Cameroon: Insights From Entrepreneurs

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September 2020 / N° 91


Insights from
Land Interview
squabbles with
between Abakal
citizens Mahamat,
and the MD BGFI
government Cameroon
Daily business news
from Cameroon

Compatible with
iPads, smartphones
or tablets
Yasmine Bahri-Domon,

Entrepreneurs gain in resilience

and rediscover key values

After six long months dominated by human relations,” said the Managing
the health crisis spurred by Covid-19, Director of BIA Cameroon. A perspective
Business in Cameroon asks a few entre- shared by his counterpart from BGFI
preneurs, bankers, lawyers how they Cameroon who declared that “we have
felt regarding the many challenges they reinvented the way we manage our
faced during this period. Businesses human capital”.
slowed significantly and many firms Other lessons learned from this crisis
recorded major cuts in their revenues. include the importance of adopting bet-
Nevertheless, or paradoxically rather, ter hygiene, a healthier diet, and a better
some have drawn great wisdom, redis- quality of life overall.
covered key values, and overall consider Some have realized the limitations of
the experience as exceptional in many international trade and understood that
ways. we sometimes seek far away what we
As life’s fragility was being tried, many could produce locally.
showed solidarity, employers started While it’s still difficult to predict how
taking better care of their staff, and every our economy will perform next year, it
person came to realize that their health is highly probable that we will give them
depended on their neighbors’. “Indeed, more attention than we used to. Indeed,
we were economically hurt but some there are other priorities to attend to
good came out in the form of stronger now.

N° 91 / September 2020 3

08 • T he private Sector speaks on the fallouts of



12 • L and conflicts between NGOs, the population, 17 • A bakal Mahamat : “The actions of the Central
and investors Bank, coupled with the intervention of the
13 • A midst public protests, Cameroon suspends State have been of crucial importance…”
the lease contract for a 26,000 ha cocoa
plantation project Publisher
Stratline Limited
14 • A wa residents and agro-industrial group
Soproicam clash over a 2000 ha land Publication Director
concession in Adamaoua
15 • T he Mbororos, a pastoral nomadic community, Brice R. Mbodiam, Sylvain Andzongo, Idriss Linge,
Muriel EDJO.
challenge a temporary concession of 100,000
hectares of land Operator
Médiamania Sàrl
16 • C ameroon cancels exploitation of 130,000+
Maquette : Jérémie FLAUX,
ha of Littoral forest under Greenpeace Corrections : Souha TOURE
pressure Advertisement
Tel : 00 237 694 66 94 59

Rotimpres, Aiguaviva, Espagne

Office - Distribution Cameroon

Tel : 00 237 694 66 94 59

Free – cannot be sold

34 • J ules Ngankam becomes interim MD of the -
African Guarantee Fund

4 N° 91 / September 2020





N° 91 / September 2020 5

50% Besides the National Investment Company of Cameroon
(SNI), about 700 Cameroonians have invested in the three
companies that constitute the state-owned group Société
anonyme des brasseries du Cameroun (SABC). This is re-
Between July and December 2019, banks operating in vealed by internal sources within SABC.
Cameroon granted XAF2,109 billion of loans to econo-
mic agents (down 16.7% year-over-year), the central bank
BEAC indicated in its report on the evolution of borrowing Officially, SNI and the 700 Cameroonians control 15% of
rates in the CEMAC region. the capital of SABC (the group’s main branch), 37.5% of
mineral water producer Société des eaux minérales du
According to the report, BICEC granted 28.7% of the Cameroun (SEMC) and 24.8% of Société camerounaise de
overall loans while Société Générale Cameroon granted verrerie (Socaver), the only glass factory in the CEMAC
19.95%. This means the two banks granted almost 50% of region.
the credits offered during the H2-2019.

803 505 tons In 2019, Cameroon produced a little over 107,000 tons of
beef and 103,331 tons of poultry meat. According to a stu-
dy on the strategic positioning of the meat and fish sectors,
In 2019, ten economic operators imported 803,505 tons of which has just been unveiled by the Enterprises Upgrading
rice into Cameroonian territory, according to an official Office of Cameroon (BMN), during that period, 71% of the
note from the Ministry of Commerce. country’s meat production consisted of beef and chicken.
This is a «record volume, hitherto unheard of,» Trade It is worth pointing out that during the period, the cattle
Minister Luc Magloire Mbarga Atangana said in the note breeding sector’s production exceeded that of the poultry
addressed on July 6, 2020, to the president of the Rice sector, which has so far supplied Cameroon with most of
Importers Group in Cameroon. its meat production.
These rice imports largely exceeded the national demand
that the Ministry of Agriculture estimates to be only
576,949 tons for the current 2020 year.

In the 100th issue of our magazine released last month, the photo-
graph depicting Lucas Djemmo was published in error. The man in
the photograph was not Lucas Djemmo. Here is a picture of him. We
apologise sincerely for the error.

6 N° 91 / September 2020

Paul Biya opposes a 2nd term for Cimencam’s current MD

suspected of tax evasion

On June 5, 2020, Xavier Saint-Martin So, after two (2) years of leading because Cameroonian executives
Tillet, Director and Chief Executive Cimencam (which fell to number 2 in are marginalized by Cimencam’s
Officer of the group LafargeHolcim the cement market after its 48-year management. Local authorities
Maroc Afrique (LHMA), informed the monopoly over the cement market accuse Benoît Galichet of not
chairman of the board of Cimenteries was ended, allowing the arrival of acknowledging the competence of
du Cameroun (Cimencam) about Dangote Cement), Benoît Galichet local executives, who nevertheless
his project to renew the contract of will leave this position in the same have commendable records within
Cimencam’s current managing direc- condition as his predecessor Jean- the company, and even in LHMA.
tor for a 2-year term (2020-2022). Pierre Le Boulicaut in 2008.
Other sources indicate that apart
However, in a letter signed on August At the time Jean-Pierre Le Boulicaut from those management problems,
6, 2020, Pierre Moukoko Mbonjo, was dismissed, Cameroonian autho- some unethical practices within
the said chairman of Cimencam’s rities were annoyed by the successive Cimencam also motivated the refu-
board, notified Xavier Saint-Martin cement shortages that surprisingly sal. Indeed, they explain, Cemencam
Tillet about the decision issued by started after the government rejected recently started increasing its
President Paul Biya not to renew the the request by Cimencam (which was expenses by notably importing raw
mandate of the current manager the only operator in the market) to materials and issuing consultancy
Benoît Galichet. Without providing increase cement prices. contracts. Doing so, the manage-
further details about the reasons ment reduces the company’s profits
that motivated this refusal, he added As far as Benoît Galichet is concer- and skillfully expatriates financial
that the president also ordered the ned, our sources inform that resources.
appointment of another executive for Cameroon (which controls 43% of
that position. Cimencam against 55% for LHMA) Brice R. Mbodiam
is opposing the renewal of his term

