Materi 3 Tenses PDF

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With Count-Noun With Uncount-Noun

Another + singular Noun (one more) _
Another book : one more book
The other + singular noun (last of the set) _
The other book: the last pencil present
Other + plural noun ( more of the set) Other+non-count noun (more of the set)
Other pencils : some more pencils Other water : some more water
The other + plural noun (the rest of the The other + non-count noun (all the rest)
set) The other water : the remaining water
The other pencils : all remaining pencils
NOTE : Another and Other are not specific; meanwhile, the other is specific.
I don’t want this book, please give me another (another one).
(another : any other book, not specific book)
I don’t want this book, please give me the other (the other one).
(The other: the other book, specific book)
This chemical is poisonous, others are poisonous too.
(others: other chemicals, not specific)
I don’t want these books, please give me the others (the other ones)
(The others: the other books, specific)
• Tenses and Aspects
1. Simple presents : He goes to school everyday
2. Simple past: he went to school yesterday
3. Present Progressive (continuous): He is going to school right now
4. Past Progressive (continuous): He was going to school when he
saw his old friend.
5. Present Perfect: he has gone to school several times
6. Past Perfect : he had gone to school before he hurt his foot.
Simple tense (V1) Past Tense (V2) Past participle (V3) Present Participle (Ving)
Watch watched watched watching
walk Walked walked walking
cook cooked cooked cooking
study Studied studied studying
talk talked talked talking

Simple tense (V1) Past Tense (V2) Past participle (V3) Present Participle (Ving)
eat ate eaten eating
begin Began begun beginning
read read read reading
buy bought bought buying
catch caught caught catching
break broke broken breaking
Simple Present Tense (S+V/s/es+O/C+M)
Used to express or indicate regular or habitual expression
Examples: We go to school everyday
Andi watches TV every night
They usually go to the gym every
Subject Verbweek
(simple present tense)
• Kapan
He/She/It/ Andi/Ani/A dog/kita perlu menambahkan
A book/The cat/ s/es pada V+s/es
the student
I/ We/They/ You/ Andi & Ani/ The dogs/ Three V
cats/ All students/
Stative Verbs
• Know love appear Need
• Understand see like Hate
• Have seem smell
• want taste Believe
• wish sound Hear
• It is almost never used in the present continuous or past continuous tense
Example: Hera understands the problem now (stative verb)
The tea tastes delicious (stative verb)
We love to drink a cup of coffee every morning (stative verb)
Present Continuous Tense (S + is/am/are (To be) + Ving+O/C+M)

• Used to indicate present time (now)

Ex: We are studying English right now.
Budi is watching a music contest now.
• Can also be used to indicate future time
Ex: We are leaving for Lombok tomorrow
I am flying to Jakarta tomorrow.
Subject To be
He/She/It/ Andi/Ani/A dog/ A book/The is
cat/ the student
I am
We/They/ You/ Andi & Ani/ The dogs/ are
Three cats/ All students/
Choose either simple or present tense in these sentences.
1. Something ___(smell) very good. (smell)
2. Jorge __ (swim) right now. (is swimming)
3. Abdul __ (hate) smoke. (hate)
4. I always___ (get) up at 5.00 am. (get)
5. My mother ___ (mow) the lawn now. (is mowing)
6. We ___(believe) him. (believe)
7. They ___ (drive) to school tomorrow. (are driving)
8. My brother and my father ___ (play) football now. (are playing)
Simple Past Tense (S+V2+O/C+M)
• To indicate completed action that happened in one
specific time
Ex: We did our homework last night
Arya went to Japan two months ago
Budi and I drove to the grocery last night
My father cooked dinner for us Saturday night.

Keterangan waktu :
• Last….. (year, month, week, etc)
• …. (two days, a week, a month, two years) ago
• Yesterday
Past Continuous Tense (S + was/were + Ving +
O/C + M)
• to indicate action which was occurring in the past and was interrupted by another
When + S1 + past tense + S2 + past continuous
Ex: When my father came home, I was watching TV.
S1 + past continuous tense + when + S2 + past tense
Ex: I was watching TV when my father came home
• To indicate two actions occuring in the same time in the past.
While + S1 + past continuous + S2 + past continuous
Ex: While John was reading a book, we were watching Netflix.
S1 + past continuous + While + S2 + past continuous
Ex: We were watching Netflix while John was reading a book
S1 + past continuous + While + S2 + past tense
Ex: We were watching Netflix while John read a book
• To indicate an action which was occurring at specific time in the past
Ex: Tono was playing PUBG at 8 pm last night.
My sister was studying at 7 o’clock yesterday morning
Subject To be
I/He/She/It/ Andi/Ani/A dog/ A book/The was
cat/ the student
We/They/ You/ Andi & Ani/ The dogs/ were
Three cats/ All students/

Exercise simple past tense & past continuous tense

Choose either simple past or past progressive tense in these sentences.
1. Ari ___ (eat) dinner when his friend called. (was eating)
2. While Rita was cleaning the apartment, her friend ___ (sleep). (was
3. At three o’clock in the morning, Elisa___ (study). (was studying)
4. John ___(go) to France last year. (went)
5. While Budi was writing the report, Hendri and Rara ___ (look) for more
information. (were looking)

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