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Profit & Loss Md.

Helal Uddin - 01717462311

Q-1 : A dishonest business man makes a profit of 10% both

on buying and selling of a commodity. If his profit is Tk. 1050,
what is the cost of the commodity?
[SBL- (MTO)-2015(Written)]
Applying multiplying factor concept :
11 11
100×10 × 10 = 121

Therefore , profit% ⇒(121 – 100) = 21%

Now , 21% ≡ Tk. 1050 ; Then , 100% ≡ Tk. 5000 [Ans.]

Q-2 : A dishonest merchant makes a 15% profit at the time of

buying and a 10% loss at the time of selling the goods he
trades. By doing so if the merchant makes amount of Tk.
3,500 on selling the particular goods, what was the real cost of
the goods the merchant sold?
[Agrani Bank- (SO) -2017(Written)]
Applying multiplying factor concept :
23 9
100×20 × 10 = 103.5%
Therefore , profit% ⇒ (103.5 – 100) = 3.5%
Now , 3.5% ≡ Tk. 3500 ; Then , 100% ≡ Tk. 100000 [Ans.]

Q-3 : Nipu has 100 balls, 50 red and 50 black sell 48 each. if
black sell 20% loss and red sell 20% profit. what is the net
profit or loss in tk? [DBBL-(PO)-2017-(Written)]
Profit & Loss Md. Helal Uddin - 01717462311

5 5
Sum of cost price ⇒ 50×48×4 + 50×48×6 = 5000
Sum of selling price ⇒ 100×48 = 4800
Therefore , Loss ⇒ (5000 – 4800) = Tk. 200 [Ans.]

Q-4 : Rahman got discount of 20% over the retail price of a

book. He eventually saved taka 300 on his total purchase of
the books. How many books did he buy if the retail price a
book is 50 taka? [(IFIC Bank Ltd. (Off) - 2013 (Written)]
The cost price of each book ⇒ 50×5 = Tk. 40
Now , (50 – 40) i.e. 10 ≡ 1 book ; Then , 300 ≡ 30 books [Ans.]

Q-5 : A retailer buys 40 pens at the market price of 36 pens

from a wholesaler. If he sells these pens giving a discount of
1% , what is the profit percent?
[Pubali Bank (off)- 2016 - (Written)]
Applying multiplying factor concept :
40 99
Now , 100×36 × 100 = 110
Therefore , Profit% ⇒ (110 – 100) = 10% [Ans.]
Q-6 : A shopkeeper buys pens which are Tk. 360 a dozen. He
quotes a selling price the customers and offers a discount of
10% realizing that even with the discount he can earn a profit
of 20%. What was the initial selling price of each pen quoted
by him? [Bank Asia (MTO)-2005(Written)]
Profit & Loss Md. Helal Uddin - 01717462311

Applying multiplying factor concept :

10 6 1
Therefore , 360× 9 × 5 × 12 = Tk. 40 [Ans.]
Q-7 : A shirt sold at 6% profits. If the purchase price was 4%
less and selling price was Tk. 4 more, the profit is 12.5%.What
was the purchase price of the shirt.
[Madhumoti Bank - (PO)-2017(Written)]
Here , 12.5% = ; If Profit , CP = 8 and SP = (8+1) = 9

Now, (100% - 4%) : (106% + 4) = 8 : 9

⇒ 864% = 848% + 32 ⇒ 16% = 32 ⇒ 100% = 200 [Ans.]
Q-8 : When a producer allows 36% commission on the retail
price of his product, he earns a profit of 8.8%. What would
be his profit percent if the commission is reduced by 24%?
[Pubali Bank Ltd. (SO) -2014-(Written)]
Now , 64% of MP = 108.8% of CP
Then , 88% of MP = = 149.6% of CP

Therefore , profit% ⇒ (149.6 – 100) i.e. 49.6% [Ans.]