N° 91 / September 2020 7

The private Sector speaks

on the fallouts of Covid-19
The pandemic the world is currently to the boss of a small and medium pandemic. Some acknowledged the
dealing with has affected all sectors enterprise through to the lawyer and situation has forced them to develop
of activities - virtually no one has the manager of a big company or a closer relations with their customers,
escaped it. In Cameroon, all the eco- financial institution. while others stressed the crucial
nomic operators have felt the strike Despite their individual views, they importance of digitalization and
of Covid-19 on their activities. Yet, all laud the response plan imple- diversification as modern manage-
each one of them has a different story mented by both the national and ment tools for businesses.
to tell, from the young entrepreneur regional authorities to combat the Idriss Linge and Jean Christian Nselel

Thomas Crabett, MD of BIA Cameroon

“We came out shaken by this
pandemic but strengthened”
Resilience has proven pandemic has taught that
to be a state of mind lesson.
among economic opera- The first message we
tors in Cameroon. The received from our CEO
Cameroonian economic Vincent BIA was “Take care”
operator trembles but he and it meant a lot for all the
never lets himself collapse. staff. We came out sha-
And that’s what has motiva- ken by this pandemic but
ted us to choose Cameroon strengthened. It’s obvious
as the regional hub for that the situation has affec-
Central Africa. Another ted our finances but we
thing, which applies both to have to acknowledge that
our daily and professional it has helped to strengthen
lives is that life is fragile. human relations as well.
And I’m glad to say that the

8 N° 91 / September 2020

Sammy Ekambi, Secretary-General of

Attijari Securities Central Africa
“Companies had to dip into
cash position”
When the pandemic exits we registered would
first broke out, we were have occurred regardless of
concerned that our clients Covid-19.
would withdraw all of their On the other hand, because
savings and exit investment of the lack of cash, compa-
portfolios since liquidities nies had to withdraw eve-
were expected to dwindle. rything they had invested,
But there was more fear to meet their cash needs
than harm on this parti- during the crisis marked
cular segment since few by low or no revenues. The
people divested their shares situation has forced them
in collective investment to dip into the cash they
into transferable securities had invested - securities or
UCITS. According to our mutual funds - to manage
assessments, the portfolio their daily operations.

Ludovic Minoue, dried fruit exporter

“We always need to have
another alternative”
The pandemic has hit us on three half of our turnover and it’s the
major points. First of all, we lost product that is most in demand.
a lot in terms of income and the However, the situation has
closing of borders did not help completely disrupted our activity.
at all. We have not been able What we learned from that is that
to make our deliveries and, as we must always have an alter-
a result, we no longer have any native to rely on to pull through
money coming in. The lack of crises. An alternative for us would
cash inflow means that we don’t be to sell our products on the
have enough resources to meet local market and we have been
the expenses, so we had to lay off mulling over this idea for a while
part of our staff. but now we’re forced to revise our
The mango campaign, which whole schedule to do something
takes place between March and locally and get some customers to
July, is the best period for our be less dependent on exports.
company. Mango generates

N° 91 / September 2020 9

Salamatou Bantse, MD of Pomme Rouge

“The most difficult for us was
not to adapt”
What Covid-19 has taught strategy and logic. After all,
us is that we live in a these are processes that
fragile environment. Our are cumbersome for SMEs
corporate policies already like ours to implement. Our
encompass the respect of efforts must be rewarded
the standards of quality, by a State; which at least
hygiene, health, and the en- guarantees that we get paid
vironment. But, we applied within a reasonable period.
them more as a standard of The most difficult thing for
service delivery. Today, we us has not been to adapt,
realize that this is an inte- but to do so while dealing
gral part of our operating with existing problems.

Hervé Nana, president of the Union of

Drinking Outlets of the Littoral
«Putting hygiene at the
The Coronavirus penalized known drinking outlets.
many of us, especially those But, the best lesson we
who had contracted bank learned is to always put
loans to revive their busi- hygiene first. You have to
ness. And you know that wash your hands, respect
in March, when we were the safety measures and
paying taxes, some had that means respecting the
already made their decla- basic rules of hygiene. We
rations and renewed their always tell the members of
tax files. The lockdown has our union that they need to
slowed everything down. In have a clean place because
the Littoral region, we have besides Covid-19 other
an average of 3,000 officially diseases like cholera exist.

10 N° 91 / September 2020

Ines Mayagi, a young entrepreneur

«Covid-19 was an
Covid-19 is quite negative natural fruit juices.
for some but for others, it is I’m calling on the govern-
an opportunity to grow. An ment to further support
example is the health sector entrepreneurs. There are
which has experienced a lot already multiple initiatives
of innovations. As far as I am in this regard but it would
concerned, I would say that be more interesting if the
with the pandemic, we rea- government reassures
lized that it was important entrepreneurs, giving them
to strengthen our immune a financial hand so that
system by eating healthier. they are better prepared
And that’s exactly what I’m to respond effectively to
helping people to achieve by disaster situations such as
offering them chemical-free the current pandemic.

Aurélie Chazai, a business lawyer

“Surprisingly, Covid-19 has
boosted our business”
If I have to answer the question find out how to organize them
about the impact of Covid-19, effectively.
I would say that it has surpri- The second aspect concerned
singly boosted our business, the management of commercial
because we had to help our cus- contracts. Many clients were
tomers to manage the impacts unable to meet their contrac-
of the pandemic on their busi- tual commitments. It was the-
nesses. Our intervention has a refore necessary to help them
triple objective. First, we helped in negotiating how to shape
many companies on the social their relations with their clients
management level. This pande- or suppliers. Finally, there was
mic has had an impact on the support on the financial level.
companies’ workforce. There There was also an impact on
were technical layoffs that had the outstanding bank balances
to be managed, as well as the or loan contracts that had to be
organization of teleworking. All managed to obtain some sort
of these were things for which of moratorium and exemption
you had to consult a lawyer to from loan repayments.

