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Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

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IS 5822 (1994, Reaffirmed 2009): Code of Practice for

Laying of Electrically Welded Steel Pipes for Water Supply
(Second Revision). UDC 621.643.2.073 : 628.1 : 006.76

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

“!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह”


“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”
IS 5822 : 1994
( Reaffirmed 2004 )

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Indian Standard
( Second Revision)

Second Reprint JANUARY 2005

UDC 62l.643.2.073 [669.14-462] : 628.1 : 006.76

© BIS 1994


NEW DELHI 110002

July 1994 Price Group 7

Water Supply and Sanitation Sectional Committee, CED 24


This Indian Standard ( Second Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft
finalized by the Water Supply and Sanitation Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil
Engineering Division Council.
The selection of a pipeline for any particular application depends on the service and environmental
conditions to be satisfied. With the development of new materials and jointing methods, changes in the
application and in design can be expected. but it is the responsibility of every authority to ensure that
the type of the pipeline selected is suitable and safe for the duty envisaged. The earlier disadvantages
of steel pipelines ( liability to deteriorate by corrosion) have been largely overcome in recent years due
to development of protective coatings, and steel pipelines may now be safely used for carrying certain
fluids. This standard was first published in 1970 and subsequently revised in 1986. The present revision
incorporates the following major changes:
a) Inclusion of 168'3 mm outside diameter pipe,
b) Criteria for calculating the nominal thickness has been modified, and
c) Criteria for selecting protective coatings has been modified,
In the formulation of this code due weightage has been given to international co-ordination among
standards and practices prevailing in different countries in addition to relating it to the practices in the
field in thls country. This has been met by deriving assistance from the following standards:
BS CP 8010-1981 'Code of practice for pipelines' British Standards Institution.
BS CP 2010 ( Part 2 ) 'Pipelines: Part 2 Design and construction of steel pipelines in land' British
Standards Institution.
The Committee responsible for the preparation of this standard is given in Annex C.
IS 5822 : 1994

Indian Standard
( Second Revision)
1 SCOl)E is recommended, but it may be modified to suit local
conditions by taking necessary precautions. The trench
1.1 This code covers the methods of laying electrical1y
shaH be shored, wherever necessary, and kept dry so
welded mild steel pipes of outside diameters 168.3 mIll
that the workman may work therein safely, and effi-
102 032mm (as covered in IS 3589: 199i), laid either
ciently. The discharge of the trench dewatering pumps
above ground or underground for water supply.
shall be conveyed either to drainage chalUlels or to
1.2 For the purpose of this code, electrically welded I.latuml drains, and shall not be allowed to be spread in
steel pipes shall conform to IS 3589': 1991; mild steel the vicinity of the worksite.
plates to [S 2062 :1992 and welding electrodes to IS
814: 1991. 4.2.1 Trenching
2 I{EFJ~RENCES Trenching includes all excavation which is carried out
by hand or by machine. The width of the trench shall
2.1 The Indian Standards listed in Almex A are neccs- be kept to a minimum consistent with the working space
sary adjuncts to this standard. required. At the bottom between the faces, it shall be
3 CLEARING THE SITE such as to provide not less than 200 nun clearance on
either side of the pipe. Each (.'ase should, however, be
3.1 Preliminary work required to be done bcfore pipe
considered on its merits, having regard to the safety of
laying is st:trted, includes pegging out, dearing and
the trench, the method of laying and jointing the pipe
disposal of all shmb, grass, large cllld small hushes,
and the need to avoid damage to pipe, coating. The
trees, hedges, fences, gates, portions of old masonry
bottom of the trench shall be properly trimmed to
a nd debris from the route.
permit even bedding of the pipeline. For pipes larger
3.2 Where trees have bcen felled, the resulting timber than I 200 mm diameter in earth and murulll the curva-
shall be stilcked properly and disposed off, as dire(~ted ture of the bottom of the trench should match the
by the fluthority. Tree roots within a distance of about curvature of the pipe as far as possible, subtending an
half metre from the side of the pipeline shall be angle of about 1200 at the centre of the pipe, as shown
removed or killed. in Fig. 1A. Where rock or boulders are encountered, the
3.3 All othcr serviceable materials, such as wood work, trench shall be trimmed to a depth ofat least 100 mm
bricks and masonry, recovered during the operation of below the level at which the bottom of the barrel of the
clearing the site shall be separately stacked and dis- pipe is to be laid and filled to a like depth with lean
posed off, as directed by the authority. cement concrete orwith non-compressible material like
NOTE - For the purpose of this code, authority may be sand of adequate depth to give the curved seating, as
an individual, an official, a board, a department or an shown in Fig. 1B and Fig. 1C. '
agency established and authorized by the Union or State
Government or any statutory body created by law who 4.2.2 Pits for Joints
undertakes to admi nister and enforce the provisions of
When welding is to be carried out with the pipe in the
Ihis code as ndopted or nmended.
trench, additional excavation of not more than 600 nun
4 FORMATION in depth and 900 mm in length should he provided all
4.1 GelleR"al round the pipe at th~ position of the joints for facilities
of welding.
Before pipeline is laid, proper fortliation shall be
prepared. For buried pipeline, suitable trenches should 4.2.3 Special Foundations in Poor Soil
be excavated, pipeline above ground may be laid in
<lutting or on embankments or be supported by pillars Where the bottom of the trench at subgrade is found to
as the case may be. consist of material which is un:;table to such a degree
that,; in the opinion of the authority, it cannot be
4.2 Excavation and Preparation of Trenches for removed and replaced with an approved material
Laying Underground Pipeline thoroughly compacted in place to support the pipe
The trench shall be so dug that the pipe may he laid to properly, a suitable foundation for the pipe, consisting
the required aligmnent and at required depth. When the of piling, timbers or other matcri<t Is, in ac<,'ordan(~c with
pipeline is under a roadway, a minimum cover of 1.0 m plans prepared by the authority, shall he constructed.
IS 5822 : 1994


