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Faculty of Business Studies

Department of Accounting & Information Systems

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) program
Jagannath University

Internship Report on An overview of General Activities of Jamuna Bank

Submitted To
Department of Accounting & Information Systems
Jagannath University, Dhaka
Supervised By
Mazeda Sultana
Assistant Professor
Department of Accounting & Information Systems
Jagannath University, Dhaka
Submitted By
Zahidul Islam
ID No: B150201125
Session: 2015-2016
11th Batch, Section: B
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
Department of Accounting & Information Systems
Jagannath University, Dhaka

Date of Submission: 14 September 2020

Letter of Transmittal

14 September, 2020
The Supervisor
Internship Program
BBA Program
Department of Accounting & Information Systems
Jagannath University, Dhaka
Subject: Submission of BBA Internship Report.
Dear Madam,
This is to inform you about the successful completion of the internship report. During the writing
of this report, your instructions for report writing were followed to present the idea and clarify the
findings. The findings from the report were an enlightening experience and allowed me to gain in
depth knowledge on the General Activities of Jamuna Bank Limited.
This report was completed after research through a comprehensive process with the necessary
resources. During the preparation of this term paper, some challenges were faced. However,
repeated efforts and following the instructions of the supervisors were enough to overcome them.
I would like to offer my thanks for presenting this opportunity. Lastly, it is my earnest hope that
you will kindly accept this report and acknowledge the effort. I will gladly clarify any queries that
may arise.
Sincerely yours,

Zahidul Islam
ID No: B150201125
Session: 2015-2016
Batch: 11th
Section: B
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
Department of Accounting & Information Systems
Jagannath University, Dhaka

First and foremost, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude and warm thanks to my
department that gave me a valuable opportunity to gather knowledge and skill.
I would like to thank, SM Sumon Kabir, first officer (Rayerbug branch) my on-site supervisor
for providing valuable guidance helping me to prepare this report with the correct information. I
am also obliged to express my gratitude to ASM Mominur Rahman general manager, Md
Rashel Miah assistant officer, Mrs Wafa Nusrat officer, Miss Papiya sultana relationship
officer for their valuable assistance and for giving me the valuable information. I also like to
convey my thanks to the following people Mr Sawket Hossain Mridha, FAVP & Operation
Manager and Md Shariar Mahnood Chowdhury, AVP & Head of Branch for giving their
support during tenure of my internship

And all in all, I am mostly delighted to acknowledge her, who have instructed, guided and
suggested me and stood by my side during my study, my academic supervisor my venerable
teacher & mentor, Mazeda Sultana at Jagannath University. Without her continuous support,
inspiration, and valuable advice, it would not have been possible for this research to see the light.
And I am happy and grateful to her for giving me the approval to work on this topic.

Finally, all praise goes to Allah, the almighty, who gave me the strength and guided me to the
right path to complete this article

Thanks to the diligent guidance and patient understanding of everyone involved throughout the
duration of the internship, the report finally came to fruition

Student’s Declaration
I hereby declare that this Internship Report entitled An Overview of General Activities of
Jamuna Bank Limited written and submitted by me, Zahidul Islam, ID No. B 150201125 under
the guidance of Mazeda Sultana, Assistant Professor, Department of Accounting &
Information Systems, Jagannath University, is my original work and that has not been
submitted to any other University / Institute previously.

So, far I know, the work I have presented does not breach existing copyright Act of the land. I
further undertake to indemnify the university against any loss or damage to be arisen from breach
of the forgoing obligation.

Sincerely yours,

Zahidul Islam
ID No: B150201125
Session: 2015-2016
Batch: 11th
Section: B
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
Department of Accounting & Information Systems
Jagannath University, Dhaka

Certificate of Supervisor

This is to certify that the Internship Report titled An Overview of General Activities of Jamuna
Bank Limited for the completion of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) from
Jagannath University, Dhaka, has been carried out by Zahidul Islam bearing ID No.
B150201125 was under my supervision and guidance. The report embodies result of original work
and studies carried out by the student himself and the contents of the report do not form the basis
for award of any other Degree to the candidate or to anybody else.

Mazeda Sultana
Assistant Professor
Department of Accounting & Information Systems
Faculty of Business Studies
Jagannath University, Dhaka

Executive Summary

In this report, I have discussed about the introduction of the report in chapter 1. In chapter 2, I
have discussed about the profile of Jamuna Bank Limited. In chapter 3, this is the main body of
my report where I have discussed about the main topic which is the General Activities of Jamuna
Bank Limited. In chapter 4, I am trying to do SWOT analysis of Jamuna Bank Limited. In chapter
5, I have tried to find the major finding of my report and provide some recommendations. Finally,
in chapter 6, I am sharing my experience which I got from the Bank.

Table of contents

Part 1
Prefatory part

No Description Page no

1 Title page i

2 Letter of Transmittal ii

3 Acknowledgement iii

4 Student’s Declaration iv

5 Certificate of Supervisor v

6 Executive Summary vi

Part 2
Report Body

Chapter 1


1.1 Preface 1

1.2 Background of the study 1

1.3 Objective of the report 1

1.4 Methodology of the Report 2

1.5 Limitation of the Report 2

Chapter 2
Profile of Jamuna Bank limited

no Description Page no
2.1 Organizational Overview 4
2.2 Organization Structure 5
2.3 JBL (Vision, Mission, Objectives and Strategies) 6
2.4 Corporate Slogan 7
2.5 Corporate Culture of JBL 7
2.6 VALUES 8
2.7 Service & Product of JBL 8
2.8 Corporate Banking 9
2.9 Products & Services 11
2.9.1 Deposit Section 12
2.9.2 Cards & ADC 16
The profitability position of Jamuna bank for last 5
2.9.3 28
2.9.4 Key Performance Indicators 29

Chapter 3
General Activities of Jamuna Bank Limited

No Description Page no

3.1 Internship Experience 33

3.2 Job Responsibility 33

3.3 Learning outcome: 33

3.3.1 Detail information related to a Bank Account 34

3.3.2 Cash Section 34

3.3.3 Account Section 35

3.3.4 Remittance Section 36

3.3.5 Clearing Section 37

3.3.6 Dispatch Section 38

SWOT Analysis of Jamuna Bank Limited

No Description Page no


Findings & Recommendations

No Description Page no
5.1 Findings 42
5.2 Recommendations 42


No Description Page no
 Conclusion 44

Appended Part

No Description Page no
 Reference 45

1.1. Preface

From very first emergence and inception of modern civilization, Bank plays a pivotal role in case
of overall financial and socioeconomic development of any modern country. The economic
development of our country mainly depend upon the efficiency of the banking results is so far as,
whether the bankers have been able to read the economic situation properly and are successful in
selecting the promising industrial sectors seeking import and export assistance to grow. With the
rapid changes of time mans are readily depend on banking services in case of handling cash,
transferring cash, and also financing in various industrial and business projects. So, it is very much
needed to develop the general banking practices in order to provide better day-to-day banking
services to the valued customers. Because a service-oriented industry a bank should believe that
customers is all and the king. The government of our country and the central bank i.e., the
Bangladesh Bank has decided to extend considerable help in every respect of general banking to
concerned people. Like other nationalized and non-nationalized commercial banks, the Jamuna
Bank limited serves the nation by providing various modern banking services and products. So as
an Internee I thought of having special knowledge on this field of increased importance.

1.2. Background of the study

Internship is a prerequisite for completing the practical side to fulfill the BBA program.
Theoretical sessions alone cannot make a business student efficient and perfect in handling the
real-life business situation. Only a lot of knowledge will be little important unless it is applicable
in practical life. So, we need proper application of our knowledge to get some benefit from our
theoretical knowledge to make it more fruitful. When we engage ourselves in such fields to make
proper use of our theoretical knowledge in our practical life situation, only then we come to know
about the benefit of the theoretical knowledge.

1.3. Objective of the report

The objectives of the report are to make us known the practical situation of commercial banks of
Bangladesh in overall activities and prepare me to face the complex situation of banking in this
country. The primary objective of this report is to commonly with the requirement of JBL.
However, the objectives of this study are something broader. Objectives of the study are
summarized in the following manner.
General objectives:
The general objective is to Know “General banking procedure of Jamuna Bank Ltd”.
Specific objectives:
 To apply theoretical knowledge in the practical field.
 To develop our skill on the banking sector
 To know the customer service of banking sector.
 To observed the practice of modern technology in banking sector.
 To acquire Practical knowledge about transaction.
 To assess the strength and weakness

1. 4. Methodology of the Report

At the time of my internship period, I tried to collect both primary and secondary data. Some
primary data are collected by taking interview and by discussion with the executives and officer
of JBL. Here primary data are collected through spending three month in the JBL during the
working hour. Here I observed the total banking process of Jamuna Bank. I used journals,
brochures, manuals and several books on finance and Banking to prepare this report.

