Atharva Veda Praticakhya, or Caullakiya Caturadhyayika William Dwight Whitney JAOS Vol 7 PDF

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‘The Atharva-Veda Praticakhya, or Caunakiya Caturadhyayika William D. Whitney Journal of the American Oriental Society, Volume 7 (1860 - 1863), 333-615. Stable URL: httpflinksjstor.orgsici?sici=0008-0279°% 28 1860%2F 1863%-207%3C333%3ATAPOCC%AE20.COV3B2-W ‘Your use of the ISTOR archive indicates your acceptance of ISTOR’s Terms and Conditions of Use, available at fp (fw. jstor orglaboutitersihtml. ISTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless You. have obtained prior permission, you ray not download an entire issue of &joumal or multiple copies of aricies, and You may use content in the ISTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Each copy of any part of a JSTOR twansmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the sercen or lnted page of such transmission. Journa! of the American Orientat Society is published by American Oriental Society. Please contact the publisher for further permissions regarding the use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at bup:forwwjstor org/joummals/as, nl Journal of the American Oriental Society ©1860 American Oriental Society ISTOR and the ISTOR logo are trademarks of ISTOR, and are Registered in the US. Patent and Trademase Office. For mote information on ISTOR contact jstor-info@umich edu, ©2003 IsTOR hup:therww stor orgy ‘Mon May 19 15:52:29 2003 ARTICLE VIL THE ATHARVA-VEDA PRATICAKHYA, GAUNAKIYA CATURADHYAYIKA: THXT, TRANSLATION, AND NOTES. Br WIDGEAM D, WHITNEY, Presented tothe Society May Mat, 1862 Inrropuctory Nore. stu dine So the work hr paid e aang et Adhydyikd, “Caunalea's Treatise in Four Chapters’ ‘We have for it, raceme dt ate ty Seg te ae Metal ba te year estan neues ag ode el ra eho tsetse nenarethe ak hot fear eu enone ain,"eiape he Ferre tree rear rire isomer ‘ame, caturddkyayt-bidekyn, given to the commentary in the signature: ae errs ests Eioes Seta ce se na a a iy lee ommend, eengmnenir eee ees ere eee Be Ta i ee gh 2 chat, ern Beth mentee arta sr Sittac tattte Baked dP thys to dhe Atharva-Veda is not, of coutse, claimed for it; but, conside ae Bacco insebai ar ake hie penis cous cr ame erage oy che ame el Taegu tn ers oe Neda or be cag 1 Weber (Cat. Berl MSS. p61; In Lit ‘ie caturedindyita ae Miler (Hist hve * tase ‘terest sinendation of the ani ‘foeoc ae ta neceatcy of depardag fom ihe nucerty Their cry WD. Whitney, other Kindsed ieatnes by their sespetiv editor, Regnier, Weber, and Maller” ny special investigation of the quesioos of tbe authorship and date of our treaties elon to the ether Pekigtkhyas ard 12 {he posentrecelved text of the Atbarva-Veds, and th lik, i reterved for he commentary ave the aiivonal roles: will be sufcen! to say here ina general ra, dst concn islf with that pat ofthe Athace Yan tek hich coiprsed in to Art eighteen books, and with tit lone and that cover the whole ground hich the cotapoigan ofthe ‘ther cvatiesthowe gto he necesary to the completaness of a Prac {alia tert any of tha at ove a Rey ir oo Shothes. “The manuscript authority upon which the present edition is founded isa single codes (Chamber esllection, No. 1405, Webes, eo. 61) be longing to the Royal Library of Beri, acopy af which way tude Dy ane in the winter of 1852-9 conta, bexdes the text ofthe Brash Bia a cmmettazy soon i bya, tho hot sae wich ale eit spy eaturddhylyt Bhdshya, “Commentary ta the Fosrchaptored Prat ready tod alee isc brs talogce of the Beclin Sanskrit Manuserpis(p7-8).. The signature the ont floes (with ove. gt ore oUow emenaation| ie stu. lothakapdihebayoh cathe Dhara green dikdyas namoh: Get mah: saneat VPA varthe jydishphoruddha 0 tine tambpualithitan Pulaker The date correypoods to Bay, 1656; tu it oust 420 fnany aber case, be doubt whether this i the date of the manu teripe Ip eve pension, oof tue one foo which thie wa caplad; io the present ieatane, the later supposition may be reared as decidedly the mare probable,” Most anertunael, considering th eatteme ratty of the work, che anosrigt ie avery poor one. Not only is ie every ‘where exoutively incorres, atten bestnd the postblty of suse fmeriadon: 18 an cat ing Faas a Sora oie Sonne may be of opition then, that the puébeston of the Prbdighy tipo it acorly lovee prematar® abe ahould not have been und (ikea, The would cortafly be the tara were any other copies o€ work knove to bo in exttvees to. neglect to presire thelr satiation betore proceeding ia publish woold be atogethetjeenatble, Buh ao flr as hiherta known, the Berlin coder unique. No public or prt ‘rate library in Barope, nor any ie India accesible (0 aropeans, ban Teen shown to pomen’8 duplicate of ih For asistance in procuring & tecond copys inate application srme years since to Prot Fits Balwant Fishen of Beary whee hrwldgy expen, npc ad rivate positon mate him the pereon of wt ethers wake HBL to be of Nervice fm suck away andl he man Mod enogh t interest het wal uy in ry bebelf tn searching for the wavk but entirely without a- ese, wile he collected for mea mate of rtoable materiale respecting “Pesta du Rig Vela, Pay M. Ad, Regnier le, Pablo inthe Joural Asneque Ve sents Tees 9-3, Par 19h4-68-—Das Vaucaneei Pravedzhjce, Dannted iy Prot Albeat Weber, inhi Indice Staten, Val a, Bers, 18 Wallers nbfiom of hn Rig Vea Prtighehya ircades nly the fat abr hapters, thn of tha whl, ad forma pare be texted ef the Rig Veda Week ‘TH Sie'rercalae 2 aguante Atwarva-Veda Pratigdbhye. 335 the other Pritillehyan, for that of the Atharva-Vede nothing could be found, » Considering, then, the faintvess of the hope thet wdditionsl mantseripis would later be obtainable, and_cousidering the pecaliae interes of thie elas of worlte—wall attested by dhe triple publications, ‘within a few yeais past, of Regoier, Weber, and Miller—and the desir= ableness of placing 1» speedily as posible before the eyea of scholars the ‘whole material foresbed by them, sn otder tothe greater foree and con clusiveness of the resnlis which some are already hastening to dra from ‘hem for the literary history of India, it as seemed bee to publish the ‘treatise withowt farher delay. Several cirouttances deserve to be rated as supporting this decision, by siminihing the disalvantages rising from the santiness and pootness of she manvacript material. [a the fist place as regards Ue facunae, they are, with two exceptions, of ieslgifcame fporence apd do not either cate the lun of a mi ot render, is Scierpretation doubttsl: while, in the two Sastances. (both ‘ocutting in chapter TIE) in which ane. oF mate reles ae loaf the Tass 36 least lies within the limita af a certain definite subject and, though track to he rogette, is of mo great extent or essential conrequence. As con- erms, again, the corruption of the readings, it a tobe observed that the ‘commentary is generally full enough to estalish the true version of the rales, and yet at the same tim, too poor and aeanty to render its own tesioiation imporast, The general method af the commentator ie 48 flows: he ats the ul he re jn the ale penile paraphrase, merely supplying the lacking eopula, and adding the spec Eatin if any, of whe the peseice ifeble fom preva Fle next follow the illustrative citations; and finally, the vale y given once ‘ore slong with the one next following, which is euphanically came bined witht ana of whseh the paraphrase and iustration then fallow in their torn, As gn example, cite hers ta fall rlei.7, with Us com- mentary, beginning from the fal repetition of the next preceding rulet sels cine 3 sen at ents et seat erro: = mk: = scant pit? ‘Thos we have everywhere (unless, ax is sometimes the case, = few wards have dropped out from the copy) = threetold repetition of each rule, and its tre form is almoatslwaysrestorabie from their comparison, notwidistanding the corruptions of the manuscript. I, now, tbe co Imettary were as fall and elaborate a3 those of the other Known Pri ‘has Hz would have bees ake trying aid uaatisfitory either to Endeavor to ott it or to disregard it: whi, athe ease actually sands, it has itself attempted so litle that we care comparatively litle to know precisely what it says. Wherever ita usual meagre method i followed, accordingly, letle attention will he found paid ta it io the ree” Nor unit tamed me oiberwie han a!nediom lor to ‘otioe, except in special cate, the coreupt readinge of the rasmuscript— tod this us mare sapeillyy ae my distance font the origina cenoy it impossible to tet by a conewed collation the acairacy of my copy. Prot, Weber law bad the Windpess to verity Gr me daring the progrsy of sate ot Yuocal inipetance ot of dasbett reading, eich | Eek tte Mterty of Sobeag te bi ‘ vot wi 8 336 WD. Whiteoy, ‘The citations from the Atharvan text ate also given in their correct form, withost Arter remark; stem nhatonbr the inguin under which the manseript may preset them bar geneeliy hoes not lute for ono fanilar with tie Atbarra, ahd in poser ofa votal index € ita text 9 trace om out and rotore thet us realings. Thame are 9 fow notable estanes Se Which the sovienater sbandons fin isto rj retisane, end dinpreads bimtlf spon the sobject with which he io ‘eblings: and im aoch cues te aap In waco fo fallow ims a clony ‘the miantscrpt wil allow. Much more fregoeatly than le veut, to speat in his-own exon, he elles the dicta of other anthoriues; ental, rela ft yes ar oan inewiing bi rota by single spare Akt, “another has said? abd ver fre Gren nalog tse wihoot any introduction whaler, a of Jbatler wich tight lawtuly de woven in ay ot integral att of is ova Comment ‘be wovk i be single work tom whisk thee anon fous eittons are made, x writen tthe ent ploy aod 3 see Sogly of the same genera character wth oar treatise ise ora kid of mmesical Pritilkiya to the AuharacVeda; menting, howerey, more the aspect of 4 sommentacy thay does the metsea! Priigatyato the Rig. Veta Whos has here heen ssid ofthe commentary apples any to that att of it which ends with the thin! sean af the footh caper hn cling srtom, om the Kena: peha a of a ential difotent chat ‘ten as wil be elaine’ the pac ‘While thie ba perfectly sided by the native commentator, Y have teppei one saps antag, verte ho ave eran Iibtste the pubitation of work of hs clay tht [ave ren ain to smal myutt af the reels of thet Inbor, Tad ie not aeen fo their chicion help nol the presen resise ight are rained sere St which the explanation hes noo heat satisfactory made outs and T eave here to make general acknowledgment of my indebledoecs to ‘hem, which T shall hate ocrasion to Tepett hereafter in pation esses Tae thought i Ineambent apon me ta veer under every rule oF i> onocton with every subject trated af in Ui ark hore published tee"Comespandiog portions ofthe otber Paticakhyay giving a biter fe more dtailed saierent of the hationies aed, diereyanciea of doce ino which ey comtine ‘To the HegeVeds Peat chltin vefevence is pe may oar (psn a ee (ln te sar Ue sule cited being then alco aided, according ta foe enameration of Beth Hager aed Mir the fe the at capt oy Homan Bgotes the foruct ie Atshie. The Vajesaneyi Pratgakhya ia titel frou Weber elon, siwaly refereed to, and. aeons to bia ‘numeration of ile sue For my abity to inclode inthe eonypectaa St phoveic dactrces the Taivniya Prtleabiye of Hartukoya, T have fr Rank Prot Hall a above acknowloiged; the exelent maven of the text and of she text and eommertary (ieashyarataa) which ite procued for ot wll be ma, 1 eres, to hsp the pablcstion of that of mhich the verses are nambered diderently by Muller Fin tie Sapa sed Regier ths frm cong Se tn prefendotrodatory ers, Ou ale ‘thon is eodiog to Tague to En the coresponding vere io Muller, ald fea to {he oamber given Atheroa- Veda Pratigikhya, 337 treatin inthe coum ofthe nxt yen, either by melt or by some o0e Sue. Te mode of eernss foe Thalys Prigtkaya wach bas ikea boon onsal Tae abuntonod Tho. work divided into teentyotechaptem (adigdsa)y wich are cae ogee in two 2. ton {prog hak st tne Shplers: aad Hoth tao Water, lowing’ hs anple—has sed iy seston end cagies ming any trumtrnton sn eyeciteaion ofthe rules int whe exc chapor Glider Bat the progam dieon in of alice arco tthe cree ponding divin of toe ik Prsgatia nt res eons (aga) Ext ae apes to br uo gord temas why ti ents Wot Us ed i Dbee pring Le Jee te White aya the Acar San ehapar aod ale sivglys ae Tbave dues Te Pana gramme Grbsuiels eatin) ectetace alan equeply made Sl eaoe Wakopet ster the tomparson would Be of aby partosar etre, Tin ape lation exibing by oor wean ey pina to the tem af geveral gramenar whereot Panial i the authoritative exponent trol plrhape fave jusibed a ore deal! comparison out Ebave Both ttre to be ied fo ay avd stewed my any to din go he Sorespondencer of the tus tn a foray sitcasity mame To ‘leemtine sn fl the elstons of Paya andthe Duke yan, when fo fates sll have been sl made pubis wt hea porsaat sed Il ving ta Erste ow oe Se than La tee ‘bes of he Bannees ion, “The peclac meth ao eommooly apie in our tote (6164 45, 85) ot appiyinga Fle to tno saver ot pmeages or won os wick IEseeh Sy etng oly one often ieting he rt fan Ste (ad woh iy. be hod ou coeghereaf the anitay ken gopbnetnod of Pinini~and ie remssoce of he comments tony white doy it at lla the gems who hus almost loa fae to'a9' have tataredneecesy'n the pats of the ela tore carl elamivati of the Stharan ees ae oomprson ot & wilt the Prauatya than ta bos ol for 9 itempea fe one Siam with any athe othe Rndtos eaten 1 bas bey ete fo omsract a emery an iniependent Psatiakny wpon Oe lane asl to ompare it with van one which hss been handed down to te by the lah trait, im orderto atthe cnapeteen of the Iu, Sap fa ili in hi redindc “he vont the aga fon at eaered though the notes spon the rece Wi he ane In the additional neves to which are slo relegated ather watts whieh Youd terete call attention in ths intetacsons Te ernie eCestp et l esyhn bess nen foe Ser fia, an ofchow para ofthe twemtet wich are nov comme ‘ily and sith varaos fom the Va, efgnces ae ag enue the published tent ot the Aarne’ i's these of ‘word oocurs more than once jn the text, the fest instance of Hts occur: ens is given, with an “a. prefixed. Readings of the reannseript which it js thought desieable to give are senecally referred by numbers to the bation of the poze, Aarys Veda Sacha, hernegegsben von R, Roth onl W. D, Whiteay, ‘wrtie ands Text. Revi 1866, nope Soo, 388 W.D. Whiney, ‘Tho oeserenes, here and there in the notes, of emendatons of the publi tea ohh ran clr ow wore cf elanaton re he work of eanataating te text wa, bythe eompelig free of it curacy de nt ior tat he latino Se tanvserpty the wnting oot of 4 tex, ad dhe preparation of crt cus to sya wa Prof Wothanertak the Sal sev of ter, andthe carrying of it brongh the press afar my Toto 20 hiscmahtry, Sach beng the cae, and tree commumienion, being Tne oneal mivemnees ion nd etre cu ot wl be roel Mfosenty the condition af toe Atéarvau ax hauded down bythe trai tion was sch set pave vpon the wditom a 2 duty oat 0 the ese sf any ofthe ather Ven wosld have ean an alvont Snexcoable li ‘Stiyetnamely, the emendation of the texcreatings in many paces. Te So treating nich ent, is no eay to hit the prec raean between ton mech and too lite and wile toxt of the alterations made were Dalpasip and imperativly calle for, and while many oor would havo Uo be mind in traning there ae seo 3 few emes im which. clocr slkernce tothe mamisriptavthorces might ave boon preferable. Farts, in the mater of mode of ontkograph, where tse urge of tho imaneslpts was varjiog and Inconsistent, ou choice 5s nee leaps than more mauie stady and retecton jury. Whenever avee of fny of theweuinoe are brn up in connection withthe rule id lla ications of the Praicisym Ii ee Ponape ost appr me @ retrale reating or arage. in solecriog to the mabuepla of the Kisvan, Tmt: oso of tho following abbreviations (whic ae also aloe employed in the marin of te edited txt im tmoks be and fn)t ts omhita MSS: “Bis sho Besin MB (Ch 128, Weber 938), Containing looks si-nv: “B." i the Paria NS, (D, 204, 203), and con tains the hole tox snd. books ti-x repeated: “ML? and“ Wo" aro ‘manuscripts ofthe BodlesnLsrary i Oxtory Mi cho Mil colection find W. inthe Wison: Aisa sopy of the same anginal, by the same Kan, zo in th sat for, ae Pad lak the pat ofthe fet whieh Ss fovod dosbla inthe oer” W. lala book wis © B.'is ho Fas India FHToase manusstigi Now 982 and 2003 “HL s in the sae library No, 113% and vontars only books vig “1 fa the Pole MB the Brite jah Mosca’ acopg nude fom i for Co, Martini alsa tbe fond fs the Hat oa Hoe has Nos (Dio) 0 nd 218, pada MSS These are all in te Retin ibvary. “Bp? te Ch. 8 (Weber 992) forbooks ix, apd Ch 108 (Weber 335) for bnoka xxv these ao 0 Independent mansitipts, fut ste inclades ndsr one designation tor Convenienoe’s sake. a2 complementing one ayother. “Bp. ia 237 (ever s91) tor book j ard Ch. 100,108 (Weer 899,004) fa book Sod bocke visi: the tno latter are aonitetellyeopartet aria of the tame manosrin, and sand aio in very close ation thie eciginaig with Bp. (Ch. 8): the other i ndependen there fs to pata text abe foend, and probably stove was ever in et i- feces atl the pods MSS, of bok ax ace coly extracts fre the Rik peeve. “Te vaodo of taracription of Sanat words ix the wane with that vrhich has been bihert followed ia ths Journal ATHARVA-VEDA PRATICAKHYA. CHAPTER 1. Cowenna:—SGeoron I. 1-2, inleoductorg, snpe ofthe trestce: 8-2, sounds which ‘ay ocr an Gna 10-19, auprates, nals ours and enants; 14-17, seep tion of nents, L828, duciption aed elasifeation of ede acording 2 their place and rgan af production: 29-8, da, according to th degree af spprexine- on of the crgana 37-29, the ¢ and f somele; 40-41, diphthongs ‘Seog UL 42, wintjanlya; 61-48, aKinidhdaa 40-9, conunstion of con: sonasin, 81-86, quantity of allablen; 05-88, diviclan iota epllablen; 09-82, ‘quanuty of vowels ‘Gestion TU 68-68, abgorms! startles and interchanges of enada 7-72, ‘oturenee of taclized vowels; 72-8, praghze vowela: G2, teximent io poder leat of prapriye vowely falowed by ine; 63-91, eccrtance of long nastied ‘Yostls i the interior af ‘Seooy IV.” $2, deiton af spedké; 98, what onker a aplabey 24, only ted 88, mode of application tf rales eeapecting onverslon of sunda; #6, pucal ctse af scant 97, epoca ‘use of orion of ptt bore (sR, cojaneion af consnante; 98, gana; 190, nity, LOI-204,marahbeht and iplotana and Ue eect; 105, canen of plat. aqait aqarerat arene tra ae Gait quit ofeery nan 1, Of the four kinds of words—vis. noun, verb, preposition, and partiole—the qualities exhibited ix euphonic combination and in the state at disconnected vocables ‘are here made the subject of treatment. ere is clearly st forth the main object of sucha treatie as we are accustomed to cla praipbiga teint estahlish the relations ofthe Soubized ved the dijoine foros of the tart to which ie belongs, or of ie