N° 91 / September 2020 11

Land conflicts between NGOs,

the population, and investors
For some months now, communities were taken to appease the people nal allocation or provisional lease.”
in Cameroon have been opposing and while one may think the govern- This implies that the “allocation” is
public authorities’ methods of land ment’s decisions in both cases reflect pending the approval of the Head of
management. Amplified by NGOs weakness, the truth is that authori- State.
advocating for environmental ties have implicitly recognized the
protection and people’s rights, the unorthodox nature of methods used According to various testimonies,
protests denounce the government’s to attribute lands to industrialists. those behind such maneuvers - pu-
decision to integrate vast portions of blic agents, local and even traditional
some villages into the State domain. Indeed, no matter the case obser- authorities - are often bribed. Also,
These lands, spanning thousands of ved, it appears that local authorities the lands whose cession is supposed-
hectares, are handed over to inves- handling land issues were often not ly pending the President’s approval
tors with agro-industrial projects. always as impartial, objective, or are exploited, a situation that leads
Sometimes, this is done without the concerned about public interests, to expropriation and other adverse
awareness of villagers concerned. as they should be. Worse even, at consequences. This has been the
As a result, they end up overnight times, they violated the regulation source of populations’ recent outrage
with an unwanted neighbor eager which states among others that the in parts of the country. They demand
to bar them from “their lands”, their allocation of any land exceeding 50 that the government manage the
ancestral lands. hectares falls under the exclusive country’s lands better, taking into
competence of the Head of State. account both the economic develop-
In some cases, the government Meanwhile, it is not rare to see ment and populations’ socio-cultural
had to back down in the face of the lands that far exceed this size being welfare.
protests, to avoid public disorders. allocated by unauthorized people.
In other cases, provisional measures In such cases, it involves a “provisio- Brice R. Mbodiam

12 N° 91 / September 2020

Amidst public protests, Cameroon

suspends the lease contract for
a 26,000 ha cocoa plantation

In a letter dated August 14, 2020, tensions in this part of Cameroon a cocoa grinding facility in Kekem.
Domains and land affairs Minister, where the people have been expres- On these lands, Emmanuel Neossi
Henri Eyébé Ayissi, announced the sing their anger for weeks. intends to develop cocoa farms.
“suspension of the provisional lease While protests increased in recent In addition to denouncing the non-
agreement between the State and Neo weeks, the truth is that populations transparent and one-sided way in
Industry SA.” in the southern region have been which the land reserve was constitu-
The decision was issued following denouncing since 2012 the esta- ted by the government, populations
a meeting organized by the prefect blishment of a land reserve of about of the Ntem Valley Department
of Ntem Valley on August 8, 2020. 66,000 hectares on their ancestral consider that Neo Industry, with its
Gathered at the meeting were elites lands. The recent spike in contesta- cocoa plantation project, somehow
of the region and the people impac- tions came after the people found dispossesses them of their land,
ted by the Neo Industry’s project. By out that nearly 26,000 hectares from despite the jobs that are announced
suspending the provisional agree- this reserve had been transferred within the framework of the agro-in-
ment, authorities hoped to calm to Neo Industry’s owner, who owns dustrial project.

N° 91 / September 2020 13

Awa residents and agro-industrial

group Soproicam clash over
a 2000 ha land concession in

Fritz Dikosso Seme, the prefect noting that while the contestations the disputed site. Was this backed by
of the department of Vina, was in regained momentum recently after the results of the investigation that
Awa, Adamaoua, from August 10 to the suspension of a land concession Jacqueline Koung ordered in Bessiké
16, 2020. According to the regional granted for an agroindustrial facility in 2016? Can these results even be
tri-weekly L’œil du Sahel, this visit in the South, the dispute already trusted knowing that the people
(instructed by Prime Minister Joseph started the same year Soproicam was concerned openly accuse some local
Dion Nguté) was aimed at inves- granted the controversial concession. public authorities, driven by selfish
tigating the land dispute between In 2016, Jacqueline Koung à Bessiké purposes, of lying to the higher-ups in
the Soybeans Processing Industry who was Minister of State Property, the government?
of Cameroon (Soproicam) and local Surveys, and Land Tenure at the time Nevertheless, the company, credible
communities of this area. had even suspended the temporary sources indicate, still exploits 1500
The communities are disputing concession while waiting for the ha of the land for maize and soybean
the 2,000 hectares temporary land results of an investigation she had production - The latter is sent to a
concession granted to Soproicam in ordered the same year. soybean processing plant in Yato, not
2013, for soya and maize production Now, four years later, it appears that far from Douala, Cameroon’s econo-
in their area. However, it’s worth Soproicam did not halt activities on mic capital.

14 N° 91 / September 2020

The Mbororos, a pastoral

nomadic community, challenge a
temporary concession of 100,000
hectares of land
On August 14, 2020, Ousmanou Biri, bring important material and human “I am pleased to ask you to contact
the regional president of the associa- resources to the field [ed.note: the the Minister of State Property, Surveys,
tion for the cultural development of contested concession] to erect a fence. and Land Tenure to request a land
Cameroonian Mbororos - a commu- The various efforts initiated to resolve concession in compliance with the
nity of nomadic shepherds that is this dispute at the lamidat [traditional provisions of article 7 of the decree
well known in Cameroon- addressed chieftaincy], the subprefecture, and N° 76-166 of April 27, 1976, setting
correspondence to the Minister of the prefecture were to no avail and the conditions for the management
Land Affairs, Henri Eyébé Ayissi. In the threat of expropriation persists. of the national estate. This article
the document, Ousmanou Biri de- Thus the complaint we lodged against provides that concessions of less than
nounced the temporary concession Abdoulahi Aboubakar before the 50 hectares of lands are granted by
of 100,000 hectares of land in Tignère district and lower courts of Tignère, a decree from the Minister of Land
(department of Faro et Déo) to an which is yet to pronounce judgment,» Tenure while the concession for those
investor who wants to use the lands the correspondence reads. exceeding 50 hectares is granted via
for a livestock project. He explained a presidential decree,” the prefect
that about 100 farmers’ households According to the regional tri-weekly Auguste Essomba wrote in his letter.
have been exploiting that portion of L’œil du Sahel, this correspondence Reading that letter, the Mbororos
the national domain for decades and was motivated by a letter the prefect community saw it as covert support
do not intend to leave it. of the Faro et Déo department offered by the prefect to the investor
recently sent to the said investor Abdoulahi Aboubakar.
“In 2018, they [the Mbororos] were Abdoulahi Aboubakar.
surprised to see Abdoulahi Aboubakar

The Herakles Farms case

The dispute between public of the Herakles Farms case in the Cameroon-SGSOC) for oil palm
authorities and the local com- Southwest. production. However, it was for-
munity in the Southern region ced to abandon the project due
over a temporary land conces- In 2013, U.S company Herakles to pressure from NGOs fighting
sion granted to Neo Industry Farms obtained a state conces- for environmental protection
(and in the Adamaoua where the sion covering 20,000 hectares and the right of residents close to
Mbororos are trying to oppose a of land (via its subsidiary industrial plantations.
factory-farming project) reminds Sithe Global Sustainable Oils