Q-9 : A shopkeeper marks his goods 20% higher than the cost
price of sells them at 25% above marked price. Find his profit
percent? [RAKUB- (Officer-2011-(Written)]
Applying multiplying factor concept :
6 5
Now , 100× × = 150
5 4
Profit & Loss Md. Helal Uddin - 01717462311

Therefore , profit% ⇒ (150 – 100) = 50% [Ans.]

Q-10 : A lamp is manufactured to sell for Tk. 35.00,which
yields a profit of 25% of cost. If the profit is to be reduced to
15% of cost, what will be the new retail price of the lamp ?
[JB- (EO-Electrical)-2017(Written)]
Applying multiplying factor concept :
4 23
35×5 × 20 = Tk. 32.2 [Ans.]
Q-11 : Fariha sold her chicken for Tk. 2000 and her paddy for
Tk. 960. She made a profit of 25% on the cost in the chicken
sale and 4% loss in paddy sale. Find out her overall profit/loss
on the cost from the sale of these two items.
[Standard Bank (TAO)-2013(Written)]
4 25
Here , Sum of CP ⇒2000× + 960× = Tk. 2600
5 24

Therefore, Profit ⇒ [(2000+960) – 2600] = Tk. 360 [Ans.]

Q-12 : A loss of 15% is incurred by selling a watch for Tk.
612. How much is the sum of money by which it is sold to make
a profit of 10%? [BB- (AD)- 2009 (Written)]
Applying multiplying factor concept :
20 11
612×17 × 10 = Tk. 792 [Ans.]
Another approach :
CP : SP₁ ⇒ 20 : 17
CP : SP₂ ⇒ 10 : 11 = (10 : 11)×2 = 20 : 22
Profit & Loss Md. Helal Uddin - 01717462311

Now , 17 units ≡ Tk. 612 ; Then , 22 units ≡ Tk. 792 [Ans.]

Q-13 : A person sold two articles. Each for the same price of
Tk. 1040. He incurs 20% loss on the first and 10% loss on the
second. Find his overall percentage of loss.
CP₁ : SP₁ ⇒ 5 : 4 = 45 : 36
CP₂ : SP₂ ⇒ 10 : 9 = 40 : 36
Total CP ⇒ (45+40) = 85 units ; Total SP ⇒ (36+36) = 72 units
Loss ⇒ (85 – 72) = 13
So , % Loss ⇒ ( )×100 = 15.29% [Ans.]

Q-14 : A trader, while selling an item, was asking for such a

price that would enable him to offer a 20% discounts and still
make a profit of 30% on cost. If the cost of the item was Tk.50
what was his asking price? [BB-AD-2008-(Written)]
1 3
Here , 20% = 5 and 30% = 10
13 5
Now , 50×10 × 4 = 81.25 [Ans. ]
Q-15 : Mr. Reach sold two properties P1 & P2 for Tk 50000
each. He sold property P1 for 20% more then what he paid
for it & sold P2 less than 20% what he paid for it. What was
his total gain or loss, if any, on the scale of two properties?
[BB- officer – 2001-(Written)]
Profit & Loss Md. Helal Uddin - 01717462311

Here , 20% = 5

CP₁ : SP₁ ⇒ 5 : 6 ⇒ (5 : 6)×2 = 10 : 12

CP₂ : SP₂ ⇒ 5 : 4 ⇒ (5 : 4)×3 = 15 : 12

Here , Loss = (10+15) – (12+12) = 1 unit

Now , 12 units ≡ Tk. 50000 ; Then 1 unit ≡ Tk. 4166.67 [Ans.]
Q-16 : The percentage profit earned by selling an article for
Tk. 1920 is equal to the percentage loss incurred by selling the
same article for Tk 1280.At what price should the article be
sold to make 25% profit.

