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Theme 1: Quality of Work Life

Q1. When somebody asks you what you do for a living, what do you tell them? 

Q2. What do you feel are the pros and cons of working as a freelancer/ gig worker? 

Q3. What is the hardest part of your work? 

Q4. How would you describe the payment situation? 

Q5. How would you rate your satisfaction towards your job?

Q7. Do people around you understand the work you do? How does that make you feel? 

Q8. If you had a one-on-one meeting with the management of the news organization that you
are currently working for what would you tell her/him about the work, the pay, the
experience, etc? 

Theme 2: Labour Market Practises and prioritisation

Q9. Do you take up multiple gigs at a time? 

Q10. If or when you take up multiple gigs at a time, how do you priorities your work? 

Q11. What is the biggest motivator to priorities your work?

Q12. How do you feel about the way your priorities your work?

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