002 Garcia-Padilla Vs Enrile

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The other four (4) detainees herein, namely: Imelda de los Santos, Eufronio
Garcia-Padilla v. Enrile (CARMIE) Ortiz, Jr., Juanito Granada, and Bienvenida Garcia, were arrested on the
No. L-61388 | April 20, 1983| Fernando,C.J. | Statutes, in general following day, July 7, 1982 by the same PC team.
4. On July 15, 1982, Tom Vasquez was arrested, and his Volkswagen car,
PETITIONER: JOSEFINA GARCIA- PADILLA, et al. bearing Plate No. DAP 347, was seized by the PC authorities.
RESPONDENTS: MINISTER JUAN PONCE ENRILE, et al. 5. The (14) detainees were all detained at the PC/INP Command Headquarters,
Bayombong, Nueva Viscaya until their transfer to an Nueva Vizcaya from
SUMMARY: The case is an application for the issuance of the Presidential July 6, 1982 until their transfer on the morning of August 10, 1982 to an
Commitment Order on behalf of 14 detainees. Sabino Padilla and 8 others out of undisclosed place reportedly to Camp Crame.
the 14 detainees were then having a conference in the dining room at Dr. 6. Hence, this petition for the writ of habeas corpus and mandamus filed by
Parong's residence. Prior thereto, all the 14 detainees were under surveillance as Josefina Garcia-Padilla, mother of detained petitioner Sabino G. Padilla, Jr.
they were then identified as members of the Communist Party of the Philippines. on August 13, 1982
engaging in subversive activities. They were arrested and later transferred to a 7. The mandamus aspect of the instant petition has, however, become moot
facility only the PCs know, hence, the present petition of Josefina, mother of and academic, the whereabouts of petitioners having already become known
Sabina, for writ of habeas corpus. to petitioner Josefina Garcia-Padilla.
8. Petitioners’ allegations:
DOCTRINE: a. Nowhere in said warrant was authority given to make arrests,
much less detention
“the function of Court is merely to check—not to supplant—the Executive, or to b. The search warrant which authorized respondents to seize
ascertain merely whether he has gone beyond the constitutional limits of his “subversive documents, firearms of assorted calibers, medicine and
jurisdiction, not to exercise the power vested in him or to determine the wisdom other subversive paraphernalia” in the house and clinic of Dra.
of his act.” Aurora Parong was a roving and general warrant and is, therefore,
illegal per se because it does not state specifically the things
The President’s decision to suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus is
that are to be seized (Stonehill vs. Diokno, 20 SCRA 383)
“final and conclusive upon the courts, and all other persons.” This well-settled
ruling was diluted in the Lansang case which declared that the “function of the c. No criminal charges have as of yet been filed against any of the
Court is merely to check—not to supplant—the Executive, or ascertain merely detainees; that the fourteen (14) detainees were initially held at the
whether he has gone beyond the constitutional limits of his jurisdiction not to PC/INP Command in Bayombong, Nueva Viscaya from July 6 up
exercise the power vested in him or to determine the wisdom of his act.” to August 10, 1982, but were subsequently transferred by
helicopter in the morning of August 10, 1982 to a place or
safehouse known only to respondents
d. No judgment, decree, decision or order from a court of law
FACTS: which would validate the continued detention of the petitioner
1. The records show that nine (9) of the fourteen (14) detainees herein were
e. While it is true that a purported telegram stating the issuance of a
arrested on July 6, 1982 at about 1:45 p.m. when three (3) teams of the
Presidential Commitment Order (PCO) was shown to the detainees
PC/INP of Bayombong, Nueva Viscaya led by Lt. Col. Coronel, 1st Lt. de
on or about July 11 and 12, 1982, but counsel and the detainees
Guzman and 1st Lt. Baria, after securing a Search Warrant No. S-82 issued
have not yet been given a copy of such PCO, nor notified of its
by Judge Sofronio Sayo of the Court of First Instance of Nueva Viscaya
contents, raising a doubt whether such commitment order has in
conducted a raid at the residence of Dra. Aurora Parong.
fact been issued
2. Apprehended during the said raid were Dra. Aurora Parong, Benjamin
f. It is further alleged that respondents are denying the detainees
Pineda, Sabino Padilla, Francisco Divinagracia, Zenaida Mallari, Letty
their constitutional right to counsel, averring that the detainees
Ballogan, Norberto Portuguese, and Mariano Soriano who were then having
were during their period of detention from July 6 to August 10,
a conference in the dining room of Dra. Parong’s residence which had been
1982 at the PC/INP Command in Bayombong, Nueva Viscaya.
doing on since 10:00 a.m. of that same day.
committing, or is about to commit an offense in his presence.
ISSUE/s: 5. The arrest of persons involved in the rebellion whether as its
1. WoN petitioners' detention is legal – YES fighting armed elements, or for committing non-violent acts but in
2. WoN the issuance of a Presidential Commitment Order (PCO) has provided
furtherance of the rebellion, is more an act of capturing them in
the legal basis of the detention of herein detainees following their arrest for
Proclamation No. 2045 covered offenses – NO ANSWER (This Court is not the course of an armed conflict, to quell the rebellion, than for
possessed with the attribute of infallibility that when it reviews the acts of the purpose of immediately prosecuting them in court for a
the President in the exercise of his exclusive power, for possible fault of statutory offense. The arrest, therefore, need not follow the usual
arbitrariness, it would not itself go so far as to commit the self-same fault.) procedure in the prosecution of offenses which requires the
