Abstract by EEE18008

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Submitted to


In Partial Fulfillment of the Degree of


Submitted by

Bandaru Sandeep (BL.EN.U4EEE18008)

Vth Semester

Under the guidance of

Dr.Kirthika Devi V.S


The techniques for evaluating, designing, managing and improving material supply
distribution inside hospitals are listed in this paper study. Jobs such as food supplies,
medications, etc. have become a time-consuming operation due to growing demands for
patient monitoring. Thus a line based on a microcontroller following the robot carrying
medicine can be designed to provide the patient with the medicine whenever they need
it. An electronic system which can detect and follow a line drawn on the floor is a line
follower robot. In this configuration, the robot uses LDR sensors to sense the line, an
array of 2 LEDs and sensors facing the ground. An LDR sensor can be installed near the
bed of the patient to which the robot is also linked. The switch for it may be activated in
the microcontroller itself by the supply person. A flag bit is set in the microcontroller
if the switch is pressed, from which the robot follows the line and reaches close
to the patient and provides the patient with the medicine. The robot can be
connected to a proximity sensor so that it detects any obstacle pre-sent in its way
and can alarm. The best thing that this system can do is the ability to get
someone around the clock. This helps and simplifies the material supply job an d
also decreases the hospital staff's manual routine work. The focus of this
technology is on providing safe, timely, effective efficient, patient-centered
health care.

Table of contents

S. No Chapter Page No.

Table of contents

1 Introduction 1-3

1.1 Objective of study 1

1.2 Problem Definition 2
1.3 Project scope 2
1.4 Block diagram 3

2 Literature Survey 4-6

2.1 Autonomous robot 4

2.2 Working principle 4
2.3 Components 6

3 Circuit Designing 7-9

3.1 Circuit diagram 7

3.2 Explanation 7

4 Results and Discussion 10

4.1 Result 10
4.2 Advantages & Disadvantages 10
4.3 Applications 10

5 Conclusions 11

5.1 Conclusion 11

6 Bibliography 12

6.1 References 12

Chapter 1
Basically, A line follower robot is a robot programmed to follow a line or route that ha
salready been defined by the user. This line or path may be as plain as a physical white
line on the floor or as complicated schemes for marking paths, such as embedded line
s, magnetic markers and markers for laser guides. Various sensing systems may be use
d to detect these particular markers or 'lines'. Such systems can range from simple low-
cost line sensing circuits to vast systems of vision. The choice of these schemes will re
ly on the accuracy and versatility of the sensing required. From the manufacturing poi
nt of view, in semi-to fully autonomous factories, line after robot has been introduced.
In this area, these robots act as a carrier of materials to transport goods from one produ
ction point to another where solutions for rails, conveyors and portals are not feasible.
Besides the following capabilities of the line,these robots should also be able to negoti
ate junctions and determine which junction to turn on and which junction to disregard.
This will enable the robot to have the ability to turn 90 degrees and also count junction
s. Sensor positioning also plays a role in optimising the efficiency of the robots
For the tasks described earlier, to add to the complexity of the problem.

In manufacturing plants, line-following robots with pick- and-placement capabilities

are widely used. These transfer to a defined path to select and position the components
from the specified locations at the desired locations. Basically, a line is a self-
operating robot that senses a line drawn on the floor and follows it. A white line on a
black surface shows the direction that should be taken. In order to remain on track, the
control system used must sense the line and man oeuvre the robot while constantly
correcting the wrong moves using feedback mechanism, thus creating a simple but
powerful close d-loop system.

1.1 Objective of Study

The robot must have the ability to follow a line.

• It should be able to take different degrees of turns,

• It must be prepared for a situation in which it runs into an area that does not have
a line to follow.
• Even if it has breaks, the robot must also be capable of following a line.
• The robot must be insensitive to factors such as lighting and noise in the
• It must have a low darkness threshold calibration for the rows.
• The robot must be dependable.
• A primary consideration in the design must be scalability.
• As long as it is darker than the environment, the color of the line must not be a

1.2 Problem Definition

In the industry, carriers are expected to transport goods that are normally in different
buildings or separate blocks from one processing plant to another. Traditionally, carts or
trucks with human drivers have been used. The weakest connection was created by
unreliability and inefficiency in this section of the assembly line. The project is to
automate this business, using carts to follow a line rather than laying railway tracks that
are both expensive and inconvenient.