1) Primary Sources
 Direct interviews with relevant personnel.
 Experts opinion
 Official records of JBL
 Personal observation
2) Secondary Sources
 Relevant paper and publications
 Internet
 Annual reports of JBL.
 Relevant books and references.

1. 5. Limitation of the Report

The study is constrained with some limitations. Some of these limitations are given below:
The main constraint of the study is time limitations. Many of the aspects could not be
discussed in the present report.
 The employees of Jamuna Bank Limited remain so much busy with their own work that it
is quite tough provide time for making the concept clear in a particular area.

 Every organization has their own secrecy that is not revealed to others. So I cannot disclose
much information for the sake of the confidentiality of the organization.
 I am not experienced enough to complete the study because I am a person of new hand on
such study.
 Since the non-probability sampling process has been employed in doing the research and
it has been conducted for academic purpose, so it may not represent the overall scenario of
service quality of the Bank

Profile of Jamuna Bank limited
2.1. Organizational Overview

Jamuna Bank Limited (JBL) is a Banking Company registered under the Companies Act, 1994 of
Bangladesh with its Head Office currently at Hadi Mansion, 2, Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka-1000,
Bangladesh. The Bank started its operation from 3rd June 2001.

The Bank provides all types of support to trade, commerce, industry and overall business of the
country. JBL's finances are also available for the entrepreneurs to set up promising new ventures
and BMRE of existing industrial units. The bank was established by a group of local entrepreneurs
who are well reputed in the field of trade, commerce, industry and business of the country.

The Bank offers both conventional and Islamic banking through designated branches. The Bank
is being managed and operated by a group of highly educated and professional team with
diversified experience in finance and banking. The Management of the bank constantly focuses
on understanding and anticipating customers' needs. Since the need of customers is changing day
by day with the changes of time, the bank endeavors its best to devise strategies and introduce
new products to cope with the change. Jamuna Bank Ltd. has already achieved tremendous
progress since its beginning. The bank has already built up reputation as one of quality service
providers of the country.

At present the Bank has real-time Online banking branches (of both Urban and Rural areas)
network throughout the country having smart IT-backbone. Besides traditional delivery points,
the bank has ATMs of its own, sharing with other partner banks and consortium throughout the

Being a 3rd generation Bank of Bangladesh, it focuses on

 Remaining with time
 Managing change
 Developing human capital
 Creating true customer’s value

2.2. Organization Structure

The Management structure of Jamuna Bank Limited is given below with the chart: -

Figure 01: The Organization Structure of Jamuna Bank Limited

Name of the Company: Jamuna Bank Limited
Nature of Ownership & Legal Form: Public Company Limited by Shares
Year Founded: April 02, 2001
Date of Incorporation: April 02, 2001
Company Registration Number: C-42780(2139)/2001
Bangladesh Bank License Number: BRPD(P)744(81)/2001-1358, dated: 24.04.2001

2.3. JBL (Vision, Mission, Objectives and Strategies)

To become a leading banking institution and to play a significant role in the development of the
The Bank is committed for satisfying diverse needs of its customers through an array of products
at a competitive price by using appropriate technology and providing timely service so that a
sustainable growth, reasonable return and contribution to the development of the country can be
ensured with a motivated and professional work-force.

 To earn and maintain CAMEL Rating 'Strong'

 To establish relationship banking and improve service quality through development of
Strategic Marketing Plans.
 To remain one of the best banks in Bangladesh in terms of profitability and assets quality.
 To introduce fully automated systems through integration of information technology.
 To ensure an adequate rate of return on investment.
 To keep risk position at an acceptable range (including any off-balance sheet risk).
 To maintain adequate liquidity to meet maturing obligations and commitments.
 To maintain a healthy growth of business with desired image.
 To maintain adequate control systems and transparency in procedures.
 To develop and retain a quality work-force through an effective human Resources
Management System.
 To ensure optimum utilization of all available resources.
 To pursue an effective system of management by ensuring compliance to ethical norms,
transparency and accountability at all levels.


 Delivering customer’ desired products and services to create true customers’ value.
 Focusing on export of both traditional and nontraditional items and remittance to ensure a
comfortable position of foreign exchange all the time.
 Doing businesses that have higher risk adjusted return.
 Focusing on maintenance of assets quality rather than its aggressive expansion.
 Changing the deposit mix thereby reduce the cost of deposits.
 Ensuring all modern alternative delivery channels for easy access to our services by
 Taking banking to the doorstep of our target group.
 Restructuring existing products and introducing new products to meet the demand of time
and the target group.
 Entering into new avenues of business to increase profitability.
 Bringing unbanked people into our delivery channels.
 Increasing fee-based service/activities where costly capital is not changed.
 Ensuring organizational efficiency by continuous improvement of human capital and
motivation level, dissemination of information and thereby ensuring a sustainable growth
of the organization.
 Maximizing shareholders’ value at all times alongside ensuring a sustainable growth of the
 Pursuing CSR activities for our continued support to future generation, distressed people
and for advancement of underprivileged people of the country.
 Establishing the brand image as a growth supportive and pro-customer’ bank.
 Strengthening risk management techniques and ensuring compliance culture.
 Remaining cautious about environment and supporting for maintaining a green and clean

2.4. Corporate Slogan

“Your Partner for growth”

2.5. Corporate Culture of JBL

Employees of JBL share certain common values, which help to create a JBL culture,
 The client comes first.
 Search for professional excellence.
 Openness of new ideas and new methods to encourage creativity.
 Flexibility and promote response.
 A sense of professional ethics.


Integrity Quality Teamwork

Respect for the

Harmony Fairness Courtesy

Respectable Business Unique

Citizenship Ethics Culture

2.7. Service & Product of JBL

The Bank has an array of tailor-made financial products and services. Such, products are Monthly
Savings Schemes, Consumer Credit Scheme, Lease Finance, and Personal Loan for Women, and
Shop Finance Scheme etc. JBL also introduced Q-cash ATM cards for its valued customers giving
24 hours banking services through Debit Cards. JBL offers the following services to its valued
 Deposit Schemes
 Remittance and Collection
 Import and Export handling and finance
 Loan syndication
 Project finance
 Investment Banking
 Lease Finance
 Hire Purchase
 Personal Loan for Woman
 24-hours Banking: Q-Cash ATM facility
 Islamic Banking
 Corporate Banking
 Consumer Credit Scheme
 International Banking.

2.8. Corporate Banking

Corporate Banking of Jamuna Bank Limited offers customized corporate banking solution for
both its local Business Houses as well as Multinational Companies. The axiom of JBL’s Corporate
Banking services is to nurture Relationship Banking by maintaining strong relationship with
premier corporate business houses of the country providing their requirement based financial and
other banking services. JBL’s Corporate Banking Division is well equipped with skilled and
experienced personnel who have vast exposure in this area and who being Relationship Managers
maintain one to one relationship with all corporate business houses having relationship with the
Bank. Relationship Managers are relentless in meeting the exact need and any emergency
requirement of the corporate customers.

Areas of Corporate Banking

JBL’s Corporate Banking exposure is concentrated in diversified areas of business that include:

 Spinning
 Textile
 Garments
 Garments Accessories
 Iron & Steel
 Cement
 Building Materials
 Furniture & Furniture materials
 Edible Oil
 Food & Beverage items
 Various Trading
 Ship Building
 Ship Breaking
 Infrastructure Building & Construction
 Electronics & Electrical Equipment
 Agro & Agro Products
 Transport
 Real Estate
 Telecommunication