ronkitictert and the padatexc sundigopriyte might have been Uiectiptrantated tin the tanhitd aol pads texts wapectively’ ‘The ‘ltimate end to be ataned the uleraee of the sacted tent (3746, “branch of the Weds), Feld and taught bythe school in precsly the fora in which the schol rceiven and teaches ithe’ general rater ‘of the txt ust. of car, be aastmed to be known, bere it canbe fade the eaject of rleas ta accordingly ssaamed ints vmplest sod oat material ike form, inthe state of pdas or separate words es 840 WD. Whitney, fir Daving the form it would wear it tered alone, compouscs being. also divided into tein constitwent party std many aflae and inflectional fndiogs separaed ftom their Wertes, aod Ghe Dratigakbyn teaches hhaw to pot together coveecty thin anaiyand texts Au eagental part of sch a tease is alao its aoalvsis,deserption, snd clasestion af the sounds of the spoken siphabet as leading to correctness of icrace, tnd as underging and explaining the complicated system of phonetic changes whieh the treatise bas to ‘nedleste. These to sObjests—a Licotetial system of phonetien and the tule, goteral sud yardeelar, 1by Which podisext ia sonvertad nto anuhitace the only ones which ate found te be fly tovated in all the Pratialepan although none af the treaties cones self to them alone. This our owen mor ies in its fourh chapter the rales forthe construction of the. padartex® itealf,a@ doce slao the Vajsnaney’ Pritigakhya, and ikewieg in the fins! section of that chaniee (which is, however, evidently a (ster ap: enix ta the wrk) & bret statement of the method of farming the amatet, of whieh i has alo taken account fn wore than one of the ‘ules of i eats portions: and the Prtteakhyen of the Rik avd the ‘Vajacaneyi have eactesponding sections, Nor ave the instances intee- queat in ich more or less arblurarily overstaps the Kimsts it Ras Tie properly beyond lis eoope, se willbe potted oxt ie the notes. A summary exhibition of these heogolaitie, etd a comparative soslyat of the other PrMighe ie, wil be proceed fv an ebitena uate ‘As te Priticakhya deais with wonls chiefly ss phonetic combing tions, ard not 4s sigan pars of speech (as Worker, ‘voeables, ot Weis wore) Heir gramme soraer steer, and he distinction af the Soar chutes made in te rule ie tatner gratuitous: the panies of the classes do not afen oooar in the segieh alchough oir treatie fe votsUly mare fue Dian any other of Ke clses 0 selling tae of grarmasical distinction dn the statement of la Toles, Por 2 fller fxllbiton of the fourfold stassifeation of words a parts of speech, sea Bike Pr. xi 5-9, and VAj. Be ih 2-87 Ta iligstrasion ofthe term tondhjay the commentator says: “words that end the and thos fake sich and such fone before wordy tak hrgin sand to!” To ilosteate padya, he ets rile 8 below=ra by no ‘ean mallchoven esauiple, “To show bow it's that the reeative has t0 do only with the qualies of words ae exhibited In tanblea and pad, he tee an iazance of what must be dove iy & general grammar‘ in ‘explanation f a derivative farm, as follows: senthyapadydy fit in ‘ethane = [haw iy atne Bo-ha tame» paracaturthatoan” (MS, padaca”) heundsbpactoon :dho-dheloga deghaten i abiydkeranena akan: fant why isit said “the gualtin in sandits and peda? Tecanse the genoral_gramivarian miss cay, in explanation of figha, “here ap ie te role ho dhnh (PAs. vi. 2. 1}, teat forthe elange of the fol Jowing Teter ata ie aepirated sone, tho rule ead shfuh (PA. i 4.41} tue ule dio die tps (Pan. vii. 3,18), and tat forthe eng ‘Ping’ of the vowel.” ‘Prose cule teach the formation. of the pari ple figha trom the root Hk, throogh the (llowing series of changes Livia, ldhta,lightha, ligh-thn, tee, lidia and they nee for tae sa] Atharva- Vala Pratighthya. st mos: part taken dicectly fom Panini or at least correspond presisly with his roles; ovly, im the secand case, poracaturthatwre takes tha place of Pan, vil 2.49, jhashas fathor dha “dhah and, o the last ease, ughatoars stands for bralone prvone dirgho nak (Pan. vi 3. U1). ‘Whether the commentator thus deviates arbitrary or Uarough carcless- ness from the letzar of the great grammarian’s rales, ar whether he cites from tome ther authority, anterior to or independent of Panini, and with whem the latter agrees only ia par is a question of which tbe soliton ned not i aienpta here: nil the former suppsizon may sppea he more proabl,the oer, the preg sate of aur Exo ‘edge respecting the relations between Panini and the Priighlcipas and thelr commentators, is not to be summarily rejected as impossible. wares Parc ArT nn 2. Karther, that respectiag which general grammar allows diversity of usage is made subject of treatment, to the effect of determining the usage in this fend, ‘hina broadly petighenatie easton ofthe tle which rude ore rays hea fue eto ef oat igh lla ta be dverely treated in he gnerl langage. made tho tubjet ofthe ral of doe wea)? Te comers exponen i Bellows: ena sha ion mayatpAbhayah tat protean manent, ova "mundi" mundo ne" BKashipriptos Stmainge: Lik h- Sam: ybkeanam' sokthgott’ aston attameshe tl? thon i i ities" in these words alo! ie. i this 7itad they toga this an maior of precept by she rte (Bap) the ltrs fom yt ‘ny ot tay ote nade nal before a aaa" shoe oF age ttlowed Io poneral grurimar--sonanga roan iyarven, “grinmat™— Gut tie Pruiaihyn ging ta eay (3) *rmutn oer than ale become tatalabebre nauia”® The leis somnwl clncave and a fcil of contruction, andthe comnsontary bot unequivocal, subaist= fog. von ane i eof va csponten of caning fat Cam persuaded that ite Lily randered by the tatlation above ines” Milles, having octaion to ratty ger eotewhal ier Enya fellows (pips bac by he granitic text boo lef fey that Is ere th and thins ao segs te Prbihbiya?™ Bat ie leases he x uncplanel, and soppnes the ito hen another pace seahing thereto veal rather ontm sha htshdproptrh soma ies Sor dota it aceord withthe commenters expotion, Te sens occ ‘ry in onder to acoant for the a to bring down pratt ot general Frelicae from the precoling rule; aod te if mse be uadertpod ax esi oat tat he Paihia sys etn and to pope ee) repestng ay mater whch the ols of grammar leave ach ‘The male i propéey nether an aon to or a Tnittion of the an eth pri, at ey spear ne ast salersaong tne felted ithe other fr the Praha ca not ovoip he is of asbect a already lad downy Ie crdor io"detonmive points of dovtetion, form, ets, wise genera emia a4 WD. Whitney, fe ray have Heft sated; nor dooe it rset tel within those fmite formations eerpecting wich general tage is allowed to vay i d0ea fot at all imply er bie isel"opon the general cince of grammar 304 its textbooks fut is an independent and'a complete treatin a regards own sbjeck, ‘Of wich path ofthe Atharvs-Veda this work fx the Prsickhya, ie give elf 9 information whatever, ror does fz even et Us KNOW that tbelonga to the Atbatvan. ‘Tha nine bg which In elle How fon, leade os 9 spp tha Iwas produced ithe school af the (ae twin, which iq tiengooed in the Caraneyin among. those of tho “Atharean (i=. Weber's Trdiashe Sten ic 27703). fe relation 20 ihe ony tat of the Atharvan inown to he sow in existence wll be nade eacbect of an abon! note. Te Tad 20 3, A letter capable of occurring at the end of & word is called aden, ‘This s simply a definition of the term pada, which, in this sense, is ceils tothe present treatise: it is nod found at all in either of the rgjareVeda Praticakhyas, or ia PAnini, and in the Rik Pratigaihya it sneans ‘member of a compound word” ‘The term signifies, by is ety- mology. "belonging to a peda, or dixjoined word" (im the tecinical devo han imei aplie speciealy th at ee of sacha ‘word as bsing the one wile ia most eapetially aated by the resol ion of eexbit into pda. “Ae instavces, the commentary cites 2 series of four words, ending respectively in guttral, lingual, dental, and labial motes, wach he gives false sapeutadly under other rules; viz godink (9. ondhu: ¢.g- Ht ao), eiede (p. wordt eg vt 9.8), dpthat (B11), sraheup (p. leltap e.g ti 9. 20) SE: AT TA 3 4. Any vowel, excepting f, may oocur as final, ‘The Rik Priigakiya teats of powible final letter apis the long f-vowel, a wel as from thelr mimber, Sito eacluded iy the itraductory vere ® to the frst chapter, at given iby Muller (p. 2). The Vajaaneyi Prauigakhya also yaya atsntion to tie warp sabjeck ink as-a9, and a rule respeetiog the vowels (@87) cinly agrees vith oun. it faster sperite, however {i 88), that F E'fhand arly at the end of the fet member of 2 compound, whi equally teas regards we Atharean text fe Hastetons brought forward by tie commentator are Brakma Uecgoie 10-4). 2408 (i317) mt (aoe found WAV), dadht Gu dad cine av, 49), kumar (4 8.27), mad (os Ge 94-2) ny Cooly i tadravdgi si 20. 6), kori (a0 such ease in AV,, nor any cae of thie word as mresiber ol'a cautpound: take instead jute Bki, © (03.95 pllr-lokom, wel 461), cubshate (og ix. 10. 6), aya Se ty ye (org 20.1) ie (ug. 28.2), ‘Al Athan Vets Pritigakhya, 43 ara Tu 5, Also Land visarjaniya. ‘The instances given by the commentator are Bd? (e.g. 1.3.1), and erkthak (e geis. 5). "The word ld, an onomatopactie exclamation, Ss the only-one in the Adbacvan ending in L—excepting the similar wonis zal and. phat, in x%.185., 8, a part of the text of which our tweatin takes no agcount. Both the other Pratighilhyas (By Br. i. 13 V. Pri, $0) omit { from the vumber of possible finale, no word thee texts, apparenly, coding with it RUT: TOPTTAET 1 Ew 6. OF the mutes, the first and last of each series. ‘That is to say, the unaspitated surds and the navals, or hf 75 and ah mire and a beng excepted by the next following’ rie” Ta Ipesthig ot he moten, oof treats follows the sme method wich chat rehe ether Peucakayay cling the sod che sand axptate tho stant, the sooant septs, andthe nas ofeach series Sega the ©, “second,” “third,” # fourth," and “last” of that series rexpectively. The ‘Vij Pr-slone ain eal the asl by he nat “QGh.™ commotion vee no imtancte Under this rule: they may be sae, Smee tne ater les hy pe hy GSE Bomar ra Bone 2h as ee a Ci GS el niet NR sal fh toe) arth a fin gL, he SF dorvatives of the root ate, the Lingus cbly ins fw instances, 4 the end of the fist member of » componind, where, by a specie rule (iv. 99), its left inthe pada in its saahité form (the Va} Pr. 88] fexpresly actices this as true of is text): {i found almoet ply 3 eaphonie subsite of a Sha ¢ jh, oF ¢ (vitMgeh i 9.8: 50 the tomato pote ple [183 daub man either oh a <3 det (xi 3.28), the oly other tke ease, doubitel): & and. ato alsa comparatively tare and erpecaly the later, (88) gives the same rile, comprising with it alo the ‘ove bere nest faiowing. ‘he Rik Pr (x1) forbide only tothe apie fates a. place as foals: but the phonetic wiles of ite fourth. chaptar imply the ccoorrence only of surds at the end of a word ae the note ta tale &, below. a wah wou 7. Excopting the palatal series. ‘The commentator mentions all the palatal motes, ee, by a cae gouache re ot of fore and & she aves beng dapaaed of akeady by tle ®, "The Vi Behe) win ea he th Be Pr SL 1) afk kot al of the whole lass yor vit “ aut WD. Whitney fee Te does not belong to the Praticlchya, of course, to explain into what ‘an original palatal is converted when it would aoctr as Bn 8, That the words thns declared to end in frat mutes end rathor in thirds js duaak’s preeept, but not authorized usage. ‘That nto aap, Chunaks presses that those words whic, as noted in rle 6 sbore ates impliod throughout the rs of tho tratne, have fie tncie fas! ator the unaspirated sur sist be provounced with the Snusprsted sonar stead: But althoog® the age to whow tbe te SS ascribed or om whom the schoo! to, hick it belong divs in ‘ame, is thas honored by the elation of his opinion, che binding am. ony‘ the laters Gentes, “With tegsrd (othe goestion wheter 2 foal mate is surd_or nant, opinions seem to have heen somewhat Ginided among the Bindn grammacans. Pani (i, $0) doesnot ‘decide the pnt, bot permits either pronunciation ‘The Rik Pr. eo, 4, 33) ie Gye ay olin the tne rato a {Gakeiayana the sdf tall declan arf for nether, and at and0er face (st 1), an lend noted eat both aed and sonst allowable Ketpbonete niles, however (i. 1), Being constricted to apply amiy hetged foal, Tethe Rik Pr were actually, a6 clam o be, the merle ff lana the ale of oar ets nw er oneration onl a th fo expert to fav snegocaly the sant. prominelaion. Vaj Pre n-ne have scensbave (andr se) teaches the sd promun: Givin,” The Taiet Pr rales usually i in ling the varying opt Sons of the grammaziais on controverted tie, tales no notes what. ver of thie patna; but its rules (vi 1 elay like done of al the other treaties, imply the the fal wae, sf bot asl i utd Te would ocr fom this that tho sound which sonant mote assumed swheo final i Sanat (lor that ei orginal urd, when al, should Tave tied to take ou a sonant charsrtny & vnay hard to believe) averedposienhat spon ‘hw init between 4 urd sd a sonane promne Gator: but that ty ogo derdedly pon the stl i irate ty the iepinderancs of astonty non that ido and by te wanna aployueat of the snd i the written Wteratare. “Rhie exposition ot 101s rin, the commentator fet. given a bald aed af its prothandatin! point ttiyéntant "i sanmekany Farag prutjadiam bharts naa optik aiding Sottances the wards aeaiy given (ce under), goth, sirat drbat,sishyyp¢ rithont soy preface, ites tor thre ine fro bia mnie ry wich need'a good deat af emendation ta be brought ino iranduuble shape bof whi the mesring sppeare to berrealy ae iigwes “mutes other thas nasal siasding in ponas, ato to be ve ed as ds: a word eon fa Srl maybe considered a» ending ie, Dut ast tn ao caso be actlly 12 ead (compara Gata ie) Alharva: Veda Prdtighthya. 46. B.Prsil 8,14, ¢r), owing tothe non-exbibition of anhoritative wage Jn it favor” (MS, manaséndniten sparcdn pedyin [adyin#] ananund- sikon: prahunds ey [rath ryan ody a patiet La cit: eylorananudargard). afrent uta 9 Also adhispargar. ‘The meaning and scope of this rile are exceedingly obware and the commentator 9 signaly fase 10 throw any ight upon ie test we cen italy belp concleaing that be cid not urlemtand fe hiowele Hs w Posten, withost any aendicent in a Gllone: adAvapara ca praia [jadtn nd seitan cpargen padyn amanda: tigen funaberaia) Fn thant ma ns th kim adhesargarama wathyat yaa Eekirayor leparltr sthinpagum pakrtdganaaye Lave to hank, Prof, Weber forthe highly provable suggestion, wale in prvate ore reication that the manda én to matt, or fovea endowed n brace ‘Gs have Mrayed into the Sotmentary, ov of places s0 that the true redding a adhisparash ox pratjasnotn heat’ nate oth: "adhe: argu ala ise diciom of Canale, bat not authoritative wage’ The Interpolated wands fem pat of srerse ace apparent identical or ain sigoiteation withthe verses sted ander the precoding vale Festatemont of te same thing in algatly dierent erm mado, we Tay conelide, by» different cuthoriy.. "To explain what ehiparga tea her, the doitoenttar spy cites ale fr'24 in which the sese Wort cers again: rae wbichInvnme us st the option of Gatae Yana, that nly and, the ret of eophoric processes are not omied fei, pe ace arenas te tat ochre) the Ege a igs, in thle pronanestion, not mating the pata cox. tac (30) mls shart of th amvonel ot how cn the tse af edkcrpargom in tot ros a an avert ive & bint of fe team Ing lee, waere it seems to be tested at a noi? “Are we to under: std thas taken a the name of that peculiar tterance of y and fand that out rale mane Lo say that che mode of utterance in question is alao a tearing of Gaunaka, bot not suthortadve! This is early ‘edibie: ie doen not Snpear hereto that Gouna ad angthing fo Srth that utierance, whch is walienty pur down by the posits salen th ein gua nt wal 8 mention ef ge resting of pudgy he otherwim than impertinent. OF in etaparss to be Interpreted asthe name of slightot or imperfet tzerance, and aig ‘Qhinaka teach such an aterance a8 belonging toa Gal mots vrevered asi were belwoon sonant snd nati Thin appears somenhat more plausible, Sut not suficaatly ao ta be accepted ae all tutlictory? there fe no question of 2 diference of ootact of tbe + Mere, as algo in the citation of the rele. 6, under rule 2 shore the whole i itrative etaone om ha Atbarvan text, given ty the cnstentary seed: T have omitted then 1a perio 246 WD. Whitney, fi. orgs (a) ac ex sai one to which the presergtion Paha (5) aplcn® " fetraqen: dram: wren 10, The second and foarth of each series are aspirates The tern sham literally “hea, hot vapor, steamy ain che gram satel language applied to dengnste al! ote sounds which ate pro Inco! hy sri cf unintonated breath throogh. am open. poston of beth ona ot ion trance ba 2 ain ly te fecape of sean dhrough = pipe! they are she sibilant and amynations SE beeathiogs Gee bev, cf}. In the term sothnan “aapinatal mute Sind in its correlative andshaten, “unasprazed to” (4), tahran io {be wodertood not inthis specie tens, But In that of rush. of sity xtusion of tintonated Breth’ To this ate ceerxpond, Rik Pr. 8 (ts se] od VA Be 554 i ater ig we salen ‘with ie The TUith Pras nothing staogons, and docs ot employ The terms toukman and tadebmen. Se i ‘The commentator merely adds the list of sard axd sonant aspirates to si pote of She ral etng ne amzien Fo th oan ple {eh aspleats, gy the Atheray tat afords a0 example, He next tay S vere trom bib tctiea!authonty tasthdadir shack pear et ‘retin ex yes eberthig co citys x sompudyenia it whith ‘hinds and fists when closely combined with fates of postion corres ponding to their own, become fourths and sevonda: that jx the way.” Tre most carl resdering of saxthandirdakmoUach would be wich ‘Be Ceeping nan pnt i hay eer fed, ane fe woold give ug for enanple (sand dy instead of th and dh, Site dectal spistes, ‘Thi view we distvely but fob, bowerer «9 Segara ue snd aspirates, by anor atborty which the commento veccads to eve coms tae length the fmt partion, which alone are upon the aubjexs of oot iin it a follow anathor has sid, “he Tau ae frend wich h: (now begin ee plas) *some know” ing ote have sid that there are ie *est*moten; of chese, bythe suc- EiE.te gutetion of acconry gain (gga), howe tke place «eon fron nto ochers. ‘They ave Frown am ectandss when combed with Tee quaites of wandaedlign sh, and upadtmdniga, The sane, ‘Wher tier sith intonation ate nawrn ase thitds* and thee, with The seemed sprang are knoe as *foneties WWhon the "Gai" are prox oonced with intonation and through the nose bey ae elle Ah’ tnutse Thos ave noted the qatitenof the leters” The remaining Wor af Ue atl pave te ofthe combination and og Consents aut Tam ane in all points to restore and translate them. FT add Webare cmjectre: “pomibly—as pagards ntact alu” she view of canis nip eat hdnany aNd not WU, teen hen the pada enter no Sein efi ee Becenoeted ire tigen bere sal (et ESC nde patpsamem st te Towne cogard isa he ire empl Aida ence wachave wo donate of Gain tha cle implied, anywhere sated, Slee page fas Tam nar aves eed efecto