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Fresh Start 
Welcome to Ketogenic Dieters. We’re happy you found us!
Any information given here is opinion/interpretation based on the work of primarily Phinney & Volek. The owner
and admin team of Ketogenic Dieters are neither doctors nor licensed dietitians. Any information provided in the
group or via private message from the team should not be considered professional nor medical advice. Please
consult your physician before making any major dietary/supplemental shifts, or in the event of an illness.

What is the Ketogenic Dieters Facebook Group?

This group was created to teach and support people seeking to lose fat and/or gain health through a balanced whole
foods-based approach to a Ketogenic way of eating. It provides a guideline and many resources to help you find success
in this new lifestyle. This group is a community of people in various stages of living this lifestyle, and is a place where
people can feel comfortable coming to educate themselves, sharing successes, and asking questions.
What is Nutritional Ketosis?
Nutritional Ketosis, as defined by Dr. Stephen Phinney, is “That level [of carbohydrate restriction] below which there is a
fundamental shift...away from glucose as a primary fuel. This shift is the adaptation of the body’s hormonal set and
inter-organ fuel exchange to allow most of your daily energy needs to be met by fat, either directly as fatty acids or
indirectly by ketone bodies made from fat.” (Phinney, S., The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living). Basically,
when you lower your carbohydrate intake enough, your body stops using sugar and starts using fat for fuel.

What’s special about this version of the Ketogenic Diet?

A Ketogenic Diet is one that restricts carbohydrates to a level at which nutritional ketosis occurs. That means that your
body is using fat instead of carbohydrates (sugar) for fuel. Ketosis doesn’t happen because you eat fat. It happens
because you restrict carbohydrates. This group has chosen to follow a program that takes what is effective about the
Medical Ketogenic diet (reduced carbohydrate intake to induce a state of nutritional ketosis), and has focused on the
aspect that makes it helpful for fat loss (moderate fat intake in order to encourage your body to use its own fat stores).

How do I do this diet?

To be successful with the plan this group provides, we suggest the following:
1. Read this document, and, when you’re ready, study the additional information in the Resources section (page
16), on our blog (link at the bottom of this page), and read threads posted within the group.* We have reading
material, as well as videos for the visual learner. It’s okay if you feel like you’re reading gibberish at first – just
make the effort, and you’ll eventually understand.
2. Find your macros on the chart provided within this post.
3. Review information provided on electrolyte supplementation, and make arrangements to begin meeting your
electrolyte needs as soon as you start the diet. This encourages success and reduces the risk of negative
side effects such as the “keto flu”, that can happen as your body heals and changes.
4. Obtain a kitchen scale so you can measure all of your food. This may seem excessive, but it will help you
understand proper portion sizes, and is especially helpful for beginners.
5. Decide on a method for tracking your macros and electrolytes. We recommend Cronometer, but you can
also use a pen and paper, spreadsheets, or one of several other tracking apps. Practice using this system to
create meals ahead of time. Pre-planning is a great way to ensure you hit your target macros daily.
6. Start. You can choose a start date or you can start right this second. Try not to overthink things. If you just
start where you are and make a commitment to learning as you go, you will succeed. You will become more
knowledgeable and comfortable with each step forward. But you have to start.

*To search the group for threads pertaining to certain subjects, find the search icon (it looks like a magnifying glass), and
type in a keyword, such as “headaches”, “diabetes”, “gallbladder”, etc. Hit “search”, and then scroll down and read
through the threads that are there.

Ketogenic Dieters Fresh Start ​ 2

What are Macros?
Macros is a term short for MACRONUTRIENTS. The macronutrients are: Protein, Fat, and Carbohydrates. By weighing
and tracking these macronutrients, you can modify your diet to achieve your goals. You will track the amounts of different
foods you eat in a tracking system and it will calculate how many macros you consume. Each day you will want to
attempt to hit the targets given.

This is the most important macro. Not only is the total amount of protein each day very important, but also the pattern of
intake can have dramatic results. For increased fat burn, pattern your meals with at least ⅓ of your daily protein in each
meal spaced 4+ hours apart with no snacking. This pattern of intake maximizes muscle protein synthesis (MPS). We
advocate for the use of whole foods, as opposed to protein shakes, as a method to reach protein goals. For those who
have had weight loss surgery (WLS), a protein shake may be the only possible way to achieve ideal protein intake. For
everyone else, unless there is a good reason to select this option, this group will advise using whole foods before
supplementation; however, topping off with a little protein powder in the beginning is often helpful. This means a partial
scoop (by weight) mixed with a low, or no-carb liquid. It is not a meal replacement. More info can be found by searching
#KDShakes while on the Ketogenic Dieters Facebook page.