1A Trench in earth 1B Trench in Hard RoCK with 1C Trench in Hard Rock

or Murum Cement Concrete Bedding with Sand Beddi ng


4.2.4 Rock Excavation filling has been completed or has been brought up to
The tenn 'rock', wherever used in this standard, shall such an elevation as to permit its safe relllOval. Sheeting
have the same meaning as given in terminology in IS and bracing may be removed before filling the trench,
1200 ( Part 1 ) : 1992. but only in such a manner as will ensure adequate
protection of the compJeted work and adequate struc-
4.2.5 Blasting tures.
Blasting for excavation shaH be permitted only after 4.2.7 Care of Surface Material for Re-lise
seclIrin!? the approval of the authority and only when
proper precautions are taken for the protection of per- All surface materials which, in the opinion of the
sons or property. The hours of blasting shall be fixed by authority, are suitable for re-use in restoring the surface
the authority. The procedure of blasting shall conform shall he kept separate from the general excavation
to the requirements of local controlling authority (ref- material as directed by thl~ authority.
erel1l~e may also be made to IS 4081 : 1986). 4.2.8 Stacking Excavated Material
All excavated material shall be stacked in such a man-
4.2.6 Braced and Sheeted Trenches
ner that it does not endanger the work and avoids
Open-cut trenches shall be sheeted and braced as re- obstructing footpaths and roads. Hydrants under pres-
quired by any governing state laws and municipal sure, surface boxes, fire or other utility contrQls shall
regulations and as may be necessary to protect life, be left unobstructed and accessible until the ",",ork is
property or the work. When close sheeting is required, completed. Gutters shaiJ be kept dear or(nh~r satisfac-
it shall be so driven as to prevent adjacent soil from tory provisions made for street drainage and natural
entering the trench either below or through such sheet- water-courses shaH not be obstructed.
ing. .
4.2.9 Barricades, Guards and Safety Provisions The authority shall have the right to order the
sheeting to be driven to the fulJ depth of the trench or To protect persons frortrinjury and to avoid. damage to
to such additional depths as may be required for protec- property, adequate barricades, construction signs, tor-
tion of the work. Where the soil in the lower limits of a ches, red lanterns and guards, as required, shall be
trench has the necessary stability, the au'thority at its placed and maintained during the progress of the con-
discretion may pennit stopping of the driving of sheet- struction work ~lld until it is safe for traffic to use the
ing at some designated elevation above the trench road~ay:AJI, material~, piles, equipment and pipes
bottom. wbicb niay serv~ as obstructions to traffic shal1 be Sheeting and bracing which ~ave been ordered e"c1~sedby.fericesor'barriCadesaild shaH be protected
to be left in place should be removed for a distance of by propb- lights wbeq the visibility is poor. The rules
0.9 III below to establisbedstreet level or the existing and regulati~n~ ~ftbe local authorities regarding safety
surface of the street, whichever is lower. Trench brac- provisionssh'a U.bepbserved:
ing, except that which should be ieft in pJace, may be 4.2.10Maintenance of Traffic and Closing o/Streets
removed when the backfilling has reached the respec-
tive levels of such bracing. Sheeting, except that which The work shaUbe.cs·med in such a manne,r that it causes
has been left inplflce 1ll(IY he removed after the back- tbe least interrupt,ioll to "traffic, and the road/street may

IS S822 : 1994
be dosed in such a manner that it causes the least 4.3 Preparation of Formation for Pipeline Above
interruption to the traffic. Where it is necessary for Ground
traffic to cross open trenches, suitable bridges shall be
Formation should be prepared by cutting high grounds
and filling in low areas. Care shall be taken while fixing Suitable signs indicating that a'street is closed the a ligmnent and gradient of the pipeline, to balance
shall be placed and necessary detour signs for the the cutting and filJing quantities, as far as possible, with
proper maintenance of traffic shall be provided. minimum of lead. Care should also be taken to ensure
that the pipe rests fully either on cutting or on bank.
4.2.11 Structure Protection
4.3.1 Cutting High Grounds
Temporary support, adequate protection and main-
tenance of all underground and surface structures, Excavation for the formation in cutting should be done
drains, sewers and other obstruction encountered in the iR"such a manner as to obtain sufficient width at the
progress of the work shall be furnished under the direc- bollom to accommodate the pipeline, itfi supports, a
tion of the authority. The structures which may have service passage and side drains. The sides of the cutting
been disturbed shall be restored upon completion of the should generally have the following slopes:
work. a) Earth MURUM and boulders 1: 1
b) Hard MURUM and soft rocks 1/2: 1
4.2.12 Protection of Property
c) Hard rock 1/4 :1
Tress, shrubbery fences, poles and all other property
All excavated material shall be the property of the
shall be protected unless their removal is shown on the
authority and shall be stacked or disposed off as
drawings or authorized by the authority. When it is
directed under 4.2 above. Typical sections in cuttings
necessary to cut roots and tree branches; such cutting
are shown in Fig. 2 and 3.
shall be done under the supervision apd direction of the
authority. 4.3.2 Preparation of Embankment
Material used for embankment shall be spread in
4.2.13 Avoidance of the Existing Service
horizontal layers not more than 300 mm thick. Each
As far as possible, the pipeline shall be laid below layer shaH be consolidated by watering, ramming and
existing services, such as water and gas pipes, cables, rolJing before the next layer is laid. Mechanical con-
cable ducts and drains but not below sewers, which are solidation is recommended. The consolidation obtained
usually laid at great depth; if it is unavoidable pipeline shall not be less than 90 percent of the proctor density
should he suitably protet'ted. A minimum clearance of [ see IS 2720 (Part 7) : 1980 ]. Any wash-outs during
150 mm shall be provided between the pipeline and rains shall be replaced with suitable material. The em-
such other services. Where thrust or auger boring is bankment shall be finished to the correct dimensions
used for laying pipeline across roads, railways or other and gradient prescribed by the authority. If banking is
utilities, larger clearance as required by the authority to be done on the sloping ground or on elilbankment, it
shall be provided. Adequate arrangements shall be shan be cut in steps of not less than 300 mm deep and
made to protect and support the other services during 450 mm wide to give a proper bond. Side slopes of the
laying operations. The pipeJine shall be so laid as not embankment shall be steeper than 1 1/2 horizontal to 1 .
to obstruct access to the other services for inspection, vertical. The slopes of emba nkment should be protected
repair and replacement. When such utilities are met by pitching or any other method, if so required by the
with during excavation, the authority concerned shall authority.
be intimated and arrangements made to support the Width of embankment
utilities in consultation with them.
The width of the embankment at top shall be such as to



IS 5822 : 1994
accommodate the pipeline and the service passage. menced, some preliminary work described in 5.2.1
Typkal section of the bank is shownin Fig. 4. to 5.2.5 sha II be done.