Cost price ⇒ = 1600
So , Selling price ⇒ 1600×4 = Tk. 2000 [Ans. ]
Q-17 : A trade while selling an item was asking for such a
price that would enable him to offer a 10% discount and still
make a profit of 20%. If the cost of the product was Tk 50,
what was his asking price?
Applying multiplying factor concept :
6 10
50×5 × = 66.67 [Ans. ]

Q-18 : A man sells an article at a profit of 25% . If he had

bought it 20% less and sold it for Tk. 10.50 less . then he would
have gained 30%. Find the cost price of article.
Profit & Loss Md. Helal Uddin - 01717462311

[BB – AD – 2017-(Written)]
Here , 30% = 10 Therefore , CP : SP ⇒ 10 : (10+3) = 10 : 13
Now , (100% - 20%) : (125% - 10.50) = 10 : 13
⇒ 1040% = 1250% - 105 ⇒ 210% = 105 ⇒ 100% = 50
So , The cost price of article is Tk. 50 [Ans.]
Q-19 : An article was sold for Rs. 5220 at a loss of 42% of the
cost price. What will be the selling price of the article for a
profit of 42% ?
Applying multiplying factor concept :
5220×29 = Tk. 9000 [Ans.]
Q-20 : A shopkeeper sells two watches for Rs. 308 each. On
one he gets 12% profit and on the other 12% loss. His profit
or loss in the entire transaction was ?
Here , 12% = 25 ; If profit ⇒ CP = 25 and SP = (25+3) = 28
CP₁ : SP₁ ⇒ 25 : 28 = (25 : 28)×11 = 275 : 308
CP₂ : SP₂ ⇒ 25 : 22 = (25 : 22)×14 = 350 : 308
Now , Total SP ⇒ (308+308) = 616 ; T. CP ⇒ (350+275) = 625
Loss = (625 – 616) = 9 Then , Loss% = 616×100 = 1.44%
Another approach :
12 – 12 + = -1.44% [ - ve means loss%]
Profit & Loss Md. Helal Uddin - 01717462311

Q-21:A merchant buys two items for Tk. 7500. One item he
sells at a profit of 16% and the other item at 14% loss. In the
deal the merchant makes neither any profit nor any loss.
What is the difference between selling price of both the items?

Here , 16% of V₁ = 14% of V₂ ⇒ V₁ : V₂ = 7 : 8

Sum of the terms of the ratio of items ⇒ (7 + 8) = 15
Therefore , The cost price of V₁ ⇒ 7500×15 = Tk. 3500
The cost price of V₂ ⇒ (7500 – 3500) = Tk. 4000
29 43
Diff. Between SP of items ⇒3500 × − 4000 × = Tk. 620
25 50

Q-22 : An Item was bought at Tk. X and sold at Tk. Y, there

by earning a profit of 20%. Had the value of X been 15% less
and the value of Y been Tk. 76 less, a profit of 30 would have
been earned. What was the value of X?
Here , 30% = 10 Therefore , CP : SP ⇒ 10 : (10+3) = 10 : 13
Now , (100% - 15%) : (120% - 76) = 10 : 13
⇒ 1105% : 1200% - 760 ⇒ 95% = 760 ⇒ 100% = 800
Therefore , The value of X is Tk. 800 [Ans.]
Q-23 : A' bought a certain quantity of oranges at total cost of
Tk. 1200. He sold 1/3rd of those oranges at 20% loss. If A
earns an overall profit of 10%, at what percent profit did A
sell the rest of the oranges?
Here , 1×-20% + 2×P% = 3×10%
Profit & Loss Md. Helal Uddin - 01717462311

⇒ 2P% = 30% + 20% ⇒ 2P% = 50% ⇒ P% = 25% [Ans.]

Q-24 : A’ sold an article for Tk. 8000 and incurred a loss. Had
he sold the article for Tk. 9800, his gain would have been twice
the amount of loss. At what price should the article be sold to
earn 20% profit?
Here , 8000 + Loss = 9800 – 2×Loss
⇒ 3×Loss = 1800 ⇒ Loss = 600
Selling price ⇒ (8000+600)×5 = Tk. 10320 [Ans.]
Q-25 : A trader has 400 kg of rice; He sells a part of it at a
profit of 36% and remaining part at a loss of 24%. He overall
loses 12% in the whole transaction. Find the quantity of rice
sold at 24% loss.