Fat can come from either the plate or the body. Total fat burned is a combination of body fat and dietary fat, and the
amount from each is going to depend on if you are in weight loss or maintenance. Our guidelines assume a desire to lose
body fat, and are set accordingly. Once you reach your fat loss goals, we have instructions for Maintenance.
The type of fat you eat when most of your energy comes from fat is important. When fat is used for fuel, the preferred
types are mono-unsaturated and saturated fats. We encourage good fats in the form of avocado, butter (as well as ghee,
cream, and cheese), coconut oil, olive oil, avocado oil, and lard, for example. Types of oil to stay away from include
vegetable oil, corn oil, soybean oil, cottonseed oil, peanut oil, and any other oils that are highly processed and high in
omega 6.

The primary macro focused on in a Ketogenic Diet is carbohydrates. In order to attain a state of nutritional ketosis, where
the body uses fat instead of glucose for energy, carbohydrate intake must be below a certain threshold. This threshold is
different for everybody, but here, guidelines have been provided that should help most.

Our guidelines suggest that you keep carbs low (under approximately 20 grams a day) to put and keep your body in
ketosis. We recommend counting net carbs (that is total carbs - fiber) for veggies and avocado. While the vast majority of
people will be in ketosis at a level of 20 net carbs, some who are very insulin resistant might need to keep theirs below 20
total until a great deal of metabolic healing has occurred. Some people can handle more carbohydrates than what our
chart recommends, but this low number is likely to work for the majority of people.

These need to be tracked just like you track your macronutrients.
A very low carb diet has a diuretic effect on the body. In order to maintain good electrolyte levels, sodium, potassium, and
magnesium amounts need to be tracked These amounts (particularly sodium) will be extremely difficult to get from food
alone, so you will need to supplement.

Sodium 5,000-7,000 mg (including food)

Magnesium 300-500 mg (supplemented)
Potassium 3,000-4,000 mg (including food)

There are many options to use when supplementing these electrolytes. Information regarding electrolyte supplementation
is provided later in this document.

Ketogenic Dieters Fresh Start ​ 3

How to get started
Here is the information that will help you begin your journey with this well-formulated ketogenic diet designed for weight

Once you find your height and gender on the chart, write down the macros listed.

My Macros and calories (Just look up your gender & height)


Protein: _________ grams Fat: _________ grams Carbs: _________ grams

Ketogenic Dieters Fresh Start ​ 4

A few words regarding the Macros Chart.
~​Ketogenic Dieters recommends these macros as a starting point for women with more than 25% bodyfat, and men with
more than 18% bodyfat looking to lose fat while retaining muscle. This includes people looking to control metabolic
syndrome (type 2 diabetes, PCOS, hashimoto's, etc).
~​Resistance/strength training (lifting weights, etc.) will help you retain muscle, but exercise is NOT necessary to lose
weight. Weight loss is mostly about what you eat & don't eat.
~​Eat no more than 3 meals per day, with at least four hours between meals, with no snacking. After the first month on
keto, or if you were already accustomed to less, one or two meals per day is fine - just make sure you achieve your macro
goals each day (see further explanation regarding fasting below). Eat at least a third of your protein macro at each meal
to take advantage of elevated Muscle Protein Synthesis..
~​When you hit your macros, your total calories will take care of themselves. A gram of protein or carbs is approximately 4
calories, and a gram of fat is approximately 9 calories. You must eat about 3500 calories less than you burn to lose a
~​You should always reach your daily protein goal. Go no more than 10g below your fat macro (without going over), and
stay at or below your carb macro. If you go a little over in protein, that is fine - just go under in fat and/or carbs to keep
calories the same. You may choose to subtract fiber from vegetables and avocado. The fake fiber found in many low carb
products (Isomaltooligosaccharide Fiber - "IMO") is reported to be largely digestible & should still be counted ... or better
yet, not eaten at all.

Who should NOT eat these macros?