renee of oc snd with nosber 3] Atharvae Veda. Prtighthy ae art PAU 11. ‘The last in each series is nasal ‘The term axundeike in this treatise means eimply ‘uttered fhrough caer grant weg ean ly med ugh she nt apd ng nh, ein of eh nee ea Be oe le om: Hat wat Wet ih Ya ovate nn ci ce SER ter aurea" Os eae seth macpndey ond get namie, ur ei ae ne rv ge Trtatyes i eprint crt of ta ben tant i oneal cera 9d ete, on combs tet of hn sinenenes See oy and Yah Pe G80) dee ena spt cma Saha RENE Sa we ene eT Sa | aT ATTA ede 12. Ta the aurd consonants, the emission is breath; 13, Tn the sonaut eonsonants and the vowels, itis sound, In this caso and the ane next fallowing, two or Uates rales are slated and explained together ty the commentator; that the division and enu- imeration is to be made #8 here given, is aitested by the statemert. st the clase of the section respecting the number of rules contained init. ‘The Pritighkdige lore lass down with entire correctness the distine- iow botwoca surd and sofant sounds, which consists in the diferent nature of the material faraished in the two alases to the mouth organs bp the linge and throat ip the one clase itis mere breath, simple une intonated air; in the otter class, it ie breath made sonant by the vocal ‘chords 00 ite passage through the throat, and thus converted into sound, “The same thing is tacght by too of the olber treatines: seo. Bike Pe, wi 2 (24,5), and Tat Pr. it 8, 10: the Vaj. Pr. gives no cores: ‘ponding definition, nor does it te the terms aghoshe and ghothreant, ot adapts instead! of them the arbitrary and meaningless designations Jit and mud for the surds, dia for the sonants (i. 80-88). No one of ‘the tremines confises itself with thst false distinetion of hard” or ‘Sateongy” and “safe” at * weak,” which has been the bane af so much cof gar imadera phorology. ‘The word anupradina means ‘2 giving along forth, 4 continuous emission, and hence, ‘that. which is given forts, emitted material” eorapare Taitt Pr. weil, 9, where anupradena, «emitted material is ‘mentioned frst among the circurustanccs whieh determine Uke distine- tive character of a coud, ‘The Tis Pr. (xii 2) uses instead prakyti, ‘mats? 0: ‘commentator gives the full list of the sonant letters: the vowels fn their three foes, short, lang, and protracted (pluie), the soxant 348 W.D. Whitney, [as tate, the somirowels, 4 and, by way of examples of the sonant yaa? (Gea below, Lov), those of gad gh Tis then. cits again avon foom ‘nls metres! authority, ae follows: wyenjanah. ghoshasatarinam eeuasthe bah pards yam: trayan trayng en varghatys. oghothah favha wget; “the eansorants termed sonant are Lhe seivawely ty ihe two later games, and the three lay of each clas of mutes: the enh ate caled urd!” There ie ove steikng anomaly in thi classi {tos ramely, the inclusion smotg the sotante of fy which in oUF ‘pronunciation ea unl of sirds, The Sanaent ity a is well Koown, The etymologial descendant, in almost all care, of & guttaal eonant azirln gh azo we shane ie tha metre ceva the tine af etablisbment of the phonetin eysiem of the laguage, sox- thing ois sone pulual onmnemtsnsand wee ath a Arabic ‘kod {han our simple snpration? of would it be allowable to sup- ose thst; while in actual utterance pure A, st-was you able, bya Tomiciscence ofits former value, to excise the pliavetic influence of ‘Recnant lier? ‘The quattion set an easy one to decide} for, while helatler supposition i of doubtful adamant, st equally hand to suo how Ue 2 should have retained any sonancy without setting at fit asive time more of a gutta character than it mbites in i feophonie combinations, ‘The Pratichkhya. which treats mos: filly of the Ris that belonging ta the TuittiriaSanhita: we read there (i. 4-6) that, while sound vs Produced in a closed thes, nd simple breath Fa fn open one, the fetone i ntiered imam termediate condition: and G9) that this Katome is the emited material In tbe consonaat hy spd in'foures" mutes or sonant aspirates, 1 confess myself unable ta derive any distinct iden from this description, knowing vo termed fats ultarance betoeen breath and sound, exeepting the stadalous tons of the los) whisper, which T cannot being into any connection wish Soc" Mle ee (i 4 6) Aelare ath eat, a sod to a eaunt in the sopent aspitace and in A, whish could not possibly be Ere of the later niles ere composed, ‘ike the truer of wo epee pry a sant and urd this impale, "Te TH Pra in another place (46, 47), after defining # as a throat sou, ‘adds that inthe option of Some, itis utierod in de same position of the organ with the fllowing vowel which so accurately deseribes the rode of provtntiation of our own, shat wo eanuot but regard ik as Sept coaton that he Bask 1 abo Was = pre Sd ap ETT Sea aT ETT | arf PaRePT A BURL RU 14, Tne given key, a syllable uttered in a high tone is ealted scutes 16." One uttered in a low tous is ealled grave; 1 MS. woth, ta forthe following verse, it wauld be very donbifid what its] Aduarva: Veda Prdcigihiya. B49 16, One carried from the high to the low tone is called cir. cumflex. ‘The word samdnayeme signifies literally ‘on the same piteh ? sense once in the ik Pe. (sii 17), and. several times in the Tai Be. (ay. xix 5, ete). ‘The ‘specification which % conveys ia ct in all he ght trol, raat a eig Go coun eo ire siatemont, ‘Tho meaniog evidently i that the acute ard grave Propuncations are boand to no absolute or fed tones, bt that wher Fone’ waive Is pitched, higher tone of utterance gives Use ace, Slower the grave. Ou treatise, the VA Pr (i 108,108), the Taio Pr. (i 96, 9), and Pdnini (i 2.29, 80) presiely accord fn, theit de- scription of the uddita and amudéita aceents: the Itik Pr. (ju 1) tres fo be move profound, desribing the cause rather than the nature of their diference and succeeds in being olmoure: its daliition of Uaem, ‘spoken *with tension and relaxation respectively,” would teach ut Title aboot them bat for the help of the other authoritien As ogatds the searita, the definitions virtually eoerespond, though diferent in form: the ‘itt. Pr. i. 40) and Panini call t a sord&irn, ot *combie nation of the other two; the Va}. Pr. (, 10) saya casing bath the other tones ‘a suarita ; the Rik Br. (it 2), that s syllay ‘leis somvite inta which the twa other tones enter together. ‘The term eh, used inthe dein of on ean fd explanation It coresponts with the term dshepa, by wrich in the Wik Pr (ii 1 theme gueton i chastebed nd which Rep ales “dition,” Miller "a clinging te, continuance, persistence (alten) * szvd Roth (Prefece to Nirvia plvil) nearly dhe same (ausRalten, *per- ‘stones, perseverance"); while Weber (p. 13) renders oor Mkaiptom: “cloreed, drawled (geshlei2)" Regniet’s translation is mspported by the snalégy of the corresponding expressions inthe ather treaties, Ror ii Tp too great he lips Inthe cnnetion In ehich {wand in hie test; but to understand the participle hero in a correspond senes, as meaning “exhibitiog che sition of the other two ta ead suber cost arly be oleae, Urata commentary expan ache pe by srvcggamana, which would admit of being rendered "x pas {hough or aarosy from one 40 tho others’ and T have accordagiy ‘eansated Akehipta as having tho sense af “brawn, transferred, ot caf= ed ffom ope tothe other of the two already motioned” ‘The words widila and enuedatin racan Itsrlly “elevated” and ‘not cleeated"—that iy to say, shove the average pital of the ¥ Tita. is more dificult to oederstand, and has received. man xplanations, none of which has been aalishotriy extablshed, Thave ef namely (Jour. Am Or, Soe. 204) vouie the sgpetion that it might come from vara, "vowel and mean “vocalized, exhibiting a conversion of semivowel Salo vowel? as would be necessaty, in otder tthe al enunciation of he dou fon the great many fhe sliables which exhibit it: bub Iam far fom conétdent that hfs the ‘rus explanation, The accent is once called ip the Tate. Pr (xix. 3) duiyama,*0f double tone ot pitch!” The the Sanskrit arcents, ct, ‘auudaie, and evarita, 0. precisely correspond in phonetic character 350 W. D. Whitney, fee sith wit we are accustomed to call arate, grare end cireomfler, that thas not seemed ta ue warlh while ta avoid the use of these berms in tegig af then, , “Pye cotmentator give only a paraphrase, and no, explanation, of those reg which he Maine and treats together, aw Thane done Ae Kigtations of the accra, he cites omavegy® (e.g vi, 7.2) and danyd (ergot 14.2), both citcsmiley on the fal elas, ard the words print eu roo, which ae nt fonnd in the Atharvan: bt the ‘ading ib probaly cotupt and the page meant mas be praca Toke (li fed}; th wld oenah intancenof the water aod ene Gaticatinongh, tndend, not batter Chana thousand other phrases ‘hich might Have beso elected aafgrenicett ararkeerertn yon 17, Half the measure of a cireamflex, at its commencement, is acute, tr sic i which ho VP G2) grein gre om cg RAS Mi Ca pel apes sn oe den of ae agin oes ie Fok med hk moe, Ts oy rats gh 28 fe ae oe ace e psein rh tg See eee giana hae porte aa te ge of dpe oe fee Er 22) serie Me Bear, heh i ce sor ota ng rhe ey ot ile ge hn et on eer in et ary et ete ih Te fla game he ig, oe ee a ge spiced De coma 6) at soe he le doe Senta dae et i a te (CAT $5 a her, ete ews ww fey blr ot an te en gr he i fon oe a Ly arta pt tg nok tegen en he seemed wont of hg a nd escent te trae ot hed een oh i at a ter a liege my cea rng ian ts ene soa foie worl: soda Co 2722) Soe ie, gant Ae a deal 8 a) (ag Oh ae aL qe aT: AUT we 18, In the mouth there are differences of producing organ, ‘Tis rule is simply intodactoty to those chat fllom, respeting the place aud mode of production of the diferent sounds of the spoken ito] Atharva Vode Pritihtiya, 861 abet As rogarda exch of these two circumstances ate to be gos Silered: the sta, or * postion? and the Ravan, ot ‘producer’ ‘The distinction bebweet the two is lad down by the commentator twice ver, in identical phrase, under roles 19 snd 25: Kim punah alhdnam: Wi barenam. vod pekranyate tat sthdnare: gona ‘pokramyete (at Aarapara "bat; agaio, i “postion,” and what “organ? that is posi- tion to whick approach Ss made; that is organ by hick approsch is made? "The ‘Tait Pr, has a similar defuition ge text (1 S184) “in case of the vowels tbat is pesition to which there is approximation 5 ‘hat is organ whieh males the approximation: in tbe cae of the cher letters, that is position upon which contact ia made; that fe ongan by ‘which ‘one males the contac” “hati to say; two organ are alwaye concerned in the production of a sound, and by their contest oF ape proximation the sound recsises its character: of those tbe more ia Snovabia one is called the sthdna, at place of production, and iti fora ‘hat the sound derives its clase designation; the more movable o active one is called the toraya, or instrument of production. The thane dacs not require to be siated, since it is implied in the very hname of the soand; but, lest it shoold chance to be erroneously isage Sod that all the sounds ave produced by one and the same organ at lees indicated, we ate exyroely tanght the contrary in 2i8 role, and treatve goes an to speelfy the diferont exgans* TOTAAL: wth 19, OF the throatsounds, the lower part of the throat is the producing organ. “That i to say, a9 the commertstr goes on to explain the upper part of the ure place of profuctiontn approsched by te Lover kare Sf the throat as istamest of produtibons Ae the sods oostivtn ‘elgg tg ary ong nd proc vase, a {he sieerjoni, ‘he tame nouns are defined. as enti Ly th Rie Pe shi ano notes that soe ell hau teiorjniya “chestsonnds" (erye), The Vai, Pri) slates hem formed in the thont, bot (84) by the mile of the jam a oxgan ‘Exange description, aod not very create tothe aceracy of tion a ts atchon” The Tales Pr (ln 48) reckons only & and vou ‘ign ms throat sounds, and then edds (ie 40,48) tat sone tegare Kas having the sane peson with the following vowel and twang so having the same. position with the prteling vowel. “Ths ater & the ‘Rot lana ch ay of thy aN afd wo spin the phanetis value of the rather problemasial seajenipe ncieating foe mee ancharacttiod eating final Av here fan cbvfise Proprety fo detaching these two apirations and a from the flowing les of "gutta" ety in which the Peningan scheme (ander Pass 4 The membog & ander the te Eorgua in the Biblngk ath Tercom yl + Avcpraghe,aretlaon "is acardngy tbe struc ot Wabare waaniaaes of the wordy ano="Herurbringusgunt “math of poadceion’™ a Oath et ‘hele aod postnlycomberonne and sail. vou. “5 852 WD. Whitney, B19 11.8) la ten hy rie wo vn an oma no 1 a eee es tin fom yo oa re et the nt el os Srey oe onl aera ey FE Seen cet aa to that ot Shep mah yok te ae eed he cha re « Eovagumenet nen en ef oh he gra cea ig Te ot see nig rie sone wie chee pt he diego sag ce emerge Brarefart BPTI u 200 20. OF the gutiurais, the base of the jaw is she producing orga, The name jikwdmaliya, by which the class of sounds here spoken of isle mednn Test ut of te tongue! Tee they owever, the bee? and famibar appellation of "guttarae!” They are tinted hy the comeentary t9 be the r vowel, shorm, tong, and. pro- tracted, the guttural mates & HA, 9, gh, 4, the jikudmdtiya spiramt, or that modifeaton o€piserjosiga bic Ye exhbed before the a ‘worals & and Ad (jotimated by him by means of an itlastratve instance, urwekak Bana the pease ia tabewed toy not vetting in tbo ‘Athaevan eat} aad Use vowel? (aso imimated by an example, pat (Fe get, Pres she ame en fonds estate yh ie (8, 261, hy 10 conte the en of jitataulliyds, Tho Va. Pr, delaes the tame, with tho exception of the -vowel, to be formed athe linge of te tongue (. a) ly the bate of fhe js! (83). "The ‘Thiet. Pr. (ie 90,44) oclosee ia the clase only the gottoral ates and jena, sad roverace tho relation of poston aa ongan, making Ue joy formes and tie Longe the liter ‘Thin is evenly Wo wore nator ral way of dellaing the swode of production of the ess, and de moe Soalogois with ths. method of out own tease eeewhere 20 in the fuses f the thycatletory palatal and labial the lamer and tore thotile ofthe two ongana concerned being taken asthe producer, But ‘he wage of uxning the clas from the sna seeoa to have requed hat the fodmala be declare the sthinm std noe the Karen, 8 the Sounds of which the well estaished varye was kwenliya. By Ramu Rpt at ba of eon eat cal terior edge af the hard alata, which might wel enough be re ded a ie base of the appa o of the Uiny strsiore which ‘he upper tecth are aes Tee fo foe by a contac prod’ at Se point betnean the rosé af the mouth and the nearest part of the by isos of the tongue tha osr an getraly end, are tered, Post the gevowe! shoul be iatuded ty the Praieiiyar aang the gutted sound nsieed of among the lingusls, where ile eupbonie valve 50 dix Afooly placee i and where it i accangel in the Baninean scheme, tery ange, aad would point to a grtural pronunciation of the rie certain locales or among’ certain clatsen; a guttural isa. wel recog ised constituent of many soder alphabais, ‘The dedniton OF the wany Atharva- Voda, Prdtishiga, 858 vows! ata gurl by part of the anthories in probably explicable Eyit occurence only the root fp ater guinea where eight Ditunalyehocga be 2 far sociated sto tke on something {srl haat, bing renee tn pit conieay por in which the common fy wasted. ‘The Va P(e ¢0) and the Pasian scheme ake fr dental. ‘Teo jedmulya spina and compet, the apadindniga or ibll spivant, are sombere exprealy ‘eatoved incur tear, Buta apparently nocexarly implied 1a ie 410, and are regarded y the commettatr as forving prea the alpha tai which the work eostemplaten, Tt dnc not sue prea at they ore limporin svedfeatons of the este brsting the sranlye “Tho fommentatr again cloves bis exgoaan wih «vere, ich, with tore doulfel emendations reas is follows:jOdnum rear nasya kavargarya en bAdakyate ; yar! cai'va jéhudmelidtya Learmay ce ‘th Eemetate’ "the rot of the langue is delated. the pas of the = Vowels aud the Faeries; also Ube spivant which is jikedimdltya, and the Proves ate plane! area aeey 2k 21, Of the palatals, the middle of the tongue ix the producing og. ‘The sounds composing this clas are slated by the commentator to be es di wf 4th js jhy A, and te vowel & in its short, omg, and. pro- trate fda” chusension be follows the ovr ot te Balt fetie which e goes on to ght as fllona tle jareaeorgtndn icarnaiya ca bhdihyate: ‘the palate is explained to be the place 9f peor ition of dig, ¢, the eserieg, and the ivowels’ ‘The same sounda specified Uy te Tik Pr (18, 42, xl) a8 palalals, and are de= ‘bed by the Vij Pr. G89, 79) a8 formed upon the palate, by the riddle of the tongne, precisely as by our treatise. The Taitt Pr. 36) furnishes the strc definiuon of the exerts and (is 44) ofc, bub is (i 40) that y ie forme’ upon the palate by the middle and end of the ange sal einer at, does not nelade ary vow "The ancient Sanskrit ¢ and j ean hanlly have been 0 datintly com- pound soaads as our cd andj in church judge, or they would have been taabjaed and dcr a sch by the’ phone, “AC the ame Lino, ihe inubity i tnd as hate ihe capone egnyeion of and fa wing into ch, the Prakitic origin af ¢ and j from ly and ay, tre Ui poverttindloalons ts be ovelooked of thet Uows Aided with our sounds, and devistion trom stret simplicity of nagnre, "That herr as cut yar ssthing only iotnitoimaly dering rs we see to good reason to doubt aod certainly, those who hold wo the Eng” Tish ch and j provanciation for the moter exapoe possibly avoid accept ing the sh prouuciaton forthe sbilant. shag already been roticed above (nuderr. 