Other highly customized services of JBL

Q-Cash Round the Clock Banking

Jamuna Bank Q-Cash ATM Card enables you to withdraw cash and do a variety of banking
transactions 24 hours a day. Q-Cash ATMs are conveniently located covering major shopping
centers, business and residential areas in Dhaka and Chittagong. ATMs in Sylhet, Khulna and
other cities will soon start be introduced. The network will expand to cover the whole country
within a short span of time.
With Jamuna Bank Q-Cash ATM card customer can:
 Cash withdrawal Round the Clock from any Q-Cash logo marked ATM booths.
 POS transaction (shopping malls, restaurants, jewelries etc.)
 Enjoy overdraft facilities on the card (if approved)
 Utility Bill Payment facilities
 Cash transaction facilities for selective branches nationwide
Jamuna Bank Limited has installed its first Q-cash ATM at Dhanmondi Branch, Dhaka and
Jamuna Bank is starting to issue VISA card.
In line with the issuance of Q-cash products JBL is starting to introduce VISA card.
Online Banking
Jamuna Bank Limited has introduced real-time any branch banking on December 31, 2010. Now,
customers can withdraw and deposit money from any of its 65 branches located at Dhaka,
Chittagong, Sylhet, Gazipur, Bogra, Naogaon, Narayanganj, Dinajpur, Kushtia,Rajshahi,
Bashurhat, Sirajganj and Munshigonj. The valued customers can also enjoy 24 hours banking
service through ATM card from any of Q-cash ATMs located at Dhaka, Chittagong, Khulna,
Sylhet and Bogra. All the existing customers of Jamuna Bank Limited will enjoy this service by
Key features:
 Centralized Database
 Platform Independent
 Real time any branch banking
 Internet Banking Interface
 ATM Interface
 Corporate MIS facility
Delivery Channels:
 Branch Network
 ATM Network
 POS (Point of Sales) Network
 Internet Banking Network
2. Retail Banking
A commercial bank consists of a few departments, which perform diverse operations, General
Banking Division, Foreign Exchange and Credit Division. General Banking is important one.
General Banking is the heart of total banking system. Through this section bank has to receive
and disburse money, to develop banker customer relationship by opening different types of
account and providing promote services to the customers. This department collects money from
the depositor and uses these deposits to earn profit. Last but not least, General Banking department
is considered to be the core function of bank which operates the day to day transactions.
The foreign exchange division deals with the inflow and outflow of foreign currencies in the
bank. Again, the credit section deals with the loan and others facilities. The department is very
rush and the employee here are too upgrade too their duty. They pass entry of every transaction
within the day. It opens new accounts, remit funds, issue bank draft and pay order, etc. Since Bank
is confined to provide these services every day, general banking is known as ‘Retail Banking’.

2.9. Products & Services

A commercial bank consists of a few departments, which perform diverse operations, General
Banking Division, Foreign Exchange and Credit Division. General Banking is important one.
General Banking is the heart of total banking system. Through this section bank has to receive
and disburse money, to develop banker customer relationship by opening different types of
account and providing promote services to the customers.
Sections of General Banking
During my practical orientation in Jamuna Bank Limited, it came to the observation that general
banking section is divided with four areas. These are:

MTDR Account
section opening

Bills &

Remittence Deposite
section section

2.9.1 Deposit Section

There are several types of deposit accounts. Each account has different characteristics and every
account has some specific purpose to serve. JBL offers the following key Personal Banking

Various types of account offered by Jamuna Bank:

Transactional Accounts
 Savings Bank (SB) Account
 Current Deposit (CD) Account
 Short Notice Deposit (SND) Account
 Resident Foreign Currency Deposit (RFCD) Accounts
Savings Account
Savings Bank Deposit Account is meant for individual savers. The account bears an attractive
interest on fulfillment of conditions. Opening of the account requires a minimum deposit of
BDT2000 for urban area and BDT500 for rural area. The same deposit needs to be maintained as
minimum balance for receiving interest. Yearly service charge is applicable as per Bangladesh
Bank's rules.
Savings Bank Deposit Account facilitates:
 MICR cheque facility.
 Debit Card with wider ATM/ POS access.
 Limited number and amount of monthly withdrawal allows receipt of interest accrued
payable on a half yearly basis.
 Free online facilities across the branches.
 Automated clearing facility.
 Electric fund transfers without cheque.
 SMS Banking facility.
 Internet Banking facility.
 Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) facility
Necessary Documents to open Savings Account:
 Two copies of passport size photographs of account holder
 One copy of passport size photograph of the nominee
 A valid identification proof like passport/ National ID /Driving License of each signatory.
 An introduction
However, JBL has customized Savings Account for:
 Housewives offering Grihini Savings Account.
 Student Savings Account.
 Senior Citizen Savings Account.
Current Deposit Account:
Current Deposit Account is meant for facilitating day to day transactions of different business
entities, nonprofit organizations, Government, Semi Government, Autonomous bodies, Sector
corporations and different other organizations/ institutions, club, societies, Trust etc. Opening of
the account requires a minimum deposit of BDT5000. However, there is no minimum balance
requirements and also no ledger fee. Only a half yearly service charge of Tk.500 and Government
Excise Duty etc. are applicable. Current Deposit Account facilitates:

 Free MICR cheque facility.

 Unlimited deposit and withdrawal.
 Free online facilities across the branches.
 Cash management facilities under the prior arrangement.
 Automated clearing facility.
 Electric fund transfers without cheque.
 SMS Banking facility.
 Internet Banking facility.
 Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) facility

Necessary Documents to open Current Account:

 Passport size photograph for each account holder and nominee(s)
 Proof of identification such as national/Voter's ID, Passport or Driving License
 Tax Identification No (TIN)
 Trade License an introduction
Short Notice Deposit (SND) Account
Short Notice Deposit Account is meant for facilitating transactions on a short intervals of different
business entities, nonprofit organizations, Government, Semi Government, Autonomous bodies,
Sector corporations and different other organizations/ institutions, club, societies, Trust etc. The
account bears an attractive interest on fulfillment of conditions. Opening of the account requires
a minimum deposit of BDT5000 for urban area and BDT2000 for rural area. The same deposit
needs to be maintained as minimum balance for receiving interest. However, there is no ledger

fee. Only a half yearly service charge of BDT500 for urban area and BDT300 for rural area and
Government Excise Duty etc. are applicable.

Short Notice Deposit Account facilitates:

 Free MICR cheque facility.

 Unlimited deposit.

 Withdrawal on a certain interval and a 7 days’ notice will allow receipt of interest accrued
on daily balance payable on a half yearly basis.

 Free online facilities across the branches.

 Cash management facilities under the prior arrangement.

 Automated clearing facility.

 Electric fund transfers without cheque.

 SMS Banking facility.

 Internet Banking facility.

Resident Foreign Currency Deposit (RFCD) Accounts
Persons ordinarily resident in Bangladesh may open and maintain RFCD accounts with foreign
exchange brought in at the time of their return from travel abroad. Any amount brought in with
declaration to Customs Authorities in form FMJ and up to US$5000 brought in without any
declaration. Balance in these accounts shall be freely transferable abroad. Fund from these
accounts may also be issued to account-holders for the purpose of their foreign travels in the usual
manner. (i.e. with endorsement in passport and ticket, up to US$2000 in the form of cash currency
notes and the remainder in the form of TC & or other currencies.)
Resident Foreign Currency Deposit (RFCD) Accounts facilitates:
 Opportunities to open RFCD account as per desired of the account holder in USD, Pound
Starling and EURO.
 Opportunities to avail international credit card against the balance amount of RFCD
 Interest will be paid as per Bangladesh Bank guidelines.
Deposit Schemes
Schemes are the most important sources of enhancing banks deposit. Mainly bank is the lender of
money, which is deposited by various types of depositor. These schemes are different in nature
and types and also in interest rates. These deposits give the customers to deposit the idle money
in profit earning schemes and also provide the security. Jamuna Bank limited as third profit
earning to the depositors and generation modern and technology based modern commercial bank
offers various types of customer’s friendly deposit schemes to its valued customers. These
schemes are highly also unique in security.
Monthly Benefit Scheme (MBS)
Jamuna Bank Limited has introduced Monthly Benefit Scheme (MBS) for the prudent persons
having ready cash and desiring to have fixed income on monthly basis out of it without taking risk
of loss and without encasing the principal amount. This scheme offers highest return with zero
risk. You can plan your monthly expenditure with the certain monthly income under the scheme.