~​Women below 25% bodyfat and men below 15-18% should definitely refine their macros. Feel free to ask within the
group, and we will be glad to help you find macros that will help you reach your goals.
~​Pregnant/breastfeeding women should consult with their doctor.
~​If you have type 1 diabetes, we recommend Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution, which has similar macros, but slightly
more carbs. Details can be found at ​Type One Grit​ (FB page & group).
~​People eating keto to control neurological conditions (including epilepsy) or cancer may need to do things we don't
recommend for fat loss, including reducing protein intake, increasing fat intake, testing ketone levels, consuming
exogenous ketones, and generally "chasing ketones". This is because while minimal dietary ketosis is sufficient to benefit
those looking to lose weight, higher ketone concentrations may be significantly more therapeutic for people with those
~​Ketosis does not cause kidney damage - in fact, it can be therapeutic. In addition, high protein diets do not cause kidney
damage - and this is NOT a "high protein diet" - it is "adequate protein". However, if you have existing kidney damage, you
may need to reduce your protein intake while your kidneys heal.

Why are my suggested calories so low?

During weight loss, Total Energy Expenditure, not just total food intake, has to be taken into account. Your body is
getting calories from the stored body fat you are losing. This is why our allotted calories seem to be low. Since those
calories are already on your body, you don't need to eat them.

Does this group suggest fasting?

We believe that extended fasting will equate to muscle loss. Muscle loss = downgraded metabolism = damage. Amino
acids maintain and repair muscle (remember that your heart is a muscle too). We want to ensure that the loss on the
scale is primarily FAT loss. Losing weight is not the goal. Losing FAT is the goal. You might see group members
discussing ​Intermittent Fasting (IF)​, which is not an extended period of fasting, but rather generally refers to a daily
eating schedule of one or two meals, as opposed to three. While we feel that it is advantageous to keep fasts to no longer
than 16 hours, it is your responsibility to research and come to your own conclusions about the benefits and/or downsides
of longer fasts.

Ketogenic Dieters Fresh Start ​ 5

How long do I do this diet?
For most, this way of eating will become a lifestyle that sticks. Once your body is fat adapted, there is usually no desire to
re-introduce the foods you used to eat. Everybody is different and bases their decisions about how to move forward on a
variety of factors, but overall, this group has seen many members continue with this way of eating into the stage of
maintenance of a healthy weight.

What about treats and other recipes?

We do not recommend keto sweet treats or reproductions of the foods that got us overweight and unhealthy. This
includes, but is not limited to: pancakes, cheesecake, breads, etc. Be cautious looking for keto or low-carb recipes
elsewhere. They tend to be too high fat and too low in protein to fit our macros. Keep it simple. Eat meat, eggs, cheese (if
you choose to include dairy), vegetables, and healthy fats.

For more info concerning nut flours and nuts:

But what about my coffee/tea?

It’s fine to continue to drink coffee and/or tea, but do not add sugar, honey, or agave. Any artificial sweetener (Stevia,
Erythritol, Splenda, etc.) is acceptable (as long as it is tracked, but see additional info below). Many packet sweeteners
(Splenda, Truvia, etc.) do contain carbs and should be counted as at least 1 g C per packet even if it says 0. If you
choose to use heavy whipping cream, half & half, unsweetened nut milk, or MCT Oil Powder, be sure to measure/weigh
and track.

What about sweeteners?

If you are new to the diet, and desire to break the hold sweets has over you, you may want to cut all artificial sweeteners
for a month or two to ensure that any cravings for sweets are broken. If you later decide to add sweeteners back into your
diet, you should be able to determine if they have any negative effects on you. Examples would be cravings for more
sweet things, headaches, bloating, intestinal distress, etc.

What about my BPC?

BulletProof Coffee is quite popular with many people following a Ketogenic Diet, but it is not something that we
recommend. If your goal is fat loss, drinking a bunch of fat will work against that goal Use the fat from your body, not the
fat from your coffee, for fuel.

Ketogenic Dieters Fresh Start ​ 6

SODIUM – 5,000 to 7,000 mg, including food sources*
You will not get enough by just salting your food. You will need
to consume bouillon, solé, or measure salt for use throughout
the day.
Although many will recommend pickle juice, it is not a good daily
source of sodium supplementation because you cannot
accurately track the sodium in it. That being said, if leg cramps
hit at 3AM, pickle juice is great at that time.

MAGNESIUM – 300 to 500 mg recommended daily

You will need to take a supplement daily. Recommended types
of magnesium are citrate, malate, glycinate, chloride, orotate,
and amino acid chelate. Do not supplement with magnesium
oxide, because it is very poorly absorbed. Common brands used
include Natural Vitality’s Natural Calm (read the directions and
start slowly), Jigsaw, Slow-Mag, Now Foods, and Solaray.

