Covid 19 PDF

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n s:, Covid-19

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CoV id-1 9 : ca rona-virus-dl1i sease of 2019


Q-2: •l:dili dJil:tfl4 CUI ~

, a ) -,i;ndemlc
b) Epidemic
c) Endemic
d) Sporadic
Q-14: cti)<lcii1a1:q=(~ ~ .n.:.1tl * =t:iaiftlc1 t?I
'-.e MERS ~
c) 3q:qcfa ~
d) ~ * ~ -nff
Q-1 1: q,){)a11 Ql4,(.ff ~ ifR '# .:itldl,(l\cfi cfi,(crl ; ~ I
go og le .t 411rt ffl rt41 clit.ff l$C: ~ff\
_, fc\;41 t?

'-a t ..--Go og le. com / cov id- 19
b) Go og le. com / cor on a
c) Go og le. com I cor on avi rus
d) No ne of the se
Q-10: Coronavirus cl;" ~ '# a1c11;ct\cfi cfi;c.rl cl;" Felv
WhatsApp ;t 3ti{d '# ciil;r-ffl <G'tt.1;c ellril
fc\;:q1 t?
a) WhatsApp news
b )~ hatsApp go
'-..%) WhatsApp chatbot
d) WhatsApp live
Q-9: lnstagram ol" Corona Virus cl;-~'# - -
a1c11;ct\q; q;;ccrt cli- 1irv ~-~ <Rl=a;c 611• ii ~:q1
a) lnstagram TV
b) lnsttrgram news
~ C-)~ stagram feed
d) lnstagram Go Corona
Ans: 10 f116fl:qit siei<
SAARC: South Asian Association for Regional Cooperatiio n

Headquarters: Kathmandu, Nepal

{4fitu1 C!ftlql~ ~;ftq =ttt;cila, ;aa1oii)
President: Amzad Hussain (Pakistan)

.ft4+:4 ~T: lti<d, aia;.1a~r, Aq1;., l(ei-4, ~6icfil, lllelcfld, q1~fdltrt

trci" 31q,a11f.l-H1iil
Q-8: 3U<d # ( SA AR C CO VI D~-1~ $1i<a';dl cfis if
fcli d crft :a $14 d I ~ 4 -l if f £ii II o11 cCI' t,

v ·><o f1I efmcrt 1stsiim,i<

b) 1 oof11~:ttcr
c) 25 f1I efl:qcr1 sii,i<
d) 50 f11~:ttcrt sii,i=(
I ,= •I
Ans : ~"41011

Capital: Chandigarh
ef m in is te r: M a n o h a r Lal K h a tt a r
Ans : W H O

W H O - W or ld H ea lth O rg an iz at io n

Fo rm at io n: 7 A pr il 19 48
Chief mini ster: Ama rinde r Singh
Gove rnor: V. P. Singh Badn ore

C ~-: VA
C.oro n• V4rus Al~rt
Ans: SARS- Cov-2

• SARS-Cov-2: Severe acute respiratory syndrome

coronavirus 2
SARS-CoV 2 Structure
Spl,ae (S-1 & $ 2 , . _

lt iCWW4 ( M )

c,, 1! 01N ( IEl -

( • - - . - JOlli> en i.,,gd,} ••••


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