Here , 36% of Q₁ - 24% of Q₂ = - 12% of (Q₁ + Q₂)

⇒ 48Q₁ = 12Q₂ ⇒ Q₁ : Q₂ = 1 : 4 = 80 : 320 [Sum→ 400]
Therefore , the quantity of rice sold at 24% loss is 320 kg [Ans.]
Q -26 : A trader has 600 kgs of rice, a part of which he sells at
15% profit and the remaining quantity at 20% loss. On the
whole, he incurs an overall loss of 6%. What is the quantity
of rice he sold at 20% loss?

Here , 15% of Q₁ - 20% of Q₂ = -6% (Q₁ + Q₂)

⇒ 21Q₁ = 14Q₂ ⇒ Q₁ : Q₂ = 2 : 3 = 240 : 360 [Sum – 600]
Profit & Loss Md. Helal Uddin - 01717462311

Therefore , The quantity of rice sold at 20% loss is 360 kg.[Ans.]

Q-27 : A good sells for Tk. 60. This price gives the seller a
profit of 20% on his cost. What will be the new retail price if
he cuts his profit to 12% of its cost?
[PKSF (AM)-2009-(Written)]
Applying multiplying factor concept :
5 28
60×6 × 25 = Tk. 56
Another approach :
CP : SP₁ ⇒ 5 : 6 = (5 : 6)×5 = 25 : 30
CP : SP₂ ⇒ 25 : 28
Now, 30 units ≡ Tk. 60 ; Then , 28 units ≡ Tk. 56 [Ans.]
Q-28 : The retail price of a product is tk. 21.60 per unit and
the profit at each of the producers level wholesalers level and
retailers level is 20%. Work out the per unit cost of
production of the item? [BDB-(SO)-2011(Written)]

Applying multiplying factor concept :

5 5 5
21.60×6 × 6 × 6 = Tk. 15 [Ans.]
Another approach :
CP₁ : SP₁ ⇒ 5 : 6 ⇒ (5 : 6)×5 = 25 : 30
CP₂ : SP₂ ⇒ 5 : 6 ⇒ (5 : 6)×6 = 30 : 36
Now , 36 units ≡ Tk. 21.60 ; Then , 25 units ≡ Tk. 15 [Ans.]
Profit & Loss Md. Helal Uddin - 01717462311

Q-29 : A seller incurs a loss of 15 percent when a table is sold

at taka 10200. At what price the table should be sold to make
a profit of 35%? [SEB Ltd. (PO)-2012(Written)]

Applying multiplying factor concept :

20 27
10200×17 × 20 = Tk. 16200 [Ans.]
Q-30 : In a certain store, the profit is 320% of the cost. If the
cost increases by 25% but the selling price remains constant,
approximately what percentage of the selling price is the
profit now? [Jamuna Bank Lid. (PO) -2012 (Written)]
Let , The cost price be Tk. 100
Then , Selling price ⇒ (100 + 320) i.e. Tk. 420
Increased cost price ⇒ (100 + 25) = 125
The selling price remains constant ,Therefore , SP = 420
Profit percentage of SP ⇒ ×100 = 70% [Approx.]

Q-31 : A man sells articles at a profit of 20%. If had bought it

at 20% less and sold it for Tk. 5 less, he would have gained
25%.Find the cost price of the article?
[BCB- (Junior Officer)-2008(Written)]
Here , 25% = 4 ; If profit ,Then , CP = 4 and SP = (4+1) = 5
Now , (100% - 20%) : (120% - 5) = 4 : 5
⇒ 400% = 480% - 20 ⇒ 80% = 20 ⇒ 100% = 25 [Ans.]
Profit & Loss Md. Helal Uddin - 01717462311

Q-32 : A milkman buys two cows for Rs. 3000. He sells first
cow at a profit of 22% and the second cow at a loss of 8%.
What is the SP of second cow if in the whole transaction there
is no profit no loss?
Here , 22% of CP₁ = 8% of CP₂
⇒ CP₁ : CP₂ = 4 : 11
11 23
Therefore , Selling price ⇒ 3000×15 × 25 = Rs. 2024 [Ans.]
Q-33 : Sum of CP’s of two cows is Rs. 39, 000. Both the cows
are sold at a profit of 20% and 40% respectively with their
SP’s being the same. What is the difference of CP’s of both
the cows?

