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• The transition from an idea to a viable business

26. ____ speaks the totality of the brand

• Logo
• Advertisement
• Tagline
• Brand equity

25. Which of the statement below is true

• The business remains static all times

• As you grow and change, so will your business
• There are no equation with adaptable structure that will fit your business through the ups and down
• The business changes only at regular well-defined intervals

24.______ are high net worth individuals who invest their own money at early stages of a start-up’s life

• Family and friend

• Venture capitalists
• Banks
• Angels

23. Expansion can be partnered with diversification since a company in a scaling model will expand to

• Verticals
• Geographies
• All of the above
• New markets

22. A test trial allows for a prospective customer to

• Try the product when not out in the market

• Try your company product or services for a set duration of time
• Try the product in the developmental stages
• Both a &c

21. Solution channels from the solution (so) model element is

• Most cost-efficient ways to reach out to customers

• Research to identify a market
• Solution to problems beings faced by customers
• Research for target audience

20. The boulder thesis is defined as follows

• The start-up community must be inclusive of anyone who wants to participate in it

• The leader must have a long term commitment
• All of the above
• Entrepreneurs must lead the starts –up community

19. There are specific____ that every business will have in them

• Modules
• Both a&b
• Elements
• None of the above
18. Growth hacking is a program with one absolute focus. That is

• Planning
• Recruiting
• Growth
• Hacking

17. Sensory branding includes

• All of the above

• Voice
• Touch, taste /smell
• Sound

16. Brand identity elements are

• Positing, tagline
• Logo, name
• All of the above
• Colour, tagline

15. The performer leader

• Craves freedom
• Great critical power
• Leads by example
• Loves the spotlight

14. Customer experience personas are

• First time customer

• Unhappy customer
• Ideal customer
• Potential customers

13. Value preposition (vap) from the solution (so) model element is

• Value of the employee

• Values you deliver to the customer by solving a specific problem they have with a certain product or service
• Value of the technology
• Value of the product

12.there are many components to _____ inclusing card sorting, tree testing, eye tracking, focus group, A/B testing,
surveys, interviews contextual inquiry and heuristic evaluation

• All of the above

• Usability testing
• Behavioural testing
• Benchmarking

11. We now share knowledge and create content collaboratively

• In a variety of environment
• Only with colleagues we must
• Only in a strict formal surrounding
• Only in an office environment

10. Resources diversification

• Both b&c
• Creates confusion in the market
• May offer another potential scaling strategy
• Extends your reach

9.______ all contributes to ever more rapid change

• Globalization, technology, and economic influence

• Socialist economic influence
• globalisation, industrialization
• Agriculture and in-ward looking economic influence

8. Positioning of a brand

• The kind of store it will be placed in

• The specific position in the store
• None of the above
• Is the unique value of the product to the customer?

7. The funding cluster are group of individual that help fund a business at various stages of its lifecycle. Funds raised
through friends and family provide

• None of the above

• For the established start-ups
• Funds for marketing
• Seed capital

6. Liquid force is

• Both a& b
• An employee bur working remotely
• Freelance worker
• Individual hired on a project basis

5. Strategic foresight is the practice of creating

• A functional view of the future, or future events and possibilities, in such a way as to take full advantage of
• A functional view of the culture, or future events and possibilities to prepare for any possible adversity
• Both a& b
• None of the above

4. Individual in the talent clouds are

• Specialist with varied experience

• Can be hired as per the need and requirement
• Specialist
• All the above

3. The ________ can visualize the possibilities and translate the vision into wireframes for the technical engineer

• Developer
• Business developer
• Domain expert
• Creative, designer

2. funding that relies on financing from a large pool of backers usually made online through a web platform is
• Venture capitalist
• Boot strapping
• Crowd funding
• Family and friends

1. Some are forced to become entrepreneur. Reasons being

• Passion
• Because everyone is doing
• Both a& b
• Necessity

30. A test trial allows for a prospective customer to

• Try your company’s product or service for a set duration of time

• Try the product in the developmental stage
• Try the product when not out in the market yet
• Both a and c

29. SEO, email, direct marketing, social media are

• Marketing tool
• Both a&b
• Places to find your audience
• Business plan tool

28. What makes an idea unique?

• Just one of a kind idea

• The simplicity of an idea
• Idea and how you connect the need, the opportunity and eventually the execution will make your version
• The usage of the idea

27. The performer leader

• Craves freedom
• Leads by example
• Great critical power
• Loves the spotlight

26. GEM found that over a three-and-half year of period, 126 million women started or ran business and 98 million
operated established business. GEM is

• Global economic monitor

• Global enterprise model
• Gleneagles entrepreneurship monitor
• Global entrepreneurship monitor

25. Elements of a great idea are

• All of the above’

• Uniqueness
• Need and opportunity
• Simplicity and vision
24. We now share knowledge and create content collaboratively

• Only in a strict formal surrounding

• In a variety of environment
• Only in an office environment
• Only with colleagues we trust

23.____ are high net worth individual who invest their own money at early stages of a start up’s life

• Venture capitalist
• Angels
• Family and friends
• Banks

22.____ are the powerful allies that are there for you and provide advice, perpective and guidance that transform you.

• Friends
• Advisor
• Lawyers
• Mentors

21. Bundling can occur with

• The same product only

• Only a company’s own product
• A company’s own products/services, other companies products/services, or a combination of both
• Complimentary products only

20. Some are forced to become entrepreneur reason are

• Passion
• Because everyone else is doing
• Both a and b
• Necessity

19. The essentialist entrepreneurs are essentially

• Need based entrepreneurs where the key is necessity

• Looks at the largest interest of the society
• May need extra income for household
• Both a&b

18. Which of the characteristics below holds true for an entrepreneur

• Ability to take calculated risk

• Take a path where others will not tread
• Both a and b
• Prefer to follow a template

17. The boulder thesis is defined as follows

• The start-up community must be inclusive of anyone who wants to participate in it

• The leader must have a long term commitment
• All of the above
• Entrepreneurs must lead the starts –up community
16. Positioning of a brand

• The kind of store it will be placed in

• The specific position in the store
• None of the above
• Is the unique value of the product to the customer

15. Solution channels from the solution (so) model element is

• Most cost-efficient ways to reach out to customers

• Research to identify a market
• Solution to problems beings faced by customers
• Research for target audience

14. The phase- 1- original industrial revolution was between

• 1000-1500
• 1750-1870
• 1700-1750
• 1800-1850

13. Liquid force is

• Both a& b
• An employee bur working remotely
• Freelance worker
• Individual hired on a project basis

12. Values (val), symbol (sym), balance (bal) are all

• Peripheral cultural system

• Personal culture elements
• Addictive culture elements
• Core culture elements

11. Dashboard provides

• Great for prediction of growth

• The visualization of this information in ways that are easy to use and support taking action
• None of the above
• Gives figure only

10. Sensory branding includes

• All of the above

• Voice
• Touch, taste /smell
• Sound

9. A landing page is

• The entire website

• A single page on a website dedicated to a specific promotion or deal that the company is offering
• The home page
• None of the above

8. mip as an innovation method element provide for

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