Combined Five Bank and Financial Institute: Post: Officer Cash Exam Taker: AUST Exam Type: MCQ

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Helal Uddin – 01717462311

Combined Five Bank and Financial institute

Post : Officer cash Exam taker : AUST
Exam type : MCQ

Q-1 : Two trains of equal length. running in opposite directions, cross

a pole in 18 and 12 seconds. The trains will cross each other in ?
A.14 sec B. 14.4 sec C. 13 sec D. 13.5 sec
Solution :
Time ratio , Tarin-1 : Train-2 ⇒ 18 : 12 = 3 : 2
Speed ratio, Tarin-1 : Train-2 ⇒ 2 : 3
Hence , Length of train ⇒ (18×2) = 36
Therefore , they will cross each other after ⇒ = 14.4 sec. [Ans.] - B

Q-2 : A boat can travel with a speed of 13 km/hr in still water. I he

speed of the stream is 4 km/hr, find the time taken by the boat to go 68
km downstream.
A. 2 hours B. 3 hours C. 4 hours D. 5 hours
Solution :
Required time ⇒ 13+4 = 4 hours [Ans.] - C
Q-3 : A shopkeeper earns a profit of 12 % on selling a book at 10 %
discount on the printed price. The ratio of Cost price to printed price :
A. 45 : 56 B. 23 : 11 C. 37 : 47 D. None

The game of mathematics

MCQ Md. Helal Uddin – 01717462311

Solution :
Here , 112% of CP = 90% of MP ⇒ CP : MP = 45 :56 [Ans.] – A
Q-4 : If A and B together can complete a work in 18 days . A and C
together in 12 days. B and C together in 9 days, then B alone can do
the work in:
A. 24 days B. 18 days C. 12 days D. 23 days
Solution :
Let , the total work be 36 units [LCM of (18 , 12 , 9)]
36 36 36
Efficiency , (A+B) : (A+C) : (B+C) ⇒ 18 : 12 : 9 = 2 : 3 : 4 [Units per day]
Therefore , Efficiency of (A+B+C) ⇒ = 4.5 units per day
Hence , required time ⇒ 4.5−3 = 24 days [Ans.] – A
Another approach :
Time ⇒ (12×18+12×9+9×18) × 2 = 8 days

Q-5 : In a 729 litres mixture of milk and water, The ratio milk to water
7 : 2. To get a new mixture containing milk and water in the ratio 7:3,
the amount of water to be added is.
A. 100 L B. 81 L C. 102 L D. 95 L
Solution :
The ratio of milk to water ⇒ 7 : 2 [Initial mixture]
The ratio of milk to water ⇒ 7 : 3 [Final mixture]
Now , (7+2) i.e. 9 unit ≡ 729 L ; Then , (3-2) i.e. 1 unit ≡ 81 L [Ans.] - B

The game of mathematics

MCQ Md. Helal Uddin – 01717462311

Q-6 : The selling price an article after giving two successive discount of
10% and 5% on the marked price in 171. What is the mark price :
A.Tk. 300 B. Tk. 400 C. Tk. 200 D. Tk. 100
Solution :
Applying multiplying factor concept :
10 20
171× 9 × 19 = Tk. 200 [Ans.] – C
Q-7 : A tank can be filled with water by two pipes A and B together in
36 min. if the pipe B was stopped after 30 min, the tank is filled in 40
min. The pipe B can alone fill the tank :
A. 20 min B. 30 min C. 80 min D. 90 min
Solution :
Efficiency , A : B ⇒ 3 : 2
Now , 36×5 = 2×T ⇒ T = 90 minute [Ans.] – D
Q-8 : Six years ago , The ratio of the ages of kunal and sagor was 6 : 5
. For year hence , the ratio of their ages will be 11 : 10 .What is the sagor
A. 16 years B. 15 years C. 14 years D. None
Solution :
Here , 10×(6T + 10) = 11×(5T + 10)
⇒ 60T + 100 = 55T + 110 ⇒T=2
Therefore , Age of Sagor ⇒ (5×2 + 6) = 16 [Ans.] – A
Q-9 : A Pump can fill a tank with water in 2 hours. Because of a leak,

The game of mathematics

MCQ Md. Helal Uddin – 01717462311

it took 2(1/3) hours to fill the tank. The leak can drain all the water of
the tank in .
A. 20 hr. B. 10 hr. C. 30 hr. D. 14 hr.
Solution :
The ratio of time ⇒ 2 : 23 = 6 : 7
The ratio of efficiency P : (P+L) = 7 : 6
Therefore , required time ⇒ = 14 hours. [Ans.] – D

Q-10 : The difference between simple and compound interest on a sum

of money at 20% per annum for 3 years is Tk.48, What is the sum?
A. 375 B. 268 C. 274 D. 528
Solution :
Effective rate in 2 years ⇒ 2×20 + = 44
Effective rate in 3 years ⇒ 44 + 20 + = 72.8%

Now , (72.8 – 20×3)% ≡ 48 ⇒ 100% ≡ 375 [Ans.] – A

Q-11 : A and B are in the ratio 3:4, and B and C in the ratio 12 : 13,
then A and C will be in the ratio :
A. 9 : 13 B. 8 : 7 C. 9 : 7 D. 5 : 7
Solution :
A B 3 12
: = 4 : 13 ⇒ A : C = 36 : 52 = 9 : 13 [Ans.] - A

