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Booking a room

Receptionist: Good afternoon, Bellavista Hotel. May I help you?

Nelly: Good afternoon, I’d like to book a hotel room.
Receptionist: what date are you looking to book?
Nelly: November 28th
Receptionist: How long will you be staying?
Nelly: five nights
Receptionist: What kind of room would you like?
Nelly: a double room, with 2 beds and a bath… I would like it to have a view of the
Receptionist: Certainly, I´ll just check what we have available. . . Yes, we have a
room on the 7th floor.
Nelly: how much is the room?
Receptionist: a double room is $140.000 a night
Nelly: And what does that include?
Receptionist: the prices include breakfast, a TV, Wi-Fi and Outdoor pool.
Nelly: That´s fine.
Receptionist: Who´s the booking for, please?
Nelly: the reservation is for my husband, my son and me.
Receptionist: I have your full name please?
Nelly: Yes, My name is Nelly Sanchez. That´s S-A-N-C-H-E-Z.
Receptionist: Okay, let me make sure I got that: Nelly Sanchez. Double room with
2 beds and a bath From the November 28th until November 2nd .Is that correct?
Nelly: Yes it is. What’s the total cost?
Receptionist: The total cost will be $700.000 including VAT.
Nelly: I will pay with my credit card.
Receptionist: Can you give me your credit card number and expiry date?
Nelly: yes, it´s 434-4-557 and expiry date is 03/22.
Receptionist: Perfect, Thank you for choosing Bellavista Hotel and have a nice
day. Goodbye.
Nelly: Goodbye.

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