determination by a judge of the existence of probable cause before
the issuance of a judicial warrant of arrest and the granting of bail
RULING: The instant petition should be, as it is hereby dismissed. “We hold that
if the offense is bailable.
upon the issuance of the Presidential Commitment Order against herein petitioners,
their continued detention is rendered valid and legal, and their right to be released
even after the filing of charges against them in court, to depend on the President,
who may order the release of a detainee or his being placed under house arrest, as he Whether or not the issuance of a Presidential Commitment Order (PCO) has
has done in meritorious cases.” provided the legal basis of the detention of herein detainees following their arrest
for Proclamation No. 2045 covered offenses
RATIO: 1. The function of the PCO is to validate, on constitutional ground, the
Whether or not petitioners' detention is legal. detention of a person for any of the offenses covered by Proclamation
1. Prior thereto to the arrest, the detainees were identified as members No. 2045 which continues in force the suspension of the privilege of
of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CCP) engaging in the writ of habeas corpus, if the arrest has been made initially without
any warrant. Its legal effect is to render the writ unavailing as a means
subversive activities and using the house of detainee Dra. Aurora
of judicially inquiring into the legality of the detention in view of the
Parong in Bayombong, Nueva Viscaya, as their headquarters. suspension of the privilege of the writ. The grant of the power to
2. Caught in flagrante delicto, the nine (9) detainees mentioned suspend the said privilege provides the basis for continuing with perfect
scampered towards different directions leaving on top of their legality the detention as long as the invasion or rebellion has not been
conference table numerous subversive documents, periodicals, repelled or quelled, and the need therefor in the interest of public safety
pamphlets, books, correspondence, stationaries, and other papers, continues.
including a plan on how they would infiltrate the youth and student 2. The significance of the conferment of this power, constitutionally upon
the President as Commander-in-Chief, is that the exercise thereof is not
sector (code-named YORK).
subject to judicial inquiry, with a view to determining its legality in the
3. Also found were one (1) .38 cal. revolver with eight (8) live light of the bill of rights guarantee to individual freedom.
bullets, nineteen (19) rounds of ammunition for M16 armalite, 3. Reverting to the ruling of Montenegro vs. Castaneda that the
eighteen thousand six hundred fifty pesos (P18,650.00) cash President's decision to suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas
believed to be CPP/NPA funds, assorted medicine packed and corpus is "final and conclusive upon the courts, and all other persons."
ready for distribution, and sizeable quantity of printing 4. Under LOI 1211, a Presidential Commitment Order, the issuance of
which is the exclusive prerogative of the President under the
paraphernalia, which were then seized.
Constitution, may not be declared void by the courts, under the
4. There is no doubt that circumstances attendant in the arrest of the doctrine of "political question," as has been applied in the Baker and
herein detainees fall under a situation where arrest is lawful even Castaneda cases, on any ground, let alone its supposed violation of the
without a judicial warrant as specifically provided for under provision of LOI 1211, thus diluting, if not abandoning, the doctrine of
Section 6(a), Rules 113 of the Rules of Court and allowed under the Lansang case.
existing jurisprudence on the matter. As provided therein, a peace 5. The supreme mandate received by the President from the people and
officer or a private person may, without a warrant, arrest a person his oath to do justice to every man should be sufficient guarantee,
without need of judicial overseeing, against commission by him of an
when the person to be arrested has committed or actually
act of arbitrariness in the discharge particularly of those duties imposed
upon him for the protection of public safety which in itself includes the
protection of life, liberty and property. This Court is not possessed
with the attribute of infallibility that when it reviews the acts of the
President in the exercise of his exclusive power, for possible fault of
arbitrariness, it would not itself go so far as to commit the self-
same fault.

Invoking the Lansang Case

1. The Lansang case went no further than to pronounce the suspension of
the writ of the privilege of habeas corpus on August 21, 1971, valid and
constitutional, on a finding that there was no arbitrariness attendant to
the suspension.

2. It never intended to suggest that for every individual case of arrest and
detention, the writ of habeas corpus is available, even after the
suspension of this privilege, to question the legality of the arrest and
detention on ground of arbitrariness. When a person is charged in court
for an ordinary offense, the law does not authorize the filing of a
petition for habeas corpus based on the ground that there is absolutely
no evidence to hold him for trial, which, in effect, constitutes an
allegation of arbitrariness in the filing of the case against him. The law
has afforded him adequate safeguards against arbitrariness, such as the
requirement of determining the existence of a probable cause by the
judge before the issuance of the warrant of arrest.

3. The finding of such probable cause may not be immediately brought for
review by this Court in a habeas corpus proceeding, on the claim of

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