10) that one ofthe palatal tes, jh, does not crea oecur inthe Atharvan text * aac 2 jargon tsa alah. a W. D. Whitney, (ire part frert ofratery nse n 22. OF the linguals, the tip of the tongue, rolled back, is the producing organ, ‘Tre eounds eotnpesing this class are a and the faerie orf th ds sak x; a0 sae lho comnentter, sod fries his escrcon hy aiding the Lal verse miindiastndaam shebérarya tavargerye sath mater "They are known in sll the Pratigakhjas by the same name (R. Pr. i. 2.48, ali, V. Pr. 1 07, 78; TP. bi. a7, 44}, and the Val. Pr. and ‘Taite Pr. ascribe dem’ in the same manner With oor treatise, even 10 Using the same verb to expres the estan af revering or rolling back the tip of the tongue into the highest part of the mouth cavity. The semivowel and vowel r are inthe Pavinsan sehems, and in oor eusom sy Seaton of he Galo apa Genre x Cages and, an the exphonic laws of the fe ahow, with enti propriety, tines it sin a0 ineonsderalo meautfe undet the sstlating indaence ‘of the r thatthe others have come ‘uta the alphabot or avon Uvee present agree of extension in the spoken syatem of aunts. The unly leer of neatly coraporltg pn in ot maden European apaia i the sy wile Hogi Testo iniy pronounced emo oe the tip of the tongee ‘within tho dome of the pals although not at a eto fc Un dem 2 be indeed hy the rm man, is wand means literally “head, expat? and hence 30 exact translation of ite derivative mirdbanyr moti be" exptal and. this would be the ‘proper name hy which to eal te cans sf the tems had notin Knish Brother well recognized meaning 1 applies to letters Maller (pi holds mcntha to he used dncetly dn the sense of “dome of the palate (@asrmeniach), and Weber (p.108) zcenpts the tame meaning fo ciray Sue ivacams Ws re oxseadingly dositfel whether words which mean so sitinctly*eady #8 usally employed, can, without litle aition, be taken as sgeitylng a contain region in the mouth eponially when Wwe soo tho Vis. Pr. (1 30) once use SrGradiye, ‘The mile of the browse inva correspondiag sense, and the Tait Ps (i- 9) mettion the mouth frakia) along with the “head” (eiras) among the organs ‘which give rm 0 sade Misha east be taka bo mean ‘doure of the palate ‘indirect, if a all in 0 far as that a the highest pone im the head” which the tongue is capable of resching. Mller propos *eacuminal”™ 4s a name forthe class; a far from unauable tem, but ove which baw {ok found acceptance, poshap as being nather cazophonos. ‘The name tcaploel by Bopp ah mihy cur ater grammars, gua eran 4s fren eon objection a any other, “Ceyeoral” cas irjtice ¢o the Hinds geammarians, avd obicaces ofeasively a talee and ahaard theany. GaeD AtftRT ween 23, Of shy the trough-shaped tongue is the producing organ, ‘Our treatise is the only ono which singles oat eh from amoug the ‘other lingual letters, to: msko it the subject of a spocish description, 5.954 Atharcas Veda Prétigikiya. 855 ‘Roth the conmentator and his metic authority regard. the ak as in- clnded fo the cass which she ast ale desrtbes we ace to Togard is then, oly asa specication which ao fr madifen the deserpion already ven Tits very poubig’a Inter Imerpelatin in tie text of our Erin “Tuer wl ary no explain of Ge word fronted, whic ges not dest eben bere i te grate! ly ina donvaive fom deena ‘wooden tub or uotghy aad n explained in the Boitingleftth lnizon a "the toge bent together nthe form ft a trorghy" which is undoublotly the tre rendering, Th ean hardly ‘be elaine that this rle adde tothe datneznes of out appredeasion of the charscar of this sibilany, which is clearly enouplt eahited by its felaion to the offer lingual cote: its nol our sk—which ie rdher, 5 above notion, tse palta j—but such a slant aa ie formed by t=, Yerting the dp of the tongue into the dawe of the patale; much more reany eteoing ovr ah than oor 5 bacasee stored at neary che same fein with the for only ik te Sp raul of dhe oa ope uric, of the tongue’! an # ean only be produced prey clowe behind the npper tee, ‘Asin natanceof thin stan the commentator cites the phrase shed Auch tin hao mtsah (i B18). qeartt rent oerftahy ue8 a 24. Of tho dentals, the tip of the tongue thrust forward ia the producing organ. ‘he commen rakes Cts ela ide J 6, hd dy and siting again a quarier vers to the same eect: dant! lasaievargdndim, The Vil Peale the fowel to the clan which it defines (2 0,70) ‘6 Goxmed at the tect by the tip of the tongue. ‘The ile Ps (8, 10, 744,45, ai lvl) compronen the claus off, and 1, Wesiden the bveres, Znd calls Siem dhatambdiys, ‘letters of the toot of the tath! The ‘ait Pr, (i. 45, 2, 44) defies the same leiors, except mas formed dantamiledhn, «atthe roots of the teeth the taeries and # by the Sp fof the tongtie, snd 2 hy its middle park ‘The description of the twa latter anthorties is undoubtetly the more securate sice the contact by which our dentaa" are produced ix not npon the teeth themselves, bbe ust at their baso ot behind then : between the tp ofthe tong and the teeth, where na close contact is postbl, are brought ford the Es Tish sounds. What resin al cases the peculiar character of an i chat in its production the tengae Js in contact with the roof of the south in fro, bt open of the ides.” The Tait, Pry then, in delning the Zs. produced by the middle of the tongse, Zonbless eters to the ‘where the etcape of the breath takes place, while the others ae {thinking only of the part by which the contact is made, AIRTEL 02. 25. OF the labials, the lower lip ia producing organ 7 dene, 2 Senha wala tn ta ta fastane in what low, 6 WD, Whituey, f25- Tha ag the ef the rot sounds 1 abot) te pe surtce of the throat was regarded as the pasve organ, oF 8 AE, and the ander euros ac the civ onan, oF products a bere the ‘sper lp is pasive organ, and the Tower lip active’ on 28 the commen hype ithe spot ip the pon (tid = apron ¥y SRE Eve rik pian (lara ‘She bai 2 eg the camorevitan, the digbthange ard dy i the normal and the pro, tte fate paint Fb cnn ye ant CGohich is not nanted, bot indicated By aa example, peoushah pita. the phree i nt found in the Athacvan), aod he cowes abo [ong fl protracted. ‘Pot the gmnvowdl# i omit kev is doubtless the faultaf the sopylat only, since the sound ‘s not provided with a place ddaemhore. The verwen clad fom the metrical treatise are a fallow: Sendhyelsbraky sargeshu oarnéntam osithgas wcyaie” upadhndt- Sam whtvo ooh pesargan tata pata “inthe diphthongs snd tho Final soced ‘sealed lial; he upaddnantya, ty 4 and te poeten ste also a0 ooneiderad? The Bike Pr (10) 2730) agress with ou dressy the Vij Pe (20,80, 81) so define Us tame sounde 28 frodocet spon the fp, ad by the Bip bu thon ads farthest {he oterance ofthe pe of the teeth ato employe: ho sae spec ficadon asco the ola mae by the Tal, Pr. (49 is commenter ex ‘lnning thet in the ntaranen af tat lee the putt of the per tee brs pleat on the ego he ewer ip, az th ees eae ae, ri ether cane ort fae sown an diphthongs fr the css The Seaciptions of given by te wo Pratcabhyas ofthe Yajur Veda, ae vealat Suvolfied in the Parinean seheme (hich delaes is organs Df utacance to be the oth aud pe), leave no room to doubt that at Thee pesiod the 1 had elealy general le ts orginal and proper vale is English aaa which lore than any right (oe called 4 semvowel, and eo rink with yard, doubtless pasiog theough she intrmed Stage of the Germsa Sad aoyired tae proce promencition 2 the English Whether the slates of the Rilrane Ataarean Peaticlehyns fonvtbis point ede to ther rior date, att a logal or schlasti die hee in eit attarace of fe» tothe fas that vi of the exe Sledeay abil cophonie chaser of fhe wand ey were wiling (0 Seeval the poculiasity of uence dingeting fe fom theater Habis I woul not anerake Ws decides but should covider the fst ‘hppalton te less pose, andthe scond the ost probable, of the thee. arfererreri ArfereT ne 28, Of the nosesounds, tine nose is producing orga. ‘Tae commentary paraphrases ndsikyth by nasikdechdnd sarnth, ‘ ee tah maak 2 Mena ltunrtayde yale 8, coménasihdnatorend isihydualth tog iy Sat tbe nasls and labile have toe same athdan ad davon wit abe aot TE ig lyn ec of ee we cas mo le evens are the sama degan io tbe ehe ease, the ate bath Ure wos ‘ath re tha ips ian] Atharva- Vela Prétighkiya. 867 es hb te te som le pte’ ed cen without farther explanation, as instances, braltma (c.g. i. 19. 4), paydrin (eg. 1.9. 3), a stat a, and # fn, m mm: that is to say, the nésikya Sestel a Se Ae ert ap net Gouin, Ph ceria a hha be eg ane an ph Dae ny ‘sarpotlarads cd pi yalko "kash cdi 0a le matah ; “in. the case of nastkya, embetter act octane Meee gin eae ears cea mga eal to ieee hee ag a eta tte seas ee pnt i cee Fer pene earner rons a pe a ty and es ee ee Soci oe a eh ae es Sema Bats a ct) ee Sh tr fous cata emit hs ape TEL Mc ahangee a a Met es ar ec ee) Mei ae Hamed Seine es eee coitus eae lakh os BNE ul es se see en atta oe cae De mte saris to which they Belongs * RPT TAAL Wye 27, Of the naswized sounds, the mouth and nose together are the producing organs. The commentator explains anuntsiddh by anundathasthind, vargdh, ‘zoanda which have fo thle pac of production the anunastod E sow ot nother os in Whih exunde tend a he nae ot or organ in the mouth, and eamot but regard this parophrese Ssh oninallgent aad meobsseal cooknoates of the mane mode of explication which bas been corecily applied to the elase appllations in athe preceding rates. Without any statement of what sounds are to be considered a5 refers to in is ral, the oonimentary cites the fellow- Sng Wlustrtive iutaaces ew ex ma tigation (v.18. 2); tras ex ma trigae on (0.18. Dy calaag ca ie cafudreigac ca (9.15. 4)3 pond 4 The oormentary of ove of Millar's suanustip (ace paix by # goteworthy sreeraene ia minncerpretauien wth tr ove, Wie to brag iat otal ten sls ‘SEetaogeg the lan, 858 WD, Whitney, fae puso (eg 8. 1)5 atv pcheranans (si 11.1): they are eases, Sani oll nn nd ey a thoi owes fl Bae bodss che nasal vonels te rule’ mist be intended to dexeribe the sharacey of tho al seminowe (in 93), and. ofthe mawal dies (EU, he procs of a Uae a he mouth es 4 93 ‘ot lets esential thao the nove: each of them rogue given poxton of the mouth organa, to which the enpolsion of the in whole, though the cong then communicates & zal goat The coreoponding deftion of the Ri Pry a nasa eotnd. i pro+ duced by the tosth and noes togeshen does ot ecu gat the aor portion of thot trative (all, 20), The Vij Br. (78) gives an Equivalent explanation; the T4it Pv (i, 82) saps with eal justice ‘Spatalqvalty i comauicated by the unosiog af the noxe™—oF cota, it any giten postion of the month organs "A vere teagan ced bythe commaniaarsar lows: muhanésike ye marge urycte te nundsitok: temandayoprayetnt yo fe aoarad recta; the mounts ttre (he mou tod tose together ave called Satake, howe proceed bya lke fore of the moth are tpl Siler’ "The tenn stearna, “silar? applied to soonds dieing ‘quant only, and notin Goality, is tad but ance in ost eeatee (0 Gayrand is tot delined byt: tho cited dafaition a amon the same swith that of Bagi (hee les the ather eatses, Ing the tobe to expat Tae TET wer 428. Of 7, the roots of the teeth are the producing organs, Sy the ‘roots of the tvth? most be understod, dots, the bases cf the upper fon! teath at wehich, according ta the Rik Pr (18-10), sed she aes Pr (i 38) 43) she whole laa ealed in au toatine Simply dents” (eee rle Bi abovs) is produced. Te soeme strange find dhom ‘ere called the Ravana, intend of the ena, of ry aml ve fave mo: reay 0 sasume a bra in the onto the ero! Aarene, fa py ih pac of ad oc expec ye eee rare the silsttion: ryphnaya dontamlens profjog ¥tabya Geyetes i sands erntage Lith gthdremcin af he pata gi tbe th Zuo he tan or poco hem: tha Dave Ube places of dhe sounds buen st forth'in orden? “The commen tator father aldo! opera Sie: kenurnstack rephanya dentomidek td punah protyg 98 dantemsitihyo svdethanye i pares “ancter hhav hd, “the place of rons the voste ofthe ja, om again atthe sort of the ath or shove behind the ronts of the teh? others 3 ait iea lingual’ Avconsceeble aerence of opinion smog te Hinds phonesits respecting the postion af the ris ndleatod by these “ations and by the teachings of the diferent phoneti eeatses ‘The fie Pry ex-we have seen uncer rule 26, heads withthe oer Gentle an donconlige, but a (010,146, xvi) chat some regard i fe gingival. ‘The Vij Pr defines as prodaoed at be rots ct he part ot that of the VAL. Pr (42) is more ax ‘ur ova, employ the Wword without take soy Atharva- Vedas Prétightdiya. 859 RGD Pty tears Cry tes FMS ee fom the Unga lanai the agg leat defn ture i hs alt, a Hoga pation th th pty Hower cant be en png et saint annette Lineal aun hema ere wrath aqUrp etn 29, In the case of the mutes, the organ forms a contact From this contact (gaarga) of the organ with the place of produc ign, te mutes (erga) derive their name. "Phe Rik Pr, (ii. 4 + 9) giver the same definition, with the addition hat the ongaat ts aleo avthilam, ‘not stationary.” The TBitt Pe. (ini 198,34, cited above, under i.18) implies a comiact in the cage of all sous excepting vowela and spirants (i, 45), not laying down any dis Each batho the couplets sutat of Un wat wid the opr fone of the semivowel. ‘The commentator cites a venie which establishes a noteworthy ex caption to this ale suaramadhye dadAdu yatva pdanottutra-sarjaye. mmeduprayaindy ucciryte Idd utdhah niderpavam; ‘where q and dh ‘cour between two yowels, there one must avald a close contact? they fre to be uttered with a gentle effort: instances are it (v.12, 8) and ‘smidhane (purwamidham, $9.29,4}" ‘This eortesponds, if it does ct foince, wih the conversion of these letters in stike case foto lin- ageal l uneapirated and aspirated, usaal in the Rik and in some schools fof the White Yajus, ad taaght by che Rik Pein 1.21, 12 (1, 83, Ai, Ti), es resting upon the authority of Vedamitea, and by the Véj_Pr. fn'v. 148 as the docerine of some teachers. Gur verse des not indeed point out that the relaxation af the contact takes pace at the sides of fhe tongie, and that the resulting sound Ss henes af the natore af an fj ‘unt this is aleagethoe probable. SORT ETUC wo 0 80. Ta the case of the semivowels, it is partially in contact, ‘Th iso say, the organs ar so nealyappovinated that hse post tion may be called an imperfect contact. ‘The Ri Pr. (xii 3, ¥ 10) vou #4 44 300 1D. Whitney, [i.s0- calls it dedeprahtan, siesperfectly ar hardly in oontuct’ The Thite. Pry af just remarked dacs nat distinguish the dagrae of eoelach of the semi ‘voile feom thal of the niutas, ‘Tho none by which the somivawels y, 4% 0 are ealled—namely anighih, intermediate, standing bebeedn’—ie generaliy explained a9 Snieating that the sounds in question, in the arravgement of the alphs- hae, stan boaween the mutes and the. spirants. Tho Bahilingk Atoth lexicon, however (eu? verbo), defines it to mean fn aid xx Snatances of wtesjwiya, egaih (e.g i. 4) and epkeba (eg ie 5) The tem ebaedgana dees mot fon pate of the era: Shc langeage of the PriticAl jar or of Baninl: among the fore, oceurs only fn this plas aula of the laste (ii 3.80) determines ite devination and orthography, and the svstances given in the 000 rmestary show ite equivalence with wiarjaniyn, the. Hohdingle Teh Tewicem alo tlers (au erin) 10 sevesal wocttalaics which cavisin ths swont, giving fe the ase meaning. More sighifeant itt cexnerence ever tenes in the gehyresaeras (os eed in the Fesien of Botullna Both and Oltacker) to with tke sigaifeation slsarpa.¥ Tt Took anf it bed belonged to a0 calier grammatical terminology tan thay ‘of out teeainy, and had been roiained merely reminienee of Sampething larity current: ita introduction into ove text otherwise hte miele aly oe cane eee, wat uence olay i van ancient nani of sitrjariya ot viewren, crowed out of use by the latter tera. The Bbuiagielath lesion gives i, with Teferesce 2 this pamage, the measiag "an expiting or wavishing sou (cin erttngonder Laut)” Du. this is merely 2 conjecture, aca by ao roars 9 wall sipportet by the elpeasiogy af the Word. Gehich euld figget ater ‘a souncing forth, a resonaiee") as te be placed beyond theroach of question. Plgit?s vale tise be taken as. couclusice ie- poating the derivation aoa fort favored im hs tne, oF by his schoo! the the analogy af the words abtinadhda, eDAiihta,aDhinhatoy abc ‘iphta canvot but suggest abtinisena a tho true fo, coming from the root sth with the preizs aids snd ni, ‘Thin wool tos, however, Telieve the obseuriy investing the primitive meaning and application o¢ The rm; an obscurity which also ailacicy in some rsasire, to the woud sitorjaatye aod te Sore modern tepeeastative Dsrge armament fife: AAA SA ANTE: W820 43, The holding apart of e consonant is abkinidhin pinched, quite weakened, lacing breati and sound, “1 That the word aver mesma “a sound ofthe alpabst im onmral! ax saned in bette aan ine ny oo, Zhane a en wal Feteres to by Bhtingk Rots, but the carseat to Pani, abbinthrennwarnahy ‘ices not necesanly Hay any sing of te Lod bat many rather aun "an coh i ir he eat gen by Ges oto he fed muaning, Weawidetly signee tnorge” apis, (a eats) Echg'n bog vowel oie visizye’ ifthe luc cane tlle on ate ot es ‘Sounte Hhan Ueun, she geeral dean" sued” mutt be reece ial Atharva- Fede Pritigiiya. aor We hate here one af those svbteties of phonetic mialysin whiet ane sich marked chaacieriics of the Hinds dence. Tp ote wo any fatistictory understanding 3 ii we sas calln to cor aid theoretical Sonsiderons, as the dark sof santy expositions of the grammatiat troatnos and ‘their commentators are inshficien. ‘Tho phevomencn fhiming the subject of the evte evidendy is ot inaludes a defective pro- runlation or indistinetness of nteranee, znd the two next rues Yach 4s at it alfocls a auto wich followed by another mots, and. one ‘which stands as al, In What does the pecallarity af aelerance of suet lean mich 4 psi cnr! A te aso rods Oy @ fompleto elosnee af the ergans of articulation ix some dere positon, cilia carting of the eceape of breath throwgh the mont: soa iis by the breaking of the slaure with the attersice cf a following open stand that dhe mle i sell wade aul. iu apeating a py fr ie Manca, a0 lang se the lips are kopt compressed, there my vo audible ound; lit as sons tbe ooutact is severed wit the expulsion af exer ‘wninianated or iotovated hveath, im the possing of the voice to the ttterance of So: ote sound, de pis cleat Deatd. A Sonam mate 38.2 flew alvolutly 2 daub letter before the teach of the eattact, ‘ecause includes an expulsion of eaonane breath fs the Goren int tie crety af the toate during the elonive of the organs, xd this = onance i sifeent to fudicate impertety dhe character ofthe contact. ‘A asad mnt, a8, is yt loss dependant spon the explosion for it dis ess of atterance, since it implies £ fren li of sonert breath Ahromgis the nore, ued 50 Ts cantituows and even quasi batire; yot even the oak, and sill more the sopants, are explosive Testers att do net have a perfect trance uolem the eter is broken: A allosting vow of coutne discovers thom ast completely? yet acy ‘open and eontinashe eto ae a semivowel or a sibilant, anaes eh ‘hme poxpose, and in ie splakes pm pn, fr instance, we fel that > han dant.” vernal oer fi another the exploddon of the former cannot irepedy anours Une one ae 0 {to pass fromm one posivon of complete contact to avotier, Withon any inuevening apan' sound: the former mate is imporeety Unsred. A Tike thing tates pace when & mute is fa, oF whee. there i no fallow. jog open tound to deal the contact wth we den have only iat very Jimporteo hist of is pronaneiaion which in given by the formation of Aho contact upan tho preceding apen sound. We are accustomed, ine Seedy inardet to give dinctess ta 4 Svat male, to weclove the organs Bain altar making the contac thus whispcing afer‘ 38 it wate of avowel; and the absence of this uncle is temarked by phonet inal a palsy of the pronto of same sist of soken Ghigase, rendering Weir Goal waves ames! Inaudible: ies Lavdly pose Hble, 00, make one mute fallow another to cloy that there dail Bot ship out in the transfer of the organs fom one contact to the other, sn bit af ath or sound, which greatly helps to make the former of the fra audibies and of hath these inorganie or involantay afditons Sncetions wo shall sce hereafter thatthe Ifinds theary takes note” bat they do not wholly wamedy