N° 91 / September 2020 15

Cameroon cancels exploitation

of 130,000+ ha of Littoral forest
under Greenpeace pressure

After months of lobbying for the and Sanaga-Maritime. The President Forest is an area of high concen-
cancellation of forest exploitation also ordered the postponement tration of biodiversity and is home
in Cameroon’s Littoral region, of the classification procedure for to some of the largest populations
NGO Greenpeace Africa finally another 65,007 hectares of forest, in of chimpanzees between Nigeria
won the case. The Cameroonian the Nkam Department. This portion and Cameroon, forest elephants,
Prime Minister, Joseph Dion Ngute, of the forest is constituted as a forest grey parrots and other species on
announced the suspension of logging management unit called FMU 07 005. the IUCN (International Union for
permit on 68,385 hectares of land This decision by the Cameroonian Conservation of Nature) endangered
in the departments of Nkam and government follows the plea of the and threatened species red list, and
Sanaga-Maritime, and the Head of NGO Greenpeace Africa, which has 12 tree species unknown to science.
State, Paul Biya, canceled another been denouncing the concessioning This forest contains about 35 million
65,007 hectares in the department of of these forests since last April. tons of carbon.
Nkam. Greenpeace, which defends the natu- The Ministry of Wildlife and Forestry
According to an official statement, ral world, petitioned “for the imme- (Minfof) wanted to transform the
the President of the Republic has diate cancellation of the plans of the target area into a production forest.
ordered a halt to the process of government to transform an area of The more than 130,000 ha were to
concessioning these 133,332 hectares about 150,000 hectares of intact forest, be split into two classified forest
of forest and the PM signed a decree designated as a national park, into concessions. The latter was to be
outlawing a previous text autho- two forest concessions.” The organiza- adjacent to the palm oil plantation
rizing the classification into the tion says more than 40 communities of the agro-industrial Greenfil Palm
private domain of the State of 68,385 border the Ebo Forest and depend Plantation Ltd which, with French
hectares of forest, constituted as a on the forest for food, medicine, and and Malaysian technical assistance,
forest management unit called FMU cultural activities. has cleared more than 1700 hectares
07 006, in the departments of Nkam According to Greenpeace, the Ebo since 2017.

16 N° 91 / September 2020

Abakal Mahamat
“The actions of the Central
Bank, coupled with the
intervention of the State have
been of crucial importance…”
Based on BGFI Cameroon’s experience, here the lender’s managing director
talks about the impact the Coronavirus has on the local financial sector and
appreciates measures taken by the government and the Central Bank to mitigate

Entretien avec Idriss Linge

Hello Mr. CEO, we would like to have been strongly impacted by the Before we get to the lessons lear-
know what the impact of the Co- pandemic, and banks have been ned, let’s talk about the Central
vid-19 pandemic has been on your affected, with an increased need to Bank, which has intervened and
operations ? support our clients during this diffi- continues to intervene in some
Abakal Mahamat: This pandemic cult period. way to breathe life into your sec-
took everyone by surprise. We are in Nevertheless, like any crisis and des- tor. The Government of Cameroon
the financial services industry, and pite its adverse effects, the Covid-19 has also taken measures, have
our operations were paralyzed, just pandemic has been rich in lessons these different interventions had
as those of many clients were inter- that will surely enable us to be more the impact of diluting the negative
rupted, requiring a rapid readjust- resilient and to anticipate such effects you mentioned?
ment of our business model. occurrences - which we of course do There has been a certain effect of
Indeed, the public and private sec- not wish to see happen again.. support from all these entities. Re-
tors, as well as the informal sector, cently, the Central Bank announced

N° 91 / September 2020 17

To sum up, the actions of the Central Bank coupled with the intervention of the State have been of crucial importance and allow us to foresee better prospects for
the future.

18 N° 91 / September 2020

that it would buy back 600 billion chains that can combine several their activities. This relationship
treasury bonds from CEMAC types of impacts at the same time. continues, but through the tools that
countries, which represents a huge Take the case of large companies. technology offers us.
breath of fresh air for the states They have subcontractors, which In addition to the reorganization in
concerned and for the banks in terms themselves have their own suppliers working methods, we had to revise
of cash flow. of goods or services. It is therefore our budget forecasts because of
It has also issued a series of instruc- this entire value chain that is impac- the impact of the pandemic on the
tions and press releases, aimed at ted, with induced effects on the economy. In this sense, Covid-19
enabling commercial banks to sta- people employed by these companies appeared to us as an opportunity to
bilize. We can therefore affirm that, and on the social fabric as a whole. test our governance system and our
thanks to these timely interventions ability to manage crises, and we note
relating in particular to the repur- All the major banks in the world with great satisfaction that our orga-
chase of bonds and bills issued by the and in Africa, including the BGFI nisation is resisting the shock well,
CEMAC national treasuries on one group of which you are the CEO of both at Group and subsidiary level.
hand, the easing of certain controls the Cameroonian subsidiary, are With regards to personnel, in addi-
on the activity of banks and the injec- beginning to learn the lessons of tion to protection and distancing
tions of liquidity for the benefit of the this pandemic. At your level, what measures, we set up a system of
economies of the sub-region on the lessons are you beginning to draw material and psychological support
other hand, we are beginning to see from Covid-19? for employees whose family mem-
the end of the tunnel. For a banking group like ours, pre- bers were affected, to enable them to
As far as the government is concer- sent in 11 countries, with a marked continue working under good condi-
ned, the impact has been felt more presence in Paris, France, where the tions. I would thus say that we have
through the businesses that are our effects of the pandemic were among reinvented the way we manage our
clients. In this sense, we welcome the the most pronounced, we had to human capital.
efforts made by the State in the fiscal reinvent ourselves in order to pres-
area, to enable them to deploy more erve our quality of service, our pri- If you had a suggestion, or a
easily, and for some organizations, to vileged relationships with our clients, request to make to the authorities,
emerge from the agony. and our contribution to the growth what would it be?
To sum up, the actions of the Central of the economy, all this of course in The authorities have implemented
Bank coupled with the intervention strict compliance with the measures various measures to contain this
of the State have been of crucial set out by the government. pandemic. What we can suggest to
importance and allow us to foresee Our reorganization was thus carried them is to maintain all the actions
better prospects for the future. out in several ways. In terms of wor- already taken to help companies in
king methods, we opted for video- difficulty because of Covid-19, and
In the same vein, which customer conferencing instead of face-to-face to continue with the various actions
categories do you think are fee- meetings. We have continued with aimed at supporting the economy,
ling the effects of the recovery the the governance of the group and hold particularly in terms of tax pressure.
most ? all the related committees. This way, the financial services com-
Individuals and businesses are fee- The way we manage our clients has panies that we are, will be better able
ling it to varying degrees, with the also evolved. Until now, we have had to make our contribution to a full
latter feeling it much more signifi- a very personalized approach to ma- recovery of the economy.
cantly. naging clients, who we would meet
Indeed, companies represent value at their sites to hear about them and

N° 91 / September 2020 19
Foreign exchange regulation: Cameroon
transferred its oil and mining contracts to
the BEAC, the IMF reveals

Cameroon is committed to imple- Cemac/UMAC/CM, which came into decided.