Double/Triple Growth Deposit Scheme

For people who have cash flow at this moment and want to get it doubled/tripled quickly JBL has
introduced Double/Triple Growth Deposit Scheme that offers you to make double/triple your
money within 6(six) years and 9.5 (nine and a half) years respectively resulting a high rate of
Monthly Savings Scheme (MSS)
Savings is the best friend in bad days. Small savings can build up a prosperous future. Savings
can meet up any emergencies. JBL has introduced Monthly Savings Scheme (MSS) that allows it
clients to save on a monthly basis and get a handsome return upon maturity. The concerned
customer can avail loan facility up to 80% of the deposited amount.
Education Savings Scheme
Education is one of the basic needs of every citizen. Every parent wants proper education to their
children. Education is the prerequisite for the socio-economic development of a country. Higher
education may be hindered due to the change of economic condition of their parents. To solve this
problem JBL has introduced “Education Savings Scheme” which offers its clients to build up
cherished fund by monthly deposit of small amount at client affordable capacity. The customer
has the option for withdrawing total accumulated amount including principal on maturity date at
a time or taking monthly benefit during the next five years from the date of maturity keeping the
principal intact.
Marriage Deposit Scheme
Marriage of children especially daughter is a matter of great concern in the context of our country.
It involves expense of considerable amount. Practical parents make effort for gradual building of
fund as per the capacity to meet the expenses. Parents get relief and feel secure if they can arrange
the necessary fund for their children marriage, no matter whether they can survive or not. By
considering this factor JBL has introduced marriage deposit scheme which offer its clients to build
up cherished fund by monthly deposit of small amount at client capability. It grows very fast at
high rate of interest yielding a sizeable amount on maturity.
Lakhpati Deposit Scheme
To become “Lakhpati” is simply a dream for the most of the people of Bangladesh especially to
the lower and lower middle-income group. Keeping that in mind JBL has introduced “Lakhpati
Deposit Scheme” which has flexibility in report of maturity and monthly installment as per
affordable capacity.
Kotipati Deposit Scheme
Kotipati deposit scheme is one of the schemes of JBL. It is realizable for high income group who
have strong determination and savings habit. JBL has introduced “Kotipati
Deposit Scheme” offering the savings plan fit to your income and executes your dream to be a
Kotipati by monthly deposit at client affordable capability.
Monthly Savings Scheme, Education Savings Scheme, Marriage Deposit Scheme,
Lakhpati and Kotipati Deposit Scheme have the following facilities:
 These types of deposit account can be opened at any branch of JBL.
 They can deposit at any branch of JBL and the same through on line banking
 Monthly installment can be automatically collected from client savings account
maintained with JBL.
 Installment amount shall be deposited within 20th day of each month. If the 20th is
holiday, then customer may also installments on next working day.
 No loan facilities will be allowed from any other banks/ financial institution against
the deposited amount except JB
2.9.2.Cards & ADC

Visa Classic Credit Card
VISA Classic is a local currency card. This credit card will bring the ultimate power and flexibility
to your life. Wherever you go, you can enjoy the power of using this Card in every corner of
Bangladesh. All transactions in your Credit Card will be applied in Bangladeshi Taka in your
monthly statement.
JBL VISA Credit Card comes to you with a winning combination of value-packed features and
benefits. Please take a moment to briefly go through these great benefits to make the most of your
1. One can now avail the convenience of JBL VISA Credit Card. It is the easiest and the most
secured way of utilizing one’s money for 24 hours a day & 7 days a week retail purchases
as well as cash withdrawal.
2. One can enjoy higher ATM withdrawal limit each day.
3. 50% Cash withdrawal of Credit Limit through any ATM Machine round the clock.
4. No fees on retail purchase and can use JBLVISA Credit Cards at thousands of retail outlets
within Bangladesh.
5. One can enjoy maximum 50 days & minimum 20 days’ interest free period on any retail
6. The JBL VISA Classic Credit Card gives a fast, convenient and reliable way to pay, 24
hours a day, wherever in Bangladesh.
7. One can enjoy this credit limit by transferring your available balance to your JBL deposit
account or making pay order and you can payback the amount in Monthly Installments
over a tenor ranging.
8. With JBL large ATM network including non-branch ATM, any Q-Cash and VISA ATM
across the country, customers have the privilege of round the clock withdrawal and other
account services at customers’ convenience.
9. This card is valid only in Bangladesh.
Supplementary Card
One can share the exclusive benefits of his/her Credit Card by giving his/her loved ones a
Supplementary Card. As a Primary cardholder, one can also set spending limits for each of his/her
Supplementary Cards in a billing cycle.
How to apply
Before one can apply for a credit card, one should meet the necessary requirements set by JBL.
As a basic application requirement, the applicants should meet the following conditions or criteria:
1. Should be a Bangladeshi citizen or a foreigner who has been a permanent resident of the
Bangladesh for the last two (2) years
2. Must be 21 to 60 years old for principal and at least 13 years old for supplementary
3. Must be regular employee or if self-employed with business operating for at least two (2)
4. Minimum gross fixed monthly income of BDT 20,000
5. Should have at least one (1) landline phone
6. Residence or office address must be within any area where a JBL branch is located
Documents Necessary for JBL Classic Credit Card Application
1. Application form duly filled in by the Applicant
2. Salary Certificate from Competent Authority for Salaried Person.
3. Bank Statement (Last Six Months)
4. Photocopy of Voter ID/Passport
5. Business Card/ Photocopy of ID card
6. Photocopy of TIN Certificate
7. Copy of Trade License for Proprietorship/Partnership & Self-employed professionals.
8. Copy of Certificate of Incorporation for Limited Company.
9. Copy of Utility (Gas/Electricity/ Wasa) / Phone Bill for address verification.
10. Other Income supporting papers (Lease Deed/Rent Receipt/Title Deed (for rental income)
11. One copy passport size photograph
 Issuance/ Renewal fee Tk. 500
 Card Replacement Fee Tk. 250
 Cash Advance fee 2%
Card Activation
 After receiving the card, sign the acknowledgement slip and send it to Card Division or
any branch of JBL or call Card Division for activation.
 Put your signature on the signature panel at the back of your card.
Caution during making transactions
 Please do not let your card be taken out of your sight at any merchant outlet to prevent
possible Misuse
 After using your card at a merchant outlet, please ensure that the card returned to you is
 Before signing the Sales Slip check at the amount charged
 Retain your copy of the Sales Slip of all transactions until they appear in your Card Account
Statement for your future reference