POTASSIUM – 3,000-4,000 mg, including food sources*

We recommend that you get the majority of your potassium
through food, but, if needed, it is generally safe to supplement
with potassium-based salts (like NoSalt), and with a small
amount of potassium pills. (By federal statute,
non-prescription supplements are limited to 99 mg. per dose.)

*Please note that those on medications for blood pressure,

kidney issues, or heart problems should consult with their
doctor before using any over-the-counter potassium
supplements, or supplementing the amount of sodium
recommended here.

~Electrolytes are important for more than just feeling good.
They allow and cause your body to function properly. Do not
ignore them.
~ We recommend drinking only to thirst. Too much water will increase the flush of electrolytes.
~ If you are on the high side of intake for sodium, strive to be on the high side for potassium. They work together, and need
to be in balance.
~ Constipation is a common symptom of insufficient electrolytes.
~Tracking your intake will help to ensure that you are getting what you need.

Click ​here​ for videos showing what the admin team members do to manage their electrolytes.
Ketogenic Dieters Fresh Start ​ 7
Meat Dairy Produce

Chicken Breast Greek yogurt Asparagus

Chicken Thighs Nut milk, unsweetened Avocado

Ground turkey Shredded cheese Brussels sprouts

Ground beef Butter Lettuce

Steak Half-and-half Spinach

Fish - Ex: tilapia, sole Cheese slices, not artificial Broccoli

Salmon Heavy Whipping Cream Cauliflower

Tuna Zucchini

Shrimp Greens, mixed or other

Pork Cucumbers

Bacon or Turkey Bacon Cabbage

Chicken or turkey sausage Bell peppers

Ground bison Jalapeño

Ground chicken or pork Radish

Other Frozen Shelf-Stable Items

Salt Cauliflower rice Marinara - no sugar added

Magnesium (not oxide) Broccoli Olive oil

Fresh salsa Cauliflower Coconut oil

Guacamole Green beans Broth, canned / boxed

Eggs Spinach or other greens Mayonnaise (watch ingredients)

Egg whites, carton Pepper / Onion blend Mustard

Bouillon cubes Asparagus Hot sauce

Mio / Crystal Light (possibly) Mashed cauliflower (watch ingredients) Spray oil

Bacon bits, real bacon Avocado oil

Parmesan in canister Ghee

Coffee Spices

Unsweetened sparkling water Olives

Powder such as Isopure Zero Carb is

helpful to ​TOP OFF​ deficient protein
when getting started

Ketogenic Dieters Fresh Start ​ 8

Ketogenic Dieters Fresh Start ​ 9
Ketogenic Dieters Fresh Start ​ 10
Ketogenic Dieters Fresh Start ​ 11
Ketogenic Dieters – New Member Checklist (​ Print this list to use it as a guide to ensure a successful start!)
Save or print the Fresh Start document.

Find your macros on the chart on page 4.

Read the information about electrolytes on page 7 (there is a box below also).


Find a macro/nutrition tracker. Begin learning by using it right away.

Obtain a kitchen scale - Learn how to use it. (#KDHowtoWeigh)

Obtain electrolytes sources - VERY IMPORTANT


Find Sample Shopping List on page 8. Clean out any off plan foods and create space for keto-friendly foods. ​

Design a meal plan for one day/week to practice fitting together foods to meet your macros (samples on pages 9-11).

Make a plan for taking your electrolytes. Set reminders.

Set a start date - Be sure to take BEFORE measurements and photos (you will want them later).


“Tracking your macros” means Electrolytes are NOT optional. Do not skip this. Find meal ideas and plan ahead!
entering foods into a tracker or Planning ahead ensures you are
using another accurate method SODIUM (5,000-7,000 mg, inclusive of food)* prepared.
before you eat, to ensure your - Salt, as is, or dissolved in water
total daily intake “meets your - Sole (look in group announcements for directions) HASHTAGS
macros.” A few methods to - Salt-filled capsules #KDSampleDay
track macros are: - Bouillon #Preplanning
APPS/WEBSITES MAGNESIUM (300-500 mg supplemented) #KDBreakfast
- Cronometer ​(highly recommended) - Magnesium Citrate (Natural Calm) #KDRecipeThread
- CarbManager - Magnesium Malate (Jigsaw) #KDRecipeBlog
- Magnesium Chloride (Slo-mag) #KDWhatsCooking
- Magnesium Orotate, Glycinate, or Amino Acid Chelate
OTHER Do not use magnesium oxide because it has a poor rate (PLEASE NOTE: Keto recipes
- Pen & Paper of absorption. found online are usually high fat
- Excel Spreadsheet and low protein and not in
POTASSIUM (3,000-4,000 mg, inclusive of food)* alignment with this plan.)
USDA FoodData Central​ is the -W​ hole food sources should be the primary source.
MOST accurate nutrition facts - Spinach, Salmon, Avocado, Mushrooms, Pork, Coffee, etc. KEEP IT SIMPLE
source. Check all foods against this
- NoSalt/NuSalt/Lite Salt - alternative salts (Potassium
for accuracy​. Chloride), and small amounts of potassium supplements,
which can be used in addition to food sources ​ONLY IF