menting the new foreign exchange effect on March 1, 2019, would affect According to the IMF, Cameroon’s
regulations issued by the Bank of their contracts with various CEMAC efforts towards the implementation
Central African States (BEAC), the member countries because the of the regulation will increase its
International Monetary Fund (IMF) regulation required multinationals to regional import coverage.
reveals in its Country Report No. repatriate export proceeds. Cameroon’s “foreign exchange repa-
20/48 focused on Cameroon. Indeed, most of these companies’ triation reached CFAF 2,313 billion
To ensure its optimum implemen- contracts with CEMAC mem- during Q1-Q3 2019, a 44% increase
tation, the country transferred its ber countries exempt them from from the 2018 figures (…) Cameroon’s
contracts with oil and mining com- repatriating their export proceeds. NFAs at the BEAC stood at 1,995
panies to the BEAC. It also promised However, the new foreign exchange billion at end-September 2019 and
to align its new petroleum code with regulation required the contrary. Due are projected to rise in Q4, supported
the foreign exchange regulation. to that particular requirement, the by delayed donor budget support and
This promise is a significant step implementation of the regulation to strict enforcement of the regulations,»
since a while ago, oil and mining oil and mining companies was post- according to the IMF.  
companies estimated that the foreign poned twice before a third enforce-
exchange regulation n° 02/18/ ment date (December 31, 2020) was

20 N° 91 / September 2020

Eight products generated over 86% of export

revenues in 2019 (INS)

Cameroon generated over 86% of its the period. After crude oil (whose in 2018 after the commissioning of
export revenues from eight (8) pro- production has become increasin- Hili Episeyo, the second floating
ducts in 2019, according to a recent gly dynamic in Cameroon in recent LNG plant in the world. The fifth
report published by the national years) is cocoa, which provided product was sawn timber (7%) while
institute for statistics 12.1% of overall export revenues. raw timber (3.6%), cocoa derivatives
The first of the products was crude Next came liquefied natural gas (3.3%), and raw aluminum (2.4%)
oil, which provided 41.8% of the (LNG), with 11% of export revenues. came respectively sixth, seventh, and
country’s export revenues during Cameroon started exporting LNG eighth, the report indicates.

The IMF encourages Cameroon to enact an

anti-corruption law
In its Country Report No. 20/48 lopment of the private sector, the missing in the country’s anti-cor-
focused on Cameroon, the institution comments. ruption framework. This includes
International Monetary Fund (IMF) This suggestion is almost the same the Anti-Corruption Law. Also, the
encourages the country to enact an as the one made a while back by African Union Convention against
anti-corruption law. The institution Transparency international. In its Corruption has not been signed yet
asks Cameroon to adopt strong 2019 Corruption Perception Index, and article 66 of the constitution
structural reforms to facilitate the the anti-corruption agency ran- on the declaration of property and
development of the private sector ked Cameroon 153th out of 180 assets is not being applied. Also,
and “job-rich growth.” It also sug- countries. With 25 points out of 100, illicit enrichment is not criminalized
gests a modernization of the legal Cameroon was ranked as the 28th and there is no legal protection for
framework. most corrupted country in the world. whistleblowers, anti-corruption acti-
This anti-corruption law will boost According to the agency, it is unfor- vists, investigators, and journalists
foreign investments and the deve- tunate that many instruments are reporting cases of corruption.

N° 91 / September 2020 21

Cameroon pays over XAF21 bln of interest

charges on XAF450.4 bln Eurobond despite
the covid-19 pandemic

On May 19, 2020, Cameroon paid is that Cameroon paid the interest finance law of June 3, 2020, revealed
interest charges on the XAF450.4 bln rates when the agency was wonde- that the amount was XAF118 billion.
(swap charges excluded) Eurobond ring whether the country would ex- It is worth reminding that according
it issued in 2015. This payment has tend the moratorium on debt service to sources close to international in-
become a routine since the issuance granted by the G20 to private inves- vestors, Cameroonian authorities are
of this Eurobond. For instance, on tors since the country is facing tough negotiating with the International
November 19, 2020, the country is economic challenges. For instance, Monetary Fund (IMF) to refinance
expected to make another interest apart from social pressures and the the Eurobond. The aim is to post-
payment in the framework of the security crisis in the Far North, the pone the repayment of the principal.
security issued in the European mar- North, the East, the Northwest, and Indeed, according to the current
kets. As the country pays interests Southwest, the country still has to schedule, on November 23, 2023,
twice a year and XAF21 billion per face the economic consequences Cameroon will pay part (XAF150
payment, this means that it spends of the coronavirus pandemic. Also, billion) of the principal. However,
over XAF42 billion on interest hundreds of thousands of residents with its ailing exports, it is not sure
charges for this operation every year. in Douala and some other towns, whether Cameroon will have enough
These interest charges should drop have recently been affected by floo- Euro-denominated currencies by
by one-third in 2023 once it refunds ding caused by torrential rain. the refund date. Apart from that,
one-third of the principal. At the same time, the support pro- the country still has to refund other
The May 19, 2020, interest payment vided by G20 countries appeared to international loans contracted to
was welcomed by rating agency be below the volume expected by fund the organization of the yet-to-
Moody’s, which revised the country’s the World Bank. While the Bretton be held African Cup of Nations 2021
repayment ability from “negative” to Woods institution was expecting notably.
“stable.” The reason for this revision about XAF155 billion, the amended

22 N° 91 / September 2020

Exports to CEMAC countries constituted

only 6.6% of overall export revenues in 2019

In 2019, Cameroon’s exports to export revenues during the period - The INS suspects border porosity to
neighboring countries (CEMAC with 6.6% derived from exports to its be the main reason for the low offi-
countries in particular) were really neighbors in the CEMAC region. cial exports since transborder trades
low, according to the report on the During the period, the country are not recorded in customs autho-
country’s foreign trades recently exported 336,232 tons of products rities’ files. This is why it is currently
published by the national institute to CEMAC members, generating elaborating on a mechanism that will
for statistics INS. XAF160.79 billion. In the subregion, collect data on transborder trades
The report informs that, according its main client was Chad which and improve trades with neighboring
to figures from customs authorities, bought 169,485 tons of products, countries.
Cameroon’s exports to neighboring worth close to XAF66 billion, from
countries generated only 7.8% of its Cameroon.

Trade deficit declines by 36.9% YoY in H1-

2020, due to Covid-19
Cameroon recorded a XAF487 billion under review, the country’s trade further. For instance, it points out,
trade deficit in H1-2020, according exchanges decreased by 19.7% in the consumption of local products
to a report recently published by the quantity and 25.2% in value. Exports instead of imported ones that were
national institute for statistics INS. were valued at XAF918.4 billion while usually massively imported (like
This represents a 36.9% decline on a the value of imports was XAF1,406 rice) would have a beneficial impact
year-to-year basis. billion. on the trade balance and boost
“This improvement of the trade According to the INS, the coronavi- domestic supply (that producers are
balance was due to a marked 27.6% rus pandemic and its impacts could now unable to sell in neighboring
contraction of imports compared be the main factors of these changes. countries because of the border clo-
to a lesser contraction, by 21.4%, of The institute estimates that if the sure). The recent tomato crisis bears
exports,” the report explains. It also pandemic continues, Cameroon’s witness to that fact.
indicates that during the period trade exchanges will contract

N° 91 / September 2020 23

Exports revenues were up by 13% YoY in 2019

In 2019, Cameroon generated XAF2,392.8 billion of export
revenues, according to a recent report from the national
institute for statistics INS. This performance is up by over
XAF280 billion (13.3%), according to the report.
This rise was due to an increase in crude oil exports. The
value of the latter rose by 15.9% year-over-year showing
the dynamism of the local production. Its quantity rose
by 31.2% compared with the volume exported in 2018, the
report indicates.
Unlike oil exports, the quantity of non-oil and gas pro-
ducts exported in 2019 dropped by 12.3% but the value
rose by 0.6% year-over-year.