PIN Maintenance
 Destroy the PIN mailer after memorizing your PIN
 Do not write the PIN on the card or keep the PIN inside your wallet
 Change the PIN every month
Visa Gold Credit Card
As a VISA Gold (Local)Cardholder, you will be entitled to an unparalleled range of benefits that
no other Card offers. Choose the JBLVISAGold Card for the ultimate luxury and convenience
that others can only dream of. VISA Gold Credit Card is designed to give you greater flexibility
and round-the-clock convenience, JBL VISA Gold credit cards are accepted at outlets across
Bangladesh. All transactions in your Credit Card will be applied in Bangladeshi Taka in your
monthly statement.
JBL VISA Credit Card comes to you with a winning combination of value-packed features and
benefits. Please take a moment to briefly go through these great benefits to make the most of your
1. You can now avail the convenience of JBL VISA Credit Card. It is the easiest and the most
secured way of utilizing your money for 24 hours a day & 7 days a week retail purchases
as well as cash withdrawal.
2. You can enjoy higher ATM withdrawal limit each day.
3. 50% Cash withdrawal of Credit Limit through any ATM Machine round the clock.
4. No fees on retail purchase and can use JBLVISA Credit Cards at thousands of retail outlets
within Bangladesh.
5. You can enjoy maximum 50 days & minimum 20 days’ interest free period on any retail
6. The JBLVISA Gold Credit Card gives a fast, convenient and reliable way to pay, 24 hours
a day, wherever in Bangladesh.
7. You can enjoy this credit limit by transferring your available balance to your JBL deposit
account or making pay order and you can payback the amount in Monthly Installments
over a tenor ranging.
8. With JBL large ATM network including non-branch ATM, any Q-Cash and VISA ATM
across the country, customers have the privilege of round the clock withdrawal and other
account services at customers’ convenience.
9. This card is valid only in Bangladesh.
Supplementary Card
– You can share the exclusive benefits of your Credit Card by giving your loved ones a
Supplementary Card. As a Primary cardholder, you can also set spending limits for each of your
Supplementary Cards in a billing cycle. The first Supplementary Card will be free of charge.
How to apply
Before you can apply for a credit card, you should meet the necessary requirements set by JBL.
As a basic application requirement, the applicants should meet the following conditions or criteria:
1. Should be a Bangladeshi citizen or a foreigner who has been a permanent resident of the
Bangladesh for the last two (2) years
2. Must be 21 to 60 years old for principal and at least 13 years old for supplementary
3. Must be regular employee or if self-employed with business operating for at least two (2)
4. Minimum gross fixed monthly income of BDT 20,000
5. Should have at least one (1) landline phone
6. Residence or office address must be within any area where a JBL branch is located
Documents Necessary for JBL Credit Card Application
1. Application form duly filled in by the Applicant
2. Salary Certificate from Competent Authority for Salaried Person.
3. Bank Statement (Last Six Months)
4. Photocopy of Voter ID/Passport
5. Business Card/ Photocopy of ID card
6. Photocopy of TIN Certificate
7. Copy of Trade License for Proprietorship/Partnership & Self-employed professionals.
8. Copy of Certificate of Incorporation for Limited Company.
9. Copy of Utility (Gas/Electricity/ Wasa) / Phone Bill for address verification.
10. Other Income supporting papers (Lease Deed/Rent Receipt/Title Deed (for rental income)
11. One copy passport size photograph
 Issuance/ Renewal fee Tk. 1000.
 Card Replacement Fee Tk.500
 Financial charge in all transaction 2.5%
 Cash advance fee 2%
Card Activation
 After receiving the card, sign the acknowledgement slip and send it to Card Division or
any branch of JBL or call Card Division for activation.
 Put your signature on the signature panel at the back of your card.
Caution during making transactions
 Please do not let your card be taken out of your sight at any merchant outlet to prevent
possible Misuse
 After using your card at a merchant outlet, please ensure that the card returned to you is
 Before signing the Sales Slip check at the amount charged
 Retain your copy of the Sales Slip of all transactions until they appear in your Card Account
Statement for your future reference
PIN Maintenance
 Destroy the PIN mailer after memorizing your PIN
 Do not write the PIN on the card or keep the PIN inside your wallet
 Change the PIN every month
Visa Dual Gold Credit Card
The JBL VISA Dual Gold Credit card simplifies your travel and eliminates the need to carry cash.
Whether traveling on business or taking a holiday, just relax and let your JBL VISA Dual Gold
Credit Card take care of your money matters. The Dual Gold Credit Card is denominated both in
Bangladeshi Taka and US Dollars, and you can also get one of these against your personal
Resident Foreign Currency Deposit (RFCD) Account, Foreign Currency (FC) Account or your
Exporter’s Retention Quota (ERQ) Account. The international usage on your Credit Card is
allowed against your annual Travel Quota (TQ) entitlement as per the prevailing Foreign
Exchange Regulations. Your Supplementary Cardholder can also enjoy international usage
facility against his/her Travel Quota(TQ)entitlement
JBL VISA Credit Card comes to you with a winning combination of value-packed features and
benefits. Please take a moment to briefly go through these great benefits to make the most of your
1. You can use VISA Dual Gold Credit card both locally and internationally.
2. You can now avail the convenience of JBLVIS A Credit Card. It is the easiest and the most
secured way of utilizing your money for 24 hours a day & 7 days a week retail purchases
as well as cash withdrawal.
3. You can enjoy higher ATM withdrawal limit each day. 50% Cash withdrawal of Credit
Limit through any ATM Machine round the clock.
4. No fees on retail purchase and can use JBL VISA Credit Cards at thousands of retail outlets
both within and outside Bangladesh. You can enjoy maximum 50 days & minimum 20
days’ interest free period on any retail purchase. The JBL VISA Dual Gold Credit Cards
give a fast, convenient and reliable way to pay, 24 hours a day, wherever you go,
5. you can enjoy the power of using these Cards in every corner of the world. VISA Dual
Gold Credit allows flexibility and convenience when Cardholder travels internationally.
6. The VISA Dual Gold Credit Card entitles to exclusive discounts worldwide.
7. You can enjoy BDT credit limit by transferring your available balance to your JBL deposit
account or making pay order and you can payback the amount in Monthly Installments
over a tenor ranging.
8. There will be no commission charge on the endorsement of foreign currency for self and

9. With JBL large ATM network including non-branch ATM, any Q-Cash and VISA ATM
across the world, customers have the privilege of round the clock withdrawal and other
account services at customers’ convenience.
10. For enhanced security, you can keep your International Usage Privileges temporarily
disabled while you are not traveling outside Bangladesh. You can re-activate this feature
by simply calling our Customer Service Center.
Supplementary Card
– You can share the exclusive benefits of your Credit Card by giving your loved ones a
Supplementary Card. As a Primary cardholder, you can also set spending limits for each of your
Supplementary Cards in a billing cycle.
How to apply
Before you can apply for a credit card, you should meet the necessary requirements set by JBL.
As a basic application requirement, the applicants should meet the following conditions or criteria:
1. Should be a Bangladeshi citizen or a foreigner who has been a permanent resident of the
Bangladesh for the last two (2) years
2. Must be 21 to 60 years old for principal and at least 13 years old for supplementary
3. Must be regular employee or if self-employed with business operating for at least two (2)
4. Minimum gross fixed monthly income of BDT 50,000
5. Should have at least one (1) landline phone
6. Residence or office address must be within any area where a Jamuna Bank ltd branch is
Documents Necessary for JBL Duel Currency Credit Card Application
1. Application form duly filled in by the Applicant
2. Salary Certificate from Competent Authority for Salaried Person.
3. Bank Statement (Last Six Months)
4. Photocopy of Voter ID/Passport
5. Business Card/ Photocopy of ID card
6. Photocopy of TIN Certificate
7. Copy of Trade License for Proprietorship/Partnership & Self-employed professionals.
8. Copy of Certificate of Incorporation for Limited Company.
9. Copy of Utility (Gas/Electricity/ Wasa) / Phone Bill for address verification.

10. Other Income supporting papers (Lease Deed/Rent Receipt/Title Deed (for rental income)
11. One copy passport size photograph
Visa Electron Debit Card
JBLVISA Debit Card is a smart alternative to cash and meant to make shopping more convenient.
Our Debit Card can be used to pay for purchases at more than 3000 merchant establishments in
Bangladesh and is also accepted in any Q-Cash and VISA terminals.
 This Debit Card is offered with all BDT Savings, Current, Short Term Deposit (SND)
 This card is valid only in Bangladesh.
 You can access all of your JBL accounts by one JBL VISA Debit Card.
 There is no interest related charges for using the JBL VISA
 Debit Card as you are actually paying from your own account.
 You can enjoy higher ATM withdrawal limit; the Daily ATM Withdrawal Limit is BDT
 No fees on retail purchase and can use JBL VISA Debit Cards at thousands of retail outlets
within Bangladesh.
 The JBL VISA Debit Card gives a fast, convenient and reliable way to pay, 24 hours a day
& 7 days a week, wherever in Bangladesh.
 With JBL large ATM network including non-branch ATM, any Q-Cash and VISA ATM
across the
 Country, customers have the privilege of round the clock withdrawal and other account
services at customers’ convenience.
 Utility bill payment
 Daily Pin Change option
 Cash withdrawal 5 times a day
 The validity of an ATM card is 2 (Two) years
How to apply
Customer to open an account from his/her nearest branch of Jamuna Bank Limited. As a customer,
if you would like to consider applying ATM card, the followings are helpful information and
requirements in the procession.
1. Attach your recent id photos (2pcs)
2. Attach a Xerox copy of your passport
3. Any other kind of valid id such as National ID/driving license etc.
4. And fill up the form at the respective Branch
Protection Plus
Jamuna Bank Limited has introduced 'Protection Plus' the life insurance product for its valued
card customers. The purpose of Protection Plus is to provide bank’s customers with an opportunity
to manage their life risk by simply transacting to a nominal amount in card. Protection Plus is the
life insurance offer from Jamuna Bank Limited built on monthly debit card transaction of a
customer in POS machine.
Understanding of Life Insurance
Insurance is a means of protection from financial loss and life insurance is designed to provide a
benefit, typically a certain amount of payment to nominee in the event of insured person’s death.
“Protection Plus” Life Insurance, which is a Life Insurance program, offers protection against the
risk of loss of life by providing monetary compensation in the event of the loss of life of the
enrolled (covered) customer during the period in which he/she had cover. Protection Plus would
be attractive & valuable to the customers, with following features:
“Debit Card Transaction Linked Life Insurance product for debit card holders only”
Jamuna Bank offered this service to its customers as value added facility. Any account holders of
Jamuna Bank using debit card will be entitled for life insurance coverage, in the event of death.
Based on the total value of transaction carried out with their debit cards through POS machine, in
the previous month.
The Slab-wise Life Insurance proposition for debit cards is as follows:

Transaction Amount Coverage Amount

501-1500 20000

1501-2500 30000

2501-4000 50000

4001-7500 75000

7500+ 100000

Registration Process:
Customers will be auto-enrolled in Protection Plus by the bank for the service and any Jamuna
Bank Limited debit card customer is eligible to avail the services.