1.3 Project Scope

In order to let the user determine if it is a dark line on a white background or a white line
on a dark background, the robot can be further improved. Instead of a user interface, the
robot can also be programmed to determine which kind of line it is. In order to steer a
convectional vehicle, the motor control could be adjusted and would not require a
differential steering system. The robot can be modified to be a four-wheel drive machine.
In order to allow the robot to detect obstacles, additional sensors could be linked and if
necessary, bypassed and returned to the line. In other words, the line outside the barrier
must be capable of predicting it. Regulation of speed may also be integrated. It is also
possible to create location and distance sensing devices that can relay information to a
mother station, which would be useful in tracking a lost carrier.

1.4 Block Diagram

Figure 1.1 Block Diagram of Line Follower Robot

Chapter 2

A great deal of time and effort has been spent in recent years developing systems to
allow an autonomous robot using a vision system to follow a marked path. Not
surprisingly, most of this research has been aimed at modifying a full-sized road
vehicle or designing it from scratch so that it can drive without human supervision on
ordinary roads. High-performance computers can be used to perform complex image
processing due to the large amount of space available in an ordinary road vehicle, and,
typically, to maintain a mathematical model of the vehicle and the environment.

2.1 Autonomous Robots

Autonomous robots are independent of and can act on their own, any controller. The
robot is programmed to react to an outside stimulus in a specific way. One good
example is the bump-and-go robot. To detect obstacles, this robot utilizes bumper
sensors. It moves in a straight direction when the robot is turned on, and when it hits
an obstacle, the crash triggers its bumper sensor. A programming instruction is
provided by the robot, which asks the robot to back up, turn in the right direction and
move forward. This is its reaction to each bump. In this way every time it encounters
an obstacle, the robot can change direction.

2.2 Working Principle

Robotics is an interesting topic that can be discussed and robots are becoming part of
our lives in this advanced world. We will talk about a robot in this project that is
capable of following a line without the help of any external source.

To implement this project, we follow a straightforward logic. As we know, black

colour is capable of absorbing radiation and the radiation is reflected back by white
colour or a bright colour. These LDR sensors are used by the robot to sense the line,
and the arrangement is made so that the sensors face the ground. An analogue signal
that depends on the amount of light reflected back is the output from the sensors and
this analogue signal is given to the comparator to produce 0s and 1s.

We have an OTP (one time programmable) processor internally, which is used to

control the wheels' rotation. The rotation of these wheels depends on the comparator's
response. Let us say that it reads 0 when a sensor is on the black line and it reads 1
when it is on the bright surface.

Here we can get two different cases, they are:

1. Right curve

2. Left curve

2.2.1 Left curve:

When Right Led comes in Black (for black line tracer) region then right motor stops
while left motor continue to move so that right turn takes place and Right led returns
on white.

Figure 2.1 Left curve

2.2.2 Right curve

When Left led comes in Black (for black line tracer) region then left motor stops
while right motor continue to move so that left turn takes place and left led returns on

Figure 2.2 Right curve

2.3 Components

Name Quantity Component

Bat1 1 2 x AA Battery
S1 1 Slide switch
T1, T2 2 NPN Transistor (BJT)
D1, D2 2 Red LED
R3, R4 2 3.3 kΩ Resistor
R5, R6 2 51 Ω Resistor
R7, R8 2 1 kΩ Resistor
R9, R10 2 10 Ω Resistor
C1, C2 2 100 uF, 16 V Polarized Capacitor
D3, D4 2 Yellow LED
R13, R14 2 Photoresistor
U2 1 Dual comparator
U1 1 ATtiny
M3, M1 2 Hobby Gearmotor
Rpot2, 2 10 kΩ , Potentiometer