the theetetic imporsston of the wtirance ‘Phas the indistinct yrotuneiaton tus deseioed is the abdinidaana of wou. a 868 WD. Whaney, faa the Hinds doeory oF at lest the conte aud moe importans fact of toae comprehesied under that name enna to te tleably ctts, altSoogh it mat be confesed that thete are dffcaten atiending sich an explanation? tone Think, that may not be done away by appos {ba the Hindus had aot madé'n compete physical smal Of he pe: rpomenar, and hence that thelr sonpons ofS partake of vaguevers dand inconsistency; and aso, that they have brongte together ender the Ine abBuldhaa things not ently accordant altho analogasa, in harscter The difiecky of the subject fv sufcienty atest by the SToubafl and divondant vows taken of ie Hy those wbo have had cosa Hon hither to examive i a2 Muller, Ranier, Weber, Goldsicker (ev. ebkinithana). "An alteseate view to hich T have pipeel been somewhat auacted ie that by the aBlinidhdna ie mest the instant of dice wich intercenes betméon the clone of the organs forthe fis Ite and thet opening forthe socond: thatthe Hila theny Fogerty the word dpi for exarpe, De tterance of the p ae comple by the closure of the lips upon the: preseting and that of she 38 cue ete by the seloaire of the tongue beloe the following a, while toa rit interval of suspended diteraee separating We Uro ace Is abtin didn. This, belie than anything else, would give mesuing to the fir wovd of ove rule, holding spart af the eotsouautsy and would coord well enough withthe rest ef the desription, teasing the lst itr deprive both trea ard scands etal bjertions however, {6 this explanation aro, the ceatineat af the phenomenon 1s somethit, ‘ating Eve former consonant, ot intrpoved wer i: tbe daly of {suming any sock interval of Slonee in the age af 3 sonsusteoe with Sovani and vecal mutesy and the nowuppliabilty of the Ueory othe ‘ence of a final consonant. The term uyaijanaridharanam must, there fore be wrderstood as used simple in anethese to the sonybtam of tule 40. beress, in other cas of concneenes of consonant, there fs stl combination, with pari amilation of the ater to the form (Gole 80), ore each i elt pars fers he ees ax distinet. Tha tue, zpples on tothe eanearetice of consonants dot 12 ¢ Analy Uist allowable to eyand a contemplated in a goneral desertion of fexigoation of « phonetie phenomenon ite prizclpal ese only, altho thot fo adopt. att explanation of the phenomenon itelf which shoud th uy oe ese ne fC 9 nah, te term it onan ait esi, Burney we by Sistse jy other than grammatieal tena, sould sige, as wetter ‘roan, simply ‘a setng down againgt” the following lelar, <5 distine oshed fron an actual combination whl ‘That it i Used 5 our ease asa maschine la somembat surprising, Lut cant be expanded Scan err of the mancsorpt, "The word seams to be laken almost in the nenae ot obhishit, at lenoting the ound flected by the process Father dian the proces ae and a0 to be atuacted to the gender of Sarnakor spargah tho expatalions which follow i the vale ew be retiets apply rier to te sere! (eter than ¢ the alteration. The Tit Pr (Ors, el 4, concia) teats the word an nouter and defines it Sleasy a» procen seivtAavapach sassoronmh co nc, a repressing nd obecariog (bldg tagether and eavering ep) of ihe voice! 45) Atearva: Veda: PrivgGbiya, 369 (Ose own camunentan, 20 ts wont in diel cate, eaves us here togster withore valsabe aid,” sunply paraphraaet the rule, adn the dies of a couple of ther autores, and canon witha Yersey ag follows: syosjanaatheronem abhinghane thaws ping cx panna: Saahyinapare thas syehjanarttharorm ainiin ‘mao jopene Dhani pdt co godsandlbhyaen* sara the? tyabjoweathdranan bhinipate mara japone garntd wall: eniahpade paane 8 pldteh Senna con ty cabrehtotare stkéndd csaraowtaray ca toh: Kas ca ulead lysis yo ytndsthe BXidhigote Tl not item ons. se ke paced nfs dy sa bat te pary sna soy napa of theowsag any valuable ght upon the sje in hand. "The mest hotewortycretmatance about it fs jus presentation ef binipe, "8 Gling dow agains as synonym of abkinhdna eater eat ofitferar 028.0 44, A mute coffers abhinidhdne before a mute, ‘he plreclogy of the rae woold be the same, if abhinidhana were her intended tbe taken adjricly, ws conjtaed above, andi were meant ta tay a * mute before abotber tute tecomes bhi dhana" ‘he eatomentacy marly ete ae Ineances the Uvee words lrkoditit sini maPoabhi of which oy the lass found in he Athatvan (arid Cok, eg i204) “Te eases i wich ebtnididne alove ensues (only accompanied ia Sy duglieation, ascordog tn. 28 etc) are those in which a ala Evfulonel by another muta and, if Holt nonenas, theo by anoinee Son.naal) of the sate or 8 mceesdag series Relowed oy 2 mute of { psceding sy ser lip the mrventon of potent, by 38: icfallowed by aca a yann ie Interpas, by £80. Te an additional note at the ea of the war wil be peewatst a conapcty of ll Ue oasonen'alctmnatonsaesuming ithe Atair Voda, with ax ti bikon of che tirme asumed iy tiem aesording co the phone rles of our treat, Tho Bik Pr (v8, x17, next) srononmeas not ony the mates, but Alo the emies eacape tr oe cea he ote by trove” The wold however inthe Atharvan tate add lp: te stoops Uk lj yy, sd ato thove which by fur eve wease init she modteaton so that the walang of thecal is leant thay i inclode merely tbe mle which-gur rule 40 chows tobe regatle at apcilly able to eblinidsna ‘The Lreqitssso marked one of Ue songue at its ip that be olson of tie reach af a Contact hy flowing open Jaltar may well enough have bee fee by the Thinds phonclate ts seaing to be looked pos ns abhinsdane. PATA 034 45, Also at the end of a word, or of the first member of compound. "The commentator paraphrascs a9 follows potante avvgrahe co epar- 370 W. D. Whitney, [eae sty tare port: tinihann Ban: oti eee ht the Epecitcmtion spore pata, “Before » following mie asta sive ee: tht cate el in the prcrng sian dhe set ee capt appies to tho promvaciatin of a nal 2 final withose any "eer frie to wht rosy flow fe. Ths appears party from the nator of ch ‘sc, pany fro the analogy of the orresponding ate othe Buk Pr Gib 1, cocxcin, 4d pac from the ced stators ofthe com foeatatorhimslt: the words given by ho. nder ho preveding le Mould be eases of asagoha tthe peter, and, af thoce wih be conta uaer thy the lst two are ivance of eegraha before vows titauiooe ate tin: ahs poh" devandm (xi beh ap nee 20-2, tardive (i 29, 3) and bhadudmina (ie 31.1 ‘The ate af the Ri Bey already refereed to, pcb axing, ‘ao in paver is concider i meaning wth our yim” ho Tait Pets vo otis whotaver of the doce of obinithane, noe coat tho Va. Pr dinctiy, The latar, however presets couple of reer Phish are wore Uy cfremark, se having to do orth the eam general abject. in 00, 81 ic teas that whet a nal muta san elter pon oe bef 2 following word, there takes place 4 tleae or sopaation of the oa ‘ot production, ihe pave nd tne nctive orga, te selana and arg that nto sg, theeonaact basolved (Weer abd Goideacker flowing Ain, hate fled to appeiend te ive weaning f tho phiomenon dee seribet}" Thia Sieosiion of the contary nt eat of tho mtte tm Dau, fe what as refered to shave an taking place in ot ansacy Sronunciation afer dna contacter, in ole to make the me Flor ditactly anditos ac octurrng before anther word: ix ayaoe {oct with the gpnfona of avr tease GL a8), snd the divas of the Hi GT aug bang rent pee of aura Fa bot of then sethey Sort one svother: st la fring rele of the ‘ngine of stcalstion fom she. poston belonging ta the les of one stor, betoe dey ake ip that belonging to Uke baginging of snot Inovder ta the sore cittet sparaton of the two independent oem bom of she enter. SRRTRTTART Bk u 46. L saffors abhinidhdna before epiranis. ‘The only epicants before which ¢ is found sotvally to accur in the Atharra-Veda are ¢ and A> the commentary cites instances of both, fs flleme: gatablza ni raha (vi0. 2); 12 gamiabyott Undhikn (¥. 22. )4 wibatla nda (vi, 16.2); nor are the earmbinations ta he met with fn the text in any other words than those here quoted. ‘The cule and its comment ate of particulac iatarest ae setting axthoritatively the reading of the ward ledhika, “of Ball, which, owing to the customary Carvlestuess of the setes, in not distingsishing ta from AL (our own Imansinesipta vary between the ta), haa often ean read and cxplaiaed, as brhlik, {is aso nated by the Rik Pr, (vi. 8,1. 20, ecexevl a9 salfering able hidhasna Before eplrants, according Uo the Gakala doctrine, whielt is uot hat of the treatise itself, By the Vaj. Pr. (i, 16) it ie regarded as to 448) Attarea Vode: Présigaliya, 37 ‘be treated in the same manner as rin a like postion, efor a spi- rant cufers svarabhaklt, or the insertion of a Yowel-feagment, according, tall the other PratigAlhyas (ene below, rule 101): and tho treatment of the Vaj. Pe. is virally, though not’ formally, the azine. ‘The docs tice, then, of the Vaj. Pry in admitting a sverdkokt between ¢ and a spin wocld fey Ete horn chat peste i the Rik P—which thy vith) would admit a direc, or (by vi 13, 2. 42, ccoexui) oven & suoraliholt, sfier the abkieidhdrat of the {—oxcept by omission of the abhinidhona, of which, as already remarked, it nowhere takes any no- tie; but our own treatise, by peotcribing ablinidhana, and not allowing, exon splofana after it, difers qnito notably from the others. Lraust confess mpsel? unable to explain why either { before a spirant, ot the pasals before 2, ss taught in the next cule, should ster of he regarded ‘Me euloring the obseutiug process of ablinidhana, SIT SAT wae u 47. Also the guttural, palatal, and dental nasals before h. ‘The instances cited by the commentary, in iltration of this role are sn flown prey ht (iste 7): -pau RE (a fabreated. cae: the Tinga nasal mevcroceure bole hin the Avnres tent); inte heat Gea th emia hk Go. 28-1) "Phe only comonarts eer fod to precode in tho. Achar. Voda aren, tnd mThe fst ease, rh i ove of arabhokt {i 01); the tecord) di, ender tue preceding tle; the ache two are provided fon by this ale which is monenvsh Hike macy others in the treat, ‘cit theoretical form ot male moe genera than he reguitements of the tex nly. Sine according ta the theory of this Praccahya (Ges i 0), no nasa cer sonar lvoe bare «sila oles £6 Sd 47 might bave beon cut together ito the form “the nase aed € files abhinithana before the epee” ‘Te casee whieh thin eae contemplates ar in tho Rik Pr, (ei. 1.29, cess) ncled in a msch more general precept of tke Cali vay that alle tot except m, when nal and flowed by inal sprees for yr and 4 slr anata, arena ude w 48, Adhinidhina is also calied dethépiia, translate in obedience to the commentator, who says: éethdzita. sainjiag ea Bhowati abhinidhdnag ca atdny exo “dtharowani “it both receives the mame dsthapite and abhividAdna the ioatances are those already given Unfcetunately, this alterastie title for the phenorstan ‘which We have found 20 obseure Joos not notably hcip our comprehen- sion of it: the word admits of being translated, in accordance with the explanation of abhinidhdna offered. above, ‘made to stand up to, of ‘aguinst;" but it may also be rendered ‘stopped, that fs, «alenced, and © vaay favor another theory of the pkencancnon. a7 WD. Whitney, fia Be SRT nt 49, Any other combination of consonants is conjunct ‘That is fo sey, all other combinations of consonants than those spec: fied in roles 44-4 8 secompanied with ablinidhana are simply sav- sie youd iogethen conjlned the presse ntare of sch conan ‘ay the next rule. The commentator saya: aush ange a ete Seg ed he mace commen ar ou ‘aeahcee oi Menon ene nt cert anes pada sm get th on epee minh area gone tit fly an ‘conjoined with thems and then, instead of siting from the text any: seed ok Ged and thay ead fg tp ey Se tg rao a pon th pies Te care te a Lae np oes cen ere i ade a eas SHEE ER Sec ft f'n ident of nal ee FE er Oe om agape toch catia o ag fo er sores fmt nae annie walt Bog ote eng eel tens he gurl wag of he sang re emir cep te or ae Sea ee a 8 ean nating bene ho qdaver vant aarreqt FCT ion 50, The Iaiter balfimeasure of the frst constituent bas the ame organ of production with the second eonstitaent, ‘The tem pirvarige js not eaewere found in sur Headse with shis resting sot ons tne ks an te Buk E.G Toric 4.” The consteecon of the rte ie alo regan an its aligis cf perarizea or paren atthe nd (por in sd. tho eampmenia iovlin bh papas) ie Vier aod tore, obaoire than fe usal elie: shore, Tiowe anoulabes may he owing tothe fact that the role i Usher in ite present fen tl extant fom some other teat and 4 Inedrcal one, "WWeber (p. 12%) hon toted that ft foms a habenkny and iris actly cited an toch bythe commentato aloug with the other Halfvesey 2 lolows: prvariparya matrdrfaotn semdmabarenon pr sams prntyngra.Bhovet Ryn ak nytt kya he. Inter Taltanawate af the Stews rns be mae t bate the same organ ff production with the socceaing element; soch a combintion = miles an conjunc. We can hardly hap however, bth were and ia vale assuming a diferent cening far Reve fom that which i paiandennrioh, > paditbabiche ] Atharva Vida Prétightiya, 873 boas elsewhere in our treatise, and snily also in the other kindred ‘works, and translating it rather *mode of praduction’ than ‘ongan and this is an_ additional indieasion of the foreign origin of the rule Itself ‘The only instances given by the commettator are such as do not show any diference of organ between the iw0 constituents of the fonjancion: ‘hey ate este dj (8, 2), lm da (a. 8) and aye vnste (Wii. 1, 16). OF the azourany of the qlsysical absecea> tions which could discover any azcual assimilation of the frst element of these and ther similar eambivations, in its final porsion, to the late tax, find ie hard to say mosh in praise: Tam unable to discover that np part of the tin vaisdu hecames an s, or any part of the # in vasle ‘2 f,any more than the ¢ and ¢ respeotively hecame converted in part into the Cllowing vowels au and e. met TT win 51. A syllable containing a short vowel, excepting before « conjoxetion of consonants, i light “The disttetion of syllable, as regards their metreal vale, i pr nly into Tigit (gh) and heary gery): long. (lila) and shore (Grasva) are term tobe naed of vowels only. “The neater gender of the terme inthe rule is to be explained by thele agreement with alahar ible,’ understood. Pr. (ev 19% 42) and the Taist Pe (xxii 18) have cules closely agieting wish thin’ The former als. adds (xf, 30, v.42 48) that a shore vowel witha consonant males» light enllshe, bat without ‘e-conronant’ono stl lghter—an unpractical and useless distinction. ‘Tho Val. Px has no passage corresponding to our cules 81-84, bet re- rnarks, rather out of see, n re 108, that vowels which preeede a con- janetion of consonants or's fral consonant, which stand im fanaa, arc of dauble quaiity; a Toose and ‘nacostate statement, a8 cocpared wrth wo of the other trestics since isthe valve of the alae, ‘ted nol the quantity of the vowel that is increased im the eases men” toned ‘The commentator gives aa illustrations dhe fadifareat words dadié az awh se have ad srenly (Sader) aud al et ‘rth any times tore, WaT We 52. Any other is heavy. sett Memos gory te ae oe ae neyo svn Wh eel ef ro on Sag inal a ml (coe ae t,t oa re aang aes 0 2) a *y ae ca ol (20, fand will 1 (x. a0, 27), Taitt. Pr, xxii 14, Va} Pre ark WD. Waitney, [es 105, The Rik Pr farther ads (xvii, 20, = 40,41) that, while long cl is heaty, it is yet heavier if accompanied Ry # cousinant EPR THe 53, Also a syllable containing o ansalized vowel ‘The commantstar's ilusrative citations are the same which he has fie once gin under ule 37) 2 unnecemay to repeat them ‘The other treatises have the emo rule (Re Pri, 4 = 21, xxii, and, wii (9) 7.38; T. Ps xail 14), but with the diference’ that the former, Admitting the anusodra as a separate eonatituent of the alphabet, de- lates « vowel fllowad by auusedva to be heavy. TT TWH ‘54, Aad at the end of a word, Tho commeniste simply parpbrases tho rlo, and sds oe of bie staple tats of stration vl, podkuk et. (eo onder (3). The Vie Hele tos, sed uncer fly aloes) holds a ie doctrine ‘he Tai, Pr. esis 119) retite the benincts to sac nal allabion a end id's coneominh' our own comgnioe would sim to de by the Tnutnces he suse Iss uat meant of toute, shat inthe combinations tlc ae lsat of orden, eh ied Sr pu ica, where exc Gali followed by & piss, the en ot 3 Sede or psa, Te Rik Pr. snake no ention af is ee et eT TTP wel 55. Consonanta belong to the following vowel. ‘This and the Lvceseczeding roles cancer he division af words ita asl, and the ssgoroet of the consonana they saaln to the snper tones iba contar of prey pare themys the only precea ening it cm hare ns ben detonator sac 20 ask a consnnot shal tesive oe or aster acer, as being tha of the pre Sng o of the flowing vowels and thie ict tet bo almost a ‘Snel theory sues it can erly bo claimed tht eve sonant cons ant share ti all jo ascintiatiog cctaety they do net do cone wD te teachings of the diirne Peealiyas ae very neatly Zecielnt upon te sabjss, ord thn genoa fteaddtory le weg ewiy uate by all (Re Bea #395 ao eee 17, 022 Vee Tans Peask a) "The commotstor gives a6 Instances again dei aod mad, which are bo divide) Ghia a die wet GET WK 16. The first consonant of a group belongs to the preceding vowel. 4.68] Aiarna. Vela. Petty, 375 ‘The commentator here does his work very unsatisfactotil cates his ilostrations, instead of drawing them fram the Atharvan tett, AGvig trae, traant praraaai and does not note fr oe the fact thas, in the combinations which he ptesents, the former consansnt Ista be’ doakled, hy ii, 28, and then inform us to which of the ure oducts of duplication the precept of the role applies. In the Rik Pr. i. 8, . 28, vavi; also avi. 18, 1. 