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Selection Criteria

• Ability to understand the responsibility of meeting quality and the long-term success of the
• Ability to execute the sessions and events as planned
• Enthusiasm about the activities conducted by the club
• Inclination towards guiding others to join the club and helping them
• New ideas and initiatives to meet the club goals

Rules and Responsibilities

• President:
▪ The President serves as the club’s chief executive officer, responsible for general
supervision and operation of the club
▪ The President has to coordinate and guide the other EC members in executing their
respective works correctly and closing the loop wherever necessary for the effective
functioning of the club
• Vice President- Education (VPE):
▪ The Vice President Education is responsible for planning successful club meetings so
that each member has the opportunity to achieve his or her educational goals
▪ The VPE has to float forms for the slot preference and roles preference for weekly
sessions and update attendance of members at the end of each session
▪ He/she has to keep track of students roles and urge members to gain their
Educational awards (Starting with CC & CL certificates)
▪ The VPE has to raise the CC & CL certificates for eligible members at the end of each
cycle coordinating with the President
• Vice President- Membership (VPM):
▪ The VPM should be actively engaged in gauging and clearing student’s concerns and
confusions in joining the club
▪ He/she should keep track of current membership and at the beginning of each cycle
meet the minimum member criteria to keep the club running
▪ The VPM should promote membership campaigns and welcome new members at
the beginning of each cycle
▪ He/she should keep track of the attendance and encourage the members who are
not attending the sessions
▪ Finally, the VPM should collect the registration fees of the new members and
handover it to the treasurer
• Vice President- Public Relations (VPPR):
▪ It the VPPR who should take care of the promotional activities of the club and
announce upcoming events and programs
▪ At the beginning of each cycle, the VPPR should promote the club to the batch
through mails and videos
▪ The VPPR should try for ideas and initiatives both alone and involving the members
to improve the presence of the club
• Secretary
▪ The Secretary along with Sergeant at Arms should book the venue for each session
▪ Secretary should be in charge of all the files and documents necessary for each
▪ He/she should keep track the supplies needed for the club and intimate Sergeant at
Arms in case of shortage
• Treasurer:
▪ The treasurer is responsible for receiving completed new member applications and
dues; announce when rights are due and explain the dues structure
▪ The treasurer should collect the dues and update the membership roster
▪ He/she is also in charge of the reimbursement process at the end of each cycle
▪ The treasurer should keep track of the attendance of the members and urge
students to meet the minimum criteria to be eligible for the reimbursement
• Sergeant at Arms:
▪ The Sergeant at arms along with the Secretary should arrange the venue for the
session at least 10 minutes before the meeting begins and ensure everything is in
▪ He/she is responsible for getting the adequate supplies for the club, i.e., in the form
of evaluation forms, ballots/ banners (if required), Best Speaker of the day
Certificate etc. and hand it over to the Secretary
▪ Sergeant at Arms should be in charge of the attendance sheet for each session and
hand it over to the VPE at the end of each session

Everyday Tasks for all the Executive Committee:

• Floating the interest form to gauge students’ preference of date and time and
finalizing the date, time, and venue
• Handling the “Roles Selection” google sheet
• Sorting out discrepancies and finalizing the roles for the day
• Updating the “Attendance” sheet
• Preparing the presentation slides for the sessions that include creating Voting Forms
and QR codes
• Video-Recording the sessions and uploading the contents in the shared drive
• Floating feedback forms, identifying areas of improvement and working on it

The responsibility of running the show successfully lies with the entire team and not with
any individual. All must contribute.

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