5.2.1 Bench Marks

Reference bench marks, at least one per kilometre, shall
he fixed before the work of laying the pipe line is
started. These bench marks should be fixed a little away
from the field of work and should be secureJy fixed in
cement concrete.
5.2.2 Transporting and Stacking of Pipes
Delivery of the pipes and specials and- appurtenances
shall be taken from the stockyard of the authority and
transported to the site ofJaying and stacked along the
route on timber skids. Padding shall be provided
FIG. 3 SECTION IN PARTLY CUTTING AND Ill'I\VCCn coated pipes and timber skids to avoid damage
EMBANKMENT lollie coating. Suitable gaps in the pipes stacked should
be left at intervals to pennit access from one side to the

5.2.3 Pipe Inspection

The pipes and specials shall be inspected and defects
noticed, if any, such as protrusions, grooves, dents,
notches, etc, shall be rectified. Care should be taken that
the resulting waH thickness does not become less than
the minimum specified. If the waIJ thickness becomes
less than the minimum, the damaged portion should be
cut out as a cylinder and replaced by an undamaged
FIG. 4 SEGnON IN EMBANKMENT piece of pipe. A dent is a depression producing a significant Materials for embankment <tlteration of the curvature of the pipe shell. The depth
of a dent is measured as a gap between the lowest point
Materials used for embankment shall be such that it of the dent and the curvature of the pipeline. All dents
docs not harm the pipeline .. It shaH not swelJ when
exceeding 2 percent of the outer diameter of the pipe
moisture laden or shrink and crack when dry and shall
should be removed. Dents shall be removed by cutting
have self-draining properties. Mud~ clay, slush and
out a cylindrical portion of the pipe and repla,cingthe
decaying vegetable matter shaH not be used. The
same with an undamaged piece of the pipe. Ino;ert
material shall also be free from cinders, ashes, refuse,
patching may be permitted by the authority if the
rubbish" organic material, frozen material or material
diameter of the patch is Jess than 25 percent of the
which in the opinion of the authority is unsuitable or
nominal diameter of the pipe. Repairs by hammering
deleterious. All lumps and clods shaH be broken to
with or without heating shall not be permitted. Any
allow uniform subsidence of the earth work throughout
damage to the coating shall also be carefully examined
the embankment.
a nd rectified. Stability of embankment
5.2.4 Handling of Pipes and Specials
Embankment shall rest on good foundation which shall
be capahle of taking load of the earth fill, the pipeline, It is essential to avoid damage to the pipes, fittings,
servke road, etc. When embankment is laid on soft specials, etc, at all stages during handling. The pipes
ground, such as marshy clay or marine clay, such soft and specials shall be handled in such a manner as not
foundation shaH be stabilized by providing sand piles to distort their t'ircuJarity or cause any damage to their
nr ruhble piles. In the alternative, RCC or woodell piJes outl~oating. Pipes shall not be thrown down from the
should be driven to transfer load to harder substrata. trucks nor shall they be dragged or rolled along hard
surfaces. Slings of canvas on equally non-abrasive
5 I'H)E HANDLING AND INSPECTION material of suitable width or special attachment shaped
5.1 General to fit the pipe ends sha II be used to I ift a nd lower coated
pipes so as to eliminate the risk of damage to. the
For the purpose of this code, it is presurned that the coating.
liipes, specials, expansion joints and appurtenances are
avaiJable in the stockyard of the authority. 5.2.5 Preparing Pipe Faces for Welding
5.2 Preliminary Work Before Pipe. Laying Before aligning, assembling and welding, the pipe
faces shall be cleaned by scraping by wire brushes or
Before, the actual pipe laying operations are com- any other method specified by the authority.

