sidebar appears on the page also:

the schedule link shows this particular conf dint occur at the time of the
VoterVEndors document in question:
From above the “2015 proceedings” link:
Proceedings Information
Editors: Alice D. Churukian, Dyan L. Jones, and Lin Ding
Published: December 18, 2015
Info: Single book; 408 pages; 8.5 X 11 inches, double column
ISBN: 978-1-931024-28-0
ISSN (Print): 1539-9028
ISSN (Online): 2377-2379

So the conference presentations & writings were memorialized in Peer Papers

that came out in a publication on Dec 18th.THUS, the conference could have
been used as a cover for a PERC Ltd CHINA endeavor..or not who knows.

Meanwhile… Searches for 12/4/2015 PERC presentation Colorado

show this: (first two* are deconstructed above)

1. *Physics Education Research Conference 2015

The 2015 PERC Proceedings are now available. Authors who submitted an abstract may attach an
electronic copy of their presentation now. Location The PERC 2015 conference was located at the
Marriott Hotel and Conference Center in College Park 3501 University Blvd, East Hyattsville, Maryland
20783 USA Organizing Committee
o Session Formats · Conference Schedule · Plenary Speakers
2. *Physics Education Research Conference 2015 Session Formats

Plenaries. PERC 2015 will have 4 plenary speakers: Sandra Laursen, University of Colorado ; Natasha
Holmes, Stanford University ; David T. Brookes, Florida International University ; Helen Quinn, Stanford
Linear Accelerator Laboratory; Contributed Poster Presentation. Every attendee is invited to contribute a
poster describing his/her current research.
3. Presentation on Perchloroethylene and its Regulation ...
May 11, 2014 · Presentation on Perchloroethylene and its Regulation: Colorado School of Public Health
Department of Environmental and Occupational Health ... Colorado • There are at least 86 underground
plumes (from PERC) in Colorado! • 350 Dry Cleaners are currently using PERC in Colorado alone. It …
4. Altitude Adjusted PERC Oxygen Saturation - REBEL EM ...

Mar 27, 2017 · Data collected from August 2001-June 2002 at a community emergency department in
Colorado. All data were collected before the publication or presentation of the PERC rule. Consecutive
patients in 120 randomly generated 8 hour shifts with clinical suspicion for PE. Excluded: Non English
speaking; Recently (<6months) or currently pregnant
5. COVID-19 data | Colorado COVID-19 Updates

Cases: 188,566: Confirmed cases: 179,340 (95.11%) Probable cases: 9,226 (4.89%) Total hospitalized:
12,166: Counties: 64: People tested: 1,563,738: Test encounters
6. Истраживање и дизајн -

PERC 2017 PDF Slides. February 27-March 4, 2017 – Taliesin L. Smith and Clayton Lewis, and Emily B.
Moore. Description strategies to make an interactive science simulation accessible. 32nd CSUN Assistive
Technology Conference. San Diego, CA. Presentation. 2016. November 14 & 15, 2016 – Taliesin L.\ …
possibly relevant-colo specific and 2016 presentation dates for it.

…literally no OTHER discernable returns for this search on the Bing first

Political and Economic Risk Consultancy, Ltd.- PERC
Consultancy is headquartered in Hong Kong. From this office, PERC coordinates a team of researchers
and analysts in the ASEAN countries, Greater China and South Korea. Some of the world's leading
corporations and financial institutions regularly use PERC's
There are a couple of PERC ltd registered in UK re Electricity – here’s the
return for “perc ltd china:

PERC Ltd are skillful, motivated Electrical Engineers. We have an in depth

knowledge of Construction & Rail Infrastructure sectors, can communicate effectively
at all levels and have strong problem solving skills.
PERC Ltd - Electrical Consultants

1. PERC Ltd - Electrical Consultants

PERC Ltd are skillful, motivated Electrical Engineers. We have an in depth knowledge of Construction &
Rail Infrastructure sectors, can communicate effectively at all …
o Dominion
Must include:
o Dominion
2. PERC Ltd - Installation

PERC Ltd offer a complete bespoke engineering design services to take care of all your specific needs.
We aim to meet and exceed your expectations and needs as far as performance, quality, safety and
reliability is concerned.
o Dominion
Must include:
o Dominion
3. PERC Ltd - About Us

Established in 2014, PERC Ltd is structured to provide consultancy and delivery of projects nationally to
supply bespoke solutions and service by using technically competent staff and providing first-rate service.
Our Engineers have a wide knowledge and experience in domestic,
o Dominion
Must include:
o Dominion
4. PERC Ltd - Consultancy

Professional Consultancy We provide quality Consultation, Design and Specification services with
Design solutions within the Construction & Rail environment.
o Dominion
Must include:
o Dominion
5. Berkshire Hathaway to buy natural gas assets from Dominion ...

Jul 05, 2020 · In its first deal since the economic downturn caused by coronavirus, Berkshire Hathaway is
purchasing natural gas transmission and storage assets from Dominion

These ^ come up searching Perk Ltd and either Dominion or Voter together:

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