Table 2.1 Components required for Line Following Robot

Chapter 3

3.1 Circuit Diagram

Figure 3.1 Circuit Diagram

3.2 Explanation
We used an LDR sensor for detecting the line and a Comparator IC for comparing
voltages in this Line Follower Robot circuit. The non-inverting mode configured
comparator and the 10 K potentiometer are connected to the reference voltage
adjustment inverting terminal and the IR receiver output is directly connected to the non-
inverting pins of all the comparators. When this led blinks, one Red LED is connected at
the output of the sensor board, and then it implies that our sensor works, then the signal
goes to the programmed microcontroller IC and gives the output to the motor driver IC
that rotates the motors as per the microcontroller IC programming.
3.2.1 Working of Left Turn

Figure 3.2 Left turn simulation

• Total light passes through the LDR 2 .So resistance decreases and voltage across
also decreases

• Voltage across LDR 1 is greater than LDR 2 ,Due to higher resistances it offers in
low light

• Since there is voltage different. Inside Dual Comparator it compares the voltage
and from pin 1(Output pin)

• It triggers the gate of BJT 2. Since BJT Works as Switch.

• It switch on the Right Motor to Turns left

3.2.2 Working of Right Turn

Figure 3.2 Right turn simulation

• Total light passes through the LDR 1 .So resistance decreases and voltage across
also decreases
• Voltage across LDR2 is greater than LDR1 ,Due to higher resistances it offers in
low light
• Since there is voltage different. Inside Dual Comparator it compares the voltage
and from pin 7(Output pin)
• It triggers the gate of BJT 1. Since BJT Works as Switch.
• It switch on the left Motor to Turns Right

3.2.3 Source Code

Figure 3.3 Code Block

Chapter 4


Our project is an innovative idea of intelligent system which has basically line
detection feature and will provide help in various fields like hospitals and service
sectors. The sensors in this system are a type of infrared sensor that senses the line and
gives the feedback to the microcontroller unit.

4.1 Result

The objective of the line following robot is to follow a line on its given path which is
obtained for which it uses LDR sensors which detects the line and sends the
information to LM393 comparator and then to BJT works a switch which controls the
working of the wheel’s

4.2 Advantages & Disadvantages


• Robot movement is automatic.

• Fit and Forget system.
• Cost effective.
• Simplicity of building


• LDR follows a black line about 1 or 2 inches in width on a white surface.

• LDR are simple robots with an additional sensors placed on them.
• Needs a path to run either white or black since the LED Light rays should
reflect from the particular path.
• Slow speed and instability on different line thickness or hard angles.

4.3 Applications
• Guidance system for industrial robots moving on shop floor etc.
• Industrial applications.
• Home applications.

Chapter 5

5.1 Conclusion
In this project, we studied and implemented a Line Following Robot for carrying
medicine and food for people using a microcontroller. During the execution, the
programming and interfaces of the microcontroller were mastered.

The cost of health care in India depends significantly on the land and location of

To maintain the costly machinery, the infrastructure and facilities and skilled personnel
required. It is extremely difficult to set up such extensive projects in every location in a
country like India, where the population is humongous and the resources are scarce. So
what this system offers is an alternative to the existing robotic machinery system, which
can handle tasks with lower per capita costs and greater precision.

Chapter 6

6.1 References

[1]. Bajestani, S.E.M., Vosoughinia, A., “Technical Report of Building a Line

Follower Robot” International Conference on Electronics and Information
Engineering (ICEIE 2010), vol 1, pp v1-1 v1-5, 2010.
[2]. Bong. D.M.K, “Automatic Guided Vehicle System” in Department of
Electrical Engineering, University Tenega Nasional, Malaysia, P.41, 2004.
[3]. Colak, I., Yildirim, D.,”Evolving a Line Following Robot to use in shopping
centers for entertainment”,Industrial Electronics, 2009. IECON ’09. 35th
Annual Conference of IEEE,pp.3803 – 3807,3-5 Nov. 2009.
[4]. Development and Applications of Line Following Robot Based Health Care
Management System Deepak Punetha, Neeraj Kumar, Vartika Mehta,
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering &
Technology (IJARCET), Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2013 p2446-2450


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