CP₁ : SP₁ = 5 : 6 ⇒ (5 : 6)×7 = 35 : 42

CP₂ : SP₂ = 5 : 7 ⇒ (5 : 7)×6 = 30 : 42
Now , 65 Units ≡ Rs. 39000 ; Then , 5 units ≡ Rs. 3000 [Ans.]
Q-34 : A shopkeeper sells his gods at its CP only. But he uses
650 g weight at the place of 1000 g weight for a kg. What is his
net profit percentage?
Profit% ⇒ ×100 = 53(11/13)% [Ans.]

Q-35 : A seller calculated his intended selling price at 6%

profit on the cost of a product. However, owing to some
mistake while selling, the units and tens digits of the selling
price got interchanged. This reduced the profit by Rs. 180 and
Profit & Loss Md. Helal Uddin - 01717462311

profit percentage to 2.4%. What is the cost price of the


Now , (6 - 2.4)% = 180 ; Then , 100% = 5000

Another approach :
CP₁ : SP₁ = 50 : 53 = 250 : 265
CP₂ : SP₂ = 125: 128 = 250 : 256
Now , (15 - 6) i.e 9 units ≡ 180 ; Then , 250 part ≡ 5000 [Ans.]
Q-36 : Jim sells a book to Carrey at a profit of 20% and
Carrey sells this book to Sid at a profit of 25%. Now Sid sells
this book at a loss of 10% to Simba. At what percentage loss
should Simba sells this book now so that his SP becomes equal
to Jim’s CP?
CP₁ : SP₁ = 5 : 6 ⇒ (5 : 6)×4 = 20 : 24
CP₂ : SP₂ = 4 : 5 ⇒ (4 : 5)×6 = 24 : 30
CP₃ : SP₃ =10 : 9 ⇒ (10 : 9)×3 = 30 : 27
So , Cost price of Simba is 27
Therefore , loss% ⇒ 27 i.e. 25.92% [Ans.]
Q-37 : A fruit vendor professes to sell fruits at the cost price,
but uses false weights. He gains 40% in this manner. What
weight does he substitute for one kilogram?
Profit & Loss Md. Helal Uddin - 01717462311

5 2
Now , 1000×7 = 7147 gm [Ans.]
Q-38 : A shopkeeper marks up his goods by 20% and then
gives a discount of 20%. Besides he cheats both his supplier
and customer by 100 g, i.e., he takes 1100 g from his supplier
and sells only 900 g to his customer. What is his net profit
percentage? (Rounded off to two decimal points)
Applying multiplying factor concept :
6 4 11
100×5 × 5 × = 117.33

Therefore , profit% ⇒ (117.33 – 100) = 17.33% [Ans.]

Q-39 :A man would gain 25% by selling a chair for Rs. 47.5
and would gain 15% by selling a table for Rs. 57.5. He sells
the chair for Rs. 45; what is the least price for which he must
sell the table to avoid any loss on the two together?

4 20
Chair : Table ⇒ 47.5×5 : 57.5×23 = 38 : 50
Here , Given No profit , No loss , Therefore , SP equal to CP
Hence , Selling price of table ⇒ [(38+50) - 45] = 43 [Ans.]
Q-40 : A bookseller marks his books at an advance of 69% on
the actual cost of production He allows a discount of 15% and
also given a copy free for every dozen sold a time. What rate
per cent profit does the book seller make, if books are sold in
lots of 24? (find the approximate value)
Profit & Loss Md. Helal Uddin - 01717462311

Applying multiplying factor concept :

17 24
169×20 × 25 − 100 = 37.904% ≈ 38% [Ans.]
Q-41 : If goods be purchased for 450 and one third be sold at
loss of 10% at what gain percent should the remainder be sold
so as to gain 20% on the whole transaction?