Insurance Start Date and Validity:

 If the transaction amount is BDT 500 or higher then customer will be entitled for the
insurance coverage
 Usage will be calculated from the 1st day of the month to last date of that month and
insurance coverage will be valid for the next calendar month based on the transaction. This
rule is applicable for the following months also.
 If monthly transaction is below BDT 500 in any month then for the next month customer
will not receive any insurance coverage.
 Registration is valid (for lifetime) until the customer cancels the registration but insurance
coverage is based on monthly transaction.
 Customer will be notified through monthly SMS about his/her insurance validity

Registration Information Modification and Cancellation Process:

 All the account holder of JBL will be enrolled in this program on the basis of opt out
 If any account holders are not interested to be in “protection plus” they can communicate
that &cancellation from Protection Plus will be effected from the next month.
 Customer will be notified about the modification/cancellation at shortest possible time
Claim Settlement Process:
 After the death of any insured customer, Nominee needs to submit all the required papers
at the nearest Jamuna Bank Limited branch within 180 days of the death.
 During claim settlement, nominee needs to submit the following documents.
 After verification of all the documents, claim settlement will be completed within 7
working days.

Storing too much jewelry and valuables in the house at times becomes a security issue and an
impediment in case of natural calamities. Jamuna Bank Limited offers a safe, trustworthy space
to store your valuables, jewelry, documents and other things.

Check Book Issue

For transactions customers need check book. For check book customers will fill up the form of
check requisition. For check requisition officer need customers, A/C number and A/C name and
also signature of account holder. Then officer gives request to head office for check book. After
proceeding take the check book then hand over to customers. The check books can be 10 pages
or 25 pages or 50 pages.
To facilitate a safe secured and efficient interbank payment system, Bangladesh Bank introduced
the Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) system on 29th October 2015 as a part of its inclusive
digitalization initiative over past few years. Actually it opens a new horizon in the arena of
payment and settlement system in Bangladesh. RTGS is the fastest means of interbank fund
transfer. RTGS is an electronic settlement system where transfer of funds takes place from one
bank to another or one account to another on a real-time and gross basis. Real-time means
transaction does not need any waiting period. RTGS systems are typically used for high-value
transactions (1 Lac or above) that require and receive immediate clearing. Fund transfer through
RTGS already has become popular in this short time. Jamuna Bank Limited is providing RTGS
facility through it’s all Branches.


Bangladesh Bank has introduced paperless Automated Clearing House in the Country which is
the Inter Bank clearing system that electronically clears and settles payment instructions of
clearing instruments and of electronic fund transfer instructions. Bangladesh Automated Cheque
Processing Systems (BACPS) had started its operation on October 7th, 2010 in the Dhaka Clearing
House area. BACPS uses the Cheque Imaging & Truncation (CIT) technology for electronic
presentation and payment of paper instruments (i.e.cheque, pay order, Demand Draft, dividend &
refund warrants, etc).This project is being implemented as part of its several reform measures
taken by Bangladesh Bank to improve the safety and efficiency in the payment system. Our
Jamuna Bank Limited has always been a leader in complying with the requirements of the project
i.e, Cheque Personalization, MICR encoded cheque book issuing, System Integration Test (SIT)
with Bangladesh Bank's Live & Disaster Recovery sites. All branches of Jamuna Bank Limited
are providing BACPS, BEFTN & RTGS facility to its clients across the country.

Instructions for Handling Account Holders

Individual Account
28 Most of the accounts of a branch are individual. As such they deserve regular attention of the
members of the staff of a branch. An individual account holder may nominate his near and dear
ones to inherit his deposit in case of his death. He/ she can also give mandate or authority to
operate his account in his short absence.

Joint Account
 At the time of opening accounts in the name of two or more persons, clear and specific
instructions shall be obtained regarding operation of the account and payment of
balance to the survivor(s) or surviving members in the event of death of one or more
joint account holders.
 The instructions as far as possible shall be obtained in the handwriting of the parties
concerned, under the signatures of all the joint account holders.
 Instructions in the either or Survivorship form may be taken in the following manner.
 If the account is opened in the name of two person’s instruction may be: Either or
Survivor or singly or jointly.
 If the account is in the names of more than two person’s instructions may be: By either
or Survivor singly or by any two or more of them or by all of them.

Account and remittances

 prepare a statement of assets and liabilities of whole bank at the last day of a month
 record daily financial position
 collected clearing checkers send to the main branch
 record stationary cost
 prepare salary sheet
 provide solvency certificates
 collect all the vouchers and supplements and puzzle them
 prepare also SBS sheet

Remittance services
Direct account credit to Beneficiary’s Account maintained with Jamuna Bank Limited. Same
day Credit to Beneficiary’s Account maintained with any other Banks Branches (9500 approx.)
in Bangladesh at the same day through EFTN (Electronic Fund Transfer Network). Cash payout
over the counter of JBL Branches & Mobile Operator Cash Pick up Points through secret PIN
number throughout the country.

Student file
"Student Saving Accounts" is daily interest bearing and monthly interest paying savings account
for Students.

Eligibility of client to open this account

Any Bangladeshi students of Primary, Secondary, Higher Secondary, Graduate and Post Graduate
level with student identity documents. Students having age under 18 years may open the account
and the account will be treated as minor account.

Feature of this product

 Interest on Everyday balance, payment of interest at the end of month.
 1.00% higher interest than that of general savings account.
 Free Debit card.
 50% reduced banking charge for all banking services.
 Free online service.

2.9.3 The profitability position of Jamuna bank for last 5 years
 The profitability position has been shown by the income statement as follows:

Particulars 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014

Total Capital 26,413.27 19,901.61 15,757.97 14,625.82 11,096.67

Interest expenses 9,656.43 7,625.48 7,142.30 8,194.85 8,830.35

Net interest income 5,345.35 3,846.61 2,566.71 1,707.84 1,591.21

Income from Investment 1,858.51 2,604.79 3,748.12 3,794.17 3,243.59

Non-interest income 2,690.54 2,414.13 1,874.15 1,616.00 1,443.16

Total Operating Income 9,894.39 8,865.54 8,188.98 7,118.01 6,277.96

Total Operating Expenses 5,105.69 4,475.66 3,964.26 3,370.39 3,047.30

Profit before provision and tax 4,788.70 4,389.88 4,224.72 3,747.62 3,230.66

Provision for loans and assets 1,075.04 802.57 1,315.82 1,516.65 1,296.70

Profit before tax 3,713.66 3,587.31 2,908.90 2,230.97 1,933.96

Contribution to Jamuna bank

111.52 104.89 89.24 43.74 36.95

Tax including deferred tax 1,305.02 1,405.83 1,028.61 544.38 544.27

Profit after tax 2,297.12 2,076.58 1,791.05 1,642.85 1,352.73

Profit is shown in a chart below




1000 2076.58

2018 2017 2016 2015 2014

Profit after tax

2.9.4 Key Performance Indicators

Operating Profit Amount in Million

2018 2017 2016 2015 2014

4741 4180 4335 3629 3069

3500 3629

3000 3069
2014 2015 2017 2016 2018

operating profit

Earnings Per Share(EPS) Amount in Taka

2018 2017 2016 2015 2014

3.09 2.70 3.06 2.67 2.19


3 3.06 3.09

2.67 2.7



2014 2015 2017 2016 2018


Market Price Per Share Amount in Taka

2018 2017 2016 2015 2014

17.60 22.00 15.61 12.09 12.31


15 15.61

12.31 12.09

2014 2015 2017 2016 2018

Market Price Per Share

Price Earnings Ratio Per Share Times

2018 2017 2016 2015 2014

5.69 8.16 5.11 4.52 5.61


15 15.61

12.31 12.09

2014 2015 2017 2016 2018

Price Earning ratio per share

Findings about Operating Efficiency Ratio

There is a decline in the operating efficiency ratio of Jamuna Bank from 2014 to 2018. It has
decreased from 2.54 to 2.07 times in 2018. It implies that the bank has not been able to utilize its
revenue to cover up its expense for the last five years. This trend reflects that the operating income
is increasing in a lower rate than the rate of operating expenses. The declining of this ratio was
because of a significant increase in their total operating expenses.
Findings about the Performance of Jamuna Bank Limited
After analyzing the financial performance of Jamuna Bank Limited the researchers have found
some important observation that need the attention by analyzing the performance the following
findings have been placed to perform to efficient operation of financial performance.
In the research the researcher has found that the current ratio is increasing. The current ratio is
1.50 in 2018 where it was 1.42 in 2017. The net profit margin is 21.87% which is less than 2013
when it was 23.06%.
On the other hand, net operating margin is not satisfactory. Because the net operating margin is
in a decrease. The net operating margin was 2.61% in 2017 but in 2018 the net operating margin
has become 2.49%.
Moreover, return on equity is very low. In 2018 it is 11.34%, in 2017 it was 10.41% and in 2016
it was 12.46%. it fluctuated year to year basis.
Capital adequacy ratio is decreasing then the previous years. In 2018 the ratio is 10.82% but in
2017 it was 12.74%
Return on asset from 2015 to 2018 is consecutively 0.99%, 0.97%, 1.15%, 1.05% and it is an
alarming situation because it is decreasing continuously day by day.
Loan to deposit is decreasing. In 2018 68.25%, in but in 69.41%. A larger growth in deposit has
been the main reason behind the decrease in loan to deposit ratio.
Loan to asset ratio is increasing. In 2018 it is 52.67% in 2017 it was 46.49%. this states that the
bank loan on assets is increasing day by day.
JBL performance is very poor. Many employees have no skill about IT section. So this is the one
of the reasons many people don’t want to open bank account on Jamuna Bank Limited. Many
senior managers have a little knowledge of computer. So, it effects the banking system. So the
bank should train the employees.