IS 5822 : 1994
6 WELDING to be done in the trench, the pipe may be lowered in the
trench on supports sufficiently high so as to facilitate
6.1 General
out-coating. The pipe should bc lowered progressively
The welding of pipes in the field should comply with with the help of shear legs or cranes using wide belts or
IS 816 : 1969. Electrodes used for welding should slings. In case of coated pipes, extra (.'a re sha II be taken
comply with IS ~n4: 1991. to preserve the cOIlting while lowering. Slings may be
6.2 Testing or Welded Joints removed progressively without the necessity of digging
under the pipe. Where the trench is sheeted, the pipes
The welded joints shall be tested in accordance with shaH be lowered into the trench by removing at a time,
procedure laid down in IS 3600 (Part 1 ): 1985. One one or two struts only, care being taken to see that no
test specimen taken [rom at least one field joint out of part of the shoring is disturbed or damaged. If neces-
any to shall be subjected to test. sary, additional struts may be fixed during lowering.
6.2.1 If the results of the tensile test do not confonn to Mter the pipe is lowered, it shall be laid in correct line
the rcquirements specified, retests of two additional and level by use of leveJling instruments, sight rails,
specilllcn from the same section shall be made, each of theodolites, etc. Care shall be taken to see that the
which shall conform to the required spedfications. In longitudinal joints of the consecutive pipes are stag-
cflse of railure of olle ortwo, extensive gouging (scoop- gered by at least 30° and should be kept in upper third
ing out) illld repairing shall be carried out as directed of the pipeline, if there are two longitudinal joints they
by the authority. should be on the sides. While assembling, the pipe faces
6.2.2 If internal pressures exceed 1.5 N/mm 2, special shall be brought close enough to leave a unifonn gap
attention should he given to the assembly of the pipe not exceeding 3 mm. The spiders from inside and
and first run of weld. Non-destructive testing of the tightening rings from outside or other suitable equip-
completed weld may be carried out on pipelines by ment should be used to keep the two faces in shape and
rtldiognlphic (see IS 4853: 1982 )or ultrasonic method position till at least one run of weld ing is ca rried out.
( see IS 4260 : 19~6 ) as agreed upon between the user The pipe faces shaH first be t?ck-weJded alter-
and the manufacturer. ' natelyat one or more diametrically opposite pairs of
points. After completing tack-welding, fuJI welding
6.3 Welding of Closure Gaps
shaH be carried out in suitable runs following a se-
Final welding of closure gaps should be carried out quence of welding portions of segments diametrically
wi,thin fI temperature range of average air tempenlture opposite.
± 8°C; For huried pipelines final welding may hest be 8.2 Backfilling
done after intennediate pipes have been backfilled.
Backfilling should closely follow the welding of joints
7 BlANK FLANGES of the pipe so that the prc)lrl'live coating should not be
subsequently damaged. Material hannful to the pipe-
7.1 Blank flanges shall be uscd at all ends left unat-
line shall not be used for backfilling. Refilling shall be
tended al the tempomry closure ofwork.,BJank flanges
done in layers not exceeding 300 mm. Each layer shaH
may ;t1so he necessary for commissioning a section of
be consolidated hy watering and ramming, care being
the pipeline or for testing the pipelille laid. For telll-
taken to prevent damage to the pipeline. The filling on
pom ry closures, non-pressure blank 11a nges consisting
the two sides of lhe pipeline should be carried out
of mild steel pliltcs tack-welded at the pipe ends may
he used. For pipes subjected to pressu~s, the blank
n(lngcs should be suitably designed. To prevent the 8.2.1 The spiders provided during assembly and weld-
floating of pipes, care should be taken to see that empty ing shall be retained until the trench is refilled and
pipes wilh ends blank flanged should not be left in consolidated. Where timbers are pJaceu under the
uncovered trenches, where water is iikely to accumu- pipeline to aid alignment, these shall be remove.tI before
laic. hackfilling. For further precautions and use of material
in backfilling, reference should be made to IS 3114 :
8 IllitE LAYING 1994.
8.1 Lnying ()f Pipes Underground 8.3 Layi'ng of Pipes Ahove Ground
8.1.1 General 8.3.1 General
The procedure for trenching as described in 4.2 The procedure for handling the pipes as described in 5
and 4.2.1 shall be carefully foHowed. Before the pipe and for lowering and assembling the pipes underground
is lowered, the trench shall be carefully examined to as descrihed in 8.1.2 should be followed for lifting and
determinc that an even bedding is provided for the laying the pipes on supports or on ground. The pipeline
pipeline (lnd that the pipe may be lowered into itwithout may be allowed to rest on ground· if the soil is
damaging the coating. non-aggressive. The ground should, however, be
8.1.2 Lowering and Assembling of Pipes and Specials dressed to match the curvature of the pipe shell for an
arch length subtending an angle of 1200 at the centre
The procedure for lowering varies with the method of pipes. Alternatively, the pipeline should be laid either
adopted for. coating the pipeline. Where the coating is on saddle or roller and rocker supports as specified by

IS 5822 : 1994
the authority. Figures 5 and 6 show supports general1y railway or a river shan be determined so as to satisfy
adopted on steel pipelines. the requirements of the authority concerned.
10.1 Complicated specials, such as 'V' pieces, com-
posite bends and tapcrs~ shaH be fabricated in
worklihop. SmalJ branches, single piece bends, etc, may
be fabricated at site, care being taken to ensure that the
fabricated fittings have at least the same strength as the
pipeJine to which these are to be joined.
10.2 Appurtenances
The spacing of the isolating sluice valves along a
pipe line depends upon the type of terrain through which
the pipeline passes and the operational flexibility re-
quired. Valves may be positioned as follows:
FIG. 5 SADDLE SUPPORT a) At the beginning and at the end of the pipeline;
8.3.2 Expansion Joints b) To facilitate hydraulic testing of sections or the
For aU pipelines laid above ground, provision for pipeline;
expansion and contraction on account of temperature c) For long pipelines, isolating valves should be
va riation should be made either by providing expansion provided at intervals not exceeding 6 km; and
joints at predetermined intervals or by providing loops d) On either side of a major crossing.
where leakage through expansion joints cannot be per- Valves may be located either above ground or below
mitted. Where expansion joints are provided, it is ground, but should be' easily accessible (see IS 780 :
necessary to create restraining points on the pipeline to 1984 a nd IS 2906 : 1984).
ensure proper functioning of these joints. The pipe
laying work should preferably start from the restrained 10.2.1 Control valves should be provided on all
points on either side working towards centre where the branches. Similarly, air valves at all humps and scour
expansionjointshould be fitted last. Spacingofexpan- valves at all dips are necessary. For inspection pur-
sion joint depends on local conditions. Provision· of poses, man-holes may be provi,ded on either side of
expansion joint at intervals of 300 m'onexposed steel isolating valve and at other suitable places.
pipeline is generally recommended. Expansion joints 10.2.2 Protective devices, such as relief valves, surge
should always be provided between two fixed supports or break pressure stations, may be provided to ensure
or anchorages (see 8.3.3). that the internal pressure at any point in the pipeline
8.3· A.nchorages does not exceed the design pressure.
The pipe shall be anchored by concrete anchor blocks 10.2.3 Pressure indicating the flow recording instru-
orother means to resist unbalanced water pressures and ments and burst alarms should also be provided at
temperature stresses. Provision should be made to suitable places.
anchor the main during construction and in service 11 TESTING OF PIPELINE
where floatation could occur.
H.l General
Before putting it into commission, the welded pipeline
9.1 The mode of laying the pipeline crossing, rop-d, shall be tested both for its strength and leakage.




