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Nama : Nidaan Khofiyya

Kelas : 3SA01

NPM : 14617493

Judul Analisis : An Analysis of Dubbing Strategies in the Amazing

World of Gumball Episode 19 The Procrastinators


1. Result

From the analysis that has been carried out, there are some results regarding

dubbing strategy found in the Amazing World of Gumball Episode 19 The

Procrastinators, they are as follow:

Dubbing Strategies Found in the Amazing World of

Gumbal Episode 19 The Procrastinators
11 2 4 Paraphrase
2 Transfer
12 Condentation


From 79 dubbing strategies that found in the Amazing World of Gumball

Episode 19 The Procrastinators, there are 22 data of paraphrase, 40 data of

transfer, 10 data imitation, 12 data of condensation, 2 data of decimation, 1 data of

dislocation, 1 data of resignation, 2 data of transcription, and 4 data of expansion.

The strategy which is not found is deletion. In the discussion, the researcher is

going to describe 1 – 3 data of each kinds of dubbing strategy.

2. Discussion

2.1 Paraphrase Strategy

The researcher found that there are 22 paraphrase strategy being used in the

dubbing strategies found in the Amazing World of Gumball Episode 19 The

Procrastinators, they are in the data no 2, 7, 12, 13, 18, 22, 24, 25, 30, 36, 39, 45,

47, 52, 56, 62, 68, 72, 76, 77, 79, 80. The examples of paraphrase in dubbing

strategy in the Amazing World of Gumball Episode 19 The Procrastinators are as


Data 24

Source Language: “Hold on, hold on. I have to moan about it on Elmore
Plus first.”

Target Language: “Tunggu, tunggu. Aku akan buat status di Elmore

Plus dulu.”


“I have to moan about it” which is being translateed as “Aku akan buat

status” can be classified as paraphrase because if the source language translates

literally, it says “aku akan mengeluh tentang itu”, yet the translator chose to use

his own word instead to translate it in order to be more acceptable to the target


Data 39

Source Language: “How do I look?”

Target Language: “Bagaimana penampilanku?”


The sample dialogue above can be classified as paraphrase because the phrase

“how do I look?” in source language which means “bagaimana aku terlihat?” but

it was translated into “bagaimana penampilanku?” The translator used his own

words to translate “do i look” without changing the meaning of the message.

Data 45

Source Language: “What are you doing?”

Target Language: “Sedang apa kau?”


“What are you doing?” which is being translated as “Sedang apa kau?” can

be classified as paraphrase because it was not translated literally, the translator

used his own words to translate the phrase instead without changing the meaning

of the message.

2.2 Transfer Strategy

The researcher found that there are 40 transfer strategy being used in the

dubbing strategies found in the Amazing World of Gumball Episode 19 The

Procrastinators, they are in the data no 1,3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 19, 20, 23, 26, 27, 33,

34, 35, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 48, 50, 51, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 68, 69,

71, 72, 73, 76, 79. The examples of transfer in dubbing strategy in the Amazing

World of Gumball Episode 19 The Procrastinators are as follow:

Data 10

Source Language: “Ha ha! That's ridiculous.”

Target Language: “Ha ha! Itu menggelikan.”


“Ha ha! That's ridiculous.” which is being translated as “Ha ha! Itu

menggelikan.” Can be classified as transfer because because the translator

translated the dialogue literally without adding or omitting any word.

Data 29

Source Language: “Hmm, should I add YOLO?”

Target Language: “Hmm, perlu ku tambah YOLO?”


Transfer strategy was found from the dialogue “hmm, should I add YOLO?”

in the source dialogue which translated into “hmm, perlu ku tambah YOLO?” in

the target language it’s conveyed the full expression without adding or omitting

some words from the source dialogue.

Data 55

Source Language: “They're popping! I repeat, they are popping!”

Target Language: “Mereka meledak! Kuulangi, mereka meledak!”


The sample above used tranfer strategy since there is no addition or deletion

utterance. The translator translated the utterance literally. “They're popping! I

repeat, they are popping!” which was translated into “Mereka meledak! Kuulangi,

mereka meledak!” Transfer strategy was used in this translation process since all

the words were translated.

2.3 Imitation Strategy

The researcher found that there are 12 imitation strategy being used in the

dubbing strategies found in the Amazing World of Gumball Episode 19 The

Procrastinators, they are in the data no 4, 11, 24, 29, 32, 34, 36, 46, 47, 53, 57, 76.

The examples of imitation in dubbing strategy in the Amazing World of Gumball

Episode 19 The Procrastinators are as follow:

Data 11

Source Language: “Gumball, you're such a procrastinator that you were

four years old before you finished your first


Target Language: “Gumball, kau procrastinator saat berumur empat

tahun saat kau belum menyelesaikan kalimat



“Gumbal” in the target language which has the same form as the source

language can be classified as imitation because “Gumball” is a name of a person,

therefore, the translator did not have to translate it.

Data 24

Source Language: “Hold on, hold on. I have to moan about it on Elmore

Plus first.”

Target Language: “Tunggu, tunggu. Aku akan buat status di Elmore

Plus dulu.”


“Elmore Plus” which is being translated as “Elmore Plus” can be classified as

imitation because it is a social media’s name which the translator must maintain

the same form as the source language.

2.4 Condensation Strategy

The researcher found that there are 12 condensation strategy being used in the

dubbing strategies found in the Amazing World of Gumball Episode 19 The

Procrastinators, they are in the data no 12, 15, 17, 31, 37, 47, 53, 64, 65, 67, 70,

71. The examples of condensation in dubbing strategy in the Amazing World of

Gumball Episode 19 The Procrastinators are as follow:

Data 15

Source Language: “You mean that you're not movie stars with bionic

body parts?”

