CEE330 - Influnece Lines PDF

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Influence  Lines

• Students will be able to
• Draw the influence lines for statically
determinate structures
• Apply the theory to structures subjected to a
distributed load or a series of concentrated forces
• Determine the absolute maximum live shear and
moment in a member

Influence  Lines

Influence Lines
• Influence lines play an important part in the
design of bridges, industrial crane rails, conveyors,
and other structures where loads move across
their span
• An influence line represents the variation of
either the reaction, shear, moment, or deflection
at a specific point in a member as a concentrated
force moves over the member
• From influence line, one can tell where the
moving load should be placed on the structure so
that it creates the greatest influence at the
specified point


Influence  Lines

Influence Lines

Influence lines represent the effect of a

moving load at a specified point on a member,
whereas shear and moment diagrams
represent the effect of fixed loads at all points
along the axis of the member.

Influence  Lines

Drawing Influence Lines
• The following two procedures can be used to
construct the influence line at a specific point P in a
member for any function (reaction, shear, or
• By Tabulating Values
1. Place a unit load at a location x along the member.
2. Use the equations of equilibrium to find the value of
the function (reaction, shear or moment) at a specified
point P due to the concentrated unit load at x
3. Repeat steps 1 & 2 for various values of x over the
structure and construct a table listing “unit load at x”
versus the corresponding “value of the function at the
specific point P”


Influence  Lines

Drawing Influence Lines
• By Tabulating Values
4. All statically determinate beams will have influence
lines that consist of straight line segments.
5. The tabulated values are then plotted and connected
together to construct the influence line for the function
• By Influence Line Equations
1. Place a unit load at a variable position x along the
2. Use the equations of equilibrium to find equations for
the desired function (reaction, shear or moment) at a
specified point P due to the unit load as a function of x
3. The influence line equations of the various line
segments are then plotted

Influence  Lines

• P#1 – Draw influence lines for the vertical reactions
at A and B of the beam.

x Ay By
0 1 0
2.5 0.75 0.25
5 0.5 0.5
7.5 0.25 0.75
10 0 1

IL – By = ?


Influence  Lines

• P#2 – Construct the influence lines for the vertical
reactions at A and B of the beam.

x Ay By
0 1 0
2.5 0.5 0.5
5 0 1
7.5 ‐0.5 1.5
10 ‐1 2

Influence  Lines

• P#3 – Construct the influence line for the shear at
point C of the beam

*unit load must be placed just to the left and just to 
the right of point C, since shear is discontinuous at C. 
x Vc
0 0
2.5‐ ‐0.25
2.5+ 0.75
5 0.5
7.5 0.25
10 0


Influence  Lines

• P#4 – Construct the influence lines for the shear and
moment at point C of the beam

x Vc Mc
0 0 0
2.5 ‐0.25 1.25
5‐ ‐0.5 2.5
5+ 0.5 2.5
7.5 0.25 1.25
10 0 0

Influence  Lines

Maximum value of a function using IL
• Once the influence line for a reaction, shear, or moment
(function) is constructed, then it will be possible to locate the
live load on the member to produce the maximum positive or
negative value of the function.
• To get the maximum reaction/shear/moment for a
concentrated force, a concentrated live load is applied at the
positive (negative) peak of the influence line. The value of the
function is then equal to the product of the influence line
ordinate and the magnitude of the force.

Ay = (1/2) F


Influence  Lines

Maximum value of a function using IL
• To get the maximum reaction/shear/moment for a
uniform load, a uniform distributed load extends over
a positive (negative) region of the influence line. The
value of the function is then equal to the product of
the area under the influence line for the region and
the magnitude of the uniform load.

Ay = (1/2)(1)(L) w0

Influence  Lines

Maximum value of a function using IL
• P#5 – Determine the maximum positive shear that
can be developed at point C in the beam shown in
figure due to a concentrated moving load of 4000 lb
and a uniform moving load of 2000 lb/ft.

For 4000 lb concentrated force, Vc = 3000 lb
For 2000 lb/ft uniform load,       Vc = 5625 lb
Total maximum shear,       Vc(max) = 8625 lb


Influence  Lines

Maximum value of a function using IL
• P#6 – The frame structure shown in figure is used to support
a hoist for transferring loads for storage at points underneath
it. It is anticipated that the load on the dolly is 3 kN and the
beam CB has a mass of 24 kg/m. Assume the dolly has
negligible size and can travel the entire length of the beam.
Also, assume A is a pin and B is a roller. Determine the
maximum vertical support reactions at A and B and the
maximum moment in the beam at D.

Influence  Lines

Maximum value of a function using IL
• P#6 (Cont.)
Dead load (beam self weight) must be 
placed over the entire length of the beam
Maximum Reaction at A.
Ay(max) occurs when the dolly is at C
Ay(max) = 4.63 kN

Maximum Reaction at B.
By(max) occurs when the dolly is at B
By(max) = 3.31 kN

Maximum Moment at D.
MD(max) occurs when the dolly is at D
MD(max) = 2.46 kN.m


Influence  Lines

Müller‐Breslau principle
• The influence line for a function (reaction, shear, or moment)
is to the same scale as the deflected shape of the member
when the member is acted upon by the function.
• In order to draw the deflected shape properly, the capacity of
the beam to resist the applied function must be removed so
the beam can deflect when the function is applied.
• If the shape of the influence line for the vertical reaction at A
is to be determined, the pin is first replaced by a roller guide as
shown in figure. When the positive (upward) force Ay is
applied at A, the beam deflects to the dashed position, which
represents the general shape of the influence line for Ay

Influence  Lines

Müller‐Breslau principle
• If the shape of the influence line for the shear at C is to be
determined, the connection at C may be symbolized by a roller
guide as shown in figure. This device will resist a moment and
axial force but no shear. Applying a positive shear force Vc to
the beam at C and allowing the beam to deflect to the dashed
position, we find the influence‐line shape for Vc


Influence  Lines

Müller‐Breslau principle
• If the shape of the influence line for the moment at C is to be
determined, an internal hinge or pin is placed at C, since this
connection resists axial and shear forces but cannot resist a
moment. Apply positive moment Mc to the beam, the beam
then deflects to the dashed position, which is the shape of the
influence line for Mc

Influence  Lines

• P#7 Æ Draw the influence lines for support reactions at A and
Æ Draw the influence lines for shear at sections A, B, D, E and F;
A is to be taken an infinitesimal distance to the right of the fixed
support. E is to be taken an infinitesimal distance to the left and
right of the roller support.
Æ Draw the influence lines for moment at sections A, B, D and F.

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