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Characters in Noli Me Tangere

 Juan Crisostomo Ibarra y Magsalin (Ibarra)

Ibarra is a wealthy mestizo who has just returned to the Philippines after seven years of studying in
Europe. His father, the equally idealistic Don Rafael, was labeled a subversive and a heretic by the corrupt
priesthood and incarcerated. Ibarra hopes to create a school in San Diego in order to carry out his father's
dreams and ideals.
 Maria Clara
María Clara is the biological daughter of Father Dámaso, the product of a scandalous relationship
between the old priest and Capitan Tiago's wife. She grew up alongside Ibarra and planned to marry him,
but her father disapproved of the union. She refuses to marry Linares and joins a convent when she hears
of his apparent death.
 Father Damaso

Father Dámaso is an old, power-hungry, and shamelessly corrupt Spanish priest who has lived
among the native Filipinos for nearly two decades. He is deeply racist, as well as petty and vindictive, and
thinks nothing of using his considerable influence to ruin the lives of those who have slighted him.

 Elias

A mysterious character, Elías is a man on the run from the law who resents both the Spanish
colonial government and the Catholic Church.

 Father Salvi

A younger, more cunning Spanish priest who assumes control over Father Damaso's post as friar
curate of San Diego. He is a more gifted strategist who uses his religious role for political influence as well
as personal vendettas.

 Captain Tiago (Don Santiago de los Santos)

Capitan Tiago is a wealthy Filipino who is native-born. He keeps close ties with high-ranking
members of the Catholic Church. His primary concern is to marry off his daughter, María Clara, to an
affluent man.

 Doña Consolacion

Doña Consolación is an older Filipina woman who is ashamed of her heritage. She pretends to be
unable to speak Tagalog, her own native language.

 Don Rafael Ibarra

A critic of the corrupt practices of the Spanish friars, he earns the ire of Father Dámaso, who
accuses him of sedition and heresy. He dies in prison before his name can be cleared.
 Crispin

Crispín is a young boy studying to be a church caretaker. He is blamed for stealing money from the
church coffers by the head sexton and is kept a virtual prisoner until the debt is paid.

 Basilio

Basilio is Crispin's older brother. Like his younger brother, he works as a sexton. Basilio makes a
desperate run for their home the night Crispín is dragged away. The following day, the Civil Guard comes
looking for him and his brother.

 Doctor Tiburcio de Espadaña

Doctor Tiburcio de Espadaña was actually a customs officer who was dismissed from his post.
Despite having no medical experience, he travels the countryside posing as a doctor.

 Lt. Guevara

A morally upright man of Spanish descent who holds both Crisostomo Ibarra and the late Don
Rafael in high esteem, he is also the lieutenant of the Civil Guard.

 Linares

The nephew of Dr. De Espadana, a decent young man. Like his uncle, he has forged his certificate
and aims through the social ranks.

 Don Filipo (Filipo Lino)

Don Filipo Lino is a representative of the younger, less religiously shackled generation of movers
and shakers in San Diego. He despises the idea of spending lavish amounts of money on the numerous
feast days.

 Sisa

The long-suffering mother of sextons Crispin and Basilio goes mad upon the loss of her sons.
Impoverished and married to a violent drunkard, she is allied only with her sons

 Father Sibyla

Father Sibyla is a priest serving in the Binondo district in the city of Manila. He is an adept and
shrewd orator who antagonizes the pompous Father Damaso.

 Aunt Isabel

A cousin of Capitan Tiago who raised Maria Clara as her own child after her mother’s untimely
 Old Tasio (Don Anastasio)
An old man who previously studied philosophy and is believed to be crazy by most of the community .

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