185822: 1994

11.2 I)rocedure for Test 12.2.1 Paints

Each valved section of the pipe shall be slowly filled Paints should be applied as spccificd by the authority.
with clean water and all air shall be expelled from the 12.2..2 Where the pilklilll' is partly above ground and
pipeline through hydrants, air valves and blow-oCfs partly underground. the c4 1ating used on the buried
fixed on the pipeJine. Before starting the pressure test, portion should be l·ontillllt.'d well dear of the ground.
the expansion joints should be tightened.
12.3 Internal Coating or l.ining
11.2.1 Pressure Test
Where waterto bc l'onveycd is ilggressive in nature, the
The field test pressure to be imposed should be not less pipeline should be provided with an internall'oating or
than the greatest of the following: lining, Such linings are usually of hitumen, coal tar,
a) 1 times the maximum sustained operating pres- epoxy resin, l'oncrete orccment mortar or plastic lining.
sure, Care should be taken to see thai the material used for
b) 1 times the maximum pipeline static pressure, coating is non-toxic. Tbe lining may be applied to the
and pipe before or after laying. In the former case, it should
c) Sum of the maximum static pressure and surge be madc'l'ontinuous at the joints after laying. Methods
pressure subje~t to the test pressure. of applying intemal lining vary according to the size of
the pipe depending upon the worlOng space inside the
Where the field test pressure is less than two-thirds the pipe. In case of large diameter pipelines, cement mortar
test pressure, the period of test should be at least 24 lining preferably be carried out after the pipeline is laid
hours. The test pressure shaH be graduaUy raised at the in position and the backfill in the trenches is properly
rate of nearly 0.1 N/mm2 per minute. consolidated. This will prevent the lining from being
If the test pressure measurements are not made at the damaged due to deformation of pipeline, due to self
lowest point of the section, an aHowance should be weight and also due to handling of pipes during laying
made for the static head between the lowest point and operation.
the point of measurement to ensure that the maximum 1Z.4 Dry I"ilm Thickness
pressure is not exceeded at the lowest point. If a drop
in pressure occurs, the quantity of water added in order Both for intertlt11 and externa 1pa illting, the thkkness of
to re-establish the test pressure should be carefully the dry paint film is very important from the point of
measured. This should not exceed 0.1 litre per mill of view of detennining the protective life. The minimum
pipe dia per km of pipeline per day for each 30 III head dry film thickness of the paint system should' be
of pressure applied. spedfied and measurements to that effect he made by
using instruments like ekometer or similar other reli-
Where the pipeline is tested itt secti~l1.s, two or more able measuring devices.
welded joints at each gap may not get tested under
pressure. Special care should he taken in making these 13 Fl.. USHINGS AND DISIN}"'ECTION OF
welds a nd these joints should be kept under observation MAINS BEFORE COMl\flSSIONING
duritig the commissioning of the system.
13.1 The mains intended for potable water supplies
1l.2.2 Pressurization should be disinfel'ted before l~ommissioning them for
Each valved section of pipe shall he filled with water use.
slowly and the specified test pressure, based on the 13.1.1 Disinfection ofNevV Mains
elevation of lowest point ofthe Jinearsection under test
and corrected to the elevation of the test gauge, shall be Special care should be taken to ensure disinfection of
applied by means of a pump connected to the pipe in a new mains. Among possible sources of l'ontamination
ma nner satisfactory to the authority. are sewer drail)age, l'ontaminated soil in the trench,
contamination from workmen or their equipment or
11.2.3 Examination Under Pressure both and unavoidable foreign material present in the
Under the test pressure 110 leak or sweating shall be trench during construction.
visible at all section of pipes, fittings; valves, hydrants 13.1.Z Education of l'reW members as to the need for
and welded joint~. Any defective pip,es, fittings, valves avoiding contamination of the main during construc-
or hydrd nts discovered in consequence of this pl'l~! n' tcst tion is fundamental. Contractors and workmen should
shall be removed and replaced by so~nd material illld the be thoroughly familiar with all pertinent state and local
test shall be repeated until satisfal-10ry to ~he Authority. requirements govcrning installation of mains. All
12 COATINGS sewers, water mains and other underground conduits
should he located l>rior to construction and relocated, if
12.1 Buried Pipes
ne(.~essary, to prevent l~ontamination during construc-
Buried steel pipeJines are liable to external corrosion tion. Pipe should be strung on high ground. At all times
and should be protected by the use of suitable coatings when construction is not actually ill progress, water-
and shall be in accordance with IS 10221 : 1982. tight plugs should be installed in all pipe openings.
Gunny sacks and rags are not adequate. Provision
12.2 Above Ground Pipelines should be made to pump any other water that might
Pipelines laid above ground are'liable to .atmospheric collel't in the trench. Special care should be taken to
corrosion (Illd should be adequately protected. avoid l'ontamination of valves, fittings, and pipe