*​Please note that those on diuretic medications should consult with

their doctor before supplementing the amounts of sodium and
potassium recommended here. It is very likely that medications will
need to be adjusted once a person has been following a ketogenic
diet for just a short time. Once medication is no longer necessary, it
would then be advised to supplement the amounts listed above.

Track intake in Cronometer for accuracy.

Ketogenic Dieters Fresh Start ​ 12

Before posting or commenting on the page, please read the following guidelines
At Ketogenic Dieters, we have a great group of dedicated people who volunteer their time to view posts and comments,
and do their best to answer questions and to provide advice for the group.

Admins and blocking

Please check your Blocked List to ensure that you do not have any of the admins listed here blocked. As a member of
this group, you agree not to block any admin listed. This allows all group activity to be effectively moderated. The
personal Facebook pages and social media accounts of admin team members are personal, and do not reflect on the
Ketogenic Dieters page unless explicitly stated. Linking to, or posting screenshots from our personal pages/accounts is
not permitted.

Please visit the Facebook membership list and select “administrators & moderators” to determine the list of current
administrators and moderators. If you are having issues on the page, please contact one of the following: ​Demar
Wilmoth, Billie Helbert Richter, or Kathrine Fisher Hardcastle.​ The membership list at Ketogenic Dieters can be
found at:​ ​​.

Above all else, please be respectful as you participate in this group. Disagreement is inevitable, but if respectful
conversation is had, many people can learn from these experiences. Be open-minded, and consider what others have to

Please be sensitive and courteous of the wide variety of people we may have in a group this large. We ask that all
potentially controversial topics/photos be shared in the first comment within a post, so that a person has a chance to scroll
past potentially offensive material.

The Admins here have had success using THIS program, so any guidance given is done so in accordance to this
particular program.

Ketogenic Dieters Fresh Start ​ 13

​Posting guidelines

Transformation photos:​ ​Transformation photos can be inspirational; however, we ask them to be representative
of what we do in this group​ (we are not a group that encourages large amounts of dietary fat during fat-loss). We
strongly suggest watermarking your photos so they cannot be stolen. An app such as PhotoGrid can be used. Solicitation
of transformation photos will not be tolerated in Ketogenic Dieters because it often results in theft and use by those selling
MLM products. ​Please do not use hashtags or directly link to services provided by other Ketogenic communities.
This includes, but is not limited to, Ketogains Bootcamps. You will be asked to edit your post to remove
hashtags and direct links.

Food photos:​ Food photos can help us get ideas for how to plan meals, but we ask them to meet the following:
● Photos should be of foods allowed in this group’s guidelines for eating. No sweet treats or recreations of
carby foods, which includes recipes including nut flours.
● Please do not post photos of snacks. This group does not recommend snacking. It interrupts Muscle Protein

Please do not post:
● Because we try to base our work on well-researched, evidence-driven science, please do not refer to, nor
provide links to materials by Dr. Berg, Jason Fung, Dr. Oz, Joseph Mercola, Ashley Black (and her fascia
blaster), etc. Some of their methods are contrary to what we believe to be true, and we do not support nor
endorse them in any way.
● Links to other keto calculators.
● Photos of ketostix/urine strips. This group does not practice “chasing ketones”, and urine strips are highly
inaccurate. See Resources for more information. (Exception: if you are following medical keto to treat
cancer, seizures, or other neurological problems, rather than for fat loss/metabolic health, you may need to
chase ketones.)
● Sales/Solicitation Posts. Unless you obtain permission from the admins, please do not market your products
in this group. Do not try to use this group to find customers.
● Group events without permission from a lead admin team member.
● Fat bombs. If you are doing the diet for fat loss, fat bombs work against your goals. The goal is to use your
body fat, not dietary fat, as fuel.
● Cheat posts. If you eat off-plan, there is no quick fix. Get back on track and eat to your macros.
● Self promotion. Anything that would be considered self-promotion, which includes, but is not limited to:
Instagram usernames, blogs, etc. the admin team is cleared to do so.