Cameroon’s exports could drop by 40% this

year because of the Covid-19 (BEAC study)
The coronavirus pandemic exposes
Cameroon to five shocks. This is
revealed in a study entitled ‘quels
sont les effets des chocs liés à la
pandémie Covid-19 au Cameroun
?’ (What are the impacts of the
Covid-19 pandemic in Cameroon?)
written by Francis Ghislain Ngomba
Bodi, executive of the Directorate of
Studies, Research, and Statistics at
the Beac.
The said shocks are the following:
«an epidemiological shock, a supply
shock, a domestic demand shock,
an oil shock, and a foreign demand
shock.» The study (published on the Beac’s and indirect support to households
According to the writer, this sour website) suggests that to mitigate will keep demand afloat. It will re-
situation should cost the country the impacts of this recession, the quire a sharp increase in public debt,
«6% of GDP in 2020, with a drop of government should support indus- the burden of which will have to be
about 12% in consumption and up trial companies so that they can mitigated by a massive purchase of
to 40% drop in exports. The budget increase their market share in the public securities by the central bank.
deficit will worsen and will likely wake of the economic recovery in This is the prerequisite for a strong
double. Private investment may not 2021 and maintain employment at a economic rebound in 2021-2022,” the
return to its pre-crisis level before the certain level. study concludes.
end of 2021.» “This direct support to companies

24 N° 91 / September 2020
Joint-venture Sucam SA to handle universal
health coverage operations
On August 27, 2020, in Yaoundé, in Cameroon and perform all the to approved providers, and monitor
Cameroon and Santé Universelle related commercial and financial service providers.
Cameroun (Sucam SA) signed a operations. This means that it will As a reminder, the universal health
public-private partnership contract collect social contributions from eco- coverage system (initially plan-
for the implementation of universal nomic agents in the informal sector, ned to start being implemented in
health coverage in the country. and pool the funds dedicated to the Cameroon in 2018) will cost about
Officially, this company, which is a management of universal health XAF1,300 billion. It includes a spec-
joint venture between Cameroonian coverage. It will also sign contracts trum of 185 interventions and 101
and Korean investors, will implement with public and private health sub-interventions.
a universal health coverage system facilities in that regard, pay the bills

Bicec and Société Générale concentrated

almost 50% of bank loans granted to
economic agents in H2-2020 (BEAC)
Between July and December 2019,
banks operating in Cameroon
granted XAF2,109 billion of loans
to economic agents (down 16.7%
year-over-year), the central bank
BEAC indicates in its report on the
evolution of borrowing rates in the
CEMAC region.
According to the report, BICEC
granted 28.7% of the overall loans
while Société Générale Cameroon
granted 19.95%. This means the two
banks granted almost 50% of the cre-
dits offered during the period under two banks majority-owned by period. They respectively granted
review. Cameroonians, completed the top 4 14.44% and 9.52 % of the overall loans
Commercial Bank of Cameroon of the banks that granted the most in that period.
(CBC) and Afriland First Bank, credit to the economy during the

N° 91 / September 2020 25

National Bank of Equatorial Guinea obtains

business license for its subsidiary in

Bange Bank Cameroon SA, a subsi- Bank Cameroon S.A. under the Law monetary authorities which are the
diary being set up by the National No. 2015/018 of December 21, 2015, Central African Banking Commission
Bank of Equatorial Guinea (Bange) governing commercial activities in (Cobac) and the Cameroonian
in Cameroon, was issued a business Cameroon, since it is majority-ow- Ministry of Finance.
license by the Ministry of Trade on ned by Equatorial Guineans and the
August 5, 2020. chairman of its board Manuel Osa In June 2019, led by the Equatorial
Nsue Nsua, and managing director Guinean ambassador Anastaseo
«Any commercial company, whatever Emilio Moyo Avoro are both citizens Asumu Mum Munos, a delega-
its sector of activity, must first obtain of this neighboring country. tion from the Bange met the
the said license, which facilitates its Cameroonian Finance Minister
registration in the trade and personal The decree states that «the above- Louis Paul Motaze in Yaoundé. At the
property credit register. It is required mentioned license is granted to Bange end of the confidential discussions,
from foreign individuals or compa- Bank Cameroon S.A. for its operations Ebe Mba, chairman of the board of
nies as well as firms majority-owned in the banking sector, in strict com- directors of Bange -the parent com-
by foreigners,” the Ministry of Trade pliance with the laws and regulations pany- told the press that the banking
explains. in force.» institution was about to launch the
procedures required to open a subsi-
It adds that the obtention of this After this license, the institution still diary in Cameroon.
license is compulsory for Bange has to obtain the approval of the

26 N° 91 / September 2020
Cameroon spent XAF807 bln to import food
products, up by 14.9% YoY (INS)
Cameroonian economic operators 20% of overall import expenses in in 2019 (ed.note: 803,505 tons accor-
spent XAF807 billion to import food Cameroon during the period under ding to the Minister of trade). This
products in 2019, according to the review. The products imported were represents a 59.4% rise. The value of
national institute for statistics INS. mainly rice and wheat, we learn. rice imports rose by 60.9% year-over-
These imports were up by 14.9% According to the institute, the year to XAF231.8 billion, it adds.
year-over-year. volume of rice imported rose from
Officially, food products represented 561,112 tons in 2018 to 894,486 tons

Rice importers suspected of fraudulently

reexporting to neighboring countries

In Cameroon, the national institute (up by 59.4%). This cost the country government for rice imports. Thus,
for statistics INS suspects rice impor- XAF231.6 billion, up by 60.9% com- the operators import rice duty-free
ters of fraudulently reexporting their pared to the value of rice imports in and reexport it to increase their
products to Nigeria. Indeed, in 2019, 2018. profits.
Cameroon’s rice imports surged, “Given the dynamism of the local Because of that practice, the INS
inexplicably affecting the country’s production, we can suspect that the announces that it is elabora-
food products import expenditures surplus is reexported to neighboring ting a permanent mechanism to
(up by 14.9% to XAF807.5 billion). countries, Nigeria notably due to the monitor trans-border trades. The
importance of its domestic market,” mechanism will provide an over-
The institute notes that the volume the INS comments. These reexpor- view of Cameroon’s transborder
of rice imported by the country rose tations are facilitated by the exemp- trades and help curb these unfair
from 561,112 tons to 894,486 tons tions granted by the Cameroonian reexportations.