IS 5822 : 1994
interiors, both before and during construction each of flushing and commissioning, reliable communication
Ihem should he inspected and, if necessary, cleaned system between both ends of the section of the
before i nsltl lIatioll. pipeline being dealt with as well as .between the field
13.1.3 After pressure testing the main, it should be partics in between these sections should be established.
n~lshed with water of sufficient velocity to remove a1l
dirt and other foreign materials. When this process has TENANCE OF PAVED.~OOTJ-ATHS, AFTER
hec~l l'omplet~d, disinfection (using liquid chlorine,
sodium orcalclUm hypol'hlorite)shouJd proceed byone
of the recommended methods as described in 13.2 15.1 Allowable Removal of I)avement
and 13.3.
Pavement and road surfaces may he removed as a part
13.2 Continuous I;'eed of the trench eXl'avatioll, andthe amount removed shall
In this method, water from the distribution system or depend upon the width of trench specified for the
other approved source and the chlorine is fed at consta nt instalJation of the pipe and the width and length of the
rate into the Hew main at a concentration of at least 20 pavement area required to be removed for the installa-
mg/1. A properly adjusted hypochlorite solution in· tion of gate valves, specials, man-holes or other struc-
fllrcs. The width of pavement removed along the
jectc~ in~o .the m~in with a ~yp()~h)orinator, or liquid
chJonne IllJected mlo the mam through a solution·feed nonnal trench for the installation of the pipe shaH not
chlorinator (Illd booster pump may be used. The exceed the width of the trench specified by more than
chlorine residua) should be checked at intervals to 150 mm on eal~h side of the trench. The width and
ensure that the proper level is maintained. Chlorine lengths of the area of pavement removed for the insta I·
applkfltion should continue until the entire main is lation of gate valves, specials, man-holes or other struc-
filled. All valves, hydrants, etc, along the main should tures shaJlnot exceed the maximum linear dimensions
be operated to ensure their proper disinfection. The of such structures by more than 150 nun on each side.
~~erever in the opinion of the authority, existing con·
water should remain in the main fora minimum of
24 h. ~ollm,~ing the 24 hours period no less than 10 lUg/I dltlOllS make it necessary or advisable to remove addi-
chJonne reSidual should remain in the main. tional pavement, it shall be removed as dirccted by the
13.3 Slug Method
15.2 Replacement of Pavements and Stnlctures
In this method a continuous flow of water is fed with a
l'onsta!lt dose of l~hlorj~le (as in the previous method) AJI pavements, paved footpaths, curbing, gutters,
hut With rates proportioned to give a chlorine can· shrubbery, fenccs, poles, sods or other property and
cent~alion of at least 3?O mgtl. The chlorine is applied
surface structures removed or distllrhed as a part of the
contmuously for a period of time to provide a column work shall be restored to a condition equal to that before
of chlorinated water that contacts all interior surfaces the work began, furnishing a1l lalxlUr and materials
of the main for a period or at least3 h. A'i the slug passes incidental thereto. In restoring the pavement, sound
tees, crosses, etc, proper valves shall be operated to granite hloc.ks, sound brick or asphalt paving bloc.ks
ensure their di~il1.fection. !his method is lIsed principal· may he re·lIsed. No permanent pavement shall be res-
Iy for large. dIameter maills where continuous fced is tored unless and until in the opinion of the authority, the
illlpmcticai. condition of the backfill is such as to properly support
the pavement.
13.4 Regilf~less of the method used, it is necessary to
ma ke ccrtaJll that backflow of the strong chlorine solu· 15.3 Cleaning-Up
lion into t~e supplying line does not occur. Following
the presl'fJbed contact period, the chlorinated water AJI surplus water main materials and aJJ tools and
should be flushed to waste until the remaining water temporary stmctures shall be removed from the site as
has a chloril~e ·residual approximating that throughout directed by the authority. AI) dirt, rubbish, and excess
the r~st of the system. Bacteri(llogical tests as earth from th~ exc~vati~n sha II be hauled to a dump and
p.r:esl~ribed by the authorities should be taken and if the
the ('onstructlon site left dean to the satisfaction of the
·results fail to meet minimulll standards, the disinfecting authority.
procedure should be repeated and the results again 16 HESIGN REQUIREMENTS
tested before placing the main in sl'rvil'e.
16.1 General Design Re(luirements
~ner~J requirements. f()r the design of steel pipes are
14.1 During all phases of deaning, testing, disinfecting, given III Annex B for mformation.

IS 5822 : 1994

( Clause 2.1 )


IS No. Tide IS No. Title

780: 1984 Specification for-sluice valves for 3600 Methods of testing fusion welded
water works purposes (50 to 300 (Part 1 ): joints and weJd metal in steel:
IUm size) ( sixth revision)
1985 Part 1 Crudform fillet weld tensile
814: 1991 Cove red electrodes for ma nua I test
metal arc welding. of carbon and 4081 : 1986 Safety code forblastingand related
carbon manganese steel drilling 'operations
816: 1969 Code of practice for Use of metal 4260 : 1986 Recommended practice for
arc wcJding for genera1 construc- ultrasonic testing of butt welds in
tion in mild steel (first revision) ferritic steel ( second revision)
1200 Methods of meltsu rement of build- 4853: 1982 Recommended practice for
( Part 1 ): ing and civil engineering work~: radiographic inspection of fusion
.1992 Part 1 Earthwork (fourth revision) welded hutt joints in steel pipes
2062: 1992 Steel for general structural pur- (first revision)
poses (follrth revision) 5330: 1984 Criteria for design of anchor
2720 Methods of test for soils : Pa rt 7 blocks for penslock~ with expan-
(Part7): Detennination of water content dry sion joints (first revision)
1980 density relation using light (.'(lll1- 5555: 1970 Code of procedure for conducting
paction ( second revision) field studies on atmospheric cor-
2906: 1984 Specification for sluice valves for rosion of metals
waterworks purposes (350 to 1200 7808: 1975 Code of prol~edure for conducting
mm size) ( third revision) studies on underground corrosion
3114: 1994 Code of prac.tice' for laying of cast of metals
iron pipes ( seco~d revision) 10221 : 1982 Code of practice for co~ting and
3589: 1991 Seamless or electrically welded wrapping of underground "1,,\1
steel pipes for water, gas and steel pipelines
sewage (168.3 to 2032 mill out- 12288: 1987 O)(]e of practice for use and laying of
side diameter) (second revision) ductile iron pipes.

(Clause 16.1 )