What are all of these acronyms I keep seeing?

NSV – Non-Scale Victory ACV – Apple Cider Vinegar

WOE – Way of Eating HWC – Heavy Whipping Cream
WOL – Way of Life BPC – Bulletproof Coffee
MPS – Muscle Protein Synthesis BF% – Body Fat Percentage
WLS – Weight Loss Surgery BMI – Body Mass Index
HFLC – High Fat Low Carb LBM – Lean Body Mass
LCHF – Low Carb High Fat BMR – Basal Metabolic Rate
KD – Ketogenic Dieters SAD – Standard American Diet
KK – Kickstarting Keto CICO – Calories In Calories Out
SF – Sugar Free WFKD – Well-Formulated Ketogenic Diet
NC – Net Carbs IIFYM – If It Fits Your Macros
IF – Intermittent Fasting Shark Week – TOM – Time of the Month

Ketogenic Dieters Fresh Start ​ 14

Other Versions of the Ketogenic
Diet exist - This is why we set ours
up differently:

Other versions of keto exist. The

version we use here is a
well-formulated Ketogenic Diet
designed specifically for weight loss.
Some other versions use
percentages to drive their values.
The problem with that approach is
that the caloric total could be 3000
calories or 1000 calories. By using
grams of macronutrients (protein, fat,
carbohydrates), the macros drive the caloric total. 1 gram of protein = 4 calories, 1 gram of fat = 9
calories, and 1 gram of carbohydrates = 4 calories. This makes the caloric total. With the versions
using percentages, an additional problem is when you exceed one macro, you increase the other
macros to keep the percentages balanced, which increases your caloric intake further. With the
version we use here, if you go over a little in protein, you decrease your fat/carb intake to keep the
caloric total the same.
The only versions of the ketogenic diet that should be higher grams of fat and lower grams of protein
are the medical version, once you've lost all your weight, or perhaps once you are seeking gains. By
medical version, we mean that it is used to treat epilepsy, cancer, and such. Many have used that
version of keto to lose weight. However, if their protein intake is not high enough, they lose muscle
mass and not just fat. Sometimes they'll lose weight for a short time and then either stall, or start
gaining back weight. The version we use here (with an emphasis on protein) is designed so that
when you lose weight, it is body fat and not muscle.
If you have body fat you want to lose, adding excessive dietary fat is going to work against your goal.
Your body cannot distinguish between plate fat and body fat, so by reducing the plate fat, it causes
your body to seek fat from your body as fuel.
We suggest a moderate fat level so that your body has an opportunity to use up what it has in store.
In addition, we recommend eating whole foods of good quality, with a focus on nutrient density. We
encourage eating all of your foods within no more than three meals, spaced throughout the day with
at least 4 hours between meals. This maximizes fat-burning MPS (muscle protein synthesis). This
also means that we do not recommend snacking.

Ketogenic Dieters Fresh Start ​ 15

Here are some additional links that might be of help to you as you try to understand how and why this plan works.

Resources & Links

Dr. Stephen Phinney
Stephen Phinney
FOOD LIST​dieters/permalink/201623985064083

We wish you the best on your journey!

Take it one day at a time and plan before you eat anything.

Ketogenic Dieters Fresh Start ​ 16

Ketogenic Dieters Fresh Start ​ 17
​Calculating Maintenance Macros

Typically, protein and carbs will stay about the same, and you will raise your fat macro until you maintain your desired
weight and/or bodyfat percentage. Once you find your new fat macro from this worksheet, be sure to work up to that
amount gradually, and adjust as necessary.

Your current macros​: Calories​:

Protein: _____ x 4 = ________
Fat: _____ x 9 = ________
Net Carbs: _____ x 4 = ________ TOTAL = _________ calories

Calorie adjustment​:
Total calories ________ x 0.30 = __________ adjusted calories
Fat adjustment = ___________ (adjusted calories) ÷ ​9 = _______ additional grams of fat.
Fat​ = _____ (old fat) + ______ (additional) = ______ ​adjusted fat

Macros​ = ______ protein / ______adjusted fat / ______ carbs

Multiply protein & carbs by 4. Multiply fat by 9. Add. This number is your ​total calories​. _________

These are​ very general​ guidelines. If you would like maintenance macros that are more personalized for you, please ask
within the group, and we will be glad to assist you.

Ketogenic Dieters Fresh Start ​ 18

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