Target Language: “Maksudnya kau bukan bintang film dengan tubuh

setengah robot?”


“You mean that” which is being translated as “maksudnya” can be

classified as condensation because it was condensed, the translation became brief

yet the meaning of the utterance was maintained.

Data 71

Source Language: “Are you kidding me? Cheese and chocolate are two

of my favorite things!”

Target Language: “Kau bercanda? Keju dan cokelat itu dua hal



“Are you kidding me?” which is being translated as “Kau bercanda?” can be

classified as condensation because it was condensed to make the target language

shorter by missing unnecessary utterance, yet the message of the utterance was

still maintained.

2.5 Decimation Strategy

The researcher found that there are 2 decimation strategy being used in the

dubbing strategies found in the Amazing World of Gumball Episode 19 The

Procrastinators, they are in the data no 14 and 38. The examples of decimation in

dubbing strategy in the Amazing World of Gumball Episode 19 The

Procrastinators are as follow:

Data 14

Source Language: “Fine! We'll show you that we're not prosthetic


Target Language: “Baik! Kami bukanlah prostetik aktor”


“Fine! We’ll show you that we’re not prosthetic actors.” which is being

translated as “Baik! Kami bukanlah prostetik aktor.” Can be classified as

decimation because the characters clash with the quick-talk and the utterances

have trouble processing unstructured written text easily, so the translator

condenses the utterance.

Data 38

Source Language: “We'll have more wrinkles than a toe after a bath.

We need to leave. Now!”

Target Language: “Kita akan penuh kerutan seperti sehabis mandi. Kita

harus pergi. Sekarang!”


“We'll have more wrinkles than a toe after a bath. We need to leave. Now!”

which being translated as “Kita akan penuh kerutan seperti sehabis mandi. Kita

harus pergi. Sekarang!” can be classified as decimation because the characters

clash with the quick-talk and the utterances have trouble processing unstructured

written text easily, so the translator condenses the utterance.

2.6 Dislocation Strategy

The researcher found that there is 1 decimation strategy being used in the

dubbing strategies found in the Amazing World of Gumball Episode 19 The

Procrastinators, they are in the data no 34. The example of decimation in dubbing

strategy in the Amazing World of Gumball Episode 19 The Procrastinators is as


Data 34

Source Language: “What the what?! Dude, we were only on Elmore

Plus for a second and almost half an hour passed.”

Target Language: “Astaga?! Bung, hanya ada kita saja di Elmore Plus

sedetik lalu dan hampir setengah jam lewat.”


The dialogue above uses dislocation strategy. “What the what?” was

translated into “Astaga” dislocation was used in this translation process because

there is a change of a source language into an acceptable target language yet

produce the same effect on the target language.

2.7 Resignation Strategy

The researcher found that there is 1 resignation strategy being used in the

dubbing strategies found in the Amazing World of Gumball Episode 19 The

Procrastinators, they are in the data no 16. The example of resignation in dubbing

strategy in the Amazing World of Gumball Episode 19 The Procrastinators is as


Data 16

Source Language: “Pawn investigators!”

Target Language: “Udakotraktar!”


Resignation strategy was used in the dialogue above because there is no

solution in the translation process so that lost its original significance.

2.8 Transcription Strategy

The researcher found that there are 2 transcription strategy being used in the

dubbing strategies found in the Amazing World of Gumball Episode 19 The

Procrastinators, they are in the data no 3 and 4. The examples of transcription in

dubbing strategy in the Amazing World of Gumball Episode 19 The

Procrastinators are as follow:

Data 3

Source Language: “Procrastinator. Derived from the Mexican word.

"Procratalamacion" which means midnight


Target Language: “Prokrastinator. Berasal dari bahasa Meksiko

"Procatalamacion" yang berarti camilan tengah



The utterance above can be classified as transcription because the word

“Proctalamacion” is a third language which was a Mexican word that means

midnight snack.

Data 4

Source Language: “and the viking word "Astinatar" which means

puckered cheeks.”

Target Language: “dan bahasa viking "Astinatar" artinya pipi



The utterance above can be classified as transcription because the word

“Astinatar” is a third language which was a Viking word that means puckered


2.9 Expansion Strategy

The researcher found that there are 4 expansion strategy being used in the

dubbing strategies found in the Amazing World of Gumball Episode 19 The

Procrastinators, they are in the data no 11, 13, 21, and 25. The examples of

expansion in dubbing strategy in the Amazing World of Gumball Episode 19 The

Procrastinators are as follow:

Data 13

Source Language: “I'll be back at around five.”

Target Language: “Aku akan kembali sekitar jam lima.”


“I'll be back at around five.” which is being translated as “Aku akan kembali

sekitar jam lima.” Can be classified as expasion because there is supplementary

information added by the translator in the dubbing text “jam” the elaboration is

presumably considered necessary by the translator in order to make it more

acceptable by the audience.

Data 11

Source Language: “Gumball, you're such a procrastinator that you were

four years old before you finished your first


Target Language: “Gumball, kau procrastinator saat berumur empat

tahun saat kau belum menyelesaikan kalimat



The translator translates the dialogue above by using expansion strategy. The

expansion strategy could be seen on the word “saat” in the target language. The

elaboration is presumably considered necessary by the translator in order to avoid

potential ambiguity.


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