N° 91 / September 2020 27

Local yearly fish production still below

15,000 tons despite aquaculture promotion

To boost fish production, the natio- Ministry of Trade, generally, fish pro- government launched a call for
nal sea-fisheries development agency duction reaches about 10,000 tons expression of interests to pre-qualify
(CDPM- Caisse de développement yearly, the maximum being 15,000 national and foreign investors willing
de la pêche maritime) announced tons. to invest in the Cameroonian aqua-
that this year, it would distribute According to Divine Ngola Tombouh, culture sector.
300,000 fries to local producers. Such the Assistant Director-General for These investors will exploit the aqua-
initiatives have proliferated recently aquaculture, at the Ministry for culture potential of the Dibamba,
in the country, the objective being to Livestock, Fisheries and Animal Nyong and Sanaga rivers, the Lagdo,
reduce the massive imports of frozen Industries (MINEPIA), for more effi- Lom Pangar reservoirs as well as
fish on Cameroonian soil. ciency and to save part of the XAF160 the Kribi-Campo and Limbe-Idenau
However, despite these measures billion spent to import frozen fish coastlines. Interested investors have
aimed at boosting local production, every year, the country now intends up to October 16, 2020, to submit
it is still low. According to figures to attract large companies into the their applications at the MINEPIA.
disclosed by producers on August fish producing sector.
12, 2020, during a meeting with the In that framework, in July 2020, the

28 N° 91 / September 2020
SNH to establish petroleum geology labs in
six public universities
The National Hydrocarbons Corporation
(SNH) recently published the results of six
calls for tenders it issued to select suppliers
that will provide equipment for construction
of petroleum geology laboratories in six (6)
public universities.
These works will be carried out by Shine
Services and Communications ingénierie sys-
tèmes SA in the universities of Bamenda, Buea,
Douala, Dschang, Maroua and Ngaoundéré.
The costs of each of the contracts vary between
XAF49 and 63 million. Thus, by investing over
XAF350 million in the project, SNH wants to
promote petroleum engineering training in the
country, credible sources comment.

Sonara: Two French companies invited

to submit bids for the audit of recently
completed phase 1 of the extension plan
Jean-Paul Simo Njonou, the general by September 25, 2020. They are achievements, both in terms of tech-
director of the National refinery Performance Plus Innovation and nical achievements, the extension of
company Sonara, recently launched Axeans Strategy Consulting. deadlines and cost increases.»
a restricted tender procedure to According to the call for expression The phase 1 concerned was launched
recruit a firm that will audit works of interest, at the end of which those in 2010 and was supposed to be
performed in the framework of phase two firms were selected, “the purpose completed between 2012 and 2013.
1 of the project aimed at extending of the audit mission is to enlighten However, it was completed only in
the company’s plants. Sonara by providing a detailed and 2018 and gobbled about XAF380
Only two French companies have documented explanation of the billion.
been invited to submit their bids discrepancies between forecasts and

N° 91 / September 2020 29
XAF12 bln to be invested in the reconstruction
of the Far-North
In the framework of the “Regional 2013 (MayoTsanaga, Mayo Sava, and tee in Maroua.
Stabilization Facility for Lake Chad” Logone et Chari), will focus on three According to the project leaders, in
developed by the UNDP, XAF12 bil- axes. the framework of the project, 1,000
lion will be invested in the construc- These axes will be the construction young people will be recruited local-
tion of infrastructures destroyed of infrastructures (public buildings ly. They will be paid a daily remune-
by Islamist sect Boko Haram in the notably), security and economic ration and can thus gather enough
Far-northern region of Cameroon. recovery, triweekly L’Oeil du Sahel funds to launch income-generating
This project, implemented in the reported while relaying the informa- activities. Also, the construction
three departments that paid the hea- tion gathered after the August 17, works will be performed by local
viest price in the sect’s attacks since 2020 meeting of the steering commit- companies.

Phase 1 of Yaoundé-Douala Highway: CFHE

negotiates the third extension of deadlines
The first phase (60 km) of the by 14.5 months (October 13, 2019, to Highway Engineering indicates that
Yaoundé-Douala highway will not December 31, 2020). the works were slowed down by de-
be delivered by December 30, 2020, According to Simon Pierre lays in the clearance of rights-of-ways
as planned in the updated work sche- Mbousnoum, director of road and bill payments. And justifiably
dule. Indeed, China First Highway investments at the Ministry of Public so, according to figures disclosed
Engineering Company Ltd (CFHEC), Works (Mintp), the new deadline by the Mintp, CFHEC is still owed
in charge of the construction, is being suggested is October 31, 2021. XAF40.742 billion for its works. Of
negotiating a third extension of the He further informs that this request this amount, XAF38.956 billion has to
deadline. has already been rejected by the be disbursed by Eximbank China and
Works in the framework of the first Minister of Public Works Nganou XAF1.785 billion counterpart funds
phase of the 196-km road infrastruc- Djoumessi. «The Minister of Public by the State of Cameroon.
ture started on October 13, 2014, and Works intends to check all the works To disburse the fund, Eximbank
the initial duration was 48 months. the company would have performed China requests Cameroon to pay
However, the deadlines were first by the end of the contractual dead- the counterpart fund and sign the
extended by 12 months (October 13, line,” he says. document detailing the refund
2018, to October 12, 2019) and then To justify this request, China First mechanism backing the construction

30 N° 91 / September 2020
project. On July 9, 2020, the Ministry construction of earthworks on this regard with China Communications
of Economy sent the document to same route. Construction Company (CCCC), the
the Prime Minister’s office, according Even if CFHEC meets the agreed parent company of CFHEC. This is
to Emmanuel Nganou Djoumessi. deadline, phase 1 will not be com- confirmed by the Support Council
During the cabinet council of July missioned before 2022 since its for The Realization of Partnership
29, 2020, the latter explained that operationalization depends on the Contracts (Carpa) but no one can tell
the signature of this document is a construction of two access roads how long the negotiations will last.
requirement provided in the loan over a 25-km route. «The CCCC has not even submitted
agreement providing that once 70% The first road is a 10-km (2 X 2 lanes) its initial offer yet,» a Carpa official
of the loan has been disbursed, a structure through which users can informed.
refund mechanism should be signed reach KP 00 of the highway from Overall, notwithstanding the study
by the two parties before any further the central post office located at the currently being carried out by Scet/
disbursement is made. center of Yaoundé. The second access Tunisia and Louis Berger, «to reduce
Apart from the financial and right- road will be 13 km long and will start costs» and set the final amount of
of-ways clearance reasons, the delay from Bibodi (KP 60) to National Road this work, everything suggests that
in meeting the agreed deadline is No. 3 at Boumnyebel. the Phase 1 of Yaoundé-Douala
also due to the Covid-19 pandemic, For the construction of these “addi- highway would not be commissioned
the difficulties encountered during tional works,” Cameroon has opted that soon.
the demolition of rocky masses along for a public-private partnership and
the KP 40 and KP 60 and during the negotiations are ongoing in that