44), the nase soaxpogddt belongs to the cecond letter, as being the fist of the original combination or sai- ‘yoga, while the one preceding i& is speciBcally the product of the dopli- {ation (romoje): and. the treatie allows it co be counted either with: the preceding of following syllable: hia, either attra or attra. The ‘YB. (103) cals ce st consonant of th group as issue after plication satiyogddi, and unites \t-with che former #pliable: and im the same sense, probably, the term is to be understood in our om ‘zeative and in the Tait. Br, (exi. 4): we ane to write and divide at ira ‘ati, dd -deavati, prad-draval. ‘Pho commentary ade: apara dha: Aasayomath plrvasye ti of which ‘the maaning is olfsure and the pertinence questionable. If it has to do with the disposition of the gama, it cught to coma in under rule 58 ‘or 104, Tat Tuten Me cme sears nga TREE Ten 58. Aud one generated by krama after r and h. ‘The commentator affrs no explanation ofthe mls, werely adding to it in hie pesphrse, the words povearareya Davai and proeedig ot thes to give hin itatratons "ene ave te sume which appesr 3s Sider fila, and ain part Ser 100 they are forthe on part Stords which do not soot nthe abarvan tx bd, being much for opted ein ore than one cae of doubutl reading. A comparison st ike iloseons under some of Panini ral (oI 5, 96,217 4.45) {sof importante fm vetaing thee tue or ‘hey are arkoh ane (Sounder Dan vk 40 MG cota, aver) art (HS. gel els) Saarut (Shag binges town sw AY ony aa 3), pre ach, nirothaah apordhyak (Fe. 8 40), aps hatayat: (MB 5 brokie Teyid, ope hyetat), af Amatapait (Ais ander 31 ws Aya), spe Ate (tid under | 100), fate (omiaed ese, and oka Co Ura: in lth nnd the cman lig thera he A oubled, by li, 21, the omer of the tne, which eerded asthe tone thal owes ils slate tothe Brema, or Guplisation,& to be teck- ‘Shed at belonging to De preceding alot Tous we are to read oad vou vt ‘* 878 W. D. Whitney, Alive ork, areca vat ta, Diag” gupta, pirwihn- na, ‘prin nak, spars malayaiy apakn nate, brake "The rule 1104 of the Va} Pr. comresponds in meaning with this, alvaongh more general in js forms the Taste Pe (tx 6) teaches that 4 coutonsat not combined immediately with a vowel belongs 29 tho Trocdig syle "bik wo care ul the nal moter of ay rovp t be altached to the felowing vowel: thers are tore exceptions Jade, which need ot be noticed here Tn the Rik Pey te simple and Frequent case of a consonant doshled ater an r does not seem to ba provided for ab al its tle (8, 38, ax) i construct’ only fora Ease in which the consooantfelowing the is itmelfsuecceded by a ‘other! one i tampted thereto react the eommintatar’ inlerpreation, dnd trdemtand tho rule to mean "two corsanuita are reckoned os be: ging to he preceding vowel when them dupeaton of the eomd cf a group.” thia would make i ascord with cut own. Ga BT UNE 59, A short vowel is of a single mora, ‘The commentator gives us agai, as instances, dadhi and mad, ‘Th word translated mocea’ is mated, ‘mentor term commen Ta this sense to all the Pritichkbyan, is the fundamental measure, ‘whlet eannot ite be dened by anything else.” Only the Tuk Pr, Gil. 26) attempts to the longth af tke shor, jog 20d protracted ‘vowel, by eamspating then with the exes of certain bin. “The cottespondingdefaltons of the oaber treatises are Bike Pek @ (0-27, sii} Va Pe. 95, 60} Tite Pe. 28, arent Tu kon 60, The consonants are of the same length. ‘The cooimentator’s illustrative instances are aguin dad and maith. All the other treatises (R, Pr. i. 7, r 84, xaav, V, Pri. 695 T. Pr 4.97) agree dn aesigning but half a mora as the leugUl of eoosonant. fort deh wen 61, A long vowel has two moras, ‘The commentators instance is fat4 (bx 9.12) a ‘There is no digeotdence among the PraticAlchyas apon this point: compare ik Pr. i, 6 (29, xxa)} Vaj. Pri. 875 Tate Pr. i 98, RTE ger: wg 62. A protracted vowel has three moras, ‘The instance cited in ida2m (ix. 6.18), All the casos of protracted, vowels which the Atharvat text cootsias are rehearsed below, in rule 108. ies) Atharva- Veda, Pritigaidega. a7 Compare the accordant rules of the other treatises in Rik Pri, ¢ (0-80, xo); Vaj. Pe 98; Tele Pr. i, 38. “With this rale onds the second section of the first chapter. The sig- nature in the manuscript is prathamasys dsitiyah padoh: 62. WRU G3. The final of shask and. puras becomes bene age and stip respectively, with substitaton of a ingual forthe follow: jing initial, ‘That is to say, ahash before dara becomes eho, and the daca bezomes aja, aking the compound shodapa and puree with dio, in like Iaunet, forme purodage. ‘The commentator cee from dhe taxt the swords thersalves meray, via: shodacem [i 291), purodagte (e.g $2.8, 12). Neier of Ube wards iy analyzed, or restored tite theoreti calyregalar form, by the paZetexty and our tealine, acordingi, ae. cording to fs own progranime, kan notsing to do. with them: abd the ‘tine is true of the motds refered tain the thee fllowing tale. ‘Tene tino. words, with thers of somewhat analogons characte, are treated in the VA}. Bey il 30-46, Ha Ther ATE Bn 64, Tn the root tp Lis substituted for “The whole commentary wpm this riley lon anh only it epettion etree eae rain, garni he "op has ee slipped fom the repetition ofthe ral a fhe eommlstatar paraphrase e Mei cas sua ml expen se ‘Rela ‘ot very imignieanéconeqnences the nigeyg passage woul proba ave afr ay some incece thoy the Athena ato vet oe to dritaivs ofthe aot ipo fai hie ae oq ther The ls say be auen a fe srion of opfion tine the orga] form SF tae tnt fe lorp; an apiion endezesplaysite by the Leese rom frp ore the heel, and by toe dosiogy of he toot han ot wich ie other sersa to bo’ socondary for, With it. corrrpoais ‘Paqin!’s rule viii 2. 18; none of the other Pratighchyas offers anything lee oe taba al ‘tee a eh ypu the place of mone orga auld aot pase ovr the worl 1a which the rot cor beste cl ss evederly eto ee, laa and gfahann, ici ase tay ty be separate ote soc gr, thundate (tt 17) e RATATAT w 65. Not, however, in the words izpd cto, 878 W.D. Whitney, fi 05- “Thi eth fs eatance in oor treatise of ame stead this form, th wend of pra which te ee ean the le ef ng conceived. to. frm a sees, or na, of which the Acs only is ck inthe rls an the them seconded wht. he fsa of raterent se characters ofthe. Atharee Prtigashya ard of Pasi, sod of them only: the Va Pr empogs it ut once, (38) ‘uc othere not ats (R, Pr br 89, where for conreione's ak Ia Jn hus refered to ia oho vee which iy gire J fill fe Ge fare shes ten aseideeal and iigeteant ansogg). Te wold seta to Te she busines of commentatt to ve thelist fo all but the sathor {fone commentary evidently docs rat thin 8, fr he’ very seldom, ‘the. geqa have any extent, preacnts as moe than specizabs foe Hrs, he vee Arg pavaka (il 4 0) and dp rok (vi Me the tending doubles i a gorept one, and should be pd stah, ae is ead by both the Same and Yajst-Velan io thelr eocreypnding vere) tho dzpanch (inpondhs ai 8.28) and ite derivative banpanqam ot dod fovAt?). it thes too word, which come from allagethe a> ‘her ros, akally belong tothe gona, taboo eattan alse. Arpad Sup 18.13) aot abypon (es 9-29). ‘With ths andthe preseding and Plowing ries ate €9 be compared Pin. i, 2.18, and the wartulas npon it rarer Te aerate TP u kk 68, In padam aiguiim ete, r is substituted for 1. ‘The instancsn given by the commentary as coming under thie rile ane gapre pldam arigarie (Ww 18, 0. and v.81. 10}, sahamdrdse an aba (¥, 26: 11}, yabi maytraromabhch (vie 17, 1), and acoaige ofrah parnhacya edeak (x. 4. 2). ‘The gana should alsa include pated:iqarih {ire 8.4), soangurth (vii, 46. 2), enarigureh (vill, 6, 22), avd perbaps firya {for lilya, from tide is, 103): angurioe algo occats again in xx. 136, 13, As counteinstances ta show the necesciny of constructing gana, of 2 limited number of instances, the commentator cites atic Figg nabheblyah (i. 23. 6), and bile te prokshanthe conta (x. 8. 2). eis 90t jn accordance with the usage of our treatise elmembere ta give, in citing a wood ar plrowe in a rile another form than thal which actully haa in the text: we ebocld hive expeoted here arcargftfi’, ‘The fore ixy exam Adi, instead of simply dd, is found once more, in ii 20. ARTETA TART u kou 67. In case of the lows of an or m, the preseding sound be- eomes nasalized. ‘The eaces of elsion of and m are taught below, in i. 82~B4, which te for ilusttations. ‘The commentator offers here only the worda * Aypasth 470] Aiarva- Vela Pratigatiya. aro sigh (18,2) and poy (04, 3}—which se very ill stort thang eal ofan exwaple of a pled eels Sheehan nay of cgi ua cag to Sy ae Stale othe at ‘repndng verti an the flowing ona of ur trate 0 ostred tye Eder Deabilttyge! woe Bk Bk 8 (ot tee), Gaeta vgs THT ks ts ah ape some done Mb trricatin bt hiky depvten poe. the Mr oes rat ions the mail miter tpt bp ae aiferet aubenliey wh Silke tliat gle mona Tuer 68. Also jo ease of thetr conversion into y, 7, oF a spirant. wee on etn le, eh TRA ery ral ft te at Gt ed sa em ye cg ent ae oe har een ad ue a 0 ee aisha min ere gored ean is ne pes emerson meg out Ser ones ans to: upon sehen eh pn erties mateo ae a a tc os si te inate ung th of de sm ean i ay fe stands ean fo oe wp lee alae eae rtm apne po de my RET aT GAM RTT wat 69. And in cae af che combination of a natsized vowel wit a preceding vowel The only cate cial by the enmrsentay are those af the comings tion at thelial cue of za ithe pecding Bal vowel by ple fiwion ot hy the lion ofthe ida a; they anes wbkae upbiee pee tipearsn)prathaons pilase (e811) somaya (0. Bt She ye Mtkago goes nna agai (i bel Compare Rie Yes xe 1 20) Wa Pei. 31, Ti. Pex 2, ART WT aT TAIAPT con 70. Tn the passage purusba 4 bableds, the vowel is nasal be- fore the pause. 880 WD, Waitney, ‘The passage nerve ts Ie x. 2. O82 anv digah porusha & baba, war If ti suing th oa ft oth wotraceed and valied Tie poda-teat toads simply parte? kdedta: there woul be ho. eal for scl rite fa that given Tore, but for she requivomedts of the kenmactet, Which Babin, 43 the tae word ins rere, wine sll porihace fir 117), or repedion sith te interpse ante which Harighe be mae a qustion miler the salty af tue vowel should at should net be preserved befote the 42h, ‘Tis tle techies ws thatthe mas quality lost before Une i a0 tule 07, cts, tenlicg lan wih rexel to the protration and tre ae thinge are te once wore by Ie 120, 121. "The three lst Erenngedas ofthe verse wil be then: prs adhnatis: & babi diferent TAMA VHT TT WT FL. Of the rvowwls, the part following the * receives the nasal quality. ‘We have seen shave, jn les #7 aod 5, hat the pvonel ie regarded 5 compost of x piece of hry With a fragment. of vase soned. pre: ceding and fllosing i ad that, when is lang oF prateasted, the 7 ‘uslity i found eal inthe firs mora. Here we leary thay, whem sich Novel is nasal the maal ality oes nou aet the monly te Dart of 4 vowel wiich follows iL.” Any one tay perce, however, {pan trying tie espeviment Sat thre is no physical aiecley fm the Way of taalzing the rich sopponing the pore to be propeny a2: ofan in prouuneintion wit chat letter ehraogbout. ‘Mocaminentatr cites Uhemihane capris prmyishn{e.28.14), aria pratnan (si, L3G. 2), end gant dpalnatar (3h 2 0). ‘The hi stances a in uany othr eases, ato wantis i vatiety aad i eomplte deat! aban ehiunpla of the toug vowel saacized we may take ule penis, acne sited lor role 33! 0 case of the proteucted vows isclized ecnes so the text ‘The ator treatise afer woth SAATTAGART 11 98 0 1g comtespending to this 2ule Tis nasalized when standing alone, before Hi a the prda-text of the Atharvan, as in these of the aller Vedas, the partite aig slvays writen fe xe,” Ta thin rey its maselity in sch a situation fe notice; in the mle pest sveccoding, are tanga ts larg. ‘guamity and ier exemption fran conversion into &-smivowel betore the {allowing vase! ‘The term appkte. means ‘uncombined with any other letter’ i is said sso of the partiles d and 0 (ad pr) ia rules 79, fv, 41, bow ah RTT wee a 18. Tu the same situation it is also long, and pragrhya ive] Atharea- Vela Préticikliya. ssl ‘he tam progehge means by inition, that. dhe vowel to which an pion ee Heh ee crane et andi elon with o conveion its srivowel core allowing owe” Tay, By foptcaton: for any in the Tah Pe (obi tds nowevet not pros, ta th related ts pega) dons the pronouncing 3 toe Drools exemp eo change athe other estan Sn tenon to teak y a spsite nals (ae 39, lowe. andthe qutation here ives) thatthe Vowee delet tobe progr re aot sstset oe Bionic lterion. "The whale proceeding w somewhat easogous with that ty wivch the Hie Pr teaten the cofersion af leony a tnt al he ce he orn ad Tronouncng fist tenga toe etn or rip and then Tally Uleclaring the risk wsarjaniya converdbe nto rhe word pages wxplated ty Bauinge Nats to uaa Marly #19 be eld ape oe Eclate ey rn te combinations of sec, ‘Any antatcinsy reason why th particle w thoald be ested i this pec anne ye ames fle pan nately apc eave bat ew cases ino takin which H aco a len in sandste (ong tana: they are given nde ics), vo tat ican Barly bo naid text say spol temercy to preity Haowbete Escenas quality ip the combined tse ad has aly tase ot pope grr Sat ed begs yn oe Some! wowelandfollowes hy mother roweh ronan anesnbived sida the ter (by Hh a, waied secs only eee ane cea gar oct text}; but, on the other hand, # preceded by a consonant, combines rexiaty with flowing nomet (otic ate threat only four ses BEAT fee ita}. te Somnath practi e bare Been inde fo orceria ge the mort mote pitutice as ar independ pada eho diene tex tng the gly instanceof see short vowel Dosesng ach 4 values a afte nslzation and wddon of a ce intande to sant more dinety a9 an oxeptonl cae eq ‘ferent sant ithe whi Panin G1, 18) slows i ettad citer wor “ue aie now goo 0 6 el th other case of prey oa Sarath T aArPE Bn 74, Final ¢ and 4 are also prugriya, in a form having a loca- five sense. ‘The instances cited hy the commentator are dshtsd gadaih kenute ephedra pa f proper locaive form, dshirya), ate j drayaata are Lay nant no a8 (Zl, 196) and tan dashes a sescias En last, howerer, is 4 doubtfhl casa, since the word taxa roay ‘qed plausibly, or more 4, be taken se nominative dual, ‘ther very elves? "A mote aneqeivocal case of i mayen wv, 4.4, and 3s the only one which Ihave noted in the text ‘There is alla a single cise of a locative iat not given by the commentary iis abaidratlsis 382 WD, Whetaey, fore Vit. 8. As counterexamples, of foal {and iin other than a lcative zt a the ot par te apenas il 1), dang et sara (Bh. 38). Ot cas analogoos with the ore of thes whose ne { tps an insromena es Sore 8 tml thr Ue dT i 5 padaont carly noes thes'Toeatves in and as progrhya inthe ual manner, by wring ah daar them thie, aoe ura i, tang, othe commennsion, in eting the sever ine sig gre sya eat ie nd of eh Shaton the ford ins pods for oe with it appended: Ihave orited such ropetions, sa uiecestary here "A creesponding Foie tn the Rik Prin fond dni 18 (72, bl): sho Sn' Panini 10, The Vaj rnsten a0 atch exo as ose to ‘whic chin role applies: and the TH. Pr, sncend of casing and {eting. de. praprhye sorminations.accorling to thor graitaeat Yaluce esos then all in an entrey empiri way (ine 1-34) By Ueirpeution snd surroundings, hance hele da notgeraly ait ‘of detaled comparison with oso of the other tresses Ferret wen _ 75, ‘The same vowels, é and 4, are pragriya as dual termina tious. ‘The commentator’ iMustrations ate kena parehat Aikrle (x. 2.1), indpaoy wih (i 20.6) abhi indedgt & Bharti (1.8 ‘Comesponding roles are Rak Pri. 13 (eg ax and Vij Bt. 095 oth of them inclade ao tho eanca noted hy out tress inthe Dexe folowing role CRT she 176, Asia alo « ‘The coramentator cites ated dadhete (v. 1.3), rahacakre vturdhate (¥. 1. 8) sat patards recive (Biv. 2, 37). ae get BH xy Ferar wysn ‘77. Also the words asme, yuthme, toe, and me, when accented, ‘The specifestion “when accented is, of conse, meant only forthe too later of the words samed, as the others would never oor other wise than accented, Of the four, yaahmé and mé never occur in the “Rtharvan texts tod i fond once (0 a ik pasage (AV. ©. 2.3 RV. 3.120, 3}, and alan, aceordiog tothe manazripa in il 9. tice re tad, and each time weiien Tu the pada-tent oh i, a8 a pragehya Tt tie ancnt and the addition off ave hardly wo he eegarted ber: than as Blunder of the tradition, since the word i ovidently the netic oe asrerdess ta of the Vedic ineguage: no forms uf bis e+ ‘lie prouoan are found olsewhote in the Atiatvan, ‘The fourth, ame, rey Atharoa- Vein Pebtigdthye. 388 in ale hardly an Acharan word, Thifound in three Bik passages vn ian Geb kam oh a ee 0 3) 2 wea anthor pase i 1,3}, whore the RIL (94 3) vend amt all the ‘Atharvap mas erpinys asd, which he bee atered hy ed the ection sn obedience tothe rqsitement of tu sean ed te anon St the ik veadinge” Another resp sir ease, 0-4 (RVs i). The olyoasage whore the Niarven gives xm incopendentiy iia Mine AE carts ee Ba on Same orginal) the ean snbe) agree vad it (pal om 8) iia ei ita, * ee "Pun stant shes na esancey ot says miguel vithabtor ew tahyatts yushmabam’ eemdkata’ tour ahs it pre: Sine yet ue ethobiyadeah iat The Wc Pe (010,79; 14 fa, So) ne arm, yusing sv and ants pragphse: ‘hs the) ta when neeaiok and oka mere of imposed won. The Va) 1 fe 8h 81) nots urna fey atd ms toe Inte when accented. Ase anf gre deste wk ie TH Pete ae seit aS wo 78, Also ami, as plural. “The examples cid by the commentato are ont ye yudham (v.10 2), amt ye tratah (i 8.8), and amd agape (not found it AV). "TO tplnin the adltion of the specication “ax lira” ba gives counter ‘simple, pany otra which Ws plealy one of hi avn Evictions wor an T 6nd tiet the tot comaion snything shiek should render ta ade ‘ions neceumry.” ‘Tho Va) Pe says (28) "amt wher 2 word alts" the able treaties (R. Prt 19, x. 15, Iexivs Talks Pr ve 12) sce no rion for appending any such Ietbations Port sat STR wet 79, Also a particle consisting of an uncombined vowel, unless ithe ‘This rule is meant to apply solely to the particle o, composed of @ and ss wicks found two passages of the tet vi orf idem (eee TT) ana grdtrh havo te (ee 72.2), both at whith ave ceed tg The Sommentator' the pdx write’ theo nthe woal tanner of Brera ve ee al the econ of nl eb 2 he yale the commentator stn pnare ki ndeanpts (1.3), where the ae text reads, of course, 4; thi, spate 42) pel "De frn of thistle is ot ate strange: why © should thos be made an expan fom the exe rule aad why, Wick thee no oto pic, except 4, composed ofa sings Vowel i should be Wea te Ene of ely is very ical to sees we cannot lp sepectog he, Be nda fhe ginal aur’ empane Ban 1d oe Sind canrespondenca af wih wish uy rie at eine ayes, The Me Br (tes 09, 4s) has asi procep. von re ‘° 884 W.D, Whitsey, fi. 80- APART tow 80, Also one ending with o, That sto say, a ve mst infer fom the prevefing role and asthe commenter 3s oot the lips «nipéea ot “parce: havig ofr he foal harp net dea sn wa ae the or preponon & tess as 4 aipata by the last role when combined with ht Sore we ve poem vero popenone Eni purtcles all confornded together uncer the same name. the part Ecieg ii tee, greatly preponeeate a number sod in eeqoency* Son wre have ato (abo 6 tes in the whole. Atharvan text), mo (18 times) na (12 ines) ts 1 sien), and Iho, yada ann, dot force tach)! Bat of propasions we ava 9 and spo (ewie each), a0 aro ance}; of ves, idm, date, eto (once each){ and of nouns (poe oon) eto (nyo and v7 (onte ac. Tn the fori of the vale to spats ap hie te geen grain: Stmpare net 1.46, ‘The other tries amv not open to the sane ariuelm? the Rik Pr. 18,1 70, lan) selaes progrhya a cal ovexcep of the fiw: member of coropound snd she Vay, Fe (1-04, i 8b) conetrests iis role very sealy fhe sate manner As tegunis the alsa) pugriye charactor of these words, ther are ansng the vealy 200 aunts of fheir ocvrrence bee 1 ae in which hay stand otherwiae than bie consonant or a nial a and 0 have fu oppoctnity to exhibit thas charactor disney. ‘Tove eae are: bo. feco dyn 129014; beove fv. 9, si 24 xe, 180.17, 18; etre Sib dpi 14,9; before nib. 1,.96.5,128°7. In 22.13010, and oak he ial sara yc Sa te an ino 0.9; tho snctee shows that sach on sbvnptog ofa seal « ws bo made fa rsdn, hough thw not as writin [oteao (120) a8 Wo (au. 8), the nse sow thatthe combined pale « mest be sep Stoel tie! the Sral of the original word, and hat the two mse be Feat tina and ya "The weangls we by the exinmentary are dasha aye (oi. 1.1), ‘niga nv argamers (vi. 60, 2), atte Ravttskt (wei. 8. 