Alternate approach :
A : B = 3 : 4 ⇒ (3 : 4)×3 = 9 : 12
The game of mathematics
MCQ Md. Helal Uddin – 01717462311

B : C = 12 : 13
Therefore , A : C = 9 : 13
Q-12 : A bag contains an equal number of one rupe and 50 paisa , 25
paisa coins.If the total value is 35 Tk. How many coins of each type is
there ?
A. 20 B. 30 C. 40 D. 50
Solution :
1 1
Here , 1 : 50 : 25 = 4 : 2 : 1
Therefore , Total one coins ⇒ 35×7 = 20 i.e. Each coins 20 [Ans.] – A
Q-13 : If 40% of a number is equal to two-third of another number .
What is the ratio of the first number and second number ?
A. 3 : 2 B. 5 : 3 C. 4 : 5 D. None
Solution :
2 2
of N₁ = 3 of N₂ ⇒ N₁ : N₂ = 5 : 3 [Ans.] – B

Q-14 : A man starts climbing at 11 m high wall at 5 pm. In each minute

he climbs up 1 m but slips down 50 cm .At what time will he climb the
wall ?
A.5:21 PM B. 5:21 AM C. 6:32 PM D. None
Solution :
Up - down speed ⇒ (100 - 50) cm i.e. 0.5 m
11−1 1
Now , He will climb after ⇒ + = 21 min.
0.5 1

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MCQ Md. Helal Uddin – 01717462311

Therefore , he will climb at ⇒ (5 P.M + 21 min.) i.e. 5 : 21 P.M [Ans.] - A

Q-15 : The price of 10 chairs is equal to that of 4 tables. The price of
15 chairs and 2 tables together is Tk. 4000. The total price of 12 chairs
and 3 tables is:
A. 3900 B. 2900 C. 2200 D. 3500
Solution :
Here 10×C = 4×T ⇒ C : T = 2 : 5
Now , (15×2 + 2×5) ≡ 4000 ; Then , (12×2 + 3×5) ≡ 3900 [Ans.] – A
Q-16 : Three partners shared the profit in a business in the ratio 5 : 7:
8.They had partnered for 14 months, 8 months and 7 months
respectively. What was the ratio of their investments?
A.25 : 27 : 29 B. 35 : 39 : 23 C. 20 : 49 : 64 D. None
Solution :
Ratio of profit 5 7 8
The ratio of their investment ⇒ = 14 : 8 : 7 = 20 : 49 : 64 [Ans.]
Ratio of time

Q-17 : A and B invest in a business in the ratio 3 : 2. lf 5 % of the total

profit goes to charity and A 's share is Tk.855, the total profit is.
A. 1500 B. 1400 C. 1300 D. 1200
Solution :
Ratio of investment , A : B ⇒ 3 : 2 ; (100-5)×5 = 57
Now , 57 ≡ Tk. 855 ; Then , 100 ≡ Tk. 1500 [Ans.] – A
Q-18: In what ratio must a grocer mix two varities of pulses costing tk.
15 and Tk. 20 per kg respectively So as two mixture worth tk. 16.5 kg?

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MCQ Md. Helal Uddin – 01717462311

A.3 : 5 B. 7 : 3 C. 3 : 7 D. 5 : 3 E. None
Solution :
Applying Rule of Alligation :
(200 - 165) : (165 - 150) = 35 : 15 = 7 : 3
Alternate approach :
15×V₁ + 20×V₂ = 16.5×(V₁ + V₂)
⇒ 1.5×V₁ = 3.5×V₂ ⇒ V₁ : V₂ = 7 : 3 [Ans.] – B
Q-19 : The average A , B , C , D and E is 40 years old . The average age
of A and B is 35 years old . The average age of C and D is 42 years old
. So , E is ?
A. 37 years B. 47 Years C. 46 years D. None
Solution :
(A+B+C+E) : (A+B) : (B+C) = 40×5 : 35×2 : 42×2 = 200 : 70 : 84
Therefore, age of E ⇒ [200 - (70+84)] = 46 years [Ans.] – C
Q-20 : If m and n are whole number such that mⁿ = 121 , The value of
(m - 1)ⁿ⁺¹ is :
A. 2000 B. 3000 C. 4000 D. None
Solution :
Here , mⁿ = 121 ⇒ mⁿ = (11)²
Therefore , (m - 1) ⁿ⁺¹ = (11 - 1)²⁺¹ = 10³ = 1000 [Ans.] – None
Q-21 : The sum of age 5 children born at the intervals of 3 years each
is 50 years . What is the age of younger child ?

The game of mathematics

MCQ Md. Helal Uddin – 01717462311

A.4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7 E. None
Solution :
Now , 5×C + 30 = 50 ⇒C=4 [Ans.] –A
Q-22 : The ratio of perimeter and breadth of a rectangle is 5 : 1 . If the
area of rectangle is 216 cm².What is the length of rectangle ?
A. 20 cm B. 18 cm C. 30 cm D. 10 cm
Solution :
2×(B + L) : B = 5 : 1 ⇒ 3B = 2L ⇒ B : L = 2 : 3 = 2a : 3a [Let]
Now , 2a×3a = 216 ⇒ a² = 36 ⇒ a = 6
Therefore , the length of rectangle ⇒ (3×6) = 18 cm [Ans.] – B

The game of mathematics

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