BMN requests XAF65 bln to upgrade 600
industrial enterprises over 2021-2023
Over the 2021-2023 period, Enterprises informed. However, the 3-year strategy has not yet been granted an adequate
Upgrading Office (BMN) will need still has to be validated by the govern- legal and regulatory framework. It was
XAF65 billion to implement its national ment. Also, the government still has to established and operates within a general
strategy, according to the strategy grant legal status to BMN so that the framework for the development of com-
document the office briefly presented institution could efficiently implement panies and businesses. This framework
to journalists in Kribi on August 19-21, its projects aimed at facilitating the limits the operations of BMN, which needs
2020. competitiveness of Cameroonian com- sustainable financing to better carry out
With this budget, the office will upgrade panies and the economy. its duties,” the expert who designed the
600 companies, the management “The Enterprises Upgrading Office strategy revealed.

N° 91 / September 2020 31
Camrail renovates 13 railway bridges and
announces completion of rehabilitation
works on 55 others for 2021
the national road network.
Overall, 68 rail bridges have or are
being renovated in the framework of
the program. The works, which will
be completed in 2021, are carried out
in coordination with local SMEs such
as Socatraf, Gemat, and Sipn.
Estimated at XAF4.11 billion, the
program is part of a larger one
implemented with the support of the
World Bank. In the framework of the
said program, 330 km of track (Ka’a-
Belabo, Batchenga, and Ka’a, Douala-
Yaoundé entrances and exits) have
been renovated. Also, between the
The Interministerial Committee on Under the program, the local subsi- years 2000 and 2020, 500 km of tracks
Railways Infrastructure (Comifer) diary of Bolloré Railways headed (on were reinforced and 1,671 hydraulic
recently checked the completion behalf the government of Cameroon) structures renovated.
of renovation works on 13 railway the renovation of the Edéa railway «The renovation works on these
bridges. According to Camrail, bridge on the Transcam 1 (Douala- railway bridges will improve the speed
which disclosed the information on Yaoundé) and twelve metal bridges of traffic at these junctions, increase
August 13, 2020, these renovations on the Transcam 2 (Yaoundé- traffic safety and reduce travel time
were launched in the framework of a Ngaoundéré). Also, in February 2020, for rail convoys as well as people and
5-year railway infrastructure moder- it launched the renovation of 55 goods,” says Camrail’s manager of
nization program it had agreed with additional rail bridges (metal and fixed installations.
the state of Cameroon. concrete slab bridges) throughout

Cameroon adopts a new format for vehicle

registration documents
On August 17, 2020, a new format licenses in the country. According to release indicates.
was adopted for vehicle registra- Minister Ngallé Bibéhé, the format To modernize and secure trans-
tion documents in Cameroon, the makes vehicle registration docu- port licenses in the country, the
Minister of Transport Jean Ernest ments more secure and with it, data government instaurated a new type
Ngallé Bibéhé Massena (photo) about a particular document can be of inspection sticker in May 2020.
announced in a release published on authenticated instantly. More secure, it is aimed at limiting
August 19, 2020. Despite the new format being cur- the various shenanigans around the
This new format falls within the rently effective, documents issued issuance of that document.
framework of measures initiated using the older format will remain
to modernize and secure transport valid until their expiration date, the

32 N° 91 / September 2020
Port of Douala: Ngondi Éboua becomes the
Deputy Director of the delegated agency in
charge of dredging
Today, August 27, 2020, in Douala, delegated management being set up Strategies of the Cameroonian Urban
Cyrus Ngo’o, the Managing Director by the port to bring in incomes and Mutual Betting (PMUC) in 1999.
of the Port Authority of Douala reduce expenses that threaten the A few years later, he started working
(PAD), will inaugurate Samuel port’s finances. for Orange Cameroon as Secretary-
Ngondi Eboua as the Deputy Director Samuel Ngondi Eboua is a graduate General of the Orange Cameroon
of the agency in charge of dredging at of Hautes Etudes Commerciales Foundation. After that, he assumed
the port of Douala-Bonabéri. (HEC) of Liege, Belgium. He started the position of communication
With his deputy Idriss Beye, Samuel his career in 1984 after his studies. manager for this operator and then
Ngondi Eboua will lead the PAD’s After a few years abroad, he retur- Director of Institutional Relations for
strategy aimed at being autono- ned to Cameroon as Director of the same operator until his retire-
mous in dredging. This is the second Communication and Commercial ment in December 2018.

PROMOTE 2021 announced for Apr 24-May
2, 2021 in Yaoundé
The Foundation Interprogress, mandated by
the Cameroonian government to organize the
International Exhibition for Enterprises, SMEs, and
Partnerships (PROMOTE), announces that the 8th
edition of the exhibition will be held from April 24 to
May 2, 2021, at the Yaoundé conference center.
The main innovation of this edition (PROMOTE2021)
will be a 4-day conference baptized «le Forum de
Yaoundé» (The forum of Yaoundé). This forum will
be organized around the theme “l’industrialisation
de l’Afrique, une clé de l’émergence du continent”
(Industrialization in Africa: a key to the emergence of
the continent ?), official sources reveal.
Launched in 2002, PROMOTE -where almost 1,000 par-
ticipants rush to- soon became the largest economic
gathering in Central Africa, the promoters indicate.

N° 91 / September 2020 33

Jules Ngankam becomes interim MD of

the African Guarantee Fund
The African Guarantee Fund (AGF), pre-
sented as the first pan-African guarantee
fund dedicated to SMEs, recently an-
nounced the appointment of Cameroonian
statistical engineer and economist Jules
Ngankam as its interim managing director.
The latter was the deputy managing direc-
tor of this financial institution since 2017.

A former executive at Barclays Bank in

London, where he spent 8 years, Jules
Ngankam is a graduate of the Essec (Paris)
and the École nationale de la statistique et
de l’administration économique (Ensae) in
France. He joined the African Guarantee
Fund in 2013 as Chief Administrative and
Financial Officer.

In 2013, this pan-African guarantee fund

signed with the Inter-Patronal Grouping
of Cameroon (GICAM) and a banking
pool (SGBC, BICEC, Afriland First Bank,
Ecobank, BGFI), a Memorandum of
Understanding of $100 million (about
CFAF 60 billion), aimed at setting up a
pilot project to finance and support local

Designed and founded by the African

Development Bank (AfDB), AGF has the
French Development Agency (AFD) as
one of its shareholders. Its shareholders
also include the Nordic Development
Fund (NDF), which is the joint develop-
ment finance institution of the five Nordic
countries, and the Spanish Agency for
International Development Cooperation.
Brice R. Mbodiam

34 N° 91 / September 2020

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