44), and dati asm Bryan (vil 3.14). mated SANT we 81. Also a vocative ending in the same letter, before an itd ‘not belonging to the text, Literally, ‘before an iti not coming from the rsh’ or authors of the Layne: that is to say, before the it by which, as already remarked, a Fragchye word is followed in the pada-text, ‘The voeatives in o, fram ‘hemes it are not in a single instance treated sa pragrhyes in the anita, of the Atharvan, but ate always euphonically combined wit the following vowel.” Tn the pada-teat, however they are invariably "The ses aru nck romerous whisk oda vorativeaieava abewhare chan ia pow, Unlove satsopaue, or bare tne they see 89 follows: before 4 703.85 jee] Atharva- Veda. Prétighthys. 885 writen aif they wore propriyas, with the aus 2 annexed. The “ject of hi sul che, to teat: Cat they ate exempt om. euphonte combination nly ia the pndtent wile in ver siztuone they atta iereied according to the general eopbon rls (40-24). "Tho Wa Pr Gv 88) has 4 rie corresponding with thet of oi testis: 4 howeroy, aes to be icant th previous rule (94), whieh aches tas Anal i progrhyn In general and ot bette te Hof the pada text alana.” The sage of the sowiat ext is In acsordanco sete ae al a et he enn a can dg em the prstages whieh correspond wih thos ofthe Atharvan tele ton the onrgta note: Tam saptned iat Weber has not taken any noen tf his cordance Between the tat and the Pegathya, The TA Be {less} sage sat oe agra wher i not the predt of sod and ‘Saowel bp orw setuant-—vhich is rihts aha way of axy- ing that it fe oot prazraha tall saphit; since before a consonant Lrearhya chaace® cou na, ant fone 2 neal nok ape. The TE Pry aftr declaring the oof doe oalve pragrhys (6. 86), obliged later (2% & 83, dol) to encep frst vale as poe vhs ara exempt from eupbomte ange, and to place’ under the Sint of rule prevosely gin for ds coublastion with succosdlog ones “imi Pann (E39) ge Sle grey creer teroare, but gives it spon the authority of Calaya Sie whole ats of things Se Something ery peel,” Why, when the 0 of hyo ie fealy 29 more exempt om lange than the © of apa shoul eb e- arded by all Ue padotents a pragehya, causing to uch table to Ee dterent eaten to explain i tenes! "Tee corrsemator cima eps of the vue, yy aie pre Yate cits: ctrabhang it (v.23. 0), yuna tgs ants ge 6 ie 5.3}, and manyo sarin: manyo is. 92, @). Aa soumtacexampl to shaw tht the vowel uashatgeale only betore the i of te pda Saat he given oq ng (26-8), mange 28 Gi 1.4) 08 Baia an grata (010.8). amet rariefeenfefa’ az: eau 82. Tn drtnt iva ete, the ii follows the iva. ‘This isa rule which conceras only the writing of the pada-iex itself, ‘and so, 49 dealing: with a matice ying outside of the proper sphere of 2 Peaticdkhya, is exteaulicial, and has no correspondent in either af the fother treatinas, Tt grows out af the dificuty, in a few special cists, of ‘combining two methods of writing ual im the padadest. Thie text, im all the Vedas, always combines the encltic particle is, os if Lika! ‘vith the word to which itis attacked, as if forming a compound with it, giving up often, in favor of this combination, the division which eta 4.13 bene & i 5 Befove wi 28.8 ie; bins ob 35,6 “ate. 32:1, the aad o absorbn a Zlloing inal ey evarywhete sag, ‘ied the oloeig a both rena anabanged. “Contato: 836 W.D. Whitey, vols shite bo ale of «peng canpowas Wn, win Told ea ote meng wou: ta, ate ft i 9 en he angen stn pre co, rl, eh ight ie le he eer eco hag he rig ly oh igte done! yc mp footed Us ont hogan thal i ein hem, iat lana te a ee {en Ea et ate oe oma cal miei eran aa of the Sent eee sed eden Gath en of hoe tg atts BR oe ete al he gett ad he eh Batis lo, aren ato tnt EST esl ety te ope te Be Sn aR oT pe ee SMT SRT RT ues a $8, A nssallzed vowel occuring ip the inten of a word in shor. ‘Hore wo have tho general fact laid dowa, and in the following rules, to the end of the cection, are slated the exceptions to i, The Tuk Pr, in one of its Ister hooks (vil. 7-10), teats the saue subject, and. the coryomatar fa mucins (to agli’ ote or 98) to expan Fee inteoduation into the Pritigdchya, into whose proper proviuee euch matter doce not enter. Our own commentator Seldom troubles bim- elf about little ingonsistensies and tedapdancies of this kind, which are feahibited by all the ueatives; they aid ia the gunaral purpose of a Prbtigaahya wick is ta presewve the traditional tort of the school from corruption, ‘The the TAitt Pr, presents (x64 1-81) a complete ‘conapestas of all the nusalized vowels, short and long, fouad in its text Su the interior of word, and again (vill. 8-14), 2 detailed exhibition cof all eases of ozcurrence of the lingual nasal, 1. ‘The commentator cites a thied time the whole series of instances given above, under rule 27, and repeated hy bim under mie 3. ara urdu 84. Ta nenters plural it is long, ‘The commentator gives, a examples, partiehi yatya seobhrdh (ix. 6.1), yojiaké Rotrd brdmah (xi. 6. 4) atto hasten’ (Will 3.44). ‘Am equivalent rule is found in the Rik Pe (si 7,7. 22), which far. ‘ther speifies that the theme ends in aspirant, and thst the long vowel [prevotes the terminations sé and shi. The Taith Pr, ignoring all help “Tr ie pon yh pe oe cgi deeaeehes ts ee Greta raat wiper a ier] Atharva- Voda, Pratighkhiya. 867 from grammatical eategories in the construction of its rule, as is itn costs sas (evi. 14) that and are sal before send tthe end of a ward TiTATTAPL e 85. Aleo in péiisu, métea, eke ‘he commentaries nan alga (vi. 10.2) maa mai sma (iv, 12.4), gdnigayena (vi. 129.1 [should he e@igapene? the span Sl bande soouhar rer the Goes bu We be A eal ie tinedly saicapmna), and cle bhimir apm paitowh (xi. 28), To the words thus instanced [have only ta od péztoure (Wi 36. 4, which may ethape be regarded as viriually included in patra. ‘The form of this role is quite peculia im that it cites two words, insiead of one, as heading of the gan. eirrait: afr uk 86, Also in a desiderative form fora the rools ham and gam, (OF desiderative forms from the root han the text furwishes us jightsi- ati (eng. iv. 18.3) and jigharinen (Wi.99. 2), From gam we Have. no ach forms, snless, in Yi 4.99, 30, We ate to amend yoda sthdma ‘okt inn fin, whic would erg mach inprone the son if ‘Tam not mistsken. Could we trust implcidy to the Pritighibya to include in its roles no forms nat zetualy to be found iw dhe Atharvan tert, this passage would be a suficent warrant for making the alteration suggested: bot that is not the case, as the very next rule, for Susiauea, atably sows. The reason why these two roots are thus put toether ‘asthe subject of such a grammatical precept may be to be sought an the mars eompare the equivalent rile im Panini (vi 4.10}, i the en tect ry sm eerie fe ‘The commentary ofa as example the word fightin (ese i 4), snd the pacage spolen af ahora, add ahha jighehick ay fixcugh obe'mamtscipt here resis ke tiote of the tex, ight {he absence of any other cition or fabricated istration 0 Gener Live forms from gain gives degree of coor to the conertre that oar Commentator may hase musnt to give jgteat ARTA wits 8. As also from the roots gn, mn, and din, Of those three roots, only maw offers in the Atharvan text any forms falling under this rule.’ "The commentator cites one of them, mimgisa- ‘mdnah (Ix 1.3): the others ate mindibexmdnasya (i, 24), mindset foe (4.20, and emidsanta (ui 442). "The form drt 2.8), a8 not being of dosiderstiva origin, dacs not properly hore bab if gonine should be ieduded tudor role #5: it may bos corupted reading for maxis; we have the corresponding recon’ por 288 W.D. Whiteey, fer ym, masisthds, io ix. 5.4, and there also a past of the manuscripte (P.W. L) road misthdh, For gaa aud lan the commentator vie jently hat no. genuize instances a command, and he fabsicaas tpi sat, dddisat. Here also it is 2 suspicious ciccumstance that a rule of the general grammar (Pan. iii 1.8) groaps these three roots together: although, its true, for & different purpose from that whieh call forth ‘ur tle. TAT TATA icc 98. Also ina stroug case fiom a theme in vas: ‘The strong eases (padeapadt, ‘fie wards of foun") are the mascu- line nominativs singilar, dual, and plural, and the aceusatives singular and dial, The sali sors i that which forms the perfect active part ple: it is called in Pinioi by the same name ar here, wane. | The commentary cites as instances pareyindiiear (xvi. 1.49), pravigzsdieam (Go 95.1}, adtosthiaticuh (vi. 60.1), and papindiseh (vii 97,3). A farm unt 189, As also from a theme in fyars ‘That to say In a strong esse of a compartive of the ancient forma tion, oF shat, prodiced hy adding ths primary scfix tyoie t the, gene rally gouaied,roat. ‘The eaxsmevtator gives as examples pred, (yatta, reyecaak ; bot the only steomg cate of this ward oceurring In the Atharvan tere i ereyasiaam (xe, 10-2). ATH uicw 90. As also from the root vid, ‘Thareg two damaging objeto to be muse to first place, it onghe to be brought in, iat all, after rule @3, ia order bt vaivandarya x2 well ss pafeapadydee may be implied in it by ine fercven Irom ils predecessor; and in the sevond plaos, there is 20 need of any such precept at all, since there is no good reason why ‘vided, the ward to which it sloue applies, should nat be considered ‘vasvanta, end Wherefore regarded as disposed of by rule 88. The Hind ‘theory, indeed, does not regard vidodn asa perfect participle, ané Pani (vic 298) is obliged to taack that in it the perf parteipial suffix is svbatitated for that af the present participle; and probably it is out of ‘hie eioumstance that the introduction of the rule here in question bas pprovseled: yet the aubstitntion having boon made, r2lvan wonld have forbe deemed and taken for & nesnants, one Woold think, even by the Hindu theary itself ‘The cammentatar gives all the strong forms of sidudn, of which only ‘apart, however, ate tbe iaund in the Atharvan, and then winds up ‘wth, an actual eltation; a fellows: aided (eg ii.3,2), videdrsds, fetal idiom (eg 60.4, selete lei ory ex 21). 00] Atharot-Veta Pratinilhya. 389 Geer wtin 91. As also from pumas, ‘Tue commentary instances the five cases of prusunis to which the mame ‘pateapadi belongs; only ave of those to which tie vile actully applies Seats in our text: pueda (8g i.8-1), si, pumarieah, pane fam (eI. 23.3), guméiadu. ‘Then he adds a counter-example, to show that the role is meant for the strong cases alone pusel wai relo bhavati (11.2). Here ends the thied section of the frst chapter: the sigoatore in the ‘mannseript is prathamanya trtiyal peak: 91. © ¢ aU TTT tan 92, A sound preceding @ final sound is oalled its upadid, ‘This is simply « dfn ofthe tern path, and to antete the roltythe eommentsine cite the ovo ltr ey nde ep 4g) ant sherapedtony lop (30) m which the tos Sogo, he Vip Be (4) ba ply the tae abide te RP dis word ha tate gant oso" provadog lett or word” oped “Eitag aloft Ete Sano ie “tasted cpietins coment in sem? somal tht the tro testes Sins pen of doen 1 oseeey o Hn the ter bya spotted fin. the Tas Pr. doer not epley 3 PRT ATT eu 93. A vowel is a syllable. Sime) gre nae ea The Rk Be Gol) ages ou My has we ie tere ae an ef ap, Woy pela wae 390 WD. Whitney, fon rate to into special connection. Omitting his wsusl explanatory erpbrse (oan os would double ave been snare “eheray ali, he proceads st once to give on exposition, of which a part feccure again int the clove of the thitd section af the third chapter it reads, unamended, a follows: Hin adsharasya suaryamdqasya searyate (rddhac Araenasya do dirghonge “ty ake= aavaam. itt ganhamdon ender and i 2, eda: elshareayés hd dlnum (ot hina) sidyaie yad ya vivesvorabhavah (yad snd eigeartihave? the passage goes no fortor under it 74): sharam aluhavam ity dbuh- aude Pad anjal eyohjanar sarah prDak ramusininyan doyaklanjyate dudhtihe LUrsatlata, is pact a8 follows, not withovt some misgiin whet pat of a cireumeted syllable is circomflexed ? some say, half a sort dhe, quarter of a long one: Cankbamitri says, the whole: here is ound uo eile for 2 syllable [Rrasea and dirgha are said of vowels ot see note tor Bl, above] sine in each ease, the vowel alone Is con templated [11]: now tho vowel fs declared to he the syllable... and Thence, perhaps, what js taught of te vowel moat be uadessiood to be said of the whole syllable. Yet all this would appear ta be rendered ‘unecessary by the rules ‘or ellabication, which, 28 we have seen, hardly havea meni they dot nly tha each conpnant kas x by actontoation of the vavel to which itis deslared to belong. arenttr gaerreyer uu 4, The sound preseding an aspirate becomes a nowaspirate. “The proper aplication of tissue, within the sphere af the Pritigh aya Woy cocses ofthe dosbing of tio Rrator econ cosa ‘of a group, by tho sermakoam, ae taught in tale ih 28 ele yot fin forint sitenent is general, and thee can be no doubt that i should fpply al asc atic inthe sooren of tsivaton and inSectin, a Teel ote auch as mrdiahs somaning a doble Tinga oman 5p tats, are ety exleied by i. Such fms, as fs wel kyon, cease in almost all the Vedic mamiscripts, and those of or own text offer evel instnsis of thom which, However, we have nou hestated to font ithe pel et (eae in 4, whee she sort haa teen sceideneally omitied) co 4 ‘Corresponding ties che other PrateAkhyae are: Rik Pe. vs (e 2, cecleat)y and 3 (+ 9): Val Pr v-(08) Tt Preis, 52 tha of the Vij PS and the farmer one of the Rik Pr, are eeivictl in ter to ee saan of duplication exning onder the sues of the earwedrom Gig ae geal eet he ‘te exanples elven by tte commentary are such a9 state the ap: plcaon of te tutto sof deen a dalactgo, 28 wel ot Frama’ choy te S2dhar (eamithary we 44}, duothor (eg 8 Tue details aro en fellows: 1L9.4 all che MSS. dh; vi,.48. 1 all do pent, BoLdostbe medi. 108) tp, dk ool lt he rea dh a. a1, Hrs ico all 20S seen te, Bp. #8, the rot hdhy xi, 2.18 B af, all the Bo Gap aris sea, al dheh weit day wonts4 54-40. The trve tending, ‘Gok Saat gives ta singe aetancs by any of the MES. ioe) Atharea-Veda Prétgathya, 01 81), many de ruruddive (jv, 91,8 ordinary veading rurndive; but in thie instance, as occasionally elsewhere, the pada manuscript abeys the- rea of the Erama, and gives ruruddhre), yo dadidhre (vil. 3. 83, dadhrs), ualagors vd nicakihnwh (x. 1.18, nictkhnush). The comments: tor then once more commences bis eations from his metrieal authority, and gives the verse prathandy 2a deiléyinash sariyage pratyanantaren rtiyag on eaturthandm etat sareatea lakshanam ; "fr mites are ob stitted for seeonds, whon directly preceding the later in a group; and {hinds in Tike manner for fourths! this i a rule of univerash application.” ara atau hu 95, Conversion is according to propinquity. ‘That isto say, when any sound i ordered va be changed into another, of any class ox dexrision, we ate to convert Tate teat ane whieh feaest tai in sieation or in ctatacter. ‘The commestatar, eer hia Cantmany repetition af the rate by way of parapheae wth be bare af Ait af Bhatot, proceeds, without any rther explanation to ie chron ules in the interpretation af which # needs to’be applied. The fst of these if. 3, to the fect hat os heave s mute fe converted lato Teeter af th ave portion with which, by thie rls oom be ander ood, m bring masa to mean the nal lsat of Use serie, and not ther of the non-aspirate or aspirate ards ur sonants ‘The second is ii 40, hy which the’ eaarjantya i ote mace of Eke poston with « folowing sant mete and, by our role, all'a aprane at Hke portion swith the latter, "he third example fi, 29, whe prescribes the ooo ‘enion of vowel lau # semivowel; and Ue semivowel, by out cul, Thur be that of the ume cue with do yoweel: we are neo change ft ne 7 ‘Tha ar tar ea Wh the pos me ayn explaining the one next preceding, it may be ied ope ss deterniigg the noaptete Se wiih he dpteson cof an sara ia exerted to be avd of sonant according asthe aspirate is turd or sonant (a tatnr which, in the other treaties is exprenly seb in Une rules themoeles, and not let for intrence): and pon: ‘bly fe betting upon that rules the reason why Ht i Introdaead here, feiker Gan elzempere inthe trative, Similar presrigtios ore fund Jn the Rik Pe, (14, 0, i) and the Va} Be (14 PTET rey TMT STAT 96, In Kapvakidai nad Kidimakhdaé, the ¢ following the 4 is ‘unaoeented,| special ral, evidently intended to guatd agsinst an appre: roaclation, ‘The two words in question (1-20.18) re tations ofthe creaking af ogy en are probly for Bhan. 1th, Ebattakan, with protraction (ptt) of the fina aglibles ad itis feared hay withom, paticar eatin, the Bral twill be made to vou, 0 02 WD, Whitney, [08 store fu de iregular event which falls ypon the protected vowel Hoth words heing doubly aecoaed on the Gt and td ellasen®™ Tam seat reiTaaAT sg: ntou 97. Tu avag@ and 4 baBhund, with i, the eis nor protracted. Te commentator, star paeaphrasng the vile adds simply avncs%, Balti De to: puodges erro ae and on ad 12.25, and they oad in the pad sowAie text a fellow? a TMDL eu TATU Tet amma TOT TPT WB ee TUE AT abAT ‘They are not analogous cases, as regards the action of the present tale, since one of them actoally contains an itt, while, in the other, no 48 follows she protracted vorrel in either the aanhilé or the pada texts, hoot only in the kramatext (ace the nate to rule 70). All the axnbitd Imantseripts however, observe the poecept of oor treatise in making the ceainbination of avaed2 with tha tuceneding ward, and accordingly its jprotraction, which is sasured by this rulo and by {105, and which 's exhibited by the padatoxt, entirely dieappears in wankits—a strange fnyperfossion of tha tater tant, anc one whieh, if did not exhib itself all the manuseripis, we should he very lath ta introduce, upon the sole authority ef this rule of the Praticaltiya ‘By Ve, Pr. is. 88, a fival plate yore! retains its plat botore it, and the closing Lramapeda of our secand varie would he babbivet id bar Bkivat, ustead of labhius ' babkavast. Neither of the other Vedic texts sppears to prasont any cage analogous with the other one which forma the subject of our rule. aaa Fat: eae: wteou 98. Consonants not separated by vowels form a conjunction. ‘With thn desition of» seigtgn, a conjunction a group of onso- ants bith at slealy notes ty miei more eompechens Us that whieh would som'ta be ingle ie the defeiten of hate {ion above in ule ¢Bemagrn those of the hor eae (Re Pe EGE Sowll Vette aoe I, Probe noting cowering). “Hie commetatove paraphiseof the uly Sith the czas pany cxamplen Toms Vee, ewe npenpndny" soya ert #2. L and Hh rend the See agrd Mental’ ath a dogle amant only, nod the printed tent ue—wevngly au nr eo mellow te sutboiy teed t'ifara one other manaer pla: and ase, ty some Ineglcabe overt, gna SF aeorok ave becene autacked Yo the pied hgores, anil the preceding ie mere ‘Grooms, andthe following fa este foe line ong tn read oun mrrereg Berane AE AT a9] Atharsa-Veda, Prétighthya, 298 saisyogo Uhavati: agnir indvag ea tuehtag ea orkahah plaksho nidargae fram, "The word tuehta is not found in the Atharvan, nor plaka, x= ‘cepting in the form plakshat (v.68. 