B-l.l Tbe intemal design pressure shall not be less than B-3.1 The pipe selected shall he strong enough to
the maximum pressure to which the'pipeline is likely withstand the effect of partial vacuum corresponding to
to be subjected including allowance for surge pressure, one-third the atmospheric pressure which may OCCUI
ifany. within the pipe and due toany pressure exerted by walel
B-2 ,lnOTECTIVE DEVICES or soil around it.
11-2.1 Protective devices, such as reliefvalves, pressure B-4 WORKING TEMPERATURE
limiting stations and automatic shut-down equipment
sball he provided to ensure that the intemal pressure at B-4.1 Where working temperature lies betweer
any point in tbe pipe line system does not exceed the + SoC and + SO°C no variation in the design stresse:
internal design pressure by more than 10 perl'cnt. given in tbis section is necessary.
IS 5822 : 1994
U-5 THERMAL MOVEl\IENT B-9.2.1 External or intcrnal coatings or lining of
cement, plastics, or other materia 1 ma y be used on stecl
U-S.I Where substantial variation in the pipeline pipe in accordance with this code, but shall not be
tempemtures may occur within the range stipulated considered to add to the strength of such pipe.
in n.4.l, allowance should be made for the effect of
thermal expa nsion and contraction corresponding to the D..9.3 Specified Minimum Yield Stress
actuallemperature variation expected to be met with at
the site of work. The specified minimum yield stress used in the equa-
tion in B-9.2 shaH be appropriate value recommended
U-6 WEIGHT E}'FECT for steel plates in IS 2062 : 1992.
B-6.1 The weight of pipe, c.oatings, pipe components, 8-9.4 Minimum Nominal Pipe Wall Thickness
liquid contents and any other weight sustained should
be taken into account for pipe line that is not supported The interna I pressure is not the only criterion to be used
continuously. Weight effects should also inelude stres- in determining the wall thickness.· Consideration
ses caused due to floatation in any of section of the should also be given to the other factors influencing the
pipeline. design of shell thickness, such as handling, ability to
withstand stresses imposed during construction, defor-
8·' nYNAMIC EI"FECT mation when not under pressure, external loads, mode
of supporting the pipeline and the stresses accrued
B-7.1 Unusual loading, such as that Illay be caused by therefor, such as stresses due to beam action when the
impact, wind, vibration and resonance, should be
pipeline is supported at intervals, longitudinal stresses
allowed for in accordance with the accepted engineer-
due to gravity component, hydrostatk head, tractive
ing practice.
force of water, frictional forces resisting free expansion
n-H GRAUE TAPERING of pipe as in the case of pipeline provided with expan-
sion joints or axial force due to temperature stresses as
U-S.I The reduction of the internal pressure in stages in the case of restrained pipeline and rim bending stress
along the length of the pipeJine to match the reduction at the restraint joints.
ill the maximum working pressure is permissible,
B-9.4.1 Consideration of all Jongitudinal axial com-
provided that eilch stage is protected by pressure Hmita-
pressive stresses, bending stresses should be considered
lion device complying with 8-2.1.
in relation to buckling. .
11-9 "IU~SSURE DESIGN OF PIPELINE 8-9.4.2 Where unstiffened pipeline is supported on
COMltONENTS saddle support, care should be taken to account for local
1t-9.l Suitahility of Components stresses both longitudinal and circumferential adjacent
to the tip of the saddle. The Illilximum value of these
Components of pipeline, including valves, flanges,
specials, fittings, etc, shaH be suitable to withstand localized stresses for a pipe fitting well in the saddle is
internal design pressure and other loading. given by the following expression:

B-9.2 Nominal Thickness s"",,) = k~ log (~)

The nominal thickness of steel pipe is calculated as
given hclow, plus the. permitted manufacturing where
lolera net.. for reduction in thickness of steel plate plus S = stress in N/nun2,
thickness for corrosion allowance, if, any: K coefficient given by the expression,
1= PD or p=2.lxax[Xe 0.02 - 0.001 2 (~ - 90) where ~ is support
2a x [x e + P 'D - t angle in degrees,
where P total load on support in N,
t = thickness of sheH in mill, = thickness in mill, and
P internal design pressure in N/mml, R radius of pipe shell in mm.
D:: outside diameter in nun, D-IO CORROSION ALl..OWANCE
a design factor (0.6 for working pressure lind n·IO.l Where there is a possibility of intemal or exter-
(},9 for test pressure indusive of surge pres- nal corrosion taking place, a corrosion allowance
sure), should be Imide and which should be based upon a
specialist investigation of the corrosion process
f = specified minimum yield stress in N/mm2, involved in accordance with IS 5555 : 1990 or
and IS 7808 : 1975. This corrosion a 1I0wH nrc should be
e;:: weld efficiency of the joint (0.9 for shop further modified considering requircd life or (he pipeline.
welding and O.S for field welding).
NOTE - The nominal thickness arrived at is subject to H-U TEMPERATURfi: STRESSES
minimum thickness amI manufacturing tolerances
8·U.I Expansion and Temperature Stresses
prescri bed in IS 3589 : 1991.
Above ground pipelinc being exposed to direct