Now , 2×P% - 1×10% = 3×20%

⇒ 2×P% = 70% ⇒ P% = 35% [Ans.]
Another solution :
Now , 90% of 1/3 + (100 + P)% of 2/3 = 120% ⇒ P = 35%
Q-42 : A shopkeeper marks an article at such a price that
after allowing a discount of 30% on the tag price (including
tax) he makes a profit of 40%. If the tag price of the article
including tax is tk 460, then the cost price of that article is
Applying multiplying factor concept :
7 5
460×10 × 7 = Tk. 230 [Ans.]
Q-43: A dishonest trader marks up his goods by 80% and
gives discount of 25%. Besides he gets 20% more amount per
kg from wholesaler and sells 10% less per kg to customer.
What is the overall profit percentage?

Applying multiplying factor concept :

Profit & Loss Md. Helal Uddin - 01717462311

9 3 6 10
100×5 × 4 × 5 × = 180

Therefore , Profit% = (180 – 100) = 80% [Ans.]

Q-44 : Sum of CP’s of two cows is Rs. 13, 000. Both the cows
are sold at a profit of 20% and 40% respectively with their
SP’s being the same. What is the difference of CP’s of both
the cows?

CP₁ : SP₁ = 5 : 6 ⇒ (5 : 6)×7 = 35 : 42

CP₂ : SP₂ = 5 : 7 ⇒ (5 : 7)×6 = 30 : 42 [Selling price is equal]
Now, (35+30) i.e. 65 units ≡ Tk. 13000
Then ,(35-30) i.e. 5 units ≡ Tk. 1000 [Ans.]
Q-45 : A seller calculated his intended selling price at 6%
profit on the cost of a product. However owing to some
mistake while selling, the units and tens digits of the selling
price got interchanged. This reduced the profit by Rs. 9 and
profit percentage 2.4%. What is the cost price of the product?

Now , (6-2.4)% i.e. 3.6% ≡ 9 ; 100% ≡ Tk. 250 [Ans.]

Q-46 : A dishonest dealer marks up the price of his goods by
20% and gives a discount of 10% to the customer. He also uses
a 900 gram weigh instead of 1 kilogram weight. Find his
percentage profit due to these ?
Profit & Loss Md. Helal Uddin - 01717462311

Applying multiplying factor :

6 9 1000
100×5 × 10 × = 120

Therefore , profit% ⇒ ( 120 - 100 ) = 20% [Ans.]

Q-47 : Ravi ate in a restaurant and got a membership
discount of 30% on the original bill amount but he had to pay
10% as service tax and 8% service charge on the discounted
bill amount. If Ravi paid Rs.4,743, which included a tip of
Rs.200, how much money did he give as service charge?

Applying multiplying factor concept :

50 2
4543×59 × 25 = Rs. 308 [Ans.]
Q-48 : A shopkeeper labelled the price of his articles so as to
earn a profit of 30% on the cost price. He then sold the articles
by offering a discount of 10% on the labelled price. What is
the actual percent profit earned in the deal?

Applying multiplying factor concept :

13 9
100× × = 117
10 10

Therefore , profit% ⇒ (117-100) = 17% [Ans.]

Q-49 : A shopkeeper sells 25 articles at tk.45 per article after

giving 10% discount and earns 50% profit.If the discount is
not given the profit gained is-
Profit & Loss Md. Helal Uddin - 01717462311

MP : CP = 5 : 3 ; Without discount selling price ⇒ 5

Therefore , profit% ⇒ 3 i.e. 66.67% [Ans.]
Q-50 : While selling a watch, a shopkeeper gives a discount of
15%. If he gives a discount of 20% he earns Rs.51 less as
profit. What is the original price of the watch?

ATQ , 85% of MP - 80% of MP = 51

⇒ 5% of MP = 51 ⇒ MP = = Tk. 1020 [Ans.]


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