General Activities of Jamuna Bank Limited
3.1. Internship Experience

I was assigned at the Rayerbug branch of Jamuna bank to complete my internship program. That
is a great opportunity for being a part of this bank. During my 3-month internship program I
enjoyed the work at the bank but most importantly I learned how to work under the pressure and
also earn a great practical experience about the banking sector. I spent 40 hours per week at work
on internship program. I tried to participate directly or indirectly in the daily operational activities
of the branch.

3.2. Job Responsibility

The Jamuna bank Limited, branches are three different divisions. Those are General Banking,
Foreign Exchange and credit division. For the beginning of the internship, the manager of the
branch told me about my working area. That was customer service department of general banking
Customer Service Department of General Banking Division
The customer service department is the head of general banking division. It was also a very
important site of our branch. That why I had lot of duties in this department I was trying to my
best effort to do my duties. My duties of this department are:

 Meeting customer’s inquiry.

 Opening new accounts.
 Issue pay-order.
 Issuing credit card.
 Give the information to customer of our product.
 Give service to our valued client.
 Dispatch.
 Cheek book issue, etc.

3.3. Learning outcome:

Working at Jamuna Bank Limited was a great experience for me. From there I learn many things
throughout my internship periods. I think it will help me to do work in the banking sector in my
future. Basically, it’s a program by which a student can learn and know about the real fact and

scenario of a counties economy sector. As well as I also get this idea from this program. I can
easily understand the function of a bank how it is operating and financing their work.
When I join their branch and they are introducing me with their officers and my supervisors show
me, perception of all overall activities of general banking. That is reason I worked in first general
banking department. They are following:
 Remittance (Pay Order, TT, DD).
 Clearing Section (Inward Clearing. & Outward Clearing).
 Customer Service (Account opening, closing, Receive/Payment Cash/Cheque, OBC/IBC,

3.3.1 Detail information related to a Bank Account

Opening an account
Account opening is the first and preliminary work for a bank. Opening of an account binds the
Customer and Banker into a contractual relationship. It is the most important and preliminary
work for a bank. Account Opening is very important task for any kind of banking activities.
Procedure of Opening of an Account:
Bank has to maintain some common principles and procedures for open all most all deposit
accounts. Major information is essential for identification of the account holders individually so
that banker can discharge his obligations to everyone correctly and to the extent due. Following
are the formalities a customer must maintain in case of opening of an account:
 Minimum age of 18 years
 Application in the prescribed form
 Furnishing Photographs of the applicant and attested by the introducer (2 copies)
 Introduction by an account holder
 Recording of specimen signature in the specimen signature card
 Mention nominee in the prescribed form
 Furnishing Photograph of the nominee (1 copy).

3.3.2 Cash Section

Among the services provided by the bank, cash receipt and payment is the most vital and physical
function. Generally, customer comes to bank to withdraw the money from their account and
deposit his savings in their accounts.
Cash Deposit
Money deposited in cash by the constituents at the cash counter of the bank excluding that of
government transaction is known as Bank Receipt (Cash). Different types of forms are used for
cash deposits for different types of accounts.

Cash Payments
Banks payment includes all kinds of payments excluding those of treasury section. Extreme
precautions must be taken at all levels through, which instruments like cheque, drafts, etc., are
disposed of. All the instruments received at the general banking counter will be preliminary
checked by the dealing officer who will enter the instruments in the respective ledger.
The Cash officer will follow the following procedures at the time of payments of checks/other
instruments over the cash counter: -
 The client will submit the instruments in the computer department first. The computer
officer and cheque passing authorized officer will verify the instrument and posted the
instruments. Then it will be sent to the cash counter.
 After getting the instrument the cash officer will verify the instruments and if necessary,
the cash officer can tell the clients to sign in the backside of the instruments.
 Cash officer will record the denomination of notes and coins on the backside of the
 The officer will enter the check in the cash payments register where the denomination of
notes and coins will also be recorded.
 The cash officer will give the amount to the clients at the cash counter and told the clients
to count it immediately and if needed any quarry.
 All checks, drafts, debit vouchers etc. must be branded with “Cash Paid” stamp with the
current date.
 After payment the cash department for the purpose of clean cash book will send the
 The head of the cash department is responsible for all debit vouchers being branded with
the cash Paid date stamp immediately they are paid and the manager must supervise
him/her in this matter as any laxity is extremely dangerous.

3.3.3 Account Section

This is the most confidential department of a bank. Recording all kinds of transactions of the
branch, confirming their accuracy and preparing statements are the main job of this department.
Now a day under computerized banking system, the jobs of accounts department become very
easy. Now the computer directly prepares the clean cash statement on party ledger vouchers. The
function of the accounts department can be divided into two parts:
a) Daily function
b) Periodical functions
Daily functions
The routine daily tasks of the accounts departments are as follows:
 Record the daily transactions in the cash book.
 Record the daily transactions in general and subsidiary ledger.
 Prepare the daily position of the branch comprising of deposit and cash.
 Prepare the daily statement of affairs showing all the assets and liability of the branch as
per ledger and subsidiary ledger separately.
 Pay all expenditure on behalf of the branch.
Periodical Tasks
The routine periodical tasked performed by the department are as follows:
 Prepare the monthly salary statements for the employees.
 Publish the basic data of the branch.
 Prepare the weekly position for the branch, which is sent to the Head Office to maintain
Cash Reserve Requirement.
 Deposit so as to take necessary steps to generate and mobilize deposit.
JAMUNA bank instead of recording transactions in a journal initially, these are directly recorded
and posted in the ledger separating debit and credit by slip and voucher system.
Records of all the transactions of every department are kept here as well with other respective

3.3.4 Remittance Section

The major function of commercial Banks is fund mobilization of fund. Other than this, banks
provide supplementary services to its clients. Clients need to remit money from one place to
another for their business or other purposes. Banks fulfill this need of customers by means of
remittance service. Money can be remitted domestically or internationally, which known as local
remittance and foreign remittance.
There are three ways of transferring fund domestically. The modes of transferring funds are:
Demand Draft (DD)
Demand draft is a written order of one branch upon another branch of the same bank, to pay a
certain some of money to or to the order of a specified person. Drafts are not issued payable to
bearer. In practice drafts are not to be drawn between branches within the same city. Drafts drawn
by one branch of bank on another payable to order where any draft that is an order to pay money
drawn by one on a bank upon another office to the same bank for a sum of money payable to order
on demand, purports to be endorsed by or on behalf of the payee, the bank is discharged by
payment in due course. From the above provisions as to Crossing, Endorsement, Collection and
Payment in due course are the same as for checks.
Telegraphic Transfer (TT)
TT is affected by tile bank through tested message attested by secret check signal, on receipt of
which tile paying officer pay the amount to the payee in cash through a telegraphic payment order
or credit his account, as the case may be. Both parties must have account in Jamuna Bank Limited,
as money is transferred.
• Demand Draft
• Mail Transfer
Outward Remittance
• Telegraphic Transfer
• Letter of Credit

Figure: Model of Outward Remittance

Payment Order (PO)
The PO is used for making a remittance to the local creditors. The procedures for selling a PO
are as follows:
 Deposit money by the customer along with application form.
 Give necessary entry in the Bills Payable register where Payee’ name, address, date, PO
no: amount is mentioned.
 Prepared the instrument.
 After scrutinized and approved the instrument by authority, it is delivered to customer.
 Signature of customer is taken on the counterpart and register customer’s signature.

3.3.5 Clearing Section

Clearing is one of the most magical parts of modern banking. Now days, the banking activities is
boundless. Most of the banks are linked with other banks due to interbank transactions. Clearing
is the only process by which these transactions are settled. Clearing House is a centralized and
computerized system for settling indebtedness between its member banks. Clearing House enables
the member banks to offset claims against one another for checks and orders paid into banks other
than those upon which they were drawn of the clearing house, Bangladesh Bank, Dhaka.