5). mart arenes eriatery ut 90, Aer a non-nasal and before & nasal mute, in the same word, is made the insertion of yamas, suited to each case. auTecoomenae rata chino ait withthe ot pa le brevity, merely parapheating Une riley ut Cllows: vamdnapuds nx tamdt sptpet: attame poratah spurge yomdir oyenadhonan Wheat: Sethdssttiyaonand ging as iustantes anpatrar (iL 108.9), gra {Ea tt AY word mr nay reg ah, ‘doh fai, 37), oe which i may. spony bo fae Peading of ihe manucerps), seytah (e.g. iL 4), eed ofbhudis (MIS. grhyia, ‘which wo tasinple of ayoma: the only fort in the AV. admin Joma ia grbinon [i 864). Unfortanately, we eanvot be peraitie Go diane the eabject fn sch an oBhand manne, but miscondeaver 1 ascot, by the aid of the other treaser and of phonetical theory, shat Chee ona ace "We have aiteady soon (ander rae 48) thst the eaphonic spstem of the Pratsakbya dow not allow one mete to flow another by's simple “oosonavtal erfeneton, but reguds the former of the two a5 sufer ng 4 modilation which robe tof pat of te dstnesqualhy, Now me have dhe farther direction, which must be taken as to that extent lining the former, tat, within he mite of simple word the later consonant ie ‘imal aod tke former nots shete is Sterpose brtween the two a gm, ‘rvtwin! to oe of the other lets, ‘Tlie all that oot tease saya ‘of the yess none offs other ruloy mention them, athongh one ot thea may be regarded aa relating to them, and ate so loterpeted by the commentator vom whose expleation of tile 0, above, we have learned ‘hat they ae of nual charset. The Tat, PIs not more explit: Iterdy says (ta 12,13): "after a te not nas when followed by 4 naa, re foerted, ih each reveralente noe sends (udeteyo) these ‘ome cll yomae” The Vij. Pry whore i teaches the occurence ofthe dramas (0.160), ella Thetnviehole, “separation? a word which doce tor ahawbere copy; "u doctrine nz © within a word 4 non-eaal ber fovea asl sors anparation "iat nit be iefertel,m apatation tr division of iaelf into two part which are a twine fo one avolher-— 4nd the yam bare elsewhere bee stated to be noxesounds (74), aod dormed by the took of the noe (2 82). The Hik Prix deciledy more tao in ew ncpn, Ar vain 10) tat the gone ae owwwounds it goes on to say (vt 16) thatthe powasealtnuan be- {Ene flowing nual. become tie ows tina" that to save wo Tightly undettand each, becomes a pat af twine of is oma atnres shat folefe ofthe original mete being ove of tae pair and te nasal Counterpart the other; th latter being especially thetyata, 9 the twin tmhich fe adod to tale up the pot. The ya i then declared to Tomar tots orginal (prot 0, 804, W. D. Whitney, bi ace inthe moth, of the mm quantity with the gama; but ce oft the ae wong nt ome anf fon. A he fers intend to be very explciy but ns fr fom Sg. peepied- er a han el eth he ear of Be wa the Into the very serio enor of tapping the yuma tobe omen tied oS onc, ee at Ticpoel bats a oe Eiowing was.” Phonete anak doce nota it oams to me help to recognize the gama of the Hinds. grammarans as any noceeary 0- ‘ompatiment of fie atterance of a mae and aay but will lad sto * plassble explanation of wht they must hare called by he namne.® A Sale sound a the prcton of mich thve i an expolion of Str eath nog in pug of hens he sae tne Ct {Ro mouth ergata are loved in te postion in which a0 ordinary mute ied ny gong thn hr wl ually may natal fein ar lin of ay, ad he ean soppy ot the Sarai language recognise and dtagubes then all", som, wwe pronounce a1 botore a flowing sm, 19 Oma, the in the Smt icy euler abindtNéno loving toe explosion which tn ene to 0 itsrance: the Ongaon pat without iotarvening tclsore om the dental costal toe ala santacl by wich (ater the mia pro- Snced wis explon of aud through the noe. Ty taking saline pany no ca Snake the nama trance m0 easly sme wih he Etat Siploson that sothieg shalt be andible except she ¢and the me. Bat yma ao cece thera oad greg neal Se fore the explosion, an we abal even be mote ike to 0 ina laored terance Sif be made to begin alter the labial poalton ie ken op ihe tual fexoeunce i teres prefs tothe me and dwelling upon it brbre th explonons Sutil ne utter sound throngh the none bofore tuoncrng the oogane fra the dental tothe labial contac, we give fvigin to and ofeanel couvterpar othe é an tration soi fom ‘ ot hetfoma of hed. rman a bteeiy ata loss to conjectore what the later should be. "The theory wticl fecopnes i migat be comparad with that which, iy alo 20, Thor, ght a geal lola oe fre omana a a grog Jee portant the erst sl one eal analogs Shes 9 ore tort ana nd aoving ‘lst: his ie ite the yams, by au exebaoge of the emision We ‘Enupraddna) belonging to th force leer for that belonging tothe Er eters the tar ofthe ongese om the one pont to the (ig and te hi steeds compe btmen mda 8 ah as as good a tight to be called the yon ot eoonerpart of ke i tte as themed siete me That the steranes The tei od geal oot cory, ee fealily be avoided no objection to oor interpretation ofthe THindt Tbeory ia the studied esplicnen of the scholate eran, and With a puokatcalsrence which delighted ialé wth snbeetic, and of which ae trong tendency was to grow from descriptive fino prosrptive, sue > That Mater pronounces the cane (pcr = pevaty Gear and physlogh ype ger oti Stet hes ens SAS td crac of the gome Le, Atharua- Ved Pritizakhya. 895 teanston sounds woold naturally enough rise to ¢ dininetnss end a enerality of occurrence much beyond wbat they were originally ete tied tor A. touch swore senoow Qbcaly i tat the theory of tho Jama sliovs i oserrence between an aepinae. mate and 4 ata Ende abou suppowe thet the anclonare and brie! eniavon of Intonaed bresth escaltiting the apitaion would form an impasse Baier between the to, letters, the nasal attermnce being table to et an the pontion of contact ofthe former Teter to fellow Ate hte al Zeer he former leer ct be ered ace no way of getting orer thie dffenty, excepting by supparing fn inacouracy in the anaan ofthe lind pbonetite: esettous charge Ema nce ng lc Thule gl them veleved ‘any other intligihie explanation of the soma, Tethe whole ST AE pstomencl rere ove sly anced nt more aay ork ty the, Told no think chy med hve eed ‘Atmanner to case thee inerpetes so sch perplexity. "The perplesty, intel" knot conned tothe worn export: the ancien comment tors thecal (ce Miller, p- exai soom ta have been somes fn ‘oun as to how many diferent yamar there ate whether twenty, ona fee each of the non-nsal mutes ora eae number. ‘The orthodox doctrine of che Rik Pr. seeme to be that of twenty but ite commen: tor says that there aro ony fa ove forall the frat me, one fr a tie stcondy and a0 any aud the commentary to TAL Pr sal 12 sop- ra tha ie view * "This latter view, howeres, appears to te pct farly indetnabtes T exnnok at all see‘bow the naval counterparts of the knuer of the Gre tute sere shouldbe iestical with ne another, hor, on tbe other hand, how they should be physically different fot the yuna of the following mutes a sath series rexpestivly: altboogh ‘Eig wal oough be Wot alt, cident et wi tbat ere acest wang of them ay of the noon to which they stan Lat ration. Physical, it woold seem cesary that a naval trans tiomanund between tna imute whould be of the natore tbe of the frat or of the aoond' if ofthe senon nod that second «natal ‘would be indistingishate fom iy if of the frat, ie would be Wental with che nasal of that series (except as being abhinihits, or wanting the ‘aplosion), and so the same for altho motes of the sien The dost wc ton ta ron hsp entender ae im *ccordlng to tele number might. posi Taken i raring eter a the vatansl or ta the aaa mis’ yok {ig without much donb, o he wndersood of the former; and we sre ta allow theorstically the existence of twenty yomaa, although only thirteen of them—vir, those af k, kit, g gh, 4 J, 1, t, th, dy dy p, h}{— dosnt inthe Atherran tet nna des on, ea pee sy ie ae a ec ay rae SEE Ying ate eet mmtae tiaras te ieichshacs Mente “ke cetera Preset habs tig Roca an ie Serie em rte tor oe i A Sa tal ‘Sovooanalcontiastins 296 W.D, Whitney, fi50- nthe examples which he gives under ths cul, the commentator does not atemps to write the yuma. “Above, der rales 13 and 46, where the pomar were jstanced, they were--taking those of the azitenral tes an eprenntativ of the tla —writon by the men ‘rth am anova sgn above viz aera ai vty the anuredraDelng ei. Aonty intended here exceptionally to Indien the nasal culty of the consonant ie and not 3 the ‘llowing vowel, The mietbod ot the Sommentary to the Rik Pr. (go Mller, pain) ise tame of in other smancnerpty fd thin let tnode Weber (ander 89) con {cures wieh rush pladbity, to have arisen ftom writing tho gutta- ral nasal 7 tinder tbe other letters since thin wold be the most acen- rate method which the alphabet reodere posible of writing the non-nasal and is neal one, BATA 1 oo w 100, After A is inserted in like manner a nésitya before s ‘nasal mite. ‘The commentator paraphrares with Aokdrdt nAsibyene samdnepade tyavadhdnom thevatts and adds as ilwteatons a partof the words Atrondy ono given, uber rule 9: vt prabmah parole, opardhnoh, pe hrvtagadh vt hmalayai, i haute, ohm "Tho Taide Br (ext 1a) teaches the inaerion of a mdaitye afer A aod bfoe «following sas! im terns neaty equivalent to thone of OOF own mole, Toe fk Pr. (210,148, sx) and tho Wal Pr 74, 80) Aerie sade of prominin none sound; ad in al ite lat portion (vl. 28), spanks of again among tbe continents of th spoken alphabet; but strangely enough, nether of them gives amy Fle fespoctng te eocurrence. ‘What the scand may be which je thos taught to form the atep of trauition fromthe anpttion fo flowing mac ts bard to sy with foufdence. I ean only conjsrare it to be a brit expulsion of sind breath through the rose, at contncatin of the before the expulsion tthe gonant breath which conateaes the vast” ‘Tho pare aspiration His's comesponding nird to al the smant vowels, tamivowela, and nasal of tho alphabets that i to Say, Te is produced by an expetsion {af breath through the mouth organs fb any ofthe posone Jn whieh the eters are utored; thas ho diincve pordon of ls ow, bat {Tce inmotion by a is wi is most nearly conmerte’. ‘Ts the As of ka, of of he and those Hse tection ie Engh mot atin a for inwance ave all diferente postin, coreaposding it © ash withthe flowing vowel or cemifowel fi tally itt a stord or lable, and & governed by te Teter which aocetds, and not iy'thal wich precedent; but where i: ocears before anather eonto- latin the mille of 1 woris-whic is alaya te postion tn the Voda Belov a naal—the question may sree whether foal adopt the mode OF atterante ofthe letter before oe er es whether In raha, for ox Simple we divide Brahm; and pronoance the b i the positon of the 102) Atharca- Vida Pratigiiya. 207 4 oF brash, and in the poston of ube, ebrangh the nace. Ae- cording tothe Hada meth of plbiestin (ce al 8, sora), the forme tthe propor division andthe Hinda phones danbers re garded the ha bclonging wth and tered Ik the a; aod nousing st the same time ho ullerana, sara tobe avolld, of tout a fat of the hin the potion of the my Lacy took account of it asa separate lemon, and ced it aster Torgertin eagit eeaingare pees wafers apiret atu yoru [rove LOL After a 7, and before aspirant which is followed by a vowel, is inserted @ suarabhakti, half a ahort a: come say, & quarter, 102. ‘Before any other consonant, the svarabhakii after rie a ‘quarter or an eighth of a ‘Tue two rules are stated and explained separately in the manuseript, tbat Ihave put them thus together for die convenience of treating, whole subjett of the smarabhelti at once, “The term searabhobt signifies = ‘(action oF fragment of 1 vowel” ane the theory evident ig that a r cannot be pronounced in immediate combination ‘with any following consonant: there most alvays be ‘lipped in between thom a little bit of a transtion-vawel, varying length, according to dfforont authorities from. half to an'vighth of ‘iota, and longor before a sibilant or 4, it these be followed in carn by 4 vowel, than before other copsonsnis; while in quality t coincides with the a—that is to say, undoubtedly, with the ¢ easivrta (role 30, above), oF the neutral vowel, ‘The theory is thie time at loxeh, perfectly intelligible, and any one may readily convinee himsol by tial how very to introdace such a vowel fragment after ar, if he provounee the latzer far enangh forward in the maath for it to require ta he tiled anv pethaps especialy, #f he be one to whatn the smoother utterance of ther, farther back, moro nataral, ‘The reason for distinguishing the ease’ of following spirant—and that, yoo, only when followed by yowel—ss requiring a longer inszrtion, Is not so clear, and T confess myself unable to discover the pertinence of the distinction : itis, haw exer marked and import one tn the appreenaon of the Hada phonetists, as will appear by comparieon of the teachings of the other treatises, ‘The Vaj, Pr. (iv. 18) restricts the occurrence of anything like svarne ‘haiti to cases in which a spirant is the second member of a group, and is iteelf followed hy a vowel; but ie allows it both after a'r aod 2 1 (see above, andor role 46), and moreover defines it as being the ¢ fand the Lrowels respeotively. Considering, however, that the same anthority defines these vowels ax ending each with quarter of an a (sce above, ander rale 27), ite description of the character of the insertion cannot he regarded as differing essentially fom that of our own treatise, ‘The dactrine of tho Tait Pr. is very nearly the same’ it teaches (ut 308 W. D, Wiiiney, fi to1- 15,18) that when » and aspirant form a group, a r vowclfiagmont (planar) eae apt nee wpe, se a lation (ia, ot flled by a sows} of i allowed bya “fis ‘tees white the commentary explaoe that a fragaant of tet vowel which sain wih the so Tn vows fe manne According to the Bik Pr (oi 18,14), the avery which i dasxibed a bang ike the rowel (petra), i inert between af and a fllowieg co sot hen the forme ped by awa te illo cone yy foent hia pont and tel loned by a vowsh the tareOhae Sx {Belanger one, obieh had eters been Gael (ty -9% sens) a beg inh We he aS at Aengte (0,36 sss0) iy interpoeds “fhe accordaace othe titdoetné of nt genset sy clse as poste Tat the Rik eso Slows‘a rovrabhaks between a sonent [eer and» toning mois or frat aod i hes faker cee the views of cient aor of Tom inne deny the exigeace ofthe tare sogether, thers rm any afer af au ochers ony Dre epant fot tuplcated Eine fe very nearly tie doctrine of the V4); Prcand Thitl Px), poe fettcng ogc dare oh eer he peng or Se “atu call ste here (onder ih 40} tbe inameeips ofthe Aibores acknowledge the vital coresponionss of they alowed by dhe anger soortelt with the rvoveliby wring ther inte fF sere Si rer comes fore a optuy and shold bey by 30 ene: ried torte ot ‘Our eorveriinepivee us, under vale 10% the Insane arya (erg uit) porea (13) aod dharmans (og nid tact) he Inte GoSpk not abompting to wee the mterpned vowel agin Uuder rl fot eth han an het pope pope ST rales proccts gee from oter sulbortiey dele’ para hat rhayshabth teks eaaparehe wedhakdravars yah Juche Savtey hase a vowelieaganentof the fool? ‘fete aprans Gllowed hy vowel ia bear halfsn mye the rest fe aneanaal™Thewe appear tobe thesiin of oro diferent teacher Smut liow wre sere par of which are of character when Sener nto tnx eo 3, chm, ne spot ie ie Ned het ey 2 a Ln “pid ange ive yo tye" prvasorves easno spare: Lise seyogteah Sikenpue: ares i te ophnya oh aber pratinaga todhadrsYowadh wily! on clad Ergot ponth= Yan atvthapath horgéd uth mins Ram af dango cars tag rau tachi tra arcanem? tam cis openiyee tear: Sinks Bove hal of wa there i the rowel idence fom r atthe ame gramctr wit tne preseding vowel. OF coon ots peared by aoe wun the conjunction dasoyed, fate Pel there aby expen rus half nina of Fs ll orn 00 Uorecagaied nwo and tat agai, managed: pt he pats Upon ison ofthe show towel a ato make om a ore! eae IMs, cakatonah 4.208) Adiaroa- Veda Prévigiliya. 399 ples ra darga, sareka, tatha rlauth, barlih: row this to be the way when ascarabhedt e to be produced T trast that elther the commen- {ator or tha manuscript, and not the translator, is responsible for the inconcinaity af this passage. AEA MATT wot 108, OF the latter value is sphotane. “That ja to ayy iF T do not misapprebend the meaning of the ras, splofaa, tke the shorn searabhads, has quarter or an sight the ‘quantity ofa shor. ar ny be thatthe emptieeex would restrict he retience othe liter vals the eit foes. Th commeson, tm oten, gives rota ports of ancance in conpsshendtag th rule le spy paraphrase, a folows td anthony banat ‘paing splotane by ia apnonym sgonjch, eanfeer'—and then Glin tho tate iasances of sphoane wWch ae given later ander 38. For the docu of sotonn sce the tle last etiond, sa the noe sie. The wabert io not dayosed of hee, because the, splay Slike the other tnsrtons tested af this panto the work, aise ‘only in the combinations of the phresey when final nite comes ie oat with allowing iil ma af an eer sees or erga geleag dette uw yo8 a 104, These belong to the preceding; vowel, und do not effect the dissolution of a Gonjunction of consonants ‘here i something wrong with the commentary to this clo} appa rently we have a repeticen of prt of the commentary to tle 103, ihe oto hth soul pepery be gien hee eu te iow ered on i28 Bel: sayoganya 00 wighdtal yt (at nghat aktrasya caterthan vd Shanty atom et organs ase Dara Tetons Oy il be nee, no his to hw fa bac, the touhings of the vole apps. I-presama however tat Chey tay be popes sen as Ctetig hn toate phone erlonstgaght in rales 99-1082 all thse Inthe ivson bt the word into pales are tobe reckoned as belonging to the preceding voweh, and sharing os necents and heres it mig cen thatthe eaerton of the vodel-Sragment, and af is Kindcedsployone dsolved the come juvetin of the consotatis betmeen whick they were insertad~ainc, 3 rte 98, onfanotan of consonants a Only anbst where Gere no interponton of vowels—the conteury he espresiy: decnced tte {roe,” This would regard pérensvaram ae Delnging fo same auch word Sy wigan snderiood, and ued i am inineive oc colectine manner a all at precede.” Te may bey bowever thatthe speciation apiicn only to swarebhadt and sphtonn, and thas the ouuter sngulat Pe of rtesvaran in owing to bx agredment with one af the Merde deat the qtanity of thou inercns, cuinthom, aakeamany ot. The HE Promotes only af the roeabes (7, 3%, ces) that t belongs vou st

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