IS 5822 : 1994
sunrdYS, undergoes variation in length as well as in 12 = maximum or minimum operating tempera-
diameters. The diametrical expansion or contraction of • ture in °c,
the pipe is generally small and it may be neglected for
the purposes of design. The linear ex'pansion in a pipe 11 temperatl1re at the time of installation in
line is given by the expression: °c,
dl = I . oc • L m = Poisson's ratio, and
where fll = hoop stress due to water in N/nllu2.
dl = variation in.1ength in mm, B·12 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS FOR
temperature variation, in °C, FLEXIBILITY AND BENDING
oc = linear coefficient of expansion in B-12.1 The physical constants for the steel for pipeline
mm/ nuu/oC, and shaU be as follows:
L length between fixed point and free end in a) Coefficient of Expansion - The linear coefficient
mm. of thennal expam~iol\ for mild steel may be taken
as 12 x 10-6/°C forte,mperature up to 120 oC.
U-U.1.1 Expansion joint'i are generally provided on
the above ground pipeline which absorb the elongation b) Modulus of elasticity as 0.2 x 106 N/mm 2, and
or contraction of the pipe by telescopic movement of c) Poisson's rtltio as 0.3 for steel.
ilmcr and outcr gland of the expansion joint. Provision
of expansion joint thus releases the pipeline of thermal B·IJI)IPE SUPPORTS
stresses. The relief is not, however, complete as some
amount of restraint on the free movement of the pipe B-IJ.l General
line is always present due to frictional force developed The stresses transmitted to the connected equipment,
within the expansion joint'proper and at tbe supporting ]ike valves' should be kept within safe limits.
system of the pipeline, which depends UpOR the type of
support adopted. The frictional force developed within 8·1J.2 Supports
the expansion joints is given by the expression. Supports should be designed to support the pipeline
F e =mx3.14xdxBxp without causing excessive local stresses. Due al-
(Skoctiich expression) ]owance shall be made for the weight of water, hydros-
where tatic head, frictional resistance at the supports, etc.
Proper bearing surface, such as flat base, roller and
Fe = axial force in N, rocker, should be provided where controJled move-
m = coefficient of friction =n.3, ments are required.
d = diameter of pipe in mm,
B = width of packing in mm, and
P internal pressure in N/nlln2.
8-14.1 Anchorages
Fe = P X F + A.p ......... (American practice) Anchors a re provided on the pipeline at the position of
]ine valves or sectionalizing valves, at the blank flange,
where at the t,apers and at the mid-point between two consecu-
Fe axial force in N, tive ~xpansion joints, in the case of above ground
P 3t X a = circumference of pipe shell in nun, pipeline. These anchors are generaJly of gravity type
F 7.43 N/mm of circumferencl-, and should be designed to resist the axial forces due·to
maximum design hydraulic pressure, frictional resis-'
A :: cross-sectional area of shell in mm2 , and tance setup atthe expansion joint, and atJhe supporting
p = internal pressure in N/nuu 2. system, for their worst combination S6 that the pipe
shell is completely relieved of stresses resulted from the
U-U.2 Restrained )ipelille a hove forces.
InpipeJille laid'above ground where the movement due
to ,temperature variation, calmot be accommodated B-14.1.1 The anchors provided at the mid-point be-
either in expansionjoint'i or loops, full provision for the tween the two consecutive expa nsion joints, fixity
longitudinal compression stress due to axial force points may be frame type in which case an
the axial
caused by temperature rise should be made in accord- forces acting on the pipeline are carried hy the frame
ancewith the expression: consisting of one or more pair of supports and the
pipeline, by shear and bending.
Fe = E xL (/ 2 - 11) - m .171
where B-14.2 Anchor Blocks
E = n~odulus of elasticity in Nlmm ,
Anchor blocks shall be designed in aCl~ordance will
L = linear coefficient of expansion, IS 5330 : 1984.

IS 5822 : 1994


Water Supply and Sanitation Sectiollal Committee, CED 24

Chairman Representing
StlRI V. H. PATH, In personal capacity (J 28 M(lnakbag Society, Ambawadi, Ahmedabad)
ADVISER (PI-IE) Central Public Health & Environmental Engineering Organization, Ministry
of Urban Development, New Delhi
DEI'lffY ADVISER (PI-IE) (Alternate)
:;1IR1 M. S. AsNANI Public Works Department, Delhi Administration
~1IR1 AVAOHESH KUMAR Tata Consulting Engineers, Bombay
S. GAONKAR (Alternate)
511RII. S. BAWEJA Public Health Engineering Department, Madhya Pradesh
SURd. N. OmsE (Alternate)
CIIIF.F ENGINEER (PPRD) U. P. Jal Nigam, Lucknow
SIIRI V. K. GUPTA (Alfernale)
SIIRI J. D. Owz In personal capacity (B/5BA Gangotri Enclave, Alaknanda, New Dellll)
SURI S. G. DEOLAUKER In personal capacity (Flat No. 403, Savitri Cinema Commercial Complex,
New Delhi)
SURI DBVENDRA SINGH In personal C<1pacity (Anne\"e Building, 2nd Floor, DD-J, Kalkaji Extension,
New Delhi)
SURI H. G. GAR(i Haryaila Public Works Department, Chandigarh
SURI S. S. BOLA (Alternate)
HYDRAULIC ENGINEER Municipal Corporation of Greater Bombay
( Alternate- )
SURI F. LAL KANSAL Public Works Department, Public Health, Patiala (Punjab)
SHRI M. M. KApOOR Engineers India Limited, New Delhi
SHRI LALlAN PRASAD The Institution of Engineers India, Calcutta
SIIRI B. A. MALLVA Northern Railway Headquarters, New Delhi
MANAOING DIRECIOR Punjab Water Supply & Sewerage Board, Chandigarh
DR V. A. MIIAISALKAR National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (CSIR), Maharashtra
SIIR' A. K. SEnl (Alternate)
SI-tRi S. R. MUKHERJEE Metropolitan Development Authority, Calcutta (West Bengal)
SUR) A. K.
DU1TA (Alternate)
SHRI R. NATARAJAN Hindustan Dore, Oliver (India) Ltd, New Delhi
SURI B. P. MISHRA (Allernate )
PROF K. J. NAnt All India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health, Calcutta
SHRI D. GUIN (Alternale)
SIIRI SISIR K. NEAGI Institutional Public He-11th Engineers, C,1Icutt:1
SURd. P. GUPTA (Alternate)
COL H. S. PAUL Directorate of Designs, Engineer-in-Chief's Branch, Army Headquarters,
MAJ B. DAS (Alternate) New Delhi
SURI T. RAMACHANDRAN Madras Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewage Board, Tamil Nadu
SIIRI S. PRAKASH Delhi Water Supply & Sewage Disposal Undertaking, Delhi
SIIR) S. S. ClIADHA ( Alternate)
SECRE1J\RY India Water Works Association, Bombay
SUR! L. R. SEUGAL L. R. Sehgal & C-o, New Delhi
SIIR! S. K. SHARMA Central Building Research Institute (CSIR), Roorkee
SIIR! S. S. SRIVASTAVA U. P. Jal Nigam, Lucknow
SHRI V. K. GUPTA ( Alternate)

( Continued on page 13 )
IS 5822 : 1994

( Continuedfrom page 12)

Members Representing
SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER (DCC) IV Central Public Works Department, New De!hi
SIIRI B. N. TAVAGARAJA Bangalore Water Supply & Sewage Board, Karnataka
SIIR! S. V. WAGH Maharashtra Water Supply & Sewage Project, Thane, Maharashtra
SURI S. V. SHELKlKAR (Alternate)
SHRIJ. VENKATARAMAN, Director General, BlS (Ex-officio Member)
Director ( Civ Engg )

Member Secretary
Joint Director ( Civ Engg ). HIS





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