Types of Clearing
There are two types clearing

Types of

outward Inward
clearing Clearing
Outward Clearing:
When a particular branch receives instructions drawn on the bank within the clearing zone and
sends those instructions for collection through the clearing arrangement is considered in outward
clearing for that particular branch. This branch is known as collecting branch.
Inward Clearing:
When a particular branch receives instructions, which are on themselves and sent by other member
banks for collection are treated as inward clearing of that branch.

3.3.6 Dispatch Section

Those documents that are enter in the branch or exit of the branch must go through this section.
The main objective of this section is;
 Keeping record of the documents send to other branches or bank.
 Letters are sending to their respective destination.
 Send these documents safely and correctly.
 Receives documents come through different medium, such as postal service, courier
service, via messenger etc.
 Dispatch section of Rayerbug Branch performs another duty. It enters the transfer
instruments in the scroll book and then sends those to the computer section.

SWOT Analysis of Jamuna Bank Limited

SWOT analysis of Jamuna Bank Limited: In the following statements the SWOT analysis is
given below: -


 Jamuna Bank ltd is newly commercial bank in banking sector but they build strong
reputation in short time. They provide extra ordinary service to their customer for gaining
the customer value to their product.
 Strong network throughout the country and provide quality of service to every level of
 Jamuna Bank ltd has been founded by a group of prominent entrepreneurs of the country.

 Jamuna Bank ltd has an interactive corporate culture. The working environment is very
friendly, interactive and informal. And there are no hidden barriers or boundaries while
communicate between the superior and the employees. This corporate culture provides as
a great motivation factor among the employees.
 Jamuna Bank ltd has the reputation of being the provider of good quality service to its,
potential customers.

 The main important thing is that the Bank has no clear mission statement and strategic plan.
The Banks not have any long-term strategies of whether it wants to focus on retail Banking
or become a corporate Bank. The path of the future should be determined now with a strong
feasible strategic plan.
 Higher service charge in some areas of banking operation than that of nationalized banks
discourages customers from opening or maintaining accounts with this bank.
 There is a very little practice for increasing motivation in the workers by the management.
 Small market share.
 They have a limited branch network over the country.
 In terms of promotional sector, Jamuna Bank ltd has to more emphasize on that. They have
to follow aggressive marketing campaign.
 Some of the job in Jamuna Bank ltd has no growth or advancement path. So, lack of
motivation exists in persons filling those positions. This is a weakness of Jamuna Bank Ltd
that it is having a group of unsatisfied employees

 Jamuna Bank ltd can pursue diversification strategy in expanding its current line of
business. The management can consider options for starting merchant banking or diversity
in to leasing and insurance. By expanding business portfolio, Jamuna Bank ltd can shrink
business risk.
 Opportunity in retail banking lies in the fact that the country ‘s increased population is
gradually learning to adopt consumer finance. The bulk of our population is middle class.
 Different types of retail lending products have great appeal to this class. So, a wide variety
of retail lending products has a very large and easily pregnable market.

 Default culture is very much familiar in our country. For a bank, it is very harmful. As
Jamuna Bank ltd is new, it has not faced it seriously yet. However, as the bank grows older
it might become a big problem.

 The Central Bank exercises strict control over all banking activities in local banks like
Jamuna Bank ltd. Sometimes the restriction impose barrier in the normal operations and
policies of the bank.
 Rival bank easily copy the product offering of Jamuna Bank ltd. Therefore, the bank is in
continuous of product innovation to gain temporary advantage over its Competitors.
 Finally, it can be said that, top management officials have experience skill and proficiency
on Banking. Jamuna Bank ltd has got impressive decoration, for that it creates the attention
of the potential customers. Lovely environment boosts up capability of the employees.
Besides these Jamuna Bank ltd has adequate capital, high interest rate for DPS and Savings
account for its goodwill. For this reason, right people are also not in right place for
reference appointment. Another weakness low interest rate of FDR, for to a company in
near future, such as withdraw of tax, incentives, export, exemption and more credit
facilities etc. Jamuna Bank ltd can also adopt diversification strategy in expanding the
business line into leasing and insurance company. It analyzes the threats, which may face
the company such as international law, withdraw of most favorable nation (MFN) and GSP
facilities etc. Some contemporary, multinational and upcoming Banks are competitors of
Jamuna Bank ltd. These Bank poses threat for Jamuna Bank ltd. So Jamuna Bank ltd
Should takes necessary steps to compete with them in the current market.

Findings & Recommendations
5.1 Findings

While working at Jamuna Bank ltd Rayerbag branch, I have attained a newer kind of experience.
After collecting and analysis data I have got some problem of the Jamuna Bank ltd. These
problems completely from my personal viewpoint, which is given below:
 IT section is week and sometimes it is hanged, as a result they employee face problem at
the time of their work.
 The authority should recruit more employees to serve the customers.
 Lack of update products is a drawback of the general banking area of the Jamuna Bank ltd.
New products such as student loan, medical loan, marriage loan is not available in Jamuna
Bank ltd.
 From the client’s view introducer is one of the problems to open an account. It is general
problem to all commercial bank.
 They face troubles with those clients who have not any knowledge in banking transactions
and banking rules.
 As the deposit is heart of running the banking activities JAMUNA Bank Deposit growth
not good. Because JAMUNA Bank deposit rate is low other than commercial bank such as
Dhaka Bank, Prime bank Mercantile Bank, HSBC Bank, Bank Asia etc.

5.2 Recommendations

 Some necessary steps are recommended bellow on the basis of collected data, observation,
expert staff’s opinion and my knowledge and judgments. For the probable solutions of the
identified problems ensure better process to JAMUNA Bank in future
 The branch manager should ensure proper distribution of works responsibility among
personnel strictly and monitor the activities of the officer so that the clients get efficient
 In the face of competitive and customer dominated scenario Jamuna Bank ltd must come
up with innovative products to meet up the demand of time. Such as study loan, medical
loan, debit card, dual currency credit card etc.
 Interpersonal relationship needs to be built among the employees and superiors.
 A philosophy of working for the customer instead of working for boss must be introduced
 Job description should be clarified and proper training facilities should ensure to improve
the performance of bottom line management.
 The entire department should be well informed regarding their goals and objectives. It is
essential to execute company objective into individual target.

 Care should also be taken so that good borrowers are not discarded due to strict adherence
to the lending policy
 Bangladesh bank should more active to provide CIB report
 JBL Should expand its own credit Card and Automated Teller Machine (ATM) because of
present market demand of the customer and the educated customer now wants technology-
based banking but customers are confused about services.
 JAMUNA Bank should develop effective online banking system to compete with other
commercial banks.
 If the entire banking system is fully online on computerizes system perfectly then they
satisfy the customer by providing fast service with minimum service charge.
 It can be recommendation that if all the branch of The Jamuna Bank ltd a vivid account
manual for the account holder, it will be better for the bank.


Temporary job is an extension between hypothetical information and reasonable learning. Since I
have finished my Internship, I trust the experience I have accumulated working in the official
condition will be demonstrated fundamental for me to proceed in my expert life. Amid my entry
level position I have acknowledged how present day Science and Information Technology have
been contributing increasingly more to the advancement of operational and the executive’s
procedure. To work well for clients, organizations should be apt in numerous zones quicker
advancement of new business systems, contracting organization conventions, lessening
methodology times, improving client administration and expanding and keeping up learning for
achieving every one of these objectives. As an internee of Jamuna Bank Limited, I have genuinely
made the most of my temporary position from the learning and experience perspective. I am sure
that this three months’ temporary position program at Jamuna Bank Limited will assist me with
realizing my further bearer in the activity showcase. The bank is keeping up an all-around
organized correspondence through and through dimension. Every official should be esteemed and
treated as a piece of the bank and they should have the benefit to commit themselves for the
improvement of administration of the bank. Jamuna Bank limited places most extreme
significance on overseeing credit chance. The entire procedure incorporates the board of Credit
Risk, Foreign Exchange Risk, Prevention of illegal tax avoidance, Asset obligation Management,
Internal control and Compliance.

Websites :

 Official website of Jamuna bank (


Annual report:

 Annual report of Jamuna bank from (2014-2018)


 Islamic Banking in Bangladesh: Progress and Potentials by Mohammad Abdul Mannan,

Managing Director, Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited 21
 Bangladesh Electronic Funds Transfer Network (BEFTN) Operation Rules, Bangladesh
Bank, August 2010.



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